
mukaWould Meizu PRO 5 work on Tmobile US 3G or 4G network?00:17
mukaand is it available in black or silver. I do not like gold color.00:19
troyreadymuka: I heard that the band support is not great for us t-mobile folks but I don't know specifics00:21
swalladgeis it possible to change the keyboard layout to dvorak on ubuntu touch?00:49
dobeymariogrip: neat02:03
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troyreadyswalladge: I don't think so02:55
semajnzYou can for external keyboards02:55
semajnzNot the on-screen one02:55
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swalladgesemajnz: oh where would i look for settings on external keyboards?03:46
swalladgei couldn't find anything about changing layouts03:47
swalladgeaha found it03:47
semajnzSystem Settings -> Language & Text -> External Keyboard03:48
semajnzOnly appears when you have an external keyboard connected03:48
swalladgehmm it doesn't seem to be changing the keymap on something like libreoffice03:53
dufluswalladge: Keymap changes for Xmir is something being fixed in OTA-1103:54
duflucoming soon03:54
swalladgeah cool03:54
dufluswalladge: I'm not too familiar with the subject myself. Can you confirm Touch's native apps handle it better?03:56
dufluswalladge: Cool thanks. You can track the issue here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/156648703:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1566487 in Canonical System Image "Container apps should use same keyboard layout as Unity 8" [High,In progress]03:57
swalladgefirst time using a ubuntu touch device by the way - just got a M10 today :D03:58
dufluswalladge: I haven't tried the M10 myself but have been told OTA-11 will noticeably improve its performance too03:58
dufluI have seen the code changes, but not been able to try it for myself03:58
swalladgeis there a roadmap or rss feed or something i can follow for info?03:59
dufluLet me see04:00
dufluswalladge: I can only recommend browse through: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch04:01
swalladgeok thanks :)04:03
dufluswalladge: There is also a public mailing list. You might have to join this team: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-phone04:04
dufluWhich is just a group for users. Not developers04:05
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swalladgewhat exactly is developer mode on ubuntu touch? it has a pretty scary warning..06:52
dufluswalladge: Developer mode allows any computer with a USB connection to be used to log in and change things06:55
dufluvia Android's 'adb' tool06:55
dufluNormally that's not allowed06:55
ShR3KHi ! Is it possible to do this on ubuntu touch : https://thepcspy.com/read/converting-ubuntu-desktop-to-kiosk/07:25
OneuserHi all i need to change the sms center number on my e4.5 is there a way to do that on ubuntu phone?07:26
zzarrwill there be support for widgets on Ubuntu-Touch?08:33
zzarrI just thought of how nice it would be with a widget scope08:34
zzarrhaving a Dekko widget with mail, calendar widget and g+/fb/twitter or something08:35
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davmor2zzarr: there already kinda is, on the today scope you can already see twitter feed, news, weather, upcoming event, last calls texts and telegrams etc08:39
zzarrokey, didn't know that08:39
AuroraAvenuemariogrip: ping08:49
yangwhat is the feedback on aquaris m10 ? is the interface working ?09:25
lotuspsychjeyang: there are youtube reviews and unpacking video's to watch already09:33
yangok i am gonna check those09:38
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jgdxseb128, hey, did you see my email?09:52
seb128hey jgdx09:52
seb128jgdx, yeah, I just have that open in firefox09:52
seb128it doesn't make any sense to me why allowing the inactive session would lead to more auth to be requested09:53
seb128is that a regression?09:53
seb128in what serie?09:53
jgdxseb128, OTA10.1 so vivid+overlay which is probably the same as xenial10:02
voobscoutGreetings, gentle beings! Can someone tell me how to modify fstab inside lxc-android container? I would like to mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 on /userdata, instead of the internal storage10:12
mardytvoss: I resurrected https://code.launchpad.net/~mardy/location-service/old-location-1551686/+merge/293075 , for when you have some time :-)10:35
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melvsterdid someone say they ssh'd to their touch device?  if so, any hints on how?11:05
melvster(as opposed to adb)11:05
melvsteroh sudo service start ssh ... that was easy! :)11:07
melvsterand I just log in as phablet?11:07
davmor2melvster: it is better if you plug it into you ubuntu pc and type phablet-shell that will enable ssh and setup key exchanges and then you can just ssh to it's ip address from that machine11:09
melvsterdavmor2: thanks! I was using adb shell before but it sometimes gives me terminal problems, so I wanted to switch to ssh11:11
melvstergetting more and more excited about ubuntu touch, just ordered my slimport hdmi adaptor and bluetooth keyboard to try out convergence11:12
davmor2melvster: what device do you have?11:15
melvsterdavmor2: nexus4 but i almost ordered an m10 ... however 10 day delivery to where I am and I may be on holiday by then11:15
seb128jgdx, sorry, was distracted by other work11:16
davmor2melvster: I was just checking that the slimport would work or not :) it does on the n4 :)11:16
seb128jgdx, did that ever work on the phone?11:16
melvsterphew, yeah I watched a video and it said it the product description too ... but you never know till you try ...11:16
ogra_melvster, if you want it permanent: android-gadget-service enable ssh ... sudo service start ssh  is a one time thing (gone after reboot)11:18
jgdxseb128, yes11:18
seb128jgdx, how do you start it? my understanding is that it should work if you start it from the shell but not if you do it from adb/gdb11:27
jgdxseb128, the user reported seeing the auth failure in the system settings log, so that's the accountsservice plugin which uses dbus11:29
seb128jgdx, does he start settings from the dash?11:30
seb128jgdx, do you see the error on your device?11:32
melvsterogra_: thanks!11:36
jgdxseb128, no, and I think that clears it up11:36
jgdxI'll ask him how he starts system settings11:36
seb128k, keep me updated11:37
jgdxseb128, thx for clearing that up11:38
matv1kyleN ping11:56
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kyleNhi matv112:35
matv1oh hi kyleN12:38
matv1kyleN you may remember ogra_ and dobey pointed you out ysterday as the man to see about the songkick source code12:38
matv1the scope I mean12:39
kyleNmatv1, well I may be able to help find it :)12:39
kyleNmatv1, what is your interest?12:39
matv1disregarding the current problems with scopes and location, I love the concept of the songkick scope. But I thought it would be much more usefull when one is able to add locations manually instead of just your current physical location12:41
matv1I would thank that shouldnt be that heard to add12:41
matv1usecase: I am in my home in nymegen (netherlands) right now. But I know i am going to be in amsterdam tonight and want to see about gigs there. With the current scope, I cant do that until I actualy get there12:44
matv1thats about it. I was thinking If the scope wont allow user input that way (because of being scopey) I could maybe reuse most of the code to do an app that did have that feature12:46
kyleNmatv1, just a minute12:52
matv1kyleN no rush at all :)12:53
matv1kyleN oh now I notice that the Scope is published as propriatery. What does that mean wrt community(which I guess is me) colaboration?12:54
kyleNmatv1, the concept of picking and using a location to run a scope may have more general applicability. I was thinking for example about the timeout scope. of the Yelp scope.12:56
matv1kyleN ah well. that would make it even easier :)12:57
kyleNmaybe we need a premade location-picker filter widget tha any scope can use12:57
kyleNmatv1, the properiary thing is really just an artifact of history. let me explain.12:58
kyleNmost scopes started in a  private launchpad project that was created very early on12:58
kyleNwe are trying to move them into public projects though.12:58
matv1kyleN I see that is great to hear. As well as your idea of a general purpose location picker12:59
kyleNmatv1, in order to raise this issue, perhaps I can ask your help.13:00
matv1I am not sure I could be of much help in that regard though. I assume it would it means developing a component right?13:00
kyleNmatv1, can you file a bug against canonical-scopes-project that lists a few scopes that would benefit from a location picker13:00
matv1kyleN That I can certainly do yes13:01
kyleNI'll comment and add a task for design review13:01
matv1i will ping you when the lp bug is there. So no need to also do a bug against UX or UI ?13:02
kyleNyou can add UX too if you want. if you don't I will13:02
matv1kyleN cool. I will notify you soon. Thanks a lot!13:03
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EdwardMorbiushello. I have a quick question about bluetooth file sharing with other phones, is that planned anytime soon?14:10
pmcgowanEdwardMorbius, we are working on it yes, not this next update but hopefully soon14:18
ogra_pmcgowan, didnt we have that working once ?14:19
EdwardMorbiuspmcgowan so OTA-12 or beyond14:19
pmcgowanogra_, from command line prolly14:19
* ogra_ remembers rsalveti had ... when we seeded obex to the images ... must be ages ago though+14:19
ogra_ah, yeah, that could be14:19
pmcgowanthe daemon is in there now14:20
pmcgowanwe use it for car phonebook14:20
pmcgowanjust need ui now14:20
rsalvetiyeah, it was working, just not exposed in the ui14:20
pmcgowanhey a voice from the past14:20
* ogra_ finally ordered a turbo ... 14:20
EdwardMorbiusthanks for the information :)14:20
rsalvetipmcgowan: o/14:20
ogra_only took three days :P14:21
ogra_silly broken store14:21
matv1ogra_ is there a choice of color now?14:22
ogra_gold, gold and .... gold14:22
ogra_but at least ordering from germany finally works14:23
ogra_without "the store is busy now" messages14:23
matv1ogra_ cool i am still thinking about it. golden doesnt increase attractivity for me14:25
matv1the days when i thought a gold phone would turn me into james  bond are well behind me now :)14:25
ogra_you could get some rainbow earrings and a scarf along with it ... then it doesnt stand out so much :P14:25
matv1but my second nexus 4 is also on its last legs so i need something14:26
ogra_i'm pretty sure it is an awesome device ... perhaps one can paint it or some such14:27
matv1ogra_ yes i just have some doubts about miracast. even if it does materialize. wont it always be soemwhat laggy :( ??14:28
ogra_i dont plan to use it14:28
ogra_i got an M10 for such stuff14:28
matv1ogra_ aarrrgh14:28
matv1you dont carry your m10 around all the time do you?14:29
* ogra_ cant belive that "painting cellphone" only revelas DYI guides 14:29
ogra_there must be companies that offer this14:29
matv1i am going to set one up. just for meizu pro 5 and just orange14:30
matv1i will be rich!14:30
dobey"you can have any color phone you like, so long as you like gold"14:30
matv1question: could anyone imagine going back to android ? i cant really. i keep making so many geasture mistakes when i use android lately14:31
ogra_i havent touched android in over a year now14:32
dobeyandroid 6 totally killed contacts privacy14:32
SmurphyI'll be receiving one for work. We need OTP generator for work. Won't run on ubuntu-touch :(14:33
dobeySmurphy: google authenticator?14:33
Smurphydobey: No. Company own stuff. They have it foir Android, IOS and Windows phone :(14:33
SmurphyHate it.14:33
dobeywrite an app for ubuntu for it :)14:34
SmurphyI'll see if I can install at least cyanogen-mod on the Galaxy S7 - if not, there will be only work stuff on it.14:34
dobeyor submit a patch to the authenticator app14:34
SmurphyI'm not that good at writing OO code. I am good with C or PHP scripting, but all the OO stuff - I simply never understood the advantage of it.14:34
SmurphyIt makes code unreadable and complex - best part for security issues and code injections no one will ever find out but looking at the code.14:35
dobeynot really, but *shrug*14:35
Smurphyyeah *shrug*14:36
SmurphyI got a BQ 4.5 - and use it work work and private use (2 SIM Cards). Will have to change that.14:36
matv1Smurphy thats a drag. going  back to carying around 2 phones14:37
Smurphymatv1: Well - I look at it from the bright side. I work almost all the time from home. So it's fine. I just leave the work-phone here.14:37
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SmurphyOr - anyone here thought about porting ubunt-touch to the Samsung Galaxy 7S ? :D14:38
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matv1at least the  Samsung Galaxy 7S is available gold AND pink-gold.. AWSUMM14:43
SmurphyI have no idea which version they ordered me.14:44
SmurphyBut I bet if I receive the PInk version, my daughters will fight for it *rofl*14:44
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linmobEdwardMorbius: There is an app for bluetooth file sharing in OpenStore15:02
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bluenemohi guys. I bought a aquaris e5 with ubuntu some time ago. When I receive SMS, the display starts turning on and off making it impossible to read the sms. It is not possible to reliably interrupt the flashing. How do I disable flashing screen on new messages15:35
johnthedoeHi there, I have a problem with the music app16:27
johnthedoeit crashes right after I open it, and I can't find any log file for it16:28
ogra_logs should be in ~/.cache/upstart/16:28
johnthedoels ~/.cache/upstart | grep music outputs nothing16:30
johnthedoeota 10.1, bq e4.516:30
johnthedoeany clue ogra_?16:32
ogra_not really, no16:33
dobeyjohnthedoe: is there a crash file in /var/crash/ for it?16:37
johnthedoethat directory is empty16:38
johnthedoedobey ^16:40
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dobeyah, doh16:47
bluenemonobody got an idea how to disable the flashing screen on new messages?16:52
ogra_sounds like a bug ... are you up to date with the latest OTA ?16:52
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saaventoWorking on the road just with the M1021:45
saaventolet's see!21:45
ogra_brave :)22:06
dan_does ubuntu touch work for nexus 7 tablet?22:10
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dobeyGuest61720: which nexus 7 tablet?22:22
Guest61720private msg me dobey.22:30
dobeyno :)22:30
dobeynexus 7 2012 (grouper) is not supported. nexus 7 2013 wifi (flo) has images available on the official image server, and nexus 7 2013 lte (deb) has images available on ubports server22:31
mariogriparrr, code-review.phablet.ubuntu.com is down....23:21
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