
jenni[ W8LT - Amateur Radio Club at Ohio State University | Student Organization for Amateur Radio Operators ] - https://u.osu.edu15:13
yanooh lawd now canaima19:35
yanoban those fuckers19:38
Unit193Thought about it, actually. :P19:38
yanoi do it in all my channels19:39
yanoooh yay19:40
Unit193Eh, second one?19:41
yanologging bots19:42
yanothat were being malcious19:43
yanoand occasionally still come back19:43
Unit193I'm pretty aware, but it's a bit dated. :P19:43
yanomeh, possibly19:43
yanoi leave it in all my channels too19:43
Unit193For anyone else: canaima is the ident of Venezuela users, it's a custom OS that's distributed by schools or something with an IRC button on the desktop, they have no idea what IRC is and just tend to make a lot of noise, not usually English at that.19:46
yanoyea, and they often don't realize they are talking to other people or are even on freenode19:47
yanothey constantly try to cyber with jenni19:47
Unit193Hah, niiice...19:47
yanothey are the reason why i'm going to have to build in an identd blocking into jenni19:47
yanocurrently she can only block on nick/hostmask19:47

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