
=== NaSb_ is now known as Mozpaccers
Kilosmorning all05:11
paddatrapperHey Kilos05:24
Kiloswinter in africa05:27
* Kilos shivering05:27
paddatrapperI quite enjoy it, though it could be warmer!05:35
Kilosyou lucky05:36
Kilosim only comfy at 20°c and above05:36
paddatrapperI'd love Zim teamperatures with CT climate05:46
Kiloswb theblazehen 05:51
theblazehenty Kilos. 05:52
theblazehenDunno what happened for me to leave05:52
Kiloshi thatgraemeguy inetpro 06:04
inetprooh yeah and good mornings to you as well oom Kilos06:07
inetprooops, did I say morning even?06:07
Kilosand oom06:07
inetprogood $daytime to everyone else06:07
Kilosnippy on the boney today hey06:08
inetprono man, dis lekker so06:08
Kilosdo peeps still say boney for small bikes06:08
Kilosi hope maia is ok inetpro she hasngt answered mails06:09
Kiloswe need to get an ordr in for sticks06:09
Kilosmaybe superfly must investigate06:10
Kiloshi Wolfeyes 06:13
theblazehenhi thatgraemeguy, inetpro, Wolfeyes06:14
Wolfeyeshey Kilos, thatgraemeguy06:16
Wolfeyeshey theblazehen06:16
Kilosdont forget inetpro 06:16
Kiloshe sulks06:16
Wolfeyeshey inetpro06:16
theblazehenhey Langjan06:20
Kiloshi Langjan 06:20
LangjanHi Kilos , sorry we are doing some other urgent things, can I connect with you a bit later?06:20
MaazLangjan: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell Langjan https://bin.snyman.info/mmmv2bs4" 18 hours, 30 minutes and 24 seconds ago06:20
MaazLangjan: By the way, inetpro on freenode told me "tell Langjan when you do your monthly payments set one of them to fax you your confirmation of payment once every two or three months to keep your fax facility up and running" 11 hours, 20 minutes and 41 seconds ago06:20
Langjanok thks06:20
mazalmaaz tell tinuvamac The workaround with apt update in root's cron works sharp thanx06:49
Maazmazal: Sure, I'll tell TinuvaMac on freenode06:49
mazalmaaz tell magespawn The workaround with apt update in root's cron works sharp thanx06:49
Maazmazal: Okay, I'll tell magespawn on freenode06:49
Kiloshi mazal 06:49
mazalMore oom06:49
mazalSlowly but surely getting there oom06:50
mazalMost things things that didn't work had been fixed/workedaround06:51
mazalWow check that word , my typing/spelling is dangerous06:51
mazalJust some alternate app searches left06:52
* mazal fiddles07:02
mazalNow why does last place not surprise me in the least07:08
mazalOh oom Kilos , I forgot to tell you something interesting I found here07:16
mazalRemember how I could never hear my audio on thi pc on 14.04 , now on 16.04 audio is working way better. I can actually hear what's going on.07:17
theblazehenmazal: It was distorted right?07:25
mazalNo just so soft that it was like not having audio at all07:26
Kiloswhy didnt you guys greet noobie07:28
Kilosi was fetching sheep07:28
Kiloshappy your sound sorted mazal 07:28
Kilosrugby time now now07:28
theblazehenAww, missed him :(07:28
mazalKilos, who is playing ?07:29
mazalI haven't had tv so long don't even know what's going on in sport07:30
theblazehenhttp://imgur.com/wwuEthD my back hurts from the small font size now :(07:34
theblazehenhi TinuvaMac07:34
theblazehenhey Langjan07:35
Kilosrugby Langjan 07:35
LangjanHi Kilos  just backing up whats on the sticks07:35
Langjanok enjoy07:35
Kiloswen jy Langjan 08:01
Langjankyk maar eers klaar, wats die telling?08:08
Kilos15/10  vir hulle08:09
superflywow theblazehen, that's tiny08:15
theblazehensuperfly: Yeah :( Went to 8 pt again now thoguh08:16
Kiloshalf time Langjan 08:21
LangjanYeah 15-15, they need a kicker08:26
LangjanSorry theblazehen I missed your hi, hi there08:29
Kilossecond half08:29
LangjanA side that keeps kicking possession away like the sharks are doing, does not deserve to win08:45
LangjanWell-deserved loss by Sharks, eish!09:16
LangjanYou there Kilos? 09:17
LangjanError synchronizing after initial wipe: Timed out waiting for object (udisks-error-quark, 0)09:22
Kilosyou used disks?09:23
Kilosformay to fat09:23
Langjanyes, same result on both sticks09:23
Kilosdid you use disks from the bash09:23
Kilosthe disk utility09:24
Kilostype in disks in the dash09:24
LangjanNo fat option09:24
Kilosthat will should stick09:24
Kilosfor all systems i tink09:24
Langjantried for all systems09:25
Langjanresult above for both sticks09:25
Kilosand that gives the errors09:25
Kilosmaybe sticks messed up 09:25
Kilostry gparte09:25
Langjanlooks like09:25
Langjanpartition editor or partition manager?09:26
Kilostick on partition09:27
Kilosthat wilfirst make sure you choose the stick09:27
Kilosonce stick highlighted then tick partition09:27
Langjando I install gparted partition manager or gparted partition editor?09:28
Kilosive never had to choos09:28
Langjaneditor or manager? lees jy nie joungmAN?09:28
Langjanthere are two gparted apps09:29
Langjanwhich one?09:29
Kilosdid you run sudo apt install gparted09:29
Kilosdo that09:29
Langjanlooked in software09:29
Langjantick which partition?09:31
Kiloson the right top09:32
Kiloswill show drives09:32
Kilostick that arrow09:32
Kiloschoose stick09:32
Kilossdc or something09:32
Langjanstick there long ago, theres a few partition places, which one?09:33
Kiloswhat partitions you see on stick09:33
Kilosshould be just one partition09:34
Langjanplaces where to click on partition, not partitions09:34
Kiloswhat does stick show as09:34
Kilosyou have to be careful with gparted09:35
Kilosyou tick wrong thing you drive is gone09:35
Langjandev/sdb and dev sdc09:35
Kilosoh shows both09:36
Kilosok choose sdc first09:36
Langjanyes I have them both in different usb's09:36
Kiloswhat does it show now09:36
Langjandev sdc fat3209:36
Kilostick on it to highlight09:37
Kilosthen partitions at the top09:37
Kilospopup will show options09:37
Langjanthen? waiting...09:38
Kilosare you with me?09:38
Kilosok tick delete09:38
Kilosthen partitions again and choose create09:39
Kilossoory i forgot it says new09:39
Kilosand tick format09:39
Langjanno format option, only create09:40
Kilosall systems or fat3209:40
Langjanas primary or extended?09:40
Kilosyou on the stick hey09:41
Kilosprimary is good09:41
Langjanok done09:41
Kilosnow tick partitions09:41
Kilosand format09:41
Langjanformat to?09:42
Kilosor all systems09:42
Langjanmake up your mind sooner, too late for tears09:43
Kilosi dont member what shows man09:43
Kilosif it shows fat32 choose it09:43
Kilosif not then choose all systems09:43
Langjanok created fat3209:44
Langjannow test?09:44
Kiloshas it formatted yet09:44
Kilosok test it09:44
Kilosyou can even use disks to check09:45
Langjanok just need to check which one it is09:45
Kilossee if you still get same error09:45
Kilosunplug other one man09:45
Langjanwhich one man?09:45
Langjanlet me sort them out first09:45
Kilosthe one you havent formatted09:45
Kilosi always work on one thing at a time09:46
Langjanunable to mount09:47
Kilosoh here is another thing you can install by you09:47
Kiloswhat size stick09:47
Kiloshave you access to a windows machine09:48
Kilosplug it in there and choose format09:48
Langjanok I need to start it but also have to arrange some wages for a guy in Mozambique, can you give me 20 minutes?09:49
Kilosyou must tell win peeps to use the safely remove option before unplugging sticks09:49
Langjanhe uses Ubuntu09:50
Kilosok i go do some chores09:50
Kilosalso use safely remove09:50
Kilosright click safely remove09:50
Kiloswhen its shows in the dash09:50
Kilossome things say eject09:51
LangjanI always do but not sure about my pal, will tell him. chat a bit later then09:51
Langjanok Kilos thks, both formatted and working10:24
Langjanlooks like Win 7 is better than Ubuntu...10:24
Kilosjust remember to tell peeps about the safely remove option10:25
Kilosespecially on windows. it crashes sticks quick if they just pulled out10:26
LangjanNow I'm converted to Windows...10:29
Kiloshahah enjoy10:29
Kilosill wait for you to come back crying10:30
LangjanJust took a spanking new Dell Inspiron 15 series 3000 out its box 10:30
* mazal hands Langjan 1 bullet10:31
LangjanP&G digital Pta did not want to supply with ubuntu so owner wants to dual boot10:31
Kilosyou are spoiled10:31
Langjanyou see any complicatins?10:31
Langjanyes by you10:31
Kilosshould be fine10:31
Langjanok thks, gonna roll some balls that run skew this afternoon, maybe check you tomorrow10:32
Langjanmazal, I bit the bullet10:33
Kilosyou know where to find us10:33
mazaloom Langjan , you gonna need it10:33
Langjanyes, in meetings or by the rugby...lmga10:33
Langjanneed what mazal ?10:33
mazalThat bullet10:34
mazalI would have given a match , but Winbloze don't burn10:34
Langjanfor billy hekkies?10:34
Langjanwell Win 7 had to help out when Ubuntu could not format a little stick or two...10:35
mazaloom Kilos , I just recived mail of the special this weekend ! yummy , let's see10:35
Langjanspecial on win 10?10:35
Langjanhi inetpro hoesit?10:36
Kiloshe is a gaming addict10:36
inetprohoekom sukkel on so? :-)10:36
Kilosand shopaholic10:36
inetprogood and yourself Langjan10:36
Langjanalso good thks, especially when I discovered win 7 can help where ubuntu fails... 10:37
Kiloscompulsive shopper Langjan 10:37
Langjanand Kilos put me on that track - rebels among us!10:38
Kilosthe work specail knocks his brain into shopping mode10:38
Kilosuse whatever tools work10:38
mazalNow that was utterly disspointing10:39
Kilosnot often sticks pack up10:39
mazalI have 3 platforms and not one have something on special I like10:39
Kiloscredit card rests10:39
Langjanthat pal of mine breaks things better than I can10:39
mazalKilos, I see broken down sticks almost every day10:39
Langjanbut think his grandson did it10:39
mazalNot realiable at all10:39
LangjanI have not seen one in years10:40
Kilosi have seen one that cant be recovered mazal 10:40
Langjanif at all10:40
mazalThe one's I see break down can't even be seen by the pc let alone be recovered10:40
mazalNethier winbloze nor Ubuntu even see the device10:41
Kiloseasy come , easy go10:41
Kilostestdisk should see it10:41
Langjanok guys see you later, as soon as I get xchat working on my new windows install...10:41
Kiloscheers Langjan 10:41
* mazal glares at Langjan10:41
Langjanmooi loop10:41
Kilosjy ook oom10:41
Langjanen lekker naweek10:42
mazalit took Kilos 2 years to get me off winbloze at home now oom goes there , ai10:42
Kilosno man10:42
Langjannever in your life, lmga10:42
Kiloshe is doing a dual boot for someone else10:42
mazalI haven't done that since 08\10:43
mazalHate dual boot10:43
LangjanHe wanted to buy with 14.04 preloaded, deler would not...eish!10:43
mazalLot's of issues10:43
Langjannever had issues on my wifes machine10:43
Langjanwin 7 factory install, ubuntu 14.04 dual boot only a pleasure10:44
Kilosbest is squeeze win into first 50g and then linux the rest of it10:44
mazalOh now you see what happens when I look at specials , I forgot the server's backup is finished10:44
Langjanwhy so much for win?10:44
Kilosand turn off all win updates10:44
Langjanok gotta go, cheers guys, ubuntu bo!10:45
Kilosgaan speel toppie10:46
Langjanseriously mazal you recommend not to go that way, dual boot?10:46
LangjanMy dual is on desktop, is issues with laptop?10:46
mazalIs a personal preference of mine Langjan , if you don't have problems with it go for it. 10:47
Langjanok will see how it goes, thks10:47
Kilosman dont listen to a gamer10:48
mazalOk server back up , sorry users :P10:48
mazalFortunately it's Friday afternoon so nobody working anyway10:49
mazalI'm lucky with my dealer. When I buy I can specify " No OS "10:54
mazalIn desktops anyway , laptops not10:55
mazalHey Kilos I have an idea10:55
mazalmaaz tell langjan http://itsfoss.com/install-ubuntu-1404-dual-boot-mode-windows-8-81-uefi/11:15
Maazmazal: Righto, I'll tell Langjan on freenode11:15
Kilosi dual booted 14.04 on win7 here on this lappy when i got it and it worked finew11:27
mazalThe UEFI and Secure boot thing of Win 8+ can cuase headaches. From what I read11:29
mazalHaven't needed to do it myself. Last time I did it was Win XP days11:30
Kilosi dont even know if uefi was involved here11:31
Kilosinstall just worked11:31
mazalI used a different way for a while. Installed ubuntu on external hdd. Worked great as your OS and apps went where youu went. But performance wise very slow11:37
mazalEven on USB311:37
mazalBarry still does it till today though11:37
Kilosstarnge usb3 is slow11:38
mazalNot really11:38
mazalInternal drive is faster11:38
Kilos " I love usb3 .. just did a speed test for guy on Linux Europe.... 47 GB iso file...... 6 seconds. "11:38
Kilosthas not slow at all11:39
mazalYeah in copying data terms is fine11:39
mazalBut running OS from it is slower than internal11:39
mazalWell for the first bit anyway11:40
mazalOnce all apps is open and running it is not big difference. But the booting and opening of apps is slower11:40
mazalBut it's nice having your axact same stuff at work and at home the whole time. I worked like that for more than a year I think11:42
mazalAnd could leave the Winbloze pc alone for it's games11:42
mazalBut with SSD at home machine now I won't even concider USB3 for my OS11:44
Kilosssd actually lekker fast11:45
Kilosim happy this one is still going11:45
mazalI can now actually for the first time test it properly. My home pc and work pc has exact same OS and apps. But this one is HDD11:45
mazalAnd home faster for sure.11:46
mazalAnd home one has slower CPU actually. This one i7 , home on I511:46
mazalNow I crave a tjoklit11:50
mazalmaaz do you have tjoklits ?11:50
Maazmazal: I already know stuff about do you11:50
mazalAnd all our shops closed :(11:51
Kilosai! dont talk about those things11:55
mazalwhy ?11:55
Kilosyou make my mouth cry11:55
mazalOk I'll nibble on a cookie instead11:55
* mazal schedules weekend plans11:58
Kilosno shopping11:59
mazalCancelled my shopping plan of tomorrow11:59
mazalI remembered it's end of the month11:59
mazalThen it's too busy there11:59
mazalBut.............there is always digital stores lol12:00
Kilosgo read what chuck says12:00
mazalWho is chuck ?12:00
mazalI only know chucky the crazy doll12:01
Kiloscant copy link12:02
Kilosill mail it to you12:03
mazalGaan hy met my raas ? Dan wil ek dit nie lees nie12:03
Kilosnee man12:03
mazalThat is a lot of big words12:04
Kilosread instead of shopping12:05
* mazal don't read12:06
Kilostheh spend some time learning to read12:06
Kiloseither way will save you money12:07
* mazal too old to learn12:07
theblazehenI hate SSL / TLS :(12:11
mazalHi theblazehen12:11
theblazehenhey mazal. How's things?12:12
mazalokish thanx12:12
mazalalmost home time . bye for now12:25
chesedoAfternoon all12:44
Kiloshi chesedo- 12:54
=== chesedo- is now known as chesedo
chesedoKilos: have you slept better?12:55
Kiloslast night 9 hours12:56
Kilosand wash asleep now and missed half the bulls match12:56
artshey everyone13:40
superflysup arts13:40
superflyhaven't seen you in a while13:40
Kiloshi arts 13:41
artsyeah been up to my neck in work,haha how are you superfly 13:41
artshi Kilos how are you13:42
Kilosok ty and you?13:42
superflyarts: can't complain, I leave that to Kilos. Also been busy with work, DebConf and all my usual other stuff13:42
Kiloswhen do i complain superfly 13:42
artssuperfly, DebConf?13:43
superfly<Kilos> and wash asleep now and missed half the bulls match13:43
superfly<Kilos> sigh13:43
superflyarts: https://debconf16.debconf.org/13:43
artsawesome sauce!13:46
=== jellie is now known as zipper
Kilosdo you come online weekends paddatrapper 14:29
Kilosi forgot already14:29
Kilosoh and you can get a cloak for your ip address14:30
arts_superfly are you there?14:35
Kiloshes afk atm arts_ but will be back14:35
Kilostravelling home maybe14:36
arts_cool bannanas14:37
arts_thought you were in AU?14:37
Kilosnope still waiting for visa14:37
paddatrapperKilos: weekend usually means unblocked wifi (so I can actually get weechat on my phone). And being able to sleep in a bit14:39
Kilosdo you understand xml stuff14:40
paddatrapperKinda. You use tags and stuff14:40
Kilosi have under taken a task but will need to set up a team to help14:41
paddatrapperWorked with it quite a lot when I was maintaining Java applications14:41
paddatrapperWhat does it entail?14:41
Kilostranslation into afrikaans14:41
paddatrapperAh, cool14:42
Kilosi dont know if we do it onbline or copy that and set it up here14:42
Kilosthen we can distribute it to school kids i think14:43
Kilosmaybe even pre primary schools14:43
paddatrapperLooks interesting!14:44
Kilosdo you understand it?14:44
Kilosits just words and symbols to me14:45
Kiloshi Sxuza 14:45
paddatrapperKilos: yeah I understand it14:47
Kilosmust one download something14:47
Kiloswe can pull in chesedo as well i hope14:47
Sxuzahey all 14:48
Sxuzahi Kilos  :)14:48
paddatrapperI'll have to have a look in more detail when I get home and find out14:49
Kiloscool ty14:49
grembleGood afternoon14:52
Kiloshi gremble 14:52
grembleHow are you Kilos?14:52
Kilosgood ty and you?14:52
grembleI am well thank you14:52
grembleI never knew how useful a drop-down terminal could be14:53
grembleubuntu mate has this really nice feature where you get a terminal by pressing f12 14:53
Kiloswhat is a dropdown terminal14:53
grembleIt is always open, just hidden14:53
grembleIt is a terminal that "drops down" from the top of your screen14:54
Kilosone can get it in kde as well but i didnt know what it was so didnt bother14:54
Kiloseasy enough to open terminals here with ctrl+T14:55
* chesedo is away from home this weekend Kilos 15:02
Kiloswill catch you when you come back15:07
paddatrapperKilos: Had a look at that localization - we need to create a "Locale Pack" that includes the xml manifest with word translations, ogg audio translations of words and visual images it seems16:37
Kiloshaha paddatrapper say that in english16:38
paddatrapperSo, yes, would need to download and work on it locally in a source tree and then submit it16:38
Kilosoh like merging when using bzr16:38
paddatrapperthat manifest.xml file allows you to add text translations - bv. cat -> kat, then we need to record the audio clips - cat.ogg of a voice saying 'kat', and optionally textures if the word is seen on objects in the game16:39
Kilosholy smokes16:40
Kilosmike said its quite easy16:40
paddatrapperThese all get kept together in the Locale Pack which we maintain like we would any other piece of software - launchpad perhaps? and submit it to them16:41
Kilosso its text words and audio as well16:41
Kilosi thought it was just text 16:41
paddatrapperIt shouldn't be too difficult as the framework is already given. Looks like it is definitely the sound of each letter, don't know if it is each word as well16:42
Kilosbut we can make a team, im sure we can get it done16:42
Kilosoh yes sounds16:42
Kiloswill need sounds of the words as well i think16:43
paddatrapperSure. I have the recording equipment, but not the accent.  can look around and find someone to be the voice actor16:44
paddatrapperLooking at it again - yes 1 recording for each word and 2 for letters - one for the name of the letter and one for it's sound16:44
Kilosyou think we can do it paddatrapper 16:46
paddatrapperI reckon so :D16:46
Kilosyay we get superfly to say the words16:47
paddatrapperGood idea16:47
Kiloshe can swim across the vlei to you16:48
Kiloswe will have to hear if he can pronounce afrikaans words properly16:49
paddatrapperHehe. Probably does better than me!16:50
* paddatrapper klink soos 'n vrot Nederlander16:50
Kilosthere are many of the guys in that area16:51
Kilosoh ill mail nuvolari 16:51
Kiloshe has been slacking here since he moved to CT16:51
paddatrapperLol. What do you expect? CT is nice and laidback16:54
Kilosmailed him16:55
pavlushkamaaz tell Cryterion that I miss his humour, :)16:56
Maazpavlushka: Got it, I'll tell Cryterion on freenode16:56
pavlushkaKilos: :p16:58
pavlushka:p :p :p16:59
Kilosi gotta go eat16:59
paddatrapperKilos: https://github.com/XPRIZE/GLEXP-Team-The-Linguaculturalists/tree/master/app/src/main/assets/locales17:00
paddatrapperSome examples of locales17:00
pavlushkaKilos:  I am having biriani chicken here, want some, :p17:00
Kilossshhhhh you making me hungrier17:02
pavlushkaKilos: https://ghoshsan06.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/chicken-rezala.jpg, the chickens are dipped in ginger soup but delicious, mmmm17:15
LangjanHi guys, Kilos 17:24
MaazLangjan: By the way, mazal on freenode told me "tell langjan http://itsfoss.com/install-ubuntu-1404-dual-boot-mode-windows-8-81-uefi/" 6 hours, 8 minutes and 57 seconds ago17:24
paddatrapperHey Langjan 17:25
paddatrapperGot to go eat17:25
KilosLangjan wen jy17:26
LangjanEk sien nou lyk my ek moet eers 'n partisie in win maak want ubuntu sien nie die win installasie nie17:27
Langjandankie vir die inligting17:27
Langjanhi paddatrapper 17:27
Langjaneet lekker17:27
Kilosyes make the windows about 50g17:28
Kiloswhat size drive is in there17:28
Langjanand 64 bit17:29
Kilosyou might need to boot from a win7 dvd to make the partitions17:29
Kilosi did that here and then after using it a couple of months wiped win and did a clean install17:30
Langjanacc to the link you sent I can partition from win 1017:30
Kilosthat was mazal17:31
Langjanlet me try that17:31
Langjanoh ok thks mazal 17:31
Langjanyes I see now17:31
Langjanhad to set boot sequence, its set to ignore dvd17:32
Kilosat first this lappy refused to take linux17:32
Kiloswas something i had to allow in bios as well17:32
Kilosevery different make has their own quirks17:33
Kiloswhat was that link for paddatrapper 17:34
Kilosi see mhall there as well17:34
Kilosdo we have to supply a map too?17:34
LangjanHow do I see what windows version is in the machine?17:54
Langjanit only wants to shrink to 50%, about 230GB17:54
Kilosdoesnt it show when booting17:54
Langjanmaybe, did not notice17:54
Kiloswell you dont want to mess it up so accept that size17:55
Langjanit says its using only 25GB but wants to keep halvies17:55
Langjanthink so?17:55
Kilosonce he is used to linux and needs more space you can wipe it for him and clean install buntu on it17:56
Langjanok makes sense17:56
pavlushkaKilos: very greedy, :p17:56
Kilosgparted could shrink it more i think but dont take a chance of messing it up now17:56
Langjantheres al 13 gb recovery partition?17:57
Kilosye that for if win crashes17:57
Kilosafter i saw my lappy worked lekker with kde i wiped everything17:57
Kilosusing redshift here so battling to see channels colours change with incoming17:59
Kiloshelps a bit to tilt screen closer17:59
LangjanIts win 1018:05
Kilosfirst thing go and turn off all updating18:07
Kilosforwarded you a mail on how18:09
Kiloswin 10 comes with built in spyware18:09
paddatrapperKilos: The link is to other locale packs that we can use as examples18:19
Kilosoh ok18:19
Kilosi see the fly hasnt shot us down yet18:20
LangjanI disabled secure boot18:22
Langjannow installing ubuntu in free space18:22
Langjannothing broke yet.....18:23
Kilosit wont18:24
Kilosshould go smooth18:24
Langjanwill ubuntu boot before win?18:24
Kilosnow if you saved all your packages you wouldnt have to update/upgrade online18:24
Kilosyou get to choose though18:25
Langjansaved packages?18:25
Kilosif you leave it then it will boot ubuntu18:25
Kilosyes man18:25
Langjanok saved packages?18:25
Kiloseverything in /var/cache/apt/archives/18:25
Kilosyou most likely dont even store them18:26
Kilosyou rich peeps18:26
Kilosinstall should be done in less than 10 minutes18:28
Kilosoh my ln18:28
KilosLangjan 18:28
Langjanlost me there18:28
Kilosthe freespace i think is in windows18:28
Langjanwhere do i put boot loader?18:28
Kilosjust go with defults18:29
Kilosdont always want to change things18:29
Langjantheres no defaults18:30
Kilosdidnt it show sda18:30
Kilosjust hit enter18:30
Langjanit shows 8 partitions 18:31
Kilosisnt sda one of them18:31
pavlushkaGood night guys!18:31
Langjanplenty sda's18:32
Kiloswhere windows is18:32
Langjansda1 fat 32 524 MB, used 33 MB18:32
Kilosgrub must install there18:32
Kilosya there18:33
Kilosthe top one you can choose18:33
Langjanthe top one is dev/sda 500GB18:35
Langjanhi Cryterion 18:35
Cryterionheya, how things?18:35
Kilosja there18:35
Kiloshi Cryterion 18:35
Cryterionheya Kilo's18:35
Langjannow youve told me ya there in two places?18:36
Cryterionanyone know the command to downgrade ubuntu from 16.04 back to where it was?18:36
Kilosdid you try hit enter without choosing anything18:36
Kilostry sda18:36
Langjanwhich one?18:37
Langjansix sda's18:37
Kilosdev/sda 500GB18:37
Langjanmust I rather go back and hit install on what ever comes up?18:38
Kilosok try that18:38
Kilosinetpro where are you18:39
Langjanok which option, use lvm or something else?18:39
* Cryterion searches for inetpro on duckduckgo.com18:40
Kilosjust enter18:40
KilosMaaz seen inetpro 18:40
MaazKilos: inetpro was last seen 8 hours, 3 minutes and 42 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2016-04-29 03:36:35 PDT], and has been online on freenode since 2016-04-26 11:53:48 PDT18:40
Langjanwell its not erase and use whole disk then Ill lose win18:40
Langjanother option is encrypt18:40
Kilosno not that18:40
Kilosinstall alongside18:40
Kilosbut i would do it differently18:41
Langjanno such option, it does not see the win installation18:41
Kilosholy moly18:41
Kilosthe parted tool must see it18:41
Langjanso I must go back to try ubuntu18:42
Kilosi cant see the thing so kinda difficult18:43
Kilosgo with try first ya18:43
Kilosbut the way you were going would have worked as well18:43
Kilosonly would have installed ubuntu in the win 50% of the drive18:44
Langjanchances are I would have selected the wrong sda option18:45
Kilosok tell when you in the try option18:45
Langjanthen I would have lost the win installation dont want that18:45
Langjanyes im there18:46
Kilosit would install alongside18:46
Kilosok open gparted18:46
Langjanshows dev/sda 3 226Gb and unallocated 224 GB18:47
Langjanand a number of small ones18:47
Kilosright tick once on unallocated18:47
Kilosthen choose new or create18:48
Kilosdid you and i do this a while back18:48
Langjanyes on other machine18:48
Kilosso why you asking then18:48
Kilosdont you keep notes18:49
Kilosok new make it 50g18:49
Kilosand mount point /18:49
Kiloshaha i remember us having this discussion18:50
Kilosyou said whats root18:50
Kilosyay memory getting better18:50
Langjanno mount point18:51
Langjansame as last time18:51
Kilosoh ya thats later18:51
Kilosok apply18:51
Kilosthen make another new18:51
Langjanprimary partition and ext4?18:51
Kilosthat will be swap18:52
Langjanwhat do you mean by 4g?18:52
Kilos4 gig big18:52
Kilosfirst one is 50 gig right?18:53
Langjanim still with 50GB, must I click addz/18:53
Kilosnee man18:53
Kilosafter apply you tick unallocated again18:53
Kilosthe make another new18:53
Langjantheres no apply, theres cancel and add18:53
Kiloslisten carefully18:54
Kilosdelete the 50g18:54
Kilosand report18:54
Langjanthe 50 gb has not been done18:55
Kilosyou didnt hit apply did you18:55
LangjanI said theres no apply18:55
Kilosafter apply it will show the 50g and lots of unallocated18:55
Langjantheres cancel or add18:56
Kilosoh my18:56
Kilosadd a 4g18:56
* mazal bekyk die besigheid18:56
Langjanso I adjust slider to 50GB then click add ?18:56
mazalTold you guys dual boot is headaches18:56
Kilosthen add another with everything thats left18:56
Kiloshaha dit is n pein mazal 18:57
Kilosharder if i cant see whats there18:57
Langjanok 50GB and 4GB have been dione, now theres 179GB unallocated18:58
Kilosi forget we are using gparted on live iso not the partition manager in install18:58
Kilosadd again all of it18:58
Langjanyou must not forget18:58
mazalAnd btw partitions is irrelevant for boot loader placement. Boot loader always sda ( when there is just 1 drive in machine ). Doesn't matter how many partitions there is. Boot loader is on start of drive , not on a partition18:58
Langjanwhat do I pay you for? too forget?18:59
Kilosyou pay peanuts you get monkeys18:59
Langjan will deduct from next pay for forget18:59
Kilosreport man19:00
Langjanok now hit apply after clicking on regmerkie....at last I saw apply19:00
Langjansearching dev/sda partyitions19:01
Langjanok where to now?19:02
Kilosclose gparted19:02
Kilosthen double click install goodie19:02
Langjanok no detected os, options are erase, encrypt, use lvm and something else19:04
Langjannothing has changed19:04
Kilossomething else19:04
Kilosused to be manual19:05
Langjan then?19:05
Kilosin the 50g19:06
Kilosmights show a bit more or less19:06
Langjan53  dev/sda6 ext 419:07
Kilosmoint point root /19:07
Langjanand used 1022MB19:07
Kilosyou might need to tick change19:07
Langjanmount point? 19:08
Kilosforet the little bits19:08
Kilosdid you tick on it19:08
Langjanok chANGE the use as19:08
Langjanthen use as....dropdown menu19:09
Kilosdo you see mount points19:09
Kiloswhat shows in dropdown19:10
Langjan12 options but no mount point19:10
Langjanext4 and ext 3 journalling19:10
Langjanext2 file system19:10
Langjanbtrfs journalling file stystem19:11
Langjanjfs journalling file system19:11
Kilosforget the rest19:11
Langjannow there smount point19:11
Langjanand format option19:12
Kilosmount point /19:12
Kilosand tick format19:12
Langjanand ok19:12
Kilosthen there should be apply19:12
Langjanok done19:12
Kilostick 4g partition19:13
Langjanuse as?19:13
Kilosabove where you choose mount point19:13
Langjanno mount point19:14
Kilosdo you see swap19:14
Kiloschoose it19:14
Kilosthen apply19:14
Langjanright done19:15
Kilosthen tick the whats left partition19:15
Langjanthe 183GB free space?19:15
Kilosthen tick partition up top19:15
Kilosthen mountpoint /home19:16
Kilosthen apply19:16
Langjanyouve lost me19:16
Kilosuh oh19:16
Kilostick once on 183GB19:17
Langjantick on free space nothing happens19:17
Kilosjust highlight it19:17
Kilosthen tick partition at the top19:17
Langjanno partition option to tick19:18
Kilosheel bo19:18
Kilosare you still in the partition manager thing19:19
Langjanheading is installation type19:20
Kilosgo back19:20
Kilosyou need to tell it to use the 183 as /home and make it ext419:21
Langjanlive options are revert and quit19:21
Kilosholy moly19:21
Kiloswhat did you do19:21
Langjanwhat you told me 19:21
Kilosyou should have been able to make it /home same way as you did the other 219:22
Kilosholy moly19:22
Kiloswhat does revert option show19:22
Langjannothing, just spinning wheel showing somethings working, or trying to19:23
Kilosrolling on the floor laughing19:24
Kiloshee hee hee ha ha ha hoo hoo hoo cough cough19:24
Langjanthis things virtually frozen19:25
Langjannot funny19:25
Kilosswitch off and boot from cd again19:25
Kilosthen choose install lets see19:25
mazalYou guys still partitioning ?19:26
Kilosya he lost something19:26
Langjantutor lost him19:27
Kiloswhen you choose install use the something else again19:28
Langjanwill let you know when I get there19:28
mazalOom Kilos19:28
Kilosja mazal 19:28
mazalSounds like the home partition you didn't let hime create before hand in gparted like the other too , so guide him to create partion when you get there19:29
Kilosyes thats what i want to do19:29
mazalLooks like that's where it went wrong19:29
Kilosif the 50g and the 4g swap show19:30
Kilosi did tell him new19:30
Langjanso try or install option?19:30
Langjanand something else19:31
Kilosdo you pay treble time after 9pm19:32
Langjanok showing partitions19:33
Kilosyou see the 50g19:33
Langjanno only double, unless you forget...19:33
Kilosstop it19:33
Kilosok tick the 50g once19:33
Langjanstop it?19:33
Kilosstop making me laugh19:34
Kilosthen partitions at the top19:34
Kilosor change19:34
Langjanno partitions at the top19:34
Kiloswhere is that partition tool19:35
Langjan? 19:35
Kilosholy moly19:35
Kiloschange ya19:35
Langjanok then?19:35
Kilosext4 19:35
Kilosthen / as mount point19:36
Langjanand format?19:36
Kilosthen tick the 18319:36
Kilosand change 19:36
Kilosext4 and mountpoint /home19:37
Langjanok done  19:38
Kilosthen check that 4g is still swap19:38
Langjandev/sda8 ext 4 home 183GB19:39
Kilosdont worry bout that19:39
Langjanno swap19:39
Kilostick the 4g19:39
Kilosand change to swap19:39
Langjanok done19:40
Kilosthen apply19:40
Kilosin case you didnt19:40
Kilosthen tick install19:40
Langjanits asking for 1MB reserved bios boot area19:41
Kilosholy moly19:42
Langjanand go back19:42
Kiloswhat you mean asking for19:42
LangjanGo back to the menu and correct this problem19:43
Langjan then19:43
Langjanlong story basically telling me if I dont go back and creat 1MB bios boot area boot loader installation may fail later19:44
Kilosare you sure you are using 14.0419:44
Langjanit may still be possible to minstall boot loader to a partition19:44
Kilosno some alien thing19:44
Kilosog go back then19:45
Kilosthen delete the 53 g'19:45
Kilosthen make that 1MB bios boot area19:45
Kilosnever heard that before19:46
Kilosbios is on motherboard not a partition on the drive19:46
Kilosthen make your 52g free space ext4 /19:47
Langjanhow do I delete 53GB area?19:47
Kilosthe last lappy we did this on didnt ask for that19:47
Kilostick on it19:47
Kilosthen tick on partitions at the top19:47
Kilosthen tick delete19:48
Langjanno such option as partitions19:48
Kiloswhere does that laptop come from 19:48
Kilosmars or jamaica19:49
Langjanits running on ubuntu 14.04 dvd19:49
Kilosyou sure???19:49
Langjandont you think we are in gparted?19:50
Kilosyes thats what ubuntu uses19:50
Langjanoh ok19:50
Langjanon install also?19:50
Kilosbut when you see the partitions there should be delete option19:50
LangjanIm clearly seeing a different interface from what you are thinking19:51
Kilosthats how we just made the /home partition19:51
Langjanthose partitions have been lost when we went back19:51
Kilosso what partitons you see19:52
Langjanthe list we started with 19:52
Langjan11 of them19:52
Kilosholy moly19:52
Kilosyou see the 53 gig one19:53
Kilosbut no partitions block at the top?19:53
Kilostry right click on the 53g19:53
Kilosdoes that gparted look different19:54
Langjandifferent from what?19:55
Kilosfrom the one we used to make the partition19:55
Langjanits the standard one I see every time I do an intstall, I think19:56
Kiloswitout the partitions option at the top?19:56
Kiloshow did you make those partitions just now19:57
Kilosin the same partition tool?19:57
Langjanclick and cgange19:57
Kilosok do that on the 53g19:58
Kilosmaybe there is a delete there19:58
Langjanext 4 ? no, only do not use the partition19:58
Langjantheres areserved bios root area option19:59
Kilosgo with that19:59
Kilostry make it 1m19:59
Langjanbios grub 53GB20:01
Kiloscan you change the size20:01
Kilos1 meg20:01
Kilosthis must be uefi stuff20:02
Langjanuse as?20:02
Langjanreserved bios boot area?20:03
Kilosthe bios root thing20:03
Langjanok bios grub 1MB20:03
Kilosthen make the rest of that partition /20:04
Langjanthe 53GB?20:04
Kilosminus 1 MB now20:04
Kilosmountpoint /20:05
Langjanok done20:05
Kilosthen check swap is swap20:05
Langjanok done20:06
Kilosthen check /home is /home20:06
LangjanHome is where? size?20:06
Langjanext 4 and /home?20:07
Langjanok done20:07
Kilosthen tick install20:08
Kilosand hope it has no other quirks20:08
Langjanjy moet gaan slaap seun20:08
Kilosit will install in under 10 mins20:09
LangjanI will report tomorrow...20:09
Langjanyou reckon?20:09
Langjantiming you...20:10
Kiloswell thats a modern fast pc only min ram can slow it down20:10
Langjanwhy so quick suddenly? usually takes 30-40 mins20:11
Langjanits 4GB ram20:11
Kilosnee man20:11
Kilosi install in 7 mins20:11
Kilosfrom usb stick20:11
Langjanspeedy gonzales20:12
Kilosthats on a dual core pc as well20:12
Kilosyou have quad core i think20:12
Kilosi didnt check if its i5 or i720:12
LangjanSharks keep on kicking away possession and throwing points away with ill discipline, eish!20:15
Kilosso sad20:16
LangjanI dont blame the guys, they get told to kick, rather go play soccah20:16
LangjanLions coach got some brains20:17
Kilosyes they are playing well20:17
Langjan10 minutes gone20:17
Kilosoh my20:17
Kilosyou broke it20:18
Langjanat least something I'm good at20:18
Cryterion4pound hammer orks wonders20:18
Kilosits that uefi stuff20:19
Langjanlmga Cryterion 20:19
Kilosits a brand new lappy Cryterion 20:19
Kilosunpacked today20:19
Cryterionjust place next to it, and it works20:20
Kiloswell it used to work on win1020:20
Langjanstill stiff, needs running in, thats why takes so much time to install20:20
Cryterionprob designed for win10, yuk, but you'll always get small hiccups20:21
LangjanPaper work refers to Ubuntu as one option20:22
Kiloswhen it says setting up hardware and installing grub its close20:22
Langjandealer was too pathetic to comply with client request to provide ubuntu20:22
Kilosshoulda tried to buy it without any OS on it20:22
Langjaninsurance claim20:22
Kilosoh yes20:23
Cryterionyou trying to install alongside aren't you?20:23
Kiloswill have to use it dual booting for a year'20:23
Cryteriondo you want win10 in there?20:23
Kilosactually not alongside Cryterion 20:23
Langjancame with win 1020:24
Cryteriondual boot Kilos!20:24
Kiloson drive partitioned in half then ubuntu on the second half20:24
Kilosya dual boot20:24
Langjan4.44 mins remain20:25
Langjanalready almost 20 mins20:25
Cryterionmicrosoft has been very agresive lately with getting 10 out, they might have done something, wouldn't surprise me20:26
CryterionI'd just kill it, then run win in vb if needed20:26
Kilosafter warranty up wipe it and install ubunu only20:26
Langjanthey keep pestering me to upgrade on my wife's machine20:26
Kilosdont upgarde20:26
CryterionOS change doesn't/shouldn't void warranty by legal means20:27
Langjanwin in vb is finicky20:27
Kilosread  that mail i sent you20:27
mazalHi Cryterion20:27
LangjanI wont upgrade, I hardly use it20:27
Cryterionheya mazal20:27
mazalLangjan, maybe you selected "install updates" option , then it will take long20:27
Kilosoh ya20:28
mazalI never tick than when installing , I do updates after install20:28
LangjanNot this time, but did select 3rd party software20:28
mazal3rd party is fine , is quick20:28
Kilosnever select anything else then it messes aroung online20:29
Kilos'not eevn third party stuff20:29
Langjanperhaps I did do updates also, cant remember, was tryng to keep up with old man Kilos 20:29
Cryterionunplug the network, speeds it up in that case20:29
mazalIs that bloody spyware on the other partition that's slowing you down :P20:30
Langjanfirst time I install on 64 bit20:30
mazalWhy 14.04 Langjan ?20:31
mazalAnd not 16.04 ?20:31
Kilosand stable20:31
Langjanlet you guys sort the bugs first20:31
Kilosyou have spent 2 weeks trying to get stuff working20:31
mazalTrue , but it was for a good cause20:32
Kilosnow dont try make the old man battle too20:32
Langjanwhich old man?20:32
mazalThat's why you are there , to help him 20:32
Kilosno man he is working on someone elses laptop20:33
mazalCryterion, btw , I saw something that you want to go back to 14.04 ? Having many issues with 16.04 ?20:33
Kilosat last20:35
mazalNow you hope it boots20:35
Langjan27 mins20:35
Kilosif it gets to restarting its done20:35
Langjanyes holding thumbs20:35
mazalDon't be so sure Kilos20:35
Kilosthats you and you updating online'20:36
Langjanbooting on windows....eish!20:37
mazalTold you20:37
Kiloslast one we did didnt do that20:37
Kilosand windows doesnt see ext420:38
mazalI have no idea , but remember you are dealing with uefi and secure boot. I will bet that's the cause.20:38
Kilosgrub should have sorted that20:38
mazalRead that whole doc I gave the link for20:38
mazalMake sure you didn't miss something re secure boot or eufi20:39
LangjanI disabled secure boot20:39
KilosLangjan lees wat hey se20:39
Kilosi gotta sleep20:39
Kiloswill have nightmares now20:40
mazalI kinda remember at the bottom somewhere they said something of this problem20:40
Langjanlekker slaap ons gesels more weer20:40
Kilosill be here20:40
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:40
mazalI'm also gonna crash20:40
mazalLekker slaap ooms Kilos , Langjan20:40
Langjansleep well mazal thks for the help20:40

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