
zequenceolinuxx: No french channel, but if there is interest, it's quite possible to add one00:09
olinuxxzequence, I guess that if there is at least one ubuntustudio skilled person which can be one that channel, it can be usefull for some non-english speaking french-speaker people. That said, they can be equally send to #linuxmao where they will find there way (11 years now that linuxmao is helping people around the linux-audio topic)00:15
olinuxxs/can be one / can be on00:16
zequenceolinuxx: If that is a french speaking channel for linux audio users, fine by me04:28
zequenceolinuxx: We often suggest for people to check out #opensourcemusicians as one alternative04:29
zequenceDidn't know about #linuxmao (what does mao stand for, btw :)04:29
rj_Hi everyone this ubuntu studio is great :)07:30
rj_I am new to xfce and ubuntu studio .  Is there any power saver in this desktop enviroment?08:28
rj_If so, how do I switch it of08:29
rj_hope someone will answer :)08:29
rj_found out08:42
clearwoodyesterday I asked here and som fine people answered.  Just want to say that I solved it.  Mathbuntu is now on its way onto this ubuntu studio distro.  The trick is to go into the hidden subdirectory .files and start the sudo ./setup file from there.  I recomend mathbuntu :)09:35
olinuxxzequence, hi, yes linuxmao can be seen as a "opensourcemusician + lau + lad + wiki linuxaudio" all in one french counterpart11:58
olinuxxzequence, we have a wiki + forum + IRC chan11:59
olinuxxMAO stands for "Musique Assistée par Ordinateur" which translates into "Computer Aided Music"11:59
olinuxx(nothing related to a politics period of China :) )12:00
zequenceolinuxx: Ok, I will try to remember that if anyone asks for french speaking channels here. Doens't happen very oftens that is already well known :)12:43
zequenceMissing a few workds there12:43
zequenceAnyway, bad connection right now12:44
olinuxxno worries, I got the meaning :)12:54
Galatheashi ^^13:24
Galatheasolinuxx, is there also a german channel?13:24
olinuxxGalatheas, not as I know13:25
olinuxxGalatheas, but I can remember a wiki audio german community IIRC13:26
olinuxxlet me check13:26
Galatheasirc would be nice :) thank you :)13:26
olinuxxyou can check there if there is a IRC german linux audio community13:27
olinuxxif it doesn't exist yet and if you feel it's missing, then start it !13:27
olinuxx(it's pretty easy to do so since there are a *lot* of information about IRC on internet)13:28
Galatheasi know how to open an irc chan ;) ^^ but thank you for searching ^^13:35
trijntjeHi all, I've made an A0 poster in pdf on ubuntu, and I'd like to print it to real size on my normal A4 printer. Is there a program that can take an A0 poster and print it over several A4 pages?14:21
trijntjegot the solution in #ubuntu: pdfposter -pA0 mposter3.pdf test.pdf14:31
trijntjetest.pdf is a 16-page version of the A0 poster14:31
Snopy234hello, i would like to build homepages on ubuntu studio. which application can you suggest me?15:13
Snopy234hello, i would like to build homepages on ubuntu studio. which application can you suggest me?15:14
Snopy234hello, i would like to build homepages on ubuntu studio. which application can you suggest me?15:15
Snopy234visit ossoft.jimdo.com for linux help :D15:17
Snopy234no html?15:17
zequencesirriffsalot is quite the proper name for that fellow15:22
zequencesirriffsalot: Was checking out your tune today in the studio, and only then did I realize that it was not just unusual drumming but you are also changing time quite often18:19
zequencesirriffsalot: I was not able to diccipher what your prefered times were (and, tbh, I think you have got it wrong in the drums some what), but that is ok. It's kind of unusual.18:19
zequenceSo, I'll do my best to interpret that and record it.18:20
zequenceSo far, I've just been putting together a time track18:20
sirriffsalotzequence, :D cool. Of course the drums I put together makes little sense, I was just moving hydrogen regions around19:24
sirriffsalotzequence, appreciate the effort. Feel free to move things around a bit if it allows for more sensible drumming that flows19:24
sirriffsalotzequence, incidentally why did it take you to sit in front of the drums to realise this?20:18
zequencesirriffsalot: It didn't. I just needed to hear the song sober20:21
zequenceHaven't started doing any drums for it yet. Still figuring out where the accents are so to speak20:22
sirriffsalotzequence, hahaha20:25
sirriffsalotzequence, kjör på20:25
zequencesirriffsalot: Det blir bra, när det blir klart20:25
sirriffsalotHäppas det20:26

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