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flocculantUnit193: I did that for you06:14
flocculantmostly because you can do all that packagy stuff but not edit a wiki page :p06:15
Unit193Wikis are hard, or at least logging in is. :306:15
flocculantI think  they might have looked at that06:15
flocculantwhilst coming up with all ways to make it harder :p06:16
flocculantnot really sure milestones needs to be there - given that qa and tech lead and web lead say no to b1 and no-one else cares enough to comment06:17
flocculantand I'll always -1 any raspberry pi thing officially 06:17
flocculantso can just wait for the workhorse ping :p06:17
flocculantbluesabre: re thunar and testing - been thinking about this - not sure quite what we can do with the current testcase - other than ask people to sit there copy/pasting till they see problems - then how long do we ask them to do it for ;)07:31
flocculantor we could add a very specific testcase - sit there copy/pasting > how long did it take to crash on you? 07:32
flocculantdid it crash quicker post-crash? 07:32
flocculantor: did you give up and use a different file manager :p07:32
Unit193ochosi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+bug/157657608:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1576576 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "Update to 3.20 needs work and coordination" [Wishlist,Confirmed]08:33
bluesabreflocculant: if the gui automation (whats that called again) worked with gtk2, we could easily make a script to test it10:40
flocculantyea  - but it doesn't :p10:56
flocculantand I've given up thinking about it tbh ;)11:09
flocculantknome: when you've got 10 minutes or so and it's not lunch time can we haz chat about buildlog and tracker thingymajig :)11:16
bluesabreflocculant: I'll figure something out11:33
knomeflocculant, i'll be on and off today, but feel free to talk about something and i'll reply when i'm back ;)12:53
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flocculantknome: no rush - really don't want a disjointed discussion17:55
flocculantknome: added some about this to very top of http://pad.ubuntu.com/xubuntuqa-y-cycle18:21
Unit193ochosi: In case you didn't see, there was also "interesting" discussions with that link to the bug.18:46
flocculanttried hard not to ramble too much18:46
flocculantUnit193: in -desktop or on bug? 18:47
Unit193-devel, actually.18:47
flocculantoh right - well that just seems really pointless for me to idle in :)18:47
ochosiUnit193: uhm when what where?18:48
ochosi(sry, i vaguely remember you posting a link to a gtk3.20 lp bug today but i was too busy @work to read918:48
Unit193ochosi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+bug/1576576 I linked to this, there was discussion in -devel at 04:21 local time.18:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1576576 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "Update to 3.20 needs work and coordination" [Wishlist,Confirmed]18:49
flocculantevening ochosi :)18:49
Unit193Basically a GNOME guy and unity peeps talking about if they're going to update this cycle.18:49
ochosiwell no worries i'll work on the greybird rewrite soon18:49
ochosiso we'll be good either way18:50
ochosithe only thing that could bite us is if xfce applications inject css18:50
ochosicause that will fail18:50
Unit193Unity wasn't so interested in updating gtk3, actually.  It was interesting, they have nobody at all that really understands themes now. :P18:50
ochosior: will need patches for 3.20 compat18:50
ochosiyeah, i know. i talked to larsu at fosdem before he left the desktop team and canonical altogether18:50
ochosibasically they'll have to switch to adwaita soon if they don't find anyone who maintains their themes18:51
ochosiwould have to be a community member from what i see18:51
Unit193Oh?  Wow, that's lovely.18:52
Unit193ochosi: Know if satya will be working on Numix? :P18:52
ochosii think they're already working on it18:52
ochosiso numix should be good i guess18:53
Unit193Eric seems to have taken an interest in Blackbird, no?18:53
Unit193menulibre 2.0.7-1.1 uploaded by Samuel Henrique Oltramari Pinto (SamuelOPH) (Closes: #811324)19:35
nairwolfHi guys (and specially flocculant), can you look this bug and see if you are able to reproduce it, please ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-appfinder/+bug/157677119:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1576771 in xfce4-appfinder (Ubuntu) "Window can't be reduced horizontally" [Undecided,New]19:38
pleia2flocculant: g+ and fb done re: irc sessions19:38
pleia2I'll try to keep an eye on it to see if people yay in those places ;)19:38
flocculantpleia2: thanks :)19:39
flocculantI think I see fb stuff - but maybe not19:40
flocculantpleia2: re  counting - I'll probably ask for a bump in a week or so - then see what 'yay's' we had - then follow up19:40
flocculantI will follow up with either a 'nope then' or more detail 19:41
flocculantpleia2: freudian almost  ... "but you're welcome to follow this path. Since our team handling the official social media is very small[0"19:43
flocculantnairwolf: I saw that bug - not looked in detail yet - will try tomorrow if I get chance19:44
nairwolfok, so we'll talk to that tomorrow if I can be here also. (Should be outstide this saturday)19:44
nairwolfdinner time, see you. 19:45
knomeflocculant, we probably want to just look at the source (not LP) for the builds, should be relatively simple to fetch that data21:09
flocculantmmk 21:10
nairwolfknome: which sources ? 21:16
knomenairwolf, build log21:16
knomeflocculant, also left a comment on the pad21:18
nairwolfoh, ok21:20
knomenairwolf, if you are very interested in *any* discussions happening on this channel, i'd suggest you to either 1) get a shell so you can get a bnc/client always stay on the channel so you can check the backlog 2) start reading the logs found from irclogs.ubuntu.com21:21
nairwolfknome: Usually, I'm reading logs at irclogs.ubuntu.com, but this time, I didn't21:28
flocculantknome: yea - thought second might be better21:32
flocculantre multiple builds - they're only likely to happen when milestone - or someone from release team triggers a rebuild21:34
knomeyeah, but the tracker doesn't know when that happens21:34
flocculants/likely/going to afaik21:34
flocculantall tracker knows is date.121:34
knomeso it needs to check a possible .1/.x rebuild every time21:34
flocculantor shows21:34
knomethe tracker i'm referring to here is dev.xubuntu.org21:34
knomebut sure, the iso tracker too21:35
flocculantwell I'm referring to what shows on iso21:35
flocculantall that aside21:35
flocculantin fact - we 'could' end up in the same position as we would get from autotest21:35
flocculanteg build builds - build lands on iso tracker - dev tracker says 'yay'21:36
flocculantbut it doesn't actually work21:36
flocculantthe only way to get around that is Last options thinking: 21:37
knomewell, i was thinking about something like asking http headers to see if a file exists21:37
flocculantif that's possible 21:37
flocculantfrom iso.tracker? 21:37
bluesabreevening alllll21:38
knomeugh, no, i most likely won't touch the ISO tracker :P21:38
knomebut i can talk to matthew in SF in june...21:38
flocculantknome: mmm21:38
flocculantwho's matthew? 21:39
flocculantbluesabre: evening :)21:39
knomeMatthewAllen, from code-in21:39
knomedidn't he poke the tracker too?21:39
bluesabrehey flocculant knome21:39
flocculantknome: well - a positive from the image test on the tracker is the only real positive21:39
knome'lo bluesabre 21:39
flocculantall the others are positives that we have a build21:39
flocculantand if the build includes a broken ubiquity ... 21:40
Unit193bluesabre: /lastlog menulibre, just an FYI.21:40
flocculantknome: if it's possible to do - the iso tracker would be my preference unfortunately :p21:40
flocculantassuming we can move cron time of build21:41
knomeflocculant, ack21:41
knomelet's see21:41
flocculantok 21:41
knomei need to think this with no smudge on the brain :P21:41
flocculantanyway - I think we're both up to speed on the 'what' at least :)21:41
knomeand by smudge i mean snot21:41
flocculantstill full of it then 21:41
knomewell, kind of the aftermath21:42
knomedidn't have much of it coming out when i was "really" sick21:42
flocculantalmost worst21:42
flocculantyea - pretty normal state of affairs in my experience 21:42
knomebut that happens, so...21:42
flocculantbluesabre: so good luck with gtk2 and autotest :p21:43
bluesabreflocculant: probably going to look at other options22:21
nairwolfI think I've discovered a bug on Mousepad. 22:25
nairwolfOpen mousepad, write some stupid thoughts, then do alt+f4 and click on "Do not save" it's not highlighted as other options22:26
nairwolfno, do not click on "do not save", but move the cursor with the keyboard to "do not save"22:26
nairwolfDo you see this bug ? 22:27
bluesabreI do see that bug22:28
bluesabrefeel free to report it :)22:29
nairwolfDone : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mousepad/+bug/157689022:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1576890 in mousepad (Ubuntu) ""Do not save" option isn't highlighted " [Undecided,New]22:34
nairwolfAs I'm not an native english speaker tell me if something isn't clear22:34
nairwolfI will edit my description22:34
bluesabreI'd say that it's not highlighted in the same way the other buttons are22:35
nairwolfIt's a graphical issue, so it seems hard for me to solve this bug. But, I'll try to see what I can do22:36
nairwolfNext week, I will be in holydays, so I should start to work the next week22:36
nairwolfok, thanks22:37
nairwolfI've edited the bug report22:38
nairwolfNow, it's time to go to bed. See you bluesabre ;)22:38

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