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Guest75225my text is super tiny after switching to  an nvidia card02:47
Guest75225my browser and steam have correctly sized text, however things like the panel, dolphin, and konsole have very tiny text02:48
Guest75225i'm using driver 352 from the driver manager, and running plasma 5.5.402:48
DarinMillerGuest75225: Go to system settings -> Font and select the Force fonts DPI checkbox.  The log out and login.03:08
Oderushi. whats the easiest way to make window decorations in 16.0403:08
DarinMillerIf fonts are still too small, change the DPI from 96 to 144 or whatever looks good.03:09
ZrenOderus: Glance at ~/.local/share/aurorae/themes/03:19
Guest75225okay thanks03:21
OderusZren: ok thank you, wasnt sure if there was a GUI program for this or not but i can do it manual03:21
ZrenWell you can change the colors and a few other things in these menues https://i.imgur.com/nrBy9Lw.png03:24
ZrenYou have to edit kdeglobals manually to change the window border color in the breeze theme though.03:24
ZrenAt least in 5.503:25
ZrenOh right, 16.04 uses 5.5. Keep thinking it uses 5.603:25
Oderushopefully i can make one that doesnt look terrible lol03:26
Oderussort of trying to convert  a metacity theme03:27
Zrenwhich one?03:29
OderusAmiga Ubuntunized03:29
Guest75225how can i mount a device without needing to be root to write to it?03:38
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Guest99345how can i mount a device without needing to be root to write to it?04:13
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hyper_chhi there, with the kubuntu install cd/dvd it's not possible to install raid1?07:06
hyper_chI only see physical volume for encryption in the dropdown but not physical volume for raid07:07
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto07:08
valoriehyper_ch: the thing is, hardware raid is for more than one hard disk07:08
hyper_chvalorie: I want software raid07:08
valorieI wouldn't expect to see that as a choice except in the server disk07:08
hyper_chit used to be in the alternate installer07:09
valoriecheck out those links then07:09
hyper_chsingle-ssd notebook with software raid107:09
valoriewell, you can use the server DVD, which is pretty much the alternate CD07:09
valorieand then sudo apt-install kubuntu-desktop07:09
hyper_chso you can make a running backup by expanding the --raid-devices to 2 and sync to external usb 3.007:09
valorieoops, sudo apt install07:09
hyper_chonly taks like 2h to make a full sync07:09
valoriewe've not had an alternative CD for quite awhile07:10
hyper_chstill sucks07:10
valoriethere is simply not enough people to do it07:10
valorievolunteers always welcome@07:10
hyper_chwill look at server07:11
hyper_chbtw, I read 16.04 has zfs support07:11
hyper_chbut the graphic installer for kubuntu didn't seem to offer zfs07:11
valoriethat hit rather late07:14
valorieI imagine it is on the server ISO however07:14
hyper_chI'll see07:14
valoriezfs isn't really what our users are asking for07:14
valoriesysadmins who want the KDE software would probably do exactly what I'm advising you07:15
akikanybody know about plasma-discover and why it is not working?09:14
soeeakik: what is not working ? there are some known bugs though09:17
akiksoee: the search09:17
soeeakik: yes this is buggy09:20
soeeone moment09:21
soeeakik: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=36209609:21
ubottuKDE bug 362096 in discover "Can't find apps I want to install using the "search" field" [Major,Unconfirmed]09:21
akikoh ok i was searching launchpad09:22
soeeakik: use muon, should work just fine09:22
akiksoee: do you think this will be fixed in kubuntu?09:27
akikall applications/system/software center = plasma-discover09:28
soeeit is upstream bug09:33
soeeso if maintainer will fix it than it will be fixed :009:33
Maxirideis there a way to run kNetAttach from command line? I'm trying to connect to a webdav folder, however it keep asking me username and password every couple of seconds and I'm sure usr and pwd are correct09:36
Maxirideso i'd like to see if there is eny error which isn't shown in the gui09:37
soeesorry i do  not know this :)09:37
luc4Hello! Anyone working on 16.04? Is VLC working properly?09:40
soeeluc4: yes09:41
soeewhat problems do you have?09:41
luc4soee: I have not upgraded yet but I know Qt 5.5 had problems with VLC.09:42
soeeoh ?09:42
luc4soee: I had to downgrade plasma because of that09:42
luc4soee: I know the fix is ready but I didn’t know whether the fix was already in 16.04 or not.09:42
soeei never had problems with it09:43
luc4soee: great thanks!09:44
soeemaybe you are tlaking about phonon vlc backend09:44
soeethan yes there were problems, but i'm using gstreamer09:44
luc4soee: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-4832109:45
luc4soee: is 16.04 using Qt 5.6.0?09:45
soeeno ant it wont use it09:47
soeeatm. it is 5.5.109:47
soeebut i do not know how to reproduce this bug, player works just fine for me09:48
akikvlc works for me too in kubuntu 16.0409:49
soeei know that dome bugfixes were backported to 5.5.1 so maybe they picked this one also as it coudl affect a lot of people09:52
luc4soee: yes, they probably backported the fix… thanks for the confirmation10:09
luc4Anyone using bluetooth mice on kubuntu? I was thinking about buying one but I see there were many problems in the past.10:10
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user|97762salve atutti12:31
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BluesKajHey folks13:33
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Iloiny"The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ci/unstable-weekly/ubuntu xenial Release' does not have a Release file."17:36
Iloinyany clues how to remedy this ?17:36
soee_Iloiny: do not use it17:41
soee_it is not updated since middle of 201517:41
BluesKajIloiny, what are you trying to do ?17:43
Iloinysoee_, anything similar I could use then?17:43
IloinyBluesKaj, find a ppa to update my kde desktop with recent versions of the software?17:44
IloinyI found that ppa here https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/PPAs17:44
BluesKajIloiny, for which release17:45
IloinyI'm on 16.04 (xenial)17:45
BluesKajare you looking for plasma 5.6? If so it's not available as a complete package for Xenial yet17:47
Iloinynot particularly, I just want more recent versions than what I got17:47
BluesKajyou should have plasma 5.5 and if you've done an update and full-upgrade today then you're up to date17:49
BluesKajppas aren't officially supported here , btw17:50
IloinyI'm not up to date, I have akregator 5.1 when 5.3 is out there17:52
Iloinyalso how come noone is mentioning http://neon.kde.org/17:57
BluesKajIloiny, where is it , if it's in a ppa then there's no support if your system breaks18:01
Iloinywhere exactly have I asked for support?18:01
BluesKajIloiny, ok I guess you don't need it18:12
Iloinywell I asked about a ppa that appears on the kubuntu wiki. not the pros and cons of ppas18:13
BluesKajIloiny, at this point your attitude loses... good luck18:17
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* Iloiny sighs18:18
BluesKajhey soee_, duber18:30
rodolfojcjhello to all people who likes Kubuntu18:38
rodolfojcjI asked the following in #kde, but I had no answer:18:39
rodolfojcjI'm using KDE Frameworks 5.18.0 and Qt 5.5.1. I would like to customize a little the screen showed when the KDE user session is locked18:39
rodolfojcjI thought I could do that by editing a theme under the directory /usr/share/sddm/themes18:39
rodolfojcjbut I didn't idenfity there a point that could be customized18:39
rodolfojcjI'm using Kubuntu 16.0418:39
rodolfojcjdo you know where to explore to change that session locked screen?18:40
rodolfojcjspecifically, I would like to add a button to allow any user seeing that locked session screen, to suspend (or hibernate) the computer18:40
soee_rodolfojcj: hiho18:42
soee_this question is better to ask on #plasma18:42
soee_but in work week ~ 8:00-16:00 :)18:43
rodolfojcjsoee_: ok, thanks for your advice. I'll leave then that question for next week!18:55
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JMichaelXi was able to find a solution to video preview thumbnails not working in Dolphin, in Kubuntu 16.04 in this bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ffmpegthumbs/+bug/157403720:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1574037 in ffmpegthumbs (Ubuntu) "ffmpegthumbs 4:15.12.3-0ubuntu1 uses the wrong path for plugin libraries" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:28
soee_i think it should work with Apps 16.04 but i might be wrong20:30
tux|dudeDoes anyone know what the system requirements are for kubuntu 16.04?22:19
DragnslcrProbably no different than previous versions22:24
DragnslcrAny CPU from the past 5 years or so should work fine. Probably want at least 4 GB of RAM.22:25
polarisAbout RAM - I was pretty surprised when Kubuntu without any other app open (beside Plasma and system stuff itself) were taking only ~800 MB22:37
DragnslcrYeah, it should work with 2 GB, but you may end up swapping a lot, depending on what programs you run22:46
polarisI actually remember that my swap was filled by 2.4 GB. Can it be the reason why Kubuntu took only 800 MB of RAM or it is really that lightweight?22:48
mparilloI actually can get by with 1GB in my netbook or in a VM. It would not be pleasant for your daily runner.23:10
deliverywareGuten Tag, Danke, ich kenn fast Shakespeare und Goethe auswendig, aber wie formartiere ich einen USB-STick zum Booten von siduction?23:12
deliverywareIch hab die iso runtergeladen. unetbootin und usb-creator-kde sind leider nur bescheiuert,..23:14
deliverywareMissing-opoeration-system, ist klar, der Stick  war nur mit kpartx formatiert und die Programme schrieben mal so gefühlte Halbejahre an dem Bootstick.23:16
deliverywareIch wollte ehrlich gesagt nur statt kubuntu mal siduction ausprobieren, das gelingt mir irgendwie nicht. Liegt es an ,ir?23:18
deliverywarehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2299040 in diesem Forum machte ich schon meinem Firefox klar, schreibe mir bitte alle Buchstaben in größerer Schrift, weil ich seit debian 2.4 und Prof. Weizenbaum dabei bin mit seinem elizia, und und, und was passiert, es ignoniert meine Schriftgrößenempfehlungen, das ist ein "no go"23:23
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derycodeliveryware: #kubuntu-de23:35
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