
vagrantcis there any secure way to verify the ssh host keys for git.launchpad.net ?02:38
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_Groo_hi/2 all15:42
_Groo_when building an llvm git snapshot, the ppa is running out of memory and killing dpkg-buildpackage, is there any workaround for this?15:47
_Groo_see https://launchpad.net/~paulo-miguel-dias/+archive/ubuntu/llvm-snapshot/+build/966957315:51
cjwatson_Groo_: I've answered on your ticket16:53
_Groo_cjwatson: nice, let me read it16:53
* cjwatson corrects himself16:54
_Groo_cjwatson: hum ok, ill check, but just a quick reply. am i right? is the builder killing the ld linkage?16:54
cjwatsonYep, you're just running out of memory because you're using a pretty enormous amount of it16:54
cjwatsonNothing magical16:55
_Groo_cjwatson: yeah, llvm is a beast, it can easily consume 10GB or more during linkage16:55
cjwatsonThere must be ways to trim that down though16:55
_Groo_cjwatson: ill have to check the docs to see HOW am i supposed to lower this amount16:55
cjwatsonGiving builds that much would significantly reduce the number of builders we can operate16:55
cjwatsonWhich would make quite a dent in our overall throughput16:56
_Groo_cjwatson: i know, it would be an exception, i only use this particular ppa for llvm purposed, precisely because its such a beast16:56
cjwatsonLike I say, we may be able to bump to 8GiB at some point, but probably not until the builder clouds are next redeployed16:56
cjwatsonWe can't make exceptions16:56
cjwatsonI mean literally can't, all builder instances are identical16:56
_Groo_cjwatson: im not asking you to, i was just merely saying that this would be a case for an exception16:56
cjwatsonAnd I'm saying we have no possibility of exceptions16:57
_Groo_cjwatson: i understood that from the start, its a global configuration :D16:57
_Groo_cjwatson: thanks for the quick reply, you are awesome :D16:57
cjwatsonAnyway, llvm can be built in Ubuntu, so it must be possible16:57
cjwatsonSince we use the same builders16:58
_Groo_cjwatson: back to the documentation to see how am i going to fix this16:58
_Groo_cjwatson: good luck in compiling 3.916:58
cjwatsonI'm sure it will be managed16:58
_Groo_cjwatson: it changed from make to cmake, and although it made stuff much simpler, it bumped the memory consumption quite a lot16:58
_Groo_cjwatson: but yeah, we will tame the beast16:59
cjwatsonHow would the build system make much of a difference?  Unless of course it dropped some memory-reduction flags or is linking more objects at once16:59
cjwatsonFortunately I don't myself maintain toolchain packages16:59
_Groo_cjwatson: is there any way for me to see the logs of the actual builder? like memory consumption and the OS logs?16:59
cjwatsonNo, we don't retain those16:59
_Groo_cjwatson: both i guess17:00
_Groo_cjwatson: ugh it will be try and error then :P oh well...17:00
cjwatsonYou can dump out whatever information you like during the build as long as you can get hold of it as non-root17:00
_Groo_cjwatson: how?17:00
cjwatsonyou already have a dh_override_auto_build target, right?17:01
cjwatsonmake it run actual-build-command || { dump-information; exit 1; }17:02
cjwatsonpseudocode obviously17:02
cjwatsonthe process being killed is ld, not any of the packaging machinery, so you have an opportunity to handle it17:02
_Groo_cjwatson: ok, tks for the tip17:04
clivejohi folks, anyone know how the LP git web hooks work?  and if they can be used to trigger builds on Jenkins?18:06

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