
Kamiliondg87: apt install lubuntu-core; then service lightdm start, AFAIK00:43
Kamilionthat should call lxsession -s Lubuntu -e LXDE00:43
Kamilionwhich should get you the nice lubuntu theme instead of the crummy default lxde theme00:44
Kamilionso, um, how do I make a snappy package work?00:45
Kamilioni got snapcraft and stuff on my build machine00:46
Kamilionbut I think I'm missing something on how to actually get this to work on a fresh lubuntu VM00:46
ianorlinKamilion, a dependency or information on how to get it to work01:04
Kamilionianorlin: I'm not exactly sure, lol01:07
Kamilionthere's not exactly a whole lot of documentation I've found01:07
Kamilionso a little of column a, a little of column b01:08
Kamilionthe release notes just point at https://insights.ubuntu.com/2016/04/20/canonical-unveils-6th-lts-release-of-ubuntu-with-16-04/01:08
Kamilionah, the packages 'snapd' and 'ubuntu-core-launcher' are missing?01:28
Kamilionhm, seems broken on the livecd, get an error - Make snap "ubuntu-core" available to the system (can not set next boot: cannot determine bootloader)01:32
ianorlinKamilion, seems like a bug01:36
Kamilionthis is odd because snapd is listed as part of the platform seed01:37
Kamilionso it should be on all of the isos01:37
Kamilionand it's on the xubuntu iso...01:37
Kamilionwonder why lubuntu's the odd iso out01:37
Unit193They're always the odd one out, hardcoding stuff with recommends.  Caused problems with xorg missing before. :P01:38
lionelmessi5102Hey guys, I installed Lubuntu 16.10 but when I try to boot it stuck on a black screen with: /dev/sda1: clean, 122846/2383872 files, 883865/9526016 blocks11:15
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest86239
Guest86239guys anyone familiar with issue sound not working12:32
IngvixHi, I'm in the need of the latest 16.04 installation iso of lubuntu with the suspend when lid is closed -option disabled. With the previous version I noticed that if it was enabled the system would constantly go to sleep within 30 seconds after boot or waking it up. This makes it very unpleasant if not impossible to install the latest version17:09
Ingvixas it does it even when installing17:09
IngvixI haven't been able to even try the version without installing so I maybe could turn the feature off and then install so I'm having a bit of trouble with this17:10
IngvixI also did try to update the system from the previous version but in the middle of the updating it fell asleep and after that it just showed a black screen for a moment and went back to sleep and I did a forced shut down and after that I could not boot lubuntu17:13
ianorlinIngvix, force shutdown when installing packages is a bad idea17:19
ianorlinwell the power manager has presentation mode so maybe try that when installing updates17:20
Ingvixyes but I couldn't do anything else anyway17:20
IngvixSo I'm probably have to try re-install the same version and try that17:21
Ingvixor at least try to re-install it if it really is about that feature enabled in the latest version and not something else causing it17:24
Ingvixwhew, 15.10 is intalling no problems. So it was just what I thought it was17:41
Ingvixwell actually no, it's also going constantly to sleep mode but at least it's succesfully opening the system without install so I turn the damn feature off17:45
Ingvixit actually doesn't go to sleep after boot just like the installed version. I did install it after trying it before so didn't know it would have that kind of problem if I went straight to install which I tried now first and that didn't work out17:46
[x86]starei per fare una lubuntu live... secondo voi se metto persistenza 0, la flash viene cmq scritta da lubuntu durante il funzionamento?22:14
=== ianorlin is now known as lynorian

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