
kenvandinealesage, silo 10 passed autopkg tests01:11
kenvandinebut i guess it's too late01:11
kenvandinealesage, oh.. it's under testing :)01:11
alesagekenvandine, I'm finding that this silo removes unity8, what am I missing?01:40
kenvandinethat has nothing to do with the silo01:40
kenvandinei bet it's the pinning01:40
kenvandineso the landing from earlier today had a depends on a mir landing before it01:40
kenvandinealesage, basically make sure you have the stable overlay ppa pinned as well as the silo ppa01:41
kenvandinealesage, actually that makes no sense... i installed this silo with citrain a few hours ago01:41
kenvandineit didn't remove unity801:41
kenvandinealesage, is your image the latest?01:41
kenvandineyou will need the image that was built earlier today01:41
alesagekenvandine, yes we only work with the freshest images01:42
alesagekenvandine, I'll do some manual installing01:42
kenvandinei used citrain to install it on my mako and on my turbo01:42
kenvandineworked on both01:42
kenvandinebut the landing from earlier that pulls in aethercast depends on mir 0.22 from the overlay01:43
kenvandineand we had some problems with images that were built before that landed in the overlay because of pinning01:43
alesagekenvandine, ack01:43
alesagekenvandine, around?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/16138204/01:56
alesagefeeling a bit blocked01:58
kenvandinealesage, looking02:04
kenvandinealesage, aethercast is in the overlay ppa02:05
kenvandinealesage, so it's not trying to resolve deps against the overlay02:06
kenvandineand we don't have an image built with aethercast yet, since it just landed today02:06
alesagekenvandine, what's the cost to your strings?  I confess I don't know how this deadline works02:06
kenvandinei'm unsure as well02:06
kenvandinei just know today is the deadline :)02:06
kenvandineadd-apt-repository ppa:ci-train-ppa-service/stable-phone-overlay02:07
kenvandinewill fix your problem02:07
alesagekenvandine, I'm surprised that I'm not in that state already02:08
kenvandinei thought that should be enabled already02:08
kenvandinebut we ran into that yesterday where it wasn't pull updates from there02:08
alesageor no I haven't used the citool here :/02:08
kenvandineyou could even just download the deb02:08
kenvandineit's in the ppa and will be in the next image :)02:09
kenvandineactually https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/stable-phone-overlay/+files/aethercast_0.1+15.04.20160429.2-0ubuntu1_armhf.deb02:10
alesagealright but this is the last deb I'm downloading tonight02:10
kenvandinethat's the copied version of it02:10
kenvandinealesage, understood :)02:10
* kenvandine appreciates the effort02:11
kenvandinesomeone needs to look into why we aren't resolving deps from the overlay ppa anymore, that has caused quite a bit of headaches this week02:12
kenvandinei know we used to02:12
kenvandinealesage, any luck?02:23
alesagekenvandine, wound up just adding the ppa as you suggested, perusing the new 30 second timeout feature02:26
alesagekenvandine, probably could've sorted that, have just grown used to the citrain convenience I guess02:27
kenvandinei think citrain used to ensure the overlay ppa was added02:27
kenvandineanyway... a bunch of us had unity8 removed from our phones yesterday with the citrain tool :)02:28
kenvandinea bunch == me and at least one other02:28
alesagekenvandine, ok maybe that's a problem then02:29
alesagekenvandine, appears good but will cruise a little more, ttfn02:30
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