
arrrghhhhm.  is this a good place to ask about lirc?  I can 'see' the button presses with irw when I run lircd by hand but I can't seem to get it working thru the service/config file...00:41
arrrghhhI think my hardware.conf isn't right, but I'm not sure how to change it haha00:42
qwebirc62865Can you watch live tv with this?12:31
qwebirc71019Hi, I was going to download the Mythbuntu 64bit ISO, but it has a ext of torrent and zsync and the files are very small.  i figured that i neeed another program to d/l them using those files, so I downloaded BitTorrent and uTorrent but they don't seem to install.  so I looked at the zsync and saw that there was a rsync for Windows, but it crashes win I run it.  How do you d/l the ISO for the new 16.04 version?21:13
tgm4883qwebirc71019: either download via torrent software, or grab it from releases.ubuntu.com21:18
qwebirc71019thank you for teh help,21:19
qwebirc71019found it on the releases.ubuntu.com i thought the releases in the folder was a file not a folder, thanks you21:20

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