
Langjangmorning guys06:00
KilosMaaz  tell Langjan run sudo update-grub 06:05
MaazKilos: Okay, I'll tell Langjan on freenode06:05
Kilosmorning all06:05
Kilosmorning superfly i get no reply from maia on email. hope she is alright06:14
LangjanYou can see who helped me late last night, logging in late today...06:30
MaazLangjan: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell Langjan run sudo update-grub" 24 minutes and 51 seconds ago06:30
Langjanthks, now you tell me - I have just switched off and packed up for delivery. will do!06:31
Kilossorry Langjan 06:40
Kilosjust chatting to debs, will be here soon06:41
Langjanse groete06:41
Kilossal doen dankie06:42
paddatrapperGood morning everyone07:24
mazalmorning paddatrapper07:25
Kiloshi paddatrapper mazal Langjan 07:58
Kiloswhen you run that command you will see at the end ;; found win10 then you know you can choose on booting which system to go into07:59
Kilosshould give a time it gives you to decide on booting07:59
Kilosif you leave it it will go into buntu08:00
LangjanIt goes into Ubuntu automatically, but shows "press F12 for boot options" for a few seconds at startup. 08:18
LangjanHi Kilos , sorry08:19
Langjanhi paddatrapper 08:19
Langjanand mazal 08:19
LangjanI dont think he will ever use Win, all his emails and docs are on ubuntu08:20
Langjanhe just has it 'cause he paid for it08:20
Langjanor the insurance did08:20
Kilosthats fine then08:20
Kilosi would have wiped win completely then08:21
Langjanwell he wanted it so08:21
Kilosthats fine08:21
Kiloshe will be back next year08:21
LangjanI did a temporary connection to Susan and her husband's computers this morning, everything is working08:22
Langjannow the cable trench will be dug next Wednesday08:22
Kiloson win 10 when installing you give them permission to monitor your system when you tick i accept in the eula agreemant08:22
Langjancan you skip the agreement08:23
Langjanbut I have already done it, so what does that mean?08:23
Kilosif you skip it doesnt install08:24
Langjannow you tell me! Gonna ask for my money back08:24
Kilosi sent you that mail08:24
Langjanok but what does it imply that is sinister? 08:25
Langjanoh and how is Debs and Tara?08:25
LangjanChasing after sheep Kilos?08:29
Kilosthey ok ty just stressing with the visa stuff08:32
Langjanthe sheep?08:32
Kilosno man the girls08:33
Langjanlmga, good!08:33
Kilossheep are eating like tomorrow never comes08:33
LangjanIt wont if they become chops08:33
Langjanwanneer braai ons?08:33
Kilosforget your tummy08:34
Langjannee man mens moet eet, kan dit net sowel ordentlik doen. Skaaptjops, hmmmm...08:34
Langjan ok Kilos  will love and leqave you, enjoy a sporting weekend08:35
Kilosty sir08:35
Kilosglad you won08:35
Kiloslook after you08:36
Langjanthks again for the help08:36
Langjansorry I KEPT YOU SO LATE08:36
Langjanthre wre two messages from maaz, but the second one he seems to have forgotten08:37
Kilosnot a prob08:37
Langjanbots also forget08:37
Langjanmakes sense, theyre man-made08:38
Langjantake care08:38
Kilosyou too08:38
Kilosenjoy your weekend08:38
mazalI hate gravel !08:43
mazalBusy building a subway in mc and the gravel keep falling in everywhere08:52
Kilosbuild a retaining wall08:53
Kilosbuild a proper reinforced tunnel08:53
Kilossame as building under water08:54
mazalI am. Floors , walls ceilings. Looks nice08:54
mazalRails I put in last08:55
inetprogood evening09:03
inetpromazal: what is mc?09:03
mazalinetpro, minecraft09:03
inetprooh my, you've turned to the dark side?09:04
mazalUses 4 times less data , and have better gameplay features and content for survival play09:04
inetproyou paid for it?09:04
mazalLegal version09:05
mazalI don't mind paying for something that is a good product09:05
* inetpro prefers freedom09:07
inetprowhich does not mean there's no price to pay09:07
mazalmc's price is best value for money I have seen in gaming and is nothing. You should see what my console game's in total cost lol09:08
mazalThose girls hurt you bad ! lol09:09
Kiloshi inetpro 09:10
mazalSjoe , almost done with backup 360 installs , one game left09:11
mazalKilos, no I didn't buy anything today , that is one's I already have that I am installing on backup console09:11
mazalBut the day is young still :)09:12
mazalHehehe , but in all honosty , I won't buy any new stuff easily anymore. Is getting to expensive. I will rather continue to hunt down the old classics of previous gen09:21
mazalChecked a new release on Thursday. R900 , crazy09:21
Kiloshi bushtech 09:21
bushtechmorning Kilos09:22
Kilosto spend that on a game is madess mazal 09:22
mazalI agree09:22
mazalIs why I am hunting the old stuff now. They are around R20009:23
Kilosyou have enough games for a lifetime09:23
mazalI never had a 360 so all this old classics is new for mew now 09:23
Kilostuen off the buying bug09:23
Kilosinetpro can you find maia and ask her if she is ok firstly then if she can orfer sticks for us please09:24
Kiloshi gremble 10:45
* Kilos watching rugby10:45
grembleHey Kilos 10:48
grembleI am trying to install a light fitting. But it was designed by an imbecile, so it is somewhat infuriating. 10:49
inetproKilos: you must buy those sticks for yourself man11:42
inetproyou can't have everything for free11:42
Kilos no man im sure you order from canonical same as was with the dvds11:42
Kilosi dont even want one11:43
Kilosyou forget why we used to get cds11:43
pavlushkainetpro, Hello!11:43
Kilosnot all for me11:43
Kiloshi pavlushka 11:43
inetproKilos: I'm not so sure, talk to your guys in the committee11:43
pavlushkaHello Kilos !11:44
inetprohi pavlushka11:44
pavlushkainetpro, miss you man!11:44
inetpropavlushka: I'm here11:45
Kilosinetpro see forwarded mail11:45
Kilosorder should be in already11:46
inetprogremble: hoekom sukkel jy so?11:48
Kilosor am i reading it wrong11:48
inetproKilos: talk to superfly and get the order in11:48
Kilosjust tell me where to find mia11:49
inetproor talk to your guys and ask what is the process involved11:49
Kilosyou always give me a hard time11:49
grembleinetpro, the person who designed the light didn't take into consideration that people would need fingers or screwdrivers to attach the fitting to the ceiling and to connect the electricity11:49
Kilosyou and others here are my guys11:49
inetproKilos: guys in the cape will have to trace her for you11:50
Kilosoh isnt she on other channels11:50
inetprogremble: they wanted you to pay someone11:50
inetproKilos: I have no idea11:50
Kiloswhat happened11:51
Kilosyou normally find peeps quick11:51
Kilosyou sick??11:51
inetproI don't work for national intelligence11:51
Kilossuperfly ping11:52
KilosMaaz seen superfly 11:52
MaazKilos: superfly was last seen 22 hours, 8 minutes and 34 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2016-04-29 06:43:50 PDT], and has been online on freenode since 2016-04-29 19:07:40 PDT11:52
Kilosthe fly is busy man11:52
inetprotell me who is not busy?11:53
Kilosyou the findit fixit guy11:53
pavlushkainetpro, Hello NSA calling.........12:01
* mazal scratches head13:18
mazalWhat can I dl that's about 2gig13:18
mazalNeed to use data up today13:18
paddatrappermazal: Live ISO's should be about that13:19
mazalpaddatrapper, I already have Kubuntu and Ubuntu iso13:19
paddatrapperArch :D13:19
mazalJy want to make me sukkel ?13:19
paddatrapperlol. Arch is maklik man - follow the wiki13:20
paddatrapperOther than that 2gb of softwre?13:20
mazalLemme see what steam library have13:22
paddatrapperOtherwise Netflix/YouTube, etc13:27
Kilospaddatrapper nuvolari says he will try be here tonight14:02
Kiloshe is a freestate child so speaks as it should be spoken hopefully14:02
Kiloshi bushtech you came again  back14:02
paddatrapperGreat, I'll try remember to be online14:03
Kilosi slept all avy again14:03
Kilosand redshift been off anyway14:04
Kilosmust be old age14:04
paddatrapperI wish I could sleep today. Instead I'm covering a school rugby festival, whcih is fun in its own way14:05
Kiloshave you got kids?14:05
paddatrapperNo, covering it for my old High School14:07
Kilosgood lad14:07
paddatrapperSo much headache when I got here. Luckily all sorted now14:08
skokkkhey Kilos, what ubuntu version was that PC running I used the other day?15:05
Kilos14.04 kde15:06
Kilosdid you actually enjoy it15:06
Kilosyou were too busy typing to enjoy it15:07
skokkklol I just need the outdated software15:16
Kilosits only 2 years old man15:25
mazalThat's just 20 years in IT terms15:30
kobushi Kilos 15:31
kobusits me, Langjan15:31
kobusKilos, chasing sheep?15:38
Kiloshi kobus 15:39
Kilospumping water this time15:39
* nuvolari cracks his knukles15:40
Kiloswb nuvolari 15:40
* nuvolari knak sy vingers15:40
nuvolarihallo oom Kilos :D15:40
nuvolariLTNC :-/15:40
Kilosmany mongths away hey15:41
Kilosjy baie stout15:41
Kiloshoe gaan dit seun15:41
nuvolarinee hu uh, dis werk15:41
Kilosnee nee15:41
nuvolaridit gaan goed dankie oom, en met oom?15:41
Kilosjy werk nie in die nag nie15:41
Kilosjy jol15:41
Kilosek lewe nog darem15:42
nuvolariek kyk series en het begin storie boeke lees15:42
nuvolariwel, is nou by my 2de boek :P15:42
nuvolarimy ingelse lees het bietjie verswak :(15:42
nuvolariek begin nou eers weer opbou aan my 'comprehension'15:42
nuvolarimoes baie goed oor en oor lees voor ek onthou15:43
Kilosons het jou dienste nodig in die volgende maande asb15:43
Kilosek sal jou die lienks gee vir die taak15:43
Kiloswb kobus15:44
Kilospaddatrapper you here15:44
kobus_Hi Kilos sorry lost connection15:44
nuvolariis dit 'n transifex projek oom Kilos?15:44
Kilosnp kobus_ 15:44
Kilosek weet nie man15:44
kobus_Kilos, this system is not openng system settings15:45
Kilosdis n speletjie om kinders te leer lees en skryf15:45
kobus_it worked at home, here its dead15:45
Kiloswhat does it do kobus_ 15:46
Kilosjust nothing?15:46
paddatrapperKilos: kinda ja15:46
Kilosok type in konsole15:46
nuvolarilol! "Hello, complement of the day, I am Fatima, a kind responsible and humble girl, i saw your profile and like it.Please reply back at..." I didn't take transifex for a meeting site15:46
kobus_the gear works for shut down etc but system settings dooes not react15:46
Kilossudo touch /forcefsck15:46
kobus_ok lets try15:47
Kilosthen close everything and reboot15:47
Kilosthat should check you file system for you15:47
kobus_ok going down15:48
Kilosnuvolari 15:48
Kilosfirst page15:48
Kilosnuvolari paddatrapper will do the voice recording for us15:51
Kilosthe idea is to make the game available to afrikaans speaking kids here15:51
* nuvolari checks it out15:51
nuvolari*kyk dit uit15:51
gremble:< For a site about reading and writing, they should try to not have spelling errors in their blogs15:52
Kiloshaha he is very busy gremble 15:53
Kilosso everything is rush rush15:53
Kiloshe does lots of the serious work to see we have ubuntu15:53
kobusHi Kilos  still he same...eish!15:54
paddatrapperIt seems like the translations also build the game. So it's not just translation of the words, but modifying it to work for learning Afrikaans15:54
grembleI'm not deriding the work. It looks pretty rad15:54
kobusback to windows...15:55
Kiloslets see what google finds kobus, what else isnt working15:55
Kilosonly settings?15:55
Kilosnever back to windows man15:55
Kilosnuvolari ken jy daai xml goed?15:56
kobusabout also dead, help works, restart and shutdown works15:56
Kilostry this 15:57
Kilossudo aptitude reinstall ubuntu-desktop15:57
Kilosit might tell you to install aptitude first15:57
* nuvolari kyk demo video15:58
gremblewhy aptitude and not apt-get?15:58
nuvolarinog nie by die XML uitgekom nie oom Kilos, maar ja, ek ken XML15:58
Kilos because aptitude is easier to remember reinstall15:58
kobuscommand not found15:58
kobusno aptitude15:58
Kiloscommand would be sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop --reinstall15:59
Kilosextra typing15:59
Kilosold fingers like lass typing gremble15:59
Kiloskobus sudo apt install aptitude16:00
grembleapt-get install16:00
Kilosapt install16:01
kobusrunning on apt-get16:01
Kilosworks well16:01
Kilosremble you havent heard16:01
kobusapt install aptitude16:01
Kilosapt update and apt upgrade is the new way16:02
grembleMy apologies. http://askubuntu.com/questions/445384/what-is-the-difference-between-apt-and-apt-get16:02
Kilossudo apt install aptitude16:02
kobusok running16:02
Kilosapt is an improvement but i still enjoy aptitude16:03
kobusok its working, many thanks16:03
kobusyoure a wizard and an angel16:03
Kilosaptitude never gives me a message to run aoturemove16:03
Kilosyay that was a flook16:03
Kiloshappy its working kobus 16:03
Kiloskobus dont forget16:04
Kilosoh you most likely get updates regularly16:04
Kilosmine are turned off for when data allows16:05
kobusok Kilos thks16:05
Kilosyou welcome16:05
kobusshutting down, bye for now16:05
Kiloscheers go well16:05
kobusthks youalso16:06
Kiloswhew im happy that worked16:06
nuvolariwaar kom ek nou in oom Kilos?16:26
* nuvolari dink ons moet iemand kry wat weet wat om vir kinnertjies te leer16:27
nuvolarihmm, kinder boeke kan dalk help16:28
Kilosnuvolari 16:31
Kilosdie opneem van woorde16:31
Kilosen letters16:31
* nuvolari is skaam16:31
* nuvolari hou nie van sy stem op 'n recording nie16:32
Kilosnee man jy n vrystater16:32
Kilosdis om n miljoen afrikaners te leer16:32
nuvolarijuis oom, vrystaters het sulke skurwe stemme. Ek wag nog vir my stem om te breek :'(16:32
Kilosnou dis net reg16:33
Kilosmoenie stry nie16:33
nuvolariEk dink daardie trein het reeds die stasie verlaat16:33
nuvolariek gaan nooit 'n mooi diep stem hê wat 'n girl se bene lam maak nie16:33
Kilosdont look for problems , look for solutions16:33
* nuvolari sal 'n brandblusser kannetjie saamsleep en dit inasem vir 'n dieper stem16:34
Kilosnee man vir wat16:34
Kilosn stem is n stem16:34
nuvolarimaar so baie mense stem nie :(16:35
nuvolariek het darm registreer16:35
Kilosdit moenie sexy klink nie dis on kinders te leer praat16:35
* nuvolari praat met peer oor die reset knoppie16:35
nuvolarihoekom moet ek dan van die xml goed weet as ek recordings moet doen oom Kilos ?16:36
* nuvolari probeer nog die kolletjies verbind16:36
Kilosso dat jy kan sien wat behelps dit16:36
Kilosmiskien kan jy paddatrapper help16:36
Kiloshy se hy ken dit ook en kan opnames doen16:37
Kilosmaar se hy kilink soos n siek nederlander16:37
nuvolarilol! ek klink soos 'n siek nederlander se pa. nie beter nie :P 16:38
paddatrapperNiemand hou van sy eie stem nie16:38
paddatrapperOp 'n recording16:39
Kilosi like mine16:39
paddatrapperNice! I hate mine16:39
Kilosbut talking not singing16:40
Kilosnuvolari praat met paddatrapper ek dink hy is naby jou ook16:40
paddatrapperMy problem is I have an English accent, but spent a year in the Netherlands, so that ruined any hope of an Afrikaans accent16:41
nuvolariEk weet net nie waar om te begin nie. Ek reken daar moet 'n plan wees vir wat geleer moet word in watter orde16:43
nuvolaria laptop mic is not going to cut it. Bad audio drives me to nuts16:44
paddatrapperI have an interface and mics. I am an sound engineer, so I understand the bad audio pain!16:45
nuvolariCool! You in CT paddatrapper ?16:46
Kilosoor kant die vlei van vlieg16:47
nuvolariI'd be happy to help out uttering sounds 16:47
paddatrapperDefinitely need to sort a script and anything. The stuff we need to record needs to match what is being typed in the xml, etc16:47
paddatrapperI'm in Muizenberg16:47
nuvolarioh! Bergliet, a stone's throw16:47
nuvolariyeah, I gathered that from all the documentation16:48
nuvolariwhat they did not make very clear is where the locale stuff is supposed to go in the project structure16:48
nuvolariis it a different github project?16:49
Kilos make a list of questions and ill ask mhall16:49
Kilosnuvolari ill remember this16:50
Kilos<nuvolari> I'd be happy to help out uttering sounds16:50
Kilosdankie seun16:50
Kiloswe still have to work out the map part as well16:50
paddatrapperThe locale stuff is what drives the levels - it determines what letters are introduced when and what words the build16:51
paddatrapperAt least that is what I've gathered from playing the game a bit16:51
nuvolariyeah, https://youtu.be/OgF-OxpgWYk was quite helpful16:52
paddatrapperSorry I'm taking a while to reply - busy packing up after a long day here16:53
LangjanHi Kilos did the Lions turn up for their game?16:53
nuvolariOoh, I'll ask on the southern suburbs FB group if there's anyone that know someone that knows what path to take (like a primary school/kindergarten teacher)16:54
nuvolarino problem paddatrapper 16:54
LangjanSjoe, nuvolari and I thought they were the team to carry the SA flag this year...16:55
LangjanBack home, kobus very happy with his new toy, thanks you guys for helping 16:58
LangjanJa Lions shell-shock16:59
Kiloswhy did you break it16:59
Langjanhoe doen mens dit as jy hom af- en aansit? Dis ubuntu wat so pieperig is17:00
Kilossimple to explain17:00
LangjanYoure like the ANC17:00
Kilosnono better17:00
Langjanalles is apartheid se skuld17:00
Langjanafter 22 years17:01
Kilosno i go by experience17:01
Langjanso do they, so they say17:01
Kilosmost repairs needed are on unity17:01
Kilosask mazal17:01
Langjanmust be because its so popular17:02
Kilosmaybe 16.04 will be better once stable17:02
Kilosmazal was also unity fan but he eventually grew up17:03
Kilosjust you i battle with17:03
Langjanbut "most repairs" could simply mean many more users on unity 17:03
Kilosof course17:04
Langjanbecause its how ubuntu installs17:04
Kilosbut i used unity and needed lts of help17:04
Langjanyes but you are old, thats why you need help 17:04
Langjanlike me17:04
Kilosand i didnt get more clever just got a better system17:04
Langjanoumense het meer hulp nodig17:05
Langjanwhat time stormers kick-off?17:06
Kilosmust be soon i think17:06
Kilosand saw something about a game at 11.30pm17:06
Kilosill be long asleep by then17:06
LangjanThats Jaguares and Kings, stormers probably 19:10, gotta go eat and watch, 17:07
Langjango well Kilos  and guys17:07
Kilosty Langjan you look after you as well17:08
nuvolaristill wanted to ask what he meant17:14
Kiloshe has been covering school rugby today nuvolari 17:15
nuvolarioh, talking about Langjan oom kilos17:17
nuvolari18:55:20         Langjan | Sjoe, nuvolari and I thought they were the team to carry the SA flag this year... 17:18
Kiloswhat he meant about what17:18
nuvolariexactly, I can't make sense of it17:18
Kilosoh'the lions are second on the za standings17:18
Kilosthe they get a hiding like that17:19
nuvolariok, asked for help on the FB page17:19
nuvolarihope I get a bite17:19
Kilosai! you fb peeps17:19
nuvolaribah, had to get a tetanus shot today. Never had one before and today I got 2 dog teeth in my knee on the trail against Lions Head17:20
nuvolarihaha, this morning I tried stuff on a frame that I was last able to do in primary school!17:21
nuvolariIt felt good :D17:21
Kiloson a frame?17:21
nuvolarione of those training structures where you hang onto17:21
nuvolarilike monkey bars?17:21
nuvolariDon't know what I'm going to feel like tomorrow morning, or whether I'm going to feel anything at all!17:22
Kilosi told you if you want to get fit and strong and have benefits from it go learn karate17:22
nuvolarilast week sunday morning I could not get out of bed 17:23
paddatrapperI know a couple of primary school teachers who I can ask as well17:24
Kilosthe more the merrier17:24
* nuvolari moet môre oggend by 'n boekwinkel uitkom17:24
nuvolarior a library even17:25
Kiloswhat books are you reading17:25
nuvolarieh? Oh, this is for Phoenicia.17:25
Kilosgo look at second hand book shops or at flee markets17:26
nuvolariBut I am currently reading Lirael, by Garth Nix17:26
nuvolariA friend got me interested in reading17:26
Kilosbooks are too expensive to buy new17:26
nuvolariyeah :-/17:26
Kilosi used to have a full set of wilbur smiths till about ten years ago17:27
Kilosand desmond bagley17:27
Kilosi enjoy adventure srories17:28
nuvolariI got a Kindle that I bought from my aggregated eBucks points! :D17:28
nuvolariIt's rather expensive to buy though17:29
Kilossnows have fallen in eastern cape17:29
Kilos10°c here tonight17:29
nuvolariif it wasn't my ebucks that paid for it, I would just have left it17:29
nuvolarimonday and wendnesday was also 10°C this past week when I went out for training 17:30
paddatrapperI quite like using a 7" tablet for reading - allows me to do more than just read with it17:30
Kilosthey even take pictures17:30
nuvolariwell, a tablet lasts a couple of days, kindle lasts weeks :P17:31
nuvolaribut yeah, a tablet does roughly the same thing. kindle feels closer to reading on paper though17:31
Kilostablets get free books somewhere17:31
nuvolariok, I'm going to be off for now17:32
Kilosmy sisters eyes are oblong already17:32
nuvolariwill check in again sometime soon17:32
Kilosnuvolari dont be scarce17:32
Kilosa daily greeting is good17:32
nuvolariI will try oom Kilos :)17:32
Kilosty for popping in17:32
nuvolarithat's a fair requirement :)17:32
Kilos'look after yourself17:32
nuvolariI'll come pop in17:32
nuvolariyou're welcome oom :) Have a good evening17:33
Kilosty you too17:33
Kilospaddatrapper nuvolari is one of the guys that helped me when i thought pcs were only for clever people17:34
paddatrapperOh cool. Haha17:35
Kilosinetpro you here?17:45
Kilosdont say you are always here17:47
Kiloshere is if you can answer within a reasonably short period of time 17:48
Kiloslike -10 mins17:48
Kilosor <10 mins i think it is17:50
Kiloswhew stormers playing well with 14 men18:48
Kiloswb gremble 18:50
Kiloslooks like everyone else is asleep18:50
grembleThanks Kilos 18:50
grembleIt is late on a Saturday night, they've all probably turned in18:54
Kilosor they waiting for me to sleep so they cant get more work18:54
grembleThat is another possibility18:55
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:20
skokkkWhat package contains the command strings?21:57

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