
jarhwhats the channel spanish?00:58
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:58
StravAnyone having issues with amarok mp3 playback on 16.04?01:04
StravAlso: kmail keeps re-syncing my davmail imap folder and fails to display signature images inline (anyone else experiencing this as well?)01:08
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JMichaelXdid a fresh installation of 16.04. seems to be quite hoggish when it comes to RAM02:32
JMichaelXi have 4GB DDR2 RAM, have Chrome open with 6 tabs, and amarok playing music... and it has been swapping a bit02:33
Iloinyhow good an idea would it be to uninstall kde-pim package and compile from source?07:51
valorieare you working on the package?07:55
valorieor testing?07:55
valoriein those cases, or translation/internationalization, or documentation, it can be useful07:56
Iloinyneither atm, but inclined to since what I currently have crashes07:57
xieyiI just upgraded to kubuntu 16.04. the window title bar and border is alway missing after use it for a while07:58
xieyihave you met similar problem?07:58
Iloinyno that's not it for me07:59
valoriexieyi: no, I've not seen that07:59
valoriesounds like a kwin problem07:59
xieyiyeah it is a kwin problem07:59
xieyiin the last version the kwin could restart after the problem08:00
valorieIloiny: probably better to report the crashes to the pim team and work with them on getting them fixed08:00
xieyibut in this version no restart of kwin08:00
valoriexieyi: you might ask in #plasma when the devels come online08:01
valoriekeep in mind it's the weekend08:01
valorieIloiny: the pim devels don't seem to use IRC much, so it might be better to file a bug or ask on their list08:02
* valorie is going offline now too..... time to sleep08:02
Iloinywell I 've already filed a bug and basically the response is that it is likely fixed on repository08:02
valorieah, ok08:02
valoriewhat we have in the archive now is 4:15.12.308:03
valoriewe'll be packaging applications when the newest Plasma is done08:04
Iloinyfair enough08:05
Iloinywhen I ask if it's a good idea, I 'm primarily concerned if it would break everything08:05
lordievaderGood morning.09:03
Vespa_FeroxSalve! kann mir bitte jmd mit dem Anmeldebilschrimunter Kub 16.04 helfen?09:18
lordievader!de | Vespa_Ferox09:19
ubottuVespa_Ferox: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!09:19
Vespa_Feroxanybody can help me with the login screnn in kub 16.04 ?09:29
akikVespa_Ferox: what's the problem?09:34
Vespa_FeroxI'm joined inta a univention domain, therfore i can login with the domain members. the login screen shows all members in a scroll menue. is there a way to set up the login screnn to login with a username & password field? (sry my broken english^ )09:38
akikVespa_Ferox: sorry don't really know the answer to that but i found the following https://github.com/sddm/sddm/issues/40609:50
akikVespa_Ferox: it says that changing the greeter in kde settings could make it change to what you need09:50
luc4Hello! Is do-release-upgrade still the way to update to 16.04?09:52
akikVespa_Ferox: lower on the page marcelrc comments that on kubuntu there are themes that accomplish this09:52
akikVespa_Ferox: "sddm-theme-circles", "sddm-theme-elarun" or "sddm-theme-maldives"09:52
Vespa_Feroxk, thx,, bookmarked it, will try it asap09:57
luc4Am I supposed to have muon installed in 15.10? I don’t see it. Can I run sudo do-release-upgrade to upgrade to 16.04?10:07
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akikluc4: i had to install muon in 16.04. it wasn't installed by default10:09
lordievaderluc4: Yes, that is the cli way.10:09
luc4lordievader: I remember it was discouraged in the past. Is it ok to upgrade via command line?10:09
lordievaderIt was discouraged? Why?10:10
luc4lordievader: never known why10:10
lordievaderHmm, never heard that. And it works fine for me :)10:11
luc4lordievader: great, thanks!10:11
soee_gui anyway uses cli in the background :)10:17
luc4soee_: yes, that is what has always confused me. It is clear the command that executes….10:37
mikkleDoes anyone know whether the 16.04 installer still crashes on some secure boot error?11:21
akikmikkle: if you're installing from the 16.04 lts image then yes11:27
akiki don't think they've updated those?11:27
akikmikkle: there's instruction in launchpad that show how that can be fixed. i'll get the url11:28
akikmikkle: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/152945011:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1529450 in One Hundred Papercuts "[master] AttributeError: 'PageKde' object has no attribute 'get_secureboot_key'" [Critical,Triaged]11:29
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mikkleakik: cheers11:49
akikmikkle: one thing i'm not sure of is that the installer talks about using secure boot and third party drivers11:51
akiki have secure boot enabled and nvidia driver in xorg11:51
akikso i don't understand why the installer says that i have to disable secure boot11:52
mikklehmmm, i guess i could try installing it on a test partition and see how far the installer gets11:52
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BluesKajHowdy all11:58
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babyciao a tutti12:44
babyciao a tutti12:48
ubottubaby: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:48
user|81831I have just installed kubuntu13:33
user|81831And then install google chrome13:33
user|81831But after it, google icon did not shown in application menu13:33
user|81831How to solve it.???13:34
newbie89I have upgraded to Xubuntu 16.04 from Xubuntu 15.10. but have a problem with Qt applications13:41
newbie89that using Qt5, Qt4 library. All UI font size suddenly set to very small. Would it be possible to get some help?13:41
BluesKajnewbie89,  you can get Xubuntu support in the #xubuntu chat13:43
s98259I have a Realtek ALC887-VD soundcard which is semi-working with HDMI to the point that only certain songs on youtube can be played, I can't play any files on my computer and I haven't found anything playable on Soundcloud either. Via analog, everything works fine. I haven't found any errors.15:52
s98259Please help me, I have been nattling this problem for 2 days now...15:52
BluesKajs98259, is this a recent Kubuntu installation ?15:53
s98259My audio wouldn't work at all on Debian since forever, never found a fix so I tired out Kubuntu.15:54
BluesKajok s98259 have you installed kubuntu-restricted-extras ?15:54
s98259I will do that now but what does that package contain exactly?15:54
s98259Sorry, I am on a keyboard layout which I am not used to15:54
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:55
s98259Btw, is Kubuntu part of Canonical or a third party?15:56
BluesKajs98259, also install browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash15:57
s98259'Failure to download extra data files'15:57
s98259Aaaah that download error was a fluke?15:58
BluesKajthe name Kubuntu is register by canonical , but Kubuntu itself is now being supported and developed by Blue Systems15:59
s98259Blue Ltljems_15:59
s98259Blue Systems?15:59
s98259No wonder why it is soo blue!16:00
s98259I have installed all packages and I am getting the same issues16:01
BluesKajs98259, you may need to reboot and check alsamixer to make sure automuting enabled16:04
BluesKajif automute is enabled use the down arrow key to disable16:05
s98259Still no luck16:09
BluesKajno luck with what sources?16:12
s98259My computer has exactly the same symptoms and auto mute is enabled16:12
s98259Guys? I have never had good luck with HDMI, haven't used Windows since 2007 but the amount of HDMI problems I have with Linux distros has got me considering to switch to Windows16:17
s98259because I want access to good quality sound and clearly Linux distros are incapable of providing tat16:17
s98259Instead I get landed with Analog signals which don't sound as good to my ears16:18
Javabeani am using hdmi as my sound source, hdmi sound in linux is possible16:19
s98259Javabean: But it is hard to obtain...16:20
s98259I can't help myself anymore nor can Google.16:21
Javabeanno, it wasn't for me16:21
s98259I have done nothing but wasted my time googling.16:21
s98259only to find other peoples issues and not my own16:21
akiki'm no hifi guy but hdmi is working fine with kubuntu16:21
akikit has that delay when starting a new stream that it's silent for 1-2 seconds16:22
s98259It winds me up. A good percentage of people are Linux users and not one of them has my issue here? Come on!16:22
Javabeanall i did when i installed was open kmix -> select master channel -> select the option for hdmi, enjoy the sound16:22
s98259I have sound, sound works fine. The issue is I can not play certain songs on youtube, I can not play anything at all on my local system16:23
akiki've connected hdmi from my nvidia card to onkyo amp16:23
akikdidn't need to do anything special, just install vlc and play16:23
s98259It doesn't work tho16:24
Javabeancheck what your master channel is... my setup is hdmi to monitor, monitor to amp/sound via 3.5mm jack16:25
akikpaste the links that don't play for you. i can test them16:25
s98259akik: It is like... half of youtube...16:25
s98259This one for example16:26
s98259It plays elsewhere but not on this system. It actually plays, no sound16:26
s98259But then this one plays and has sound https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zK1mLIeXwsQ16:26
s98259Sorry about my English16:27
s98259All the adverts play fine16:27
akikhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcJ7zGrClJk plays fine16:29
akikdo you have pavucontrol installed? it has sometimes helped me16:29
s98259Not over my HDMI port16:29
s98259I will install it16:29
s98259Why does pavucontrol say ubuntu sound effects are muted when they are not?!16:31
s98259ubuntu sound effects work fine...16:31
s98259pavu fixed it! Thankl sooo much akik!16:33
s98259You don't understand how much I have been trying to fix this. thank you thank you thank you!!!16:33
akikin my laptop i noticed that if hdmi wasn't connected during install it was not visible in audio settings16:33
akikand it was weird to setup after connecting16:34
s98259Oh it was always visible here, I had to check DTS, AC3, etc in pavu16:34
s98259Wow orgasmic sound! Thank you16:35
ShalokShalomhi there16:37
ShalokShalomwhy bet Kubuntu still on 4, partly?16:37
BluesKaj s98259 you still may need thefresh p[layer I mentioned earlier for flash content audio on youtube16:37
s98259BluesKaj: Flash works perfectly now16:37
s98259It was thos codecs in pavu that needed to be checked16:38
BluesKajok , good16:38
s98259Thanks :)16:39
BluesKajfor those who use pulseaudio pavucontrol is a must16:39
s98259More problems16:42
s98259how confusing16:42
s98259I can play the MP3's for jean michel jarre but not Benny Benassi16:42
s98259hmm, can't play for jean now either16:43
akikcheck the pavucontrol again if the output changed16:44
s98259I did and it hasn't16:45
s98259Closing firefox fixed it16:46
s98259or maybe not... this is confusing the hell outta me....16:46
s98259So one set of MP3's work but not the other yet they all work on my other systems...16:48
akikdo you play on vlc?16:48
akikbut don't play on some other app?16:49
s98259The ones that don't work also don't work in other apps, same for the ones that do work16:50
s98259yet if I boot into another OS on my system, they all work16:50
BluesKajvlc has audio settings that can get complicated when used with pulseaudio16:50
s98259There are hardly any audio settings in VLC....16:51
akiktools/preferences/show settings = all. you'll be surprised16:52
BluesKajs98259, yes look in tools > prefernces>audio16:53
BluesKajon vlc16:53
s98259I hate this GUI business, I feel awkward using it yet I don't know hoow to properly debus audio because I have only had to do it with HDMI and I couldn't get audio working on my primary OS partition (Debian)16:56
BluesKajfs9 in your case the pulseaudio output is probly the one to choose and if you want hdmi then you need to use the spdif out for digital signals16:57
akiks98259: richard stallman also hates the gui business :)17:01
s98259It is hsrrible... I feel for the poor guy17:01
s98259I wonder if he hates the mouse too17:01
BluesKajlinux audio is a messy business, and guis can help users make sense of the chaos17:02
s98259I just don't like being blindfolded by a nice pretty interface17:03
s98259BluesKaj: I noticed17:03
s98259I freaked out when I had to diagnose on my other partition17:03
s98259and as a visual learner, I hate it when people don't teach programming in a visual interactive way17:04
BluesKajwell, the cli is fione if you know what you're doing, but how many linux users really wnat to study enough to get a handle on it17:04
s98259but would rather make me pay for it17:05
akiks98259: you can control pulseaudio with pacmd17:05
s98259pacmd? That sounds new!17:05
s98259I love shiny new things!17:05
akiki don't know how old it is17:05
akikfor example "pacmd list-cards"17:06
BluesKajpulseaudio commands , if you use puilse, but I don't17:06
BluesKajaplay -l17:06
BluesKajdoes it17:06
s98259Wow, thanks for the intro to pacmd17:06
s98259It is nice!17:06
s98259I gotta brb17:07
akikthe firefox forms element on kubuntu 16.04 haven't changed as they changed in kubuntu 14.0417:11
akiki'm baffled17:11
s98259akik: Don't worry about that, as nice as Linux is, it is still a jigsaw puzzle at times!17:12
BluesKajFirefox is probly the same version and you have the same gtk settings for both OSs in system settings17:13
akikoh yes on 16.04 i have the breeze theme17:13
akikon 14.04 i have oxygen-gtk17:13
akikcan i get breeze on 14.04 ?17:14
BluesKajdoubt it,need plasma 5 for breeze17:14
s98259Probably, some changes might need to be applied to make it compatible tho17:14
s98259There you go, plasma 5!17:15
s98259Good luck lol17:15
akikthere's so many changes i'm doing after a plain install that i've had to start writing them down in a blog17:17
s98259Wow this pain and suffering, stupid tumour.17:18
* s98259 reads the topic looking for a social channel17:18
s98259Wow nice!17:18
s98259akik: Blogs are nice17:19
s98259which is why I adopted a knowledge base for my business17:19
s98259Because I work with things like Xen and new technologies, methods, concepts and ideas!17:19
s98259and most people can't remember the technicalities of my business in one sitting, revision is key however but we need a central place to jot down what has been learned for other people within the company.17:21
s98259Centralization, organization and virtualization are key and the future to come.17:22
s98259But this is getting offtopic so I shall remain silent17:23
BluesKajif you have an intel-hda audio chip then you can run your audio without pulse , which in some ways makes things less complicated, but more dependent your alsmixer settings17:26
s98259BluesKaj: Agreed17:27
s98259intel-hda is good17:27
s98259however the confusing thing about it is... that it is the kernel module for more venders than just intel.17:28
s98259Infact.... most likely your HD Audio soundcard requires it.17:28
BluesKajs98259, yes ,but the chip will show themodule in alsamixer17:29
s98259I noticed that.17:29
BluesKajs98259, or aplay -l17:31
s98259BluesKaj: Even lspci17:32
s98259BluesKaj: I am switching to optical audio soon!17:40
BluesKajI'm using coax to my audio system DAC input17:41
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fuze what is the cause of this error when starting plasmashell: unversioned plugin detected, may result in instability19:01
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soeefuze: well some plugin without version :)19:03
fuzesoee: where can i see my plugins?19:03
soeebetter place to ask about it is: #plasma19:03
soeebut devs are usually online in the work days 8:00-16:0019:03
eluusmy kubuntu 16.04 wireless was working fine until just a few minutes ago19:44
eluusIt's like wifi adapter doesn't exist19:44
eluusplease help19:44
kcroot_Hi all19:49
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yotuxseems like Ark is not liking zip files in 16.0421:34
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clivejohi Startrek85222:20
Startrek852So, I have a question. Is there a way ro make mv write into a directory without overriding its contents?22:21
clivejoStartrek852: http://askubuntu.com/questions/577035/mv-command-dont-overwrite-files22:25
fuzedoes kubuntu have multiarch?22:35
Startrek852clivejo: Thanks.22:36
clivejofuze: mulitarch?22:36
fuzeclivejo: https://www.teamviewer.com/en/help/363-How-do-I-install-TeamViewer-on-my-Linux-distribution.aspx#multiarch22:37
clivejowell there is i386 and amd64 arch iso's for download on our website?22:38
fuzeclivejo: i got it22:40
clivejoif you run kinfocentre and look at os type it will tell you what you have installed22:40
clivejoor "uname -a" in a terminal22:40
fuzeclivejo: another question, I want to Upgrade Kubuntu 15.10 to 16.04 LTS but the link at http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/ doesnt work22:41
clivejofuze: humm you are quite right!22:43
fuzeclivejo: what do i dooo22:43
clivejovalorie: ^22:43
fuzeclivejo: idk what that means22:43
Startrek852clivejo: "This page does not exist yet"22:43
clivejosorry, Im pointing out to another team member that the page doesnt work22:44
clivejohopefully get it fixed!22:44
fuzeis there anything i can do for now?22:44
clivejoI _think_ the upgrade command is "sudo do-release-upgrade -d"22:45
Startrek852or do-release-upgrae22:46
Startrek852or do-release-upgrade22:46
clivejobut try looking in muon updater22:46
valorieclivejo: what do we need on that page?22:48
fuzewhat does the -d flag mean?22:48
valoriethe -d means developer22:48
valorieyou shouldn't need it now that it's released22:48
fuzeok im going to let it run22:49
clivejofuze: make sure your system it fully updated before you do22:49
Startrek852clivejo: I ran the mv --backup=existing, and it broke my directory tree23:05
clivejowhat command did you run and what are you trying to do?23:06
Startrek852mv -v --backup=existing androidx86mm/* /media/andrew/androidx86/androidx86mm/*23:06
Startrek852trying to move android source code to a different partition23:07
clivejowell * will only copy the files in that level23:08
Startrek852I know.23:08
Startrek852All the source I want to copy is in that folder23:09
clivejohow did it break the directory tree?23:10
Startrek852gimme a minute23:12
clivejofor the destination you dont need a *23:12
Startrek852the askubuntu showed a * for both23:13
clivejoare you sure you want to use mv? ie move the files?23:16
Startrek852NVM, I fixed it.23:16
Startrek852Yes, I am.23:16
clivejocp would probably be better23:16
Startrek852they need to not be on my home partition23:16
clivejoat least you'll have the originals if you mess up23:16
Startrek852I don't want to have the originals23:17
Startrek852I just want the off my home partition23:17
clivejooh right23:17
clivejoyou could do that in dolphin too23:18
clivejocut and paste, but choose not to overwrite23:18
Startrek852Yeah, but dolphin is slow sometimes, and with mv i can use schedtool23:19
clivejoI see23:19
Startrek852got it working23:21
=== JMichaelX is now known as Bernie2016
azure|2Hello i have been experiencing a lot of plasma crashes lately with my second monitor. what happens is i log out and log nack in and my panel wont place on the second monitor it gets glitched and wont place on the top ot bottom of the screen. also when i do log out it moves to my first screen im using a nvidia card and open gl 3.1 in the compsitor. any help would be appriciated.23:34
DarinMillerazure|2: I have dual monitor system that is very stable. However plasma 5.5.5 is know to have issues, some of which are fixed in 5.6.  Watch for the xenial 5.6 backports ppa (https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports)23:39
azure|2ok ill keep an eye out for that to come up. i didnt have issues before the upgrade so i figured it had something to do with the compsoitor or something.23:41

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