
Ingvixit seems that presentation mode didn't help me to update the system. It doesn't go to an ordinary sleep when while updating. When it goes to sleep while trying to update it wakes up with any key. In typical sleep it only wakes up with the power button. Now when it wakes up it just stays at a black screen for a moment and goes back to sleep and I can't continue to update. It was in the middle of updating the files when it went this way. Not sure what files06:06
Ingvixexactly. I probably have to force shutdown it again and install the 15.10 again and maybe stick with it06:06
Mark01If install and older version of lubuntu. Will i only get the firfox who was relased at that time this lubuntu version was out ?10:49
AriMarttirather new packages in every version of ubuntu10:50
Mark01So there is and one time update i beleve.10:51
AriMarttiand lubuntu is only one flavor of ubuntu, I think10:51
AriMarttiMark01: I think that if you select point release of older lts there may be firefox released in time of that point release10:53
AriMarttithere you can find approximitely time of every point release10:54
Mark01What is a minimal installation ? A smaller ISO file ?11:01
AriMarttiinstaller iso which installs only a minimal set of packages to run ubuntu11:06
AriMarttino X, no desktop environment, no any server components and so on...11:07
AriMarttithen you can build your own flavor of ubuntu on it11:07
AriMarttitypically you must have wired internet to start with, because there is no wireless drivers or wlan management software installed11:08
Mark01Sounds like a stripped version of lubuntu ? I can try this.11:13
AriMarttiMark01: are you ready to handle installation with only minimal set of packeges installed?11:19
R3d_Skyare there any known major bugs in lubuntu for the pi2?11:19
AriMarttiMark01: so you have no graphical environment after install etc.11:20
Mark01I dont think i can use it. Maybe only a sort of terminal envirement ?11:21
AriMarttiyes, normal text console installed11:23
AriMarttiand you have to configure internet by hand and so on...11:24
guest41I just installed 14.04.4 and why is the keyboard freeze and i can not type the password ?12:57
guest4116.04 is not working.12:58
guest41nothing works..12:58
AriMarttiguest41: sounds like your bios is not recognising your usb devices13:05
guest41I have used 14.04 before.. lubuntu xubuntu..13:06
AriMarttimaybe maybe you can configure it from there?13:06
guest41After i installed and restart 14.04.4 the keyboard was freezing.13:06
AriMartticheck the bios usb mode13:07
guest41If the bios not can use my usb device i cud not even load the innstalltion.13:07
AriMarttisorry, I have no another idea13:08
guest41I come to the login but cud not write the password. Need to try to reinstall.13:09
guest41My last installation of 14.04.3 crached after some months. I tough it was LTS.13:11
AriMarttitry to boot with left shift key pressed, so you should see grub window13:11
AriMarttithen edit only visible entry and remove "quiet splash" or modify it "noquiet nosplash" on13:12
AriMarttiline starting "linux"13:12
AriMarttithen boot pressing ctrl+x13:12
AriMarttibefore reinstallation13:12
AriMarttiyou should see a error message if there is problem with your keyboard detection13:13
fenecohi, is it possible to use systemctl command on lubuntu?13:13
fenecolubuntu 14.0413:13
guest41My computer is 8 years is it to old for 16.04 sinse it is not works ? I have to use 14.04 instead.13:14
AriMarttiguest41: did you try lubuntu live before installing?13:17
guest41No.. I forgot.. But  figure out it is not works.13:17
guest41It is so many strange things happens. Why i can shoose from 4 desktops when i try to move the cusor within instalation of 14.04.4 ?14:00
Ingvixif it's laptop and you're using touchpad it might have a scrolling gesture at the side of the pad and on desktop it changes between the desktops14:03
damienddid anybody tried 16.04 in virtualbox ?14:49
damiendit appears there is a display bug14:49
damiendscreen goes super large and filled with random colors14:50
damiendhere is a screenshot14:55
damiendthings are normal when i run ubuntu vanilla14:57
damiend(well, besides it's unity </troll>)14:57
damiendno error message in the console14:58
Jakey3 I keep seeing a small grey screen pop when i open a tab in firefox on lubuntu, should I be suspicious about this15:14
Jakey3it pops up very quickly then disappears15:15
Jakey3lub 14.0415:15
Jakey3any ideas15:15
Aremis117Hi I have an ibook I am trying to install lubuntu on but the interface freezes and I can't jump to TTY after about 6-7 mins.  I can move the mouse around and stuff and the screen dims as it should after a fem minutes but interface wise nothing happens.  Halp!15:17
Ingvixjust making sure. Is autostart in lxsession configuration the place to add the apps you want to start at boot?15:26
Guest____I can not run skype on 14.04.4 it crash. Used synaptic. I have the same problem on two computers.20:13
=== damien is now known as damiend
damiendany idea ?20:46
drabhi, anybody with a working fcitx and chinese input? I'm following the docs, setting fcitx as default IME, adding chinese language and then just see a large amount of mess21:17
drabinstall is default 16.0421:17
drabthe completion window is completely black, maybe related to this, testing now: http://www.mrleong.net/post/136453755709/solve-lubuntu-fcitx-pinyin-black-frame-issue21:18
drabapart from that there's all kinds of inconsistencies, the icon is seemingly randomly changing to the penguin with the brush instead of the keyboard21:19
draband clicking on the icon in the tray bar to change language sometimes results in a 1-line shrinked menu with scrolling buttons that's unusable21:19
drabclicking out and back on it shows the menu as expected21:20
drabok, it seems like it's all down to the chinese packages because if I install sogou I don't get as many problems, altho I still see a black box when I switch languages that doesn't get fixed by installing that qt package22:22
administradorHello. Is it safe to install LXDE 0.8 panel in Lubuntu 14.04?22:56

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