[03:35] I've been trying to build a node-webkit snap package and am wondering what the best strategy is... [03:36] should I build the node-webkit binary and in the yaml file put "command: bin/node path/to/nwbin"? [03:38] i would normally call "nw" from within the root directory of the package and there's a manifest file there which node webkit uses for its initialization [03:39] but doing the same with snappy is not simple. snappy does not let me 'cd' into the directory using something like this "command: cd && node nw" [03:39] so maybe a bash script that uses cd would be necessary? or maybe that's a bad way of doing it... [03:39] has anyone here done this? [03:41] and the node webkit produced binary is somewhat large --70mb [03:41] but my application is a small flashcard application [03:41] the source files are probably about ~30kb [03:42] maybe this "fine" I don't know [04:10] Anyone else getting this error using ubuntu-device-flash building a core snappy image? [04:10] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16163489/ [04:11] This is the command I am using: [04:12] sudo ./ubuntu-device-flash core 16 --channel=edge --kernel=canonical-pc-linux --gadget=canonical-pc --os=ubuntu-core -o snappy_amd64.img [04:38] it seems there's some permissions issue running the node webkit binary... [04:39] it would be terrific if a hello-world/todo-list example using nw.js or electron would be published [04:40] I'll need to give up on this task this I wasn't able to complete it today :( [07:15] Hello, my snap package is been reject because of "checksums do not match. Please ensure the snap is created with either 'snapcraft snap ' or 'mksquashfs -noappend -comp xz -all-root -no-xattrs' security-snap-v2_squashfs_repack_checksum" [07:16] but doing "snapcraft snap my_app" says "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: my_app/meta/snapcraft.yaml" [07:16] whereas doing "cd my_app; snapcraft snap" correctly make the snap package, which is working [07:16] any idea ? [10:06] wililupy: how was that u-d-f built? where i comes from? it looks like a bug that was briefly on ubuntu-core/snappy master but now is fixed [11:58] In what way does the recent announcement of Marc's (et al) has influenced the status of a RPI2 snappy-image generation? [11:59] I'm asking this as currently I'm not able to build an image (since 3 weeks actually) with u-d-f for rpi (from ~mvo) [12:04] "failed to install "canonical-pi2" from "edge": cannot open snap: unknown header: "hsqs \x00 ..." [15:39] slvn: Are you building with snapcraft on 16.04? What does "snapcraft -v" say? [15:41] qengho_, yes this is snapcraft on 16.04, snapcraft -v says "2.8.4" [15:42] slvn: Huh. How about "file *.snap", where you have a snap in curdir. [15:44] qengho_, it says "Squashfs filesystem, little endian, version 4.0, 8468182 bytes, 72 inodes, blocksize: 131072 bytes, created: Sun May 1 15:44:04 2016" [15:44] (I have just re-created it) [15:45] snap-review will fail with the message : "security-snap-v2:squashfs_repack_checksum" [15:45] "checksums do not match. Please ensure the snap is created with either 'snapcraft snap ' or 'mksquashfs -noappend -comp xz -all-root -no-xattrs'" [15:48] slvn: I don't know. Could be a dozen things. There's a link at the bottom of the page. Report it as a bug. Someone will work it out, probably starting tomorrow. === qengho_ is now known as qengho [15:49] qengho, np, I'll ask the question again tomorrow [15:49] Okay, but IRC is not a bug tracker.