
pavlushkaGood Morning Guys!04:37
pavlushkazaki: ooo, long time!!!04:37
zakigood morning.. :)05:03
zakihah. long time. 05:03
zakihow are you?05:03
pavlushkagreat! and you?05:04
pavlushkaMorning Kilos !05:32
Kilos morning pavlushka 05:32
pavlushkaHow are you today?05:33
Kilosand zaki and annasha 05:33
Kilosok ty and you05:33
pavlushkaI am Good, thanks!05:33
pavlushkazaki: do you know when is the release party of ubuntu-bd?05:43
Kilospavlushka have you tried redshift05:45
Kilosits in the repos05:45
pavlushkano, not yet, let me check it.05:45
zakipavlushka, i don't know about it. 06:06
annashamorning is gone06:34
Kiloshehe it is 8.35 am here still06:34
zakiso kilos what is your real name?07:00
Kilosand yours zaki ?07:01
zakimine is Zaki. :)07:07
zakiannasha, wb08:03
zakipavlushka, 08:33
NaSbzaki: Hello Good Noon :)08:44
zakigood noon :) NaSb 08:45
Kiloshi NaSb 08:45
NaSbHello Kilos, Good Morning 08:46
zakinasb what do you do?  web developer?08:49
pavlushkaHello NaSb !08:56
pavlushkaHello Guest80164 !08:56
pavlushkaAnd Mr. Rezwan, Hello!08:57
Kiloswhat curry today pavlushka 08:57
pavlushkastill to find out, giggles!08:58
Kiloswe can buy a wonderful vegetable curry here made by golddish08:58
Kilosgreat to just eat out of the can08:58
pavlushkasounds cool!09:00
pavlushkaQA define golddish09:01
QApavlushka: I don't know about golddish. Maybe you meant Goldfish or goldfish?09:01
Kilosgolddish here09:02
Kilosthe hot one is just as nice09:04
Kilosim a curry muncher09:05
pavlushkammm, a little indie range, the golddish can series!09:07
Kilosthere are other brands in cans as well but golddish is my favourite09:10
pavlushkaso yummy of you Kilos !09:10
Kilospavlushka 16:16
Kilosturn off your redshift and find a nice background and run it again and watch16:17
pavlushkaKilos, eating, will do asap16:20
belkinsao/ all16:45
Kiloshi  belkinsa 16:45
belkinsaHow are you, Kilos?16:45
Kilosok ty and you?16:45
Kilosgetting cold thats all16:45
belkinsaBummer, I hope you get well soon.16:46
Kilos5°c here tonight16:46
Kilosim not sick just hate cold weather16:46
Kiloshow are you?16:46
Kiloshard to type when you are shivering16:46
belkinsaOh, I see.  I'm fine, I had an amazing walk out in the woods today but now I'm home working on "Goals for Y Cyle" blog post that should be published soon.16:47
zakiwhat are you talking about?16:50
Kiloswhat she is working on zaki 16:50
Kilosbelkinsa is on the uuntu membership board and helping to revive dead locos16:51
Kiloswe want more peeps to get ubuntu membership16:52
zakiow. good.16:52
pavlushkabelkinsa, \o/16:53
zakipavlushka, hi16:53
pavlushkaHello, zaki !16:53
zakihow are you doing?16:54
zakii hve some question for you.16:54
pavlushkadoing great16:54
pavlushkaask please16:55
zakiabout ubuntu user group and file pemission.16:57
zakii'm not so good at it. :(16:57
pavlushkazaki whats your problem with group & file permission?16:59
zakido have any resources? where i can easily understand about it.16:59
zakii installed lamp stack in ubuntu.17:00
pavlushkayou can google it and there are many short tutorials for it.17:00
pavlushkabut you can ask here for specific cases.17:01
zakithe problem is my local website location is  /var/www/html/ so when i'm run it as noo root all files are not execute properly17:03
zakii'm thinking i'ts for not enough permission.17:05
pavlushkazaki, sorry , didn't get the " noo root"17:05
zakiquestion is How do I change the root directory of an apache server? :| 17:11
belkinsazaki: This is who I am: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/belkinsa17:16
belkinsaAnd this is the post I was refering too, now published: http://senseopenness.com/goals-for-y-cycle/17:16
zakireading. :)17:18
pavlushkabelkinsa, hello , how are you?17:23
zakihmm. good. :)17:23
pavlushkazaki, tell me what you've done to install lamp-stack and created the webpage, the procedure in brief.17:25
belkinsapavlushka: See my reply to Kilos' question of the same type.  Minus the blog post.17:26
pavlushkabelkinsa, on it.17:27
zakioh. i just followed a tute from Digital Ocean blog.17:28
pavlushkazaki, no 1,that is not updated.17:28
zakioky. than?17:29
pavlushkazaki, wait a bit.17:29
pavlushkazaki, exactly17:30
pavlushkabelkinsa, wow at Stone Soup’s Dungeon Crawl! gigles!17:32
pavlushkazaki, did the installation process completed smoothly?17:33
zakiso i put my codes in var/www/html and run it from browser the some files are not working. i googled, and peeps saying that this problem happening cz i'hv not enough permission to access.17:34
zakiyap everythinh oky with installation.17:34
pavlushkazaki, ok17:35
zakipavlushka, are u from dhaka?17:35
pavlushkazaki, the /var/www/html folder is root owned17:36
pavlushkayou should change the group owner to www-data17:37
zakiyap i know that. so now i want to know can i change the root derectory of my apache server? or how can i get enough permission?17:38
pavlushkazaki, http://askubuntu.com/questions/341726/apache-the-var-www-has-root-as-owner && http://askubuntu.com/questions/46331/how-to-avoid-using-sudo-when-working-in-var-www?lq=117:41
zakipavlushka, are you from dhaka?17:42
pavlushkazaki, I am from Panchagarh, Rangpur Division. :)17:43
zakioky. :)17:43
pavlushkazaki, if you are still confused after following those links, you can ask about which part you are confused, :)17:44
zakioky i'm reading. 17:45
Kilospavlushka have you watched redswitch working17:49
Kilosif you watch a landscape it looks like the sun is going down17:50
pavlushkaKilos, really extremely sorry, right after eating, get involved with zaki's problem, on it.17:51
Kilosnp man17:51
Kilosit just is interesting17:51
Kilosand good for people that battle to sleep17:52
* pavlushka laughs17:52
Kiloscutting off the blue light promotes better sleep17:52
Kilosblue light stops your body producing melonin i think it is called17:53
zakibut there is one problem which is a huge one. I do not have permissions to Write to /var/www folder although I am Administrator. The current owner of that www folder is root. these lines made me cry. :( 17:53
Kiloszaki what do you want to write in there17:54
Kilosthere is a command to take permission of a file or folder but needs to be used very carefully17:55
Kilosotherwise it steals all roots power17:55
zakichmod 744 -R /var/www/ this one?17:56
Kilospavlushka research using chown and help him17:56
Kilosdoes that www have to be in /var/17:56
pavlushkayes Kilos.17:56
pavlushkayes Kilos 17:56
pavlushkaanswer of your both question.17:57
Kilosi would be wary of using chown in root areas17:57
Kilosbut it has the power to take permissions from anywhere17:58
pavlushkazaki, chmod 744 -R /var/www/ , this part changes the permission recursively within /var/www directory and anything inside it.17:59
belkinsapavlushka: what's so funny on what I wrote?18:00
zakichmod 754 -R /var/www/  and this one?18:00
Kilos belkinsa you have many goals hey18:00
Kiloswhen do you rest18:00
Kilosshould be safe to use chmod 754 -R /var/www/ zaki 18:01
belkinsaI can rest!  I'm only going to spend a few hours a week on them.18:01
* belkinsa will be back, making fresh mint tea.18:02
pavlushkazaki, 744 only gives normal user to read the files but cant execute any executables and no write permission, but 754 gives a normal user read and execute permission but not write permission,18:02
* pavlushka wishes if he could had some of that mint tea!18:04
Kilospavlushka dont you have mint growing anywhere18:04
Kilosgrows well if near a tap so it can be watered often18:05
zakioky. :) but how can a normal user can get write permission?18:05
zakiwondering what sudo chmod a+r /var/www/???? this will do?18:07
pavlushkazaki, try to understand the two "Solution 1 && Solution 2" of this page http://askubuntu.com/questions/46331/how-to-avoid-using-sudo-when-working-in-var-www?lq=118:08
pavlushkabelkinsa, I am puzzled by your question, sorry, if you please rephrase at "<belkinsa> pavlushka: what's so funny on what I wrote?"18:09
pavlushkabelkinsa, got it, 18:10
pavlushkabelkinsa, you too playing games!, that's interesting, the giggles were giggles of love.18:11
belkinsapavlushka: you understand what I mean?  Ah, I see.  I do play games, I'm on Steam but alas, Steam doesn't want to run Ubuntu 16.03 64 bit.18:12
belkinsaI think my duty is finished here.  If you guys need me, please feel free to PM me and I will jump back on.18:18
belkinsao/ all18:18
Kilosohh my18:18
pavlushkazaki, if you give write permission to normal user, then anyone can change the content of your page, and you dont expect it I think.18:19
pavlushkaKilos, yes, ohh my18:20
zakinope thats only for my local environment! its not ok?18:20
pavlushkazaki, no18:22
pavlushkazaki, when you open an webpage, you actually log in to that remote machine through http port having only access to /var/www/ with read permission and without any password.18:25
zakioky there is security issues!18:27
zakiok thanks. i'm going to try this. :)18:36
zakiwhat do you think? which solution is good to try? 1 or two? i think 1.18:38
pavlushkazaki, me too, :p18:39
zakiwhat is funny here? :|18:39
pavlushkazaki, I am trying to release the tension, you should always be in cheerful mood like Kilos , :p18:40
zakiha ha.. :D18:40
zakisome days ago i just give up on this permission thing. :/18:41
pavlushkazaki, you should dig deep on this topic and with more patience.18:45
zakiso what are you doing/18:46
pavlushkazaki, at this moment concentrating on your problem but now I am shifting my mind, :p18:48
zakihah . :D 18:48
pavlushkaand fixing a cricket bat's rubber grip.18:49
zakii miss playing cricket. :(18:50
zakitime to go.. ! 19:46
pavlushkaGood night zaki !19:46
zakithank pavlushka . :) Kilos . 19:46
zakiGood Night all :)19:47
Kilosnight guys and lady20:00

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