
stokachurstarmer: ok I'll need to mess with it inside a VM, why not run it on baremetal? it  allocates everything to containers anyway00:00
rstarmerwhen you only have access to big VMs from your provider, you use VMs :)00:02
rstarmerwas about to spin up another machine, I'll give you access when it's up if you've got time to look at it.00:03
rstarmerstokachu: try ubuntu@conjurephy.opsits.com, lxd init, using ppa:conjure/ppa, but havent' run conjure-up yet.00:10
stokachuok it may be a bit00:10
rstarmerno worries, it'll be there at least until tomorrow.00:11
agronholmhi, I'm trying to boot my servers in UEFI mode (ubuntu 16.04) but no success01:44
agronholminstallation works fine01:44
agronholmbut attempting to boot drops me to a grub prompt01:44
agronholmfurther, grub can't read any of my XFS partitions though grub is supposed to work with XFS01:45
agronholmany pointers would be helpful01:45
nick125Hey everyone. I just installed 16.04 LTS on a box and I'm having problems with my ethernet interface changing name on every boot. I have 3 NICs in my box (2x Intel, 1x Realtek), and the Realtek NIC keeps getting named either enp3s0 or enp4s0...but it seems to change on every boot. Any thoughts on how to make this consistent?02:38
Werewolfafter upgrading, I experience dependency hell.02:53
WerewolfPlease assist. The server is not working at all.02:53
agronholmWerewolf: specifics02:53
agronholmWerewolf: does apt-get install -f help?02:54
Werewolfon first update attempt, it hung, now i have 7 broken packages.02:54
Werewolfand no02:54
agronholmwhat happens then?02:54
Werewolfsame error, they seem to be blocking anything with APT02:54
Werewolfthe issue is with02:55
Werewolf mysql-server-5.702:55
Werewolf mysql-server02:55
agronholm/var/lib/dpkg/info/keyboard-configuration.postinst: line 103: /etc/default/keyboard: Permission denied02:56
agronholmthis caught my eye02:56
Werewolfi'm root.02:56
agronholmhow do you get permission denied with root02:56
Werewolfi have no idea, a distro update hung02:56
Werewolfand this is me trying to recover from it02:56
agronholmcan you try to purge the offending package and reinstall it?02:56
agronholmkeyboard-configuration that is02:56
Werewolfno, i have a production database02:56
Werewolfin mysql02:56
Werewolfand i tried that02:57
Werewolfwith keyboard configuration02:57
Werewolfit errors out in the end, regardless02:57
Werewolfi did02:57
Werewolfsudo apt-get remove keyboard-configuration02:57
Werewolfsudo apt-get install keyboard-configuration02:57
Werewolfon reinstall, it causes issues again02:57
agronholmI said purge, not remove02:57
agronholm"remove" doesn't delete configuration files02:57
Werewolfrm: cannot remove '/etc/default/keyboard': Operation not permitted02:57
agronholmthat's the real problem you need to solve02:58
agronholmis that a normal file?02:58
Werewolfi can edit it in nano02:58
Werewolfbut i have no write permission to save02:58
agronholmand rm -f /etc/default/keyboard gives you the error?02:58
agronholmrun a filesystem check02:59
agronholmit sounds like fs corruption02:59
Werewolfokay, running03:02
Werewolfi am still concerned; why would file system error over a simple distro upgrade?03:04
agronholmWerewolf: you got it backwards03:04
agronholmthe distro upgrade would error because of a file system error03:05
agronholmdistro upgrades don't generally cause file system errors03:05
agronholmbut if you have any, your upgrade may go wrong03:05
Werewolfroot@rescue:/# fsck /dev/sda103:08
Werewolffsck from util-linux 2.20.103:08
Werewolfe2fsck 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)03:08
Werewolftrying to fix03:08
agronholmfix what?03:09
agronholmdid it find errors?03:09
Werewolfit says clean03:09
agronholmcan you move the file?03:09
agronholmwhat are the permissions on it?03:09
Werewolfwhich file?03:09
agronholmthat only file we discussed03:09
Werewolfi can't write to it03:10
Werewolfeven from rescue mode03:10
agronholmthat's not what I asked03:10
Werewolfcan i move it?03:10
agronholmI asked what its permissions are03:10
agronholmmoving the file does not involve writing to it03:10
Werewolf-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   70 Jan 14  2015 keyboard03:11
agronholmand "mv /etc/default/keyboard /tmp/" does what?03:11
Werewolfsilently fails03:12
agronholmso no errors, but the file stays in place?03:12
Werewolfroot@rescue:/mnt/etc/default# mv keyboard key203:12
Werewolfmv: cannot move `keyboard' to `key2': Operation not permitted03:12
Werewolfthat also fails03:12
agronholmthen I'm out of tricks03:13
agronholmWerewolf: but other files in the directory can be moved?03:13
Werewolfcan't chmod keyboard either03:14
agronholmI had the same problem years ago but it was due to file system corruption03:15
Werewolfi don't thin kfsck is doing anything03:16
Werewolfbecause it immediately says clean03:16
Werewolfwithout going through any steps03:16
agronholmWerewolf: use the -f option03:16
agronholme2fsck -f -p03:16
Werewolf /dev/sda1: 150597/3141600 files (0.3% non-contiguous), 3506720/12594944 blocks03:17
agronholmstill no errors?03:18
agronholmor did it not finish yet03:18
Werewolfthat is the only oputput03:18
Werewolftons of errors03:20
Werewolfi did sudo mkfs.ext4 -S /dev/sda103:20
Werewolfnow it is catching a ton03:20
agronholmis that not your root drive though?03:20
agronholmoh, you're in rescue mode03:20
Werewolfit's fixing a buttload of things03:23
Werewolfeither this will hopefully work03:23
Werewolfor i fucked up the file system beyond repair03:23
agronholmyou're doing mkfs03:23
agronholmhow would you screw up a filesystem with mkfs?03:24
Werewolfno idea, but i didn't even know my file system was broken until this distro update fell all over itself03:24
Werewolfbut a file system error03:25
Werewolfwould also explain why some PHP files03:25
Werewolfwere just spitting out their source03:25
agronholmyou're probably running apache03:25
Werewolfuntil this udpae03:26
Werewolfno problems03:26
agronholmI've never seen that happens with the nginx+php-fpm combo that I prefer whenever I have to run a PHP thing03:26
Werewolfafter, the php files spit out their soure03:26
Werewolfalso, how long will this take? :P03:26
agronholmdepends on the size of your disk03:26
Werewolfi lsot everything03:27
agronholmit shouldn't take that long if you're not forcing it to overwrite everything03:27
Werewolfroot@rescue:/mnt# ls03:28
Werewolfdev  lost+found  srv03:28
Werewolfthat's all03:28
Werewolfthat's in /sda1/03:28
agronholmwhat were you expecting?03:29
Werewolfhow is that normalo?03:29
Werewolfwhere are my files?03:29
agronholmyou just formatted your drive03:29
agronholmthat's what mkfs does03:29
Werewolfso i lost all data?03:29
agronholmeverything that's not backed up (which you surely have done?)03:29
Werewolfyes, i have a daily03:29
agronholmmkfs = make filesystem03:30
arooniwas examining why my server is full.  apparently i have 1.4G in /usr/src ;; there is quite a bit of old linux headers03:44
aroonihow would i clean out old versions without breaking anything03:44
agronholmarooni: apt-get remove them?03:46
agronholmalso, apt-get autoremove should remove them anyways03:46
arooniagronholm so i can trust autoremove not to remove any headers etc that i need?03:47
agronholmarooni: yeah03:47
arooninice;  you just helped me free of 2.6GB03:47
arooniagronholm is autoremove something i can set up to run automatically03:48
aroonior is that something that should only be run manually03:48
arooniand also;  is there a way of checking to make sure ubuntu will still boot without rebooting; i need to check what.. /etc/fstab ?03:49
arooniseeing as i'm removing this03:49
rstarmerstokachu: I was finally able to validate access to a DO based deployment (loaded an even larger DO instance), and with a little SSH-fu (port-forwarding to horizon) was able to get in and launch an instance.06:03
rstarmerstokachu: one thing to add, either the IP of the keystone instance, or the OS_AUTH_URL so you can create an rc file.  Saves me figuring out how to discover it ;)06:05
rstarmerstokachu: routing isn't working (can map from ext->instance, but can't get there), and console access doesn't appear to work either.06:10
rstarmerstokachu: in looking in the router namespace, it appears that while the interfaces are properly configured, it is not currently possible to ping from the router namespace (in the neutron-gateway container) to the vm.06:21
rstarmerstokachu: I can get to/from the neutron-gateway container to the base OS so the failed connection appears to be gateway to nova container container (where I presume the LXD instance of xenial was started).06:22
rstarmerstokachu: I'm going to kill this machine now, can recreate at some point when you might have bandwidth to have a look.06:23
=== athairus is now known as afkthairus
lordievaderGood morning.09:03
=== Piper-Off is now known as Monthrect
bittinHello is there any Ubuntu Server mailinglist?10:35
bittinfor announces and stuff?10:35
bittinnevermind found it: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-server10:36
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deadnullI just did a clean install of 16.04, is vmstat supposed to run all the time? Seems kind of odd to me.13:34
lordievaderNo? The first output it gives is some sort of a summary... I usually run it as 'vmstat 1'.13:37
deadnulllordievader so I am not actually running vmstat myself, root is running the process (i was looking into the changes with systemd) and discovered this.13:39
deadnullwas about to file a bug but wanted to check13:40
lordievaderHmm, not sure about that.13:40
deadnullyeah, its very odd, for sure. I might be waiting a little bit before I deploy on 16.04.13:41
patdk-lapI don't have vmstat running on any of my 16.04 machines13:47
deadnullpatdk-lap desktop or server13:49
patdk-lapthis is the server channel, I hope you are not discussing desktop13:50
deadnullI just finished a clean install, no options installed, nothing, of server 16.04 in VMware13:50
deadnullI am not :)13:50
deadnullJust wanted to triple check13:50
patdk-lapexactly where is vmstat running?13:50
deadnull`ps aux | grep vmstat` -> "root 29 [vmstat]"13:51
patdk-lapthat is NOT vmstat13:51
patdk-lapthat is a kernel thread13:51
deadnullty sir for resetting my brain13:52
deadnulltotally missing that, b/c in top its not displayed like that13:52
jonahHi I'm running a couple of new storage servers and just wondered how other Ubuntu Server users back up their data. Currently I use rysnc with a NAS with some hug hard drives in but because I have such a volume of files to backup each backup run takes 3-4 days... Most of the time when doing backups the last run hasn't finished when the next one starts!!15:29
jonahI'm only backing up on the local network, I use gigabit ethernet wired connection but things are still too slow. could it be the slow CPU of the NAS where the bottleneck is??15:30
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