
markie-wake up everybody, it's time to hack06:04
zmoylan-piit's time to sleep after listening to dawn chorus from all across europe from midnight to 6am06:09
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:08
popeyI tried to order a bq M10 last night and their website refused to let me, unless I move to Ireland11:23
sebsebsebpopey: he h realy?11:24
popeyyeah, if you choose ireland it offers a shipping option, any other country it doesnt11:24
sebsebsebpopey: I have the white one, I'll get the black at a later date to11:24
sebsebsebI think11:25
sebsebseband a golden miezu  phone I guess hmm11:25
sebsebsebno rush for those two things though11:25
* sebsebseb mett a girl from the Internet first time yesterday, so is thinking about that11:26
sebsebsebpopey: Canonical aren't nice enough to give you m10's for free :d11:27
SuperEngineerprediction:- on Tuesay morning popey asks Canonical to get themselves an office in Ireland11:30
sebsebsebSuperEngineer:   h eh yeah and then they can maybe even employee czajkowski whilst at it too :d11:31
SuperEngineer[she could be in charge of "forwarding phones" division11:32
sebsebseb  11:37
sebsebsebpopey: I think it's kind of funny or interesting how like loads of the FAN BOYS from omgubuntu and such have gone for the black tablet, but the white one is probably fine enough for most people11:37
zmoylan-piblack hardware looks cooler than white hardware (except of course apple). i used to think this too till i dropped my black maglite torch in a sub basement network cabinet with the light off...13:42
penguin42zmoylan-pi: Now all you need to find it is a torch13:42
zmoylan-piif i hadn't of had my psion 5 in a holster i'd still be there looking for the light switch13:43
zmoylan-piwhich some genius had put behind the door, so you had to walk into a dark room, then into network room, close the door to get to the light switch13:44
zmoylan-pibonus points loads of heating pipes ran through the room so reaching out was a way for asking for random contact with white hot pipes13:44
bittin-_Hello anyone can help me find out what email account i got on my Ubuntu One and Launchpad account ?20:52
penguin42bittin-_: Are you logged into it?20:53
bittin-_penguin42: nope i don't remember my password :(20:53
penguin42bittin-_: Hmm, but you remember your launchpad username?20:54
bittin-_yeah its bittin20:54
penguin42bittin-_: Hmm the problem is that you've not got a public address on it20:54
bittin-_penguin42: arggh :(20:55
penguin42bittin-_: I can try sending you a mail via launchopad and you can see if you get it20:55
bittin-_sure check where it sends to20:55
penguin42ah I wont know that20:55
bittin-_not sure i own the email anymore as i don't remember what email it is20:55
penguin42bittin-_: Well I just sent a mail to you via lp - so if you get it on one of your emails you do :-)20:56
bittin-_thanks hope its not on some old shell account or something then20:56
penguin42bittin-_: If you ask in #launchpad they might be able to help; but they probably wouldn't want to provide the info on the email address without your permission :-)20:59
bittin-_penguin42: i understand20:59
penguin42bittin-_: Why don't you just create a new one - you don't seem to have much tied to it21:00
bittin-_penguin42: i like to have my real online nick21:00
* penguin42 has had at least 3 or 4 lp accounts across a couple of jobs, and my own use21:00
bittinwill try to see if someone answers in #launchpad during work hours21:02

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