
filifunkalso that my TCP/IP port address is already in use00:00
Hydr0p0nXsudo service mysql stop00:00
filifunkok, stopped00:00
Hydr0p0nXfilifunk : sudo /usr/sbin/mysqld --skip-grant-tables --user=mysql &00:01
Hydr0p0nXfilifunk: once that comes back, run ls /var/run/mysqld/ and make sure the .sock file is present00:01
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filifunki did the "sudo /usr..." command and after printing out some stuff it doesn't look like its doing anything00:03
Hydr0p0nXjust hit enter and you should get a command prompt back00:04
Hydr0p0nXls /var/run/mysqld/00:05
filifunkls: cannot access '/var/run/mysqld/': No such file or directory00:05
Hydr0p0nXls /var/run/ ?00:05
Geo_hey all im getting a random error - WHen trying to run PronterFace in ubuntu.00:05
Geo_[ERROR] Could not connect to /dev/ttyACM0 at baudrate 115200:00:05
Geo_Serial error: could not open port /dev/ttyACM0: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/dev/ttyACM0'00:05
Geo_How do i elevate Permissions00:06
filifunkHydr0p0nx, i did ls /var/run/ and I don't see a .sock file00:06
filifunkoh I see a snapd.socket00:06
Hydr0p0nXsee an mysqld directory ?00:06
Hydr0p0nXok, that's the problem00:07
filifunkshould I have to make that folder and file?00:08
filifunkOr is that hidden somewhere else and I just have to paste it into that directory00:08
Hydr0p0nXjust sudo mkdir /var/run/mysqld00:09
theShirbinyGeo_, sudo <command>00:09
Hydr0p0nXthen stop the service and restart with the command I gave you00:09
donofrioso if sound does work when I type "aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav" how do I get it to go though pianobar00:09
donofriocasue pianobar just says "/|\ cannot open audio device"00:09
kostaszanyone know how to deal with the error "GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied: Permision denied" ?00:10
Hydr0p0nXkostasz: see if this applies: http://askubuntu.com/questions/627356/xubuntu-15-04-cannot-suspend-when-inactive00:11
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kostaszHydr0p0nX: thank you, already tried, no luck00:12
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kostaszbut it's relevant to same error00:12
Hydr0p0nXfilifunk: how's that working ?00:12
maxi_alguien habla español? necesito ayuda00:13
Hydr0p0nXkostasz: since it's login related, i'm assuming you rebooted after the change ?00:13
terrasapienput kubuntu 16.04 on a USB stick (checksums verified) and fired it up a while ago00:14
filifunkHydr0p0nx, still get an error00:14
maxi_can you helpme plis?00:14
filifunkservice failed because the control process exited with error code00:15
terrasapiensadly all terminal prompts and otion boxes started throwing repeat 555555...00:15
filifunkthat is from the journalctl -xe00:15
terrasapienthis on a box which has run other OS for months with no trouble00:15
kostaszHydr0p0nX: yes, I have rebooted after that00:15
Hydr0p0nXfilifunk: We just need mysql logs at this point00:15
maxi_im install virtual dj in Ubuntu Mate, im is new in this SO00:15
kostaszI also tries this: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=18079800:15
kostaszrebooted and still no luck00:16
terrasapienanyone else had this happen?00:16
effectnethi and welcome00:16
effectneti am noob hear me roar00:16
squinty!spanish | maxi00:16
ubottumaxi: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:16
chillpill_ Translation failed00:16
filifunkI see the same errors right?00:17
squintyterrasapien, maybe a stuck keyboard button00:17
Hydr0p0nXfilifunk: ps -ef |grep mysqld00:17
terrasapiensquinty: except this box has never done that before or since00:17
terrasapienanyway, I'll try it again a few times and see if this is consitent behavior00:19
terrasapienjust thought it might have been some known issue00:19
Hydr0p0nXfilifunk: sudo kill 10850 ; then run ps -ef |grep mysqld and make sure only the line w/ grep in it is listed, restart the same way again00:20
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squintyterrasapien,  then  "maybe a intermittent stuck keyboard button"    not really sure what you are meaning about "never happened before or since"   stuck keyboard buttons are a common problem and one that may never repeat itself00:20
Hydr0p0nXkostasz: those are the two I found that would be related, I haven't had to deal with powersaving on mine, so i haven't dug in to much; maybe there's a group your user needs to be in ?00:21
terrasapiensquinty: yes, it's possible, yet unlikely since I use this same keyboard heavily everyday00:21
terrasapientyping on it now00:21
terrasapienand have never seen this "5" key, or any other key stick00:22
squintyterrasapien, ok time to end this subject00:22
filifunkstill errored00:23
kostaszHydr0p0nX: well, in fact, it happens on Xubuntu if that matters00:23
kostaszbut #ubuntu chat is more crowded00:23
kostaszand I doubt it is strongly connected with DE, but idk00:24
HetroErectusbah.. is it impossible to create a new partition on a 3 tb disk without having to wipe the entire disk with a new MBR-system?00:24
kostaszHydr0p0nX: BTW, do you know a way to enable suspend if no user is logged in? I'm talking about a scenario in which someone has turned on a home PC and left a house and so the PC will suspend to save energy00:25
kostaszall auto-suspend config I know about  is user-related00:26
squintyHetroErectus,  http://gparted.sourceforge.net/display-doc.php?name=help-manual00:26
Hydr0p0nXkostasz: I'm not aware of any other than userlevel00:27
Hydr0p0nXfilifunk: have you modified my.cnf at all?00:27
squintyHetroErectus,  and of course, the usual suggestions about backing up important files etc first applies00:28
filifunkHydr0p0nx, yes, I have.  I can easily take that out00:28
filifunkI was just copying what I saw online in another person's solution00:28
Hydr0p0nXfilifunk: yea, revert it to default, stop ay mysql processes, then bring it back up00:29
kostaszHydr0p0nX: thank you for your time!00:29
filifunkHydr0p0nx, well I didn't  get an error upon starting it00:30
filifunkbut when I try to log on using mysql -u root I still have access denied00:31
Hydr0p0nXkostasz: Sorry I couldn't be more help, someone here has surely run into it though00:31
Hydr0p0nXfilifunk: try running mysql -u root -p00:31
filifunkwell now I'm back to my original problem, I used to log in without a password.  Now it seems to want a password which I did not create00:32
kostaszquestion to all: do you know a way to make ubuntu suspend even if no user is logged in?00:32
Hydr0p0nXthat's good at least00:32
Hydr0p0nXfilifunk: this is a little older but should be similar https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MysqlPasswordReset ; just replace /etc/init.d calls with service00:33
filifunkHydr0p0nX would you mind giving me a short summary of what we have done so far to get to this point?  We had to set up a folder and then get rid of a change I made to my.cnf00:34
filifunkwas that basically it?00:34
Hydr0p0nXfilifunk: that + install apparmor-utils and run aa-complain /usr/sbin/mysqld00:35
wafflej0ckHydr0p0nX, filifunk actually I have a solution for running with the skip grants flags that just modifies the systemd .service scripts to use the skip grants flag when it's running mysqld00:35
filifunkHydr0p0nx ahh yes that's right, thanks00:35
wafflej0ckfilifunk, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16042824/00:36
filifunkwafflej0ck, ok, will try00:36
wafflej0ckfilifunk, that was from a few days ago when someone was trying to do the mysqld skipping grant tables just lets you override part of the regular service script temporarily (would want to revert this after changing the password)00:36
wafflej0ckI just checked out the scripts systemd itself does in that pre script and it just does a few sanity checks to make sure you have a my.cnf file and a few other config things in place00:38
filifunkwafflej0ck, how do I save the file in the file that opens?00:38
filifunkor do I just exit00:39
wafflej0ckfilifunk, it actually depends on your default editor, do you see ^O ^C and the like in the bottom of the screen?00:39
wafflej0ckfilifunk, if you do it's using nano, then use Ctrl+O to write the file out then Ctrl+X to exit00:39
filifunkwafflej0ck, yes, ^O is write out and ^C is Cur Pos00:41
wafflej0ckfilifunk, okay yeah the ^ means Ctrl00:41
wafflej0ckfilifunk, so Ctrl+O to write then Ctrl+X to exit00:41
filifunkoh write out means save, got it00:41
kostaszyeah, nano is confusing at first00:41
filifunkHOLY CRAP I SEE MY DATABASES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!00:44
wafflej0ckgood jerb Hydr0p0nX00:44
Hydr0p0nXwas running out of ideas00:44
filifunkHydr0p0nX, wafflej0ck thank you the most!00:44
filifunkhow long have you guys or girls been working with linux?00:45
filifunkHydr0p0nx and wafflej0ck00:46
Hydr0p0nXummm, about 12yrs off and on00:46
wafflej0ckfilifunk, ah long time but has been on and off until about 3 years ago then switched to using desktop linux for my web dev work00:46
Hydr0p0nXwith 6 of those being in administration00:46
B0g4r7_First install 1998ish.00:47
Hydr0p0nXheya trench00:47
Hydr0p0nXerr treva00:47
filifunknice, yeah I imagine a lot of time haha.  I'm in the finance industry and just messing around with this because all the quantitative analysts use linux and python and mysql.  Trying not to feel left out haha.00:47
Hydr0p0nXmy first install was mandriva maybe ?00:48
Hydr0p0nXor slackware 4.x00:48
wafflej0ckthink mine was suse but ubuntu was soon after in terms of first installs00:48
wafflej0ckthink it was about 10 years ago but I just tinkered with it on and off till more recently00:49
ci3horsync keeps creating parent directories. does using --no-implied-dirs with -R cancel it out?00:49
filifunkI think my first linux distro was ubuntu's Hardy Heron.  But really havent' touched the stuff since karmic Koala00:49
cfhowlettguys: less chit chat, more ubuntu support please?  or use #ubuntu-offtopic00:50
reisioci3ho: easily tested, no?00:50
ci3horeisio: negative00:50
reisioci3ho: child directories must have their parents, however00:50
filifunkcfhowlett, ah yes, sorry my first time on this IRC, still learning the rules00:50
reisioci3ho: politely formed as a question: it is easily tested00:50
ci3horeisio: im not your friend any more :(00:54
reisioci3ho: :/00:57
agronholmhi, has anyone here ever succeeded on booting a Ubuntu installation in UEFI mode? I have not.01:00
agronholmit just drops me to grub, no explanations or errors01:01
cfhowlettagronholm, avoid " has anyone ..." questions.  huge waste of time.  state YOUR issues and YOUR specifications01:01
recon_lapagronholm: you mean booting from UEFI ? Sure.01:01
agronholmok, what specifications would be necessary here? I have two servers, a HP Proliant gen9 server and a Lenovo ThinkServer (don't remember exact model)01:02
agronholmboth will happily install ubuntu in UEFI mode but booting does not work01:02
agronholmI don't know how to debug this01:02
recon_lapagronholm: well, where does booting break/stop?01:03
agronholmrecon_lap: as I said, it just gives me the grub prompt01:03
agronholminstead of booting the OS01:03
agronholmoh, I managed to catch something in a screenshot on the Lenovo server01:04
agronholm"error: failure reading sector 0x0 from `cd0'01:04
agronholmthere was something else there for a split second but I didn't catch it01:05
cfhowlettagronholm, dual booting or ubuntu only?01:06
agronholmcfhowlett: ubuntu only01:06
agronholmthis person seems to have problems even booting the install media01:07
cfhowlettread further.  a solution is offered01:08
agronholmcfhowlett: I know how to install ubuntu in legacy bios mode01:09
agronholmI would just like to learn why it fails to boot with UEFI and to fix it01:09
agronholmbut I am pretty clueless with grub's CLI so I can't use it to debug this problem01:10
recon_lap1agronholm: and I take it you can boot from a USB/CD ?01:14
agronholmrecon_lap1: well, I did install the OS from a USB stick (on the HP server) and from a virtual cdrom drive (on the Lenovo server)01:15
agronholmboth would complete the installation in UEFI mode01:15
agronholmbut the installed OS won't boot; it just drops me to the grub prompt01:15
dave0x6dHmm, so I'm trying to update my instance, but it's just getting stuck at 0%.01:16
Emredersenizhi there, i have question; how can i give internet high access to any program (dota)?01:16
dave0x6d0% [Connecting to us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com (]01:16
recon_lap1agronholm: and have you looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing01:16
agronholmrecon_lap1: what in particular are you referring to there?01:17
dave0x6dOops, it was because I firewalled it =p01:18
recon_lap1agronholm: well, we still far from knowing what is actually failing. working through one of the guides might narrow it down. making a wild guess I'm thinking grub is not finding you OS root drive.01:20
agronholmrecon_lap1: sounds like a sensible guess01:20
agronholmI'm trying to figure out how to make grub list available devices01:21
recon_lap1agronholm: that grub trouble shooting guide linked by squinty seems like a good place to start. I'm pretty much a UEFI noob only having recently had to set one up.01:22
reisioEmrederseniz: hrmm?01:22
squintyagronholm,  might want to consider Boot-Repair as an initial option.  no guarentees but worth a shot imho...01:22
Emredersenizreisio : how can use that command01:23
agronholmsquinty: ok I'll look into it01:23
reisioEmrederseniz: ...what command?01:23
Emredersenizreisio, what is the hrmm, sory im new on ubuntu01:23
recon_lap1agronholm: and a tip, make a backup of the UEFI partition after you get it working. :)01:24
B0g4r7_Emrederseniz, we do not understand what you are trying to accomplish.01:24
EmredersenizB0g4r7_, i want, give highway access permission to any program01:25
Rhorseremember you can boot any kernel from a grub command line, be it a grub boot disk or other medium....01:25
B0g4r7_highway access permission huh.01:26
B0g4r7_I run dota 2 on linux, and I didn't have to do anything special to play online.01:26
EmredersenizB0g4r7_, i have package loss and ping momently01:26
agronholmrecon_lap1: ok it seems like "root" is set to "(hd1,gpt1)" but that's the EFI partition, no /boot there01:27
agronholmrecon_lap1: I don't even know where /boot is supposed to be in a UEFI setup01:27
B0g4r7_Emrederseniz, that sounds like a network issue.  I don't think changing a setting in your software is likely to fix it.01:27
EmredersenizB0g4r7_, no not about my network i know that01:28
agronholmrecon_lap1: if you could verify the location of /boot, that would help a lot01:29
agronholmactually I should've tried one of the md devices but they too give me the same error01:30
agronholmI have root on software raid-1)01:31
agronholmI was under the impression that grub is supposed to support xfs01:32
agronholm(at least I got it to boot in legacy bios mode with an xfs root disk)01:32
agronholmok it appears the root cause could be that grub does not support XFS01:38
agronholmI'll try to reinstall with ext4 and see if anything changes01:39
cfhowlettagronholm, I understood that grub should now support xfs01:41
agronholmcfhowlett: then how do you explain that grub gives me those errors?01:41
agronholmit can only read the EFI partitions (fat16)01:42
agronholmbut none of my xfs partitions01:42
cfhowlettI have no raid or xfs experience  - merely commenting on XFS recent inclusion in ubuntu01:42
cfhowlettbut if you do not *need* xfs, then ext4 should work out of the box01:42
agronholmI was under that impression too (given that root on xfs works in legacy bios mode on the HP server)01:43
cfhowlettsuggestion: ask #ubuntu-server01:43
B0g4r7_I had xfs as my rootfs on lvm on raid-1, and grub had no problems.01:51
B0g4r7_Once I converted the rootlv to the "lvmcache" type, then grub did have a problem, and I had to break /boot off onto its own lv.01:52
asd30when trying to backup my vps (kvm), should i include the swapfile? if not, lets say i have to restore from backup on a bare install and i forget to create the swapfile -- will ubuntu still boot in?01:52
coffeeguyhi i was wondering why my connection manager says wiredconnection1 instead of wiredconnection?01:56
B0g4r7_Wow, windows xp installs and runs inside of virtualbox a lot better than it ever did for me on bare metal.01:56
yourname3coffeeguy: have you had 2 wired connections since it was powered on?01:57
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Tuxfukhaw many dewices are in ifconfig -a?01:57
coffeeguylemme look01:58
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coffeeguyhmm just en4s0 and lo01:58
B0g4r7_I hate this new network device name convention.01:59
Tuxfukcan you rename the network1 to network0 or network?01:59
Tuxfukoh it starts with1?01:59
coffeeguyi noticed it after i tried to install firewall configuration in software center and the install was very buggy01:59
Tuxfukthat's terrible. that makes you think there is two things01:59
B0g4r7_I want my eth0 back gurdernnit.02:00
coffeeguylol yah02:00
Tuxfuklol i have enp10s002:00
Tuxfukas my ethernet name02:00
coffeeguyi mean there's tty1 and then tty7 which is called old02:00
coffeeguyaah kk02:00
Tuxfukyeah i've never liked that either02:00
coffeeguywell ok as long as that's normal i'm good02:01
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coffeeguythanks for responding Tuxfuk :D02:02
coffeeguyi mean to my question :)02:02
Tuxfukyeah no problem. sorry it's stupid02:03
coffeeguyi'm a little worried since i tried to get a print out page for my printer config by holding down the wps button and found out later i was connected to someone else lol wps on my home wifi is disabled02:04
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logicalorhello.  i have installed ubuntu server 16.04, and have installed MariaDB from the MariaDB repositories ie, added the repo via apt-add-repository, then updated / installed.  Now if I run apt-get dist-upgrade, ubuntu wants to replace MariaDB with Mysql.  Any idea how to prevent Ubuntu doing this?02:10
PCFI am looking for help with ubuntu server02:12
cfhowlett!server | PCF02:13
ubottuPCF: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server02:13
OrbitSnow1846 people online? Jeez.02:15
PCFI am trying to configure an unpriviliged LXC container, but it will not start. I get an error saying it does not have permission to access /home/username and fails02:15
OrbitSnowHave you tried using chmod or chown to fix the permissions?02:16
OrbitSnowSo is mir incompatible with Nvidia cards? I've tried with official drivers and with nouveau and I always get a black screen and back to lightdm.02:19
Rhorselogicalor: Upgrade, then reinstall MariaDB.02:23
lwizardlin ALSA Mixer the sound card options are "HDA ATI SB (Alsa Mixer)" and "HDA ATI HDMI (Alsa Mixer)" which looks like it is trying to use the audio from my gpu and not the onboard audio. Is there a guide to fix that ?02:24
SorikanCan anyone point me to a walk through of how to install VNC on ubuntu desktop that autstarts? I have tried three different walkthroughs, and x2go and none of them work. And the @*#&$^ ubuntu 'software' app only has a vnc client!02:24
OrbitSnowTry vinagre02:25
OrbitSnowsudo apt-get install vinagre02:26
SorikanThat seems to be a client? Or is it both?02:27
OrbitSnowWait, that's only a client as well. RealVNC has a server app.02:27
reisiothe "clients" like vinagre are actually... frontends02:27
squintyapt (or aptitude_ search vnc | grep server02:27
logicalorRhorse, if I upgrade, and MariaDB is replaced, is there any possibility that Ubuntu will, for whatever reason, prevent me from installing MariaDB over the 'new' MySQL installation?02:27
reisiobasically all the vnc packages come with both a client and server02:27
reisioSorikan: what I use is tigervnc's X.org module02:28
reisioit's very simple & straightforward, you just add a short bit to xorg.conf.d02:28
agronholmcfhowlett: follow-up: booting worked fine once I used ext4 for the root partition and not xfs02:29
OrbitSnowf2fs is the only thing I would use over ext4, and that's only on an ssd02:30
OrbitSnowfrom what i've seen ext4 is faster than everything but f2fs02:30
agronholmfrom what benchmarks I've seen, it's not02:31
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agronholmdepends on the load though02:31
SorikanI just have a hard time understanding how, in 2016, ubuntu does not have a simple vnc server for remote support and such. It simply boggles me.02:31
OrbitSnowReally? What benchmarks are those? I'd like to see that.02:31
agronholmOrbitSnow: benchmarks I've seen on phoronix.com02:31
reisioSorikan: hrmm? It comes with one, you enable it via a checkbox in system prefs02:32
OrbitSnowOn SSDs?02:32
agronholmOrbitSnow: I'm not sure02:32
squintySorikan,  it does   use apt or aptitude to search for it02:32
agronholmSorikan: for remote support though, I prefer teamviewer over vnc02:32
PCFI broke my file permissions =\02:33
OrbitSnowPCF: http://www.unixref.com/guides/chmod-guide.php02:33
Sorikanreisio, you mean system settings? If so, cannot find it02:33
ImmatixAnyone here using dnsmasq on 16.04?02:37
ImmatixI'm having a bit of a problem with systemd starting dnsmasq before network.target is reached http://paste.ubuntu.com/16162484/02:38
Immatix/lib/systemd/system/dnsmasq.service contains Requires=network.target under the [Unit] section02:39
daxImmatix: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dnsmasq/+bug/1531184 , workaround is in second comment02:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1531184 in dnsmasq (Ubuntu) "dnsmasq doesn't start on boot because its interface isn't up yet" [Undecided,New]02:39
prelude2004chey guys.. need some help02:39
prelude2004cERROR: libfdk_aac not found02:40
prelude2004c .... i installed the libfdk_aac_dev package02:40
prelude2004cwhat gives ? .. i get that error when i try to compile ffmpeg02:40
Immatixdax: Ah, so there is a bug for it. Wasn't able to find that with the right Googling, guess I should've looked it up specifically under the dnsmasq package02:41
daxImmatix: yep. there's a couple of others on the buglist that might be the same issue, but i'm not sure (doesn't help that the output's in french on them...)02:41
SorikanCAn anyone tell me where this remote support option is? I cannto find it under System Settings - was it removed?02:41
PCFi did 'chmod -R 744' on my home directory and now LXC cannot access it at all02:42
PCFchmod -R 777 is bad right?02:44
Immatixdax: I think it might have been missed because it likely only affects people that are using the bind-interfaces option in dnsmasq, by default it just listens on all interfaces02:44
ImmatixInterestingly, I have to use bind-interfaces otherwise dnsmasq won't respond to queries on my VLAN interfaces, which all have the same link-local address02:44
WerewolfHello. I am experiencing dependency hell when attempting to finish a distribution ugprade.02:50
ImmatixI suppose I'd better reboot to make sure the fix works02:50
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BENTLERyBHi folks.02:51
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TheFocusmonring all.  any ideas on how to fix samba share after 16.04 install???  Is there a common fix or more ifo needed?02:51
BENTLERyBI've got the new Ubuntu 16.04 LTS but since the installation I've had certain instances of screen tearing.02:52
WerewolfI welcome PMs, I really need assistance.02:52
BENTLERyBI don't do any gaming. The tearing happens when I'm browsing the web.02:52
BENTLERyBCertain text becomes blurred/teared.02:52
BENTLERyBI haven't noticed it since I changed my window Manager from Marcos with Software Compositor to Marcos with GPU Compisitor02:53
BENTLERyBbut I only made that change 15 mins ago.02:53
BENTLERyBCould that help?02:53
BENTLERyBWhy would it help? What do you think is to blame for the tearing I experienced?02:54
Poke95Oh I am voiced now02:54
Poke95Oh sorry wrong channel02:54
daxBENTLERyB: because doing the same thing fixed screen tearing on my craptop02:54
daxcan't argue with results02:54
BENTLERyBI don't have a dedicated GPU, just integrated Intel graphics, so I wasn't sure if that would put more strain on my CPU.02:55
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Guest52524hello world!02:57
ImmatixSeems to have worked02:57
Guest52524got some problems after the upgrade from 15 to 16 today... please help02:57
Guest52524for instance amule does not start02:57
Guest52524and i have no chance to use synaptic as previously02:58
Guest52524amule error: assert "m_fd != INVALID_SOCKET" failed in OnReadWaiting(): invalid socket ready for reading?02:58
Guest52524i cannot work any longer, any page to see the problems and the solutions for them?02:59
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AciD`16.04 : 3rd crash in 3 days. Everytime with the same xorg error : https://paste.kde.org/pceqyk5lg Is there anybody experiencing the same problem?03:12
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atlasthethe chat just seems dead03:14
TheMariusim not dead atleast not yet03:14
TheMariusim sitting here tinkering with my new ubuntu mate 16.0403:15
atlastheim new to linux, but i know some sudo commands in the termina03:16
atlasthelike sudo apt03:16
atlasthesudo get03:16
TheMariusgood boy... thats a start03:16
TheMariushopefully we wont have to do much of that though03:16
TheMariusi just want a system that runs problem free03:16
TheMariuswithout sudoing and autoremoving too much03:17
TheMariusubuntu mate is a good shot at it03:17
TheMariustheres some bugs though03:17
TheMariusnot severe stuff03:17
TheMariusbest system ive installed for a long time... beats windows03:17
TheMariusopensuse was sweet though.. im not sure yet if this beats it when its set up.. this was easier to set up though03:18
tgm4883Is there a question in there? This chat is for support questions03:19
TheMariusif they just manage to kick out the bugs, im in love03:19
TheMariusidk.. im just here hanging out03:19
wafflejockTheMarius, for non support issues use #ubuntu-offtopic03:19
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L0uk3Has anyone been able to get 16:9 aspect ratios with 16.04 and VMware Fusion? Installed VM-Tools --> no 16:9 aspect ratios like in Trusty.03:20
B0g4r7_where ubuntu is the guest and os x is the host?  idk, maybe ask vmware inc about that one.03:28
B0g4r7_I think I'm going with virtualbox in this host instead of installing vmware.03:29
brianxmaybe a different virtual video card.03:29
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L0uk3Yes correct. OS X is the host and ubuntu is the guest.03:37
wasutton3so I'm on the hunt for a patch file that was made to a package sometime in 2010. where would I go looking for it?03:42
wasutton3its econvert-typo.diff applied to the package exact-image03:42
johnzornSo what is the difference between the netinstall and the minimal install isos?03:48
johnzornIs it correct to say that I should download the net install if I want full control over what I want installed?03:50
wasutton3johnzorn, no, the net installs download the needed install files off the internet while installing (i.e. the latest versions)03:51
wasutton3the minimal install contains just enough to get you online to the point where you can apt-get update && apt-get upgrade03:51
johnzornwasutton3: ok so net install installs the same full ubuntu then? Is there a minimal install somewhere for 16.04? I only see 15.1003:53
wasutton3johnzorn, no idea. im hunting for old commits03:54
B0g4r7_Is there a project underway to make a better ubuntu installer?03:55
B0g4r7_The existing one(s) leave a lot to be desired IMO.03:56
B0g4r7_When I worked in software dev, "installers" was a project that perpetually got handed off to the new guy whenever we got one.03:57
wolfyhi all03:57
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Guest49260hi all03:58
Inocuoushello Guest4926003:59
B0g4r7_until eventually a whole "tools team" got spun up to build and maintain a "continuous integration" system to automatically build installers straight from the repos.04:00
Jordan_UB0g4r7_: Please move this discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic.04:01
B0g4r7_Righty-o.  My bad.04:01
Guest52524hello world again, have problems with lots of applications after upgrade, please help04:04
Guest52524what can i do with the ownership of _apt_ ? Error mess: couldn't be accessed by user '_apt'. -04:04
Guest52524This happens from amule, that was working lots of years in advance04:05
Guest52524ok, world, i'll take care myself, in some case there will be some stable distro in 3 hours here04:08
Guest52524Is this a normal upgrade when i get inside synaptic:W: Can't drop privileges for downloading as file '/var/cache/apt/archives/partial/grep_2.25-1~16.04.1_i386.deb' couldn't be accessed by user '_apt'. - pkgAcquire::Run (13: Permission denied)04:10
Guest52524(the above was run as superuser...)04:10
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simonshHello. I just installed lxc on Ubuntu 16.04 via apt-get install lxc.  When I try my very first lxc-create, I get this error:04:16
simonsh$ lxc-create -t download -n u14.10 -- --dist ubuntu --release trusty --arch amd64 \n Setting up the GPG keyring04:16
simonshDownloading the image index04:16
simonshERROR: Failed to download http://images.linuxcontainers.org//meta/1.0/index-system04:16
simonshlxc-create: lxccontainer.c: create_run_template: 1290 container creation template for u14.10 failed \n lxc-create: lxc_create.c: main: 316 Error creating container u14.10  \n04:16
reisiosimonsh: could ask #lxcontainers04:19
Guest52524ok, problem was somehow solved, after: root@mate:/var/cache/apt/archives# chmod og+rw partial/04:24
simonshreisio Thanks04:24
juanonymoushow do i record screen on ubuntu?04:27
dearnHey guys. After update to 16.04, my Ubuntu started to change from X11 to tty when I press alt+left arrow (instead of doing previous page in web browser) how to turn it off?04:27
dearnjuanonymous: recordmydesktop + install gui, qt- or gtk-recordmydesktop04:28
juanonymouswhat if i don't install gui or qt or gtk-recordmydesktop04:28
reisiojuanonymous: the best way is with ffmpeg, dunno if there's a good frontend04:31
b0nnhi all, I'm having some trouble with my eclipse; I'm on Ubuntu, eclipse is Luna, and I want to upgrade. I have read the wiki FAQ for upgrading but there's a minor catch that I need help with - there's no menu available, no window menuitem to click, no .. any of them. Has anyone an idea how to restore them (or upgrade without clicking Window > Preferences.. etc04:37
b0nnI think the problem is Ubuntu/Unity04:38
reisioever notice how Java™ software is always awful and hard to use?04:39
reisiothat isn't a coincidence04:39
b0nnnope, noticed that all software is crapTM04:39
reisiowhat's the version of "luna", again?04:39
b0nnFTR it's only eclipse on my laptop that is experincing the issue, on my desktop it's fine04:40
b0nnluna is about 2 versions back, I downloaded mars.2 and am experiencing the same issue04:40
b0nnyou know, in the black bar at the top of the window, that menu is missing04:40
xanguareisio: 12.04?04:41
xanguaOh lol never mind04:41
wafflejockb0nn, if you just hit alt in there does it select anything or Alt+W typically that's the window menu shortcut04:41
b0nnyeah, I've found Alt-W but it doesn't give me all the options I am looking for04:42
wafflejockb0nn, can arrow left or right to navigate the menus if one opens usually, haven't seen that problem though04:43
b0nnwafflejock: awesome sauce, that gives me access to the menus04:44
b0nnthanks :)04:44
b0nn(although it doesn't un hide them)04:44
reisioluna is just a useless codename04:46
reisiocodenames being hilarious pranks developers play on... themselves04:47
reisioto help them be more confused04:47
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reisioactual versions are usually made up of numbers, decimal points, occasionally a letter or two04:47
justsomeguyHuh, first IRC channel I've been on that has a ToS agreement.04:49
baizonjustsomeguy: happens :)04:56
reisioand oh how it will stand up in court! :p04:59
* justsomeguy imagines going to court for all the dumb stuff he's said on the internet and has a mental breakdown.05:00
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Guest19777I have some quit questions about fail2ban05:01
Guest19777best practices and such05:01
reisio#fail2ban, also05:02
Guest19777@reisio thank you!05:04
Guest19777just found that, appears to be quiet there05:04
reisioGuest19777: it's 1am saturday night for most useful people on freenode05:05
reisiopeak quietness will be in about 3 hours, IIRC, and then it'll get louder05:06
reisiothat is, 1am after saturday's night (aka sunday morning, real, real early)05:06
Guest19777makes sense.05:07
Guest19777I am just having aws cost spike and I want to address it this weekend.05:07
Guest19777its on an ubuntu headless ec2 instance05:07
reisioyeah, you definitely want fail2ban or something like it setup for a server05:08
reisiowould be topical in ##linux and a number of other places, too05:09
reisio#ubuntu-server, yadda yadda05:09
Guest19777Yea I am browsing through freenode channel lists05:09
Guest19777I have only used IRC very briefly05:09
Guest19777I was on Reddit, but everyone there has too many sub rules.05:10
reisio/msg alis list *fail*ban* would be the fast way05:10
reisioreddit is, yeah, poorly implemented05:10
reisiolike most things :p05:10
Guest19777alias list of apache logs?05:11
reisiotalkin' 'bout /msg alis?05:13
reisioit's a freenode service/bot05:13
reisiofaster way to find channels05:14
reisioalthough some channels inexplicably have +s, and you have to /join them to be sure they exist or not05:14
reisiothose channels are usually run by true idiots, though, so :p05:14
imthenachomanhey guys, having a strange issue. i have a folder that has g+s set and is owned by group1. user1, user2 and user 3 are all in group1. all three can create files in the folder. when user1 and user2 create a file it has g+rw set. when user3 does it only has g+r. why would this be?05:15
wafflejockGuest19777, you might want to check out ntop to see where all the traffic is going if your cost is coming from bandwidth usage05:15
Guest19777ok sounds good, is that in AWS Billing or in the instance?05:16
rahuldevHi, How to install lib32stdc++6, whever I trying giving me Package 'lib32stdc++6" has no installation candidate.05:17
reisiorahuldev: ask apt-file05:17
reisiofrom glib or gcc or something, isn't it?05:18
* reisio doesn't recall05:18
platzvery odd error message in my log https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ChWLpZqU0AAGeu5.jpg:large05:18
rahuldevreisio, installing android studio.05:18
reisiorahuldev: uhuh...05:19
vbvntvHi, I'm looking to update from Trusty to Xenial. But update-manager seems to think it's a development release. Hasn't it been released already?05:19
wafflejockGuest19777, ntop just runs a web server that has some pages that show up when it's running and it collects traffic info over time to show charts and break down some details on the protocols and source/destinations https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ntop    https://www.maketecheasier.com/install-configure-ntop/05:19
Inocuousvbvntv, it will be officially released for LTS to LTS upgrade in July05:20
Guest19777@wafflejock thank you!! I was using webmin, but it was very limited in its ability to visually show me issues.05:20
wafflejockGuest19777, you'd have to be sshed into the instance and install/configure it on there I don't think there's anything in the AWS console to get details05:20
Guest19777I ended up just greping the logs for invalid attempts05:20
vbvntvInocuous, thanks, any link on that?05:20
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wafflejockGuest19777, no problem, I don't like to keep that running all the time just cause extra services and resource usage but good to see what's going on, there's etherape as well but that's GUI based so not so good for remote server installs05:23
rahuldevreisio, http://pastebin.com/64dUDhT8 any idea?05:23
Guest19777yea I am bound to the SSH or web console systems cause its an EC205:24
Guest19777thanks for your help! @wafflejock05:24
wafflejockGuest19777, sure thing05:24
rahuldevanyone please help me installing lib32stdc++6, I'm getting this error: http://pastebin.com/64dUDhT805:25
reisiorahuldev: as I said, use apt-file search libstdc++05:25
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bobby_yeah baby05:30
Guest19777@rahuldev I am not getting that error. check out my pastebin http://pastebin.com/wigRPUUh05:31
shekharhey guys I would like to install Ubuntu on my laptop, so I jus downloaded the ISO file on to my USB , so what could be the next steps to make it bootable05:32
shekharcurrently I am on a windows 10 environment05:32
baizonshekhar: create a bootable usb stick with http://www.linuxliveusb.com/05:32
rahuldevGuest19777, ok, thanks, maybe my android studio is running, that's why I'm getting, I'll restart my pc.05:32
baizonshekhar: then boot from the usb and install05:33
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Guest19777@rahuldev sure no problem also that was on 16.04 in case you are on an older version.05:33
shekharbaizon:  do i need to install the software or could we make usb stick on site05:35
baizonshekhar: you can download the portable version and run the program05:36
Guest19777Disable UEFI in the bios, use Rufus to put the iso into mountable form onto the usb then boot from USB.05:36
* mking 05:37
mkingsay something05:38
mexicutionerwhat are you doing05:39
snfgfIs there an option for hexdump to begin dumping at byte N?05:41
daxsnfgf: -s05:41
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mexicutionersory i had caps lock on05:42
snfgfdax: Thanks. I did scan the man page but was blind to it sitting right there.05:42
elkymexicutioner: this is a tech support channel, what's your tech support question?05:42
InocuousI activated the workspace function with the standard number of windows. With the screen showing all four windows, when I move apps from one window to the other, occasionally the OS will freeze and need to be rebooted. Is it not intended to allow moving apps from one window to the other?05:43
mexicutionerdoes any one have steam05:44
havoc_hiveInocuous: memory issue?05:44
Inocuousno. it's not a memory problem.05:44
rush8733hello world05:45
elkymexicutioner: lots of people have steam. Do you have a support question about Ubuntu?05:45
rush8733I am rebirthed from Guest19777 to my real username05:45
InocuousWhat I'm asking is, is this a misuse of the workspace? Or could it be one of the apps that don't like being moved that would cause it to freeze?05:45
rush8733##steam @mexicutioner05:46
wafflejockInocuous, are you using Unity? have you checked out dmesg or /var/log/syslog to see if there's anything in there when this happens?05:47
wafflejockInocuous, I know this typically works in Gnome and pretty sure it should work in Unity but dunno what you're running into05:48
InocuousI'm using 16.04 out of the box05:48
elkymexicutioner: please find somewhere else for chatting then.05:49
wafflejockInocuous, can check journalctl or dmesg to see what's failing possibly, when it happens can you get to a tty using Ctrl+Alt+F1 to see if there are errors?05:50
XxNemoxXUbuntu what if i want it but its WIndows 1005:50
clear`then dual boot05:51
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Inocuouswafflejock, I'll give it a try.05:51
XxNemoxXOnce i did that and my computer crashed then turned off as now it wont work05:52
mexicutionerdj khaled05:53
daxXxNemoxX: don't do that.05:54
daxmexicutioner: This is not a chat channel. This is a support channel. If you are not asking or answering a support question, hush.05:54
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XxNemoxX #Channel Debian05:57
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang05:58
daxyes, we're already watching05:58
vijuWhere should I copy my java directory - /usr/local?05:58
hicoleriIs there any kind of "mail daemon" application which fetches main in the background and notifies me when I get mail?06:00
* phunyguy grumbles06:00
wafflejockhicoleri, think you just want a mail client really, I don't think the command line mail clients will tie into desktop notifications06:02
wafflejockhicoleri, thunderbird does desktop notifications but I imagine Evolution or other clients would do it as well06:03
vijuWhere should I copy my java directory - /usr/local or/usr/local/lib?06:04
justsomeguyHi, I want to configure my system in such a way that all regular users aren't able to cd into directories above their home folder, or see the contents either. Is such a thing possible?06:05
dramajustsomeguy, https://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/09/daily-ubuntu-tipsprevent-users-browsing-folders/06:10
katebemariadb shows crashed even tho the process is running ports open and am able to login to the dbms server using mysql client06:19
katebelxc container*06:19
wafflejockkatebe, can run, sudo netstat -tulpn, will show what processes are bound to what ports06:23
wafflejockkatebe, if you have the ProcessID (PID) you can run, sudo file /proc/PIDHERE/exe, to see what actual process is bound to a given port06:25
wafflejockhrm well that's weird not sure what it means if the program/PID is a -06:26
katebeps aux | grep 3306 | nc termbin.com 999906:27
katebethats the response06:27
katebeand when i check the status it shows crushed06:28
katebeam able to login06:28
wafflejockkatebe, could have been manually started?06:28
hicoleriAll sounds stop after I run zynaddsubfx, and zynaddsubfx doesn't seem to give any output either. What do I do? log:http://paste.ubuntu.com/16164282/06:28
hicoleriIt seems that I have to start the jack server before I can do anything with it. How do I do that?06:29
katebeafter installation mysql didnt run automatically06:30
katebebut i started it manually and then configured it to start on boot06:30
wafflejockhicoleri, you run jackd, I've used qjackctl for starting stopping and configuring jack06:30
wafflejockkatebe, how'd you configure it to start on boot?06:30
katebeam running lxc06:31
wafflejockkatebe, typically that's handled by the startup scripts that come with the package, sorry unfamiliar with lxc06:31
katebewafflejock: oh ok thanks for trying06:31
katebeto help06:31
cfhowletthicoleri, 1.  #opensourcemusicians would know more  2. #ubuntustudio too 3.  restate for those who came late to this thread?06:32
wafflejockhicoleri, http://askubuntu.com/questions/572120/how-to-use-jack-and-pulseaudio-alsa-at-the-same-time-on-the-same-audio-device <-- this may help too without it you typically are running either jack or pulse but not both06:32
white_magichi, is someone here knowledgeable about Samba?06:37
Ben64white_magic: ask your question to find out06:43
v4rp1ngwhite_magic, yes what is your question06:48
white_magichey guys, just wondering how can i make Samba NOT share my home directory06:52
white_magicif i commented out the default [homes] section, it simply doesn't let me log in06:53
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v4rp1ngwhite_magic, if you commet out [homes] it will deactivate this section. what do you want exactly? you want to share your home but only with password prompt?06:56
white_magicv4rp1ng: what i really want to do is share an external usb drive. what happens, though, is that the drive is automatically mounted at /media/importantuser/ExtHdd06:57
white_magichow can I make 'testshareuser' access /media/importantuser/ExtHdd via samba?06:57
white_magicif /media/importantuser/ExtHdd is owned by 'importantuser'?06:57
prestoneHi all06:59
andgraErr http://se.archive.ubuntu.com trusty Release.gpg Connection failed [IP: 80]06:59
andgraI get that error when I use apt-get update06:59
prestoneHow check if my system is 32 or 64 bits ?06:59
white_magicBen64: maybe you have some thoughts?07:00
v4rp1ngif you want to access /media/importantuser/ExtHdd by testshareuser you have to rewrite the permissions or put testshareuser & importantuser in a group and change the group permissions07:01
thewisenerdwhite_magic, sftp?07:01
white_magici wanna use SMB07:02
Ben64white_magic: you should mount the drive elsewhere07:02
white_magicwell, its mounted automatically by my OS (raspbian debian)...07:02
white_magicshould i try to override that behavior?07:02
v4rp1ngyou can override that with an entry in /etc/fstab07:03
white_magicwhat would you suggest? i want to be able to access that drive via both 'importantuser' and 'testshareuser'07:04
white_magicmaybe i can set read permissions to 'testshareuser' for that drive/mounted dir07:04
v4rp1ngwhite_magic: so you will have to create a group or put both users into a group and change the group permissions of the drive07:05
white_magicv4rp1ng: ill try that, thanks07:06
v4rp1ngwhite_magic: $ groupadd extHDacc, $ usermod -aG extHDacc importantuser, $ usermod -aG extHDacc testshareuser, $ chown -R importantuser:extHDacc /media/....07:09
geirhaand chmod g+s on all directories07:10
exussumHi all, I have an issue when booting netowkr manager doesnt reconise the USB wifi inserted. It either needs network manager restarting or unplugging and putting back in again07:13
exussumHow can I automatically restart it at the end of the start up scripts07:13
uxfihows all07:14
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Braden`I am trying to start gnome-session-flashback, and whenever I start gdm3, I get a black screen with an underscore in the upper left that flashes the screen a bunch of times, but gdm3 never actually starts up.  What should I look for to fix my problem?07:34
jonatanBraden: waht gpu drivers are you using07:38
Guido1I want to acces a folder on an windows PC, but for some reason it is not working.07:40
Braden`virtualbox-guest-x11 I believe07:46
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=== Guest25841 is now known as linuxlove
Guido1if i try to print i get the message "nable to connect to CIFS host"07:52
linuxlovehello my configuration for apache is <VirtualHost *:80>07:53
linuxlove        07:53
linuxlove        ServerName www.dahliaco.com07:53
linuxlove        DocumentRoot /var/www/html07:53
linuxlovei just see that www.dahliaco.com works for me and i dont see same result for dahliaco.com07:54
linuxlovewhat is problem?07:54
akiklinuxlove: www.dahliaco.com and dahliaco.com are two different things08:08
akiklinuxlove: you need to create a virtualhost definition for dahliaco.com too08:08
akikand have the dns server records for both08:09
vijuI have just installed eclipse and whenever I try to create a project etc it sits there doing something in the background. I thought it's a permission issue something so I migrated it from /opt to home directory. Even now it's same. How can I know what's happening in the background to find the real cause?08:10
vijuI tried sys.log but nothing it says about eclipse08:11
baizonviju: eclipse isnt writing into syslog08:11
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akikviju: did you try running eclipse from the terminal?08:11
baizonviju: https://wiki.eclipse.org/FAQ_Where_can_I_find_that_elusive_.log_file%3F08:12
vijuI tried both. Earlier, I made a symlink to desktop and ran it. Then I tried running directly from the directory. Still the same.08:12
Braden`Is there a way to completely reinstall xwindows using gnome-session-flashback and gdm?  I need to purge the settings that are stored08:13
baizonviju: have you tried removing the configuration?08:13
vijuNot yet. I wanted to investigate by looking at the logs.08:14
baizonBraden`: https://www.computersnyou.com/4945/re-install-xorg-xserver-completely-ubuntu/08:14
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Braden`baizon:  Thank you08:16
vijubaizon: Do you want me to remove configuration?08:18
vijuI didn't find anything wrong in the metadata/log08:18
baizonviju: run eclipse from terminal then? and check for errors?08:19
katebehave a crack at my question http://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/137092/mariadb-shows-crashed-and-pid-program-name-shows08:20
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baizonkatebe: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/what-to-do-if-mariadb-doesnt-start/08:22
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Villagewhat is [kworker/u3:2] process?08:25
Villagecan i save kill it?08:25
baizonVillage: https://askubuntu.com/questions/33640/kworker-what-is-it-and-why-is-it-hogging-so-much-cpu08:25
Villagei try read it but i don't understand or i can save kill this process?08:25
rahuldevhi, Anyone pls help, Whenever try to install lib32stdc++6, or anyother lib file I get error: package has not installation candidate.08:26
rahuldevI also tried to install apt-file libraries still getting this error... anyone pls help...08:26
baizonrahuldev: https://askubuntu.com/questions/14685/what-does-package-package-has-no-installation-candidate-mean08:26
rahuldevthanks baizon08:27
rahuldevbaizon, I updated but still getting same erorr, and when Here someone tried to install lib32stdc++6, it installed smoothly.08:30
baizonrahuldev: you screwed up your apt source, thats the reason08:30
rahuldevbaizon, is there way to reset it?08:31
katebebaizon: thanks lemme check it out08:32
alkisgThere's no lib32stdc++6 in the ubuntu repositories08:32
rahuldevNot misspelled..08:32
rahuldevHere Guest19777> @rahuldev I am not getting that error. check out my pastebin http://pastebin.com/wigRPUUh08:33
rahuldev* reisio has quit (Quit: Why iiiiissss his head so big!)08:33
baizonalkisg: pls no misinformation http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=lib32stdc%2B%2B608:33
rahuldevinstalled it...08:33
alkisg$ LANG=en apt-cache policy lib32stdc++608:33
alkisgN: Unable to locate package lib32stdc++608:33
rahuldevalkisg, guest19777 installed08:33
baizonalkisg: well i got it08:34
baizonrahuldev: what are your sourced?08:35
alkisgAh, it's not available for armhf, sorry08:35
rahuldevbaizon, I don't know much about internal ubuntu... Sourced means?08:36
rahuldevWhen I try to install From Package management I got error::: This error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Furthermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time.08:36
baizonrahuldev: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/configuration.html08:37
baizonrahuldev: and this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine08:37
tim241hi I installed Ubuntu for 2 min now08:38
tim241I came from linux mint08:38
baizontim241: good job08:38
tim241what is the first thing I would do?08:38
baizontim241: relax and enjoy08:39
=== tim_ is now known as tim241
tim241sorry did something stupid xD08:40
tim241what should I do in Ubuntu?08:40
baizontim241: yeah, you quit08:40
baizon<baizon> tim241: relax and enjoy08:40
baizonthat was my answer ;)08:40
tim241ok xD08:40
Villagecan i save kill [kworker/u3:2] process?08:41
tim241I opened hexchat from the terminal and I closed the terminal so it closed Hexchat08:41
ducasseVillage: no, read the url you got earlier08:41
baizonVillage: i did answer to this question08:41
VillageI don't understand by url, i was find this url before..08:41
=== yosefh is now known as chroma__
chroma__Hi, My hard disk is brand new but its constantly at 100% disk usage08:42
chroma__any ideas how to troubleshoot this?08:43
tim241reinstall Ubuntu08:43
tim241<chroma__> ^^08:43
baizonchroma__: check, which process is using it08:43
chroma__tim241, but i just installed it ...08:43
chroma__gues I have to install it again08:43
tim241ow that is sad xD08:43
tim241just try if it does not work08:44
chroma__eventually it will work if i keep installing it right?08:44
baizonchroma__: i recommend iotop08:44
wafflejockyeah iotop08:44
tim241ow sorry08:44
EriC^^chroma__: why do you say it's being used 100%?08:44
EriC^^chroma__: and no reinstalling won't do anything most likely08:44
ducassechroma__: pastebin the output of df08:44
snfgfSo MBR is stored in the first sector of a bootable device; does anything change if the MBR is on a device with a 1, 2 or 4K sector size? Everything I read about MBR refers to 512 bytes as being the sector size.08:44
rahuldevbaizon thanks for helpful link...08:44
rahuldevbaizon my source: http://pastebin.com/AR3ZEgwH08:45
chroma__jbd2 is taking all the disk io08:45
baizonchroma__: now you know08:46
baizonrahuldev: try switching to a different server, not from in08:46
chroma__so kill jbd2?08:46
chroma__just run a script to constantly kill jbd2?08:46
EriC^^what's jbd2?08:46
baizonchroma__: which kernel?08:47
chroma__the process that is taking my io08:47
chroma__i installed the lastest version of ubuntu08:47
chroma__and full updated it08:47
rahuldevbaizon different server means How can I do that?08:47
EriC^^jbd2 ?08:47
chroma__EriC^^, yes jbd2 and kworker are taking my io08:47
EriC^^chroma__: type locate jbd208:48
baizonrahuldev: https://askubuntu.com/questions/319433/making-mirror-mirrors-ubuntu-com-highly-available08:48
EriC^^chroma__: type ps aux | sort -k 2 | tail | nc termbin.com 999908:48
rahuldevbaizon got it, will you suggest me some good one?08:49
baizonchroma__: vm?08:50
chroma__EriC^^, it only happens ocassionally. I can't predict when it will take all the io08:50
chroma__EriC^^, it just spikes suddenly08:50
chroma__even while not doing anything intensive08:50
baizonrahuldev: let ubuntu pick the best one08:50
lundmaranyone know if ubuntu will push official vulkan graphics driver support into 16.04 or will that be a 16.10 thing?08:50
chroma__just spiked again for no reason then went away08:50
chroma__but sometimes it stops me from even web browsing08:51
baizonlundmar: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack08:51
chroma__its a native install brand new disk brand new dvd08:51
EriC^^does it show anything in ps aux08:52
rahuldevthanks baizon then I need to update it?08:52
EriC^^kworker taking up cpu sometimes means you need to disable an interrupt08:52
chroma__EriC^^, it will be hard to capture because it only spikes occasionally08:52
baizonrahuldev: yes08:52
chroma__EriC^^, cpu almost always at 008:53
EriC^^chroma__: try grep . -r /sys/firmware/acpi/interrupts/08:53
topanif i'm upgrade my ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04, is my software/app that i've installed before will deleted?08:53
lundmarbaizon: so you are saying a point release eg. 16.04.2 might get vulkan support?08:53
chroma__EriC^^, what am i looking for08:54
cfhowletttopan, depends on your installation method.  recommendation: wait for a few more months until 16.04.1 comes out and direct upgrade.08:54
EriC^^chroma__: one with a very high number08:55
rahuldevbaizon, I did it, but still getting same error: has not installation candidate.08:55
chroma__EriC^^, is 1244 high enough08:56
rahuldevsudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6 baizon I typed this08:56
EriC^^chroma__: how big is your disk?08:56
EriC^^chroma__: no08:56
chroma__1 terabyte08:56
EriC^^ok give it a little time08:56
EriC^^chroma__: do you have apache installed?08:57
chroma__EriC^^, up until now no08:57
chroma__i literally just installed it but i've been having this issue for days08:57
chroma__so its definitely not apache's fault08:57
=== athairus is now known as afkthairus
chroma__EriC^^, google says its related to journaling08:59
EriC^^chroma__: it might fix itself in a couple days08:59
EriC^^chroma__: i found lots of stuff on google08:59
chroma__EriC^^, its already been a couple days and it still happens. i guess i can wait a couple days more08:59
chroma__EriC^^, I really hope its not a faulty disk since I just bought it09:00
rahuldevbaizon, thanks It's installed when Canonical-supported free and open source, selected, the link you given there is checked where in mine is uncheked.09:01
__raveni am looking for a tool which is able of dumping multiple audio and video streams (without transcoding!) the most easiest way09:05
=== manu is now known as Guest33526
RavenHello Everyone09:10
=== Raven is now known as Guest87408
=== dudz_ is now known as dudz
Guest87408I have a question if anyone can help me.09:12
PeroalaneMy computer's fan suddenly gets loud and then reverts to normal all the time, but only in Ubuntu,09:13
cfhowlett!ask | Guest87408,09:13
ubottuGuest87408,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:13
PeroalaneAny ideas09:13
Guest87408I did google but did not get a definitive answer. Can I use Openbox as the windows manager in kubuntu and ubuntu 16.04?09:13
Guest87408Thank you09:14
ducasseGuest87408: you can use whatever wm you want, yes.09:14
Guest87408KDE/Openbox Hybrid setup, possible?09:15
ducasseGuest87408: should be, but I'm not familiar with KDE.09:15
Guest87408Thats what Im unsure of, tried it in 15.10 and it would not work due to changes in KDE 509:16
tim241alm,ark hallo jij bent nl net als mij xD09:16
tim241almark ^^ LOL09:16
Guest87408Thank You ducasse09:17
ducasseGuest87408: it's generally a good idea to stay with the wm that comes with the DE, but try 'openbox --replace'09:17
Guest87408Ok I will do that, the fixtures of KDE with the speed of openbox suits my older hardware09:18
Guest87408Well, used to anyway.... sigh09:19
ducasseGuest87408: yes, but you will still be getting a lot of KDE stuff to drag your system down. Why not try Xfce or LXDE?09:19
Guest87408Im using Crunchbang at the moment, but want to switch to an Ubuntu based system09:20
alkisgHave you tried ubuntu-mate?09:20
=== nefarious is now known as Guest19233
Guest87408no I have not alkisg , shall go google that now aswell.09:22
Guest87408Than you so much for your help guys.09:27
dash_guys heloo09:28
rahuldevhi is there way or any app, that show me my cpu and memory usage in indication or as Indicator?09:28
dash_yeah ubuntu mate09:28
trijntjerahuldev: system monitor applet does that09:29
rahuldevthanks trijntje09:29
bishopsAnyone using California as a calendar on ubuntu? Why is there still a theme problem with it? Anyway to resolve this?09:30
=== Guest4349 is now known as denysonique
Nyteraxhey guys, i'm using gnome, is there a way to show the % of used/available cpu/ram in the top bar or anywhere else always visible?09:33
snfgfI have a bunch of system daemons starting at boot, which I want to stop. What's the best way to do this? Going through rcN.d/ and removing the links?09:34
cfhowlettNyterax, I think sensors has that capability09:34
Nyteraxsweet, i'll look into it09:36
ducassesnfgf: what version of ubuntu?09:39
Lmntrixgmorning please whats the command to restart your network on ubuntu09:43
SCHAAP137Lmntrix, which version of Ubuntu?09:44
LmntrixSCHAAP137: 14.04LTS09:45
SCHAAP137Lmntrix, on a remote machine, through SSH?09:47
Lmntrixowkia cool09:47
Lmntrixwhat commands can i use with wlan0 on ubuntu09:48
Lmntrixcool thanks man @SCHAAP13709:48
snfgfducasse: 14.0409:49
SCHAAP137did some searching, just restarting the network service can have bad side effects, most people say it's better to just bring the desired interface down && up again09:49
Lmntrixyeah thanks thats the actual question i had in mind09:50
Lmntrixhow do u bring down or put up the network interface09:50
SCHAAP137that article i linked, explains it09:51
bhaveshcould anyone explain me why "sudo apt-get update" runs so fast compared to older Ubuntu versions?09:52
bhaveshit takes only about 5 seconds, while earlier it took about 30 seconds to a minute09:52
bhaveshwhat changes did they do?09:52
ducassebhavesh: you probably have fewer repos enabled09:54
bhaveshducasse: earlier, even on a fresh install, it took about a minute09:54
SCHAAP137bhavesh, with 16.04 you can also use 'sudo apt update', it will show some colours and progress bars09:54
bhaveshand the list was quite long, i.e the output which apt-get update gives, ducasse09:54
bhaveshSCHAAP137: oh, didn't know that09:54
SCHAAP137i discovered it 2 days ago myself :P09:55
SCHAAP137all other apt-get operations, look better when done with just apt09:55
bhaveshSCHAAP137: I just tried it, didn;t get any progress bars09:55
bhaveshI was just wondering why it is so much faster now09:55
SCHAAP137hmm, it could also be mirror-related09:57
SCHAAP137with a fresh system, you just have the regular ubuntu repos, geographically close09:57
wafflejockbhavesh, yeah could be combo of less repos to hit and things working faster with less people hitting the particular servers that are shipping packages for the new version, just speculating though not sure09:58
snfgfSo, to disable a service I need to use update-rc.d, OR upstart, OR systemd...?09:59
bhaveshwafflejock: okay09:59
almarkhoi tim24110:01
tme5i think the lack of 14.04 -> 16.04 update should have been clearer in the xenial notes :P10:01
snfgfHow do I know which of update-rc.d, upstart or systemd to use to disable services?10:03
tme5see for yourself :P https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader?field.searchtext=16.0410:03
SCHAAP137snfgf, as i understood, systemd creates template unit files for any update-rc.d or upstart based service10:03
SCHAAP137systemd uses modules to read them10:03
SCHAAP137so in the end, you can just control everything from systemd10:03
tme5also, why the hell are we allowing users to attempt the upgrade, when we KNOW it is not possible??10:05
tme5did no-one consider this??10:05
cfhowletttme5, calm down.10:06
tme5cfhowlett, i am calm :P simply voicing my concern10:06
SCHAAP137tme5, the upgrade path for 14.04->16.04 opens when 16.04.1 releases, July 21st10:07
tme5i am aware of this, but most users are not10:07
tme5ok that is a lie. i have no idea what proportion.10:07
tme5but it seems to be mentioned only subtly in the notes. and there are a lot of reports.10:08
hiexpobad idea to upgrade without a backup10:10
cfhowletthiexpo, don't be silly.  no one would do an upgrade without a backup in place.10:11
* alkisg did :)10:11
SCHAAP137there is/was a time window in which do-release-upgrade -d would force the upgrade to xenial, but at some point it will (or already has) changed to 16.10 yakkety; not sure when that happens10:11
tme5i am just surprise that ubuntu still let's people attempt the upgrade10:11
tme5oh i see10:12
cfhowlettubuntu doesn not protect users from self-inflicted silly10:12
alkisgupgrade doesn't destroy user data even if it fails10:12
alkisgIt's just a matter of fixing sources, a few postinst scripts etc, and then retrying apt dist-upgrade...10:12
hiexpoyes it does10:12
alkisgIt destroys /home? how?10:13
mDfRgdont't forget rm -rf / is still available, talking about security10:13
SCHAAP137i just upgraded it, I couldn't wait, apart from some minor self-inflicted transitional issues, it works fine atm10:13
alkisgIf any postinst script does rm -rf /, it will be there on simple apt upgrades as well, not just on do-release-upgrades10:14
mDfRgI meant that we're arguing about the system letting users run do-release-upgrade whereas same systme let you run rm -rf /10:16
mDfRg*system lets10:16
SCHAAP137you'd still need --no-preserve-root to make it work10:17
SCHAAP137did it once, before reinstalling, just to see what would happen10:17
littlebithi people, i have ubuntu 16.04 and wanted to install gitlab, yet I get this error message during the installation. http://dpaste.com/32E3Q3K can someone help??10:17
EriC^^the pc slowly disintegrates10:17
mDfRgSCHAAP137: and what happened?10:18
alkisglittlebit, do you have nginx installed and disabled?10:18
=== Drac0 is now known as Guest17063
SCHAAP137mDfRg, the OS just crumbled down, disintegrated10:19
mDfRgSCHAAP137: did you were able to use the prompt? some of the system persisted in RAM, didn;t it?10:20
littlebitalkisg: i tried to uninstall nginx with apt-get remove but that didn't change anything10:21
alkisglittlebit, try apt-get purge nginx so as to remove its config files10:22
alkisgIt's possible that gitlab's postinst script gets confused by them10:22
SCHAAP137mDfRg, to some extent, but it doesn't last very long10:22
SCHAAP137it's fun to try though, in a virtual machine10:22
killerhey , anyone running ubuntu on mac air 201510:22
mDfRgyeah, maybe gonna do that in spare time. Did you have additional prompt for the command?10:23
cfhowlettkiller, avoid "... anyone ..." questions.  YOUR problems with YOUR specifications might get answers10:23
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
TJ-SCHAAP137: mDfRg everything already running should continue fine, but *any* additional files needing to be read will cause failures. Files already open remain even if they are unlinked (deleted) - they're only removed from the file-system when closed and not referenced by any process.10:24
SCHAAP137mDfRg, that would be something like: sudo rm -rfv --no-preserve-root /10:25
littlebitalkisg: I even purged gitlab and went to reinstall gitlab, yet I get this http://dpaste.com/0FF19ZV10:25
TJ-mDfRg: you can test it in a chroot too10:25
mDfRgso simple sudo rm -rf / won't work I suppose10:26
mDfRgthat's a useful info10:26
EriC^^mDfRg: sudo rm -rf /* might10:26
geirhacan confirm, * makes all the difference10:27
TJ-mDfRg: according to the source-code rm will report "failed to get attributes of /"10:27
QwertieIm trying to compile tinywm but I am getting this error. Am I missing a dependency? https://bpaste.net/show/70720c66c5e110:27
=== Piper-Off is now known as Monthrect
TJ-giraffe: that makes perfect sense, since the shell expands /* before passing the list of entries to 'rm'10:28
TJ-geirha: that makes perfect sense, since the shell expands /* before passing the list of entries to 'rm'10:28
alkisgQwertie, apt-get build-dep tinywm10:28
mDfRgI see10:28
Qwertiealkisg: Same error10:29
alkisgQwertie, after you install the packages needed, try "make" etc10:29
alkisgNot just gcc10:29
SCHAAP137ah TJ-, that patch you made for network-manager-openvpn a while ago, to add an option for tls-cipher; it doesn't seem to apply anymore in 16.04's version of that package. I altered your patch a bit to make it work again: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16167873/10:30
TJ-SCHAAP137: really? do I need to push a fix to my PPA for 16.04?10:30
SCHAAP137it uses a different header file, in a different place10:30
=== Aria|away is now known as Aria
TJ-SCHAAP137: naughty... I'll switch to the PC I created that from and add that and push it10:31
SCHAAP137i managed to change & build it for myself, using your patch as an example10:31
kevin123Qwertie, you installed libx11-dev ?10:31
SCHAAP137but for other people, it might be handy10:31
Qwertiekevin123: Yeah, I needed to get the make file to compile it10:31
=== Aria is now known as Aria22
kevin123try make clean10:32
kevin123then rerun it10:32
QwertieAh, gcc just needs the -lX11 option10:34
kevin123that should be in the makefile10:34
QwertieIt was but I didnt have the makefile before10:35
SCHAAP137TJ-, it would be even nicer if it could be merged into the regular package, but i don't have a clue how it would work, in an organisational sense10:35
TJ-SCHAAP137: If I can find my original source/patches I'll push it, and see if I can get it upstreamed too10:35
TJ-SCHAAP137: for some reason it's not where I thought I'd left it :s10:35
VillageWhat proxy i need use that be iptv http stream to iptv http stream?10:36
SCHAAP137obviously i can test things if needed, TJ-, 16.04 install here10:37
TJ-SCHAAP137: I'm slowly upgrading to 16.04 but there are a *lot* of bugs popping up so I'm taking it slowly10:37
TJ-SCHAAP137: any idea what date it was I published that network-manager-openvpn package ?10:38
TJ-SCHAAP137: oh found it in my emails: 24 March10:39
SCHAAP137hm, i can only see the 16.04 changelogs10:40
SCHAAP137last change was april 1210:40
hiexpobugs yup lol10:40
TJ-SCHAAP137: usually I put package source under /home/all/SourceCode/<package-name>/ but for some reason I put that under /home/all/SourceCode/openvpn/<package-name> the date helped me find it10:41
SCHAAP137ahh your local package source, allright10:41
TJ-SCHAAP137: yeah... OK, done for 16.04, pushing up to launchpad now. probably show up in about an hour10:45
TJ-SCHAAP137: I'll see about adding some GUI extensions to the -gnome package before pushing it upstream, too10:51
dlinux_what's the channel about?10:53
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
cfhowlett!topic | dlinux10:53
ubottudlinux: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic10:53
SCHAAP137ah nice TJ-10:53
=== alkisg is now known as Guest93205
SCHAAP137TJ-, the best spot for a GUI element for tls-cipher, would be underneath 'HMAC Authentication', in tab 2 (Security) of the Advanced dialog of a VPN connection11:01
SCHAAP137there's still some space left there11:01
=== michael__ is now known as Guest80879
Thinker_can anyone please tell what does sd stands for in naming of storage devices, like sda, sdb......i mean full form of sd11:05
sebsebsebThinker_: storage device I guess11:05
sebsebsebThinker_: that's probaby it yeah, but iit's just a way to label the partitions really11:05
SCHAAP137Thinker_, originally it was a SCSI device, but then SATA came out11:06
sebsebsebThinker_: sda would usaully be the first hard disk, and sdb if there is one a second hard disk11:06
Thinker_sebsebseb,  SCHAAP137  thanks all11:06
akikThinker_: scsi device11:06
sebsebsebThinker_: and then each partition inside that11:06
sebsebsebThinker_: ok you're welcome :)11:07
sebsebseboh gone already11:07
akiki think there was a time period in which a ata disk would have sda instead of hda in linux kernel11:07
ducasseakik: IDE devices used to be hda, SCSI sda11:08
SCHAAP137"SATA support in Linux is implemented in a layer referred to as libata, which sits below the SCSI subsystem. For this reason, SATA drivers are found in the SCSI driver section of the configuration."11:08
FManTropyxyou are both right!11:09
FManTropyxata? wasn't that just an alias for ide?11:09
SCHAAP137ata = advanced technology attachment11:10
thohtis it safe to migration ubuntu 14 to 16 when having ceph/qmenu/kvm/libvirt used ?11:11
sebsebsebthoht: 14.04 to 16.04 you mean?11:11
sebsebsebthoht: you can't LTS to LTS upgrade juset yet another three months or so when 16.04.1 is released11:11
thohtLTS to LTS11:11
sebsebsebthoht: also when you do upgrade yes your virtual machine programs may get effected a bit since going to quite later versions  probablly11:12
sebsebsebtwo years or so difference11:12
sebsebsebwill probably go mostly smoothley11:12
sebsebsebhowever I don't realy use the programs you have mentioned, althoruhg tried out qemu before I think11:12
thohti got a cluster of 3 ubuntu 14.04 LTS11:12
thohtso the idea is to migrate them one by one11:12
sebsebsebthoht: you should wait untll the point relaesse before even trying anyway really11:12
thohtto 16.04 LTS11:12
thohtok understood11:13
sebsebsebLTS to LTS upgrades aren't supported yet11:13
sebsebsebbut when 16.04.1 comes out it will be11:13
=== Guest93205 is now known as alkisg
akikducasse: it was in kernel 2.6.19 that the thing changed. /dev/hda for an ide disk would then be called /dev/sda11:17
ducasseakik: probably right, I just remember it was a long time ago :)11:19
VillageWhat proxy server i need use that restream http stream? (HTTP stream to HTTP stream)11:37
alkisgΩραίος :)11:38
VillageHello, qq11:38
gshmuqq: say English, or join Ubuntu-cn11:38
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw11:39
gshmuqq, Can i help you?11:39
ubottuŠiame kanale bendraujama anglų kalba. Jei ieškote pagalbos lietuvių kalba, prisijunkite prie #ubuntu-lt kanalo.11:39
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw11:40
qqHow many people are there?11:40
Villagegshmu, maybe you can help me?:)11:40
Villagemany qq11:40
gshmu1880 qq11:40
VillageAbout restreaming http stream..11:40
gshmuVillage, maybe11:42
VillageSo whats your ideas?11:42
gshmuVillage, my proxy select for match with server...11:44
Village14.04 Ubuntu11:45
gshmumy proxy server select `pip install shadowsocks`11:46
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
Villageand it's restreaming http stream?11:47
qqWhat should pay attention to here?11:47
gshmuVillage, sorry i have no idea...11:48
VillageHm, understand,11:50
gshmuqq, ask question for Ubuntu after you google it, or answer any question.11:50
qqhallo tim24111:52
tim241qq dutch?11:52
=== arlen is now known as Guest16718
qqi am china11:55
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw11:55
gshmuqq, me too11:58
BluesKajHowdy all11:58
mDfRgdo you know how to set to suspend PC even if no user is logged in?11:58
tim241press the power button xD11:58
xet7remote ssh and shutdown -h now ? :D11:59
xet7hmm, suspend may be different11:59
BluesKajsudo pm-suspend if you're ssh'd into a remote pc12:01
tim241sudo rm -rf /12:02
=== marshal0605 is now known as marshal0505
pauljwthat's not funny, tim24112:04
cfhowlett!danger | tim24112:04
ubottutim241: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!12:04
tim241sorry :-(12:04
pashokHi all, what are my options to use RDP client from Windows to remote Linux machines?12:04
cfhowlettthat will get you kicked out of here tim241.  stop it now12:04
tim241I stopped it already12:05
MonkeyDustpauljw  cfhowlett don't give it attention, always the same silly command12:05
Villagetim241, hello, maybe you know what proxy server i need restreaming http iptv stream?12:05
tim241it depends12:06
tim241find the ip12:06
VillageYes, ip, but that adress line be with proxy server address..12:07
Villagehttp://x.xx.xx:1234/udp/ this i got to VPS (DS) ip12:08
Villageand i want watch at phone vlc player by server ip12:08
NompHello all. Anyone know how to work with ibus and xkb? Having problems getting things working properly12:09
alkisgNomp: what's your locale?12:09
Nompalkisg: I have various layouts with xkb, so.. several?12:10
pintmanNomp, ask your question and anyone with expertise will answer.12:10
alkisgNomp, ah, so you're not using the system defaults at: grep OPTION /etc/default/keyboard12:10
NompI have no idea what that means, alkisg :)12:11
Nompalkisg: I use multiple keyboard with xkb including one modified one. All that has been working fine12:11
lffkudili have an good idea, where can i suggest it?12:11
cfhowlett!contribute | lffkudil12:12
ubottulffkudil: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu12:12
MonkeyDustlffkudil  start in #ubuntu-offtopic12:12
alkisgNomp:  Recent Ubuntu (Unity) versions don't respect xkb much. I switched to Ubuntu-mate because of that.12:12
bishopsAnyone using California as a calendar on ubuntu? Why is there still a theme problem with it? Anyway to resolve this?12:12
NompI'm actually on Linux Mint but they just passed the buck, alkisg haha12:12
Nompalkisg: I just assumed that I'd be able to get some help here12:12
MonkeyDustNomp  mint is not supported here, it's a different distro12:13
mDfRgI know about suspend via ssh12:13
NompYes, MonkeyDust12:13
mDfRgI thought about a setting to save electricity12:13
NompMonkeyDust: Everywhere I go, they just send me somewhere else haha12:13
mDfRgin case someone power on machine, doesn't log in and leave the room12:13
cfhowlettNomp, not sure what "passed the buck" means but if they don't support their OS perhaps you should consider your options12:14
Nompcfhowlett: Which 'options'?12:14
Nompcfhowlett: The problem is that when I go to ask them they just tell me to go elsewhere because they don't support the components which make up the distro12:15
NompPretty lousy attitude, in my opinion12:15
cfhowlettfor one, install a supported OS.  ubuntu springs to mind ...12:15
qqWho can help me to solve a problem, why i7 can not guide the OS X Mac, I use the other PC12:15
Nompcfhowlett: Not so helpful for me12:15
alkisgNomp: what were you using before, and it worked?12:17
vijuHow do I install gnome classic?12:18
Nompalkisg: I was just using xkb for my layouts. I wanted to start using ibus for Chinese but it's much worse (and the Chinese doesn't work)12:18
elichai2do you think it's already safe to upgrade to 16.04?12:18
vijuelichai2: Try it out before. I really don't like it.12:18
elichai2viju, why?12:18
alkisgNomp: yeah ibus was broken for me too, I disabled it completely12:19
vijuThere is nothing really new good about it.12:19
elichai2(i'm on 15.10 now)12:19
Nompalkisg: So, what are my options?12:19
elichai2viju, so why don't like it? you mean you were disappointed?12:19
alkisgNomp: I don't know about chinese support in xkb, sorry, maybe ask in some chinese channel...12:19
Nompalkisg: Do I simply forget about using Chinese input altogether?12:19
alkisgxkb works fine for me here12:20
alkisg(greek, english)12:20
vijuI never liked Unity, because it was broken in my 12.04, I doubt it's the reason my eclipse cant open some dialog box.12:20
Nompalkisg: Yeah, it works for most layouts but it doesn't do Chinese12:20
TJ-viju: on which ubuntu release is your Eclipse problem?12:20
vijuPlus, Ubuntu Software Center the replacement for it's earlier thing is still broken.12:20
Nompalkisg: I've even managed to create my own custom layouts with xkb (which is such a prick to do! haha)12:20
NompiBus doesn't use the xkb layouts definitions and I can't see a way of making them work with them12:21
* Cedara raises hand12:21
elichai2my big problem is restting my repos after every upgrade :/12:21
vijuTJ-: I tried eclipse 32, 64 that I had used before on my 12.04, they all worked there, but now in the machine won't run. I have no way to figure out if it's an Eclipse issue or Ubuntu.12:21
TJ-viju: on 12.04 Precise?12:22
alkisgCedara: you can just ask...12:22
TJ-viju: there are known issues on 16.04 which can be fixed by changes to the eclipse.ini12:22
vijuelichai2: I don't want to be disuade you away, just try the live cd use all the software that you use and see if it works for you.12:22
CedaraUbuntu 16.04 64bit, wanted to install Vivaldi (deb), but didn't work. It only says waiting for installation. Do I need an extra for .deb ?12:23
HanumaanI tried to upgrade via command line on remote machine with the following command "sudo do-release-upgrade" but it says "No new release found"... how do upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04?12:23
CedaraI'm afraid I messed things up, so I thought I'd ask.12:23
vijuTJ-: I knew of some issue back in Linux Mint. Eclipse used to crash because some piece of line wasn't added in eclipse.ini. Do you mean similar thing can fix it?12:23
CedaraThanks, alkisg12:23
cfhowlettHanumaan, wait for 16.04.1 or download the 16.04 USB and clean install12:23
MonkeyDust!find vivaldi12:23
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 11 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=vivaldi&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all12:23
TJ-viju: are you on 12.04 or 16.04 with the problem?12:23
vijuTJ-: 16.0412:24
CedaraMonkeyDust : No result at the link.12:24
alkisgCedara: there's a known issue with gnome-software installing third party .deb files, it was fixed but it's only released in -proposed so far, so  you need to use "dpkg". Google about it, I don't have the link handy...12:24
vijuOn 12.04 I always used gnome classic, since Unity messed itself up.12:24
Cedaraalkisg : Ta. How do I check if I messed things up?12:25
alkisgI don't know what you did to mess things up...12:25
TJ-viju: right. edit the eclipse.ini, remove the 2 lines "--launcher.library" and the following line. Replace with the 2 lines "--launcher.GTK_version" and "2"12:25
Hanumaancfhowlett, thank you for the info so as of now command line upgrade is not yet complete ready but upgrade-manager -d is already giving GUI upgrade is this fine to upgrade or should one wait for 16.04.1?12:25
mDfRgSpeaking of upgrade to 16.04 is there any danger with staying on 15.10 till the end of the year?12:25
cfhowlettHanumaan, my advice is free and worth every penny paid.  wait for 16.04.1 so the first wave of bug fixes are implemented12:26
Cedaraalkisg: I clicked the deb, the sofware center popped up and gave me an install button, I clicked on that but it only said "installation waiting". After a reboot, that bit wasn't there anymore.12:26
Cedara(yes, I know, I should have come here first, before rebooting)12:26
MonkeyDustmDfRg  'danger' is too big a word, support ends in july, i think, you won't get updated after that12:27
alkisgCedara: I wouldn't worry much about that part12:27
TJ-viju: also, in the eclipse.desktop file (probably under ~/.local/share/applications) you can make sure eclipse has its own menu (rather than Unity stealing it) with UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0, e.g. "Exec=/usr/bin/env UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 /opt/eclipse/4.5/eclipse"12:27
Cedaraalkisg : ah, good12:27
CedaraThen google is me12:27
TJ-Cedara: check if the package is actually installed with "apt-cache policy <package-name>"12:28
mDfRgMonkeyDust: even uptodate programs like firefox?12:28
CedaraTJ- : Not found. So that means it's fine.12:29
Seb2370Guys anybody with any luck with EFI Stub loader and Dell firmware?12:29
MonkeyDust!eol | mDfRg12:29
ubottumDfRg: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:29
cfhowlettavoid "anyone ..." questions.  give YOUR problems and YOUR specifications for best results12:30
TJ-Cedara: not installed then. In 16.04 there are some reports that Software Center (actually gnome-software) is not installing .debs, is not showing installation status, does not list non-gui packages,and doesn't list packages at all at first log-in (due to empty cache)12:30
vijuTJ-: Thanks it worked!12:31
TJ-viju: that hit me last week which is why I knew :)12:32
CedaraTJ- : Shall I file a report or such?12:32
TJ-Cedara: there are many already :p12:33
Seb2370well... the firmware (Dell XT3) refuses to pass arguments to the Kernel from a boot entry but it pass them just fine once something else has booted, like when booting to a EFI Shell, exit, and the next entry in boot order loads including arguments12:33
CedaraTJ- lol12:33
TJ-Seb2370: sounds like a bug in the Dell UEFI12:34
Seb2370TJ-:yeah is driving me nuts12:34
TJ-Seb2370: have you chased up Dell?12:35
herrkinhello awesome community, I installed the driver for my wifi module on my laptop, now I have to manually enable it after each boot and then restart network-manager service, is there anything I can do to make it hapen automatically?12:35
TJ-Seb2370: the only reasonable work-around is to boot via GRUB I guess12:35
herrkinI need the system to auto enable the eno1 network device12:35
TJ-herrkin: what do you mean by "manually enable it" - what commands do you issue?12:36
wifi_qjhWelcome to chat with me12:36
herrkinTJ-, sudo ifconfig eno1 up12:36
wifi_qjhnew people12:36
mDfRgMonkeyDust: so after July 2016 there will be no updates at all for 15.10?12:36
Seb2370TJ-: not yet, I just suspect they are not going to do much. Yeah GRUB works fine but rEFInd works to so I might go with that, I might try to write an EFI loader with gnu-efi but not sure yet if i want to spend the time12:36
dillondoes anyone know how to get netflix to work with ubuntu lts?12:37
dillon14.04 LTS12:38
wifi_qjhA little bit difficult12:39
MonkeyDustmDfRg  true12:39
MonkeyDustdillon  is this useful http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/watch-netflix-natively-linux-easy-way/12:39
MonkeyDustmDfRg  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases12:40
TJ-herrkin: have you defined that interface in Network Manager connections ?12:40
herrkinTJ-, how do I check that? I think I didn't12:41
TJ-herrkin: 'generally' if the system uses N.M. it won't touch any interface you define manually in /etc/network/interfaces. So, if you've done that, I'd suggest removing/commenting the config in that file and then using N.M.'s GUI connection editor to define a connection, then it'll autostart12:42
dillonMonkeyDust all I get when I open it in chrome is the system requirements page12:43
herrkinTJ-, the interfaces file was not edited, I just installed the driver, but it does not go up when booting. I have to manually issue the up command to get it online. and later because network manage doesnt know about that I just restart the service and I can use wifi12:45
MonkeyDustdillon  maybe the people in #chrome can help12:46
mDfRgMonkeyDust: can it be overriden by PPA's and souces.lists?12:46
lffkudili wish ubuntu would come with an option in the privacy setting to route the internet trought TOR... would be nice to see in the news after the amazon search thing12:46
herrkinTJ-, I have no configuration in the interfaces file besides auto lo \r iface lo inet loopback12:46
TJ-herrkin: Hmmm, then maybe the reason is just that you've not yet created a N.M. connection for the Wifi12:47
herrkinno I haven't I dont know how12:47
TJ-herrkin: at the command-line "nmcli con" will list all the defined connections12:48
TJ-herrkin: right click on the network icon in the task-bar and choose "Edit connections..."12:48
MonkeyDustmDfRg  you better disable ppa's, when you upgrade to a next release12:48
herrkinok it has a lot of connections including in green the active ones, the wifi and the docker one.12:49
herrkinTJ-, I am connected to the wifi, all I want is not having to do those commands every time I boot12:50
TJ-herrkin: right, which requires N.M. to save a connectionc configuration so it knows how to connect, the secret key, etc.12:51
=== lffkudil is now known as lugarius
hfpHi, I have a newly installed Ubuntu 14 LTS system install. I would like to make regular backups of it, what is the best way? The info on the wiki seems outdated; backup-manager is still listed but the project has been dead for a while now. I tried tar but it errored. Suggestions on how to run regular backups on a cron job?12:52
MonkeyDusthfp  rsync is easy and fast12:53
qq_I am very fond of foreign culture, especially in terms of literacy, love programming ideas12:53
herrkinTJ-, the connection and secret key info is already saved, as soon as get the eno1 device up it connects12:54
TJ-!info bacula | hfp12:54
ubottuhfp: bacula (source: bacula): network backup service - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.0.5+dfsg-4build1 (xenial), package size 1 kB, installed size 7 kB12:54
mDfRgMonkeyDust: I meant, can I  stay with 15.10 and add PPA's/sources.list to have up-to-date Firefox and other key apps? 16.04 seems too buggy for the moment12:54
CedaraTJ- : found the launchpad url for the .deb bug and a note of that on omgubuntu12:54
TJ-herrkin: so, you *do* have a N.M. connection configured?12:54
herrkinI dont have to manually join the Network if thats what you mean TJ-12:54
TJ-herrkin: OK, that's different then.12:54
Wulfqq_: literacy?12:54
MonkeyDustmDfRg  ppa's a updated by the maintainer, better contact him/them12:55
herrkinwhat I mean is that when I boot the system the network manager doesn't activate the eno1 device12:55
qq_i am china12:55
TJ-herrkin: the link should 'up' automatically, if N.M. knows its Wireless. but I think you said it has a 'wired' sounding name, wasn't it "en0" ?12:55
Wulf!cn | qq_12:55
ubottuqq_: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw12:55
TJ-herrkin: what chipset/device is the WiFi, and which kernel driver?12:55
herrkinits ralink, if you tell me how to get that info exactly I type it here12:56
effectnetwhat's an easy way to share links between ubuntu and windows machines?12:56
qq_y wulf12:56
hfpThanks MonkeyDust, TJ-12:57
MonkeyDusthfp  rsync [options] [source] [destination] ... also possible over ssh12:57
TJ-herrkin: OK "pastebinit <( lspci -nnk; lsusb; iwconfig; ifconfig eno1; )"12:57
hfpMonkeyDust: Are there dirs you exclude with rsync?12:57
qq_see things in a blur12:57
Wulfqq_: Your English needs improvement. So if you have any real questions, #ubuntu-cn can probably help you better.12:57
MonkeyDusthfp  yes, you can exclude folders ... type   man rsync12:58
MonkeyDust!info luckybackup | hfp12:58
ubottuhfp: luckybackup (source: luckybackup): rsync-based GUI data backup utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.8-2 (xenial), package size 569 kB, installed size 1634 kB12:58
TJ-MonkeyDust: that names doesn't exactly inspire confidence :D12:59
herrkinTJ-, http://termbin.com/dt7n13:01
herrkin 13:01
TJ-herrkin: if you'd issued the command as I gave it it'd have sent all the info into 1 pastebin automatically13:02
herrkinhm.. pastebin is internal to ubuntu?13:03
MonkeyDustTJ-  what names are you referring to13:03
herrkinTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16171140/13:04
TJ-MonkeyDust: sorry, s/name/names/ as in "lucky"backup13:04
TJ-herrkin: thanks, so the device is "01:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Ralink corp. RT3290 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe [1814:3290]"13:06
MonkeyDustTJ-  i agree, but cannot be blamed13:06
dillonwhat do ya'll use for your music downloads?13:06
Villagemaybe someone tryed rinetd ?13:06
Wulfdillon: youtube13:07
herrkinTJ-, yes13:07
TJ-herrkin: did you manually install the active driver rt2860 ?13:08
herrkinTJ-, I had 14 lts and upgraded to 16 lts, when I installed restricted extras I lost wireless, so I googled and I installed it manually (almost, via a script)13:08
TJ-herrkin: because the mainline kernel module rt2800pci claims that device as an alias and therefore would be expected to manage it correctly13:08
ozbrkhi guys need to ask a quesrtion about raw theraphee13:09
ozbrkon ubuntu ofc are there any ırc support channels about it ?13:09
cfhowlettozbrk, ask but note that raw is NOT an ubuntu product13:09
ozbrkok umm ı'm runnig a batch to convert my RAW images to JPEG format on ubuntu (a mass of files about 500 .NEF images) after a while program crashes13:10
ozbrkor ubuntu crashes13:10
TJ-herrkin: due to the release-upgrade there may be 14.04 left-overs causing issues, lets check: "pastebinit <( grep -E '(blacklist|options) rt' /etc/modprobe.d/* )"13:11
herrkinTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16171310/13:11
moskovych HexChat: 2.10.2 ** OS: Linux 4.4.0-21-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Ubuntu "xenial" 16.04 ** CPU: 2 x Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU B950 @ 2.10GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 2.10GHz ** RAM: Physical: 3.7GiB, 31.0% free ** Disk: Total: 451.7GiB, 23.2% free ** VGA: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel PCH ** Ethernet: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101/2/6E13:12
moskovychPCI Express Fast/Gigabit Ethernet controller ** Uptime: 44m 19s **13:12
TJ-herrkin: ahhh, those blacklists will prevent the kernel's preferred driver loading, so lets see if the timestamp tells us when they were added: "pastebinit <( ls -l /etc/modprobe.d/ )"13:12
cfhowlettozbrk, 500 images?  I'd suspect you overloaded your buffer unless you have sizeable ram.  anyway, raw13:13
cfhowlettraw has moved its forums to https://discuss.pixls.us/c/software/rawtherapee13:13
=== jae is now known as Guest17165
TJ-herrkin: so april 28th, 18:30... that would be when you installed the rt2860?13:14
herrkinTJ-, same day of the upgrade, which was also the day I installed restricted extras and I lost the driver. then I installed the driver myself the same day13:15
=== Desu is now known as Guest58686
TJ-herrkin: OK, I'd like to see kernel logging from the rt2800pci driver (trying to) load, we could change things around to do that now but you'd likely have issues switching back to the working driver, so it might be easier for us to search the archived kernel logs for the entries from just after you did the upgrade.13:17
TJ-herrkin: let's start by listing all the kern.log files: "pastebinit <( ls -ltr /var/log/kern* )"13:17
TJ-herrkin: so, kern.log.1 will cover the 28th; "pastebinit <( grep rt28 /var/log/kern.log.1 )"13:19
mDrRgHow about Xubuntu 16.04? Is it buggy? Idk if it's worth to update from 15.1013:19
cfhowlettmDrRg, wait until 16.04.1 for the first wave of fixes to be integrated13:19
herrkinTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16171140/13:19
mDrRgcfhowlett: do you know when it will be published? Is it official or per-need?13:20
nj8Hi, is there any experience of ubuntu 16.04 installation on MSI Apache ge60 ?13:20
TJ-herrkin: that can't be correct; that's an old pastebin :)13:21
Wulfnj8: why, got problems?13:21
herrkinTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16171499/13:21
TJ-mDrRg: 16.04.1 will be released in July13:21
=== Ubuntu is now known as Guest4550
herrkinI dont know why it pasted the last one lol TJ-13:21
hfpAlso, when I ssh into the Ubuntu server or when I am within tmux, my Ubuntu prompt has no colors. I am using the default .bashrc and it checks for color to decide whether to display a colorful prompt. How can I fix it and get a color prompt over ssh/mosh/tmux? I found a StackOverflow answer from 2010 advising to alias `tmux` to `TERM=xterm-256color tmux` but still no color.13:22
mDrRgTJ-:  oh, so right before the EOL :)13:22
nj8I want to install ubuntu instead of debian for a better game support (wine, playonlinux, etc.) but I remember that i've never succeed to install ubuntu 15.04 on me MSI Apache Ge60 (I suspect problem with my video card)13:22
hfpI also tried `tmux -2` to no avail13:23
Wulfnj8: but debian works?13:23
TJ-herrkin: I'm investigating those errors; it could be a missing firmware issue13:24
Guest4550hi guys13:24
nj8Yes, debian works well but not ubuntu. unfortunately, i don't remember errors informations that i got when tried to install ubuntu :/. That why i'm asking for any successfull experience on 16.0413:24
Guest4550i want to install a particular version of wine13:24
Guest4550this one13:24
Guest4550how do i do it13:24
Guest4550i already added the repository13:24
TJ-herrkin: show me "pastebinit <( modinfo -F firmware rt2860 )"13:25
MonkeyDustGuest4550  scroll down on that page ... 'For questions and bugs with software in this PPA please contact Nick Sarnie.'13:26
herrkinTJ-, modinfo: ERROR: Module rt2860 not found.13:26
Guest4550it'll take like a day maybe more13:26
TJ-herrkin: hmmph, we saw earlier "Kernel driver in use: rt2860"13:26
TJ-herrkin: do you get a hit with "lsmod | grep rt28"13:26
herrkinTJ-, no13:27
nj8look, some related stuff : / http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232207113:27
Guest4550so ?13:27
TJ-herrkin: hmmm, something weird about that out-of-tree driver then13:27
vanceXGuest4550: Wine isn't really an Ubuntu support issue, have you looked for a Wine Channel?13:29
Guest4550it's not official wine13:29
MonkeyDustGuest4550  ty #winehq13:29
MonkeyDustGuest4550  try #winehq13:29
TJ-herrkin: did you get the rt2860 driver from the restricted repo, or download/build it from ralink yourself?13:32
UserUSIs it possible to add a LVM to the boot list in a EUFI boot?13:33
TJ-UserUS: you mean a kernel on an LVM LV? no13:33
TJ-UserUS: if you're booting via GRUB then yes13:33
herrkinTJ-, its what I said,  I had that driver installed from 14lts when I upgraded to 16lts it worked but I tried installing restricted extras and I didn't work anymore.13:33
UserUSthe host machine boots into refind and the LVM LV is grub13:34
herrkinthen I installed the other one13:34
herrkinTJ-, RT329013:34
EriC^^UserUS: why dont you do refind > grub efi file13:35
Nilesh_how to resize the root partition of ubuntu?13:35
Nilesh_I need to extend it13:35
UserUSEric^^: I do?13:35
herrkinTJ-, the one that I installed manually was RT329013:35
EriC^^Nilesh_: delete the partition and recreate it larger at the same starting sector, then resize the fs13:35
EriC^^Nilesh_: what's after the partition?13:35
MonkeyDustNilesh_  backup first ... with a live cd/usb, use gparted13:35
UserUSbut the LVM is inside a ubuntu distro installed on the machne13:36
TJ-herrkin: right, where did the working driver come from? I want to look atits source. We have 2 tools reporting its name as rt2860 but both commands to give us info about rt2860 cannot find it.13:36
EriC^^UserUS: yeah use grub on the efi partition13:36
EriC^^to boot the rest as usual13:36
UserUSgrub boots ubuntu, but refind loads first to show bootable UUID's13:36
Nilesh_ok thanks13:36
herrkinTJ-, yes I think this is why I had to install the later. after I installed the restricted extras there was no way to lift the wlan0 device anymor13:37
vanceXNilesh: what is adjacent to your root partition?13:38
herrkinTJ-, I have the script here, where can I send it to you so you can see it?13:38
TJ-herrkin: hang on , let's try another way to get the driver filename: "pastebinit <( ls /sys/module/ )"13:40
rahuldevHi I have 2gb Ram and Intel Dual core processor, What will you like to prefer me to install 32 bit or 64 bit ubuntu?13:41
herrkinTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16172024/13:41
MonkeyDustrahuldev  if the hardware is 64 bit capble, use 64 bit13:42
MonkeyDustrahuldev  if you're not sure, use 32 bit13:42
vanceXrahuldev: I'd use 32bit unless you're a chrome browser user13:43
rahuldevMonkeyDust, thanks I think it's 64bit capable processor.13:43
MonkeyDustrahuldev  for low hardware specs, there's lubuntu or xubuntu13:43
rahuldevlubuntu or xubuntu never tried I'll try that.13:44
vervetrahuldev: put openbox on that baby, it'll fly, my idle is at 200mb13:44
rahuldevvervet, thanks openbox is like gnome and kde, not os13:46
vervetrahuldev: that's right, lubuntu would be the closest, and then you could strip from then on if necessary -- openbox is lxde's window manager13:46
TJ-herrkin: strange, lspci and the kernel log show the active module as rt2860 but that suggests it is "rt3290sta"13:47
TJ-herrkin: let's see "pastebinit <( modinfo rt3290sta )"13:47
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
rahuldevvervet, I'll try it for fun, if work great then I'll stay with it. thanks13:48
herrkinTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16172184/13:48
vervetrahuldev: good luck13:48
TJ-herrkin: it looks like there's a version of the rt3290sta driver updated for 16.04, see comment #201 onwards in bug 104946613:53
ubottubug 1049466 in linux (Ubuntu) "Need support of Ralink RT3290 wifi support" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104946613:53
SburWhere do I go to get support with "Cheese", the program to record a video with the webcam?13:53
TJ-herrkin: it looks like, if you currently have working Bluetooth, that driver might have problems with BT, although its not clear what the issues are13:54
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herrkinTJ-, I dont think this machine has a bluetooth. I never used it. or saw the option in either windows or ubuntu13:57
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herrkinI have had this machine for more than a year13:57
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demvunHi everybody!13:58
=== RalphBa_ is now known as RalphBa
F4ncyhi there, I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 with VNC. I'm using XFCE as the desktop enviroment, and I wanted to change the resolution. Display says "Unable to query the version of the RandR extension being used." Is there a fix to this problem?13:58
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SburI am trying to record an audio/visual movie with my webcam and "Cheese".  No sound comes forth.  What am I doing wrong?13:59
demvunUbuntu 16.04 have many problems. Ubuntu creators give us many bugs14:00
demvunSorry, i don't know english very well14:01
Hydr0p0nXSbur - does the webcan support audio ?14:01
SburHydr0p0nX: I think so, but how to check that out?14:02
Hydr0p0nXF4ncy: Are you using the radeon driver by chance ?14:02
Sburis there a command line to check it out?14:02
Hydr0p0nXSbur: what camera is it ?14:02
TJ-herrkin: it does have bluetooth - it was listed by "lspci"14:02
demvunSbur, try use this webcam on another computer14:03
TJ-herrkin: so that comment #201 about the bluetooth driver might give you working BT at last :)14:03
SburHydr0p0nX: It's built by logitech, but I don't see the model number14:03
Sburdemvun: The only other computer that I have at the house is a very old laptop that someone asked me to help with ... Pentium 4, gotta be at least 10 yrs old the laptop14:04
TJ-Sbur: check for sound device with "aplay -l"14:04
TJ-Sbur: if there is a webcam microphone it'd likely be connected via USB14:05
herrkinTJ-, I am confused14:05
TJ-herrkin: not the only one :)14:05
herrkinTJ-, that wifi chip is also a bluetooth?14:05
SburTJ-: It's usb and it has a hole on the top, something that seems to say micro14:05
TJ-herrkin: according to your "lspci -nn" output, yes, it was listed after the 329014:06
TJ-Sbur: but is the microphone reported by the audio sub-system? check "aplay -l"14:06
herrkinso TJ-, isn't it easier to tell the manager to lift the eno1 card up?14:07
herrkinI dont know I am just guessing14:07
TJ-herrkin: that issue is a bug in the driver you have installed; it should bring the link up automatically14:07
asianboiHPQuestion: When is Ubuntu for Windows releasing?14:08
herrkinI think I will keep it like that untill I have another computer so I can uninstall it14:08
MonkeyDustasianboiHP  meaning?14:08
Sbur*** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices **** card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC1200 Analog [ALC1200 Analog]   Subdevices: 1/1   Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 3: ALC1200 Digital [ALC1200 Digital]   Subdevices: 1/1   Subdevice #0: subdevice #014:08
asianboiHPthe linux command line for windows14:08
herrkinand remain online to talk to you TJ-14:08
MonkeyDustasianboiHP  andLinux can do that14:08
asianboiHPah, thanks :)14:09
MonkeyDustasianboiHP  http://www.andlinux.org/14:09
herrkinI mean that I cannot play with the driver now because I will lose connection and I don't have another machine to log into this channel.14:09
SburTJ-: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16172731/14:10
TJ-herrkin: right, I think you'll have to live with it for now, but do some research on the updated driver, and maybe add a comment to the bug report since it is still a problem for the Linux module not working but claiming the device14:11
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Hydr0p0nXSbur - looks like the microsphone isn't being picked up, can you pastebin the output of lsusb -v ?14:12
alkisgTJ-, Sbur: aplay -l, or arecord -l ?14:12
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vanceXSbur: Open alsamixer in terminal and check to see if Mic has been auto-muted14:16
TJ-He quit 5 minutes ago14:19
=== Soul is now known as Guest18993
herrkinTJ-, I am trying the bluetooth. it says no adapter found.14:19
TJ-alkisg: yeah, should have been 'arecord -l' , duh!14:20
* alkisg also needed sudo to get a list there14:20
TJ-herrkin: is that after installing that rtbth driver?14:20
=== yosefh is now known as chroma__
chroma__hi. can anyone help me trouble shoot my wireless issues14:21
Guest18993Hey everyone out there, poll for the most optimal linux distribution for enterprise level !                                     a)Ubuntu                      b)Red-hat14:22
MonkeyDusthm ... Guest18993 no polls here, this is the support channel14:23
cfhowlettGuest18993, wrong channel.  do not poll here.14:23
chroma__who can help me trouble shoot my wireless driver14:25
herrkinTJ-, after asking you that it says it has a bluetooth I went to system settings/ bluetooth14:27
herrkinthe app says there is no bluetooth adapter installed14:27
chroma__sudo lshw -C network >> http://termbin.com/veiu14:27
chroma__dmesg | grep iwlwifi >> http://termbin.com/6wdz14:27
chroma__Where is the correct place to ask for help with using wireless?14:28
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:29
chroma__MonkeyDust, thanks. Ill see if it has instructions there for fixing wifi14:30
Guest14889Go vote for your favorite linux distribution from                1) Ubuntu                                                2) redhat                                          3)Fedora14:30
MonkeyDustGuest14889  stop14:31
kristian_on_linuhi all14:32
Guest14889MonkeyDust Come on man I need that for some neccesarry project14:32
kristian_on_linuI installed kernel 4.6.0-rc5 on 14.04.4 LTS because my wifi keeps dropping ... it seems to fix the wifi, but I can't login!14:32
cfhowlettGuest14889, knock it off!  this is not your private channel14:33
Guest14889Does anyone know why ubuntu consumes more resources than other OS (Windows, MacOS, etc.) ?14:33
Guest14889Resources (say, power, memory, etc.)14:34
jpmhGuest14889, generally MUCH LESS14:34
josspykergo away Guest1488914:34
cfhowlettask ##linux Guest1488914:34
Guest14889jmph: LOL14:34
jpmhjosspyker, is he a troll?  I just arrived, and maybe should not have answered14:34
josspykerhe is14:34
jpmhok, he is blocked now, thanks josspyker and appologies to others for feeding the troll.  Sad that they can't get a life14:35
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TJ-herrkin: the bluetooth application only reports devices that have working drivers; as I've said several times 'lspci' reports the device, and it shows no driver has claimed it. comment #201 on the bug report gives a link to an rtbth driver that apparently will drive it14:39
fortean_dadafternoon all - do we have any 16.04 dvd-enabling gurus here?14:47
MonkeyDustfortean_dad  ask your question and wait14:48
effectneti want to send a link to a windows machine.  what do you guys use for stuff like that?  an instant messanger?14:48
SCHAAP137fortean_dad: https://help.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-help/video-dvd-restricted.html14:48
fortean_dadMonkeyDust: rgr that.14:48
fortean_dadtrying to enable dvd playback on 16.04 using instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-help/video-dvd-restricted.html14:49
fortean_dadeach time i get to sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh i get a 'command not found' message and get no further - any ideas?14:49
Trangareffectnet, I usually have skype running on multiple machines, or teamviewer14:51
SCHAAP137fortean_dad, try: sudo apt install libdvd-pkg14:52
alkisgeffectnet: join irc (from e.g. a web browser) to the other machine and PM it14:52
fortean_dadSCHAAP137: i've done it already but will do it again14:52
effectnetheh alkisg  k thx14:52
fortean_dadSCHAAP137: yeah it's at the newest version14:53
SCHAAP137tested with a DVD?14:54
SchrodingersScateffectnet: if you install something like pidgin on both, then they should be able to find each other using the bonjour protocol. you could also use putty on the windows machine to get to a shell  on the linux machine14:54
fortean_dadSCHAAP137: yeah tried 2, using onboard video? app and vlc - no joy with either14:54
effectnetoh nice i'll try the bonjour thing14:55
effectnetevery single im now wants your name, phone number, and to call you and verify14:55
effectneti can't stand that14:55
jedygabrielsup guys14:56
jedygabrielanyone there14:56
recon_laphi all, trying to track down a script that is running in my root shell when I boot to rescue mode, it leaves this in the bash_history file. http://pastebin.com/1AiH3aka , anyone able to suggest how to find this file?14:56
leromeI can't believe that there's no source on upgrading my gnome14:57
leromefrom 3.10 to the latest14:57
TJ-effectnet: why not just install the apache2 web-server, enable its userdir module, and then put the data/files in $HOME/public_html/ on Linux and use the Windows web browser to go to "http://linux-pc/~your-username"14:57
leromenone of the dudes on #gnome are helping14:58
alkisgrecon_lap: are you sure that's a script and not the history of previous commands you've ran in the past?14:58
jedygabrielhow to disconnect from this server?14:58
InocuousI asked this earlier but I was really sure of the answer, so I'll ask again. When I'm using workspaces, in the standard config, 4 spaces, is it in the design of the software to move programs from one space to the other by dragging.14:58
jedygabrielfrom irssi14:58
effectnetTJ-, hmm k i'll check it14:58
vervetrecon_lap: have you tried to grep for any of that content on /?14:59
MonkeyDustrecon_lap  very basic way ... grep -r "cat /var/log/auth.log" *14:59
akikrecon_lap: that looks like root's .bash_history(?)14:59
MonkeyDustvervet  was faster15:00
TJ-effectnet: all it needs is "sudo apt install apache2; sudo a2enmod userdir; mkdir $HOME/public_html; chmod 0755 $HOME/public_html" and then put your files in that directory15:00
recon_lapalkisg: the system reboot every time I open the shell unless I issue a "shutdown -c", and I never rifled through my security files so efficiently. I've tried grep, but by grep FU not strong enough. private folders error messages drown out useful hits15:00
alkisgrecon_lap: the actual issue that you have might be completely unrelated to root's bash_history15:01
recon_lapand /etc/printcap kills grep totally15:01
r__nis reboot supposed to be broken after 16.04 upgrade?15:01
r__nso far I've had this happen on all the boxes I've upgraded15:02
vervetrecon_lap: you could try it with sudo and 2> /dev/null15:02
r__n   Failed to start reboot.target: Connection timed out15:02
r__nSee system logs and 'systemctl status reboot.target' for details.15:02
recon_lapalkisg: that script is a big issue.15:02
alkisgrecon_lap: did some other person gain access to your system a while ago?15:02
recon_lapvervet: this is in the root rescue shell15:02
NET||abusehi folks, i'm running a 4x6TB btrfs array, for about 9 months now, one issue i have is i've no idea how to see the health of the disks. how do i know if the btrfs volume goes into some broken state? And how to see when i need to replace a disk?15:02
TJ-recon_lap: did you delete /root/.bash_history and it was recreated?15:02
alkisgrecon_lap: the root rescue shell is the same as the root shell on a booted system. It's just the root account15:02
recon_lapalkisg: no, but looks like something did gain access15:02
MonkeyDustNET||abuse  btrfs has its own channel15:02
NET||abuseMonkeyDust, ohh, ok, didn't know that.15:03
alkisgrecon_lap: I don't think any script would "cat README". It looks like it was a user that did that.15:03
recon_lapalkisg: I'll check, I'll delete the bash_history and reboot15:03
alkisgrecon_lap: ls -l /etc/sudoers15:04
alkisgSee the date there15:04
alkisgvisudo was the one of the last commands he ran15:04
elichai2if i find some app in unity search how can I know it's path?15:04
MonkeyDustNET||abuse  simply type /j #btrfs15:04
alkisgrecon_lap: also, better mv it elsewhere instead of deleting it, for auditing reasons15:04
TJ-recon_lap: sounds like you have a reboot command in the /root/.bashrc or /root/.profile15:06
recon_lapalkisg: ok, the history is different now, but the shell is still auto rebooting15:07
alkisgrecon_lap: when does it reboot? when you login as root? or even when it just boots normally?15:07
alkisgAlso check what TJ- said15:07
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archer121hey, I just upgraded my ubuntu gnome from 14.04 to 16.04 dev version. So It boots up, but fails to load the GUI. I can start the qui by loging into a different VT and running startx. What should I do?15:08
fortean_dadgotta go afk15:08
recon_lapalkisg: system wont boot normally , when I boot into recovery mode is reboot after about 60 seonds15:08
alkisgrecon_lap: ok, try: grep -rw reboot /root15:09
alkisgOr shutdown etc15:09
alkisgOr in /etc/profile.d etc etc15:09
TJ-recon_lap: alkisg could be a system service incorrectly configured too15:09
TJ-recon_lap: there may be some indication of what triggered that last shutdown/reboot in /var/log/syslog, too15:11
Jakey3I keep seeing a small grey screen pop when i open a tab in firefox on lubuntu, should I be suspiscious about this15:12
Jakey3it pos up very quickly then disaapearsa15:12
recon_lapalkisg: sry, I appear to be stuck in the reboot loop again, shutdown -h is not stopping it15:12
Jakey3didnt notice this happening before15:12
alkisgrecon_lap: you can press "e" in grub and put init=/bin/bash in the kernel cmdline15:13
alkisgOr use a live cd15:13
Zulu_TooCheck this link: http://askubuntu.com/questions/53263/shut-down-computer-from-keyboard15:18
recon_lapnothing showing up in /var/log/syslog since yesterday when the system went unstable.15:20
Tin_mananyone tried the kubuntu 16.04 yet? Seems to me they went backwards. I've only tested it about an hour, I could not  find my way around worth a darn. Wanted to place a few icon's on the desktop, and these's horrible square icon's were placed at the top, couldn't find a was to make them transparent, but like I said only played around about an hour.  I'll stick with 14.04..15:20
alkisgrecon_lap: what's the date of /etc/sudoers?15:22
dbuggerHello everyone. I am using a 3rd party system to read the logs on my servers, but it does not seem to be working. I get the following error: "pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure". What could be going on?15:22
k1lTin_man: for constructive critics or support you might want to ask in #kubuntu . but for rantings you better use your own blog instead of demotivating volunteers15:22
Tin_mannot trying to start a blog, just wondered if anyone else had tried it.. I'll try over on kubuntu..15:23
recon_lapdbugger: your 3rd party app does not have permission to read the log files15:23
dbuggerrecon_lap, the only instructions I got was to change the "/etc/rsyslog.conf"... That is weird15:24
FrjdHow do can you find out if you need to use sdparm or hdparm (if I have a SCSI drive or regular hard drive)?15:25
recon_lapalkisg: date on sudoers is apr 2nd , which seem about right15:27
C_minusI am trying to put Lubuntu on an old dell dekstop to inject some life into it. The live USB gets as far as the "Installer boot menu" but when I wish to "try without installing" or "install" I jsut see a blinking cursor for infinity.15:28
recon_lapdbugger: check what user permissions you app is running with and see if that user has acces to the log files15:29
C_minusUnder "Advanced options" there are no options. Only a link back to the main "Installer boot menu".15:29
C_minusThe computer currently has Windows XP.15:29
=== imrekt is now known as imr
El_CapitanoC_minus, what's the spec of that Dell?15:30
TJ-C_minus: did you verify the ISO image's checksum?15:30
alkisgrecon_lap: then the bash_history seems unrelated to your issue15:30
jpmhat the shell I can do echo $UID and I do indeed get my UID, why do I not see that value on the output from env?  Where does echo $UID get it from?15:32
C_minusTJ I can't find a place where the checksum is listed15:32
TJ-!checksum | C_minus15:32
ubottuC_minus: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:32
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alkisgjpmh: special bash variable, it's not there if you run e.g. /bin/sh15:33
alkisgNot all variables are exported to the environment15:33
TJ-C_minus: the checksum files are in the same place the ISO images are, e.g. SHA1SUMS or MD5SUMS at http://releases.ubuntu.com/xenial/15:33
jpmhalkisg, ty - makes complete sense15:34
recon_lapalkisg: yep, think I just spooked myself. system is still fried. guess enabling the nvida drivers and intel micro code was a bad idea15:34
ubuntu-mateoo god15:34
alkisgrecon_lap: get a shell there either with init=/bin/bash or with a live cd15:35
C_minusTJ: Checksum is good. El Capitano: It's a Dell Optiplex 770L, 512MB RAM, Celeron (can't remember the clock speed i'll look it up).15:35
TJ-recon_lap: is it a laptop? could the battery be reporting 0% full and the system doing an auto-shutdown, but an ACPI bug turns that into a restart?15:36
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Kimse#/J ubuntu-server15:36
TJ-C_minus: OK, so is the image on the USB itself good too? We see a lot of issues with corrupted USB images. Did you try the "Check disk" or whatever option on the boot menu?15:36
recon_lapTJ-: no, it's a desktop15:36
recon_lapbooting with a liveUSB15:37
segf4ultis there a good way to image an SD card with various partitions?15:37
alkisgDump all of it? sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=file15:38
TJ-segf4ult: if you want it verbatim "sudo dd if=/dev/sdX of=sdX-image.bin bs=100M" (bs==blocksize==faster transfer)15:38
segf4ultalkisg: let's say I have a 16GB card, will it only dump the partitions with data?15:38
alkisgNo, it will dump all of it15:38
alkisgI think clonezilla has support for partial dumps15:39
k1lsegf4ult: dd will make a 1to1 copy of the bits. so you can mount the partitions inside that iso afterwards15:39
segf4ultk1l: I am quite aware, however I do not need all 16GB dumped15:39
k1lsegf4ult: you can dd single partitions only. if you specify them with dd if=/dev/sdb2 of=file.img15:40
TJ-segf4ult: with 'dd' the option "conv=sparse" should convert NUL blocks (all zeros) into seeks in the target file, which will reduce the usage15:40
recon_lapalkisg: ok, got usb boot, can see the system drive. how do i disable property drivers?15:40
C_minusTJ I'll try that too. :S "Check disk for defects" just ends up showing me a blank screen.15:40
TJ-C_minus: then I think the USB image is corrupt :)15:40
DeM0nFiReHello, I am having issues with the screen repeatedly flashing black. Not even sure where to begin looking to figure out why, any ideas? Wasn't happening with 15.10 only happens with 16.0415:40
TJ-DeM0nFiRe: check /var/log/kern.log for any GPU driver error/glitch messages15:41
ioriaC_minus you can edit the kernel line, replacing  'quite splash' with 'nomodeset'15:41
DeM0nFiReOk thanks I'll take a look15:41
segf4ultTJ-: if I use conv=sparse, do I need to do something to make it writable with dd again?15:41
C_minusioria: hey man, yeah I read about that. I'm not sure where in the boot sequence I am able to do that, and how.15:42
TJ-segf4ult: no, the 'sparse' option should just cause the file-system the file is written to to mark the NUL blocks so it doesn't actaully assign real blocks to them. reading the file will show all NULs for those blocks just like the original15:42
ioriaC_minus at the main menu,  press f6 then esc, or 'e'15:42
segf4ultTJ-: but then, if I have 2 partitions and a lot of unallocated space, it should only read the 2 partitions15:42
segf4ultTJ-: right?15:42
TJ-segf4ult: *if* those sectors contain all-zeros yes, but if the file-systems had data but it was deleted then it would get copied too since it is unlikely to be all zeros. Likewise if the source is an encrypted device since it'll look like random data15:44
C_minusioria: OK, pressing F6 and esc made a single prompt appear saying "boot: " with a blinking cursor. Then after a while it reverted to the main menu again.15:44
segf4ultTJ-: is there a clean way to truncate the image at the point the second partition ends?15:44
ioriaC_minus highlight 'try ubuntu' then press 'e'15:44
C_minusioria, unfortunately this has no effect15:45
ioriaC_minus  with f6 what you got ?15:45
k1lsegf4ult: when you do the math and use bs and count15:46
C_minusF6 on its own didn't do anything, my computer just beeped. F6 + esc brought up that "boot: " prompt.15:46
TJ-segf4ult: you'd need to calculate the last sector index you want to copy, and provide 'dd' with a 'count=' value *and* alter bs= so that bs * count == total number of bytes you want to copy.15:46
segf4ultk1l: so, fdisk should tell me what sector it ends at, if I set bs to the sector size, I can just use that figure, I suppose15:46
TJ-ioria: it's not GRUB, it's isolinux, there's no 'edit' facility15:47
ioriaC_minus Tj- o really ? sorry15:47
k1lsegf4ult: and use count to reach that point, yes.15:47
ioriaC_minus try a standard lubuntu iso, maybe15:47
TJ-segf4ult: correct, although when bs=sector-size the transfer will be slow. I generally take the total size and divide it by my preferred bs=100M and set count to that + 115:48
segf4ultk1l: awesome :) thanks15:48
TJ-C_minus: i think it's pretty certain the USB image is corrupt and you should re-write the ISO image to it15:48
C_minusioria - how do you mean? it's the one on lubuntu's "downloads" page. cool, will try that. see yall later, thanks for the help everybody15:49
TJ-segf4ult: I saw a neat tool recently that does all this but cannot remember what it was!15:49
ioriaC_minus so you should have Grub ....15:49
DeM0nFiReDont seem to see anything related to GPU or display in kern.log15:49
segf4ultTJ-: that's a shame15:49
ioriaC_minus i got it. try with dd or linuxpendrive to create the media15:50
segf4ultTJ-: I could also just read the full 16GB, then post-truncate with (end-sector+1)*sector_size15:51
C_minusioria I did use pendrivelinux (on a windows pc) to make the bootble stick. after an attempt with startup disk creator (that stick gave some other error about a parameter missing or something...)15:52
ioriaC_minus do it again, you should have a working grub menu , i guess15:53
recon_lapI miss bios :)15:54
segf4ultTJ-: which is quite a bit easier than to figure out a correct bs and count for dd :)15:54
segf4ultrecon_lap: you miss bios??15:54
segf4ultrecon_lap: you have an EFI system?15:54
recon_lapsegf4ult: yes, and it's been a giant pita so far. admittedly most wounds self inflicted.15:55
C_minusioria, I don't know what you mean about GRUB. The computer in question currently has Windows.15:55
ioriaC_minus when you boot lubuntu, i mean15:56
recon_lapnow it's telling me that i've got a invalid signature.15:56
TJ-!info ddpt | segf4ult15:56
ubottusegf4ult: ddpt (source: ddpt): Copies disks, partitions and files.. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.94-1 (xenial), package size 155 kB, installed size 596 kB15:56
segf4ultTJ-: Awesome :) seems there's also a Trusty release still available15:57
TJ-!info ddpt trusty | segf4ult15:57
ubottusegf4ult: ddpt (source: ddpt): Dump data to and from storage devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.92-1 (trusty), package size 90 kB, installed size 252 kB15:57
segf4ultTJ-: I'll check it out :)15:57
recon_lapand wtf is it with blank screens and booting, they are not help full15:57
TJ-segf4ult: best to read its manual "man ddpt" to be sure you don't create a backup you cannot restore!15:58
DevNopeI must compile Banshee from source !15:58
DevNopeautogen.sh hang on: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16159518/15:58
TJ-recon_lap: black-screens are usually the result of the driver not correctly supporting kernel modesetting, and require the "nomodeset" kernel parameter to work around.16:00
DevNopeWhat can I do?16:01
DeM0nFiReI was tailing the kern.log while the flickering happened, and indeed there were no logs coming at the same time16:01
abhinav--just installed 16.04 and then installed nvidia proprietary driver, now I am stuck in a login loop :(16:01
recon_lapTJ-: yes, I've been trying to find where to edit grub. but I'm nearly and disk wiping stage as this is just too awkward.16:01
SchrodingersScatDevNope: apt-file search Mono.Posix.dll16:02
TJ-DeM0nFiRe: that's a shame, always the easiest thing if it does. Try checking /var/log/Xorg.0.log (the X server log)16:02
DevNopeBut I don't know what I must change that the compiler set to the right path16:03
C_minusI found a help screen explaining boot parameters. ioria: it seems that "boot :" prompt is where I can specify parameters that might be needed on certain hardware. it gives the example "boot: install vga=771 noapic nlapic". What can I type in order to try lubuntu without installing?16:03
SchrodingersScatDevNope: short would be sudo apt-get build-dep banshee16:03
TJ-recon_lap: usually, hold down shift from power-on until GRUB shows its menu... once there, highlight the entry you want to change and press 'E' to edit it, navigate down to the line "linux ..." and append kernel parameters (e.g. " nomodeset") then press Ctrl+X or F10 to immediately boot with those changes16:03
DeM0nFiReSure I will check that16:03
SchrodingersScatDevNope: build-dep pulls the dependencies needed to actually build a package16:04
DevNopeI have done all16:04
ioriaC_minus i always used f6 or 'e' to edit the kernel boot line ...16:04
TJ-DevNope: if you're building from source you have to ensure all the correct versions of the  build dependencies are installed16:04
DevNopethe  dependencies are all installe16:04
TJ-ioria: C_minus system is booting in ISO9660/El Torito mode so it uses the isolinux bootloader. Many older PCs do that with USB devices, treat them as ISO9660 media not as mass storage devices16:05
recon_lapTJ-: currently I'm just getting a blank screen afterthe bios post screen.16:05
TJ-recon_lap: you should hold down shift before it gets to that point and that should get you into GRUB's boot menu16:05
C_minuswhat parameter is "nomodeset" a value for?16:05
ioriaTJ- if irc that option is available also on cd/dvd16:06
zschniHello, I would like to ask some questions about file sharing with samba, it doesn't work properly for me on xenial xerus16:06
DeM0nFiReDont see anything relevant in xorg log either16:06
k1lC_minus: its a kernel mode. for xorg16:06
recon_lapTJ-: ok, got to the grub cfg screen, it's already using nomodeset16:07
TJ-ioria: the ISO images are hybrid (hence called ISO). they're primarily bootable ISO9660 (using El Torito spec), but they also have an msdos MBR partition table and a GPT partition table pointing to GRUB, and an EFI-SP pointing to GRUB16:07
TJ-recon_lap: OK, now edit the "linux ..." line and add " init=/bin/bash" then press Ctrl+X to boot it... that'll start bash but no init system at all16:08
C_minusIncidentally, when I type in the example given (i.e. boot: install vga=normal) it returns "Could not find kernel image: install"16:08
recon_lapTJ-: never mind, that was the grub cfg for the recovery mode boot16:09
recon_lapYaaa, it boots !!!16:10
recon_lapthx everyone for the help. just took me so long to get around to adding nomodeset to the boot cmd. now, now to save that change16:12
DevNopeI don't konw what I have to change that ./configure take the right Path for mono in banshee: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16167552/16:13
DevNopeThe Linbk is from configure16:13
=== aaaa is now known as Village
segf4ult:) hurray, small images16:37
segf4ultInstead of distributing a 1.8GB image, I can send someone a 635MB image now ^^16:39
TJ-segf4ult: which tool did you end up using?16:39
segf4ultTJ-: I ended up just using dd, reading 16GB, truncating it to the partition end, then resized the partitions and truncated again :)16:41
TJ-segf4ult: ahhhh... the hard way!16:42
segf4ultTJ-: it was kind of easy ^^;16:42
mr_louHello. How do I write this to make it work with bash? old=printf %06d $f16:42
segf4ultTJ-: reading the ddpt man-page turned out to be quite an exercise for my weary eyes ^^;16:42
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segf4ultmr_lou: what is it you want to do exactly?16:44
segf4ultTJ-: Turns out I can skip a few steps in my process even o.O16:47
segf4ultTJ-: I can mount the image on a loop-device, probe the partitions and then use resize2fs to shrink the last fs to the minimum size ^^16:48
white_magicdoes anyone here know which program is used in raspbian debian (for raspberry pi) to automatically mount usb drives?16:48
k1lwhite_magic: ask #raspbian16:48
segf4ultwhite_magic: I think raspbian uses udev for automatic device rules16:48
segf4ultwhite_magic: but then, as k1l said, #raspbian might know a bit more about it :)16:49
white_magicthanks guys, will try there16:50
TJ-white_magic: udisks16:50
VillageWhere be best ask about router ssh connection problems?16:51
MonkeyDustVillage  begin here16:51
VillageMonkeyDust, I try connect ssh to router (TP-LINK TL-WR841N) then i enter login and pass and get - server refused to allocate pty. What's can be..?16:54
TJ-Village: try "ssh -t ..." or even "ssh -tt ..."16:55
MonkeyDustVillage  ssh -t emulates a terminal16:56
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Villagehm, from what command line, i was try with putty16:56
MonkeyDustVillage  so the actual issue is, you don't know how to use putty16:57
VillageMonkeyDust, i know how to use putty,.. but where at putty you can enter -t or -tt?16:58
TJ-Village: "man putty"16:58
Villagei use it from windows.. putty.exe16:59
MonkeyDustdoes putty have a man page? i thought it was a windows app16:59
TJ-Village: that's winputty16:59
MonkeyDustVillage  explore all the putty options, find out what's where, where you have to enter commands etc16:59
V7How to play SWF files ?16:59
TJ-!info putty | MonkeyDust16:59
ubottuMonkeyDust: putty (source: putty): Telnet/SSH client for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.67-2 (xenial), package size 334 kB, installed size 969 kB16:59
V7Not in browser16:59
V7Ubuntu 14.0416:59
MonkeyDusti learn every day17:00
TJ-MonkeyDust: :p17:00
TJ-And it takes -T / -t respectively just like ssh17:00
C_minusTJ- I made a fresh live usb stick, on a different stick, from a different download. Same problems. "Check disk" takes me to a blank screen for infinity.17:00
TJ-Village: your question is best asked in the #windows channel, or the winputty forums. I'm sure someone must have asked it before17:01
VillageSo let my look where i can set -t17:01
VillageOk, whank you guys for trying help17:01
TJ-C_minus: hmmmm, well... earlier I wondered if you were trying to boot a 64-bit kernel on a 32-bit CPU, but even then the kernel's bootstrap 32-bit code reports that so you'd see something17:01
C_minusNo I downloaded the 32 bit version17:02
TJ-C_minus: which makes me wonder if the PC has a buggy BIOS; they are known, and they end up causing the wrong device to be read from when the boot-loader asks it to read sectors from the device into memory17:02
C_minusTJ- could be, the computer's a piece of junk. I can't even change anything in the BIOS because someone else set a password on it17:03
TJ-C_minus: this usually only rears its head when you've manually selected the boot device one-time. Sometimes, if this is the cause, entering BIOS setup and changing the saved boot-order so the USB device is first can work around that issue. Then you have to remember to change it back once the OS is installed.17:03
C_minusTJ- see my earlier message. no such luck. instead every time i power on, i'm hitting F12 to see a boot menu17:04
El_CapitanoDarn! Ubuntu crashed on me again!17:06
squintyC_minus, http://www.howtogeek.com/131623/how-to-clear-your-computers-cmos-to-reset-bios-settings/   or similar pages via google17:06
TJ-C_minus: so that shoots down that workaround!17:07
TJ-C_minus: there's some secret hot-keys that *may* help. When the PC starts, whilst you still see BIOS messages onscreen, press and *hold down* the Ctrl key until the boot menu shows, then select your choice, see if that helps. You must continue holding down Ctrl from before the boot-loader is read until you see the menu though17:07
TJ-C_minus: "boot menu" being the  Lubuntu menu17:07
=== xnrand is now known as they
xphereswhat was the developer channel for ubuntu?17:10
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TJ-C_minus: to reset the BIOS passwords: http://www.jonathanmoeller.com/screed/?p=83217:11
TJ-xpheres: #ubuntu-devel17:11
=== InfoTest1 is now known as InfoTest
C_minusTJ- thanks. I'm actually procrastinating from studying (I wanted the old PC to play music while I worked, so I wanted to rejuvinate it with a lite linux distro) and it's just totally overtaken my studying. Playing with screwdrivers would be taking it too far!17:14
TJ-C_minus: usually no more than 5 minutes, it used to be a common operation to perform. Identify the jumper, remove, power-on, power-off, put jumper back, done17:15
agronholmrecon_lap: follow-up from yesterday: both servers are now happily booting via UEFI17:15
agronholmjust had to use ext4 for the root drive17:15
agronholmapparently XFS is not supported in UEFI mode with grub17:15
recon_lapagronholm: haa, ok. glad you worked it out.17:16
C_minusTJ- I shouldn't even be doing this! But the constant crackling while music played was driving me crazy, so I abandoned my revision and set about making bootable USB sticks. I'd better leave before I get roped into something else. Thanks fellas.17:16
xpheresI can not compile for arm anymore, I get the error that policy is in debug mode or something like that17:17
xpheresanyone knows how to solve that?17:17
recon_lapagronholm: got my system back in shape too.17:17
agronholmrecon_lap: what was the prob there?17:17
recon_lapagronholm: my stupidity mostly , and need to add nomodeset to grub boot cmd to get the nvidia drivers working.17:18
agronholmrecon_lap: I'm hoping those issues will be gone by 16.1017:20
TJ-agronholm: GRUB does support XFS, in BIOS or UEFI mode. However, if its root file-system is on XFS you may have to tell it to put the xfs module in the core.img (e.g. "grub-install --modules xfs /dev/sdX"). If you're using Secure Boot however you're at the mercy of whatever modules Canonical build into the signed GRUB core grubx64.efi.signed - I know that is missing the cryptodisk module too17:20
agronholmTJ-: yeah I figured it was something like that17:21
agronholmbut I have no idea what is supported then and the installer didn't warn me17:21
TJ-agronholm: was it a Secure Boot enabled boot? if so that would be the explanation17:21
agronholmTJ-: no clue really17:21
agronholmusing ext4 instead is no big deal17:22
yellabs-r2i just hope that all this great ubuntu development for the tablet, phone and tv will for sure find its way to our desktops too ..17:23
yellabs-r2just keep reminding the developers that there still is such a thing as a desktop pc that wants killer apps !17:24
nkvphi I just installed ubuntu 16.04 only to find discrete graphics not working.17:25
nkvplspci returns Unknown header type 7f17:25
recon_lapwtf, now I got some UEFI "Swap Main and Backup" thing running. think this will endbadly!!17:26
nkvp01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AM17:26
nkvpD/ATI] Thames [Radeon HD 7500M/7600M Series] [1002:6840] (rev ff) (prog-if17:26
nkvp ff)17:26
nkvp DeviceName: Radeon HD 7670M17:26
nkvp        !!! Unknown header type 7f17:26
nkvp        Kernel driver in use: radeon17:26
nkvp        Kernel modules: radeon17:26
ubottunkvp: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:26
nkvpcan anyone pls help here.. tried searching online but it appears fglrx drivers are no longer in 16.0417:28
nkvpyes also came across the same page. is there any way i can get the discrete graphics card working17:29
Cablegunmasterseems harsh , and wondering what it would impact..17:30
Hydr0p0nXAMD announced they were going to drop the fglrx driver and focus on improving the open source17:30
CablegunmasterHopefully it seems to be the wise decision :)17:31
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recon_lapnooo, my UEFI has just restored a non working backup for some reason. should never have let computer scientists near the BIOS. aggh17:32
nkvpcurrently the radeon driver seems to be running17:32
nkvpis there any known workaround for Unknown header type 7f17:33
recon_lapnow I just get a blank screen after the UEFI post screen.17:33
nkvpcame across this too https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-pxpress/+bug/131592817:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1315928 in fglrx-pxpress (Ubuntu) "Xorg. Unknown header type 7f AMD/Intel" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:35
nkvpsame time :)17:35
Hydr0p0nXmaybe it's just ubuntu deprecating it, can't find the original article now17:36
TJ-nkvp: does the system have 2 GPUs, maybe a hybrid config?17:36
nkvpyes its hybrid.. one is intel and other amd radeon17:36
recon_lapwhy would UEFI restore a bloody backup with out asking for permission first!!!17:37
Hydr0p0nXrecon_lap, I have 4 UEFI systems within 30 ft and none of them have done that17:38
TJ-nkvp: The reason for the error message is that one of the GPUs is currently disabled (the AMD) so trying to probe its PCI config is failing... it may be possible to get around it by either changing the system's BIOS/firmware GPU config to enable it, or to use whatever switching tool is recommended for AMD hybrids to enable it17:39
TJ-recon_lap: backup of what? and what have you been doing?17:39
recon_lapHydr0p0nX: new one for me too, never seen anything like it before17:39
nkvpTJ: oh ok let me recheck17:40
recon_lapTJ-: I was trying to get the ubuntu boot menu up, pressed several keys, then a UEFI screen appeared saying it was restoring backup with a OK button17:40
recon_lapTJ-: now I have only one boot device to pick and that one is not working17:40
TJ-recon_lap: "Swap Main and Backup" means the firmware image itself was swapped to the backup because the primary was corrupted. Have you been installing a firmware upgrade recently?17:41
recon_lapTJ-: not to my knowledge17:41
TJ-recon_lap: sounds like those keys you pressed randomly entered UEFI setup and chose the 'switch firmware image' function. Start the system and enter firmware setup immediately and look for the option, probably on the boot menu17:42
V7So ... how I should play SWF file ?17:42
ubuntu097Hello all! I am curious about btrfs raid 5/6 and was reading these pages: https://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/RAID56 and http://marc.merlins.org/perso/btrfs/post_2014-03-23_Btrfs-Raid5-Status.html - as they both seem to suggest that raid5/6 is not ready for prime time, however, we in the 4.x kernels now and I am wondering if this info is out of date and RAID 5/6 is fine or not? where can I get current intelligence on its readin17:43
hfpI am using this command to backup my system after all: `tar -cpf /mnt/storage/backups/`date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"`_downloader_backup.tar --directory=/ --exclude=proc --exclude=sys --exclude=dev/pts --exclude=media --exclude=srv --exclude=mnt .` -- It works and I understand it except for the final `.` The man page says it is pathname (I think) but doesn't explain what pathname is. Any pointers?17:43
TJ-hfp: "." means current directory, as in $PWD or 'pwd'17:43
ubuntu097any ideas?17:44
hfpTJ-: SO it means it backs up only the current directory? If I wanted to backup everything I should replace it with `/`?17:44
TJ-hfp: you got it17:44
hfpTJ-: But what about `--directory=/` earlier on? The backups are over 2GB and I run them when I'm in ~, 2GB is the size of my system more or less17:44
hfpMy ~ is much less than 2GB17:45
ubuntu097Hello all! I am curious about btrfs raid 5/6 and was reading these pages: https://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/RAID56 and http://marc.merlins.org/perso/btrfs/post_2014-03-23_Btrfs-Raid5-Status.html - as they both seem to suggest that raid5/6 is not ready for prime time, however, we in the 4.x kernels now and I am wondering if this info is out of date and RAID 5/6 is fine or not? where can I get current intelligence on its readin17:46
TJ-hfp: you can leave off the "." when you've got "--directory"17:46
hfpTJ-: Hmmm, if I leave the `.` out I get: `tar: Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive`17:46
geirhayeah, with -C/--directory, you still need to provide a list of files to archive17:52
TJ- hfp oh, I thought you'd got a list with include but they're all excludeS17:52
TJ-hfp: so, you need to provide a list, so it changes directory to / then you say files = . so it takes everything in /17:53
TJ-hfp: if you only want files from the root file-system itself, instead of all those excludes, you might be able to use "--one-file-system"17:56
nkvpTJ-: I just tried checking BIOS settings but I was not able to find an option related to graphics. sudo grep -i switcheroo /boot/config-* gives VGA_SWITCHEROO as y, but on trying echo DIS > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch, i17:56
recon_lapUEFI really wants me to keep reinstalling my OS for some reason!!!17:56
nkvpi'm getting 1:DIS: :DynOff:0000:01:00.017:56
TJ-UEFI doesn't care about OSes; only boot menu entries17:57
TJ-nkvp: I think you've discovered some incompatibility in the drivers/tools17:57
V7GUYS !!17:58
recon_lapTJ-: and none of the boot options I have now do anything. can only boot with USB17:59
hfpTJ-: Yes, I want to backup everything from /, but not things that are on other filesystems. I want to have a tar that I can just extract to a drive and boot from it, should I screw my system up17:59
danny_Links from outside applications don't open in Chromium. I click them from the application(such as IRC clinet), and it opens a new Chromium window, but does not open the URL. If i repeat the clicking, it will continue opening new blank Chromium windows.17:59
nkvpoh.. Thanks a lot TJ... let me try older drivers and see if its working..17:59
TJ-recon_lap: is there not an option in firmware setup to add/delete boot menu entries?18:00
recon_lapTJ-: not that I can see.18:02
torpetWhen I select to install mp3 codecs and Flash player during installation but don't have internet connection, does that mean ubuntu-restricted-extras cannot be fetched from the internet and will thus not be installed?18:02
V7How I could open swf file on Ubuntu 14.04 xD ???18:03
k1ltorpet: yes18:04
de-factoV7 with pepperflash + chromium?18:04
recon_lapTJ-: only thing I can think to do now is boot to USB and mount the UEFI partition and see if I can work out whats wrong.18:04
de-factotorpet you can install those later too18:04
V7I haven't Chrome18:04
V7I have Opera and Firefox18:05
torpetde-facto: I am glad it hasn't been installed even though i clicked it. it would have pulled a lot of crap i do not need.18:05
V7Does this app open in Firefox ?18:05
V7I'm asking about pepperflash /...18:05
de-factoFirefox uses a very old and api for flash, many vulnerabilities and the flash player is outdated and wont get any updates18:06
torpetIs Ubuntu 16.04 the recommended version for now? I have read a lot about people waiting for the .1 release.18:06
TJ-recon_lap: does the UEFI not have a built-in EFI shell? if so you can use that18:06
V7torpet: idk ... I'm using 14.04 and np18:06
squintyV7, install pepperflashplugin-nonfree  or take a look at http://www.webupd8.org/2014/05/install-fresh-player-plugin-in-ubuntu.html18:07
wafflejocktorpet, if you're doing a new install 16.04 is the current LTS option but the upgrades to existing 14.04 users doesn't get pushed till the 16.04.1 release, believe I saw July 21st18:08
KuroganeHello, i'm having problem to access as root, i change PermitRootLogin without-password to yes and restart, still can't login any advise? ubuntu 14.0418:08
TheMariusi installed chrome .. its allmost a must .. it has flash.. and support for netflix etc.. no others have that18:08
recon_lapTJ-: no, nothing like that , going to look for that backup of the UEFI partition I made18:10
RalphBahi all18:11
RalphBashort question because of btrfs. created a snapshot before I've done something critical -> done my things -> booted from usb -> renamed @ to something and snapshot to @ -> booted ubuntu -> saw everything is fine, so I want to remove the former @ now colled something without to reboot from usb. well, how can I access the root of my mounted @ subvolume?18:14
RalphBaso i can remove something :D18:14
=== mohammad is now known as linuxlove
deadmundIs there any pyqt5 package in the repos for ubuntu 16.04 ?  Since it's running plasma 5 I'm surprised that I'm having a hard time finding pyqt5 support18:17
akikdeadmund: try python-pyqt518:19
corkeyhello everyone18:19
deadmundakik: A-ha!  Name change.  Thanks.18:19
akikdeadmund: there's also python3-pyqt5. did you not search them with apt?18:23
deadmundakik: I did not :(18:24
deadmundakik: I just tried tab-completion18:24
akikedna mp3 server wants some python packages for ogg vorbis support and they're also named python-something18:25
akikthat's how i remembered it18:25
white_magichi, does anyone know if it's possible to prevent a user from navigating their home share when they authenticate to Samba?18:25
KC4LZNI can connect from my xubuntu 12.04 laptop to my Raspberry Pi via VNC on my local network. I can ssh via remote with no problem but I cannot connect ssh tunneling remotely. Any ideas.18:26
leonarthhello everyone, I restart `lsyncd` and I get this error, anyone knows what could I do? Can't find much on google18:30
=== francisco is now known as Guest58400
leonarthSun May  1 20:27:47 2016 Error: Terminating since out of inotify watches.18:30
leonarthConsider increasing /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches18:30
akikleonarth: it asks you to increase the number for max_user_watches. you can do it in /etc/sysctl.conf18:36
Guy1524is there way to remotely open a graphical programming that uses the host's GPU?18:37
leonarthyes akik but I'd like to know why it ran out of user watches, maybe I could decrease the amount of watches needed instead of bilndly increase the defaults18:38
leonarthtrying to read about what these watches are18:38
akikleonarth: thank you btw for this lsyncd tip18:39
leonarthlol :)18:39
Jordan_UGuy1524: VNC. It won't be a great experience for a game, but nothing non local will. What is hour end goal?18:40
akikleonarth: does it handle big updates to the local end18:40
dbz2kdoes Ubuntu keep chromium updated on lts?18:40
Guy1524Jordan_U: I am not trying to game18:42
Guy1524I just need it because my remote machine doesn't have vulkan support18:42
Guy1524and I want to develop on my laptop18:42
leonarthakik define `big updates`18:42
Guy1524so with vnc, can I just open a program remotely with vnc and it will stream the window to me like ssh -X?18:44
kdpI recently installed ubuntu-gnome-desktop and it changed the default fonts installed by unity. Can anyone tell me what they were originally? (If you open unity-tweak-tool and click on fonts it will show you.) I'm hoping to find out the following: default font, monospace font, document font, and window title font. I would really appreciate if anyone18:46
kdp could check those out on a default install!18:46
OerHekskdp you could check yourself, logout, change DE, and login18:47
TJ-kdp: if you create another user, or use the Guest account, and select the Unity session, you can check yourself18:47
kdpAh- I didn't think to login as a guest! I'll give that a shot18:47
recon_lapused boot-repair and now I can boot again18:49
kdpI just gave it a shot and unfortunately it still shows the new defaults installed by gnome. (For example, "Cantarell Regular" as the default font). Does anyone mind taking a look on their install?18:49
akikleonarth: for example 2 gigabytes of small files18:50
leonarthakik yes, no problem at all18:50
leonarthI'm even syncing .git folders for big projects with thousands of commits18:51
leonarthdoesn't buldge18:51
kdpAlso, clicking on "Restore defaults" doesn't restore the original unity fonts...18:51
ubuntu097Hello all! I am curious about btrfs raid 5/6 and was reading these pages: https://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/RAID56 and http://marc.merlins.org/perso/btrfs/post_2014-03-23_Btrfs-Raid5-Status.html - as they both seem to suggest that raid5/6 is not ready for prime time, however, we in the 4.x kernels now and I am wondering if this info is out of date and RAID 5/6 is fine or not? where can I get current intelligence on its readin18:56
liami have ubuntu running on a macbook pro 11,1 and I'm missing gestures in the trackpad can anyone help with this thanks18:59
J0hnD03iiwho's an op here?19:03
J0hnD03ii!op | can you message me please19:03
ubottucan you message me please: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang19:03
nhykis there any easy way to get my window minimized when i click the icon on the left? (Standard Ubuntu Installation, 16.04) .... just installed it today, still a noob19:04
OerHeksYou might want to join #ubuntu-ops too, J0hnD03ii , but they should be triggered by now19:05
vivek__hello guyz19:05
vivek__i am trying squid servers19:05
vivek__i can access http sites but not https19:06
vivek__the error on chrome is ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED19:06
vivek__can any one help  plzzz!19:06
J0hnD03iiOerHeks, thanks19:08
ioriathink it's  related to SSL ...19:08
vivek__the squid.conf is @ http_port
vivek__dns_v4_first on19:11
vivek__## general options19:11
vivek__cache_mgr not_to_be_disturbed19:11
vivek__client_db on19:11
vivek__collapsed_forwarding on19:11
vivek__acl maxuserconn src
vivek__acl limitusercon maxconn 50019:12
vivek__http_access deny maxuserconn limitusercon19:12
vivek__## disable caching19:12
vivek__cache deny all19:12
OerHeksvivek__, don't paste like that19:12
vivek__cache_dir null /tmp19:12
J0hnD03iiso an op is here?19:13
vivek__# http_access deny !Safe_Browser19:13
vivek__## disable ads ( //squid_adservers.html )19:13
vivek__# acl ads dstdom_regex "/etc/squid/ad_block.txt"19:13
vivek__# http_access deny ads19:13
vivek__# deny_info TCP_RESET ads19:13
vivek__## Banned Sites19:13
J0hnD03iiDrone`, thanks but can you reply to me?19:14
OerHeksvivek should know this for years now19:14
OerHeksno op behind keyboard now J0hnD03ii, on this sunday19:14
J0hnD03iiwas that a bot doing that ?!19:14
OerHeksYes. 3 times flooding, kick19:15
J0hnD03iiwoah :/19:15
vizieri want to setup a vpn on my home server and i was wanting to know if i can still remotely access that server and how that actually works19:16
AuroraAvenueHow do I add this trunk ? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntutv-dev-team/ubuntutv/trunk/files19:17
vizierdo myself or others access the server through the masked ip address... some kind of port forwarding must come into play right19:17
AuroraAvenueHow do I add this trunk ? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntutv-dev-team/ubuntutv/trunk/files19:18
ioria!info subversion19:20
ubottusubversion (source: subversion): Advanced version control system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.9.3-2ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 314 kB, installed size 1488 kB19:20
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ubuntnoobHello, I've just completed a netinstall of 16.04 on my Macbook Air 4,2. During the install I was able to complete everything using wireless, but now that installation is complete and I'm booted in, I can no longer use it. Help?19:28
romare[22:16:24] <romare> I just made a bootable usb using rufus on windows for ubuntu gnome19:29
romare[22:16:43] <romare> I installed the OS but I had issues about installing apps19:29
romare[22:16:55] <romare> I had the error saying like I have broken packages19:29
romare[22:17:20] <romare> where do you think I failed at?19:29
romare[22:17:37] <romare> I didn't change anything on rufus19:29
romare[22:17:55] <romare> talking about 16.04 LTS btw19:29
romarecan somebody help?19:30
jonatanromare: you have probuly done nothing wrong19:30
ioriaubuntnoob, cat /etc/network/interfaces  and maybe you need to set up a wpa_supplicant.conf19:30
recon_lapromare: you should probably look at the ubuntu networking trouble shooting guide19:30
romarerecon_lap it happened after 3 clean installs19:31
ubuntnoobI see 'auto lo' & 'iface lo inet loopback' ioria19:32
recon_lapromare: thats why you should look at the trouble shooting guide, reinstalling not going to fix the issue19:32
ioriaubuntnoob, did you install a DE ?19:32
ubuntnoobI cannot, because I do not have wireless working and Macbook Air does not have an ethernet port19:33
ubuntnoobBut I was able to install and use wireless19:33
ubuntnoobI want to install i319:33
akikromare: has rufus worked you before?19:33
recon_lapromare: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide19:34
romareakik, yes. I've maybe used it for 15 different distros in my process of finding the decent one that just werkz19:34
romarerecon_lap, I know you insist on that will be the solution but I only had this problem with ubuntu gnome19:35
ioriaubuntnoob, with mini.iso you have to configure /etc/network/interface , check if you have wpasupplicant installed19:35
OerHeksubuntnoob, i think this 14.04 solution works for you too, download 2 packages onto usb and transfer, and install >> http://askubuntu.com/a/59266619:35
x3464Hi folks.  I have an nvidia GTX 970 and I can't seem to get beyond the login screen in 16.04.  I've installed the drivers that are suggested in ubuntu-devices drivers.  Still can't get past the login.19:35
akikromare: you'll be in problems if during the install it complained about broken packages19:36
akikdoesn't the install stop in that case of broken packages?19:37
romareakik, no19:37
recon_lapromare: up to you, but just saying my wifi is not working not likely to get you any answers19:37
romarebut for example I installed 14.04 with shitty gnome 3.10 afterwards and had no problems. but I did it just to try.19:39
Bashing-omx3464: The driver install correctly ? Can you, at the login screen activate a console interface - ctl+alt+F1 - ? Post to a pastebin site ' sudo lshw -C display ' .19:39
romareI don't want 14.04 it sucks19:39
ubuntnoobThanks, ioria and OerHeks - I'll check those options now and get back here19:39
recon_lapromare: like you could use lshw | grep network to see what wifi card you have and if it's been detected19:39
john-kHello. I am having problems installing wine. http://pastebin.com/R8gbRiyH19:40
romarerecon_lap, I can assure you that it's definitely not about my wifi card.19:40
recon_lapromare: so, can you tell use what wifi card it is and what driver it's loading?19:41
romareSEE! john-k is having the same problem!19:41
recon_lapromare: "lshw -c network" is better command19:41
romarerecon_lap, I have a thinkpad t41019:41
x3464Bashing-om: It installed the driver correctly.  I tried booting with nomodeset.  I'll try to run that command but I have to do it in recovery mode.  So far I can't get a usable UI.19:42
romarethis channel is too damn crowded. you should open channels for each versions, lol19:43
Bashing-omx3464: From recovery mode, not much help in this case as loading the proprietary driver is defeated - the fall back driver is loaded .19:44
akikromare: you can remove the messages about joins and parts and only keep the messages. /lastlog also lets you retrieve old messages19:45
x3464Bashing-om: I'll try nouveau.blacklist=1 in the grub line and see what happens.  Something is mightily messed up :)19:46
Bashing-omx3464: Not a good thing to try aribrary things . See if you can boot to console from the login screen .. my best advise at this point to try and find the fault .19:47
x3464Bashing-om: Editing the grub line at boot is non-permanent so I'll take my chances.19:49
Bashing-omx3464: :)19:49
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Dumle29Hi guys. I'm trying to add my uni printer on ubuntu 16.04, but it doesn't look at all like the guide\19:55
Dumle29All I want to do is manually add the printer, with a manual address and all, but it will only allow me to search for one19:56
TJ-Dumle29: use you web browser; goto http://localhost:631 to use the CUPS web administration service19:59
TJ-Dumle29: then choose manage printers, and add, you can add by URL, or search, and specify which protocol to use19:59
Dumle29thanks :)20:01
Dumle29seems the old printer software was much better in this regard, as the snaps from the guide on the page has screenshots from that :/20:01
Dumle29There is such a thing as too simple20:01
TJ-Dumle29: yes, many GUI elements have bee dumbed down to the detriment of the experience, in the supposed pursuit of 'not confusing users'20:02
recon_lapok, so I loaded the nvidia driver in 16.04 and now I only get one screen size 1024x768.20:02
hjugdHI guys20:02
Casablancahello there20:02
TJ-I generally find the CLI mmuch more usable than any GUI element these days. GUI seems to just frustrate and get in the way of finding what I need20:03
hjugdHOw do I set the settings so that when I close the lid of my laptop, "it does nothing"?20:03
hjugdI cant find this setting anywhere20:03
Dumle29TJ-: Exactly. And it's not because they are too complex. Rather the opposite :/20:03
BCBHi.  I'm trying to set rewrite rule without using .htaccess file.  Where to I put the rewrite directives?  Thank you.20:03
TJ-recon_lap: that sounds like a case of only the standard VESA SVGA modes being used, which hints the driver is not in fact operating, or else the EDID from the monitor has not been received20:03
ali__hi guys20:03
ali__I just installed ubuntu20:04
ali__do I need to add ssd or no20:04
ali__please advice20:04
ali__coz ssd is quite expensive20:04
Dumle29TJ-: If I don't see an option for SAMBA shared printers :/20:04
TJ-BCB: For apache2? In the site definition file, under /etc/apache2/sites-available/20:04
BCBTJ-: what should the file be called20:04
akikali__: it's much faster but not necessary20:04
ali__250 gb ssd is enough? akik20:05
TJ-Dumle29: I don't think CUPS supports samba printer shares; that would need the samba client I think20:05
k1lali__: you can use regular hdds if you want. but the performance is faster on ssds. that is for every OS.20:05
BCBTJ-: rewrite.conf ?20:05
TJ-BCB: filenames are administrator specific; you'd have to add the directives inside the VirtualHost directive for your site20:05
ali__is i5 enough for development softwares? on ubuntu20:06
ali__for laptop20:06
BCBTJ-: ok thanks20:06
TJ-BCB:  this shows where the directive is valid: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_rewrite.html20:06
Dumle29TJ-: hmm. Seems the old ubuntu supported it http://i.imgur.com/XQbePgS.png20:06
TJ-ali__: depends what you want to do but for running soure-code editors and doing builds, yes20:06
ali__TJ coz I got laptop with i5. should I change to i7 for extra bucks?20:07
ali__is it worth it?20:07
TJ-Dumle29: in the background that probably used samba though, not cups. I don't have SMB/CIFS protocols on my network so I don't know if CUPS might support it, but I've never seen it mentioned as an option20:07
Casablancagoodbye and have a good day20:08
Dumle29Hm ok. I'll have a look around. Ubuntu seems to mention that CUPS supports SMB, but I don't see it. will tell you what I find20:08
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akikTJ-: again, not necessary to buy an i720:09
TJ-Dumle29: I don't see it listed as an option under Add Printer/Other Network Printers20:09
akikoops, i meant ali__20:09
ali__so all I need is20:09
ali__i5 and ssd and ram right?20:10
TJ-ali__: more RAM is better than more CPU, after a certain point20:10
TJ-ali__: 8GiB will be great for extensive code editing20:10
ali__I have 12 gb20:10
ali__of ram20:10
ali__4 + 820:10
TJ-ali__: even if you're using an IDE and working with the Linux kernel source20:10
ali__so I certainly dont need i7 right20:11
ali__i5 should be enough20:11
ali__guys I have just installed ubuntu on my laptop20:12
ali__without dual boot20:12
ali__so do you recommend me to install windows alongside it?20:13
\9well the obvious question is if you need windows?20:13
TJ-ali__: as before, it depends on what *you* intend to use it for and what tools you require20:13
Bashing-omali__: If it boots you can code on it .. ( remembers the days of assembly on a trash-80).20:13
ali__I wanna be a linux user20:13
ali__for full time20:13
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\9it's your choice20:14
ali__but I am afraid if I will ever need windows applications20:14
Dumle29TJ-: Seems I needed the smbclient package20:14
TheMariusali__, dont worry theres allways one you cant do without20:14
TheMariusbut thanks to wine im able to use dreamweaver20:15
ali__did I make right choice by switching to ubuntu from windows20:15
TheMariusso now im windows free20:15
ali__for full time20:15
MannyLNJ[Queston] Looking for guide that will show me how to enable VNC so I can view my normal 14.04 desktop without installing a second windows manager20:15
TheMariusali__, i did it... except dreamweaver i dont miss anything on windows20:15
TJ-Dumle29: the only context I'm aware of CUPS and Samba working together, is when Samba offers all the local CUPS printers to Windows clients.20:15
ali__wow TheMarius20:15
ali__that gives me hope20:16
recon_lapali__: only you can answer than :)20:16
TheMariussteams linux inventory is getting pretty big too.. 1500 games + various apps now20:16
Dumle29TJ-: Installing mentioned pacakage added a "windows samba share" option to the cups internet panel :)20:16
TJ-Dumle29: oh, wow, thanks for letting me know20:16
ali__People say programmers prefer linux thats why I wanted to give it a try20:16
TheMariuslinux is popular among programmers yes .. im not a programmer so dont ask me why20:17
ali__TheMarius, do you think its worth getting SSD?20:17
TheMariushowever theyre very desktop oriented and linux desktop annihilates all competition20:17
TheMariusidk ... i have it, its allmost standard20:18
TJ-Dumle29: ahh yes, cups-daemon package has a Suggests: smbclient20:18
ali__TheMarius, how about i5 laptop20:18
ali__is that enough20:18
TheMariusshould do it just fine20:18
TJ-ali__: SSD is always worth it - the speedup and consistency, lower power, less heat, no chance of damage through dropping, etc20:19
recon_lapali__: ssd is nice, but you only get one drive on a laptop and SSD drives tend to be small20:19
TheMariusi run ubuntu mate .. it doesnt exactly demand much of my hardware20:19
TJ-recon_lap: I wouldn't call 500GB small unless you waste space!20:19
ali__recon_lap, yea exactly thats why I am confused20:20
TheMariusi have 6 TB avaliable and im on a desktop20:20
recon_lapTJ-: it is if it's you primary machine. music and video can fill that up fast20:20
\LSDHi TJ-20:20
TheMariusthis would make a descent server.. for what though20:20
recon_lapTJ-: not to mention all those IDE's and programs20:21
ali__recon_lap, u use hdd?20:21
TJ-recon_lap: i have a 2-in-1 tablet/laptop with a 128GB SSD soldered in, and its got 100GiB free even with a ton of stuff already on it20:21
TJ-recon_lap: programmers don't need music or video20:21
ali__TJ, but like he said how about IDEs and other stuff?20:21
TJ-ali__: IDEs don't use up much space20:22
recon_lapali__: sort of depends, is this laptop going to be your main computer, if so I'd go with a large HDD over a 500GB SSD20:22
TJ-ali__: Eclipse CDT here uses 452MB20:22
recon_lapali__: but you could always get a large external HDD for a laptop for media.20:22
ali__I wont be gaming20:22
john-kali, or a NAS20:23
ali__just programming20:23
ali__and vms20:23
ali__and emulators if possible20:23
TJ-external drive for spinning disks is a good idea, means your laptop has no moving parts (except maybe a fan)20:23
ali__TJ you code right?20:24
TJ-ali__: yes20:24
ali__so i5 is enough for vms and emulators (android etc.)?20:24
Exagone313Hi, since I upgraded from wily to xenial, I can't start cinnamon desktop from lightdm. I tried to reinstall it after purging 'cinnamon*' (and reinstall cinnamon-desktop-environment), or with a new user. The only error message I found is "cannot connect to brltty at :0" in .xsession-errors, nothing in the lightdm logs. I also can't start gnome. What can I do? Thanks for your help.20:25
k1lali__: the more power you got, the more power is there for the vms. so what is "enough" is the question what do you expect.  watch out for the cpu to have vt-d support20:25
TJ-ali__: I work on a lot of ubuntu projects so I'm constantly moving between projects, and that code and the package binaries built from it takes up no more than 30GiB and thats with many git repos too20:25
john-kdidn't some i5's lack VT-x?20:25
ali__k1l, what if cpu doesn't have vt-d?20:26
ali__TJ, sounds cool. so 128 or 256 gb ssd? which one to get20:26
TJ-ali__: check the CPU specifications if you have particular requirements. Linux KVM and QEMU, VirtualBox, etc, really need hardware support (Intel VT-x) and you might want to ensure you've got VT-d (directed I/O) too20:26
TJ-ali__: larger... means less wear on average20:26
k1lali__: ubuntu on a desktop works on 30GB. the rest it what you put on it additionally.20:27
GreenDayunder ubuntu crash under clementine while playing m4a files20:27
GreenDay[ 1681.177367] traps: compiz[1627] trap stack segment ip:7f0ec7dfb5fa sp:7ffd689dcb50 error:0 in libunity-core-6.0.so.9.0.0[7f0ec7d67000+133000]20:27
ali__I mean how about coding and programming. how much space is it gonna take.20:27
k1lali__: if the cpu doesnt support vt-d, the cpu will have to use more power just to calculate stuff for the vms20:27
TJ-ali__: so little you won't notice it20:27
k1lali__: that depends on what you actually code.20:28
k1lali__: if you code a little bash script: 30Gb for ubuntu + 1MB for the bash script.20:28
Exagone313By "can't", I mean that after entering credentials, it returns to the login screen after a second20:28
ali__so you would recommend how much gb?20:28
ali__of ssd20:29
akikis unity really 30 gigs after the default install?20:29
TJ-ali__: if you're going to be spending long hours on the laptop your prime concern should be a display you're confortable with (think  glossy == glare, matt == better), good keyboard, and ensuring all the hardware is fully supported by Linux, and there are no firmware/ACPI bugs20:29
k1lakik: no20:29
TJ-full desktop install with options shouldn't take more than 6GiB20:29
k1lakik: that is what a i suggest for a full blown desktop setup with lots of packages installed.20:29
akikok, thanks20:30
ali__my laptop is dell latitude e642020:30
romareso I just installed a new ubuntu gnome 16.04 LTS and when I want to install something, this is what I get: https://ghostbin.com/paste/u6e5h20:30
TJ-akik: I allocate 12GiB to the root file-system LV, and 6GiB to /var/ and never usually need to increase those20:30
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MonkeyDustromare  sudo apt-get -f install    <-- -f means fix20:31
ali__e6420 laptop is good enough right?20:31
hehnopeI noticed env vars from 14.04 to 16.04 in ~/.bashrc are no longer loaded in Xfce. Is this a bug, or was it changed?20:31
TJ-Exagone313: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log - that could be due to no 3D acceleration and therefore the compositor not functioning20:31
ali__with i520:31
romareMonkeyDust: all 020:31
akikali__: perfect20:31
john-kromare: strangely similar to mine20:31
john-kromare: http://pastebin.com/R8gbRiyH20:32
ali__akik, thanks20:32
ali__so I need to upgrade ram and ssd only20:32
ali__ram I did already20:32
Bashing-omakik: /dev/sda1       4.7G  1.8G  2.7G  41% /20:32
katebeRomare: what happens when you run apt -f install20:32
akikali__: i can say that buying a ssd was the best investment i've made in a while20:32
romare0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.20:32
Exagone313TJ-: ok, I'm gonna remove it, restart lightdm, try to start cinnamon, and make a copy of the file, brb20:32
MonkeyDustromare  I picked this up in this channel ... save it as 'fixpackages' ... make executable with 'chmod +x fixpackages' ... then run it with './fixpackages' ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/15121279/20:33
ali__akik, which ssd shall I get20:33
ali__and how many gbs20:33
TJ-ali__: we've already answered your questions20:33
Bashing-omakik: continued /dev/sda2       9.5G  826M  8.2G   9% /home ; /dev/sda8       4.7G  2.5G  2.0G  56% /var . Tight but works real well .20:33
zacwallsWhat DM does xubuntu 16.04 use?20:33
akikBashing-om: thanks20:33
ali__TJ so I am ordering 256gb ok? please tell me. considering vms and coding on this laptop20:34
romareMonkeyDust: I don't know how to do any of those. sorry I'm new at this.20:34
MannyLNJAfternoon.  I have an HP 1006 printer on my ubuntu system.It shows as shared but my OS X system won't see it.  Advise please20:34
TJ-zacwalls: lightdm, with the gtk-greeter20:34
zacwallsTJ-, thx20:34
MonkeyDustromare  have you never copy/pasted text?20:35
hehnopeit seems like I have to use ~/.profile instead of ~/.bashrc for xubuntu GUI apps; correct? If so this is a change from 14.04 to 16.04.20:35
TJ-ali__: we're not here to tell you the specs of your laptop, we've given you advice already on what to consider. This channel is for Ubuntu issues, not general chat20:35
romareMonkeyDust: lol, ok then do I just copy it to terminal or what?20:35
MonkeyDustromare  no, in a text editor of your choice20:35
=== ONI_Ghost is now known as Guest85027
luvenfui have a problem20:36
ali__guys what are the apps to be installed on ubuntu?20:36
ali__first timer here20:36
reisioapp1, app2, etc.20:36
luvenfunetwork problem in ubuntu20:36
TJ-hehnope: ~/.profile is for login shells, whereas ~/.bashrc is for non-login shells20:36
MonkeyDustali__  dpkg -l gives a list20:37
ali__ok cool20:37
ali__thanks MonkeyDust20:37
TJ-luvenfu: the problem is with the PC you're in IRC from, or another?20:37
luvenfuTJ-: ethernet20:38
romareMonkeyDust: so I saved it as "fixpackages" on the desktop and now what exactly?20:38
luvenfueth0 dhclient20:38
TJ-luvenfu: what is the issue?20:38
luvenfuwired connection not working in 14.0420:38
MonkeyDustromare  make executable with 'chmod +x fixpackages' ... then run it with './fixpackages'20:38
luvenfudhcp tries to get ip but never get it, it is a update problem?20:38
luvenfunever experienced that before20:38
TJ-luvenfu: how is the PC managing the network, using Network Manager ?20:39
MonkeyDustromare  cd to the desktop folder first20:39
CausaMortis_hi guys, silly question perhaps but I am trying to write a provisioning bash script for vagrant but it keeps failing when I want to setup a postgresql database using initdb saying, cannot be run as root. what is weird though is that im using sudo su - postgres and calling the same initdb command SSH'd into the box and it works like a charm20:39
ali__MonkeyDust, are you a coder?20:39
ali__I wanna learn about linux :p20:39
luvenfuTJ-: yes20:39
TJ-luvenfu: has the same PC had that network interface working fine before now?20:39
CausaMortis_is it possible to do something like that in bash? sudo into the database user?20:39
MonkeyDustali__  no, i picked it up here, in this channel20:39
ali__is there any alternative to outlook?20:40
ali__for ubuntu20:40
MannyLNJAfternoon.  I have an HP 1006 printer on my ubuntu system.It shows as shared but my OS X system won't see it.  Advise please20:40
recon_lapCausaMortis_: why would you sudo into the database, you get database permission when you log into the database20:40
Mar0kKTHe system is running in low-graphics mode20:41
MonkeyDustali__  zimbra comes close, but in fact, the linux community is 'jealous' with outlook20:41
luvenfuTJ-: yes, i format my pc oftenly using 14.04 and never experienced this problem before, i had problem with wifi in ubuntu before20:41
luvenfuwifi is working20:41
recon_lapCausaMortis_: the databases "root" user is different from the systems "root" user20:41
ali__man no offense to linux but it still lacks alot of great softwares20:41
TJ-luvenfu: Are you able to manually configure the wired ethernet interface ?20:41
MonkeyDustali__  so does windows20:42
luvenfuTJ-: yes, i read a lot of solveds in internet, i did everything, no progress20:42
TJ-luvenfu: things like this can often be caused by damaged ethhernet cables, or bad/bent/broken connectors20:42
Dumle29TJ-: Next problem. I can't enter login redentials :/20:42
luvenfuTJ-: hmmmm, ethernet cable or the board? i guess it could be the cable20:42
ali__OS X seems to be the perfect blend between linux and windows.. right/20:43
MonkeyDustali__  if you're a coder, why don't you start developping 'great software'20:43
TJ-luvenfu: always worth swapping for a known-good ethernet cable, also, check /var/log/kern.log (or dmesg) see if the ethernet link is reporting up when the cable is connected.20:43
reisioali__: heh20:43
recon_lapali__: as long as apple is getting a cut :)20:43
reisioali__: evolution is a very complete outlook workalike20:43
MonkeyDustromare  keep it in the channel, so everyone can see20:43
TJ-ali__:  you mean the perfect blend of locked-down, closed source, applications?20:43
tgm4883ali__: to answer your question, outlook is available on the web20:44
ali__no wonder many developers are carrying macbooks with them20:44
reisioevolution even supports a proprietary Windows Exchange backend20:44
romareeveryone can see how I suck...20:44
* reisio shakes head20:44
reisioali__: richer than they are sensible, heh20:44
MonkeyDustromare  we were all beginners, once20:44
MonkeyDustexcept TJ- , he was born a wizard20:44
romarethat's my only motivation.20:44
CausaMortis_recon_lap, shouldnt I sudo into postgres so I can call initdb?20:44
TJ-its not the beginning thats important; its the style in which you finish :)20:44
romareso, I made the thing on gedit.20:44
luvenfuTJ-: eth0: link is not ready20:45
romareput it on desktop. now how do I do that chmod thing?20:45
TJ-MonkeyDust: err, please, don't make my head any bigger! I'm crusin' for a brusin' :D20:45
MonkeyDustromare  you should have put in your /home folder, now you have to cd20:45
TJ-luvenfu: right, that suggests to me either bad physical connections, or missing firmware20:45
ali__OS X has cool GUI thou20:45
MonkeyDustromare  so ... cd ~/Desktop ... chmod +x fixpackages20:45
luvenfuTJ-: thanks20:46
romareok ok it's on home now. what's the command for home then?20:46
TJ-ali__: if you want to chat please join #ubuntu-offtopic - this isn't the channel for such discussions20:46
lumideehi, what version is google earth in ubuntu?20:47
TJ-luvenfu: "tail -f /var/log/kern.log" whilst unplugging/plugging might give some clue as to anything being detected20:47
ali__sorry TJ20:47
MonkeyDustromare  ok, now... chmod +x fixpackages20:47
TJ-lumidee: also conside that whatever is at the other end of the cable might be the problem, not the PC. it could just be a case of moving to another port on the switch20:47
TJ-lumidee: sorry, got the wrong nickname20:48
TJ-luvenfu: : also conside that whatever is at the other end of the cable might be the problem, not the PC. it could just be a case of moving to another port on the switch20:48
romareoh now it's happening, whatever it is20:48
reisiolumidee: some version, what's it matter?20:48
recon_lapCausaMortis_: can only answer in generalities, but not much point in sudo'ing a login into a database.20:48
MonkeyDustromare  quickly hide under your chair!20:48
MonkeyDustromare  ok, what is doing20:49
romarecp: cannot stat '/var/lib/dpkg/available-old': No such file or directory20:49
Mar0kKCan anyone tell me why it keep showing me that?20:49
recon_lapCausaMortis_: the SQL server should be running with enough privileges to do whatever it needs, and using sudo just gives more privileges to the sql client that is connecting you to the database, the login in the database decides what you can do in the DB20:49
lumideereisio, i'd like the 3d feature of google earth20:49
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romareMonkeyDust: and then I tried installing skype again and had the same error.20:50
TJ-Mar0kK: it generally means the GPU drivers are not installed correctly, or not configured correctly20:50
lumideei couldnt find out google earths version in http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/multiverse/g/googleearth-package/googleearth-package_1.2.2/changelog .. latter shows only the package version itself20:50
Mar0kKbut how to reinstall?20:50
TJ-Mar0kK: so the X server falls back to a 'safe' mode as its last resort20:50
Mar0kKits not even go into the safemode20:51
TJ-Mar0kK: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log for clues ( look for lines with status EE (for error) )20:51
MonkeyDustromare  if that doesnt help, i'm out of ideas20:51
luvenfuTJ-: it was the cable20:51
CausaMortis_recon_lap, https://gist.github.com/CausaMortis/47c030b3f9d75c900b503b228538810720:51
MonkeyDust!manual | romare20:51
ubotturomare: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/20:51
CausaMortis_recon_lap, im only trying to setup a postgresql database (need to be logged in as postgresql and then create a vagrant user20:52
bittin-_Hello anyone can help me find out what email account i got on my Ubuntu One and Launchpad account ?20:52
reisiolumidee: you can use 7.1 on Ubuntu, and that is the latest version provided by Google20:52
reisiolumidee: for any OS20:52
lumideereisio, ah nice, thanks20:53
reisiofor any desktop OS, rather20:53
TJ-bittin-_: you can check for yourself on launchpad usually; https://launchpad.net/~<youraccountname>20:53
NeepuWhen an ubuntu user have left the computer, it logs automaticly off. But what happens with daemons/applications running, are they in some sort of sleep mode? I'm asking because i have a couple of daemons running.20:53
reisiolumidee: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth20:53
bittin-_TJ-: said i had to login then and i don't remember my login20:53
TJ-bittin-_: what's your username on LP?20:53
bittin-_TJ-: bittin20:54
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recon_lapCausaMortis_: have a look at your user list in the OS, there probably is a postgres role create for running the database server.20:54
TJ-bittin-_: I can't see it either; only your SSH key.20:55
bittin-_TJ-: arggh :(20:55
Mar0kKhow can I solve it?20:56
TJ-bittin-_: there's a #launchpad channel on IRC I *think* that might help20:56
bittin-_TJ-: alright will try to get them to help me then20:56
TJ-Mar0kK: as I said, check the log file for clues20:56
recon_lapCausaMortis_: sry, sudo su - postgres start the sql server with root privileges20:56
TJ-bittin-_: if your SSH key still exists on your end you may be able to use that + the LP API to pull your info back20:57
Mar0kKLight DMmanager Display manager failed20:57
bittin-_TJ-: nope it does not sadly20:57
PetrushkaI'm trying to run a script that toggles my wifi every day at 16:5320:58
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Petrushkai wrote the script and made a crontab entry calling it20:58
Petrushkabut it isn't working20:58
TJ-bittin-_: there's https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/devel.html#people20:58
Petrushkathe contents are here:20:58
Petrushkabut it doesn't work20:58
bittin-_TJ-: alright20:59
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Petrushkacan anybody tell me what the problem is?20:59
recon_lapCausaMortis_: /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data  looks like it creates a database container in /usr/local/pgsql/data20:59
romareE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?21:00
romarewhat to do?21:00
\9Petrushka: look at /var/log/syslog, cron may have posted error messages there21:00
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CausaMortis_recon_lap, yea sorry. im out of my depth here but trying :p basically thats what it is supposed to do which I can then create users and databases in21:00
\9Petrushka: your path to the script appears to have a '.' at the beginning21:01
recon_lapCausaMortis_: createuser -s vagrant then creates a database user "vagrant".21:01
\9Petrushka: './home/alador/wifitoggle'21:01
CausaMortis_recon_lap, the error vagrant throws is that it is trying to call initdb from the root user for some reason. but executing those commands directly inside the vm works like a charm21:02
CausaMortis_recon_lap, its like it skips something21:02
Petrushka\9: i tried it without too21:02
auronandaceromare: if you are trying to use apt-get then close the package manager or software center (only one thing can use it at a time)21:02
Dumle29TJ-: So I guess this is a "congratulations ubuntu team" for their simplifications. Installing the UNI printer now went from "go in the printer application, choose these things and fill in the forms" to " Install this package via the terminal, go to this web interface, add a new printer via this web interface (it'll then ask you for your user and pass, you have to be super user), then choose windows samba bleh, for the address enter: smb://21:03
Petrushka\9: this is what it says:21:03
PetrushkaMay  1 16:51:01 WINTERFELL CRON[22952]: (alador) CMD (/home/alador/wifitoggle)21:03
PetrushkaMay  1 16:51:01 WINTERFELL wpa_supplicant[1320]: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED21:03
PetrushkaMay  1 16:51:05 WINTERFELL wpa_supplicant[1320]: nl80211: send_and_recv->nl_recvmsgs failed: -3321:03
Dumle29so much simpler.21:03
Dumle29TJ-: Ping me if other people have samba printer issues :)21:03
Petrushkai'm not sure what that means though21:03
recon_lapCausaMortis_: when you run the sudo su - postgres command in terminal I assume it asks for a password for root?21:04
CausaMortis_recon_lap, it does not appear to do so no. tbh i dont care about security either as its just a virtual box hosting my dev env21:05
akikrecon_lap: sudo asks for your own password21:05
recon_lapCausaMortis_: and when you run it as a script does it ask for a password?21:05
CausaMortis_==> default: initdb: cannot be run as root21:05
CausaMortis_==> default: Please log in (using, e.g., "su") as the (unprivileged) user that will21:05
CausaMortis_==> default: own the server process.21:05
CausaMortis_==> default: createuser: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL:  role "root" does not exist21:05
CausaMortis_The SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant21:05
CausaMortis_assumes that this means the command failed. The output for this command21:05
\9!paste | CausaMortis_21:06
ubottuCausaMortis_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:06
\9Petrushka: that is something beyond my knowledge, I'm afraid21:06
CausaMortis_fail x]21:07
Dumle29TJ-: This also means my password is stored in cleartext on an unprotected file on my laptop, as part of the printer uri :/21:07
stylesI have a synology nas I'm mounting and anytime I'm trying to modify a file permission I get "Operation not permitted" but I can copy files there21:07
recon_lapCausaMortis_: sry, thats something else, probably tightened up security to stop DB's being created with the root account.21:07
stylesIt seems to work if I'm root21:09
stylesSo something about my users permission on the mounted drive is screwey and I'm unsure21:09
kiqioIs this an error: http://forum.ubuntu.ir/index.php?PHPSESSID=e8m991olojffv1geac6a0i3600&action=dlattach;topic=133986.0;attach=42296;image (image)21:10
auronandacekiqio: no21:10
recon_lapCausaMortis_: I'd have to try it to work out whats going wrong.21:10
kiqioI got it at the beginning of booting process21:10
agoodmhello all, ive just done a fresh 16.04 install coming from 15.10 in the hope my display port mst issues would be resolved (theyre not) however ive ran into a weird issue... I use a usb dac for my sound and the volume level in ubuntu 16.04 is far quieter than 15.10.... levels in pavucontrol are at 99% for the dac and source app...21:10
kiqioA warning?21:11
auronandacekiqio: it is checking that partition and it is clean21:11
auronandacekiqio: no, not a warning either21:11
rjr6860I want to install ubuntu over a previous linux install. I am dual boot with win 7. Installed to same partitions as another linux. Can't get grub boot loader to work.21:12
john-kthat does not sound like a good idea to me...21:13
recon_lapCausaMortis_: try "sudo su - /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data"21:14
DouglasKHaving a permissions issue .. should be straightforward.  Can't write to a directory, I'm a group member, and the group perms are rwx.  Pastebin with details at http://pastebin.com/rrv1xzN8  ... Ideas?21:15
john-krhr6860, back-up home, perhaps etc, wipe bin, usr et cetera?21:15
john-kthen install over?21:16
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auronandacejohn-k: he left21:16
CausaMortis_recon_lap, stdin: is not a tty21:17
CausaMortis_, initdb: cannot be run as root21:17
john-kauronandace: oh... I didn't mean to scare him off or what21:18
CausaMortis_recon_lap, appreciate the help by the way :) i figured i misunderstood something about bash scripting but it should be able to execute those commands21:18
alkisgDouglasK: did you just add douglask to the group? if so, you need to relogin or use newgrp21:18
DouglasKalkisg, closed the terminal, opened a new one.  same ssh session though.21:19
DouglasKI'll try killing the ssh session and reconnecting.21:19
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DouglasKalkisg, thanks.  Never thought about the base SSH session being considered the login instead of the individual terminal window.  That did the trick.21:21
alkisgNice :)21:22
recon_lapCausaMortis_: think you going to have to create a postgres user on the system. who can run the sql server and own the DB file21:22
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Petrushkai'm trying to run a script that toggles my wifi every day at 17:1221:23
Petrushkai wrote the script and made a crontab entry but it isn't working21:23
Petrushkathe script, crontab entry, and message in /var/log/syslog is seen here:21:23
Petrushkaanybody know what the problem might be?21:23
bekksPetrushka: You arent using absolute paths for the binaries you are invoking, in your script.21:24
bekksPetrushka: You can safely omit setting the PATH variable.21:24
Petrushkabekks: ok, thanks21:25
Petrushkabekks: i had it set up that way before and it still didn't work - any idea what the problem might be?21:25
lostsoul_hi anyone have any knowledge of subtle wm for ubuntu, like how to style and configure it?21:26
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akikPetrushka: does it work when you run it from the shell?21:26
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Petrushkaakik: yes, if i type ./home/alador/wifitoggle it works21:27
effectneti dont know how to install a network printer21:28
akikPetrushka: what version of ubuntu is this? 16.04 nmcli doesn't have nm21:28
Petrushkai guess it's 14.0421:29
akikthere's nmcli r wifi off though21:29
bsamorimguys, i'm curious about the memory management from unix systems....is there anywhere I could read more about it?21:30
bsamorima pretty general tutorial21:30
akikPetrushka: ok so it's not about timing if it works from the shell21:30
effectneti wonder why this linux  box wont see a browseable windows printer21:30
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Petrushkaakik: yes, it seems to work from the shell. i'm not sure what the problem is though21:31
Guest62532hi i this working????????????21:32
Guest62532is not i haha21:32
dillonI was on here this mornin askin about netflix and linux.  Whenever I try to watch it all I get is redirected to the "system requirements of netflix" but I have the most recent version of chrome or at least the newest one from the software centre21:32
akikPetrushka: you could add logging to the script to see if the command output an error message. 2>file21:32
akikPetrushka: the thing is nmcli talk to the network-manager and there can be variables in the gui session that are not available in the cronjob?21:33
kyle_cant u sees this21:36
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Guest2822just want to no21:36
akikPetrushka: here's something similar http://askubuntu.com/questions/107401/nmcli-works-in-script-when-i-run-itdirectly-but-not-when-run-in-cron it talks about access to dbus21:36
Guest2822i just installed ubuntu21:36
Guest2822how do i identify my nick21:37
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akikGuest26166: you can register and identify with nickserv21:40
akikoops where did he go21:40
robotdevil1so what the deal with UEFI, can I still use DD to make a clone of the entire disk so that I may purchase a ssd later and reimage the ssd? there is windows partitions on the disk as well21:41
Bashing-omdillon: The repo version 'chromium' does not support netflix . What does is the proprietary 'google-chrome' .21:42
dillonBashing-om is there anyway to get netflix to work on Linux? I am just getting tired of constently changing my hdd out so I can watch it21:43
robotdevil1dillon: you have to use chrome not chromium21:43
robotdevil1and it just works21:43
akikthere's one step after installing chrome to activate one addon inside chrome21:44
robotdevil1dillon: chromes repo constantly breaks my package manager thou21:44
dillonrobotdevil1 I understand but also don't understand what you mean21:44
Bashing-omdillon: A couple of ways . install google-chrome from google direct is one way .. I "think" there is a way to get it to work in firefox, but I have not paid much attention to getting it working in firefox .21:45
robotdevil1dillon: the chrome way is much easier untill it borks your system a bit21:45
akikrobotdevil1: they're updating their pki setup21:46
dillonI think I am going to try  firefox or opera first and then go from there21:46
akikdillon: it's easier to go chrome way21:46
akiki don't think it works in firefox21:46
robotdevil1dillon: the other way you have to use a ppa and silverlight in a modified version of firefox21:47
robotdevil1dillon: it aint hard but it can bork your system too21:47
dillonthen how would I get Chrome and not chromium to work21:47
akikdillon: you can get the deb from https://chrome.google.com/21:48
robotdevil1justi install chrome from google, doesnt matter if you have chromium installed already it wont ccare21:48
vlabfor whatever reason my ubuntu-server 16.04 VM keeps pulling the same IP as my host machine, Hyper-V on W10. 14.04 gets a different IP, just 16.04 that takes the same IP. anyone else have this issue?21:48
robotdevil1dillon: do you dual boot with windows21:48
dillonno, I never got that technical with it, I have walked away from doing advance things like that.  I use to be all about it but I have gone away and don't care about doing anything like that any more21:49
robotdevil1dillon: ok well when you start ubuntu you dont see grub (ubuntu boot loader)  but you can see it you hit esc quickly enough, which will give the option to start ubuntu in recovery mode, so if chrome breaksyour system then you go there to fix it easily21:51
robotdevil1it may never happen with you thou21:52
akikrobotdevil1: how did chrome's repository break your system?21:53
robotdevil1but if it does  --- press escape --- boot ubuntu into recovery mode ---- enable networking ---- fix broken packages21:53
robotdevil1no typing required they are all options you select21:53
robotdevil1but in that order21:53
akikrobotdevil1: chrome's repository is defined in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list. remove it and apt update21:53
KleggasHi. Anyone know if there is an iso of latest ubuntu out there, that is patched with latest surfacelinux patches to be installable on a surface?21:54
robotdevil1akik: because it times out on the repo sometimes and the package manager fails21:54
john-kWhat is going on with WINE dependencies anyway? ... wine1.6-i386:i386 : Depends: libglu1-mesa:i386 but it is not going to be installed ... and so on ad nauseam21:55
robotdevil1dillon: the chrome is the prefered way for sure21:55
robotdevil1and that an easy fix for sure21:56
hamersawif i'm looking for a minimal install of ubuntu on my desktop could i just install the server version?21:59
MonkeyDust!mini | hamersaw22:00
ubottuhamersaw: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD22:00
elkyhamersaw: server isn't true minimal as it has useful server packaged, but if your idea of minimal is just "no desktop" then sure.22:01
dillonstupid question how come that the software center doesn't carry Google Chrome and only Chromium?22:01
tgm4883dillon: google chrome licensing doesn't permit redistribution22:02
john-kelky: how about debootstrap?22:02
dillontgm4883 (sarcastically) but if you change the name and the general look and the icon then it is completely legit lol22:04
tgm4883dillon: I'm not sure what you mean22:04
elkyjohn-k: i can't remember how minimal that is, but sure. the mini iso is still the better way to go if you don't already have an install.22:06
dillonchromium and google chrome are basically the same thing, the interface is almost identical. You can get the exact same apps from the store and the icon is basically identical22:06
gdevDoes Ubuntu Gnome Edition also Feature the Ambiance theme?22:06
crobertsis anyone having random wifi drops after going to 16.04 just drops everything your doing rebooting or disable/renable wifi helps22:06
crobertsi turned off ipv6 but still not helping22:07
tgm4883dillon: no, chromium is an open source project. Chrome is chromium plus closed source stuff that Google adds. They are not "basically the same thing"22:07
crobertsnot sure what log would show the wifi drops22:08
robotdevil1dillon: ones open and one is closed, usually closed things arent allowed in distriubtions, for example some distros dont allow firefox in because its icon is restricted22:08
robotdevil1they call it iceweasel and change the icon a little and move on22:08
ubuntnoobI finally have wireless connected with a mini.iso install after manually configuring wpa_supplicant, but I don't have dhcpcd installed. What options do I have? I followed this to get it working - https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/WPA_supplicant22:12
eelstreborlooks like i'll have to reinstall ubuntu since i can't get the graphics fixed despite the stuff i tried from googling22:12
fxmsHi there! Anybody knows what's happening with the springseed repos/website?22:13
derbieHi! New machine same setup but now libdc1394 error: Failed to initialize libdc139422:13
ubuntnoobI want to be able to 'dhcpcd <i>interface</i>' and get wireless working22:13
derbieI am really struggling :(22:13
bmsr256hi, you know what are the amd graphics controllers for ubuntu 16.0422:13
john-kubuntnoob: can't you just set a static IP address and DNS, and then apt-get the dhcpcd?22:15
ubuntnoobjohn-k: Sorry, I didn't know how to do that. I will look into how to do that now.22:16
john-koh wait, ubuntu has "dhclient" as default22:16
john-ktry "dhclient wlo1"22:16
ubuntnoobOkay, I will. Thank you.22:16
ubuntnoobjohn-k You are awesome. Thank you, it worked perfectly.22:17
ubuntnoobNow that I have it working, can I just install something like wifi-menu and use that to connect from now on?22:18
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john-kubuntnoob: of course you can.22:20
recon_lapdont seem to be able to turn off safe boot in UEIF , boo22:21
ubuntnoobjohn-k: Do you have any recommendations for other programs vs. wifi-menu?22:21
john-kubuntnoob: are you going to run a GUI?22:21
john-kif so, which one?22:21
ubuntnoobjohn-k: probably i3, but I'd like to have to ability to do it easily from the command line22:22
ubuntnoobI also know of wicd-curses22:22
john-kNo idea then. I only use wpa_supplicant when in terminal22:24
ubuntnoobI appreciate your help john-k. I'll do a little more research myself.22:25
john-kNo problem.22:26
john-krecon_lap: what laptop brand/model?22:26
TomekkkHi folks, I'm running ubuntu 14.04 on a new Asus N552VW, everything works but the touchpad, its a Elantech touchpad but does not appear in xinput or /proc/bus/input/devices, any help would be much appreciated.22:27
recon_lapjohn-k:  it's a zoostorm desktop22:27
john-krecon_lap: oh. Does it's UEFI allow enrolling your own keys?22:28
recon_lapjohn-k: dont know, only been a UEIF user for about a month.22:29
TJ-recon_lap: there's usually a Security menu where Secure Boot can be enabled/disabled, and possibly new keys added, as well add/remove entries in the boot-menu22:33
recon_lapTJ-: been looking, cant find anything like that, just a small section telling me the "secure boot status" enabled22:34
TJ-recon_lap: what does "dmesg | grep DMI" report?22:34
akikrecon_lap: i had to define a password for the bios admin account before i was able to setup secure boot (acer laptop)22:34
recon_lapsry, found key management, bloody EUIF scroll stopped because mouse reached bottom of screen , lol22:35
munch_28I have a very annoying issue with using alt Tab on a full screen terminal that makes my launcher disappear22:36
munch_28It does not last, but I'm wondering if anyone's ever heard of this before22:36
endev15How can I check over 100 files for a specific string of text?22:38
TJ-munch_28: what do you mean by 'full screen terminal'? a VT console accessed via Ctrl+Alt+F1 ?22:38
scatterpendev15: grep -r *22:38
scatterpendev15: grep -r * "a line of text"22:38
TJ-endev15: "grep <string> /path/to/files/* /another/path/to/some/files/*"22:38
recon_lapgreat, if I enable win8 mode I can turn off secure boot.22:39
endev15can path/to/files be a folder containing the files?22:39
john-kwhat's the ubuntu not-really-urgent-support channel?22:39
ali_guys who uses mouse instead of touchpad? in laptop ofc22:39
endev15me ofc22:40
scatterpme some times ali_22:40
ali_I wanted to ask if its worth giving laptop to rma for weeks just for touchpads fault22:40
john-kali_: clit mouse ftw22:40
endev15probably you might need it one day ali_22:40
ali_it has issues when charging. on battery it works fine.22:41
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ali_cursor on touchpad22:41
recon_laplol, disabled secure boot and all my graphics driver problems went away.22:41
Bashing-ombmsr256: ATI drivers are included in the kernel in 16.04 . There are no FGLRX drivers provided by ATI . See the 16.04 release notes .22:41
endev15scatterp how do i do it for files within a directory? and subdirectories22:41
scatterphi so had the unfortunate experience of working with a mac that basically melted doing some light damage to the file structure of the hd due to improper shut down anyway i put the drive in a hp rack server tried to access it with testdisk and gparted .. gparted just crashes and pops windows mentioning apple and mac .. eventually i changed the type of a partition in the middle of the drive to ext4 mounted it fsck and the partition/d22:42
scatterpget rid of the mac data gparted either crashes or says its a blank drive how can i zero everything other than /dev/sda1 ?22:42
scatterpendev15:  exactly how i said the "-r" does that22:42
endev15ohh i see. Thanks scatterp!22:42
ali_I have a dell latitude e642022:43
ali_running ubuntu22:43
ali_having touchpad issues only during charging. :( sad.22:44
scatterpali_: i had that on a dell before hrm22:45
ali_oh scatterp22:45
ali_did u manage to fix it?22:45
john-kscatterp: I'd try using smartctl to check if the drive has any errors first22:46
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scatterpthanks john-k but even if its dieing i still want to make it boot if possible :/22:47
scatterpali_: tell me about your laptop charger.. everything you know about it22:48
ali_its a standard 19.5V charger by dell22:49
john-kscatterp: important data on the drive?  might want to check out *ddrescue* to make an image of the drive and boot it in a VM?22:50
TJ-ali_: I bet its a firmware ACPPI bug22:50
scatterpali_:  is it the one the laptop was sold (NEW) with22:50
bmsr256Bashing-om: I heard that 16.04 will include the new AMDGPU drivers22:50
TJ-ali_: show us "pastebinit <( sudo strings /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT | grep -i windows )"22:50
ali_I am using ubuntu22:51
scatterpjohn-k: yeah thats half the plan tried dd a number of times before the mac burned out22:51
ali_Actually I got this laptop in a refurbished condition22:51
ali_charger came along22:51
ali_with it22:51
scatterpali_:  thats your issue i think22:51
scatterpali_:  go ahead and go in to the bios and disable ACPPI22:51
TJ-ali_: there are well known bugs in ACPI firmware like this, the laptop I'm on now has one, booting with AC adapter connected disables the USB-connected touchscreen22:52
scatterpali_: also try an original charger22:52
TJ-scatterp: NO! do not disavble ACPI!22:52
scatterpTJ-:  why not ?22:52
TJ-scatterp: because every modern PC requires ACPI to function safely22:52
ali_what should I type to get details, TJ22:53
TJ-ali_: show us "pastebinit <( sudo strings /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT | grep -i windows )"22:53
azizI seek good help22:53
scatterpTJ-: well other options a bios update but i did that to my dell alienware and it never came back :(22:53
Bashing-ombmsr256: Yeah ,, IF the card is new enough to suppoort amdgpu .. presently the list is real small .22:53
TJ-ACPI == Advanced Control and Power Interface ... without it, things like thermal cutouts, device enablement, CPU stepping can all be disabled22:53
ali_I did22:54
ali_then what to do next22:54
azizwhich is the most useful tool for scannear one server in ubuntu22:54
TJ-ali_: give us the URL22:54
scatterpaziz scan for what?22:54
scatterpaziz you need to be a bit more specific22:55
bmsr256Bashing-om: ok, thank you, I will confirm if my graphics card is included in the list22:55
ali_so? TJ22:56
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azizsee for example if I want scannear a web server tool is good22:56
Bashing-ombmsr256: :) . presently, opensource drivers are radeon and amdgpu , which depends on the card .22:56
TJ-ali_: that list is basically all the operating system versions the ACPI DSDT code supports. Generall, the lastest OS version we can see there will enable the most functionality. I think "Windows 2009" is the latest. What we have to do is have Linux pretend to be "Windows 2009" so the firmware enables all functionality correctly22:56
bmsr256Bashing-om: but even if not listed, everything must run ok btw22:57
scatterpaziz what specifically are you trying to do ?22:57
ali_hmm, so how can I do that22:57
azizLIGHTim getting highlighted22:57
elkyazizLIGHT: people are talking to aziz who is also here.22:58
Bashing-omazizLIGHT: Another user on line nucked " aziz " .22:58
nexussixhi all22:59
scatterpTJ-:  when i had the same issue i remember googleing it there are quite a few results basiclly pointing at power supply but of course there is an acpi tie in i think i just disabled acpi but it was 10 years ago.. memory is very hazy22:59
TJ-ali_: now do: "  sed -i 's/^\(GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\)"\(.*\)"/\1"\2 acpi_osi=! acpi_osi=\\"Windows 2009\\""/' /etc/default/grub  "23:00
nexussixI have an issue with 16.10 - often something will lock my machine up hard. I suspect its something to do with X or when the screen turns back on or plugging in or removing my monitor.23:00
scatterpoff to sleep nite all any comments about my hd issue in pm please23:01
TJ-ali_: and to check it set the values correctly show us "pastebinit <( grep acpi /etc/default/grub )"23:01
scatterpali_: pastebin it23:01
nexussixsorry, 16.04. Anyway I upgraded from 15.10 where it was rock solid. What was the most recent amd64 kernel for 15.10? I'd like to use that kernel, and see if thet help[s23:01
TJ-nexussix: if you upgraded, the 15.10 kernel should still be installed and available from the GRUB boot loader's Advanced... sub-menu23:02
TJ-ali_: Good. now do "sudo update-grub"23:02
nexussixTJ-: unfortunately, no, its not.23:03
TJ-ali_: now, do a reboot so that new setting is used by the Linux kernel, and then test the PC see if the issue has cured, or got worse, or no difference23:03
ali_Generating grub configuration file ...23:03
ali_Warning: Setting GRUB_TIMEOUT to a non-zero value when GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT is set is no longer supported.23:03
ali_Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-21-generic23:03
ali_Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-21-generic23:03
ali_Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-4.2.0-35-generic23:03
ali_Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-4.2.0-35-generic23:03
TJ-nexussix: that's a pain!23:03
TJ-nexussix: you can fetch the 3 required packages directly from the archive and install them via dpk -i23:04
john-kSpeaking of kernel updates - how do I do it manually?23:04
nexussixTJ-: yeah, I just don't what version kernel to get the packages from :) I tried the 4.6.blaa kernel but it seemed to have the same problem23:05
ali_I did23:05
ali_now what23:05
TJ-nexussix: http://archives.ubuntu.com/pool/main/l/linux/  is the directory I think. Look for the latest you want the linux-image-*amd64.deb linux-headers-*amd64.deb and linux-headers-*all.deb23:05
ali_it said warning: setting grub_timeout23:05
ali_then found linux image .....23:06
TJ-ali_: that's fine, it has updated the GRUB boot menu with those settings on the kernel command line... so now do a reboot and test the PC23:06
ali_Hopefully it will work23:06
ali_thanks aloot23:06
TJ-nexussix: sorry, got the URL slightly wrong, missed the leading ubuntu/:  http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/23:07
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TJ-ali_: any difference in behaviour?23:09
ramrebolHi. How can I avoid changes of compizconfig-settings-manager using the terminal?  I change one thing, and now I cant use the left click of mouse :(    May be deleting some configuration file of compizconfig-settings-manager :/23:09
nexussixTJ-: thanks heaps :D Hopefully, its work23:09
ali_let me drain a bit then I can plug in and check23:10
xnerdhey im trying to install dvl on my ubuntu mate23:11
xnerdi been getting some problem23:11
ramrebolor, how can I reset my desktop configuration by the default configuration using only the terminal?23:11
xnerdim running ubuntu mate23:11
TJ-ramrebol: most user config is under $HOME/.config/ somewhere, but some programs create their own .dot dircetories in home too23:12
ramrebolwhats problem TJ- ?23:12
xnerdany help here23:12
Bashing-om!info dvl23:13
ubottuPackage dvl does not exist in xenial23:13
Bashing-om!info dvl trusty23:13
ubottuPackage dvl does not exist in trusty23:13
ramrebolTJ-: thanks.But I can't find some file with name '.compiz' or similar23:14
xnerddanm vulrability23:14
xnerdi might spell this wrong forgive me23:14
TJ-ramrebol: it should be .config/compiz-1/compizconfig23:15
xnerdits a web application23:15
nuno_nunes!info dvb23:15
ubottuPackage dvb does not exist in xenial23:15
nuno_nunes!info dvb-t23:15
ubottuPackage dvb-t does not exist in xenial23:15
nuno_nunes!info dvbt23:15
ubottuPackage dvbt does not exist in xenial23:15
john-kWhat's the usual kernel updare procedure? Does apt-get upgrade replace kernel images, somewhere, that I have to copy into boot folder?23:16
xnerdi download it from the website and manually install it23:16
TJ-nuno_nunes: use 'apt-cache search' on your local system, as in "apt-cache search -n dvb"23:16
TJ-john-k: "apt full-upgrade" or "apt-get dist-upgrade" will automatically upgrade kernel versions23:17
nuno_nunesor synaptic :p23:17
ramrebolTJ-: you are right, in that place are files, but are empty :/23:17
TJ-ramrebol: maybe the options are stored in dconf then; you could try browsing the hierarchy with dconf-editor23:17
TJ-john-k: kernels are treated the same as any other package. downloaded to /var/cache/apt/archives/, unpacked to the root file-system with debian control files in /var/lib/dpkg/info, and the the package configuration shell scripts are executed.23:19
ramrebolTJ-: but I don't have the left button of the mouse, so I cant make click on any option (for that reason I need a solution from the terminal )23:20
ramrebolTJ-: TJ- In you solution I need to use the mouse?23:20
TJ-ramrebol: spacebar usually doubles as the selection operator23:20
ramrebolgood idea :)23:20
john-kTJ-: Oh, okay. Where's the resulting kernel binary? Because I'm running with my own secureboot keys, and I remember I had to sbsign the kernel...23:21
ramrebolTJ-: space bar works!!    great solution, thanks!!  Now I can use the mouse23:22
TJ-ramrebol: you can also use the comamnd-line: as in "dconf list /"23:23
TJ-john-k: /boot/vmlinuz-${VERSION}23:23
TJ-john-k: and initial ramdisk in same place /boot/initrd.img-${VERSION}23:24
john-kTJ-: only my running kernel there23:24
TJ-john-k: did you "dpkg -i ....deb" the kernel packages?23:24
john-kI guess I did something weird back when I installed though23:24
namegoesherehow can i set up RAID on ubuntu 16.04?23:24
ramrebolNow I can resolve my main problem: all the windows options desapear (the top bar with "file", "view", etc). How may I see them?23:24
OpenSorce16.04.01 available yet?23:25
namegoeshere16.04 server is23:25
TJ-john-k: "sudo dpkg -i package.deb package2.deb " etc, to install manually23:25
john-kTJ-: No.23:25
john-kTJ-: I mean I didn't install kernel through dpkg23:25
TJ-john-k: sorry, got you confused with nexussix asking about installing the 15.10 kernels23:26
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john-kNote that my install is weird, I've got separate unmounted EFI boot and I boot EFI stub kernel directly23:26
TJ-john-k: well, all installed kernel packages will put the kernel images under /boot/  use "dpkg -l 'linux*' | grep ^ii" to check which kernels are installed23:27
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TJ-john-k: in which case the stub should be in /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/ shouldn't it? which infers you need to mount the EFI-SP23:28
newseongDo I want Marcos without Compisitor, with Compistor (software) or with Compistor (hardware GPU)?23:30
newseongWhat's the difference?23:30
newseongI notice no difference whatsoever.23:31
newseongIn fact I notice no diff when I enable Compiz with hardware GPU.23:31
HetroErectuzwhat kind of server tasks would you run on a ubuntu mate setup (for fun mostly) ?23:31
newseongThey all seem the same to me.23:31
john-kTJ-: yeah. It seems that I'm running the latest kernel anyway23:31
newseongSo what's the difference?23:31
HetroErectuzgot 5 tb diskspace23:31
newseongWhy do I want compositing anyway?23:34
john-kTJ-: would there be a problem were I to use latest stable off of kernel.org, self-compiled?23:35
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robotdevil1anyone wanna chime in on making a clone of my harddrive is going to be like with UEFI? will it make a difference?23:36
TJ-john-k: no, although do you know Ubuntu builds mainline kernels into .deb packages so you can just download the files?23:36
TJ-!mainline | john-k23:36
ubottujohn-k: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds23:36
namegoesherehow can i set up RAID on ubuntu 16.04?23:37
TJ-robotdevil1: what has UEFI got to do with it? do you mean on whether the clone will boot on another UEI system?23:37
TJ-namegoeshere: use mdadm or lvm23:38
namegoesheredoes lvm have a gui?23:38
TJ-namegoeshere: no, it's a kernel service with userspace tools23:38
robotdevil1TJ-: nope same system23:38
john-kTJ-: can I configure those kernels?23:39
namegoeshereTJ, okay I'll try it. thank yoi23:39
namegoeshereyou *823:39
robotdevil1TJ-: no I just very new to UEFI and was asking to make sure23:39
TJ-robotdevil1: UEFI stores a boot entry in its' NVRAM, and that includes the path to the boot file, so if the device changes the menu entry will not refer to the cloned device. However, if you copy the boot file to the removable media (simple) boot path it'll boot from it like from any removable device. That path and filename  is /EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI on a 64-bit system23:40
TJ-robotdevil1: so for example if you've got a GRUB EFI bootable, with /EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi you can copy that file to /EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI and it'll boot without a menu entry23:41
john-kroot@hp:~# efibootmgr -v | grep Boot000423:42
john-kBoot0004* Ubuntu 4.2.0-16 xHD(1,GPT,764a6b85-e595-46f3-8812-dc7ca3a56037,0x800,0xff800)/File(\ubuntu\vmlinuz-4.2.0-16.efi) .i.n.i.t.r.d.=.\.i.n.i.t.r.d...i.m.g. .d.e.b.u.g.=.v.c. .i.g.n.o.r.e._.l.o.g.l.e.v.e.l. .c.r.y.p.t.d.e.v.i.c.e.=./.d.e.v./.s.d.a.2.:.c.r.y.p.t.r.o.o.t. .d.o.l.v.m. .r.o.o.t.=./.d.e.v./.m.a.p.p.e.r./.v.g.-.u.b.u.n.t.u.23:42
ali_working fine23:43
ali_THANKS ALOT !!!!!23:43
TJ-ali_: it's fixed? I said it was most likely the common ACPI firmware bug :)23:43
ali_actually its better23:43
ali_than before23:43
TJ-ali_: blame the computer manufacturers; they write the ACPI code only to work with Windows, so Linux often gets the blame23:43
TJ-ali_: doesn't surprise me, when the ACPI DSDT doesn't recognise the OS name it sets a very low default set of features23:44
TJ-ali_: now your PC's ACPI DSDT thinks Windows 2009 is running so it enabled everything optimally23:44
john-k(What is Windows 2009 anyway?)23:45
ali_actually I was running windows 7 before that23:45
ali_and it was having same issue23:45
TJ-john-k: one of the many OSI strings the DSDT matches against23:45
ali_TJ mind if you can send me those commands again hehe. Wanna save them for later23:46
TJ-ali_: well, no need to RMA the poor PC now :)23:46
ali_haha thanks alot man23:46
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TJ-ali_: you added "acpi_osi=! acpi_osi=\"Windows 2009\"" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in  /etc/default/grub23:46
awesome-0hello all, im having a issue with ubuntu mate 16.04 with applying WOL at boot time it is enabled in bios and sudo ethtool -s enp1s0 wol g does turn it one23:47
TJ-ali_: "cat /etc/default/grub" to see it and the other boot-loader settings23:47
ali_thats all I have to do right?23:47
ali_yeaaaaaa Now I can use mousepad23:47
TJ-ali_: add those settings then apply them with "sudo update-grub" which writes the final /boot/grub/grub.cfg where those settings take effect when you boot the system23:47
ali_TJ I wanna learn to do these commands too23:48
ali_where can I learn hehe23:48
TJ-ali_: by reading docs, experimenting, and making sure you make backups first :)23:48
fenix_peregrinoGuys does someone use PIA VPN with Ubunu 16.04 LTS?23:49
ali_and TJ, not only that23:49
TJ-ali_: if you want to learn about other kernel command-line options see the Linux source documentation kernel-parameters.txt file. You'll find acpi_osi described in there e.g. at  http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git/ubuntu/ubuntu-xenial.git/tree/Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt23:50
ali_but also the improvements in battery can be seen now23:50
TJ-ali_: that's an added bonus then23:50
ali_it was draining pretty quickly back then23:50
ali_now its like a macbook23:50
TJ-ali_: right, now you've enabled all the powersaving features23:50
ali_so ACPI was having those features as well?23:51
robotdevil1so I have a 500 gig drive I want to clone, it not entirely full though but I still need 500 gig to output to right?23:52
TJ-ali_: ACPI is the interface between OS and hardware, that controls the power functionality. You've just gone from only a minimum power-hungry config to one that adapts depending on use, since Linux can now access all the functionality23:52
john-kTJ-: btw thanks, I am quite sure I didn't fuc--- mess up when installing my ubuntu several months ago23:52
TJ-robotdevil1: basically, yes, unless it has lots of NUL blocks and it is written to a target using 'sparse' blocks23:53
john-kTJ-: random related question - is there a way to make lvm (and ext4) write all of their unused blocks as NUL?23:55
TJ-john-k: well, that's what the 'discard' flag is about, but if the underlying device doesn't support TRIM/UNMAP I'm not sure how useful it'd be23:56
john-kI mean a "you will be assimilated, resistance is futile" command23:57
john-ksomething I could issue before physical-to-virtual conversion23:57
robotdevil1TJ-:  if I use DD ,  dd if=/dev/sda of =/dev/sdf1/   this will make a backup of the entire sda and only use part of the sdf drive (say if it was 3 TB) I dont want to wait to write the whole thing out, then I could use dd if =/dev/sdf1/ of=/dev/sda  so that it would write out to the entire disk instead of just partition. Right?23:58
TJ-!info zerofree | john-k23:58
ubottujohn-k: zerofree (source: zerofree): zero free blocks from ext2, ext3 and ext4 file-systems. In component main, is extra. Version 1.0.3-1 (xenial), package size 7 kB, installed size 50 kB23:58
ali_is there any evernote application on linux23:59
TJ-robotdevil1: assuming /dev/sdf1 is large enough to take /dev/sda, else it'd fail with "out of space"23:59

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