
xubuntu10whello everyone, just downloaded 16.04 and noticed a tiny issue with the installer, can I just leave this here with somebody?00:01
DrCoolI think there is a website to report bugs00:02
DrCooland make sure it's not already reported.00:03
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.00:23
xubuntu50whello, I came here from the xubuntu support page. I just installed 16.04 and it's working mostly fine so far, but the software center is completely empty. Is this is known issue? Are there any solutions?00:31
xubuntu50wIt looks like this no matter what I do (link to screenshot): http://imgur.com/YBra8t700:35
xubuntu50wI also tried to download chrome via the .deb file. When opened in Software, it just shows a spinning wheel forever.00:53
squintyxubuntu50w,  yes it seems to be buggy (even in unity version too) re chrome -> download chrome deb page from there website -> install gdebi (sudo apt install gdebi) -> use file manager to highlight chrome deb file -> right click and select "open with" ->  gdebi will then check for dependancies resolution and if are all met then will install chrome01:12
xubuntu50wthanks squinty! glad to know it's a known issue. are there any known workarounds to gnome-software right now?01:15
squintyxubuntu50w,  not that I am aware of personally but to be honest, haven't really been monitoring the situation except at a very superficial level.  :P01:20
xubuntu50wOkay, thanks squinty. I'll hope for a fix soon.01:30
JeZxLeegreat OS, any ETA on an AMD proprietary display driver fix for 16.04 ?03:28
xubuntu92w needing assistance in installing virtual windows 7 box on xubuntu unsuccessful05:29
xubuntu44iso, what's up guys?06:17
xubuntu44immmm im bored guys06:22
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LeMikehello. I have "terminator --new-tab" bound to the keys "Meta+T". unfotunately a new terminal is started everytime. It should be a new tab in the existing terminator instance. Am I forgetting something here?12:01
newbie89I have upgraded 16.04 from 15.10. but have a problem with Qt applications13:30
newbie89that using Qt5, Qt4 library. all UI font size is set to very small.13:30
newbie89Does this only my problem ?13:30
knomenewbie89, you might want to ask #kubuntu as they know more about qt; it's possible that xubuntu doesn't have some configuration files available (since xubuntu doesn't itself use qt), and that might cause your issue13:32
newbie89i see13:33
xubuntu95wJust installed Voyager 16.04 LTS, but, right hand menu does not appear and the beta extras after install Ubuntu gets hung up and doesn't work properly16:51
pleia2xubuntu95w: you'll want to ask the Voyager folks about that, they use a very different setup from Xubuntu so it's difficult for us to help16:53
xubuntu95wOkay, thanks for your help.16:53
pleia2(we don't even have a right hand menu by default, for instance)16:54
recon_lapI got a borked install of mysql-server 5.7 , won't install or uninstall , any suggestions on how to fix it?16:54
pleia2recon_lap: paste.ubuntu.com the error?16:54
recon_lapkeep getting E: sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code(1)16:54
pleia2that doesn't help much :) what command were you running to get that?16:55
recon_lapsudo apt-get upgrade16:56
recon_lappretty much any apt-get command gives that error now.16:56
pleia2so how do you know it's mysql?16:56
pleia2I don't doubt you, but you're not giving much information here ;)16:57
recon_laperrors encountered while processing : mysql-server-5.716:57
pleia2ok, can you paste.ubuntu.com how you got into this situation?16:57
pleia2usually there's more than just "errors encountered" - like the errors16:58
recon_lapI wanted to try remove all mysql files to stop old data persisting, after uninstalling and removing all mysql files, then trying to reinstall it failed with that error16:59
recon_lapit's the normal story of a slow slide into madness17:00
pleia2without the actual commands you're making it very hard for me to help you, but as a stab in the dark you might start with: apt-get install -f17:00
pleia2that can start untangling the dependencies17:00
recon_lapget the generic error message again, error code (1) from apt-get install -f17:01
pleia2do you happen to have aptitude installed?17:01
recon_lapno aptitude installed17:02
pleia2so at this point I'd try a few things, like installing the mysql-server .deb in /var/cache/apt/archives, seeing if any other mysql packages are installed (dpkg -l | grep mysql) and whether I can uninstall them17:03
pleia2when apt gets wedged like this it's a bit tricky, but I typically find a way out eventually :)17:04
recon_lapfound a thread on askubuntu about this exact issue, I'll work throug that for a while, thx for the help though17:04
pleia2good luck17:05
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recon_lapinstalled synaptic, then removed all mysql packages and now apt-get working properly :)17:13
pleia2yeah, synaptic uses aptitude as the back end (so you have aptitude now too!)17:15
pleia2it's much better at sorting through these things17:15
monkey01Hi all. I would appreciate to get some help for starting x11vnc automatically - my previous 14.04 based configuration has become obsolete due to the new way services are managed (systemd).17:26
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mataHi folks20:19
mataim new to linux20:19
matajust switched from win20:19
matausing xubuntu20:19
matawhich is great, so far eeverething is  working but having problems vith viber, installs good but wont open... googled everywhere but no solution20:20
matatelegram is working great20:20
mataget it, this is not a helpdesk...20:21
knomethis is the support channel, but everyone is a volunteer; answers will often likely take more than 2 minutes to appear20:22
matathere are many factors that i shud present and then ask for help20:22
matai know, but im asking stupid qouestin20:22
matajust realized20:22
knomei don't even know what viber is - is it available in the ubuntu repositories or only somewhere else?20:22
knomeif only somewhere else, the suggested method is to ask for help from the maintainer20:22
mataon their official site there is .deb pakacke20:23
Fohlenanyone has an idea how'd I "totally" clear the Whisker menu? I've modified it in like Ubuntu 12.10 with some manual entries (Eclipse and Steam) and since then stuff resides there. Couldn't figure out a way to do it20:24
Fohlenjust pulled off Xenial, restored backup, and heya, bullshit is back again20:24
Fohlenit'd be nice just clearing the menu20:24
Fohlenmenulibre doesn't see the entries though20:24
RangerBobI think they're under .local or .config20:29
flocculantknome: not sure - I have Acs - runs lo calc with q spreadsheet - not finding it20:31
Fohlenknome: furthermore the menu arrangement is not as in default install. I also miss the "Software Center" for some reasons20:31
FohlenI'd be happy for some sort of "reset that stuff." option20:31
flocculantFohlen: the software centre thing is in itself not really a support issue - we had no real option there20:34
flocculanteither keep the old one - and lose all support20:34
flocculantor move to new one - and keep support20:34
flocculantchange back to synaptic - and lose the options available from usc or gs20:35
flocculantalternatively - we could move, then let people know the downside to it - and possible ways to mitigate the issues20:35
flocculantwhich we are looking to do pretty soon20:35
Fohlenalrighty. Cleared everything from .local/share and .config and now I got a nice little menu back again20:36
Fohlenflocculant: but (correct me if I am mistaken), Xubuntu does ship some "App Centre", doesn't it? Because I really can't find it, but I used it on first-login20:37
flocculantFohlen: mmm - software iirc20:37
Fohlenflocculant: what's the package called?20:37
Fohlenit seems to be gone on my computer. Might been removed during the upgrade, hmm.20:38
flocculantthe official name is GNOME Software - should be found with software in whisker20:38
flocculantFohlen: oh right - shouldn't have been lost20:38
flocculantdpkg -l gnome-software20:39
Fohlenit's there, although the menu entry is lost20:40
Fohlenmaybe apt-get purge && reinstall will bring it back!20:40
flocculantapt-get reinstall perhaps20:40
flocculantsnap :)20:40
Fohlenflocculant: purge && reinstall brought it back :)20:43
Fohlenthis one is lovely. Much easier to work with than Canonical's thing20:44
Fohlenand not so blunted with advertising (...)20:44
flocculantFohlen: well20:44
flocculantgreat till you try and find something that's not got a gui, great till you install something like amarok20:45
flocculantwon't find non-gui apps, leaves all dependencies behind ;)20:46
Fohlenthat's the trouble you go along with apt-get20:46
* flocculant reported these issues - should still be on the notes20:46
flocculantFohlen: well the old usc dealt with dependencies seemingly20:46
flocculantnot that I'm completely sure - either terminal or synaptic here :D20:47
Fohlendid it? Always messed up for me anyhow.. I tend to "clean behind" with terminal after everything I do20:47
Fohlenbut it's nice for some simple things20:47
flocculantyea yea :)20:48
FohlenHaving an off-topic question: does anyone, by any chance, know a plug-in/add-on for VLC which adds collection capabilites?20:48
flocculantFohlen: afaik it did20:48
Fohlenalways loved VLC but it sucks so hard for organizing your stuff nicely :(20:48
* flocculant moves to -offtopic and says 'I hate VLC' there20:49
flocculantFohlen: #xubuntu-offtopic and we can chat about that issue for ages :D20:49
Fohlenflocculant: the only "real" package GUI is Synaptic :P20:49
flocculantthat or a gui terminal and apt-get :D20:50
Fohlena gui terminal20:50
flocculantaaronraimist: that's probably useful info you added to the bug - might actually mean it IS lightlocker - I'm not technical though21:19
flocculantthanks :)21:19
aaronraimistflocculant: great, thanks for the info21:22
recon_lapI'm trying to stop the desktop manager to install nvidia drivers, but I just get a blank screen when I do a sudo service lightdm stop , any ideas?21:35
flocculantrecon_lap: I assume you have a need to not use the repos driver is the only thing I'd say21:36
recon_lapflocculant: the one's in the repos are not working very well, only get one screen size21:37
flocculantif so you'd be better to do that in vt1 or something - vt7 is gui land21:37
flocculantI'd assume at least21:37
recon_lapseem to be having trouble getting grub to remember nomodeset parameter as well21:38
flocculantdo it in vt1 - sudo update-grub, actually manually edit /etc/default/grub if necessary21:38
recon_lapupdate-grub does not seem to be saving that option to the boot parameters21:39
flocculantsudo nano /etc/default/grub21:39
flocculantmake sure it's there - add it if not - update-grub21:40
flocculantis what I would do21:40
recon_lapflocculant: thx, and ctrl+alt+f2 get me down to a low level run level21:41
flocculantnot sure - thought you had to boot to low level21:42
recon_lapwell, fingers crossed I don't explode my system :) this brings back memory s of 200621:44
recon_lapwell, that was a bust, can't load module22:08

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