
=== jarh_ is now known as OrPheus
edaqHAHAHAHAHA lol heLO ?␁DCC SEND "isla" mis dumb01:50
edaqwrong paste again01:50
edaqI have several window open01:50
tux|dudeHow long is it until 16.04 gets plasma 5.6?04:52
valorietux|dude: we're trying to make it happen right now05:00
tux|dudeOh awesome!05:00
valorieframeworks is done, plasma is underway05:00
valoriethen applications05:00
valoriebe aware that it will happen in Yakkety first, then be backported to Xenial05:01
tux|dudeAwesome sauce05:10
=== N3X15_ is now known as N3X15
user|59207buenas al tener instalado el SO me da errores de acpi que puedo hacer?06:26
valorie!en | user|5920706:28
ubottuuser|59207: Certain Ubuntu IRC channels are English only.  For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList06:28
valorieoops, I mean06:29
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.06:29
valorieuser|59207: ^^^06:29
luc4Hello! After upgrading to 16.04 it seems the battery icon is missing. Am I the only one with this problem?07:14
valoriemy battery icon doesn't show if it's full07:14
luc4valorie: ah ok, yes, probably that07:14
valoriebut it's under the little triangle menu07:15
valorieand I think you can right-click and say don't hide or so07:15
luc4valorie: actually it seems it is there, but it is wrong07:15
luc4valorie: mmh... no, it seems it is a wrong icon maybe here07:15
valoriemine has a battery icon07:15
luc4valorie: I see a little white rectangle.07:16
valorieI also upgraded07:16
valorieno such problem07:16
valorienot sure what to advise07:17
valorieactually, mine is a little white rectangle, but there is a green plug on it07:18
luc4valorie: http://tinypic.com/r/11aizuu/907:19
luc4valorie: like this07:19
valorieI don't see the image there07:20
valorieall kinds of text, but no battery image07:20
luc4valorie: I don't understand.07:21
luc4valorie: ah you mean you don't see the image in the link?07:21
luc4valorie: try to refresh, it is there07:22
valorieI can see other of their images07:22
valorieif I press next or previous07:22
valoriebut nothing for your link07:22
luc4valorie: I just checked, I had to refresh07:22
luc4valorie: I had to open the link and then refresh07:22
hateballI saw it, once. Tinypic is pretty damn terrible.07:22
* hateball suggests imgur07:23
valorieI was about to say, imgur always works07:23
valorieyes, that's the same that I have07:24
valoriethe little green bit is a plug07:24
luc4oops, unplugged too many cables :-D07:25
luc4I see nothing when power is unplugged, just a rectangle it seems07:25
valorieright, but it will shrink as the battery loses charge07:26
valorievery minimalistic icon07:27
luc4valorie: so this is intended?07:27
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luc4valorie: terrible icon :-( it seemed a bug to me. Well ok then, thanks!07:29
valorieluc4: I think it was intended, and will stick around until someone designs a better one07:32
luc4valorie: ok, thanks!07:33
DataGhostSthis must be a known issue somehow, I've had it with my upgrade to 15.04 or 15.10 as well and managed to fix it somehow but I don't remember how and I can't seem to come up with good search terms to find a solution. Basically, I have a dualscreen setup and since upgrading to 16.04 my K-menu opens about 25% of the time and when it does, it usually opens on the other screen (so not above the K button). Same thing happens with the07:57
DataGhostS'tooltips' when I hover over other parts on the panel, like open applications or icons in the notification area, they pop up (if they do) on the other screen. Massively annoying, can anyone suggest a fix?07:57
DataGhostSmy primary screen is on the right so the K button is on the left side of the right screen, and when the K menu opens, it opens on the right side of the left screen. Window previews and notification 'tooltips' show on the left side of the left screen07:59
trevizehello I just installed 16.04 64 bit and have trouble installing steam. anyone could help me troubleshoot it?08:00
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.08:05
valorietrevize: ^^^08:05
trevizethnx valorie, thats one of the issues, I cannot update my graphics card driver from apt08:11
trevizeI have some unmet dependencies errors when I do08:11
viewer|93121Hello all. I am experiencing a lot of trouble since the upgrade from 15.10 to 16.04. Most difficult is the fact that neither Muon, nor the new Discover seem to be able to handle repositories (add, remove, and the like). Anyone else having problems with that?08:23
viewer|93121Also, PeerGuardian is no longer blocking, and network settings are mostly not working. I found some articles about the latter in connection with VPN, but mine is a different problem. I am not allowed to change settings at all, only sometimes it works out of the blue.08:26
viewer|93121Error message reads: connection.gateway-ping-timeout: cannot set property:value "***" of type 'guint' is invalid or out of range ...08:28
viewer|93121Anyone ...?08:29
viewer|93121OK, I don't receive any answers, maybe something is wrong with my browser settings, or it's just that nobody is answering. So, have a good day.08:31
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DataGhostStried several things, still my kmenu/panel problem isn't fixed, in case anyone found a solution in the meantime08:42
=== william__ is now known as wgma
plasma_5_6hello folks08:55
plasma_5_6do we know WHEN plasma 5.6 will be available in kubuntu backports?08:55
plasma_5_6I installed KUBUNTU 16.04 LTS and activated Kubuntu-Backports, but Plasma 5.6 is still not loaded08:56
plasma_5_6do we know WHEN plasma 5.6 will be available in kubuntu backports?09:10
plasma_5_6do we know WHEN plasma 5.6 will be available in kubuntu backports?09:31
ubottuIf new updated packages are built for an application, they may go into Kubuntu Backports, which is one of the official Kubuntu PPAs. See https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/PPAs for more information.09:32
hateballhmmm, not much info there09:32
soee_Kubuntu devs are moving from debian git to launchpad atm. and have to fix CI etc. Most of he work is done already but not all, so when this end than Plasma, Frameworks and Apps get packaged for YY and than backported to Xenial. But no eta09:35
plasma_5_6ahh ok..thanks for this information09:37
profilerHHgood morning from Hamburg!10:08
soee_hi ingopan10:16
=== yue is now known as DiegoGetafe
ingopanBin neu im Linux/KDE Land. Werde demnächst sicher mal oefter hier vorbeischauen.10:36
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hateball!de | ingopan10:37
ubottuingopan: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!10:37
=== Plas is now known as PlasmaStar
Avihay_worksigh, I can't set xkb options from the keyboard KCM :-<11:32
Avihay_workever since the upgrade to 16.0411:33
Avihay_workAHAA! if I disable 'configure layeouts', it works fine11:50
BluesKajHiyas all11:50
Dey_hi there11:51
BluesKajhi again11:56
Avihay_workand when I turn 'configure layeouts' back on, it still preserves my settings, so, success11:58
MoPacHello. I'm just making the switch to kde/plasma. I'm having a weird issue where some icons for programs won't show up in task managers and/or system trays, with only a generic placeholder icon, when they aren't running.12:09
MoPacActually to clarify -- some icons not showing up in the system tray.  But bigger problem is a number of icons not showing in task manager until the program is running. So the Firefox launcher is just a little rectangle with a dog-ear until I launch it; then it's normal.12:11
BluesKajMoPac, try the icons only taskmanager in the widgets..it could be the minimal look that the default breeze theme uses as well12:11
MoPacBluesKaj: That's actually the one I'm using12:11
BluesKajthen it could be your theme12:11
BluesKajdesktop theme in system settings>workspace theme>desktop theme12:13
MoPacBluesKaj: Well, I've tried changing some of those task icon themes, but it doesn't seem to help. I've mostly been using Breeze Dark, though -- surely it's not missing an icon for Firefox? Or, if it was, it would also show a placeholder when the program is running? (it's normal when running)12:16
BluesKajMoPac, can you do screen shot/prntscn and post it on http://imgur.com/12:18
MoPacBluesKaj: Sure, was thinking about doing that -- one sec12:18
MoPacBluesKaj: Here's a before and after I launch FIrefox and CrashPlan.  Other Icons under those generic placeholders are Dolphin, Thunderbird, and PGAdminIII ( http://imgur.com/a/2HSgn )12:27
BluesKajMoPac, recommend you use quicklaunch widget , but my panel is on the bottom , not used to seeing it on the right12:30
MoPacBluesKaj: With Quicklaunch, though, I'd just end up with lots of clutter and confusion when switching windows, since the launcher icon and the task icon will both be up at the same time12:31
MoPacPlus, that wouldn't really solve the problem, which is why these icons aren't being pulled correctly when the apps aren't running (I've even tried deleting the cache). And it shows up the same for both icons-only TM and the normal TM -- e.g., both do this generic icon thing for Firefox12:35
=== kevin is now known as Guest98121
BluesKajthis is mine http://imgur.com/E0u0KfJ ...ands what do you meqn by "placeholder"?12:37
MoPacBluesKaj: By "placeholder" I just meant "default" or "generic" -- e.g., in the theme in those screenshots, it's a white rectangle with a dog-ear fold in the bottom right corner. It's being used as the icon for all the app launchers that it's failing to pull a specific icon for12:40
MoPacI mean, it wouldn't be a big deal if I could edit the launchers manually and point them to an icon -- are there editable files somewhere for each of these apps' launchers that I could go poke at?12:41
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
BluesKajMoPac, I heven't seen anything like that before. Did you switch over from a 'buntu that used a different DE?12:44
BluesKajcheck icons (settings) in system settings12:46
MoPacBluesKaj: Yes, I've installed kubuntu-desktop on top of the Unity version and am trying to make sure everything can work properly before deleting the other packages. I know "weird" stuff can happen in such an environment, but I'm skeptical that this could be that -- I mean, icons are in folders or not..12:46
BluesKajMoPac, ok sudo apt install kubuntu-desktop plsama-desktop the update and full-upgrade , think you should remove Unity as well12:48
BluesKajplasma-desktop , scuse the typos12:49
MoPacBluesKaj: I've already got the whole kubuntu stack installed -- is there a reason why you think that the presence of unity DE packages would be interfering with icon display in the task manager?12:53
BluesKajMoPac, I don't know , haven't tried the KDE and Unity DE's together , been a KDE user for 11 yrs , tried Ubuntu a few tiles , but  I missed the KDE's flexibility12:56
BluesKajtimes even12:56
MoPacBluesKaj: I'm still not sold yet on kde -- though I'm using it for now because I've been getting horrible gpu crashes trying to use LibreOffice in Unity, and they don't happen in plasma, so....12:58
MoPacBut the touchscreen support is pretty terrible in KDE, and I'm still trying to stop the themes from creating awful, unusable color schemes in apps that make text unreadable.12:58
MoPacActually, is there a way to exempt individual applications from the themes?12:59
BluesKajnot that I know of13:00
BluesKajtouchscreens are a different matter , no exerience with thjem at all, except on my phone13:01
BluesKajMoPac, maybe the guys at #kde chat can help, they're quite knowledgeable about configs etc13:04
MoPacBluesKaj: thanks13:04
=== EvillerRoey is now known as EvilRoey
=== swipe is now known as swipe-
just_looking_arojoin kubuntu_backports14:38
viewer|71594hi all. Is there a channel for kubuntu backports?14:40
marco-parilloThere is not a separate channel for Kubuntu backports. If you have a question about your currently-installed backports, this is the place, If you would like to help develop the next round of backports, #kubuntu-devel is the place.14:42
=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec
=== Jobava_ is now known as Jobava
viewer|53431hi im new... kubuntu is asking me to password... in live usb... somebody knows it?15:28
soee_viewer|53431: it doesn't work withoutpass ?15:31
soee_if no, try typing: kubuntu15:31
viewer|53431no... doesnt work whitout pass or kubuntu15:32
soee_BluesKaj: ^ do you remember pass ?15:33
viewer|53431no.. never set one15:34
soee_viewer|53431: and: ubuntu15:34
soee_viewer|53431: also this is Kubuntu 16.04 ?15:34
viewer|53431kubuntu 14.0415:35
viewer|53431ubuntu doesnt work too15:35
soee_viewer|53431: why don't you use 16.04 ?15:35
soee_it is latest LTS15:36
viewer|53431ok im gonna try it15:36
soee_ok, please do and than report back how it was - if it worked fine ;)15:36
BluesKajpass , kubuntu ?15:39
viewer|71594thx marco-parillo . I just wanted to know if there is a plan and schedule on making kde plasma 5.6 available15:40
viewer|53431downloading 16.0415:40
viewer|53431see you later!!! thanks15:40
user|Hello, I have Kubuntu 11.04 recently replace a Windows 7 os, is there a way that I can upgrade to 16.04 without having to download an .ISO and burn it, etc...?16:57
BluesKajuser|, no, too late you're EOL, clean install from media is your only recourse unless you have separate / and /home partitions16:59
user|that's what I thought...17:01
user|73424kubuntu et le wifi17:29
zamazan4ikpls, English)17:31
=== soul is now known as Guest31968
viewer|30400I have Kubuntu 16 on VMware ESXi as a live cd, I don't see an install button. Can anyone give me instructions on how to install it?18:04
marco-parilloDo you see a small box just south-east of the hamburger?18:06
viewer|30400I don't see a hamburger18:07
marco-parilloThree short parallel lines in the upper right/18:14
marco-parilloThen down a bit and to the right should be a box (a folder view widget). Half-hidden in the box is the installer program.18:15
viewer|30400I think I see it but its so small I can't click on it. I just rebooted again with more resources and will try again18:16
marco-parilloYou can re-size the folder view widget. Click and hold, and the toolbar should appear to the right.18:17
viewer|30400Its installing now, much thanks18:17
marco-parilloMy pleasure.18:18
viewer|30400thanks, again. I am disconnecting18:19
user|69716Hi, My name is kenny and I am having a hard time with apt get. After some searching, I have found a similar issue, (http://askubuntu.com/questions/633544/e-error-pkgproblemresolverresolve-generated-breaks-this-may-be-caused-by-he), but have been unable to fix it so far.18:49
soee_user|69716: hiho, can you paste errors you have ?18:55
user|69716Yeah, http://pastebin.com/RsSfqyJt18:55
zamazan4ikDid ypu try reinstall mysql-server18:57
user|69716I have tried removing mysql-server, and mysql-community-server.18:58
goddardi am trying to listen to music and each time Juk changes songs it switch my sound device18:58
goddardclaiming one device is better18:58
user|69716Afterwards, there are some other libraries that require those, and when I try to remove those, the mysql items are right back in the list.18:59
goddardhow can i disable this?18:59
ricktimmisgoddard: Try Applications > Settings > System Settings > Multimedia19:00
ricktimmisIn there are the Sound, Video preferences and priorities19:00
goddardricktimmis: cool i will try that19:03
user|69716Here is an example of that behavior: http://pastebin.com/kJmYTTgP19:03
keithzguser|69716: Perhaps try to uninstall them simultaneously? ie. "sudo apt remove mysql-server mysql-community-server"19:12
user|69716http://pastebin.com/d34GEgB5 has the results when I remove them simultaneously then try to 'fix' the remaining dependencies.19:16
user|69716I have also attempted removing everything mysql using 'apt-get remove mysql*'19:17
alesanhttp://imgur.com/GDAzYE6 <- how can I put an icon of konqueror (the file manager) in that area? I cannot find out how. I used to have one but it disappeared19:17
ricktimmisalesan: Got the the application in the K menu, then drag and drop it to the panel19:20
ricktimmisRemember that Konqueror is no more, it is now called Dolphin19:21
ricktimmisWell the file manager component19:21
ricktimmisKubuntu now uses Firefox as the default browser19:22
ricktimmisinstead of Konquerpr19:22
alesanI do not like Dolphin. I like to use konqueror in file manager mode. I now start it from a konsole with konqueror .&19:22
ricktimmisAh OK, I understand19:22
alesanI cannot find the konqueror icon in the K menu... where would it be19:22
ricktimmisSo you probably want to use kmenuedit to add an entry to the K Menu for Konquerpr19:23
ricktimmisThen proceed as above19:23
alesanI found an icon but it's "konqueror - web browser"19:23
alesanindeed I drag and dropped it there and now it opens konqueror in web mode19:24
alesanlet me see if I can tweak19:24
ricktimmisTry Alt + Space19:24
ricktimmisthen type19:24
alesanalt space?19:24
ricktimmisYep that brings up KRunner19:24
ricktimmisYou can do all sorts withit,19:25
ricktimmisin this case you want to run19:25
alesanmh no, in my case... it inserts a space in the focused application?19:25
ricktimmisWhat version of Kubuntu are you running ?19:25
alesanlet me check19:26
alesanhow can I find out... it should be a 15. something19:26
zamazan4ikupgrade to 16.0419:26
ricktimmisThat's fine19:27
ricktimmisanyways.. kmenuedit has to be called from either Kicker or Krunner19:28
ricktimmisIf you click the K menu then type it in it should come up19:28
ricktimmisIt's obvious what it does19:28
alesanyes OK19:28
ricktimmisThere you can change the options that Konqueror is called with19:28
ricktimmishth :-D19:28
user|16133selam arkadslar19:31
user|16133yenıyım buralarda ve kubuntu ıle baslamam ıcın tavsıyede bulundular19:31
user|16133sıteden ındırdım dvd uzerınden boot etmek ıstıyorum ama baslangın olacak komut sayfasında acılıyo19:31
user|16133açılış komutu nedır _?19:32
keithzguser|69716: Sorry, I haven't seen what happens if you try and *install* mysql-server and mysql-community-server, what are the errors then? Also, what does "apt-cache policy show" say for each of them?19:33
* keithzg had issues with the mysql upgrade, checking /var/log/mysql/error.log it just turned out to be two parameters in the config file that had changed names and worked just fine after acquescing to the nomenclatural shift19:34
user|69716I am not sure what  that green text meant.19:35
* keithzg sees no green text (Konversation puts /me statements in blue by default)19:35
user|69716ahh. Anyways, here is the policy info: http://pastebin.com/xwFGfJjz19:36
keithzgHere I was assuming you're on 16.04, and just running into the upgrade issues that manifested there, but you're still on 15.10 eh?19:37
user|69716So it would seem.19:37
keithzgIs that a surprise to you, or?19:37
user|69716not really. I have been running into this issue for about a month and have left it as is because I wasn't able to figure it out and didn't need to install anything new.19:38
user|69716Now that I am trying to install a couple of things, this needs to be resolved before those can proceed.19:39
keithzgHrmmm I don't even see mysql-community-server as a package in the Ubuntu repositories19:39
user|69716I may have added a separate repository. I don't remember which one off the top of my head though.19:40
keithzgThat your policy output doesn't list a repo path for it either seems to indicate that's where the problem lies . . .19:40
keithzgYeah you'll want to disable that then.19:40
keithzgIf you look in /etc/apt/sources.list.d there may well be a file that stands out as obviously the source19:40
keithzgIt'll certainly either be in there or just as a line in /etc/apt/sources.list. Either way you should comment it out, run an apt update again, and then see if things proceed smoothly.19:41
user|69716Here is the list of items in /etc/apt/sources.list.d. http://pastebin.com/xN64KvvA19:45
user|69716None of them jup out at me.19:45
alesanthanks! bye19:45
user|69716here is the sources.list: http://pastebin.com/2wsUPw4j19:46
keithzguser|69716: I mean in fairness, when I think about it the fact that the apt-cache policy call doesn't give a URL probably means it isn't there . . . hrmm. Just a vestigial package installed.19:46
user|69716Again, nothing looks fishy to me.19:47
user|69716I believe mysql might have been installed when I added the program DataGrip from the makers of intellij19:47
keithzguser|69716: Try perhaps "sudo apt-get install mysql-server=5.6.30-0ubuntu0.15.10.1" and see what happens?19:48
keithzgYou could also just install aptitude and run that instead; it has a fairly intelligent resolver that will give you some options as to how to fix the situation.19:48
user|69716I tried installing aptitude, but apt-get won't install anything (including that) until after the broken packages are resolved.19:49
keithzgWhat does "apt-cache rdepends mysql-community-server" say?19:49
user|69716here are the requested outputs: http://pastebin.com/SHTwZiev19:51
=== user__ is now known as bati5
keithzgHmm. Nuclear option time, perhaps? You could run "sudo dpkg --remove mysql-community-server" (if that doesn't work, add a -f). Then do the same with mysql-server. *Then* see what apt-get reports about the state of things.19:54
soeeuser|69716: did you tried apt-get -f install ?19:54
keithzgsoee: Yup, he did: http://pastebin.com/RsSfqyJt19:54
user|69716That did not work, and -f does not appear to be a valid option to force. I did not see anything relevant in the man page for --remove.20:00
user|69716results : http://pastebin.com/4aURyvMK20:00
keithzguser|69716: These days it actually might be "--force-depends"20:00
* keithzg hasn't had to forcefully remove a package in a while20:00
user|69716Ohh. something new. give me a sec...20:01
soeetry to remove mysql-community-server maybe20:02
soeeuser|69716: what Kubuntu version are you on ?20:02
keithzgsoee: Yeah he gets complaints when he tries that with a normal apt-get remove; he's on 15.1020:02
keithzguser|69716: What happens now if you run "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get -f install"?20:03
user|69716It seems to have run without issue now. http://pastebin.com/Lr8YYc5b20:05
user|69716do I want to continue with the operation?20:05
keithzgHrmmm I wouldn't say quite yet, it's still removing some things you may well not want removed (like the calendar and contacts applications for KDE).20:07
keithzgIf you run the same dpkg line above but on mysql-server, then run an update, then run 'apt-cache policy show mysql-server', what does it say?20:08
keithzg(trying to get a valid, from-the-main-repos version of mysql-server installed, basically)20:10
user|69716Thank you for the explanation. I am feeling a little bit lost.20:11
user|69716was* feeling20:11
user|69716or is it s/am/was20:11
keithzgLooks like things might work now, try "apt-get install mysql-server" and see if that runs fine20:12
keithzg(well, sudo apt-get install, you know the drill)20:12
user|69716That didn't work, but I suspect that is only because we have not yet resolved the other broken dependencies. Also, I have reached the pastebin limit for anonymous. Let me create an account.20:16
=== RtMFaerie is now known as QuinnStorm
=== QuinnStorm is now known as Guest21378
keithzguser|69716: You can also use paste.kde.org20:20
keithzgYeah, we still have to resolve that teamviewer tangle.20:20
=== Guest21378 is now known as RtMFaerie
keithzgpaste.ubuntu.com will work too20:20
user|69716that was a pain. Sometimes, I feel that my emails are too secure.20:25
keithzgHonestly, I'd first just try removing teamviewer.20:25
koliberhow have amazon ec2 cracked account20:27
user|69716ok. http://pastebin.com/q1dSrsdhok20:27
user|69716I believe that worked.20:28
=== koliber is now known as koliber__
=== RtMFaerie is now known as QuinnStorm
user|69716so, it did NOT work. http://pastebin.com/86GsbXXc20:34
user|69716I did the remove on teamviewer, it looked like I worked. I examined the output for doing a fix install, which still wanted to remove some system stuff, then20:35
user|69716I tried to install mysql-server, and the teamviewer stuff was there again.20:36
keithzguser|69716: What does "apt-cache rdepends teamviewer" say?20:36
keithzgOkay, you can just remove that using the dpkg method then and it should be cleared out of the way.20:37
keithzgThen I'd say you should check what apt-cache policy says about mysql-server-core-5.620:38
keithzgHmm, what happens now then if you run "sudo apt-get install mysql-server-core-5.6"?20:39
keithzgOh, huh, what's the policy on mysql-common? Did we perhaps miss one of the outside-the-repos mysql packages?20:41
keithzgYeah, remove mysql-common (either via apt-get if possible, or if not then via the dpkg --remove method instead) and then try  mysql-server-core-5.620:43
keithzgerr, I mean "sudo apt-get install mysql-server-core-5.6 mysql-common"20:44
keithzg(hit enter rather than a quotation mark, oops!)20:44
IskierkaAnyone around who happens to know much about problems with login on 16.04? Just updated from a 15.10 install that was fairly fresh, now it hangs after the password is entered, never updates or gives an error.20:45
Iskierkagoing to TTY and back just gives black screen20:45
keithzguser|69716: Heh, the slow work of purging the system of all the external mysql packages continues, guess the next one up is "mysql-community-client".20:47
user|69716I kind of reversed the attempt order, but I belive it should still be the same: http://pastebin.com/mg5p9x8d20:49
keithzguser|69716: Looks like you'll need to remove mysql-client as well (considering it's demanding a version >= 5.7)20:51
user|69716Also, I do have the install command right?20:52
user|69716s/I do/do I20:53
=== kubuntu is now known as bubdubs
keithzgYeah, you've got the install command right. Odd that it isn't working, in fact; try an apt-get update first and try it again?20:54
keithzgYou could also try "sudo apt-get install mysql-server-core-5.6 mysql-common libmysqlclient18" and see if that's more successful.20:55
user|69716Also, I realize I chose the wrong language.20:58
user|69716or did I?20:59
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syadminyeahhhh so 2.3.1 is out.... do we have also an installer or the last available is still 2.3 ?21:08
user|69716is there another dependency that I need to remove? Is akonadi a default application?21:12
keithzguser|69716: Akonadi is what underpins the KDE PIM applications (calendar, contacts, etc).21:20
keithzgIf you don't use them, or just want to try the "can't make an omlette without breaking a few eggs" approach you could indeed try removing it, at least for the time being. It'll take a *lot* with it, but doing that then reinstalling might solve things.21:21
=== Metacity|uh-oh is now known as Metacity
IskierkaI feel like I'm getting a lesson that I just shouldn't dist-upgrade at all21:30
keithzgIskierka: Have you checked the various logs in /var/log? There's certain to be *something*.21:33
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valorieapt full-upgrade is better than apt-get dist-upgrade21:35
Iskierkakeithzg, been looking through but they're all full enough that it's very difficult to figure out what's at all relevant21:38
user|69716aside from the omlette making approach, are there any other options?21:39
keithzgIskierka: A good place to start, since it's graphical, might be the sddm and Xorg logs21:39
=== mydogsnameisrudy is now known as monkeyjuice
Iskierkasddm.log was too full to figure out what was part of it, I've deleted that and am restarting to see what a clean log looks like21:40
keithzguser|69716: Honestly, the omlette approach might be the best, and the beauty of package managers is that it's all like lego pieces; you're never really breaking anything by disassembling things, it can always be put back together.21:40
keithzgah but wait21:41
Iskierkaand sddm apparently didn't create a new log, which is great21:42
user|69716who was the wait comment directed at?21:42
keithzgI had misread things (sorry, user|69716! Distracted by work), you could try "sudo apt-get install mysql-server-core-5.6 mysql-common libmysqlclient18 mysql-client-core-5.6"21:42
user|69716That is no problem.21:42
keithzgIskierka: What does "service sddm status" say?21:43
user|69716what is the recommended approach for sharing screenshots?21:46
keithzgI always just lazily upload to Google Photos and use the raw URL, heh, but that's just me. I suppose you could just use imgur or such.21:47
keithzgI think pastebin itself also allows screenshots?21:48
Iskierkasddm status says: active (running), process (code=exited, status=0/success), log here says: Authenticated successfully, session started, sddm-helper exited, greeter stopped.21:48
Iskierkadon't have a convenient way to copy the text to somewhere visible from tty unfortunately21:49
keithzgIskierka: You can pipe it to the command "pastebinit"21:49
keithzgie. "service sddm status | pastebinit"21:49
keithzgBut it does sound like it's working fine as far as it knows.21:49
=== frank is now known as ffendland
keithzgYeah Iskierka that all looks like it *should* be fine. Hmm. So you enter the password, press enter, and nothing happens?21:53
IskierkaIt grays out the input boxes as normal for checking the password, then there's never another update21:53
Iskierkareturning from tty is black screen21:53
Iskierkahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/16196232/ X11 status is not promising, I presume that should be running21:54
keithzgIskierka: naw, mine is the same.21:55
keithzgWhat does "journalctl -b -u sddm" spit out?21:55
keithzg(in our newfangled systemd world, we don't always get text logs ;) )21:55
Iskierkadooooesn't look like anything went wrong apart from trying to start the memory pool twice21:56
keithzgYeah, and mine does the same thing Iskierka21:56
keithzguser|69716: 404. That’s an error.21:57
user|69716Sorry. Try this: https://goo.gl/photos/wzXgiVDgnddD6aD3821:57
keithzguser|69716: Oho, this is where the problematic packages are coming from. I'd cancel out and then remove mysql-apt-config.21:58
user|69716I remember seeing this exact screen when I first set up the mysql stuff. Clearly I did something wrong here.21:58
keithzgYeah I think you're using the one from https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/repo/apt/, you should really be sticking to the packages in the main repos unless you're willing to live on the wild side, heh21:59
Iskierkahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/16196240/ Xorg log offers no errors, a few warnings but none look like they'd stop the show21:59
keithzgIskierka: Yeah hmm I dunno. Have you tried an alternate session, openbox for instance?22:00
IskierkaLast dist-upgrade I tried got screwed up by packages added by other WMs so I'd avoided adding any to try prevent problems, but I could try one22:00
keithzgOpenbox is pretty lightweight and self-contained.22:01
keithzgI almost always have it installed on systems, precisely so that there's a simple session without compositing and such that I can fall back on to test when things seem to be going wrong.22:01
Iskierkainstalled it, will restart and see what it does22:02
keithzgYou could also just try deleting your ~/.Xauthority file, Iskierka. Haven't seen that be a problem in a while but that's one of those classic things that'll make graphical logins fail weirdly.22:02
Iskierkagetting very tempting to just nuke everything except home and do a fresh 16.04 install22:02
keithzgNot the worst idea; personally though I always try and persevere until I know what the problem actually *was*, in part because I want to avoid it ever happening again but frankly mostly because it bugs my curiosity otherwise!22:03
user|69716How do I remove the... what is it again, an apt repo?22:03
Iskierkawhile that may be sensible since my problems only seem to come up with dist-upgrade I have to wonder why I couldn't just never do that again. Setting 16.04 iso downloading anyway just in case22:04
keithzguser|69716: What it appears to be, as far as I can tell, is a package that in turn grabs and installs a bunch of other packages. So something like "sudo apt remove mysql-apt-config" (or using dpkg if that doesn't work) should get it out of the way.22:04
user|69716Then just install the same list as before?22:05
keithzgYup, and hopefully it doesn't pop up again, heh22:06
Iskierkaopenbox appears to not start either. Though if it might help point to the current system status, the cursor can still be moved, but has become a back x22:06
keithzgIskierka: Openbox is just a blank session; does it pop up a menu if you right-click?22:06
keithzgOh, huh, black x is weird though.22:06
IskierkaNope, even if I go to tty and back for the black screen22:07
keithzgIskierka: What graphics card and drivers do you have?22:08
IskierkaWas nvidia mobile with intel via optimus, I had it on nvidia drivers (can't remember if noveau or proprietary), but the dist-upgrade did mention at some point having to switch around drivers so I'm not sure which it'd be running22:09
Iskierkadidn't have anything like bumblebee installed to make it extra-weird though22:10
keithzgIskierka: Hmm. If you look back through the Xorg logs it'll probably say. This is a bit of a stab in the dark though, honestly.22:10
user|69716is there some sort of rep mechanic? You have been so helpful and I really appreciate it.22:11
keithzgIskierka: Have you tried running an apt update and upgrade from the TTY? This is just another stab in the dark, but I wonder if the upgrade was somehow incomplete.22:12
keithzguser|69716: No rep mechanic, just hoping to be helpful :)22:12
Iskierkanoveau never gets mentioned and nvidia is listed as driver in a couple places so I presume proprietary. I'll try poke the drivers a bit22:12
IskierkaI'm about 95% sure update and upgrade have occurred during my poking but I'll try both alongside switching to noveau22:12
user|69716Okay. Well I think it is working now. I am going to try installing a couple of things, but I am no longer getting broken dependency messages.22:13
keithzgIskierka: Yeah, as aforementioned it's just me flailing around at unlikely possibilities, but fingers crossed22:13
Iskierkaif these two don't work, the iso download should be done in an hour22:14
keithzguser|69716: Excellent! Hopefully 's all solved now.22:14
user|69716It seems to be. I was successfully able to install aptitude. For some context, is it usually recommended to use a toolk like aptitude for standard package management? or is it best to only use it when things are fucked up?22:16
valorieI use apt or muon or even the update manager all the time22:18
hydrogenIs it safe to attempt to install fglrx on 16.04?22:18
hydrogenOr am I just going to hate myself again22:18
valoriehydrogen: why do you need it?22:20
user|69716is there any risk of conflicts when switching between package managers?22:20
hydrogenvalorie: my displayport audio is terribly distorted22:21
valorieuser|69716: they all use dpkg as a backend22:21
hydrogenhoping that it's fixed in the proprietary driver22:21
ubottuFor AMD/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto22:21
valoriestill supported i believe22:21
hydrogenI know things didn't go so well with 15.10 and fglrx22:21
valorieI've not had to use it for at least one or two years22:22
=== Bernie2026 is now known as JMichaelX
user|69716Thank you. Have a nice day everyone. I really appreciate all of the help.22:23
* valorie heads outside into the sun22:24
Iskierkawell I got it to the point that after hitting enter the cursor does -not- respond and switching to tty and back still gives the sddm screen, so ... progress?22:30
hydrogenwhy does krita have a higher priority to open pdfs than okular22:50
hydrogenand how do I make the world right again?22:50
keithzghydrogen: Right-click on a pdf, go "Properties", then click on "File Type Options" in the window that appears.22:51
keithzgFrom there you should be able to tweak the application preference order.22:51
hydrogenIn system settings it shows okular with priority... but I'll check that22:51
hydrogenoh it's because it's firefox22:52
hydrogenand not kde22:52
hydrogenand stupid stupid stupid22:52
hydrogennow I have to remember how to make firefox not stupid again22:52
hydrogenAt least all of the annoyances from using linux in 2008 have been fixed?22:53
hydrogenWhy do programs insist on reinventing the perfectly round wheel22:55
Iskierka... okay, fresh install of 16.04 is expressing the same problem23:25
Iskierkaso yeah, looks like 16.04 just hates me23:39
JMichaelXseems mame is working terribly for me in 16.04. random pauses everywhere.23:44
RodJLinuxI haven't used IRC much but I have a friend using Kubuntu too who wants to know where he can post requests for program features, a "wish list" I guess23:56
valorieRodJLinux: he can file bug reports in bugs.kde.org23:59
valorieour applications come from KDE23:59

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