
pavlushkaMorning Guys!03:47
Kiloshello bangalori peeps04:21
Kilosim freezing here04:31
Kilostemp about 3°c04:32
pavlushkano room heating system?04:36
Kiloselectricity too expensive04:36
pavlushkaKilos, http://i.imgur.com/nPLqNJm.png04:45
pavlushkaKilos, you know the writer of Harry Potter?04:46
Kiloslovely view there04:46
pavlushkathe redshift effect! and info04:47
pavlushkaMorning NaSb !04:47
NaSbpavlushka : How are you?04:48
Kiloshi NaSb 04:48
NaSbHello Kilos04:48
pavlushkaI am great, eating sweet potato, :)04:48
pavlushkaKilos, you know J. K. Rawlings, writer of Harry Potter?04:54
Kilosi dont know her personally no04:55
Kilosbut read many harry potters and saw movies04:55
Kilosoh yes tolkien is the lord of the rings peron04:56
pavlushkaShe could not afford room heating, so she was writing the Novel and spending most of her time in a nearby coffee shop with a room heating.04:56
pavlushkaI think its time for you to be famous, :p04:57
pavlushkaNaSb, pardon my ignorance, I dont understand the ":v", is it refer laughing?05:02
NaSbare you don't using :v this on FB?05:03
pavlushkaNaSb, I dont use even FB much actually, :p05:04
pavlushkajust for ubuntu-bd FB group, I am little active in FB.05:04
NaSbhttps://www.facebook.com/pavel.sayekat is it u'r FB ID?05:07
NaSbI'm sending a invalid request :P05:07
NaSbএমনিই বললাম :D05:11
pavlushkaNaSb, the request is now valid, :p05:12
NaSbThnaks :)05:14
NaSbThanks :p05:14
pavlushkaChanServ is so lazy.05:36
Kiloswhy what must it do?05:37
pavlushkayou came here an hour before but it's setting now +v mode on you, lol05:38
Kilosi went off05:38
Kiloswhat is the +v mode05:38
pavlushkadidn't noticed, oops!05:38
Kilosi havent looked at that for years05:39
Kilosi just got a logbot in africa channel so wanted to see if it leaves a message05:39
pavlushkaKilos, +v mode gives voice to a nick.05:41
Kilosok ty05:41
pavlushkametaphorically its kind of respect, technically half privilege, :)05:42
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
Kiloswhats with the yoyoing pavlushka 14:13
pavlushkayo-yo, fluctuations14:14
Kilosdidnt you ever play with a yoyo14:15
Kilosthose round things on a long string that roll up and down14:15
Kiloshaha i think everyone in the world has at some or other time14:17
Kilosi am trying to find where a loco can order 16.04 sticks like we used to order cds14:18
Kilosmaybe they not doing it anymore14:18
pavlushkaI think you have to download it and print it from Ubuntu Marketing section.14:19
Kiloslocos order 100 at a time14:19
Kilosto hand out at release parties and ubuntu hours etc14:20
pavlushkathat would be awesome!14:20
Kilosthats how uuntu spreads14:20
pavlushkaonce I was received some stickers with CD order, :)14:21
Kiloswe order 100's for the za loco and then send them to guys in each centre14:21
pavlushka*cut the was14:21
Kilosthe loco can or could get that for nothing14:21
Kiloslike we would distribute about 30 cds to each major centre14:22
Kilospavlushka who wanted to use etherpad15:51
pavlushkanot me, 15:52
Kilosi think it was a guy from mauritius15:53
Kilossee im involved everywhere15:54
pavlushkaKilos, good for you, :)16:19
Kilosno man i get too tired16:19
pavlushkanight guys!19:00
Kilosnight pavlushka 19:00
Kilossleep tight19:00

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