
dholbachmhall119, can you reply to the "sessions outside of uos core hours" question please?06:37
Kiloshi dholbach mhall119 svij06:39
dholbachhi Kilos06:45
davidcalleMorning /07:56
Kiloshi davidcalle08:04
svijdavidcalle: hey! I tried playing around with the ubucon.org blog, but I have no idea how I can add a blog post. Did you set the permissions to ubucon-site-editors or only -developers group?08:04
* davidcalle checks08:19
davidcallesvij: do you see an "add article" button, top right of http://ubucon.org/admin/aldryn_newsblog/article/ ?08:20
svijdavidcalle: 40308:22
svijI'm only in the -site-editors group08:22
davidcallesvij: try again :)08:25
davidcallesvij: ideally I would add you to the dev group on launchpad, but I'm not an admin and dpm is away this morning. I've added all the perms manually (looks like they didn't stick when I did it last week)08:28
svijdavidcalle: thanks! no 403 anymore08:30
svijwill try adding a blog post in a bit08:30
svijdavidcalle: but might be good if all editors could add blog posts, I'll probably not the only one who will add posts there08:31
davidcallesvij: good point, on it08:31
davidcallesvij: updated, editors should be able to do everything blog and pages related08:33
svijdavidcalle: great thanks!08:33
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davidcalledholbach: I don't seem to be able to move meetings on the uos schedule, could you give me a hand? I need to move the scopes session from thursday to the first open spot on wednesday08:51
dholbachok, let me try08:52
dholbachdavidcalle, correct now?08:53
davidcalledholbach: thanks! I'd need the same for tuesday's sdk roadmap. On wednesday, next spot :)08:54
dholbachdavidcalle, correct now?08:54
davidcalledholbach: <3 thanks08:55
svijI'm blind… where do I put in my text in a blog post here!? http://ubucon.org/admin/aldryn_newsblog/article/2/09:21
svijdavidcalle: can you point me to it?^^09:26
dholbachsvij, I don't think anyone of us worked with the aldryn newsblog much yet09:26
svijI'm not sure if I'm blind or not09:27
davidcallesvij: you need text? That's so 2015.09:27
svijtitle, publishing date, featured image… where the hell is the text field!?09:28
svijoh https://github.com/aldryn/aldryn-newsblog/issues/35009:31
* svij tries09:32
svijwhen I press "view article" i just get this URL http://ubucon.org/en/r/45/2/ and a "this page doesn't exist…"09:34
svijerr, http://ubucon.org/admin/r/45/2/ this link09:34
svij"This page encountered an error, don't worry - we have been notified. Please accept our apologies.09:35
Mister_Qsvij tell me when you figured out how to use the blog :D then I'll try to add the ubucontest pages09:39
svijMister_Q: yeah :D09:40
davidcallesvij: dholbach : can you edit this page? http://ubucon.org/en/blog/?edit09:41
Mister_Qsvij hopefully before the ubucon uos session09:42
svijdavidcalle: i can't09:42
davidcallesvij: progress: http://ubucon.org/en/blog/blog2/?edit09:44
davidcalleSort of09:46
davidcalleI've tried created a new "config" (whatever this is) for the blog and made one article use it. Doesn't help.09:50
svijhas dpm more experience with this?09:58
davidcallesvij: I think he found a way on friday, let's ask him when he arrives10:04
svijdavidcalle: ok!10:05
dholbachdavidcalle, what do you want me to edit there?10:10
dholbachdavidcalle, on http://ubucon.org/en/blog/?edit I can't go to structure view10:15
davidcalledholbach: yeah, same for us10:16
dholbachthis sucks somewhat10:17
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mhall119dholbach: having sessions outside of UOS hours means they won't be on the summit schedule11:49
mhall119so they'll essentially be unscheduled sessions11:50
dholbachmhall119, ok... can you respond to the mail?11:50
* mhall119 goes to find it11:50
ahoneybunknome I need to get access to our designs again (their in the cloud somewhere) to make change for 16.0411:57
knomein which format are they?11:58
ahoneybunfrom my understanding it would not be in the Canonical Store or anything, just for LoCos11:58
ahoneybunmm xcf (GIMP)11:58
knomei mean i don't know what our plan for it would be...11:58
knome..but we're interested if those are produced11:59
ahoneybunI need to get it on the ball and maybe we can have some for SELF (linux conf)11:59
ahoneybunmhall119 ^^^11:59
knomeand fwiw, if the design is "ready" and just needs some updating, i can probably take part in that too11:59
* ahoneybun needs to get ready for work 11:59
ahoneybunknome just needs to change the wallpaper used and change the release number12:00
ahoneybunit was in pdf/psd can't remember12:00
knomewell for xubuntu, we might need a bit more work, but that's fine ;)12:00
ahoneybunknome https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/Artwork12:02
ahoneybunsomething like that12:02
ahoneybunsvg my bad12:02
ahoneybunI'll find the other files12:03
knomeahoneybun, right, i see12:05
knomeahoneybun, this wasn't what i expected, but good to know whatsoever :)12:05
ahoneybunthe newest one has all the text ready for translation12:05
ahoneybunthe issues I hit was that Canonical like to use Macs +Photoshop12:06
knomei kind of understand that, it's much easier to get to work with professional printer requirements12:06
ahoneybunyea but makes it hard to edit in gimp12:08
* ahoneybun walks out 12:08
cjohnstondholbach: everything good with Summit now?12:29
dholbachcjohnston, I think so... mhall119^?12:51
mhall119I assume so, but it's my first day back :)12:53
dholbachmhall119, we landed a branch to point to the 1605 sprint in LP and cjohnston thought of changing the blueprint importer cronjob13:03
dholbachmhall119, anything else that was maybe missing?13:03
mhall119what was the code change? There shouldn't be any sprint hard-coded into summit13:28
dholbachmhall119, in the docs13:30
dholbachmhall119, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~summit-hackers/summit/trunk/revision/57313:31
mhall119dholbach: oh right, those were copied in from uds.ubuntu.com,13:49
davidcalledpm: svij and I tried to edit a blog post on ubucon, were you able to do it the other day?14:10
dpmdavidcalle, I created a blog post and saved it, but I couldn't figure out how to publish it. I didn't spend much time on it, though14:24
dpmhey jcastro, was it you who had a script to find out subscribers/downloads of a PPA?14:24
svijdpm: yeah same here. If I want to try to view a blog posts, it just gives an error14:25
svijalso we couldn't change anything here: http://ubucon.org/en/blog/14:26
jcastrodpm: yeah, one sec14:26
svijbut http://ubucon.org/en/blog/blog2/ was a try to display the posts14:26
dpmawesome, thanks!14:26
jcastroit has some flaws, but kind of the best we can do given lp.14:26
dpmsvij, I think the main blog page "simply" needs a django template to display the list of posts14:27
svijdpm: hm okay, and what about displaying the blog posts directly?14:28
dpmsvij, I guess they might work if they are assigned the "Default" template14:36
svijdpm: http://ubucon.org/admin/aldryn_newsblog/article/2/ how can I do that here?14:37
* dpm looks14:37
dpmsvij, nice text! :)14:39
svijyou mean "lead" ;) There's no textfield for the actual blog post on that page14:39
svijas far as as I understood, I need to add the actual content on the page afterwards, which I can't because of that error14:40
dpmHm, I think we'll have to create a template for individual blog posts too14:54
dpmhowever, that won't fix the error14:55
knomethat's what you get for not using wordpress14:55
knomedpm, any update on the doc team leadership request? we haven't seen a second meeting scheduled yet, nor any other activity after the first meeting14:56
dpmknome, jumping to our team meeting now. Let me talk to the guys and perhaps we can do something over UOS15:01
dpmmhall119, dholbach, davidcalle, omw, just replying to one last ping15:02
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dholbachall rightie - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow!16:03
dpmmhall119, sorry, the last call ran over, omw now16:04
mhall119no worries, just refreshed my cup :)16:05
davidcalledpm: quick q. It looks like I can't move sessions on the schedule, could you move the scopes roadmap one from tuesday to thursday 15:00?16:25
mhall119dpm: davidcalle: FYI, I've made 1800 on Wednesday a plenary slot, which required unscheduling two sessions (one appdev, one core)16:28
dpmdavidcalle, can you have a look at the appdev one, see if the new time works for the presenters, and I'll look at the core one?16:31
dpmthanks mhall11916:31
dpmdavidcalle, sure, let me move that session now16:31
davidcalledpm: mhall119 thanks16:34
davidcalledpm: what is the new time of the sdk one?16:37
dpmdavidcalle, session moved. Just let me know where the SDK roadmap should now go and I'll put it there for you16:37
davidcalledpm: ok, pinged them16:42
davidcalledpm: need to run, I'll drop you and mhall119 an email to confirm the time if I see I can't add it myself.16:46
dpmthanks davidcalle16:47
davidcallemhall119: dpm: SDK roadmap session tomorrow at 18:00, ty :)18:40
davidcallepopey: will you be around at this time? ^ I should be able to make it, but with kids around.18:41
mhall119davidcalle: scheduled it19:03
mhall119dpm: the fix to the page width has gone out too19:04
davidcallemhall119: \o/19:07

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