=== freebsd1 is now known as renegadevi | ||
alkisg | OK from now on ubuntulog2 has joined and logs this channels, like all the other channels at irclogs.ubuntu.com | 17:14 |
Gallomimia | why is it ubuntulog2? what happened to ubuntulog1? did 2 kill 1 and is now replaced him with a psilon? | 17:29 |
Gallomimia | well. seems i celebrated a little too early. my wifi dongle does indeed drop out and act lame under MATE. | 17:34 |
=== mortalius_1 is now known as mortalius | ||
Gallomimia | say, if i try to install on an existing disk with raid, crypto, and LVM. is the ubuntu-mate installer going to figure that out? | 18:23 |
Gallomimia | seems to be making a good try of it, since i installed mdadm manually, assembled the raid and unlocked the crytpo in a Live session | 18:28 |
Gallomimia | here's hoping it puts mdadm and cryptsetup into the initrd | 18:30 |
Gallomimia | ah. failed to install grub. expected. here comes a bug report. probably not useful | 18:37 |
Gallomimia | huh. what is this: "Welcome to emergency mode!" | 18:54 |
Gallomimia | didn't even see a grub menu | 18:54 |
Gallomimia | seems to have loaded the wrong initrd. really odd | 18:57 |
Gallomimia | oh. it's not using the right /boot directory. what in the world? | 18:59 |
Gallomimia | well. looks like i've pretty well messed that up | 19:12 |
mona_ | hello any germans could help me to create a usb-boot stick | 19:19 |
mona_ | bios always says missing operating system | 19:20 |
swift110 | hey all | 19:20 |
mona_ | i converted usb stick to fat32, used unetbootin | 19:20 |
mona_ | and tried with 2 computzers to boot | 19:21 |
swift110 | hey mona_ how are you?/ | 19:23 |
mona_ | fine thanks. but my english is not that good :/ | 19:24 |
swift110 | where are you from mon | 19:26 |
Nosophorus | hello, guys! | 20:22 |
alkisg | Hello | 20:22 |
Nosophorus | I'm having some problems to create cover art for mp3 files. | 20:22 |
Nosophorus | Caja doesn't create thumbnails (or cover art) for those files. | 20:22 |
Nosophorus | Any direction on how to deal with this problem? | 20:23 |
alkisg | How big are they? | 20:24 |
alkisg | (in MB) | 20:24 |
Nosophorus | Most of them are less than 10MB | 20:27 |
alkisg | And they are .mp3 files with embedded cover? | 20:27 |
Nosophorus | Yes. | 20:27 |
Nosophorus | And no cover/thumbnail is created at all | 20:28 |
alkisg | Was caja or nautilus ever able to generate thumbnails from .mp3 files? | 20:28 |
alkisg | Caja/Nautilus run special programs to generate thumbnails, based on the file extensions | 20:29 |
Nosophorus | I don't know that. Where can I find that information? Dconf? | 20:29 |
Nosophorus | I have ffmpegthumbnailer installed. | 20:29 |
alkisg | See an example, on how to add support for .psd (photoshop) thumbnails to nautilus: http://askubuntu.com/questions/671024/how-to-make-nautilus-display-psd-thumnails | 20:31 |
alkisg | I don't know if caja has a registered thumbnailer for .mp3 covers | 20:31 |
Nosophorus | OK. | 20:31 |
alkisg | gsettings list-recursively | grep thumbnail does show a few related settings, but the full list isn't there | 20:32 |
vdi | Hi everybody | 20:41 |
vdi | i can't install the program " audio recorder" in a new install of ubuntu mate 16.04. Maybe something wrong with the repositories | 20:43 |
mra_ | hmmh | 20:44 |
mra_ | vdi: that doesn't sound like a package name though | 20:45 |
vanceX | vdi: Try sudo apt-get install audio-recorder | 20:47 |
vanceX | vdi: You may need to add a repo, see here... http://www.infoworld.com/article/2701761/install-audio-recorder-in-linux-mint-16.html | 20:49 |
vdi | i had the message " package audio-recorder isn't available" , now i will try with terminal | 20:49 |
vdi | https://launchpad.net/~audio-recorder/+archive/ubuntu/ppa | 20:56 |
mra_ | vdi: did you get it working? | 20:56 |
vdi | i remove old ppa and add new ppa and install it by the terminal, SOLVED | 20:56 |
mra_ | great | 20:57 |
vdi | thanks for your help | 20:58 |
vdi | good evening everybody, bonne nuit à tous | 20:59 |
pablo_ | hola | 21:03 |
pablo_ | estoy fumcionando en raspberry pi 3 con MATE 16.04 y me gustaria poder conectarme a traves de ssh desde el pc o android | 21:05 |
Nosophorus | SOLVED! | 21:05 |
Nosophorus | I had to install totem! | 21:05 |
Nosophorus | Just that. | 21:05 |
pablo_ | con raspbian fue muy facil | 21:05 |
Watney | Can anyone explain why this community is so uptight? | 21:10 |
mra_ | Watney: hmm, haven't seen any uptightness in here | 21:12 |
Watney | not specifically the mate community but in Linux in generall | 21:13 |
mra_ | hmmh | 21:13 |
mra_ | is that so? i don't know the communities of other operating systems | 21:13 |
mra_ | Watney: do you have an example of this in mind? | 21:16 |
Nosophorus | Watney, Too much dependencies to solve, dude. :-) | 21:16 |
Watney | nothing in particular. This is kinda turning me off from Linux as a social thing. | 21:17 |
Watney | the coolest part of an os for me | 21:17 |
mra_ | okay | 21:18 |
mra_ | it's not for everyone | 21:19 |
Watney | sorry to bum you out its just I move here from windows and I love the actual software but the users is what kills it for me | 21:19 |
pablo_ | bueno...gracias | 21:20 |
Watney | *moved* | 21:20 |
mra_ | hmm | 21:20 |
mra_ | well, i don't see a way to help you atm | 21:21 |
Watney | thats okay, not really what I was looking for, I am just mad that people ruin this stuff and not the actual software | 21:22 |
mra_ | okay | 21:24 |
swift110 | hmm | 21:29 |
juan_ | helloo | 21:34 |
juan_ | ]hello | 21:35 |
swift110 | hmm | 21:47 |
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dave__ | hi | 23:45 |
Gallomimia | uh, how do i manually configure a dns server? i've tried a few things. none of them working | 23:45 |
Gallomimia | ah there it goes. | 23:50 |
Gallomimia | strangeness never ends i guess. 87 billion places to configure something, only one of them takes any effect | 23:50 |
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