
harlowjasmoser the conversion of that json into network config, looking into that, is that network config yaml made by juju somewhere at some point? and thats why the translation?00:06
harlowjaor maas00:06
harlowjaseems like  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mgagne/cloud-init-fedora-pkg/epel7/cloud-init-0.7.5-network-info-support.patch isn't really needed (or a large part of it goes away) due to that conversion and stuffs00:07
* harlowja wonders why the network json stuff wasn't == this network yaml stuff ?00:09
mgagneharlowja: I would like to make clear that I'm not the original author of this patch. The original version can be found here: https://github.com/jayofdoom/cloud-init-fedora-pkg/blob/master/cloud-init-0.7.5-onmetal-configdrive.patch I adapted it to support the "real" network_data.json location instead of loading it from vendor_data.json00:27
harlowjajayofdoom, lol00:27
harlowjamgagne  np, there exists some kind of ubuntu network yaml stuff that the current code in cloud-init is converting network json into00:28
harlowjaand i'm more or less trying to figure out what that yaml thing is, ha00:28
mgagnenever heard of such yaml00:28
harlowjacause it appears to convert network_data.json ---> in memory format closer to network yaml format --> then this gets turned into a yaml file (that then gets processed by?)00:29
harlowjaaka http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/view/head:/cloudinit/net/network_state.py (this thing)00:29
harlowjathe end result of that thing seems to be a yaml file that is written out (which is different from the other yaml file?) that something then processes00:30
harlowjajust not quite sure that that thing is, ha00:31
harlowja(and maybe that thing is already in rhel/fedora?)00:31
harlowjaor maybe its just a ubuntu thing00:34
harlowjabut i'm guessing smoser knows00:36
mgagneI'm not sure why YAML is needed. I think it's only for debug purposes.00:37
mgagnecommit message doesn't tell much about it which is unfortunate00:40
harlowjaya, so there is a conversion into a in-memory format, which then gets processed @ http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/view/head:/cloudinit/stages.py#L59600:41
harlowjawhich then activates a bunch of debian(?) specific output00:41
mgagneit doesn't use the yaml00:41
harlowjaright, so maybe just for debug00:41
mgagneand test http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/view/head:/cloudinit/net/network_state.py#L39100:42
harlowjaso from the looks of it, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/view/head:/cloudinit/net/__init__.py#L590 then does all the 'rendering'00:42
harlowjabut it sort of looks like debian network style rendering00:42
harlowjawhich is oddly not in the debian.py distro file, lol00:42
mgagneI guess you are looking for rhel support?00:42
harlowjawell https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mgagne/cloud-init-fedora-pkg/epel7/cloud-init-0.7.5-network-info-support.patch has some of that :-P00:43
harlowjajust there is a bunch of work that exists to do stuff with this format for ubuntu, just need to figure out where the rhel stuff goes in00:43
mgagneyea, but actually implementation changed a lot in upstream and looks to have made it much more debian specific than needed.00:43
harlowjai blame smoser00:43
mgagnenow something hacky looks much more appealing ;)00:44
harlowjaor refactor time00:44
harlowjai'll bug smoser when he gets back00:44
* harlowja unsure how much of http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/view/head:/cloudinit/net/__init__.py is really debian specific00:44
harlowjaseems like a larger part of it00:44
harlowjawhy can't the distros just agree on a network format, lol00:45
mgagneharlowja: I'm not sure why *anything* distro specific is in that file. should be in distro00:46
dmsimardharlowja: I can get you a Mitaka config drive if you'd like (for rhel networking support)13:08
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harlowjadmsimard that'd be sweet16:30
harlowjai can prob get one, but gotta check if the openstack we have is making that network json file16:31
harlowjamore samples i have the better :)16:31
dmsimardharlowja: https://dmsimard.com/disk.config16:32
harlowjai gotta start ripping apart the cloud-init net stuff soon16:34
harlowja(cause it seems ubuntu specific)16:35
harlowjai mean debian16:35
smoserharlowja, it does not have a rh renderer16:55
smoserbut we want one16:55
harlowjasmoser ya :-P16:56
smoserand i have some other changes tat are voing to be necessary16:56
harlowjajust unsure what is debian specific and what isn't, ha16:56
smoserrelly need to change some things more to do this right.16:56
smoserthe datasource searching needs to chnage some really.16:57
smoserhere. i'll point you at a branch in a bit with some docs on what i want to change.16:57
harlowjasmoser but ya, datasources are ummm, interesting17:01
harlowjasmoser  do u want parallel searching, multiple datasource merging, something else :-P17:23
harlowjaor just redo the whole thing, lol17:26
harlowjasmoser whats up with the net stuff having references to 'Curtin' ?17:29
harlowjawhats 'Curtin'?17:29
smosercurtin is the curt installer17:40
harlowjais curt a person?17:40
harlowjacurt cobain17:40
smosercurtin (the curt installer) is a "fast path" installer designed to install Ubuntu quickly.17:40
smoserIt is blunt, brief, snappish, snippety and unceremonious.17:40
harlowjaare u in marketing now?17:41
smoserharlowja, the goal is to move all that network stuff out into its own library17:41
harlowjathat'd be nice17:41
smoserbut under time pressure we just copied from curtin to cloud-init17:41
harlowjahas time pressure been fixed?17:41
harlowjalike if i do some rhel stuff, should i just put it in curtin?17:41
harlowja(or maybe i can find someone from RH, lol)17:42
smoserharlowja, heres a crappy dump of my thoughts http://paste.ubuntu.com/16222645/17:47
mgagnesmoser: FYI, I opened the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/157798217:57
smosermgagne, yea, i saw. i reproduced .17:57
mgagnesmoser: let me know if you need access to a test instance18:13
mgagneI can find a way to make that happen18:13
smoserharlowja, if you do rh stuff do it in cloud-init18:31
smoserand then we can move it there.18:31
smoserdid you read that paste above ?18:31
harlowjaya, looked over a little :-P18:31
smoserwhat do you think ?18:32
smoseri think the consolidation of dsmode (basically making it go away) is a big simplification18:32
smoserand also then a network datasource (such as openstack metadata) can look locally and say "yes, i'm the datasource".18:33
smoser(by looking at something in dmi information)18:33
smosereven though it does not have access to the network net.18:33
harlowjaya, seems fair to me18:35
dmsimardoh, and when you do that "rh stuff", let me know and I can test it :p18:44
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