
tsimonq2wxl: when you have the chance, could you pleae mark this bug as either high or critical? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/abiword/+bug/157427811:38
ubot93Launchpad bug 1574278 in abiword (Ubuntu) "AbiWord starts to flicker after adding some text" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:38
tsimonq2wxl: *please :)11:38
tsimonq2wxl: I am legitimately concerned that that bug could produce seizures11:47
phillwtsimonq2: just had someone on Fb asking about that issue!12:13
=== MrBIOS_ is now known as MrBIOS
wxltsimonq2: while i share that concern, i'm not sure i feel that necessarily justifies elevating its status.17:53
krytarikwxl: Btw, in context of the question in #l, the DNS entry for 'www.lubuntu.me' is wrong, resulting in a 409 (conflict) error currently.18:41
wxlkrytarik: thanks for noticing that18:43
phillwkrytarik: confirmed, apache entry is correct.19:22
phillwRafael is at evening meal, I've pinged him19:23
krytarikNice, thanks.19:24
phillwyeah, it's still pointing to the old server address. I'll have Rafael update the DNS record.19:26
phillwhmmm no it's not....19:30
phillwkrytarik: new A record has been added, just need to wait for propagation19:44
phillwhiyas JoernS19:44
agaidahi JoernS19:46
phillwhiyas agaida19:48
agaidahi phillw19:48
tsimonq2wxl: I see, but try installing AbiWord yourself. It makes it very unusable. But, your choice. :)20:04
wxltsimonq2: i don't use it :)20:04
tsimonq2wxl: well just because you don't use it doesn't mean that you can't sudo apt install abiword just to confirm a bug :P20:05
wxltsimonq2: oh i can confirm it, but that's not what you asked20:05
tsimonq2wxl: what do you think I asked? :)20:06
wxl0438 < tsimonq2:#lubuntu-devel> wxl: when you have the chance, could you pleae mark this bug as either high or critical?20:07
wxlthat IS what you asked, not what i think you asked :)20:07
ianorlinI think my mom can reproduce that20:10
tsimonq2^ more motive to see it through XD20:10
tsimonq2wxl: so I guess I'm asking you to give me your honest assessment of this bug20:15
tsimonq2sorry if I was unclear :)20:15
wxltsimonq2: it's annoying to people that use it but i find myself hardpressed to call it high20:15
tsimonq2wxl: but it makes it pretty unusable, not crashing unusable, but to the point of when I need to use it, I physically turn off my monitor because it hurts my eyes20:16
wxltsimonq2: understood20:16
tsimonq2wxl: so do what you wish, just please do something :)20:17
wxltsimonq2: not being in front of lubuntu readily right now i can't do much. has no one confirmed it already?20:19
* teward raises an eyebrow20:20
tewardshould I be concerned about the argument of bugs?20:20
wxlunless you want to be20:20
tewardi've got nothing better to do today :P20:20
wxlthe original suggestion was to call the bug high because abiword blinks like crazy and can potentially cause seizures XD20:21
phillwtsimonq2: I've asked for guidence on #ubuntu-accessibillity20:21
tsimonq2phillw: that's a thing?20:21
phillwtsimonq2: it most certainly is!20:21
tsimonq2never knew, it's not on the channel lists20:21
phillwodd that it's not listed20:22
wxli personally would approach #ubuntu-bugs and ask them for advice on triaging as it relates to accessibility20:22
tewardI don't think this is a High bug... not according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance anyways.20:22
wxl^^ what he said20:22
tewardthough, not sure if Abiword is considered "core"... *rechecks definitions*20:22
tsimonq2but IMHO it makes it unusable20:22
* teward spins up a Xenial system to test20:23
tsimonq2teward: well it's default in Lubuntu if it makes any difference20:23
wxlthere is this: Has a severe impact on a small portion of Ubuntu users (estimated)20:23
tsimonq2I think it covers that20:23
wxlit does NOT make the whole installation unusable though so that's out20:23
tewardwe don't define 'severe' anywhere, and I usually refer to the other criterion as supporting20:23
tewardjust saying20:23
wxlthis is highly questionable Has a moderate impact on a large portion of Ubuntu users (estimated)20:23
teward"Impacts accessibility of a core application" <-- this would be the only reason it would apply20:24
tewardand I have to check this20:24
tsimonq2teward: let me know what you think :)20:24
tewardwe defined core vs. non-core a while ago20:24
wxlon the other hand20:24
wxlthis is medium: A bug which impacts accessibility of a non-core application20:24
tsimonq2might be that then20:24
wxlthis as well: A bug that has a severe impact on a non-core application.20:24
tsimonq2I'm off for a few hours, wxl, teward, please let me know what you decide :)20:25
wxlA core package can be identified as being part of a task in the apt-cache headers. You can see the apt-cache headers by running apt-cache show [package] in a terminal, and looking at the "Task: " field in the output.20:25
tewardwxl: the item does have a "Task:" field20:25
wxlright right20:25
wxlthat's what i was getting at20:25
tewardteward@ubuntu-xenial:~$ apt-cache show abiword | grep -i "Task:"20:25
tewardTask: lubuntu-desktop20:25
wxlit's ABSOLUTELY not critical20:26
tewardbut, as the package is in Universe, it would be a community-fix20:26
tewardwxl: perhaps core/non-core should be redefined then20:26
wxlbut i think some argument could be made at it being high20:26
wxlthough my feelings about the likelihood of it getting fixed is not great20:26
tewardwxl: I think a better case can be made for 'Medium'20:26
phillwone more for Julien, in that case... as it appears to be abandonware.20:26
* wxl hates abiword20:26
tewardbecause the package being in Universe means it's 'community supported'20:26
wxllet me rephrase20:26
tewardso that technically could mean 'not core'20:26
wxli like abiword, i just don't trust it with a ten foot pole20:26
wxlahh good point teward20:26
tewardI'm setting Medium in the interim20:26
tewardand i'll write up my reasoning there20:27
wxltl;dr tsimonq2 you might want to bring this up to the ubuntu bug list, because the definition of core is a little iffy in this case20:27
wxlnow back to wiping my deferred queue20:27
tsimonq2wxl: I'll do it later20:28
* tsimonq2 leaves in 5 mins not now :P20:28
krytarikphillw: Propagated down to here now, btw.22:22
agaidaianorlyn: Please don't cry about minor problems in the list - there will be solutions soon22:39
agaidaand regarding juffed you missed several important problems - juffed agonie was ubuntu home-grown and its a hard fight to take over a package that is abandoned by a former ubuntu maintainer, trojita will be uploaded soon - i don't know exactly which version, but it will work. But there is still some work to do, the copyrights need a lot of love and are a fucking pain in the ass22:39
agaidaah - and the current juffed version really fits for nothing (trashcan would fit - because of Qt4)22:40
agaidabut please - its enough time to get LXQt release ready for Lubuntu - and there are a lot of points where one could help22:43
agaidafirst of all - please use it and become familar with it - provide bugreports, suggestions, wishes, maybe patches and code22:44

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