
josharensonI have a python script that is a wrapper for my build process. I'm currently using cmake as my plugin and my CMakeLists.txt just calls execute_process on the python script. This is stupid. Should I just make the plugin python and name my script setup.py even though its not really a python module?00:07
josharensonI guess I could use make too...00:07
josharenson^^ that actually worked pretty well00:08
qenghojosharenson: Are you distributing some python, or something made with python?00:10
josharensonqengho: something made with python00:12
qenghoI'd "build-packages" python, instead of "plugin: python". I think so. Not sure.00:12
josharensonqengho: Yeah I added python as a build-package and made this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16209847/ my makefile00:13
josharensonseems reasonable00:13
josharensonqengho: yeah, thanks00:14
qenghoYou probably get a smaller package than with plugin-python.00:14
ZenHarbingerBTW, I did update the answer on askubuntu. that is all. 'nite!00:21
sergiusenselopio the last one https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/49901:46
* sergiusens goes to bed01:46
elopiogood night.01:48
swamican someone help answer this question, posted in the dev mailing list? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/snappy-devel/2016-May/001802.html01:56
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example6Hi guys. I'm trying to build a snap that just runs a shell script that runs a pre-built executable made for a specific system. Right now I'm just using the 'make' plugin to copy my files and wrapper into place, and I've added daemon: simple and my wrapper as a run command but it doesn't seem to be starting when I install or reboot. Any advice on making this happen?04:31
example6I can't seem to find any documentation on it04:31
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zygagood morning07:25
slvnno bug report for today :)07:34
slvnjust a question, I was wondering the signication, when publishing a snap, of "series : 15.04/rolling core, 16, rolling core" ?07:35
zygaslvn: well, it where is your snap going to work?07:35
zygaslvn: you should go with 1607:36
zygaslvn: that's "stable", that s what people will get07:36
slvnzyga, ok, it makes sense, that's what I chose07:37
slvnzyga, btw, I published a basic snap app, using SDL2, with SDL2 log debug enabled. may be useful for testing...07:39
zygaslvn: what is the name of the snap?07:40
slvnzyga, tic-tac-toe . At first, this is a mobile game, but it runs also on desktop.07:40
slvn(it's more like a testing sample for me, than a real app)07:41
noizerzyga: Hi I installed my rpi1 and looked if it is soft floating but it is hard floating how can that be?07:44
zygait cannot07:44
zygahow did you check that?07:44
noizerthey told me to look in the /lib dir07:45
noizerand there you can see arm-linux-gnueabihf07:45
noizerzyga or is there a way too see it better?07:46
zygano, you seem to be right, one set07:48
zygathough not all is lost07:49
zygayou should be able to run an armel chroot now, let me show you how to make one07:49
zyganoizer: trying now07:55
noizerzyga Ok :p07:55
zygageez pi1 is slow like hell08:03
zygait's happening, just ... ... ... slowly08:03
noizerzyga I know thats not realy fun08:07
zyga(in other news debootstrap is written in perl, perl is slow)08:08
noizerMaybe a other question about it. When I'm developing further on this application can i compile it then on the rpi3 or rpi2?08:14
zygaas long as you are in the armel chroot, yes08:18
noizerawesome :D08:20
noizerthen it will be faster to compile on the armel chroot :D08:21
zyganoizer: anyway, you can give this a try, sudo debootstrap --arch=armel sid armel08:28
zyganoizer: this will create the directory "armel" with a debian chroot08:28
noizerdebootstrap command not found :s08:29
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noizerzyga how long does it take for debootstrap?08:40
zyganoizer: on pi1 ~ hour08:43
zygaon pc ~ minute08:43
noizerdoes we need to make it on rpi1?08:43
noizerpfff hate that08:43
zygait's possible to do on pc but stage 1/2 stuff is more complicated and you need to finish a lot of the slow part on the real hw anyway08:44
noizerzyga ok np i'll wait08:44
noizerzyga and  still busy with you?09:37
mvoogra_: hm, what is up with livecd-rootfs in ppa:snappy-dev/image - can those changes get merged to trunk?09:59
ogra_mvo, sure ... thats effectively only the addition of uboot-tools to all arches (everything else was reverted again ...10:00
ogra_note that we still dont have an x86 uboot gadget, so we still dont know if uboot on x86 will work with the changes we did10:01
mvoogra_: ok10:01
mvoogra_: I have a trivial change for the new kernel spec :)10:01
mvoogra_: I commited to trunk already and merged your stuff and uploaded, I was just surprised at first10:01
ogra_mvo, well, we dont use trunk in xenial ...10:02
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ogra_(and i have set yakkety builds to manual, dailies come from xenial currently)10:03
ogra_(for cdimage that is)10:03
mvoogra_: we use the ppa version in the xenial ppa, that is what you are saying, right?10:06
ogra_mvo, or if we delete that we use the xenial version from the xenial archive :)10:06
ogra_xenial images use the xenial livecd-rootfs ... we'd have to SRU the changes like with any other package10:07
ogra_thats what i mean ...10:08
mvoogra_: *cough*10:09
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noizerzyga: its done ove rhere11:09
zyganoizer: cool, chroot away11:09
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noizerzyga ps how can i see its succesfully done?11:09
zyganoizer: if id crashed you'd know11:10
noizerbecause i got some warnings11:10
noizerW:Failure while installing base packages11:12
zygaanything more?11:13
noizerwait I will send you a picture11:13
zygaI recommend ssh, you can copy paste stuff11:14
zygabut a photo works too11:14
noizerhaha i didn't use this time ssh11:14
ogra_and for taking the photo, we recommend using an ubuntu phone11:15
noizerhehehe I want the new ubuntu phone11:15
zygayou can then scp the photo off the phone :)11:15
noizerdo you got an ubuntu phone?11:15
* ogra_ has three ... and just ordered the MX5pro last week11:16
ogra_(but i used to work on the phone team before snappy :) )11:16
noizerogra_: ooh is it good the new ubuntu phone?11:17
ogra_can you push the bootstrap.log file somewhere ?11:17
ogra_noizer, i can tell you once i have it in my hands :)11:17
noizerogra_: oooh ok xD11:17
noizerps i try to push it11:17
* ogra_ hopes it arrives before the sprint ... but my hopes are low11:17
ogra_wait, are you trying to bootstrap armel on an armhf machine ?11:18
noizeron the raspberry pi 111:19
ogra_cannot copy extracted data for './usr/share/man/man1/req.1ssl.gz' to '/usr/share/man/man1/req.1ssl.gz.dpkg-new': failed to write (No space left on device)11:19
ogra_there is your issue11:19
noizerthats 8gb of space and not enough omg11:20
noizeror does i need to expand it maybe11:20
ogra_check with "df -h"11:20
noizerogra_:  dammed only 4gb11:21
noizerhow can i expand it easily?11:21
ogra_is that a snappy install ? +11:21
ogra_no idea then ... i'D try with gparted11:22
ogra_(on the PC )11:22
noizeryea thats the way I always do it11:22
zyganoizer: there's something in raspi-config AFAIR11:22
zygasudo raspi-config11:23
zygapick the expand filesystem option from the menu11:23
noizerdebootstrap is started again11:28
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kyrofaGood morning12:03
sergiusensgood morning everyone!12:03
sergiusensmvo so follow up from my apt issues, this fixes it https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/49912:04
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zygajdstrand: hey12:25
kyrofasergiusens, meet in 30?12:30
noizerzyga can you tell me the following steps (raspi is still busy but i can prepare myself then)12:30
zyganoise][: bind mount /proc and /sys into the chroot, chroot inside, try to build your app12:31
noizerzyga chroot /path/to/dir12:32
noizeris it that you mean12:33
noizerof coure after bind mount ...12:33
sergiusenskyrofa maybe 45?12:33
kyrofasergiusens, sounds good12:34
zyganoise][: chroot armel; if you followed the command I used earlire12:34
noizerhopefully is he almost done he is now reloving dependencies of base packages :s12:36
ogra_re loving :)12:36
ogra_love it back !12:36
noizerogra_: hahahah xD sorry resolving :p:p12:37
zygathat reolves the situation12:38
noizerhow is the ubuntu summit?12:38
zygaI always like the fact that UOS is recorded12:39
zygaUDS was fun but if you weren't there, you lost 90% of it12:39
zygaUOS is more egalitarian12:39
noizerheheheh xD12:39
jdstrandzyga: hi! :)13:13
zygahey, good morning :)13:13
jdstrandgood afternoon :)13:13
zygajdstrand: I have an intereting bug, I have no idea what the cause is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/157809113:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1578091 in Snappy "Unable to read /proc/$$/cmdline, even with devmode" [Undecided,New]13:14
zygajdstrand: this breaks sdl (which I already fixed) but I wonder why this happens13:14
jdstrandlet me check something13:15
jdstrandzyga: to be clear, the profile is otherwise in complain mode, it is loaded in the kernel and you are seeing an apparmor denial?13:15
zyganot apparmor denial13:16
zygaI jus get EPERM13:16
zygajust run hello world and cat it13:16
zygathat's why I don't get it:)13:16
jdstrandwhat are the permissions on the file?13:16
zygamaybe /proc mount point something13:16
zygathey are not the problem13:16
zygano idea :)13:16
jdstrandzyga: can you access the file outside of confinement?13:16
jdstrandok, we have an explicit denial for that13:17
jdstranddeny @{PROC}/@{pid}/cmdline13:17
jdstrandI will need to talk to tyhicks or jjohansen on what complain mode is supposed to do wrt explicit denies13:18
jdstrandthey'll be online a bit later13:18
jdstrandzyga: does the app work ok without it?13:19
* jdstrand would think it is a bug in complain mode that it is enforcing an explicit deny13:20
jjohansenjdstrand: explicit denies override complain mode. Basically complain mode only applies to that which there isn't a rule for.13:21
jdstrandok, I see13:21
jdstrandjjohansen: good morning-- I wasn't expecting you here now :)13:21
zygano, it crashes13:21
dholbachsergiusens, kyrofa: will you be able to run the "how to snap your software" session later on yourself?13:21
zygajdstrand: btw, why is this deny working even in complain mode13:21
dholbachit looks like I'm double-booked and would need to go to the CoC review session as well13:21
jjohansenzyga: because complain mode only applies to denials that are caused by missing rules, not for rules that already exist13:22
zygaah, I see, thank you13:23
sergiusensdholbach we need a secretary13:23
sergiusensdholbach if you cannot I guess we have no choice, right? :-)13:23
dholbachsergiusens, theoretically it should just be a matter of setting up a hangout-on-air in your canonical account (if you have more than 10 participants) and adding the youtube link to summit13:24
dholbachsergiusens, if all else fails, I'd need to follow up with the CC on the CoC over email later on13:24
jdstrandzyga: ok, so if we have crashes then we should remove the explicit deny. I'll update the bug and assign to me.13:25
zygajdstrand: thank you13:25
zygajdstrand: if it is on the snappy side I can quickly remove that denial13:25
zygajdstrand: I didn't look yet13:25
jdstrandzyga: I'd prefer the PR came from me (it is on the snappy side) since I want to update the comment, reference a bug, etc. I have a couple other things I want to adjust in the policy too. I can get to it today13:27
zygasure, thank you :)13:28
* zyga goes to send the fix to SDL upstream13:30
dholbachsergiusens, kyrofa, hum... same for the "snapcraft roadmap" session :-/13:36
kyrofadholbach, understood. sergiusens do you have experience setting up the hangout-on-air?13:38
kyrofadholbach, does that require a G+ account associated with the Canonical email?13:39
sborovkovzyga: Hello, did you succeed yesterday with your solution for shared memory?13:39
dholbachkyrofa, it can be your personal account as well if you don't plan to have more than 10 attendees13:39
zygasborovkov: yes but it is so hacky that we'll work on a better solution that doesn't require code modification13:40
zygasborovkov: as right now the "solution" requires snappy changes, ubuntu-core-launcher changes and a small helper library (I've published it at. ... )13:40
zygasborovkov: I'll open a bug and collect all the details there13:40
sborovkovzyga: Oh. That's a lot of things. Is the proper solution going to be any time soon?13:41
zygasborovkov: https://github.com/zyga/snappy-runtime-helper (though it's not useful really)13:41
zygasborovkov: at around sru-213:41
zygasborovkov: ~2 weeks13:41
zyga+/- a week13:41
sborovkovzyga: got it13:41
dholbachkyrofa, looking for the link to the docs right now13:41
zygasborovkov: I hope to have it merged before13:41
zygasborovkov: this is the release time13:41
dholbachkyrofa, sergiusens: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS/Sessions :)13:42
zygasborovkov: you can look at what my hack does above13:42
kyrofadholbach, alright I can do it in that case (I already had a personal G+ before Canonical, and google doesn't let you merge them or anything)13:42
zygasborovkov: but you will still need to change ubuntu-core-launcher to mkdir a directory for you13:42
zygasborovkov: so that's a bit not optimal13:42
sborovkovzyga: understood13:43
dholbachkyrofa, sergiusens: you might have to change to the classic interface of Google+13:43
dholbachkyrofa, sergiusens: thanks guys - I'm sorry, but I just got dragged into the other meetings13:44
kyrofadholbach, hey, you're an important guy!13:44
dholbachkyrofa, you too! :-)13:45
sborovkovzyga: can you post me the issue url when you create it, so I can keep track of this13:45
kyrofadholbach, and no problem :)13:45
zygasborovkov: gladly, I was actually getting started on this13:45
kyrofadholbach, should I just give you the URL so you can update summit, then?13:47
dholbachkyrofa, you should be able to put it into "edit hangout details" on the session page in summit13:48
dholbachbut I can do it for you too13:48
dholbachwhat's the link?13:48
kyrofadholbach, all I see is "skip this session," so I must not have that capability13:48
kyrofadholbach, can you give it to me?13:48
dholbachoh ok13:49
dholbachI set your attendance to required and thought that would do it13:49
dholbachjust give me the link and I'll add it for you13:49
dholbachnot sure what the issue is :-/13:49
jdstrandzyga: did you do the snappy side of SNAP_REVISION for shm? I'm in that file now and can do it as part of my PR if you haven't13:50
zygajdstrand: one sec13:50
zygajdstrand: I'm filing the bug now13:50
zygajdstrand: we need to fix it buy you can reference a (good) bug :)13:51
zygajdstrand, sborovkov: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/157821713:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1578217 in Snappy "No way to use shm_open(3)" [Undecided,New]13:52
dholbachkyrofa, do you have the youtube link?13:52
kyrofadholbach, event page: https://plus.google.com/events/cosa4a1b1rr2vv0kfiei60jq42413:52
jdstrandzyga: ok, I'll do the policy part of that13:52
kyrofaOh youtube: http://youtu.be/ME_pLU9GMfo13:52
zygajdstrand: great, thank you13:53
dholbachkyrofa, http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1605/meeting/22683/the-snapcraft-roadmap/ is updated O:-)13:53
* zyga does a strong coffee in anticipation of UOS13:53
dholbachkyrofa, teamwork ⁵13:53
kyrofadholbach, thank you! I'll ping you again for the next one :)13:53
zygajdstrand: we should think about support for refreshing rules across sru updates13:53
* dholbach hugs kyrofa :-)13:53
zygajdstrand: my code that originally did this was rejected and we need a nice and elegant solution13:53
zygajdstrand: (for stuff that changes in template.go)13:54
* kyrofa hugs dholbach back :)13:54
sergiusenskyrofa you got it, right? sorry was distracted!13:54
kyrofasergiusens, no problem, yeah all set13:54
sergiusenskyrofa sort of13:59
sergiusenskyrofa forgot to check my hair13:59
sergiusenskyrofa where is the link to join?13:59
kyrofasergiusens, hahaha, I just did the same14:00
elopiogood morning.14:02
jdstrandzyga: well, that shm bug is asking for more than what I thought it was. I was just going to chop off SNAP_REVISION14:04
jdstrandzyga: please see my comment14:04
jdstrandI imagine that pulseaudio will create the files underneath the bind mount and the client would never see them14:05
zygajdstrand: hmm, you are right14:05
jdstrandzyga: we could instead allow creating files in the directory under an app-specific name14:06
zygajdstrand: I'll test this with near-real changes, what I did was to mkdir the missing directories manually and to *not* adjust the policy but to use my hacky preload library (linked from the bug)14:06
jdstrandeg, /dev/shm/<snapname>.*14:07
zygajdstrand: I'm not sure if it is the pulse client or server making those files in /dev/shm (in general) though, if it is the client and it shares the path via X11 ipc then we're in trouble14:07
jdstrandI have no idea14:07
zygabut without the bind mount it would mean that we need something like my preload helper to make this work which seems wrong14:07
zygabut I'll develop this further before we commit14:08
jdstrandI think we are introuble either way14:08
zygayes, I fear you might be right14:08
jdstrandcause if the server creates it, it is under the mount and if the client creates it, it is in /dev/shm/snap/... (and the server won't know about it)14:08
jdstrandzyga: did you see my comment? we could allow app-specific names in the top level14:09
zygajdstrand: we could ask someone that knows pulseaudio (or check ourselves); the problem is that we should not make this pulse specific :/14:09
zygaapp-specific names won't work, many apps use a random ID14:09
jdstrandzyga: no, pulseaudio is but one example I know of14:09
jdstrandzyga: this is getting into an area where apps are going to need to work with the system. ie, they can't read arbitrary stuff our of /etc either14:10
jdstrandor write all over $HOME14:10
zygajdstrand: yes, we should just estimate what is the better approach14:10
zygajdstrand: let me do some more experiments14:10
zygajdstrand: I'll check iff the bind mount would work14:10
jdstrandtraditional apps are always going to butt up against the sandbox in some ways14:10
zygajdstrand: with pulse14:11
zygajdstrand: and if the top-level one would work as you suggested14:11
zygajdstrand: thanks for the insight, I totally didn't think about this14:11
jdstrandzyga: note the top-level one is obviously so we don't use a bind mount14:11
jdstrandok, I'll leave this bit alone for now14:11
zygasborovkov: what was the app you were interested in? webkit?14:11
sborovkovzyga: yes14:12
zygasborovkov: thanks14:12
jdstrandchromium also suffers from this14:12
jdstrandzyga: note, on touch we allowed .org.chromium.Chromium.*. we could do the same for webkit and then also allow /dev/shm/snap.$SNAP.*14:14
zygado you know if chromium was patched?14:15
jdstrandzyga: as a stop-gap until we get fuller apparmor mediation of shm14:15
zygaif it was then we can allow anything sane, if it *wasn't* patched then I'm interested in the technical bits that made it work14:15
jdstrandzyga: on Touch we provide oxide. our oxide was not patched to an app-specific patch (though it could/should have been)14:15
jdstrandzyga: the technical bits was that we allowed the path it (ie upstream) wanted14:16
jdstrandie, we punted on Touch until we had fuller apparmor mediation of shm14:16
zygaI see14:16
jdstrandso we have a choice to do the same here or to force devs to adjust their apps14:17
jdstrandassuming your bind mount investigation doesn't pan out14:17
zygabtw, the pulse exercise, I suspect that the snapped pulseaudio and deb-based pulseaudio would work makes the exercise more interesting14:17
jdstrandsnapped pulseaudio could not work I don't think cause its files would be in its snap-specific area that is not shared by the client's snap-specific area14:18
jdstrandunless we did some brittle heroics14:18
jdstrandI can't quite see how those heroics would work14:19
ssweenyis there a way to stop/start/restart a service within a snap?14:20
sborovkovssweeny: systemctl?14:21
jdstrandmaybe if there was a 'pulseaudio' dir in /dev/shm, then pulseaudio has a bind mount for it, so its writes to /dev/shm/pulseaudio... but that is really /dev/shm/pulasudio/pulseaudio.... then all the apps bind mount with passthrough /dev/shm/pulseaudio/... I'm not sure. this is getting weird14:21
jdstrandsborovkov: that won't work. apps can't use systemctl14:21
jdstrandssweeny: you are free to stop and start daemons within your snap via signals, scripts, etc, but not systemctl14:22
jdstrandssweeny: I suggest writing out a pidfile to $SNAP_DATA and then sending HUP or similar14:22
zygassweeny: proper API for service management is coming in a few weeks14:22
ssweenyah, I see14:22
zygassweeny: we removed the older API because it had the wrong abstractions14:22
zygassweeny: more news after the sprint next week14:23
jdstrandzyga: are you talking about the snapd API for 'snappy service' that was removed?14:23
ssweenyjdstrand, zyga, ok I can work around until the API is updated14:23
jdstrandzyga: note, 'snappy service' couldn't be used by snaps to manipulate there snaps either14:23
zygajdstrand: that's true, unless they had snapd-control14:23
jdstrandI can see that a properly designed API could be used14:24
jdstrandbut snapd-control gives away way too much currently14:24
ssweenymy use case is that I have a runtime test fixture that stops the currently-running service and starts its own copy then when the test finishes it restarts the installed service14:25
jdstrandsnapd could be designed to allow safe APIs though14:25
zygajdstrand: yes, that's a good point14:25
ssweenyit'd be useful to expose that in a snap for developers but not critical14:25
zygajdstrand: could use the peer info to allow self-managemnet14:25
jdstrandbut probably would need a safe socket and an unsafe socket and then have two different interfaces, one that anyone can use and one not14:26
davidcallejamiebennett: thanks for the reports on the snapcraft doc, will be imported asap14:43
jamiebennettdavidcalle, thanks. Not sure how much has already been fixed with didrocks update so will stop filing bugs until the new pages are live14:43
davidcalledholbach: ^14:44
davidcalledholbach: I'll do it after the scopes UOS session14:45
dholbachjamiebennett, which update? or which pages was this about?14:45
davidcalledholbach: snapcraft intro tutorial14:45
dholbachah ok14:45
dholbachdavidcalle, I'm happy to help - just let me know14:46
davidcalledholbach: thanks, no worries14:46
qenghoIs that "ubuntu-device-flash" that ogra_ or mvo use to make images any different than the one in the repo? Obvious answer is yes, but not sure why.14:47
ogra_It moved forward since relase14:47
jamiebennettdholbach, talking to didrocks he has already made some changes to the documentation, pending review and upload by the community team. Do you have these changes?14:48
qenghoogra_: And that's not in yakkety or a PPA?14:48
zygaqengho: it is also a fork with different features14:48
qenghoWhere's the source?14:48
zygaqengho: we hope to merge it during the y cycle14:49
dholbachjamiebennett, no - did they land in snapcraft trunk or is this another page which just lives in the CMS?14:49
zygaqengho: probably in mvo's fork14:49
=== manik_ is now known as manik
ogra_will be SRUed to xenial once the gadget and kernel formats are final14:49
zyga(branch on LP)14:49
qenghoSuppose I want a binary for armhf. What branch?14:49
jamiebennettdidrocks, ^^^ who has your doc changes?14:49
jamiebennettdidrocks, Or did I misunderstand?14:50
zygaI don't really know14:50
mvoqengho: lp:~snappy-dev/goget-ubuntu-touch/all-snaps14:50
mvoqengho: let me know, if its too tricky to build I can do an arm version14:50
dholbachjamiebennett, a couple of things changed in snapcraft and snappy and we're going to pull in these changes, no problem14:51
qenghomvo: thanks.14:51
dholbachjamiebennett, but if there's anything else we can help with, we're happy to help obviously14:52
jamiebennettdholbach, Thanks. The docs in github are easier to change, the CMS changes we will need your help with.14:53
dholbachjamiebennett, some of the snappy/snapcraft people already have access to it, but sure, happy to help :)14:53
jamiebennettdholbach, Ah, OK14:53
noizerzyga debootstrap installed14:56
sergiusensjamiebennett can I get removed from owning doc changes? didrocks and asac have the same item; I am glad to help or even draft it though14:56
noizerzyga it was proc and sys that i needed to mount?14:57
zygamount --bind /proc /path/to/armel/proc14:57
jamiebennettsergiusens, sure, we can move that to didrocks with asac and you contributing14:57
noizerzyga same thing for sys?14:57
* zyga -> session14:58
noizerOk xD14:58
didrocksjamiebennett: dholbach: we were talking about the get starting15:03
didrocksnot the upstream doc itself15:03
didrocksgetting started*15:03
dholbachah cool15:05
dholbachlet's chat about this later on15:05
dholbachor... we're in the snappy docs: next steps session right now15:05
dholbachhttp://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1605/meeting/22673/snappy-docs-next-steps/ (or ping us for joining the hangout)15:06
didrocksdholbach: in meetings right now though :(15:08
* dholbach hugs didrocks 15:08
dholbachdidrocks, let's chat after UOS then :)15:09
* didrocks hugs dholbach15:09
dholbachgreat - it's been a while :)15:09
dduffeylool, trying to build your quagga snap, looks like the custom plugin is not executing from the src directory ... I suspect an environmental variable change potentially?15:14
looldduffey: I'm trying to build an upstream snap right now15:20
looldduffey: (I had most of the reply written down, but wanted to go back with the start of an upstream snap)15:20
dduffeylool, sweet15:20
looldduffey: not sure which custom plugin you mean?15:21
dduffeylool there were a few other things (patch failure, some yaml changes, etc.) ... but got stuck on when it runs the quagga build15:21
dduffeyx-custom in:15:22
dduffeywhen it runs dpkg-buildpackage, it looks like it is not running it from parts/quagga/src15:22
dduffeyand I'm doing this from 16.0415:22
looldduffey: Oh right, I think I was unpacking the package myself into the source tree; didn't want to check this in though15:24
dduffeylool I see that in the README, so I think I did the same ... i.e. parts/quagga/src has content (including debian/changelog), but the build fails saying it cannot find debian/changelog15:26
looldduffey: afraid it escapes my mind; would you mind switching to the upstream snap instead?15:28
dduffeylool, yeah, where is it?15:28
looldduffey: WIP  :-)15:29
loolI've started it with this email, almost have something building15:29
dduffeylool, ah, okay, I'll back off then :)15:29
ysionneauhmm which ubuntu package contains the "snappy" tool?15:31
ysionneau(to do "snappy build" to builda gadget snap)15:31
sergiusensysionneau snapcraft build <dir>15:36
ysionneausergiusens: if my gadget snap only has meta/snap.yaml, I can do snapcraft snap . ?15:46
ysionneauit seems to work and produces a squashfs15:46
sergiusensysionneau correct; all gadgets can be built with snapcraft now15:48
ysionneaufor the kernel snap, it seems the 'kernel-device-tree', 'kernel-image-path' are not accepted anymore :o15:50
ysionneaucorrect ?15:50
dholbachkyrofa, let me know if you want me to add the youtube link for you :-)15:52
sergiusensysionneau kernel-image-path is implied from target15:52
sergiusensysionneau so yeah, that is gone15:52
sergiusensysionneau the kernel-device-tree is missing an s15:53
kyrofadholbach, yes please: https://plus.google.com/events/ck0qgm3n2q9tg977qlafvs217vo and http://youtu.be/qvlJlgVMML415:53
sergiusensysionneau `snapcraft help kernel` should be correct15:53
dholbachkyrofa, updated! :-)15:53
jdstrandzyga, niemeyer: fyi, bug #157828716:05
ubottubug 1578287 in Snappy "inconsistency between 'snap interfaces' and 'snap connect/disconnect'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157828716:05
zygajdstrand: ack, I'll read it after the session16:06
looldduffey: https://github.com/lool/quagga-snap16:08
looldduffey: it's cargo-culted from the other one and was only build tested16:09
ysionneausergiusens: ah thanks for the help !16:11
ysionneau(indeed trees is more correct)16:11
niemeyerjdstrand: Commented on the issue16:21
niemeyerzyga: ^16:21
jdstrandniemeyer: thanks16:24
jdstrandfwiw, I agree that snap interfaces slots then plugs order should not change16:24
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* zyga nods16:28
zygaI was thinking about it as well16:28
zygaI'd like to let people make it work in any order but fist ensure that we validate plug/slot uniqueness correctly16:29
zygaI also wonder how thish should look like on the REST API16:29
zygaI'd rather have the rest API precise unless we pass a flag that says otherwise16:29
zygabut perhaps that's not required16:29
zygajust worth thinking about the api apart from the UX16:29
sergiusenselopio is the testing infra broken?17:30
zygasergiusens: some stuff were broken in the morning17:33
zygasergiusens: both on IP connectivity and on what the stuff actually did17:33
sergiusenszyga ah, it failed immediately so that might be it17:38
example6Hi guys. Still struggling with this one problem of getting my snap to run automatically after install / reboot. Is there anything I should be putting in my Makefile to make this happen?18:55
example6in my apps: in snapcraft.yaml I just have one app that runs my wrapper as a daemon18:56
example6but it doesn't seem like the wrapper is being run at all18:56
dpmdholbach, so tomorrow I'll be back home for the snaps on desktop demo, so I should be able to run my main desktop and not have to worry about x8619:10
dholbachlet's chat beforehand19:10
dpmsounds like a plan19:11
zygaexample6: you want to use daemon: ... entry19:16
zygaexample6: look at snapcraft examples19:16
zygaexample6: there are existing things doing that19:16
example6zyga: that's what I did. I have daemon: simple along with my command: in my basic app. I can't seem to find any log of it failing however19:32
example6the command: just runs the wrapper script19:32
zygaexample6: check if the systemd unit was generated in /etc/systemd/system/19:32
zygaexample6: use systemctl to see if it was started19:33
zygaexample6: use journalctl to see the logs19:33
zygaexample6: try to install a snapcraft example and see it run19:33
zygaexample6: and then iterate on it to look more like your snap19:33
example6alright, thank you zyga19:33
zygaexample6: in the end it might fail because of confinement, try installing the snap with --devmode19:34
example6Good to know, thank you19:34
* zyga -> EOD19:58
blackout24Hi, is there something like a sources.list file for snappy? How does it select the channel and the server to find the snaps from the store?20:06
blackout24Or is all of that hardcoded into the snap binary?20:06
kgunnblackout24: try snap --help20:22
kgunnsnap list will show you what snaps are on the device20:23
kgunnunfortunately, as least that i know, no good way to see what's in the snap20:23
kgunnsnap find will list the entire store if given on arg20:24
kgunnand for install, you can give a channel, but if you don't it'll use the device default (however the image is stitched i suppose)20:25
blackout24Ahh you misundertood me. I  mean if there is some file that specifies the server where snaps are fetched from.20:26
pedronisblackout24: the channel is selected per snap when one installs/refreshes (--channel argument)20:28
pedronisblackout24: there is nothing like sources.list, there will be ways to do offline installs but still secured by assertions etc, that's an area that will evolve over time20:33
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