
ahoneybunanyone seen that email from A. Mani in the Mailing list?11:47
ahoneybunmhall119 here sorry11:56
knomeo hai ahoneybun :)12:15
knomea few more questions about the DVD's...12:15
knomewhat are the details of the actual producting of those?12:16
knomeand with what kind of policies - you said they would be mostly for locos - would that mean somebody at canonical would send them out (instead of sending them to the kubuntu team to send out)?12:16
knomealso, if you have some photos of the previous covers in action, that would be nice to see - for planning our layout12:17
knomeand yet another one... what's the DVD itself going to look? have you been able to affect the layout of that before?12:17
jcastrojose: ping12:26
dholbachposting the schedule to the social media13:14
josejcastro: ponf15:19
jcastrojose: you should get an email with the REQ for SELF todayish15:20
jcastrolmk if you don't get it15:20
josecool thanks!15:20
dpmoh wow, it seems folks are starting to pre-populate questions for Mark's Q&A in the etherpad16:59
knomedpm, any updates on the doc team leadership issue?17:03
AuroraAvenuedpm, that's myself :)17:05
AuroraAvenueI take it everyone's at lunch - or is there a secret hangout somewhere ?17:06
dpmknome, sorry, just came back from the break. We discussed it and I took an action to submit a proposal this week, based on the feedback from the last meeting, it's just been UOS, sorry17:56
ahoneybunknome mhall119 had a spreadsheet with prices, I'm not sure about the sending to LoCo thing18:44
ahoneybunovidiu-florin in #kubuntu made 1 sleeve in black and white as a test18:45
dpmgood work mhall119 and popey18:58
popeyso many questions18:59
Mister_Q+1 good job19:03
Mister_Qhe didn't answer the question about ubucon europe.. again :D19:03
dholbachsee you all tomorrow again!19:58
knomemhall119, hello! as you might have seen, we've been talking about DVD's for kubuntu/xubuntu with ahoneybun; he mentioned you have more information about that (like prices), i'd like to have $all information please20:52
mhall119knome: it's from last year, so may not be accurate anymore, but I'll find the doc20:53
knomeanything we can get is useful20:54
mhall119knome: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HnooSpzP9p9cvql8GEQe7J-A1rNLq8qpRs_cH_gaZIk/edit?usp=sharing20:54
knomealso if you happen to know more about the process, all information is welcome20:54
mhall119the cell in green was our favorite for a 15.10 run, but I think we can go bigger for 16.0420:54
knomepleia2, see the link mhall119 posted above20:54
mhall119knome: all I know is that this is the company Canonical used to print DVDs20:55
wxlwaaaait a minute20:55
mhall119we were going to have someone from Canonical (Tom McFarlan) place the order20:55
wxloh man20:55
knomedid kubuntu pay this from their own stash or did canonical help with the funding?20:55
wxllubuntu wants in please :)20:55
knomemhall119, do *you* happen to have some photos of the actual product (to see how the layouting works in real life), or does the company have some examples?20:57
mhall119knome: nothing was done for 15.10, it was decided it wasn't worth doing it with an LTS coming so soon20:57
mhall119knome: but the plan was to use community donation funding to pay for it20:57
mhall119knome: do you have a 14.04 DVD? it's essentially that with different art20:58
knomewhat was the plan re: shipping to locos/other teams? does canonical handle that or flavors?20:58
knomeno, we don't have any DVD's yet20:58
mhall119knome: we never got that far, but my plan was to ship them all to somebody in Kubuntu (aaron most likely) and leave it to them to decide how to dispurse them20:59
knomecreating the art and getting it into the right layout isn't the problem, but it would be helpful to see how it plays out20:59
knomethat sounds fair enough indeed20:59
mhall119knome: ahoneybun did the art for the Kubuntu ones, I think he used the Ubuntu 14.04 art as a template21:00
knomeright - i saw the kubuntu layouts21:00
knomei have one specific question regarding the layout21:00
knomejust a sec...21:00
knomeso the art is at https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/Artwork21:01
knomeand i see two different fronts, and one back21:01
knomemy logic says that in the back image, the smaller "slip" should be on the right side21:01
mhall119knome: the big cog is inside the sleeve where the DVD sits21:03
mhall119I believe the layout there is correct21:03
knomethis is exactly why it would be helpful to see a visualization of the actual product21:04
knomeis the company name a secret or can you share it, so i can look on their website for potential examples21:04
mhall119I doubt it's a secret, I just never bothered to ask since we were going to place the other through Canonical anyway21:05
mhall119and we did all this via msm, before she left21:05
knomemhall119, this -> http://design.canonical.com/2014/05/new-dvd-design-for-14-04-lts/ <- explains it a bit; maybe it's a mistake that the left side seems to be a "smaller" slip, as it seems to be the exact same size21:08
knomemhall119, am i correct in my assumption (that all the parts are same sized)?21:09
knomei mean i *have* seen a ubuntu dvd, but i've passed them out so quick that i have no clear memory how one looks..21:10
mhall119knome: they should all be the same size, yes21:13
knomealso as you see in the photo, there seems to be two bends right next to the mouth of the sleeve21:15
knomewould it be too much to ask that somebody contacted the company producing those DVDs and asked for exact specifications and requirements they have (including whether they accept inkscape exported, likely RGB, PDF)21:16
* ahoneybun just got out of the Podcast 21:19
knomeahoneybun, if you have answers to the plethora of questions i asked, happy to hear from you too ;)21:19
ahoneybunthere are a lot, yes lol21:20
knomedon't worry, i can come up with a dozen more easily!21:20
ahoneybunI'm sure XD21:20
ahoneybunthe passion is good though21:20
knomepractically, if you have the exact requirements from the company, that's enough21:20
knomewell, likely enough21:21
knomei do graphic design (along with a few other things) for living anyway :P21:21
ahoneybunthen you would be better then me at it lol21:21
knomei'll leave others to judge that21:22
* ahoneybun trys to find pictures 21:23
* ahoneybun fails 21:23
knomeahoneybun, if http://design.canonical.com/2014/05/new-dvd-design-for-14-04-lts/ is what it is, then it's ok - i've figured it out21:23
knomebut if it is, then it looks like there is something wrong in your template...21:23
* knome hides21:23
ahoneybunI used the newest Kubuntu one as a template I think21:24
ahoneybunwhich was 11.04 I believe21:24
knomewell you can see above what i think is the problem21:24
knomeanyway, it seems like it would be better to confirm with the company at this point21:24
ahoneybunTom's problem was that it did not follow the design of 14.0421:25
knomedesign of 14.04 in what way?21:25
ahoneybunwhich I said was that I went by KDE design21:25
ahoneybunthat folding paper thing21:25
knomeso you *do* have the wrong template21:25
ahoneybuncompared to 14.04, yes21:26
knomei repeat: it seems like it would be better to confirm with the company at this point21:26
ahoneybunubuntu flavor wise21:26
ahoneybunwell Tom I guess21:26
ahoneybunbut he will say go by Ubuntu 14.04 design or 16.04 at this point21:26
ahoneybunall the same it is the same price to print21:26
ahoneybunpretty much21:26
knomei don't understand why flavors should use the ubuntu design21:27
knomei mean of course it would be preferrable if there was some kind of common ground, but exactly that design...21:27
ahoneybunwe should follow our DE design21:27
knomeand the technical requirements21:27
ahoneybunie XFCE, KDE, LXCE21:27
knomewhich is what we are missing ;)21:27
knomeso who's tom and how do i get a hold of him?21:28
ahoneybunhe is at the top of that post you linked21:28
ahoneybunemail, twitter, g+, facebook21:28
ahoneybunmany ways lol21:28
knometom.macfarlane@u ?21:29
knomeright, of course...21:29
knomeahoneybun, mhall119: YGM21:58
knomepleia2, ^21:58
knomethough no hurry (or need) to respond unless you feel like...22:00
ahoneybunI think it was right to the point and full of info22:08
knomeas my mails usually, even if i say so ;)22:09
knomepeople have wasted enough of my time sending too long and useless mails - i don't want to do that to people22:09
knomeon irc, on the other hand...22:09
ahoneybunmhall119 did you get a chance to look at that email?22:47
mhall119ahoneybun: the thread from A. Mani?23:18
mhall119I did, haven't had much time to think about a reply though23:18

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