
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:05
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: the guys in #gamingonlinux recommended the latest nvidia drivers from ppa on GTX 9xx series05:08
lotuspsychjei asked because we having a flood again of users with black screens/login loops on 16.04 even clean installs05:09
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: I do go by what Nvidia recommends . and if problems .. bounce around a bit ,05:09
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: you mean recommended driver for specific card?05:09
lotuspsychjewhat a soap...05:59
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Nvidia drivers; My goto : http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us for the mainline cards .06:01
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: well for the GTX 9xx series that doesnt work, it recommends the 36106:02
lotuspsychjeand we getting tons of users with black screens/login loops06:02
lotuspsychjeand even cant boot on nouveau either06:03
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Yeah, have had a couple of instances where 361 failed .. and 364 was good .06:04
lotuspsychjeso the guys from gamingonlinux suggest latest driver from ppa06:04
lotuspsychjeyep 36406:04
lotuspsychjethey say always latest drivers for the most recent hardware06:04
lotuspsychje(if driver is stable enough)06:04
Bashing-omFor gamming .. and the cards to support .. sure .. latest is greatest .06:05
Bashing-omAnd heres Nvidia, here we go again .. I gonna leave that with you lotuspsychje and call it a night .06:07
lotuspsychjenite nite mate06:07
Bashing-omNighty take care .06:07
lotuspsychjeArmadillos: morning06:13
ArmadillosEvening for me.  Just switched back over to linux, now calling it a night. :)06:15
lotuspsychjemorning EriC^^09:27
Ben64i'm wondering if theres a way to ban/mute/kick people who highlight 5+ people in a single line09:43
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje09:53
daftykinswow i'm dusting off my old 1GB RAM sony ultraportable from uni time ~2007 to be this new VPN server XD10:05
EriC^^dax: why dont you write some script that insta-bans someone if he highlights more than 4 nicks10:14
EriC^^would get the flooding down to 1 line if it's quick enough i suppose10:14
BluesKajHiyas all12:10
BluesKaj hey daftykins,12:11
EriC^^@comment 1 bla12:42
EriC^^@comment 112:42
OerHekstorrents up 196.1 gb .. come on, i want to reach 200 gb14:20
de-factoyay the fedora ppl patched easystroke so it compiles again on cpp11 :)16:50
* de-facto is totally addicted to mouse gestures on his desktop16:52
BilllyWbar do you think about implementing a safety measure for dangerous Linux commands17:02
daftykinsit exists, called sudo17:03
lotuspsychjeBillly: the user is responsible for doing stuff to his system17:03
BilllyWhat's the point of antivirus then17:04
OerHeksbilly-the-troll, that rm line does not work on ubuntu without sudo :-D17:04
BilllyOkay so that's already a safety measure.17:04
BilllyBut there wont be any warnings.17:06
BilllyEspecially for new users who don't even know what sudi is17:07
hggdhwell. There *is* a warning.17:07
BilllyThere are scripts that can easily run the command17:08
BilllyAll it has to ask for is a passwoto install software xyz17:09
hggdhfor the record, 'rm' has had, for years, the default of '--preserve-root'. As such, when 'rm -rf /' is run, it will ask if you relly want to trash your system17:17
hggdhof course, if you add an alias to 'rm' to pass '--no-preserve-root', then you are on your own17:18
lotuspsychjedid billy went on a vacation?17:26
daxhe got bored and left17:29
lotuspsychjewell at least we got him out ubuntu17:29
lotuspsychjemy login window on xenial has now an email icon, anyone noticed that?17:30
lotuspsychjeperhaps notification of the unsolved bug from previous session17:31
lotuspsychje!info xchat precise17:49
ubot5xchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.8-3ubuntu12.1 (precise), package size 345 kB, installed size 869 kB17:49
daxi always liked the "similar to AmIRC" bit17:54
daxi wonder if more than like 5 people have ever found that comparison useful17:54
lotuspsychjei dont even know that one17:54
lotuspsychjeshould i be ashamed? :p17:55
daxi've never heard of it either, except for xchat's package description17:55
daxoh, it's some amiga thing, that would be why17:56
lotuspsychjeamiga500...those where the days17:56
daftykinsprobably a relic from LjL :P17:57
daftykinsit's about time Hexchat were said to be like xchat, then nothing for xchat :>17:58
daxnah, it's from Debianland way back in the day17:58
daftykinshmm? xchat?17:59
daftykinsi just mean based on the lack of updates making it more dead17:59
daxwas replying to the relic comment17:59
dax!info hexchat17:59
ubot5hexchat (source: hexchat): IRC client for X based on X-Chat 2. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.10.2-1ubuntu3 (xenial), package size 330 kB, installed size 932 kB17:59
daxin 10 years... "what's an X-Chat"18:00
EriC^^not if i can help it18:02
EriC^^ii  xchat                                         2.8.8-7.3ubuntu118:02
lotuspsychjethe new xchat maintainer :p18:02
lotuspsychjedax: can you explain why #ubuntu doesnt allow colors, we were discussing this earlier18:09
lotuspsychjeless laggy on much users?18:09
daxbecause people use them to be annoying18:09
daxsame reason most channels have them disabled18:09
daftykinsand #ubuntu hardly needs more ways to troll18:09
lotuspsychjedax: just that reason?18:09
daxi assume so, it's never been discussed as far as i know18:10
lotuspsychjewasnt there an option in the ircd config also to disable colors?18:10
lotuspsychjei thought it was about performance or something?18:10
daxi don't know how it would have a performance impact, colors are just extra characters interpreted specially by clients18:11
daxyou still have the 512-character limit as usual18:11
lotuspsychjedax: so with 2000 users using colors, wouldnt crash something18:11
daxfreenode servers are, in general, massively underprovisioned18:12
daxand colors aren't interpreted on the server anyway18:12
lotuspsychjei see18:12
daxand i doubt rendering text in blue instead of black or whatever is gonna crash clients18:12
daftykinsi was trying to ask one of the staffers what would be required to donate a server, the other day18:13
lotuspsychjedax: we were discussing syntax highlithing as an idea, for support commands18:13
daftykinskinda sounded like a VPS would even be enough18:14
daxdaftykins: the criteria are at https://freenode.net/support , in case they didn't link that already18:14
daftykinsyes, i had already read that18:14
daxmulti-homed networking tends to be the stumbling block18:14
lotuspsychjenice one18:22
OerHeksTualatrix is an ubuntu-hero :-)18:26
lotuspsychjebbl guys18:44
Bashing-omGonna go Mow grass for a spell .. back here later .20:59
Bashing-omNope. Mower did not start, flooded it ? Try again in a bit .21:26

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