
cyphermoxyeah, I keep forgetting about that and getting schooled by infinity.03:14
cyphermoxCarlFK: ^03:14
cyphermoxwait waa?03:15
cyphermoxthis is something completely different03:15
CarlFKarg!!! new bug.  (or maybe old one biting me again...)  "The instaler failed to download the public key used to sign the local repo at ppa.lp.net...03:16
CarlFKI am behind a squid proxy.  which I think is set to serve the whatever port.03:17
cyphermoxwell, that part was not in your preseed was it?03:17
cyphermoxat least not in the one I remember seeing03:17
CarlFKd-i apt-setup/local0/key string http://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x58ADE403A0042E8003:18
cyphermoxyeah I see now, but it wasn't in the file you pointed me to03:18
cyphermox(it's in preseed-video, not in preseed-disk03:19
cyphermoxnot your fault, I should have gone explore in that github :)03:19
CarlFKhmm, this works:  curl -x http://g2a:8000 "http://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x58ADE403A0042E80"03:28
CarlFK22700 May  4 03:15:33 debconf: --> GET mirror/http/proxy03:35
CarlFK22701 May  4 03:15:33 debconf: <-- 0 http://g2a:8000/03:35
CarlFKMay  4 03:15:34 debconf: --> SUBST apt-setup/local/key-error URL http://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x58ADE403A0042E8003:37
CarlFKMay  4 03:15:34 debconf: Adding [URL] -> [http://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x58ADE403A0042E80]03:37
CarlFKMay  4 03:15:34 debconf: --> SET apt-setup/local/key-error Retry03:37
CarlFKI am not seeing how/why it is failing03:37
CarlFKsshed into the installer shell: ~ # http_proxy=http://g2a:8000 wget "http://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x58ADE403A0042E80" -O key04:03
CarlFKConnecting to g2a||:8000... connected.04:03
CarlFKSaving to: 'key'04:04
CarlFKthat worked.04:04
CarlFKoh hell.  I went back to the installer, hit Retry... and it seems to have worked.04:05
cyphermoxoh ok04:23
* cyphermox logs off -- sleepy time.04:24
cyphermoxI will do the base-installer sru tomorrow morning04:25
cyphermoxso, in 7 ish hours04:25
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2
Laneycyphermox: is this ubiquity failure I'm seeing ("dpkg-maintscript-helper: error: couldn't identify the package" after setkbmap happens) fixed in the new console-setup?12:49
Laneyif so, can I do a rebuild to pick it up? if not, will file a bug :)12:49
cyphermoxmaybe, I'm not sure.13:22
cyphermoxLaney: can you send me a bigger log or open the bug anyway?13:23
cyphermoxLaney: can you send me a bigger log or open the bug anyway?13:23
Laneyhi cyphermox14:03
LaneyI was just being lazy :-)14:03
Laneyand I borked network in that vm14:04
Laneygimme 514:04
Laneycyphermox: https://paste.ubuntu.com/16218618/14:55
CarlFKapt/sources.list used to default to deb-src now those are commented out.  is there a config to turn that back on?15:10
cjwatsonCarlFK: I answered that when you asked it on #ubuntu-devel15:11
CarlFKcjwatson: oh, sorry. looking....15:11
cjwatson10:03 <cjwatson> CarlFK: d-i apt-setup/enable-source-repositories boolean true15:11
CarlFKthank you15:12
cjwatsonIt may be that xnox forgot to add that to the installation guide preseeding appendix when implementing the code change.15:14
cyphermoxLaney: yeah I suppose that may only require an ubiquity update; I will test to make sure, otherwise I'll need to go look at console-setup some more15:27
Laneycyphermox: I'm trying a local build15:28
Laneyor I would be if something hadn't fallen over between here and archive.u.c15:28
* Laney is getting super slow speeds15:28
cyphermoxLaney: I can do a build here it's pretty fast15:33
Laneyused to have a local mirror then the machine it was on fell over :(15:35
Laneygot one15:41
xnoxcjwatson, yes.15:57
Laneycyphermox: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1578285 happy christmas16:01
cyphermoxLaney: yippee16:27
cyphermoxLaney: found the issue, I'll fix it in a bit16:27
infinitycjwatson, cyphermox: That base-installer change would explode if the user provides a deb-src repository.  Is that a DDTT situation?17:15
cyphermoxinfinity: I don't think it's useful to provide a deb-src repository there; but fixing this is easy17:16
cjwatsoninfinity: I think that's DDTT.  It also matches the behaviour of apt-setup.20:23
cjwatsonThis was a clone-and-hack job to start with, so it might as well C&H properly.20:23
infinitycjwatson: Mmkay.20:41

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