
TheMariusjust curious, is this for a home computer and what are you using it for?00:09
Gallomimiawho mine? right now i'm simply trying to make it boot. the problem with my DNS system is i tunnel internet thru my laptop, since the wifi dongle i have is frosted flakes. the laptop doesn't forward DNS so after dhcp goes thru, i have to change the dns config to one layer up in NAT00:11
TheMariusbut if you get it running, what are you going to use it for?00:16
TheMariusim just looking at getting my awsome ubuntu mate setup up to do something useful00:18
TheMariusgot slow bandwith so i dont think fileserver is any point00:18
TheMariusmaybe xmpp server is something to look into though00:18
ouroumovHi Gallomimia00:19
ouroumovMaybe this'll help: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2016/04/the-ars-guide-to-building-a-linux-router-from-scratch/00:20
Gallomimiageneral desktop use, including gaming, personal serving, compiling... whatever00:20
Gallomimiait's fairly loaded. lots of drives00:20
Gallomimiatried ubuntu unity for a long while. that entire situation is a bit of a joke00:21
TheMariusall i have now is a 5 tb home network server, but as fast and stable this system is i want it to do more00:21
Gallomimiaunity looks nice, but it runs like a damn brick00:21
TheMariusits on 24/7 anyway00:21
Gallomimiayeah. i prefer to leave mine on 24/700:21
Gallomimiabut the first incarnation it had an ATI card, with some kind of factory overclocked feature that didn't fit inside the normal drivers00:22
TheMariusthis is the first distro that has been running flawless with my ATI card00:22
Gallomimiacame with windows only drivers. if any program made the wrong call to the driver, the entire desktop environment crashed00:22
TheMariusim not sure what kind of magic they've done00:22
Gallomimiaespecially bitcoin miner program. which i was running just as an added heat source in my room ><00:23
TheMariusim not mining bitcoins, i want to do something for people for free00:24
Gallomimiahad to shut it down to do anything with the system. and shutting it down triggered a crash. kinda contrairy to running a linux distro at all eh?00:24
ouroumovThat's as good a reason as many lol00:24
TheMariusxmpp is a descent idea00:24
TheMariusbut i know 0 about setting it up, which to get etc00:24
Gallomimiathe jabber server?00:24
TheMariusxmpp shouldnt consume much bandwith either00:24
Gallomimiait *IS* a decent idea. but it's implemented with XML00:24
Gallomimiai was just talking with some folks in another channel for a game...00:24
Gallomimiairc is still here. not going away any time soon00:25
TheMariuseggdrop bot00:25
Gallomimiai figured xmpp would take off and we'd be using that instead of telephones or skype or anything00:25
Gallomimiaone thing i'd like to set up is multiseat00:25
TheMariusthing is00:26
Gallomimiathis thing has 2 monitors, and enough power to run 2 of any older game00:26
TheMariuswhen i ran linux mint for a few years i had only that one laptop00:26
Gallomimiaplay with a friend00:26
TheMariusi never experimented much with servers and networks00:26
TheMariusnow i have this massive 5 tb desktop00:26
Gallomimiawell, i've found out the hard way... there's but one way to learn those things00:26
Gallomimiato yes, experiment, and to also generate some kind of need to learn it00:26
ouroumovTheMarius, if you wanna do something for people for free... There's Boinc.00:27
Gallomimiamy favorite communication protocol to date is mumble00:27
Gallomimiawhats boinc?00:27
TheMariusnever had a linux install that ran well on this until this ubuntu mate 16.04 ... therefore this is more interesting now ... and i love the way linux works, with mounting into directories etc00:27
ouroumovGallomimia, distributed computing for research projects00:27
Gallomimiaoh yeah00:27
TheMariusouroumov, irc bouncer so i get banned? no thanks00:27
ouroumovHere's an example of project you can donate CPU time to: https://mindmodeling.org/00:28
Gallomimialike seti@home or protien folding, but for anything00:28
ouroumovTheMarius, I think you mistook what I was talking about xD00:28
ouroumovGallomimia, yes00:28
GallomimiaTheMarius: first of all, it's not a bouncer, and second, they don't get you banned. in fact i'm using one now00:28
Gallomimiaand since we're on the subject of drives00:29
TheMariusxmpp and a eggdrop bot are the 2 ideas i have00:29
Gallomimiai'd like to show off my rig:00:29
Gallomimiai've got 3x 2tb drives in a raid500:29
Gallomimiaand i've also got a single 3tb drive. i have a pair of those00:29
TheMariusowncloud was a good idea but this network is too slow.. if fiber ever gets here to farmville ill set that up00:29
Gallomimiabut the other two sata ports on my board are populated with SSDs00:29
alexeinice rig00:29
Gallomimiawhoa what00:29
Gallomimiawhat is owncloud?00:29
Gallomimiacause i've been wanting something named that for awhile00:30
TheMariusGallomimia, like dropbox only with as much storage as you want00:30
TheMariusset up on your home server00:30
Gallomimiayeah awesome00:30
Gallomimiaexactly what i want00:30
alexeiwait what? is it free?00:30
TheMariusthumbs up for that00:30
TheMariusofcourse.. you use your own diskspace00:30
TheMariusgoogle it and get working then :) got the tip from someone here a couple of days ago00:31
freakjotahi alla00:31
TheMariusbut with 3 mbit or what it is here, its useless00:31
ouroumovhi freakjota00:31
Gallomimiayeah i've got less than that right now00:32
alexeii have 10 mbit.. but i have a crappy pc00:32
Gallomimiabut soon i hope it'll be more00:32
alexeioh ok00:32
Gallomimiak. gotta get back to plowing food into my face. need my hands, so i watch TV00:32
alexeido u know how to quick search for apps in mate00:32
Gallomimiawho me? no00:35
Gallomimiabarely used it. ran an install00:36
TheMarius3 mbit is just enough to watch youtube in 480p00:45
TheMariusor netflix in "moderate" resolution00:45
TheMariusthats it00:45
TheMariushowever its fine for me... i dont need more00:46
TheMariusjust wonder what im going to use this server for, and the 5 tb of diskspace :/00:48
TheMariusmust be something useful00:48
TheMariusactually i can hook up 2.5 tb more00:51
TheMariuswhich would make it 7.5 tb00:51
TheMariusim out of warez and that sort of things00:52
ouroumovTheMarius, you wanna find use for what, your disk space? Your Internet connection? Your CPU?00:54
TheMariusserver ideas basically00:57
TheMariusnever mind... ill keep looking00:58
ouroumovSo distributed computing for your CPU, such as seti@home, Seeding the ubuntu torrents for your bandwidth, And Incremental backup of your machines for the disk space00:58
ouroumovThat'd me my go-to00:59
TheMariusk :) noted01:00
Gallomimiai know someone who plays with AI, neural nets01:00
ouroumovGallomimia, gotta have a nice GPU for that01:01
Gallomimiaactually he's got cpu cores galore01:01
ouroumovoh :o01:01
Gallomimiayeah i think so01:02
Gallomimiahe told me the specs. E5 something something01:03
Gallomimiadual cpu, hexcore +HT01:03
Gallomimiacan't remember exactly. reams of ram01:03
ouroumovSounds expensive01:03
shantornhowdy ri01:04
ouroumovhi shantorn01:04
shantornhi there01:05
shantorni miss typed the entry sorry01:05
shantorni usually just watch and learn01:05
ouroumovYou're welcome to do so. xD01:06
ouroumovThough this is not an overly active channel so it might be a while till there's something worth watching x)01:07
ouroumovshantorn, you're a new Ubuntu MATE user?01:08
shantornnot really, been using it since 15.04, used to always use mint mate but i feel the ubuntu version is a bit nappier01:09
shantornand i have been using 16.04 since beta one and i just love the software boutique01:09
ouroumovYeah, the "Welcome" thing as a whole is awesome01:10
shantorni have to learn about the ubuntu way to set up my optimus graphic on my laptop01:13
ouroumovHolly crap: http://arstechnica.com/security/2016/05/easily-exploited-bug-exposes-huge-number-of-sites-to-code-execution-attacks/01:13
Gallomimiai finally got my ubuntu mate install to boot, but it doesn't log in.01:19
Gallomimiatyping the password causes some kind of flicker, and returns to the login screen01:19
Gallomimiai need some help getting resolvconf setup on command line. fix DNS01:19
ouroumovGallomimia, you've asked on the forums yet?01:21
Gallomimiai shouldn't need to ask. there should be something i can find01:40
ouroumovshantorn, I remember seeing a few post about optimus on the forums01:40
ouroumovGallomimia, you've managed to log in?01:41
Gallomimiasure. just press ctrl+alt+f1 and you get a text console01:41
Gallomimianot very helpful when trying to edit graphical based settings01:42
ouroumovSo you should be able to interface with the network manager using nmcli01:42
Gallomimiaah that'll help yes01:42
ouroumovDNS resolving is set up automatically when using DHCP01:42
ouroumovAre you using static addressing?01:42
Gallomimiano. it sets up auto with dhcp01:43
Gallomimiathe dns info it gets is dead wrong01:43
ouroumovAnd you're sure it's not your router's fault? :x01:46
Gallomimiai'm absolutely sure it's my router's fault01:46
Gallomimiayou see my router is this laptop01:46
Gallomimiathe wireless dongle i have for my desktop is absolute drek. so i tether it to this, which gives dhcp, but no dns01:47
shantornthanks ouroumov01:47
Gallomimiayet it still passes a dns value of itself01:47
Gallomimiai really don't need to talk about networking theory. i just want to set the nameserver address01:48
Gallomimiawhy is it so hard??01:48
ouroumovGallomimia, "nmcli c mod uuid +ipv4.dns"01:51
Gallomimiawhat's uuid?01:51
ouroumovWhere uuid is obtained from the list "nmcli c show"01:51
Gallomimiaouroumov: there's no way i'm going to type all that out01:53
ouroumovYeah, I feel your pain. I'm looking up the documentation for hints as to how to show the id for a connection01:53
ouroumovso yeah01:56
Gallomimiaif i could just use some bash-fu to cut and paste that value in...01:56
Gallomimiafek it i'll just painstakingly type it all out01:57
Gallomimiano copy and paste for me...01:57
ouroumovVARIABLE=`nmcli c show | grep wlp2s0 | rev | cut -d' ' -f2 | rev`01:57
Gallomimiaor, i could check some logs about why the GUI doesn't work01:57
ouroumovfor the wlp2s0 interface01:57
Gallomimianot quite the name of mine but...01:58
Gallomimiamight as well type out the uuid instead of all that :P01:58
ouroumovSure, it'll be different based on your hardware01:58
ouroumovGallomimia, I know right? x)01:58
ouroumovnmcli -f UUID c01:59
Gallomimiawhat's that do?01:59
Gallomimiaanyway, i tried the first command. no luck02:00
ouroumovjust prints the UUID, you can grep for the first characters then02:00
Gallomimiayeah neat02:00
ouroumovGallomimia, the DNS command?02:01
Gallomimiastill no dns02:01
ouroumovTry and remove the "+", that way dns servs are replaced, not added to02:01
Gallomimiastill nothing02:02
Gallomimiaand it disturbs me that i can't seem to view the dns servers02:02
Gallomimiai can't poll any system to find out what dns servers it's using?02:03
ouroumovhm, no idea02:03
NosophorusIs there any problem if I install pppoeconf in Ubuntu MATE 16.04?02:04
Gallomimiathat's funny. i can login just fine with a guest session02:05
Gallomimiathe heck is up with that?02:05
NosophorusI mean, could it conflict with any Internet connection configuration package?02:05
Gallomimiaoh. i bet it's cause my home dir is populated with settings already02:05
ouroumovNosophorus, you've got an old dls modem?02:06
Nosophorusouroumov: This modem is a Thomsom Speedtouch02:06
NosophorusAlmost half a decade of use02:07
ouroumovProblem is whatever I can find online dates back to Ubuntu v902:07
ouroumovI remember one dude on the forum mentioning pppoe and he had problems02:08
Nosophorusouroumov: My worry is that pppoeconf may conflict with the nice and smooth app Xenial uses to connect and configure my connection.02:09
NosophorusIt simply runs smooth and by the numbers.02:09
Gallomimiait does?02:10
Gallomimiai've only been using mate for a half a day and i've found the default stuff conflicts with itself. i'm going to suggest gingerly that you'll be fine02:10
NosophorusI don't know. I've just installed pppoeconf. I hope it doesn't.02:11
ouroumovNosophorus, and obviously you're connected already, I don't understand very well what you want to do: set up a secondary connection using an old modem?02:11
Nosophorusouroumov: I have been using pppoeconf since my first Ubuntu install (2007). I installed it just in case I need a backup method to configure my connection.02:12
ouroumovGallomimia, I think your problem is with the Ubuntu base02:12
ouroumovNosophorus, alright02:12
Gallomimiawell see, the real problem i'm having is my old home still exists, with same uid and all the old files02:12
Gallomimiaso it causes some bump when i try to login02:13
ouroumovGallomimia, so why don't you move it?02:13
Gallomimiai'm just going to copy it all out of there02:13
NosophorusBy the way, this new Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Xenial Xerus is much better than the previous LTS. The computer resources usage is pretty much optimized in this version.02:13
NosophorusChiefly the RAM usage has improved a lot.02:14
ouroumovNosophorus, yeah there's been a lot of improvements02:15
NosophorusOne thing I'd like to see is the option to select the kind of world map used in the clock app.02:15
ouroumovNosophorus, you should post your feedback in the forum02:16
ouroumovThis place is more transient so your feature request will lack visibility here02:16
Nosophorusouroumov: I'll do that. I taking note of everything I think would be useful and I'll show it to the Ubuntu MATE guys and gals.02:17
Nosophorus*I'm taking note.. .02:17
Gallomimiai got one question about ubuntu mirrors. my favorite mirror is missing from the list02:19
Gallomimiamost of the packages that get fetched come from the same set as regular ubuntu tho. what gives?02:19
ouroumovGallomimia, is that abnormal?02:20
Gallomimianothing's normal. i'm using a completely new system02:20
Gallomimiabut yeah. the mirror i used to use for ubuntu was in the same city as the HQ for my ISP02:21
Gallomimiafast didn't begin to describe it02:21
Gallomimiawell, nothing's fast on this ISP. stupid dsl :(02:21
Gallomimiabut the cable company... wow it would go02:21
ouroumovWhen you say "used to" we're talking what, last month?02:22
Gallomimialast time i had this system running. maybe 2 weeks ago02:22
Gallomimiafor years02:22
ouroumovGallomimia, last system was 16.04?02:23
Gallomimiano it was 14.0402:23
Gallomimiai'm consulting the site of the mirror now02:23
Gallomimiai think i'll drop them a mail02:23
ouroumovGallomimia, maybe you can replace the mirror urls in /etc/apt/sources.list02:25
ouroumovAfter having backed it up, oc02:25
Gallomimiamaybe. i'll not worry about it for now since the default server is saturating my link anyway02:25
Gallomimiaas i said, DSL sucks02:25
Gallomimiabut i'll be moving back to my favorite ISP02:25
Gallomimiaand their HQ is in the same city as this mirror. the network topology favors it for sure02:26
Gallomimiasweet. 16.04 has properly up to date nvidia drivers in the default repos02:38
Gallomimiaand why is grub so.....02:38
ouroumovYeah, well, it gets updated too02:39
ouroumovI don't really care for it02:40
Gallomimiame either. cause it hangs now that i've installed those drivers.02:42
Gallomimiait was working!02:42
ouroumovThat can't be the driver's fault though02:43
Gallomimiai don't get it03:14
Gallomimiai didn't change much else. it froze on the unlock crypto screen03:14
Gallomimiaoh. well i did install steam. and that came with a boatload of other stuff03:14
Gallomimiai seem to remember having a few odd grub options in my previous setup03:14
ouroumovWhat crypto system are you using? FDE or home folder encryption?03:15
Gallomimiamy LVM is inside a luks contianer03:15
Gallomimiarecovery mode worked03:18
Gallomimiawish i knew why...03:18
ouroumovBoy I don't think I've seen anyone have as much trouble with this than you03:19
Gallomimiapfft. this was nothing03:19
Gallomimiatook me 6 months to get things to run at all03:19
Gallomimiaputting it on a raid was kinda silly03:20
Gallomimianow i still have to involve the ssd's as cache and swap03:20
Gallomimiaseems pointless to have a cache and a swap that aren't encrypted right?03:20
Gallomimiai mean, why bother to have crypto at all if there's an unencrypted disk right there with everything you need03:21
Gallomimianow. let's see if the second monitor will work03:21
ouroumovI find having a swap at all is pointless, but well that's just me03:22
jaimemo puedo conectarme a internat via wifi, solo via cableado03:45
ouroumovhi jaime03:46
ouroumovjaime, I don't speak that language, sorry. But I get you have a wifi problem so do that:03:47
ouroumovjaime, type in a terminal opened with CTRL+ALT+T the command: "lshw -C network"03:47
ouroumovjaime, get from the output the wifi card model and driver03:48
ouroumovThen google "ubuntu <model> <driver>"03:48
jaimethanks , I 'm looking right now03:51
Gallomimiahey is there any simple undelete programs installed on MATE?04:05
ouroumovNot that I know of04:05
Gallomimiaaccidentally started an rm on the wrong steam folder04:06
Gallomimiait'd be better to undelete than redownload :/04:06
Gallomimiathought i saw one...04:06
ouroumovFilerecovery tools are never simple to use anyway04:07
Gallomimiawow i hate how steam does things04:09
Gallomimiai mean, they get the games working, but controlling things, settings, the UI, all of that is horrible.04:10
Gallomimiaso annoying.04:12
Gallomimiaoh well. seems to be working04:12
Gallomimiaok what's with the window managers04:13
Gallomimiawhich are "good" which are bad?04:13
Gallomimiai changed it to compiz, but i think that's the reason i wanted to switch away from unity04:13
ouroumovUse Marco + Compton04:13
ouroumovIt's not heavy on eye-candy but it does the job04:14
Gallomimiadon't really need eye candy right?04:15
Gallomimiawhat i need is for the fullscreen apps to work :P04:15
ouroumovThat and vsync04:15
ouroumovOnly reasons to use a compositor04:15
Gallomimiaand now, i just want to turn off the workspaces. can you guide me to that?04:16
ouroumovGallomimia, weird, but OK04:18
ouroumovYou should have a workspace switcher applet in the lower panel, on the right04:18
Gallomimiahaving 2 monitors doesn't really lend itself well to using more than one workspace04:18
Gallomimiaah, preferences04:18
Gallomimiaound it04:19
ouroumovRight click preference -> Number of workspaces = 104:19
Gallomimiagreat thanks04:19
ouroumovI have two monitors and 8 workspaces xD04:19
Gallomimiayeah i've tried a few systems with workspaces. it can be useful, but it sucks i find, if you want your chat on one screen and others...04:19
Gallomimiawell maybe you can tell me how you work all that04:19
ouroumovWell my workspaces are basically zones in which I do stuff04:20
Gallomimiayeah i like that kind of thing04:21
Gallomimiai could get used to them04:21
ouroumovProgramming area, ssh sessions area for server admin, webbrowsing, media, etc04:21
Gallomimiabut i tend to use one of my monitors for dedicated things. like music, chat, steam window04:22
Gallomimiawhile my main monitor either has a game, or browser04:22
Gallomimiaterminals can be either04:22
Gallomimiai'll try workspaces later sometime04:22
Gallomimiajust because you said so :P04:22
Gallomimiacan you lock certain windows or programs to all workspaces?04:23
Gallomimiathat might become useful04:23
ouroumovCurrently I have the IRC chat locked set so it follows the current workspace04:23
Gallomimiahm. need menu bar on both screens04:24
ouroumovI don't think you can do that in the current version of the OS04:25
Gallomimiathat's too bad. i can't even seem to get it on my main monitor04:26
Gallomimiait was in monitors settings for ubuntu unity04:26
ouroumovYeah it's in display settings04:26
ouroumovOh actually I found a way to have other panels04:27
ouroumovIt's not a clone though, it's a different panel04:28
ouroumovRight click on a panel and select "new panel"04:28
Gallomimiaah. neat04:28
ouroumovIn panel properties set the orientation04:28
ouroumovThen uncheck "expand"04:28
ouroumovThen by grabbing the extremities of the panel, you can drag it where you want04:29
Gallomimiawhen i uncheck expand, there are no extremities, it disappears04:29
Gallomimiaah ok. before changing orientation i can move it to the other screen04:30
Gallomimiaok so i got a panel. i wonder if i can find some way to clone the contents of the other04:31
Gallomimiawell, that's a lot of stuff to worry about another time i think04:32
ouroumovI don't think there's a way, you gotta duplicate the applets because they're assigned a panel04:32
Gallomimiai'll look into it another time04:32
Gallomimiathere's a lot to set up!04:35
Gallomimiaquassel! now i can type on my better machine.04:37
Gallomimiayeah things are much better04:38
Gallomimiaheh. nuked a couple games :/04:39
Gallomimiawell thanks for chatting with me ouroumov. for the time being it seems things are working. tho i had to use recovery mode to boot.05:06
ouroumovI'm curious to know how that's even working05:07
Gallomimiaoh yeah me too05:07
ouroumovI mean point of FDE is that it's not possible to bypass05:07
Gallomimiaoh, it asks me to unlock it in the old text version05:08
Gallomimiabefore it even gets to the recovery menu. then i select boot as normal05:08
Gallomimiai mean.... i haven't tried rebooting since then05:08
ouroumovDid you do a full system update / upgrade?05:08
Gallomimiafresh install05:14
Gallomimiaon a new LVM05:14
Gallomimiaso, i still have the old one, but it didn't work05:14
Gallomimiagave up on fixing it and decided well, 16.04 is out05:14
Gallomimiathen i started thinking about my dissatisfaction with unity and musings about it in other channels05:14
Gallomimiathought, hey i'll try a different flavor while i'm at it05:15
Gallomimiaand here i am05:15
savalanhello there06:38
savalani have a question06:38
savalanis there anyone to help me please on ubuntu mate06:39
savalanhello lichen06:44
savalanhow are you06:44
savalantoo bad06:46
fogarsabe alguien  resolver  problemas  audio  en  mac ppc g5?08:35
fogartengo mate 16 ppc  y me  encanta ,ok08:37
fogarYou know someone solve audio problems ppc mac g5?08:39
fogarI kill 16 ppc and love, ok08:39
fogarI have a 2 screen television 32 'and the colors are distorted, be a solution? thank you very much08:41
alkisgfogar: what's the output of this command?08:42
alkisgPut it in pastebin...08:42
fogarScreen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 2640 x 1024, maximum 4096 x 409608:44
fogarDVI-I-1 connected 1280x1024+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 340mm x 270mm08:44
fogar   1280x1024     75.02*+  60.0208:44
fogar   1024x768      75.08    70.07    60.0008:44
fogar   832x624       74.5508:44
fogar   800x600       72.19    75.00    60.32    56.2508:44
fogar   640x480       75.00    72.81    66.67    60.0008:44
fogar   720x400       70.0808:44
fogarDVI-I-2 connected 1360x768+1280+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 160mm x 90mm08:44
fogar   1360x768      60.02*+08:44
fogar   1280x720      60.00    50.00    59.9408:44
fogar   1024x768      60.0008:44
fogar   800x600       60.3208:44
fogar   720x576       50.0008:44
fogar   720x480       60.00    59.9408:44
fogar   640x480       60.00    59.9408:44
fogar   720x400       70.0808:44
alkisgUse http://paste.ubuntu.com08:44
fogarproblen  is dvi-i-208:45
mate|7315hi! please how to launch an application "undecorated" (i mean avoiding to see the window and scroll bars) and in a fixed position on the screen?08:45
mate|7315via command line?08:45
valtteri_Hey guys! Just installed Ubuntu MATE 16.04. I had 15.10 before, but I had messed around too much, so better start over fresh. That's why I have a few questions - if you don't mind - before I mess things up again... I use Plank and Topmenu, as I'm used to OS X, but they both have something wrong this time. Plank is missing settings file, so I can't set ShowDockItem=false. And Topmenu has no mozilla plug-in installed. How can09:15
valtteri_I fix these, and should I be worried something else, maybe more critical is missing too?09:15
valtteri_Or Mozilla has no Topmenu plug-in, maybe that way... :P09:16
mra_valtteri_: hmm, never heard of plank or topmenu, but good luck with that09:23
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gordonjcpdammit guys13:54
gordonjcpit's May now13:54
gordonjcpwhy isn't there a 16.10 alpha out yet?13:54
ouroumov_You can use the daily build gordonjcp :D13:55
gordonjcpit's more fun when everything's on fire13:57
erkan^gordonjcp and ouroumov_ , can you research: which is the faster: Firefox or Chromium? I had often problem with Firefox, because Firefox open and lading is slow. With Chromium is faster. I don't understand how cna that.14:13
ouroumov_erkan^, I don't use Chromium14:19
erkan^Can you test Chromium, ouroumov_ ?14:19
erkan^CHromium is in software centre14:19
ouroumov_What I know of Chromium is that it uses one separated Process or Thread (not sure which) per tab14:19
ouroumov_erkan^, sorry I don't want to14:20
erkan^Ok, I am curious to users of Ubuntu MATE which browser is the faster, ouroumov_14:21
gordonjcperkan^: I have done some research14:22
gordonjcperkan^: Chromium is faster14:22
gordonjcperkan^: this guy on IRC said it seemed to be faster14:22
erkan^Yes, I don't understand how can that Firefox is slow, gordonjcp14:24
gordonjcpdamned if I know14:24
gordonjcp15:13 < erkan^> gordonjcp and ouroumov_ , can you research: which is the  faster: Firefox or Chromium? I had often problem with Firefox,  because Firefox open and lading is slow. With Chromium is  faster. I don't understand how cna that.14:24
gordonjcp^ that guy says Chromium is faster14:25
ouroumov_This is the guy.14:25
gordonjcpouroumov_: I didn't say I did particularly exhaustive research14:25
erkan^Goodafternoon sir Michael_14:28
michael_i need some general help with the rpi3 and sound via hdmi. or is it still a bug?14:30
michael_found this: https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/hdmi-on-rpi-ubuntumate/1248/3614:31
michael_is it up to date?14:31
erkan^No idea?14:33
erkan^hi ubuntu-mate14:33
vok`erkan^: Hi.14:42
erkan^hi vok`14:48
TheMariushe's ubuntus best mate15:05
giitawhy would you use chromium if chrome is also in the software centre15:11
hid|ninjahas someone ever installed mozjpeg?16:04
Nosophorushello, guys16:26
TheMariusok any of you guys got movit to work in kdenlive?16:57
gordonjcpTheMarius: do you still need to compile from source?16:59
TheMariusi just installed the default kdenlive package from ubuntu repositories16:59
TheMariushavent done anything else17:00
gordonjcpthe movit website suggests it's still pretty experimental17:00
MrBIOShi folks, I am experiencing a problem with gvfsd-smb-browse proess taking up 100% of CPU on initial log-on (in this case it’s on PowerPC), and was wondering if anyone here knew if that was a known issue on 16.0417:03
TheMariushowever if im to use this old crap pc for video editing i think i should get it enabled17:03
TheMariusits an old amd x4 3.2ghz clocked to 3.5ghz with 8 gig ram17:03
ouroumovMrBIOS, this is a know issue. There's a bug report on launchpad, lemme get that for you.17:03
MrBIOSgreat, I’d like to subscribe to it17:04
ouroumovMrBIOS: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/140903217:04
MrBIOSthanks a bunch17:04
ouroumovMrBIOS: Thank you man. The more people marking themselves as "affected", the faster it'll be solved.17:05
MrBIOSouroumov: done, bug heat is already at 10017:07
erkan^wow Claws Mail is faster than Thunderbird17:20
erkan^I think that Mozilla has very problem now.17:21
swift110hey all17:21
erkan^hi swift11017:23
swift110how are you erkan^17:23
erkan^I am fine and you too?17:24
erkan^Claws Mail is new for me, i am tried or I like this. swift11017:28
swift110oh ok17:33
hid|ninjaerkan^: have you used thunderbird before?17:34
hid|ninjait seems its development by mozilla will stop soon17:34
hid|ninjai also need an alternative :>17:35
erkan^Yes sure and that is right, hid|ninja17:38
erkan^You can try with Claws Mail, hid|ninja17:38
bennabiyI just rebooted and my Advanced menu disappeared17:38
bennabiyI had this happen as a result of python-xlib in linuxmint 17.3 but just had it happen in 16.0417:39
erkan^Or you can look in Software Center: Search: Mail, than you get a list of Mail, hid|ninja17:39
ouroumovHey bennabiy17:49
bennabiyouroumov: hi17:49
ouroumovbennabiy, maybe you can report it as an issue on mate-menu then?17:49
ouroumovhid|ninja, "no longer in dev" does not mean "no longer supported"17:51
bennabiyouroumov: thank you.17:52
hid|ninjaouroumov: i trust mozilla17:53
DackelHi,how can i change the file manager?17:53
hid|ninjaDackel: try thunar, very good fm17:53
ouroumovHi Dackel. Some dude on the forum replaced Caja with something else, maybe you can adapt his steps for the file manager you want: https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/use-nemo-instead-of-caja-updated-for-xenial/4124/318:07
Dackeli decided to use gnome commander,but how i can change the settings to start gnome commander instead caja?18:07
Dackelouroumov, thanks18:09
Akuliyou mean for the desktop icons18:21
Akulifirst you'd disable caja's desktop icons, then enable gnome commander's desktop icons :)18:21
Dackelthx Akuli18:28
Akuliarch wiki mentions disabling caja's desktop icons18:28
dunoguys, i need some help, please! how to set up ubuntu-mate to enable audio via hdmi on the rpi2/3??18:37
nomicduno ^18:40
dunonomic, have you ever tried "raspi-config" on ubuntu-mate?18:43
ouroumovduno, you can also browse the UM community forums, lots of people reporting problem with sound on rasp. Maybe you'll find a fix in there18:47
dunoouroumov, the problem is "ubuntu" (mate, lubuntu ans xubuntu) on the rpi 2/3 without any solution. xbian, also on 4.4.8+ is working fine on the rpi 2/3 with audio via hdmi. but for ubuntu, there is no solution to fix that problem ... therefore i am asking here ... maybe to fix that problem.18:50
nomictry it (raspi-config)18:50
dunothere is no raspi-config on ubuntu18:51
nomicgo to forums, ask there18:51
dunowhat forum?18:51
ouroumovThis one: https://ubuntu-mate.community/c/support18:51
dunoyou mean this: "https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/hdmi-on-rpi-ubuntumate/1248" ? there is still no answer ... no about 15.10, nor 16.04 ...18:54
dunofor that i "try" to find a solution "online" ....18:56
dunome 2 :(18:56
ouroumovNo that's the nickname you're using dude18:57
ouroumovduno, did you try and follow Wimpy's advice? https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/hdmi-on-rpi-ubuntumate/1248/8?u=ouroumov18:57
dunoi am using the same (working) config.txt from my xbian on the ubuntu device no luck :(18:59
dunoboth are using 4.4.8+19:00
ouroumovWell, if you have the time, you should post in this thread too19:00
ouroumovSorry but if no one knows, I'm sure not gonna find out seeing I don't own a rpi. :x19:01
dunowhat do you need, the config.txt?19:01
ouroumovNo more like just post saying you're affected by this too19:01
dunoah, ok19:02
ouroumovduno, also you might subscribe to this bug tracker: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/156311219:03
dunoi asked the guys in #xbian for help, but they say "sorry, this is #xbian, not ubuntu ..." :(19:03
bennabiyouroumov: where is the bugtracker for mate-menu19:05
dunoouroumov, "https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/1563112" is analog audio, not audio via hdmi!19:07
ouroumovbennabiy, actually I'm not sure. One of https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-menus/issues | https://bitbucket.org/ubuntu-mate/mate-menu/issues?status=new&status=open | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mate19:09
AkuliWhich mate-menu?19:10
Akulithe mintmenu fork?19:10
bennabiyAkuli: yes19:11
bennabiyThe "Advanced" one19:11
Akulithen you should see if mintmenu also has the problem19:12
dunoouroumov, i do not understand that the (audio-) mixer in ubuntu is not showing hdmi as an device, only bcm2835 Analog Stereo Output ...19:12
bennabiyAkuli: it does19:12
bennabiybut I did not have this issue until just recently19:13
bennabiymintmenu the issue was python-xlib19:13
Akuliis it still using python 2?19:13
bennabiybut the mate-menu was working in 16.04 with the updated python-xlib so I think it is something else this time19:13
Akulii thought all the mint stuff was moving to python 3 but no...19:13
Akuliright, their menu is still python 2 and gtk 2.19:16
mortaliushello all19:18
dunois there (here) a special channel for ubuntu and rpi 2/3?19:18
ouroumovhi mortalius19:20
ouroumovduno, not according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList19:21
dunoouroumov, i tired #xubuntu, #lubuntu, #ubuntu-mate and #ubuntu-arm ... but no answer ...19:24
alkisgduno: what do you want to ask about?19:25
mortaliusquestion: On ubuntu-mate 16.04: I have a bug (?) on ctrl-a (selection) -> if the selection has a endline space caracteres , then the cursor go to begin line and no selected any word.19:25
dunoalkisg, hdmi and audio on the rpi2/319:25
mortaliusi see this behavior on several application ( pluma, hexchat ..)19:26
ouroumovmortalius, attempting to reproduce19:26
alkisgduno: you don't have audio?19:26
dunonot via hdmi on ubuntu xyz19:27
mortaliusouroumov, note: i configure mate with software composing19:27
alkisgduno: there's a setting for that in config.txt, did you see that?19:28
ouroumovmortalius, I'm not sure I understand the problem, so I'm not sure I attempted to reproduce correctly, do you have a test file?19:28
mortalius"blabla blalblala" <- selection is correct but "blabla blalblala " (with space end caract) is bug19:29
mortaliuswith ctrl-a19:29
dunoalkisg, as i wrote, i am using the same config.txt for ubuntu as i am using for xbian. but it is not working on ubuntu.19:30
ouroumovmortalius, it works fine on my setup (Marco+Compton) can someone else reproduce?19:30
mortaliushum, i test with compton19:30
dunoubuntu do not show the hdmi-audio output in the mixer ...19:30
mortaliusouroumov, i have the bug with compton19:31
ouroumovmortalius, what color scheme are you using in pluma?19:32
dunoalkisg, i am using: gpu_mem_1024=25619:32
dunoand this is working fine on xbian19:33
mortaliusouroumov, not only with pluma, also with hexchat, firefox .  I think that is not specific to pluma19:33
ouroumovYeah but I'd like to reproduce and the simplest to configure is Pluma I think19:34
mortaliusthe theme is tango19:35
ouroumovmortalius, and pluma version is 1.12.2?19:36
mortaliusnote, sorry for my bad english,19:36
mortaliusyes, 1.12.219:36
mortaliuswith a clean install19:37
mortaliusinstall time is 24h19:37
ouroumovFrom the 16.04 LTS release ISO?19:37
mortaliusans the update are ok19:37
mortaliusubuntu-mate iso19:37
mortalius16.04 yes19:37
ouroumovHmm, I updated my two machines from Beta 2 and I previously saw a bug only affecting me but not clean 16.04 installs. Maybe this is the reverse case.19:38
dunoalkisg, any idea?19:38
ouroumovalkisg, Akuli, can one of you guys reproduce mortalius's bug?19:38
mortaliusi  test to change the layout keyboard, but i have the bug again19:39
Akuliprobably not, i still haven't managed to install 16.0419:39
ouroumovmortalius, what's weird is that CTRL+A is the traditional keybinding to go to the start of a line in console-based text editors19:40
mortaliusnb: i don't change the shortcuts config19:41
ouroumovWhat Appearance theme are you using?19:42
mortaliushum, i see the same behavior with double clic mouse for selection19:42
mortaliusthe default theme19:43
mortaliusi logout/login for make a test19:44
mortaliusi re19:44
ouroumovmortalius: yeah, still can't reproduce. Maybe post about it on the community forums?19:44
mortaliushmu, i use parcellite ...19:45
mortaliusi test without it19:46
mortaliusoh yes19:46
mortaliusparcellite is the problem19:46
ouroumovI mean, not nice of course19:46
ouroumovbut well done locating the problem19:47
ouroumovmortalius, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/parcellite19:47
mortaliusok, i see19:47
mortaliusand i search an another clipboard19:48
dunoalkisg, do you now understand where the problem on the rpi2/3 with the hdmi-audio is?19:48
dunoanalog is working fine, but mixed or only hdmi is not working.19:49
ouroumovmortalius, I don't see a bug report matching your specific problem with parcellite, maybe you should start one?19:49
ouroumovmortalius, seeing you have a well reproducible problem, this could be useful I think19:49
dunobye all19:52
ouroumovbye duno19:52
ouroumovHello casa19:58
alkisgouroumov: no, I can't reproduce the issue mortalius reports20:06
mortaliusok, alkisg . I think to have to find the origin: parcellite. I write now a report20:07
ouroumovmortalius: thanks for doing that. :)20:08
mortaliusit's normal .20:09
mortaliusi try to write a correct msg in english ;)20:09
casaourroumov hello20:14
mortaliusouroumov, is it possible to re-read this report (http://pastebin.com/raw/0cPsN4Vg) for english correction ?20:20
ouroumovmortalius, one moment20:27
bennabiyaklisg: I am back now20:35
alkisgbennabiy: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mate/+bug/1568170 caused the regression that you see20:36
ouroumovmortalius, here: http://pastebin.com/YNDF3ub120:37
alkisgbennabiy: the .diff is there: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/254014318/mate-menu_5.7.0-1_5.7.1-1.diff.gz20:37
bennabiyalkisg: hrm... but the issue just showed up.20:37
bennabiythat is dated back in april20:38
mortaliusouroumov, oh, great ... a go to send the report ... thanks20:38
alkisgYou can see the logic there, if all those synaptic etc packages are missing, button2 is not initialized and crashes20:38
alkisgflexiondotorg: ^20:38
alkisgbennabiy:  It takes some time to go through the -proposed queue20:38
bennabiyalkisg: got it20:38
alkisgCheck your /var/log/apt/history.log20:38
alkisgYou'll see the date when mate-menu was updated for you20:39
alkisgIf you e.g. create a symlink from /usr/bin/synaptic to /bin/true, the menu won't crash anymore20:39
alkisgMention the issue in that same bug report, that it caused this regression20:39
bennabiyno mention of mate-menu in there20:40
alkisg"add software boutique to the advanced mate menu"20:40
alkisgthis doesn't mention the menu?!!20:40
bennabiyno, /var/log/apt/history.log20:41
alkisgMaybe it was rotated an is in history.log.1 or so?20:41
alkisgor some other .gz history20:41
mortaliusouroumov, i'm a very noob :/ --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/parcellite/+bug/146679620:44
mortaliusdate : 2015-06-19 ... old report20:45
bennabiyalkisg: the only references to mate-menu in my history (of any type) is pre-install (dated 4-20)20:47
bennabiyalkisg: I am sure it is related, but I am not sure what would have just caused it to happen (I have logged out and back in a couple times today, and at the start of the day it worked)20:48
alkisgbennabiy: did you uninstall any of those packages? synaptic, boutique etc?20:49
bennabiyalkisg: I installed sysinfo20:49
bennabiyI just removed it20:49
bennabiyalkisg: changes recent https://pastebin.mozilla.org/886965920:52
ouroumovmortalius, do you have "trim whitespace" enabled?20:54
ouroumovmortalius, and when you hit ctrl+a, is it copied to the clipboard?20:55
ouroumovmortalius, I'm not sure this is the same bug which is why I didn't mention it earlier20:55
alkisgbennabiy: and you've logged out etc since yesterday, or do you stay logged in for days?20:56
mortaliusouroumov, possible, wait and see20:57
ouroumovmortalius, according to your conf, you don't have "synchronize" enabled20:57
bennabiyalkisg: Usually I stay logged in, but I have logged out and back in a couple times today20:59
bennabiyIt is possible that I might be remembering wrong20:59
bennabiyMight have been yesterday21:00
alkisgbennabiy: anyway, I think the code is clearly broken, and it's easy to reproduce both the issue and the workarounds21:01
alkisgI don't think it's important for you to remember when it started happenning of if you logged out etc21:01
alkisgbennabiy, flexiondotorg, the previous code didn't have the issue because it only showed Button2 if one of those apps existed21:03
alkisgNow it's trying to show button2 even if no app exists, and crashes21:03
bennabiyalkisg: agreed21:07
alkisgIf I don't forget about it, I'll attach a patch for that tomorrow21:09
* alkisg waves21:09
* bennabiy waves21:09
festerBhi all, I have an encrypted usb connected external backup hdd and a known password21:45
festerBthing is after upgrading from linux mint to ubuntu mate the password does not work21:46
festerBany clues?21:46
ouroumovfesterB, hi21:49
ouroumovYou're using the same keyboard layout?21:49
festerBouroumov: pretty sure, yes, in any case the password is composed using chars from the lower part of the ascii table21:51
ouroumovfesterB, that's a sensible measure. Is your UM system fully up to date?21:51
festerBouroumov: UM sys?21:52
ouroumovI'm pretty sure ecryptfs was updated not too long ago21:52
festerBouroumov: google's got nothing on "um system" ;)21:53
ouroumovUbuntu MATE *21:54
festerBouroumov: heh, yeah my 16.04 mate is up2date21:54
ouroumovfesterB, you still have a Mint ISO handy? If so have you tried to mount your drive from the live session?21:55
festerBouroumov: I even booted into LM 17.3 with same results - yup21:56
ouroumovWell, crap21:56
ouroumovDid you print the recovery key when you set up the hdd?21:56
festerBouroumov: nop, I don't remember coming across that option even21:57
festerBouroumov: I now know there is a key and it's not the same as a password21:58
ouroumovI'm sorry festerB but I'm no expert and I've already asked you all the questions I could think of21:59
TheMariusis there a steam repository ? i get this annoying message about updating steam21:59
festerBouroumov: ok, thx, I'm taking a new full backup now21:59
TheMariusdidnt find any at google21:59
mra_TheMarius: hmm.. isn't steam in some ubuntu repository.. let me check22:06
TheMariusit is22:07
TheMariusin the default22:07
TheMariushowever the version isnt the latest obiosly22:07
TheMariusdoesnt matter.. just wondered22:07
mra_i thought it has auto update too..22:08
mra_https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve links a steam.deb22:11
TheMariusfound a kdenlive repo ... im waiting for the GPU rendering there to work ... getting a gopro at some point in the future so i want kdenlive to edit videos22:11
TheMariusah tanx22:12
TheMariusit said "reinstall"22:12
TheMariusseems i have that version22:12
mra_hmmh, but steam still wants you to update? interesting..22:13
TheMariusanyway a amd x4 3.2 ghz with 8 gb of ram isnt exactly the best thing for video editing, but it should work22:13
TheMariusespecially with gpu rendering22:13
TheMariusyep mra22:13
TheMariusanother thing .. mate screensaver didnt work so i installed xscreensaver22:17
SCHAAP137TheMarius, replace the Screensaver entry in your startup applications22:20
SCHAAP137replace the mate-screensaver command with: xscreensaver -no-splash22:20
TheMariusdone it .. it works fine but i just wondered if anyone else had the same problem22:21
KerrMDWould light-DM have an issue with transparency in Tilda? I've tried compiz as well as compton and no change. The window just turns black.22:29
hid|ninjahow can i change marco transparency22:33
KerrMDAs seen in Mate Tweak > Windows > Marco (Compton GPU compositor)22:36
julio__boa noite22:39
julio__boa noite22:40
julio__boa noite22:40
kisbthink you are interested in window border as seen in appearance > themes > customize22:41
rajiv_i have just install gnome software in my ubuntu-mate 16.04. How it works? I mean its not doing anything. How do i make it work?23:39
festerBok, it's do slow here at the mo ;) when i edit menus and tick show games it works but games do not show up and when i go back into edit menus it's gone23:46
festerBhow can i get games to show up in the menu?23:46
pilnemine are showing up just fine (steam, quake, chocolate doom/doom2)23:56
pilneare you closing the "control center icon" with close or the x?23:57

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