
Heart-Of-A-LionWill Ubuntu ever become a rolling release distribution?00:01
Heart-Of-A-LionDoes anyone know if there are any plans for that?00:01
Heart-Of-A-LionLike for example Arch/Manjaro00:02
bazhang!snappy | Heart-Of-A-Lion00:03
ubottuHeart-Of-A-Lion: Ubuntu Core is a rendition of Ubuntu with transactional updates using "snappy". For discussion and support, please visit #snappy and see http://www.ubuntu.com/snappy/00:03
curlyearsI am not sure I understand what you mean  by a "rolling release?"00:03
bazhangcurlyears, newest packages availbe immediately00:03
curlyearsI ordered my raspberry Pi3 this afternoon   *grin*00:03
bonsairootHeart-Of-A-Lion, Canonical has no reason to switch to a rolling release what so ever. That would not be worth it ... not for the user choosing ubuntu nor for canonical00:04
curlyearsbonsairoot: that makes sense00:05
throgothHello everyone. I have a rather noobish, but short question. Am I right here to ask?00:05
Heart-Of-A-LionWith rolling release I mean, install once and then never again, because everything is updated after the initial install via the package manager. Kernel, software, security packages, themes, everything. Like Manjaro for example, which is based on Arch..00:05
Fudgejsut ask00:05
curlyears*sigh* for some reason, none  of the people I am used to seeing in this channel seem to be here.00:06
curlyearsHeart-Of-A-Lion: well, my ubuntu 14.04.4 receives "pushes" updates several times/week00:07
squinty!ask | throgoth00:07
ubottuthrogoth: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:07
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curlyearshey, squintyu00:07
_{Tite}_hi everyon00:07
curlyearssquinty:  any ides why an apt-get of gnome would foul up the BIOS settings on my 14.04.4 system?00:08
throgothI plan to install multiple linux distors and I wonder wheter it is better to make for each installation a new partition, or if one / partition will work just fine? My bet is, that I need a new part for each install, am I right?00:08
squintycurlyears,  never heard of such a thing personally00:08
Heart-Of-A-LionSo even when a new version of Ubuntu is released, you won't have to re-install or upgrade, because due to the rolling release you then already have all the latest versions of everything.00:09
curlyearsthat is almost certainly the case. throgoth.   Think about it.  Different distros will like contain different contents in the / dir00:09
Bashing-omthrogoth: True .. each on its own partition .. but a sharded /swap partition .00:09
squintythrogoth, separate    swap can be common00:09
curlyearsAh, no, you do have to explicity choose to upgrade with new versions00:10
throgothAnd /home? Can this part be shared?00:10
bonsairootthrogoth, Depending on your partitioning scheme you can share partitions00:10
curlyearssquinty:  it appears to have happened to me00:10
Bashing-omthrogoth: Not a good thought .. config file !00:11
_{Tite}_anyone heard of problems with libvirt or ovs after upgrading to 16.0400:11
bonsairootthrogoth, See here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/55224/a-common-home-partition-for-multiple-linux-distributions00:11
jaltHi, how do I fully disable avahi-daemon from a fresh 16.04 install? The obvious systemctl disable avahi-daemon did not work.00:12
curlyearssquinty:  it took  me 4 days to oidentify and correct the problem, and required a fresh reinstall of 14.04.400:13
_{Tite}_I just upgraded, now kvm wont bring up more than one vm, complaining it can not add the new interface to the bridge00:13
throgothOkay, thank you for the help. Much appreciated :)00:13
hans_I just updated libssl-doc_1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.1_all.deb openssl_1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.1_i386.deb libssl-dev_1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.1_i386.deb libssl1.0.0_1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.1_i386.deb00:13
hans_Lost my wifi as a result, reverted back to the old packages00:14
hans_Has any one else come accross this?00:14
nebghello everyone... which is the difference between "shopt" and "set" i see the operate on different options...but which options relate to set and which to shopt  ?00:14
curlyearsreisio;   found that switching to EUFI enabled in the BIOS., from "Auto" and correcting a somehow alteredd boot disk prioirity allowed me to successfully reinstall00:16
django_if im going to reinstall ubuntu is it worth installing 16.04?00:16
squintydjango_,  seems pretty stable at this end00:17
jaltdjango_, might depend on your intentions, but 16.04 will come with more recent packages and longer support time.00:17
django_im mainly concerned with my two graphaics cards00:18
curlyearsdjango_:  most people seem to think so, though I've been seeing a lot of people who have coming in here with problems, especially related to networking and wireless stufff. YMMV00:18
django_the nvidia drivers work on 16.04?00:18
effectnetwhy would samba stop reporting sizes heh00:18
curlyearsA number of peple have complained of issues with nvidia support00:18
reisiocurlyears: to eufi from what, 'legacy'?00:19
reisiodjango_: nouveau will likely work in any version00:19
jaltthe best course of action will be for you to try a livecd version first00:19
hans_I upgraded to 16_04 (kubuntu) without a hitch, just the latest update killed my network...00:19
reisiodjango_: the proprietary nvidia drivers will always need particular version constraints, and particular Linux/kernel constraints00:19
curlyearsreisio:   No.  There was an option in Advanced BIOS Functions menu for CD Boot EUFI setting00:20
squintydjango_,  been a few users having problems with gtx 960m    not sure if problems were resolved or not00:20
django_squinty, my problems were solved00:20
reisiocurlyears: and you changed it /to/ eufi? From what?00:20
django_i run the nvidia X Server settings00:20
squintydjango_,  good to hear00:20
django_and i can chose which graphics card to control00:20
django_i wanna make sure i can do the same in 16.0400:20
reisiodjango_: you absolutely can, even if they don't work immediately at the outset (which I couldn't comment on)00:21
reisiodjango_: at most you will have to 1) choose a different nvidia driver version and/or 2) choose a different kernel version00:21
reisioboth fairly trivial tasks, should you need to execute them00:22
curlyearsreisio: the options were EUFI, whatever the alternative to eufi is, and "Auto."   Since I had no idea, I chose Auto, considering that safest.  It worked for a while, but chanoing it to EUFI helped resolvemy weird issues00:22
django_reisio, those are options right?00:22
torpetWhat's the best way to install vlc 2.2.2 on Ubuntu 14.04?00:22
reisiocurlyears: <sigh> so uninformative :p00:23
curlyearsbut as I said, it also turned out the BIOS setting for boot disk priority had been altered to point to the incorrect drive.  WEIRD00:23
reisiocurlyears: I wanna know what it was already set at :p00:23
reisiocurlyears: anyway gj, isn't U/EFI fun? :p00:23
reisiodjango_: hrmm?00:23
django_reisio, i dont know what this means: "at most you will have to 1) choose a different nvidia driver version and/or 2) choose a different kernel version"00:23
curlyearsreisio:   I don't knnow how to find out, it was originallyy set to "Auto."  Presumably, since it origincally allowed the system wo work with the 3TB drive, the "auto" setting ended up selecting EUFI00:24
jalttorpet, I don't think it is possible other than compiling from source00:24
jalti know the ppa is not better than the default package for 14.0400:24
awesome-0im having a wake on lan issue in 14.04 it works on initial install and then after a update no longer00:24
festerBdjango_: can't you try nvidia server settings on a live cd/usb? btw np here with nvidia on 16.0400:25
torpetjalt: vlc on ubuntu 14.04 is at 2.1.6 or something00:25
reisiodjango_: it means if it doesn't "just work", that to get it to work, you will have to do, at most, one of or both of those things00:25
jaltawesome-0, you need to use ethtool to set the WoL options and make sure they are written to the device on every boot00:25
django_festerB, oh good point00:25
jalttorpet, yes 2.1.600:25
reisioawesome-0: what're you waking it from?00:25
curlyearsOH, I did notice  in the partition table while in parted that the "swap" partition wasa set up as an LVM.   WHy was that?00:26
awesome-0wake on magic packet from my router00:26
reisioawesome-0: oh, fancy router :)00:26
reisioawesome-0: so it worked before? When exactly? What kind of update did you make?00:26
jaltawesome-0, you may also want to double check that your BIOS options are not preventing WoL. Some low-power settings will disrupt it00:26
awesome-0it works after install but a software update is breaking it00:27
reisioawesome-0: ...update of what00:27
reisioawesome-0: and what is it you installed that you are attributing your wol having worked via before?00:27
awesome-0mate software update system-administration-software update00:28
awesome-0though the gui00:28
curlyearsreisio: unfortunately, the auto-update pushes from ubuntu.com don't really tell you much about WHAT they're updating, and the stuff flows by onthe screen so fast i know *I* can't follow it.00:28
awesome-0it works on install right out of the box00:28
reisiocurlyears: don't speak for people :p00:29
reisioawesome-0: what's the network device name?00:29
squintyawesome-0,  check to see if wake-on is "g" (needs to be)  sudo ethtool <net card name>00:29
reisiosquinty: ^00:29
reisioit probably says 'Wake-on: d', ATM00:30
awesome-0that changes after the update, i saw alot of documentation on scripting it to be applied at boot but had little success when i tried on 16.0400:30
squintyawesome-0, if not    sudo ethtool -s eth0 wol g00:30
awesome-0its wake on g atm00:30
lachyhi guys, i was a fan of overlay scrollbars in trusty but they've been ditched in xenial, any way to make the gnome scrollbars thicker, they're so thin and hard to grab00:30
curlyearsI am going to re-d/l bitchx from a different source (git it this timefrom sourceforge) and try building it again00:30
squintydin-dins time..........00:31
reisioawesome-0: okay, then suspend your system and see if the router can wake it00:31
awesome-0right now i can it works like a charm00:32
reisioawesome-0: check 'ethool eth0' again after you wake it, make sure it still says 'g'00:32
reisioawesome-0: to be clear, are you telling your router to wake this box _from another box_, or does your router specifically have its own method of waking things _directly from itself_?00:33
reisiothe former is problematic, the latter is not00:33
awesome-0i can do it direct from the router with a magic packet00:33
reisiookay, good :)00:33
jaltawesome-0: if you have another box in the same subnet you may want to fire up wireshark/tcpdump when you WoL to make sure the magic packet is being sent properly00:33
awesome-0ok im on the system will suspend and report00:34
reisioshould really work find from the router00:34
reisioit's more likely his wake-on is re-setting to not-g00:34
reisiowhich is obviously fixable00:34
reisiowork fine*00:34
festerBi'm currently running MATE 16.04 but drooling over Xubuntu, anyone here who has run both and care to comment on likes/dislikes?00:36
jalton some old hardware i once had i needed to boot into windows once and set WoL in there first. only then would WoL work from Linux, apparently because the (Linux) driver could not access the setting directly. If the machine ever went to deep sleep (power outage) I had to do it all over again00:36
jaltI am on Xubuntu since 9-ish and It Just Works (TM). Well, most of the time ;)00:37
hans_I use xubuntu and kubuntu, I like both00:37
effectneti dont even know what this stuff is00:37
Heart-Of-A-LionQuick off-topic question, but how does one reply to a specific user in these chat channels? (using Hexchat)00:37
Ben64Heart-Of-A-Lion: you type their name then type a reply00:38
tgm4883Heart-Of-A-Lion: type their name? Or do you want to private message them00:38
jsuebkf Kali Linux00:38
idqmcyk Kali Linux00:38
hqseghc Kali Linux00:38
bhhktdm Kali Linux00:38
hnrfeem Kali Linux00:38
kjunlqe Kali Linux00:38
mgfhoqa Kali Linux00:38
laefvkc Kali Linux00:38
ofsxdup Kali Linux00:38
nevzbbu Kali Linux00:38
ofmiqmm Kali Linux00:38
dvpwvtd Kali Linux00:38
jsuebkf Kali Linux00:38
bssixhr Kali Linux00:38
likuyqe Kali Linux00:38
lxindii Kali Linux00:38
idqmcyk Kali Linux00:38
bhhktdm Kali Linux00:38
ofmiqmm Kali Linux00:38
hqseghc Kali Linux00:38
hnrfeem Kali Linux00:38
kjunlqe Kali Linux00:38
mgfhoqa Kali Linux00:38
dvpwvtd Kali Linux00:38
laefvkc Kali Linux00:38
ofsxdup Kali Linux00:38
likuyqe Kali Linux00:38
bssixhr Kali Linux00:38
lxindii Kali Linux00:38
nevzbbu Kali Linux00:38
rrlebal Kali Linux00:38
rrlebal Kali Linux00:38
tgm4883well that's fun00:38
Heart-Of-A-LionBen64 this is a test00:38
Ben64there you go00:38
Heart-Of-A-LionDo you see that as a specific reply to you?00:38
Ben64yep indeed00:39
Heart-Of-A-LionIf someone replies to me, the text turns green00:39
tgm4883Heart-Of-A-Lion: everyone saw it, but it highlighted for him00:39
effectnetwhy the attack?00:39
Heart-Of-A-Lionaha okay00:39
effectnetan ubuntu channel?  really?00:39
Ben64because people are bored/dumb00:39
Ben64yes it happens quite often actually00:39
tgm4883best to just report and ignore00:39
daxbeen a heck of a day today00:39
awesome-0so suspend works00:39
tgm4883dax: that's why you get paid the big.. uh... bits00:39
krabadoroooh, i  really miss you00:39
daxtgm4883: lol00:40
Heart-Of-A-LionIt's a hack attack?00:40
daxHeart-Of-A-Lion: nope, just someone being silly, feel free to ignore00:40
neglesaksyeah it been quite a gday. I managed to get up before 7 oclock00:40
effectneti dont understand why my samba slowed down so much00:40
Ben64it's a botnet, nothing to worry about, they're just wasting time00:40
curlyearsdagnab itdd00:40
neglesaksthen you know it's gonna be bad00:40
curlyearsdagnab it, I am following the directions in the INSTALL file distributed in the bitchx-1.21.1 archive.   make doesn't like thhose commands00:41
festerBhans_ jalt so Xubuntu worth a shot when coming from MATE?00:42
jaltI only saw MATE briefly on Mint, so I can't comment much, but XFCE on Xubuntu looks familiar if you're a fan of GTK200:43
effectnetwhat are all these distros?  does this kind of thing splinter work at all?00:43
reisiofesterB: I find Xfce and GNOME 2/MATE very easily configured to work and look like one another00:43
reisioeffectnet: not exactly00:43
curlyearsreisio: do you think it would be safe to try building and installing gnome again?00:43
jaltresource wise I'd say it's obviously lighter than either gnome shell, unity or KDE, but not truly light (openbox, i3, and so on)00:44
reisiocurlyears: what's gnome got to do with uefi & booting a cd?00:44
* reisio hugs Xfce00:44
curlyearsreisio: trying to install and select gnome is what seems to have precipitated this crisis00:44
jaltnot sure what you were doing/trying to do curlyears, but having multiple DEs on ubuntu is a sure recipe for disaster.00:45
curlyearsit was when i rebooted as instructed in  selecting gnome as my default file manager that the problem arose00:45
reisiocurlyears: I don't see how that's possible, really00:45
jaltgnome? file manager?00:45
jaltdo you mean nautilus? or desktop environment?00:46
neglesaksgnome is a desktop environment. the file manager is nautilus for regular gnome-debian00:47
curlyearsjalt:  when I ran the apt-get install for gnome, after it built it, it brought up a screen which offered to allow me to select default file manger.  I chose gnome00:47
reisioit's actually just named 'Files' now, AIUI00:47
reisiosad but true00:47
neglesaksOh, right.00:47
curlyearsjalt:   yes, gnome instead of nautilus00:47
dchapmanAmazingly, icewm is even lighter in resources than i3. Pity it's an abandoned project.00:47
reisioI think I'll continue to call it 'nautilus'00:47
reisioas 'files' is useless as a name00:47
reisio'nautilus' or 'the file manager'00:47
jalti am confused. is gnome now the name of nautilus on Gnome (the DE)?00:47
neglesaksit could be worse. they could call it 'file explorer'00:47
reisiojalt: nautilus (now "files") is the file manager of GNOME, a DE00:48
reisiothey could call it dolphin :p00:48
reisiothat'd be worse00:48
jaltright, so how did curlyears install gnome instead of nautilus?00:48
reisiojalt: not sure how it matters even if he did00:48
curlyearsI am totally confused.  I was advised to switch to gnome from whatever the default in 14.04.4 is.00:48
jaltthe default is gnome. gnome 3 shell00:49
dchapmanWho advised this?00:49
curlyearsI ran "sudo apt-get install gnome"00:49
curlyearsdchapman: several people in here.  I was having some very strange problems which turned out to be a corrupted list of repos in may apt repo list.00:50
curlyearsOK.  So I am already running gnome, then.   Fine.00:50
SignificantbitsSo, I am trying to have a persistent ubuntu environment on a 128GB flash drive, but for some reason when I right click on computer and go to properties, it says that I only have 4gb of storage. Would anyone be willing to help me out with this issue?00:51
Significantbitsgparted sees all 128gb of the flash drive00:51
Ben64Significantbits: well how did you put it on the flash drive00:51
jaltSignificantbits: what partitions does gparted see? and are you using EFI or BIOS?00:52
SignificantbitsI used universal usb installer.00:52
* curlyears gone for the day00:52
SignificantbitsGparted sees the ssd in my laptop and the flash drive.00:52
jalti meant what partitions within the flash drive00:53
awesome-0after so looking around i think my wol issue is related to changes in network manager00:53
jalt(and i presume you want to have a portable, self-contained ubuntu enviroment in the flash drive, right?)00:53
SignificantbitsOh, it just sees dev/sdb100:53
lachyfucken useless cunts00:54
jaltso dev/sdb1 is the only partition on dev/sdb? how big is the partition00:54
Significantbits115gb, which makes sense because its 128gb00:54
jaltis your flash drive mounted? can you cd to it?00:54
Significantbitsbut when I right click on computer and go to properties it only shows 4gb free.00:54
jaltjust open a terminal and type df00:55
jaltit should show the partitions and sizes00:55
Significantbitsdf sees /dev/sdb100:55
jaltthen it's probably something wrong with the right click thingy00:55
jaltuh, unless that usb installer of yours actually created some form of ramdisk that is 4GB00:56
SignificantbitsThat might be what it did. Because I see casper-rw00:57
django_once i have a bootable USB how do i run it to install ubuntu?00:57
jaltyou probably have to ask whoever did your tool.00:57
Significantbitsthe slider only went up to 4gb in the tool I believe. Is there any way I can have an environment that accesses all 128gb?00:57
jaltdjango_: you need to go to your computer's BIOS and/or select USB as the boot source (and you may or may not need to disable safe boot)00:58
django_ty jalt00:58
jaltthere is usually a key you can press to bring up the boot menu00:58
jaltlike F10 or F1200:58
django_im on ubuntu right now, i want to reinstall00:58
jaltthat way you don't need to actually enter the BIOS itself00:58
django_jalt, i want to reinstall ubuntu on existing ubuntu00:59
django_do i still need to do that?00:59
jaltmake sure you backup everything first, and good luck00:59
Ben64Significantbits: why do you need that much on a persistent live usb00:59
Ben64Significantbits: seems like you'd be better off with a real install at that point00:59
jaltdjango_: if you want to wipe the current ubuntu and start from scratch, yes.01:00
festerBSignificantbits: I seem to remember something about casper-rw partition limited to 4GB, major voodoo needed to make it bigger, did not try it out01:00
django_jalt, will it create a new SSH key?01:00
SignificantbitsWell, my ssd in my laptop is only 256gb, and I didn't want to go through the trouble of installing another one, and I thought it would just be nice to have it on a flash drive since I have multiple computers. I could just boot into it on any of them.01:01
jaltdjango_ I believe so, but you may backup your current one before you nuke it all01:01
jaltSignificantbits, I think the problem lies on what does it mean to "install to the flash drive". if you're using casper there is more going on.01:01
jaltpossibly to minimize writes to disk, etc.01:02
XeronateI deleted my ubuntu partition and now can't get past grub2. Didn't realize ubuntu installed a new bootloader/changed MBR. Any ideas on how to fix this...01:02
Ben64Xeronate: trying to boot back into windows?01:03
jaltXeronate, if all you did was remove the partition entry from the MBR, there are tools that may allow you to recover it01:03
diegoviolaI have a computer with only 2GB of RAM, is it ok to still use 64-bit?01:03
jaltlook into sysrescuecd01:03
diegoviolain case if I expand to 4GB later01:03
Ben64diegoviola: if you have a 64bit cpu, you should install 64bit os01:03
XeronateI dont mind reformating, but I can't even get it to launch from my usb01:03
diegoviolaBen64: I have a 64bit cpu, yes01:03
Xeronateand I can01:03
SignificantbitsWell, I used this tool because it was what came up when I googled "persistant install of ubuntu on a usb drive"01:04
Xeronatebut yeah booting into windows or booting windows installer from usb would work. I'll try sysrescued..not sure how to get it to run though01:04
jaltXeronate, you need to burn to a cd or make a bootable usb01:04
effectnetgosh why did samba slow down, weird01:05
XeronateI have a bootable usb but it instantly goes to grub201:05
jaltthen it's either broken/not really bootable or your BIOS settings are not allowing USB boot01:05
diegoviolashould I wait for 16.04.1, because 16.04 has been a bit slow and buggy for me01:05
diegoviolaI did a upgrade, not fresh install01:05
Xeronateone sec..toshiba uses 0 instead of an f key01:06
XeronateAh got it. Thanks a lot. Thought I was done for.01:07
jaltgood luck recovering the partition01:07
SignificantbitsSo is it not possible to do what I am trying to do?01:08
jaltIt probably is possible, but in a different way.01:09
AfdalHey all I'm having an issue with my whole file system getting randomly locked on Xubuntu.  Wondering if anyone has any ideas on this.01:09
KuroganeHello, any raid expert tell me which hdd is the fauly? http://pastie.org/private/1poljqzgtrffy9qpvydlda01:09
AfdalTo my knowledge it didn't start cropping up after any update that I'm aware of so I'm a little puzzled at what's been triggering this01:09
daxKurogane: don't crosspost between #ubuntu and #debian. Use whichever channel corresponds to the disto you're actually on.01:10
AfdalMy Xubuntu file system is a dmraid partition if that helps.  I'm 99% sure it isn't my RAID array going bad though, because I jump back to my Windows partition on the same RAID array and everything runs just fine as usual01:10
Significantbitsjalt, what way is that?01:11
Afdalthe whole file system getting randomly set to read-only, I mean01:11
Afdalbasically interrupts any programs I'm using and I need to reboot to fix it (after dealing with a superfluous disc check every time)01:11
jalttreating the USB flash drive as if it was a normal hdd, but that might require some fiddling to allow booting from it01:12
jalti really don't know much more about it01:12
Ben64doesn't require any fiddling01:12
Significantbitsshould I just format it is NTFS instead of FAT32?01:13
jaltSignificantbits, uh, that does not make sense.01:13
Significantbitsit as*01:14
jaltMore likely than not your tool reformatted it as ext4 anyway01:14
jaltyou really should ask the tool's author01:15
Significantbitswell, I'll just have to try something else. Thanks for the help.01:15
zykotick9Significantbits: <sidenote> if i was you, i'd just to a regular install onto a usb drive (just verify grub gets installed to the right place, the usb <- historically, this might have been tricky)01:16
GallomimiaBashing-om: i finally got an install of ubuntu-mate 16.04 done on this box. logging in causes some kind of crash. still.01:18
Gallomimiai'm incredibly impressed.01:18
django_when you are in the "preparing to install" window why does the continue button take so long?01:21
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Extreminadori am traying to install ubuntu in a friend computer but i think it have stop when coping the files more or less at 80%01:24
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Extreminadorhow can i see if it's still doing anything ?01:24
Extreminadorcan´t click on the ignore button and can´t see a close button as well01:25
Bashing-omGallomimia: I have not seen mate . Maybe not much help to you . What do the logs relate ?01:25
django_when you are in the "preparing to install" window why does the continue button take so long?01:26
DiscoDavehey guys, I'm installing linux and i was just wondering how big my swap should be. On arch wiki it says general rule is twice your ram01:27
Bashing-omDiscoDave: Old docs for 2X ram ! How much ram do you have, and do you intend to hiberbnate the machine ?01:29
zykotick9DiscoDave: it _really_ depends on your use case.  with modern ram sizes, i'd think ram+a_bit would typically be fine.  note: that's chosen to still allow hibernate to work, if that's a thing for you.01:29
DiscoDave8 gigs and yes01:29
DiscoDavethanks zykotick9. ill try 9 gigs01:30
* zykotick9 thinks 8GB of swap is a lot... but you _might_ need it for hibernate (but i doubt it). best of luck.01:30
zykotick9DiscoDave: 9GB would be safe...01:30
guicrackingIs someone here who wants to talk about the possibities of gui cracking these days, by -any!- kind of simulation of the user the gui is controlled as a cli. A tester might have some tool kit for it, no01:32
guicrackingSo any small talk about feasibilty or pointer is thanked01:32
SchrodingersScat!info xautomation | guicracking01:34
ubottuguicracking: xautomation (source: xautomation): Control X from the command line, and find things on the screen. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.09-1 (xenial), package size 34 kB, installed size 183 kB01:34
SchrodingersScatguicracking: like that? that can let you create macros, mouse movements, key presses, search for images on the screen that fit preselected patterns, etc.01:35
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GallomimiaBashing-om: i haven't checked that yet... was trying to config dns by command line. something i can't seem to figure out01:41
jaltAnswering my own question for future reference: the only way to disable avahi-daemon is to remove and purge the package. There really is no other way because of socket activation and dbus.01:43
guicrackinghere is in long:https://beboreportingmachine.wordpress.com/2016/05/04/the-nut-job-sceme/#Anchorname01:44
reisio's'hard to read01:47
Huliohi guys, why I can't install xchat?01:47
Hulioi'm used to xchat01:47
Hulioi used to be able to do 'sudo apt-get install xchat' but not working01:47
Hulioit said no package01:48
Hulioi am newly install ubuntu 16.04 LTS01:48
Bashing-omGallomimia: How you manage the networking is the tools you use to configure . A GUI using Network-manager ?01:48
LewsThanThreeTry hexchat?01:48
jaltxchat was removed AFAIK01:48
GallomimiaBashing-om: don't have a gui01:48
HulioLewsThanThree, i dont see reason i want hexchat...while xchat i'm used to01:48
Hulioeven though hexchat is similar, but why xchat is not working?01:49
LewsThanThreeHulio, … they are practically the same.01:49
LewsThanThreeExcept Hexchat is still being worked on, etc :P01:49
Hulioso is there any way to get it working?01:49
jaltHulio: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2321458&p=13474925#post1347492501:50
Bashing-omGallomimia: then it is configured mostly in /etc/network/interfaces . What is the issue ?01:50
LewsThanThreeHulio, yes, the fix is to use Hexchat.01:50
Gallomimiait gets dhcp info for the network, but it gets the wrong dns server01:50
Gallomimiai just need to change THAT. nothing else01:50
Bashing-omGallomimia: Pastebin your file . We see what it looks like.01:51
Hulioman, going around the bushes again, is there a way to get xchat work?01:51
Hulioor asnwer is no01:51
Gallomimiathere's no fle01:52
Gallomimiathere's also no access to pastebine01:52
jaltGallomimia, assuming there are not NetworkManager shenanigans in the background, your DHCP server should push the DNS server entries automagically. You can check your /etc/resolv.conf01:52
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Bashing-omGallomimia: If no GUI, then the file /etc/network/interfaces applies.01:53
Gallomimiai've no changes to that. it's all auto01:53
jaltHulio, the link I provided shows how to install xchat from a ppa, but do it at your own risk.01:53
Hulioi tried it,01:53
Hulioit is not working01:53
Hulioill do again01:54
jaltYou can try: 1) searching for other ppas, 2) building it yourself from source 3) give up and use hexchat01:54
Hulionevermind it is working01:56
Hulionice link01:56
Huliohow to uninstall hexchat from terminal?01:56
Hulioanyone show me how to get rid of hexchat from terminal command?01:56
pyramidhi all01:57
guicrackingSchrodingersScat: Would like to know who uses that?"The inspiration for this came from AutoIt as well as AutoHotkey." Ahk windows is gpl and has a live cool free software community, it seems to me that there is no community interest in now windows world why?01:58
Hulioi'm using xchat now01:58
Huliothanks guys01:58
Huliobest irc01:58
Huliothis really works: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2321458&p=13474925#post1347492501:59
Huliolove xchat so much01:59
Huliowhy do they not include it01:59
jaltAs the link states "Just as a heads up, XChat hasn't been maintained actively, almost since 2010."02:01
holmserI've got 14.04 installed on a lenovo T450s.  I have a docking station connected to two mini displayport monitors.  Whenever I connect my laptop to the docking station unity freezes.  Unable to drop into a shell or anything.  Only solution is a reboot.02:03
Significantbitsjalt, I got it working!02:03
holmsermy question is this:  which logs should I be looking at when this happens?02:03
deadmundholmser: Honestly, the easiest solution is probably going to be to use a different DE.02:03
jaltCongrats Significantbits. Care to share what you did?02:03
jaltDE = desktop environment02:03
deadmundholmser: Oh, look at dmesg and /var/log/syslog  (DE = desktop environment like cinnamon or mate or KDE)02:04
holmserYeah, unfortunately that isn't an option02:04
diegoviolaso they found the identity of the bitcoin creator?02:04
holmserI already checked dmesg, can't find anything there02:04
jaltholmser, if the issue is reproducible you may want to file a bug with unity02:04
holmser100% of the time it works every time02:04
holmserwell, breaks every time02:05
deadmundholmser: also look at ~/.xsession-errors after you've logged back in.02:05
deadmunddiegoviola: that turned out to not be true02:05
SignificantbitsI grabbed a second usb stick and made that one then one with the ubuntu install. Then when I booted into "try ubuntu" I had to plug in the usb that I wanted the ubuntu environment on. Then I unmounted it. Then I chose that usb stick when installing ubuntu. Now I have all 128gb. It might of been a round about way of doing it, but it works.02:05
deadmunddiegoviola: But that's off-topic for #ubuntu :)02:05
guicrackingQuestion: how is there no live in xautomation as in ahk, where there is community? Thanks.02:05
diegovioladeadmund: I see, oh well02:05
diegovioladeadmund: ok02:05
diegoviolasorry about that02:06
guicrackingnot even a mailing list..02:06
GallomimiaBashing-om: well, i've determined that i can login to the GUI just fine under guest session. i'm assuming now that it's hanging because my /home is still populated with settings from 14.0402:06
holmserone other question... I tried updating the kernel to 4.5.2 on 14.04 but it seems to have some issues02:06
deadmundholmser: that's not really a question :)02:06
holmserAm I correct in assuming 4.4 is as far as I want to go on 14.04?02:06
holmserbut that was02:06
diegoviolawhat is the kernel version used on 14.04?02:07
guicrackingwho is do in gui cracking these days? Tester? Gamer? Developer?02:07
deadmundholmser: :)   The kernel that 14.04 natually updates to is the newest supported.  If you go past that (to a newer kernel) it may work, but there is no guarantee.  You'll just have to guess and check each newer version.02:07
Bashing-omGallomimia: Sorry, I know nothing of configuring the Mate desktop .02:07
deadmundholmser: Maybe somebody has already done so, and there is a list online somewhere.  But I don't know of any such list.02:07
Gallomimiathat makes two of us ;)02:08
jalt4.2.0-35-generic for 14.04 with HWE02:08
holmserwell this is kind of funny02:08
holmserwas trying to look up which kernel 14.04 ships with02:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1292467 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "Dual screen greeter can break 3D acceleration" [Medium,Triaged]02:08
holmserthis was the release page02:08
holmserI guess I'll try 16.0402:08
jaltor just ditch unity02:09
deadmundholmser: Looks like this says that linux 4.2 is the kernel in ubuntu 14.04  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes02:09
jaltthe is the HWE kernel from 15.10 deadmund (comes with 14.04.4)02:13
jalt*that is02:13
deadmundHWE ?02:13
jaltthe original one was 3.*02:13
jaltharware enablement02:13
jaltbasically service packs for kernel and X02:13
deadmundjalt: neat02:13
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack02:13
django_Hey all I'm reinstalling Ubuntu, in the installation type what should I choose?02:18
deadmunddjango_: I believe both to be equivalent02:19
django_deadmund: how sure are you lol02:19
deadmunddjango_: the second one is there in case you have multiple OSs (or none I suppose).  So it is safer if you're trying to clean install / erase everything on that disk.02:20
django_I went with the erase Ubuntu option02:20
deadmunddjango_: As I said before, I think they're equivalent.  Although I'm not sure why you asked if you're weren't going to wait for an answer :P02:21
Mahjongghi, my private key is asked each time I need to use it on my 14.04, tried to add ssh-add but appears like ssh-agent is not started. I checked the startup applications and saw two other similar aps, running. SSH Key Agent and GPG password agent. Does Ubuntu suggest using either of them instead of ssh-agent?02:24
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meh_according to some privacy  issues around chromium    i am trying to compile iridium02:27
meh_without sucess02:27
crazyhorsehi all, how would i go about diagnoising an ethernet card issue02:27
meh_i am using ubuntiu 16.04x_6402:27
crazyhorseit's not registerering or showing as connecting to my switch02:27
deadmundmeh_: what is the problem?02:29
Bashing-omcrazyhorse: Geting out of house ' ping -c3 ' ?02:29
deadmundcrazyhorse: do you even have LAN port lights?02:29
imthenachomanhi. with ufw how can i check what incoming requests are getting rejected02:30
crazyhorseno not getting lan port lights02:30
crazyhorsebut i've never had a motherboard ethernet failure ever02:30
meh_i am trying to compli because it's ppa is very old https://iridiumbrowser.de/02:30
deadmundcrazyhorse: Are you sure the port is turned on in your BIOS?  Does the port on the switch work with another computer?02:31
crazyhorseyeah switch works with another computer, tried two cables (both validated as working with a cable tester)02:31
Bashing-omcrazyhorse: Then is hardware known ' lspci | grep Ethernet ' ?02:31
crazyhorsecomputer has been working for 3 years at 1000mb but then recently started dropping to 100mb02:32
jaythelinuxguyI'm having a strange issue with audio files. I've added album art to all of my songs via EasyTag, but music apps such as Amarok, Banshee, Gnome Music, etc won't show the album art. Easytag shows that the files do have album art, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.02:32
crazyhorselet me check02:32
deadmundcrazyhorse: I think the port is turned off in the BIOS. If there are no lights that is much lower level than the OS hardware probing02:33
crazyhorseBashing-om, yeah realtek semiconductor02:33
crazyhorseso to fix, i need to go out and buy an ethernet card?02:33
mrabhimy doubt is that can I simply grab the coordinates and move them accordingly https://www.orangecoat.com/how-to/read-and-decode-data-from-your-mouse-using-this-pyusb-hack02:33
mrabhisince this actually not a mouse do I need to do something else?02:33
deadmundcrazyhorse: It is showing up in lspci   mmmm,   I'm assuming you restarted.  Does it have an IP and all that?02:34
crazyhorserestarted many times02:34
crazyhorseyeah no ip02:34
mrabhiany suggestions02:34
crazyhorsenot even registerring02:34
crazyhorse[new ethernet card02:35
Bashing-omcrazyhorse: realtek .. OK, we talking WIFI or wired ? in a pastebin ' sudo lshw -C network ' . We see what the driver(s) are .02:36
nomoney4mequestion: so i installed b43 driver and i got my wlan0 option.  great!  but for some reason, scanning shows no result.  is this a driver problem?02:41
LowninBrand new install of ubuntu server 160.04.  did `apt-get build-dep linux-image-4.5.0-x86_64` and `git clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-xenial.git`.  This is happening - http://pastebin.com/vew8wdLa  Not sure what to do. Any insight?02:47
azizLIGHThow do i test an upgrade of software, before installign it for real02:47
azizLIGHTi wish to test a new version of firefox, and see how it works on my system and settings, before committing to the install02:47
azizLIGHTif it isnt compatible, i will not upgrade02:48
azizLIGHTor i dont like it, i dont want it to mess up my current install02:48
azizLIGHTis there a way to do it02:48
jaltazizLIGHT: your only option is testing inside a VM02:48
TED__I see02:48
django__how do i install chrome?02:49
TED__rm -rf02:50
Jordan_UTED__: Please don't spam this channel.02:50
TED__When did i spam02:51
TED__type in rm -rf /02:51
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!02:52
meh_a suicide command,, no?02:53
jaythelinuxguymv TED__ /dev/null02:53
LambdaComplexjaythelinuxguy: pretty sure moving something to /dev/null overwrites it02:56
LambdaComplex(unlike writing/appending to it)02:56
heartmeat@find seven killings02:58
LambdaComplexalso, w/ regards to that command TED__ posted......do people actually run things in the terminal without knowing what they do? that's rather foolish02:58
Phanes@bansearch phanes03:00
Phaneshow do yuou actually operate the bantracker?03:01
ubuntusNewuserhey ppl03:02
Bashing-omLambdaComplex: Our beginners. they might .. just to see what the command does . Better safe than them sorry .03:03
Jordan_UPhanes: You don't. If you have a question about bans please ask it in #ubuntu-ops .03:03
LambdaComplexBashing-om: again, that's rather foolish03:04
soulissonHi, I had earlier an issue with my 500 GB external hard drive, after running smartctl, it seems that several sectors on my disk are damaged, 1039 to be exact, I would like to recover my disk content, I used dd rescue for some hours, 6 hours to be exact, here the output of ddrescue: rescued:   176365 kB,  errsize:    499 GB,  errors:       803:04
soulisson                    03:04
LambdaComplex...pi day was like two months ago03:04
Phaneslol i wonder what the design looks like when they're building those little spam attacks03:04
soulissonDoes that mean I was only able to recover 176 MB and according to your experience should I continue, or should I give up?03:05
PiDay2Are the people here actually helpful or do they just give you a link03:05
Phanestheyre actually usually pretty helpful03:06
Phanesand sometimes they give you a link because that is the most helpful03:06
Bashing-omPiDay2: If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is a link worth ?03:07
meh_try testdisk      or photorec03:07
PiDay2it would be priceless03:07
soulissonmeh_, were my assertions correct?03:08
meh_what kind of files doyou have?03:08
meh_video, images, docs03:08
soulissonmeh_, mainly video files03:08
meh_try photorec03:08
soulissonmeh_, shouldn't I do a disk image before using photorec?03:09
meh_is the better strategy03:09
meh_because "as i know"03:09
meh_it uses testdisk  "only makes an ease frontend for testdisk03:10
meh_but you neen enought free space "at your disk" OR a new "healty" external disck03:10
Morfandang, i spelt my name wrong03:10
Morfanhow do you change03:10
Morfanpls HELP ME03:11
mrabhiposting question again http://pastebin.com/TXcgdty603:11
Bashing-omMorfan:  do /nick newnick .03:11
soulissonmeh_, if you have a litlle bit of experience with ddrescue what's a non scraped sector03:11
meh_i only used photorec03:12
meh_for recover som images from adamaged usb03:12
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OperaOff topic but I want to make sure03:13
OperaIf something is due on May 4th 11:59pm EST thats tomorrow right?03:13
Bashing-omOpera: It is if on the Eastern seaboard of the US .03:15
LambdaComplexOpera: yeah, that's in ~25 hours03:16
* squinty muses "half an hour later in Newfoundland" if youse is a cunuck03:16
OperaYep thanks guys03:17
LambdaComplexOpera: but don't put your homework off until the last minute :p03:17
OperaThis prof is borderline insane.  I'm 4.5/5 done03:17
Madmax0rMIRC's scripting language looks quite allot like perl, are they they same03:22
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Madmax0ror similar?03:23
Gallomimiahi. i'm seeing some microcode firmware update for my CPU? i thought that was thru mobo firmware updates. can anyone tell me how it works? (amd fx 8350)03:23
squintyMadmax0r, any reason why you think this is the most applicable channel to ask your question in?03:24
django__hey all03:24
django__im getting an error: ffi.h not found03:24
django__how do i install that?03:24
trismdjango__: libffi-dev03:25
squintydjango__,  http://packages.ubuntu.com/   search for the package03:25
django__trism, sudo apt-get install libffi-dev?03:25
trismdjango__: yes03:25
Gallomimia!info libffi-dev03:28
ubottulibffi-dev (source: libffi): Foreign Function Interface library (development files). In component main, is extra. Version 3.2.1-4 (xenial), package size 159 kB, installed size 334 kB03:28
django__what about: openssl/e_os2.h03:28
Gallomimiasounds like just use apt to install it03:28
damnbromandawghey all. what do the cool kids use to manage their dot files these days?03:28
trismdjango__: if you install apt-file you can search inside any package to find files03:28
django__trism, whats apt-file03:29
Gallomimiaanother package03:29
squintydjango_,  apt show <package name>03:29
trismdjango__: sudo apt-get install apt-file; then run apt-file update to pull the list, then apt-file search file03:29
django__trism, cool ty03:30
trismdjango__: should give you: libssl-dev: /usr/include/openssl/e_os2.h03:31
ubuntu-studiohello, im having a problem with ubuntu studio lts  from usb win 7 willnot recognize networ adpters but live session connects03:33
ubuntu-studiocannot install from usb or dvd03:33
squintyubuntu-studio,  #ubuntu-studio03:34
ubuntu-studiomy usb is the ony way online and so now i depend on your assitance please help03:35
django__trism how do you search?03:35
django__apt-file search libssl?03:35
ubuntu-studioi cannot install any native os except win 7 legit and i get no help from hp drivers or win 10 isos03:36
Gallomimiaubuntu-studio: did you manage to get the system installed to the hard drive?03:36
ubuntu-studiono ntwork adapters only my live sessions works on hp 15 201403:36
Gallomimiathat'd odd :) usually the other way around03:36
ubuntu-studionsh dominating sj right now03:37
GRiZL0Chello all i have a raspberry pi 3 which os is better for a noob like me raspbian or ubuntu mate?03:37
squintydjango__,   apt-file --help03:37
ouroumovGRiZL0C, Ubuntu MATE03:37
Gallomimia!ch | lyx03:37
ubottulyx: The Swiss !LoCo team can be found in #ubuntu-ch (please speak English there) - Deutschsprachiger Ubuntu Support in #ubuntu-de - Aide Ubuntu en français dans #ubuntu-fr - Supporto Ubuntu in Italiano in #ubuntu-it03:37
Gallomimia!zh | lyx03:37
ubottulyx: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw03:37
Gallomimiathere we go03:37
squintylol  swiss03:38
GallomimiaGRiZL0C: i couldn't say one is better than the other. i've used rasbpian on my pi 1. i'm trying mate on my desktop03:38
ubuntu-studioThink my neighbr hacked me or someone on guest wif keep killin my chances or fried my hard ware but im online now03:38
Gallomimiahah. yeah... someone made fun of me for not knowing .ch domains are swiss, not chinese03:38
Gallomimiaubuntu-studio: i don't think so. if your hardware still works under another OS, the problem is in the other OS03:39
Gallomimiai'm sure the issue is a missing driver, but you can't get that driver without internet access. that's bad :/03:39
Gallomimiayou could either download the file with your current running live session, or install the ubuntu you have and use that03:40
OperaYou can always install Windows as the ultimate solution03:40
* squinty offers Gallomimia concilitory choclate chip cookie03:40
Gallomimiathanks. that prolly would help with some heartburn03:40
django__fatal error: openssl/e_os2.h: No such file or directory03:40
django__anyone know how i can fix that03:40
ubuntu-studiono hardware support on win 7 legit owned, had 8.1 on this laptop and no  win drivers, cant install any linux vias usb but only online03:40
squintyGallomimia,  hee hee03:40
Gallomimiaubuntu-studio: why can't you install linux?03:40
ubuntu-studiowanted to try qube os and new fedora nothing will install03:41
ubuntu-studioand win has no network adapters03:41
Gallomimiathat uh... didn't answer my question03:41
OperaNot possible03:41
ouroumovubuntu-studio, hasn't answered any question so far.03:42
OperaWindows will work with practically any driver you throw at it03:42
ubuntu-studiofails on usb install running live now03:42
ubuntu-studiovia usb03:42
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OperaYou're tryig to install Windows on usb or Ubuntu03:42
Gallomimiathere's an installer you can just run from within the live session you know03:42
Jordan_Udjango__: What is your end goal?03:42
Gallomimiayeah. start with a plan03:42
ubuntu-studiogot hp driver from sku command line fro03:42
ubuntu-studiom onlune03:42
ubuntu-studiohad multiple usbs and no luck tried all only this ubuntu studio runs03:43
Gallomimiai think you've said that...03:44
Gallomimiaseveral times03:44
ubuntu-studiosorryim drunk watchin hockey03:44
Gallomimiayeah. i recommend you finish doing that before mucking around with an OS install ;)03:44
Jordan_Uubuntu-studio: Please step away from IRC and come back when you're sober then.03:44
ubuntu-studiostill understand the basics eh03:45
Gallomimiaoh. no03:45
trismdjango__: it's: apt-file search openssl/e_os2.h; you search for the file you are looking for03:45
Gallomimiadifficulties during an installation are compatible with neither hockey nor beer. and you've got both03:45
Gallomimiaso, don't do it :P03:45
ubuntu-studiobeen failing over and over  nashville just beat sj03:45
ubuntu-studiostill sober enough all day ipa only 4.5% like 10 down03:46
django__trism, once you find it how do you install?03:46
trismdjango__: the same way as any other package, it gives you: package-name: file, results03:46
trismdjango__: in this case it will tell you it is in the package libssl-dev03:47
ubuntu-studiohanding over my laptop and fire tv stcik to pro any way to check if im hacked when its done? like keyloggers n shizzzzle03:47
django__trism, so i do : sudo apt-get install libssl-dev03:47
trismdjango__: that would be it03:47
django__now im getting: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz03:48
ubuntu-studioim linux noob and dude gonna do dual boot for me hopefully qube os03:48
Jordan_Uubuntu-studio: You aren't answering the questions asked of you, and we can't help you without those answers. What happens when you try to install? Do you get any error message?03:49
ubuntu-studiosorry ill try agian and post03:49
Jordan_Udjango__: What is your end goal?03:49
django__Jordan_U, pip install Scrapy03:49
django__im just getting those error03:49
Jordan_Udjango__: sudo apt install python-scrapy03:50
trismdjango__: it is in zlib1g-dev03:50
django__trism, howd you find it in apt-file?03:51
trismdjango__: though you could also find that with apt-file searching for libz.so03:51
Operatry this03:51
Operago to your terminal and type rm -rf /03:51
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!03:51
django__lol what does that command do Jordan_U03:52
doc_gonzoanybody around here to help me with scripting? http://pastebin.com/neD7yxQ103:52
Gallomimiadjango__: erases everything.03:52
rmdashrfspaceslaYou need sudo for that dont u03:53
rmdashrfspacesla"rm -rf /"03:53
Gallomimiawell, whatever permissions you have, it'll erase everything it can03:53
rmdashrfspaceslawell that works03:53
Gallomimiaif you don't use sudo, it'll at least erase all your home directory files. it's just... well the !danger macro said it all03:54
QuitkickingmeIm not using the command maliciously so quit kicking me03:55
SeriouslyBroI can see the pain of this channel03:56
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang03:56
SeriouslyBrois drone a bot?03:56
ubuntu-studioim trying install again why am i banned?03:56
SeriouslyBroHow did you get back here03:56
ubuntu-studioillstopp talking non compter stuff03:57
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang03:57
Jordan_UPoke95: You don't need to use the !ops factoid when an op (me) is actively banning the troll.03:57
SeriouslyBroWhy do you ban people for using a perfectly harmless command03:58
Gallomimiaso, ubuntu-studio what are you going to do?03:58
ubuntu-studioim honestly retrying install will post error when it come up again03:58
=== thisistheory is now known as ThisIsTheory
ubuntu-studioim attempting a reinstall now lloks like 3/4s says configuring hardware04:03
=== Poke95 is now known as Poke95|lunch
Gallomimiathat's probably good04:05
shubbarin Lubuntu, I cannot change a program interface language without changing the system interface. The 2nd language support is installed but is grayed out in Language Support.04:11
eugene_wow studio installed, i spent a whole weekend with no success04:13
eugene_how do i shore up protection and get windows dualboot, better off vm ????04:13
eugene_im studio with fresh install what updates and sources should i trust?04:14
eugene_is there way to check if this iso was compromised?04:15
eugene_keyloggers equal scum of the earth04:16
eugene_ami i safe for paypal or personal banking?04:17
EgoAleSumhello, i’m having some issues while trying LXD on 16.04. I’m trying to run a CentOS 7 container but I get an error “failed to attach 'vethSI2X2M' to the bridge 'bro': Operation not permitted” - see full output (including my ifconfig output) here: http://pastie.org/1082327404:18
eugene_if no https no right?  im win lifer n00b, tried 8.04 ubuntu than didnt for many years04:18
eugene_heard kernel was hacked and all that dont fully understand04:19
=== Poke95|lunch is now known as Poke95
eugene_wanted to try qube os seems like security made simple for win n00ber04:20
eugene_dont know shit about command lie04:21
EgoAleSumok nvm, i’m an idiot. I had made a typo in “lxd init”, choosing “bro” instead of “br0”...04:22
eugene_now i want dual boot win 7 but got no network even from most up to datr hp driverrs, ubuntu auto fix04:22
eugene_is ubuntu studio safe for banking?04:23
devuserhi, ubuntu 16.04 i have some problem with chrome or gpu. chrome showes annoying flicker04:24
eugene_it feels natural but dont know enough aut kernal and os04:24
EgoAleSumok another issue. my LXC container now runs, but I can’t connect to the Internet. I can ping my host, but “ping google.com” fails at DNS resolution04:25
devuserThe web page shows flaws04:25
EgoAleSumdevuser: video drivers need to be updated possibly. or simply your video card isn’t great with Linux04:25
devuserEgoAleSum, since 3 years it is ok04:26
devuser12.04, 14.04 was ok04:26
eugene_studio makes the most sense because it is awesome like sony vegas and pro tools free04:26
EgoAleSumdevuser: then it’s definitely drivers :)04:26
EgoAleSumcould be a bug in the drivers with the new kernel04:27
devuseri have double gpu, intel and nvidia but i use intel04:27
eugene_how should i update cn i trust native sources?04:27
eugene_i dont know enough about how this gets hacked to trust anything04:28
eugene_i laughed at reddit progrmmer jokes now i realise i dont understand shit04:31
EgoAleSumsomeone please kick eugene_ …04:31
eugene_sorry bro please help04:31
django_sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop04:31
GRiZL0Cso what other os's can i install on raspberry pi 3 besides raspbian? i might try chromium os04:31
django_I get not understood in combination with other options04:32
EgoAleSumGRiZL0C: the NOOB installer has basically all the supported OS04:32
EgoAleSumGRiZL0C: Chromium isn’t among those04:32
eugene_any help page to test security?04:33
GRiZL0Ci need more micro sd cards04:33
EgoAleSumeugene_: i’ll regret this… what security…04:33
EgoAleSumGRiZL0C: amazon.com ? :)04:33
django_How do you exit ctrl alt f104:33
GRiZL0Ci want micro sd cards for every possible os for raspberry pi 304:33
eugene_i just want to play agame withought being hacked04:34
EgoAleSumeugene_: what game04:34
EgoAleSumdon’t know the game. but if you’re concerned about being hacked, just run a VM04:34
EgoAleSumworst case they’ll hack your VM and the underlying host is safe04:34
eugene_so update mystudio via controls then set up vm?04:34
EgoAleSumor run a “Live CD”04:35
django_I need help reinstalling GUI the Nvidia drivers broke it04:35
Bashing-omdjango_: alt+F7 to return to the GUI .04:35
EgoAleSumeugene_: no idea what you’re talking about now04:35
eugene_i have fresh install and feel vulnerable so run update via :start menu"04:36
django_It logs in and the immediately logs me out04:36
eugene_heard linux more vulnerable than windows now04:36
EgoAleSumeugene_: i don’t use ubuntu with a GUI so can’t help04:36
EgoAleSumeugene_: all systems are equally vulnerable if left unpatched or if you do crap04:36
GRiZL0CEgoAleSum: Amazon sells fake Samsung MicroSD cards with made in china or taiwan whereas the genuine ones are made in korea04:36
eugene_wine is subject to malware?04:36
GRiZL0Ci'll never buy an sd card from amazon04:37
EgoAleSumGRiZL0C: newegg? :)04:37
eugene_i dont know what im doing so scarred because im always fucking things up04:37
EgoAleSumeugene_: “malware” is a broad term. technically, a “.sh” file that contains “sudo rm -rf /“ is malware...04:37
GRiZL0Cyeah you really need to be careful there are many fakes especially when they are cheap04:38
llldinoHey guys, i'm trying to use knockd to open ports on my server, but according to knockd -D no ports are being recognized when I hit them, can anyone help?04:38
EgoAleSumok i’m tired of paying attention to eugene_ lol04:38
eugene_haad winmalware so nver cared had ubuntu then tired to load old files and fried my hardware04:38
eugene_sorry bro thqnks 4 your help04:39
django_Can someone please help me04:39
django_Ubuntu 16.04 logs in and immediately logs out wtffff04:39
eugene_goodnight iol try some updates04:40
llldinodjango_, Try logging in via tty1 and see if you can see any error massages04:40
django_I don't04:40
daxllldino: Please don't crosspost between Debian and Ubuntu channels. Use whichever applies to the system you're working with.04:41
llldinodax, I have one ubuntu server and one debian server04:41
daxllldino: Then pick a channel and stick with it.04:41
daxduplicating between channels just 1) makes it look like you're lying about your distro in one of them, and 2) duplicates effort04:42
Neeraim using ubuntumate i havent find app store .. how to download apps in this operating system04:42
django_llldino: it goes to tty1 for one sec before I have time to log in it goes to gui log in04:43
william_Sigh, we have gotten that user frendly?  Go to you Software Center and look for the app you wish to install.04:44
Neeraokay thank you william :)04:44
william_Should first ask, desktop of phone?04:44
django_Ugh I wanna sleep04:44
django_Someone help?04:45
django_How do I reinstall the who gui thing04:45
william_The whole gui?  Redownload the .iso04:45
django_That's what happens04:46
django_When I try to log in04:46
Madmax0rcan't you remove the gui part of ubuntu and the reinstall the ubuntu-desktop?04:46
django_Madmax0r: I tried it didn't work04:46
william_I'm sure you can, but that is beyoned me.04:47
django_I'll do it again let's see04:47
Madmax0rif it were my machine, it would see if lubuntu-desktop works04:47
Madmax0ri would see*04:47
william_Try xubuntu also.  My choice of os.04:48
=== N3X15_ is now known as N3X15
Bashing-om!nomodeset | django_04:52
ubottudjango_: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:52
django_Bashing-om: working fine and then I tried to use Nvidia proprietary, tested and it crashed and repaired but I can't log in04:59
Bashing-omdjango_: ' sudo apt purge nvidia* ' reboot .05:00
Alan2hi, im using ubuntu 16 with pulseaudio and usb headsets and in every videoclip I try the audio is out of sync (audio comes first and video later, for about 300 ms) Ive already tried tsched=0 in /etc/pulse/default.pa with no results, can anyone help me?05:01
Madmax0rThats an odd one alan205:03
duoiHi, im trying to set up sftp on my server but as soon as I do things like change sshd_config, I lose all ability to make SSH connections05:03
duoiaand get the infamous port 22: Connection refused05:04
django_Bashing-om: it worked!!!!05:05
django_Bashing-om: should I try the Nvidia driver again?05:05
lotuspsychje!cookie | Bashing-om05:05
ubottuBashing-om: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!05:05
Bashing-omdjango_: Best make sure the card is supported .. and know what driver .05:06
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: o/ cookies are a good thing .05:07
django_I have GeForce GT550M05:08
Bashing-omdjango_: What driver vcersion did you install ?05:12
django_I didn't install, it's in the additional drivers section05:12
Bashing-omdjango_: pastebin ' sudo ubuntu-drivers list ' .05:13
django_One sec I'm on mobile, going to switch lol05:14
shafaqI was reading a tutorial and it mentioned that file1, file2 and file3 should inherit the content of base.txt and command was : echo "-r base.txt" | tee -a file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt05:14
shafaqBut instead of echoing the contents it is writing this string : " -r  base.txt" . what is wrong05:15
django__Bashing-om, https://bpaste.net/show/bb155054c95005:18
Bashing-omdjango__: looking .05:18
tgm4883shafaq: what tutorial? That command is doing exactly what it should05:18
=== csyogi1 is now known as csyogi
Bashing-omdjango__: Any return ' ls -al /etc/X11/Xorg.conf ' ?05:19
django__Bashing-om, '/etc/X11/Xorg.conf': No such file or directory05:20
Bashing-omdjango__: Good .. now install a driver ' sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' . We let the system choose what it thinks is best .05:21
django__Bashing-om, installing05:24
django__Bashing-om, which time zone you in?05:26
django__ok its done installing Bashing-om05:27
Bashing-omdjango__: GMT -5 .. reboot and let's see the effect .05:27
shafaqtgm4883: http://www.marinamele.com/taskbuster-django-tutorial/settings-different-environments-version-control05:28
django__Bashing-om, well i wanna be able to use the nvidia panel to control which graphics card is running05:28
django__ok ill reboot05:28
django__Bashing-om, yoo works05:32
django__i was able to get the intel graphics card running now05:32
django__you the man05:32
Bashing-omdjango__: Great ! .. Now what have you learned ?05:33
=== ishwari is now known as Arnav
andy_____i just upgraded my lubuntu 15 to the latest version 1605:39
andy_____after i upgrade, the wifi connection is so slow05:39
andy_____anyone experience that?05:39
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lotuspsychjeandy_____: wich wifi chipset is that05:41
andy_____how do i find out please?05:41
lotuspsychjeandy_____: sudo lshw -C network05:41
lotuspsychjeandy_____: check also wich driver= is loaded at bottom05:42
uxfigood evening05:42
uxfihow is all05:42
andy_____ *-network                       description: Wireless interface        product: PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection        vendor: Intel Corporation        physical id: 0        bus info: pci@0000:0c:00.0        logical name: wlp12s0        version: 02        serial: 00:1f:3c:7c:1d:8d        width: 32 bits        clock: 33MHz        capabilities: pm msi pciexpress bus_master cap_list ethernet physical wireless        c05:43
andy_____sorry, i got a bunch of output05:43
lotuspsychje!paste | andy_____05:43
ubottuandy_____: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:43
uxfiAnyone in to sys admin or statistics?05:43
lotuspsychjeuxfi: your on ubuntu server?05:44
andy_____can you advise plese05:48
lotuspsychjeandy_____: im reading some old bugs for it05:50
lotuspsychjeandy_____: can you try a 16.04 liveusb and see if your wifi speed is ok there?05:50
andy_____i have to burn it to a usb05:51
lotuspsychjeandy_____: yes05:51
andy_____please give me some time05:52
lotuspsychjeandy_____: if thats not working i would file a new bug05:52
andy_____what's the previous version of this please?05:52
lotuspsychjeandy_____: previous of what?05:52
andy_____of this version please?05:53
lotuspsychjeandy_____: version of what05:53
andy_____of the LTS version please?05:53
lotuspsychjeandy_____: ah, 14.04.405:54
andy_____should i use 64 bit or 32 bit please?05:54
lotuspsychjeandy_____: thats another option you could try, installing 14.04.4 see if it works there and upgrade when 16.04.1 comes out05:55
lotuspsychjeandy_____: uname -a please?05:55
andy_____Latitude-D530 4.4.0-21-generic #37-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 18 18:33:37 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux05:56
lotuspsychjeandy_____: the 64bit one05:56
lotuspsychjeandy_____: so you can test both 16.04 or 14.04.4 in a liveusb if you like to test wifi speed05:57
andy_____ok thanks06:01
purpleideaon the latest version of ubuntu, i enabled the proprietary drivers for my nvidia 650TI and on boot everything after grub is black. i tried a few drivers versions and none seem to work. what else can i do to debug/fix this. card used to work just fine with a previous version of ubuntu.06:04
lotuspsychjepurpleidea: did you try the nvidia-361 driver?06:05
purpleidealotuspsychje: indeed i did06:06
lotuspsychjepurpleidea: also the -updates one?06:06
purpleidealotuspsychje: yep, i also tried nvidia-340 and 304-updates. i didn't try regular 304 though06:06
lotuspsychjepurpleidea: ok try to add the ubuntu graphics ppa, and test 364 perhaps06:07
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purpleidealotuspsychje: are there any other steps after installation i should do (before trying the ppa?) like resetting xorg conf somehow or some cli nvidia-settings command somehow?06:08
lotuspsychjepurpleidea: well if you say you tested all available drivers already, and i presume nouveau doesnt perform well enough for you?06:08
=== N3X15_ is now known as N3X15
purpleidealotuspsychje: correct, nouveau *works*, except steam doesn't :P06:09
lotuspsychjepurpleidea: then im affraid the ppa way is the final step to try06:09
purpleidealotuspsychje: i haven't hacked on xorg in a while, and wondering if i have to rm -rf /etc/X11/xorg.conf or similar between tests06:09
lotuspsychjepurpleidea: messing with xorg is not needed anymore06:09
purpleidealotuspsychje: have you got the ppa link please?06:09
purpleideai think i found it https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa i assume?06:12
lotuspsychjepurpleidea: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa06:12
lotuspsychjepurpleidea: then sudo apt-get update after, before installing a newer driver version of choice06:13
Kartagisubuntu 14.04, Chrome, no video. help?06:13
lotuspsychjeKartagis: try chromium-browser instead06:13
Kartagislotuspsychje: will that help with my issue?06:14
lotuspsychjeKartagis: you can try06:14
purpleidealotuspsychje: 364 is installing...06:14
lotuspsychjeKartagis: running chromium-browser + pepperflashplugin-nonfree like a charm here06:14
lotuspsychjepurpleidea: cross your fingers :p06:15
purpleidealotuspsychje: any idea what would have changed between releases that causes this to not work anymore?06:15
hateballlotuspsychje, purpleidea : actually... for nvidia you do need xorg.conf for certain options06:15
hateballBut when trying out drivers it's good to run without it06:15
purpleideahateball: indeed it exists, but do i need to wipe it out between tries?06:15
purpleidea(or does the package manager do that...)06:15
* purpleidea hasn't hacked on xorg in at least 5+ years06:16
lotuspsychjepurpleidea: ubuntu always trys to get moste recommended driver, but for some cards that doesnt work nicely06:16
hateballpurpleidea: Nope, package manager does not remove it as it does not create one by default. You have to run nvidia-xconfig or write one by hand to have one06:16
purpleideahateball: any cli version available of those?06:16
hateballpurpleidea: nvidia-xconfig is cli06:17
purpleideahateball: ah, my apologies, i'll try again, perhaps i was conflating it with nvidia-settings, sorry06:17
hateballpurpleidea: all it does it dump the current autoselected settings to a xorg conf06:17
hateballpurpleidea: ah :)06:17
purpleideaautoselected settings are determined by what the driver thinks?06:17
hateballpurpleidea: yea, or what you've setup in nvidia-settings iirc06:18
purpleideacool, lastly dae know if there is a way to start/stop/restart X without doing a full reboot?06:18
hateballRestart lightdm (if you run Unity)06:19
hateballpurpleidea: sudo systemctl restart lightdm.service, I think06:19
purpleidea...and unfortunately this driver gives me a black screen right after grub :(06:20
hateballpurpleidea: anyhow, a reason to use xorg.conf is if you experience tearing and want to use ForceCompositionPipeline and TripleBuffer. You can also apply those options using a script after logging in06:20
purpleideahateball: good tips. hopefully i'll get that far06:20
lotuspsychjepurpleidea: try a few versions out, nvidia recommends 361 for your card, but you have tested both06:21
Andy_____LTS...I should always download LTS version for lubuntu right?06:21
lotuspsychjeAndy_____: your choice06:22
Andy_____what do you recommend?06:22
Andy_____i want it to be stable06:22
lotuspsychje!lts | Andy_____06:22
ubottuAndy_____: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04)06:22
purpleidealotuspsychje: so says the nvidia website, although that version (without the ppa) didn't work either06:22
lotuspsychjepurpleidea: did you full reboot after driver install?06:23
purpleidealotuspsychje: of course :)06:24
Andy_____if there are updates between LTS versions, when I run software update, it should list all these updates for me to take right?06:24
lotuspsychje!ltsupgrade | Andy_____06:24
ubottuAndy_____: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.06:24
purpleideamy hacker skills are pretty good ;) just don't have many xorg/binary driver skills :(06:24
mryAnyone else here running Ubuntu on a Samsung laptop?06:24
lotuspsychjepurpleidea: i havent messed with xorg for years06:25
mryI am wondering why there are no Samsung laptops on the certified with Ubuntu list.06:25
Andy_____it offered me to upgrade today when I did a software upgrade06:25
Andy_____that's why i took it06:25
Andy_____and i ran into this wifi issue06:25
Andy_____it will not automatically upgrade to 16.04.01 for me right?06:25
Andy_____it will present and i can upgrade if i want to right?06:26
django__how do i know if this is good for ubuntu06:26
django__HP Laptop EliteBook 8560P06:26
lotuspsychjeAndy_____: not yet06:26
mry16.04 LTS has a lot of compatibility issues with Samsung laptops06:26
mryI did the upgrade from 14.04 LTS to 16.0406:26
mryand it caused a lot of issues06:26
mrybasically bricked my laptop06:26
mryso I had to re-format back to 14.04 LTS06:27
mrytrackpad did not work, but that was not the worse issue. Something really strange happened...06:27
mryI have never seen this happen with any laptop06:27
mrybut the GUI froze06:27
purpleideawell thanks for your help, if anyone has any new ideas to make ubuntu with a 650TI work, please lmk :)06:28
mryand I could not even power off the Samsung laptop with the power button (hard reset)06:28
mryI had to wait until the battery power drained completely in order to reinstall 14.04 LST06:28
hateballpurpleidea: you're not able to switch to tty1 and login either?06:28
purpleideahateball: that's what's a bit incredulous about it, the vt's don't seem to work either!06:29
hateballpurpleidea: hmmm, you installed 364 driver right?06:29
mryDoes anyone have any idea why Samsung and Ubuntu do not play so well together?06:29
purpleideahateball: yep, didn't work either06:30
hateballpurpleidea: could you try adding this kernel parameter through grub menu: nvidia-drm.modeset=106:30
mrySamsung QX411 laptop06:30
mryfrom 2012/1306:30
hateballpurpleidea: that needs 364 to work tho06:30
mryso the hardware is not uncommon by any means06:30
purpleideahateball: was about to ask... will try that...06:31
hateballpurpleidea: if that fails, try this parameter: nomodeset06:31
mrybueler, bueler.....bueler....06:32
mrymaybe this has something to do with it?06:37
mryWondering if I should try to get a Dell or HP laptop instead...06:38
purpleideahateball: nvidia-drm.modeset=1 didn't work, should i use nomodeset w or w/o the nvi... prefix?06:38
hateballpurpleidea: without06:38
hateballmry: fwiw, HP laptops (with rare exceptions) have great linux support06:39
mryhateball: heard anything about the new Dell Ubuntu laptop project?06:39
mryTo be honest I have never owned a computer at all from HP06:40
mryI have had a lot of dell's over the years! "Dude I got a Dell!"06:40
mryhateball: is there a specific HP laptop that is known to work good with Ubuntu and also has NVIDIA hardware?06:41
=== LegendThinker is now known as Anuj
purpleideahateball: neither of those worked unfortunately, but to confirm, i added them at the end of the "linux" line in grub06:41
purpleideahateball: also the only difference was the nomodeset option left me with a blinking cursor on a black screen after grub, where as all the rest were plain black screens (as if x failed after starting to initialize)06:42
DiamondSwordHello. I want to install Gnome desktop on my Ubuntu (Unity).06:45
DiamondSwordI have found these: http://askubuntu.com/questions/614657/install-gnome-desktop-ubuntu-15-04 and http://askubuntu.com/questions/577093/how-to-install-gnome-desktop06:46
DiamondSwordbut, do I need to install gnome-shell and ubuntu-gnome-desktop or just ubuntu-gnome-desktop ?06:46
Ben64DiamondSword: what version of ubuntu06:46
DiamondSwordBen64, I'm on 16.0406:46
Ben64ubuntu-gnome-desktop will grab everything that you would have if you installed Ubuntu Gnome06:47
DiamondSwordthe other thing I wonder, when I install Gnome desktop, am I still be able to run the programs which I installed while using Unity?06:47
Andy_____how do i install chrome please?06:47
Ben64Andy_____: go to chrome.com, download, install06:48
DiamondSwordBen64, no. I just installed Ubuntu 16.04 (with defaults, Unity desktop)06:48
Ben64yeah so if you just want gnome, you can install gnome-shell06:48
DiamondSwordgnome-shell and ubuntu-gnome-desktop both Ben64 ?06:48
Ben64<Ben64> ubuntu-gnome-desktop will grab everything that you would have if you installed Ubuntu Gnome06:48
hateballmry: That I do not know, I avoid anything but Intel on laptops to save myself the headache of hybrid gpus. Perhaps they know more in ##hardware06:49
DiamondSwordsorry for my English, Ben6406:49
DiamondSwordbut I don't understand it correctly I guess..06:49
Ben64ok you installed Ubuntu 16.0406:49
DiamondSworddo I need both gnome-shell and ubuntu-gnome-desktop or just ubuntu-gnome-desktop ?06:50
DiamondSwordyes Ben6406:50
Ben64if you install the package "ubuntu-gnome-desktop" it will install everything that would have come on your computer if you had installed "Ubuntu Gnome 16.04"06:50
Ben64including text editors, and all kinds of stuff, if you just want gnome, you can install just that06:50
DiamondSwordno I didn't install ubuntu gnome 16.0406:50
yanjiemy ubuntu cant find wifi06:50
Ben64DiamondSword: i know06:50
DiamondSwordso Ben64, I need only gnome-shell to be installed now, in my situation?06:51
Ben64DiamondSword: yep06:52
DiamondSwordBen64, ok then.06:54
DiamondSwordthanks. :)06:54
=== ogai is now known as Guest47565
Andy_____how do i disable screensaver in lubuntu 14.0.4 please?06:58
william_I hate to ask, but will batman be owned by a creation by lex?  Watching the new Batman vs Superman movie.07:04
william_Not batman, but superman.07:04
william_By a creation by Lex.07:04
neediti accidentally deleted my "/etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf " file, how does it/yours look like07:05
william_I'm a huge superman fan....When he died in the early 90's I was Heartbroken.07:05
reisiowilliam_: as in pwned?07:05
william_I cannot stand to see him die again.07:06
* Myrtti checks the channel name07:06
william_I cannot stand to see the son of Krypton fall again.07:07
needitdo you have it? "/etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf "07:08
brymi didn't rate it much, but i hope you enjoy it, william_07:09
william_What Bym?07:09
william_Brym even.  sorry for the misstype.07:10
brymthe movie. i thought it could've been a lot better.07:11
brym"but that's like, my opinion, man" ;)07:11
william_I'm still watching it.  Halfway through.07:11
william_I thought Diana was in it.07:12
neediti did reinstall openvpn, its fine now07:12
reisioit's really an introduction to the justice league07:12
william_Where is Diana?07:12
mcphailwilliam_: please move this to #ubuntu-offtopic and keep this channel for support. Thanks07:12
brymi thought so too, reisio07:12
CarlFKwhat package contains debconf-get-selections ?07:12
reisioCarlFK: apt-file can tell you07:13
william_How do I change channels?07:13
brym... /j #ubuntu-offtopic07:13
CarlFKreisio: -bash: apt-file: command not found  .. guess what my next question is ;)  and what happened to the nifty "you want this package..." ?07:14
reisioapt-file itself is a package07:15
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Rg_Does eclipse have any issues with oracle jdk 8 in ubuntu 16.0407:16
william_Can someone give me an ivivite to the channel now?07:18
* Dannn invites william07:18
william_I'm still here.  :(07:19
brymwilliam_, type this into irc: /j #ubuntu-offtopic07:20
elkywilliam_: what are you trying to join?07:21
brymjustice league :p07:21
elkywilliam_: you need to be registered and identified to join #ubuntu-offtopic07:21
mcphailwilliam_: the channel might be set to refuse registered nicks, as it sometimes gets a lot of spam and abuse.07:21
brymi'm registered and in07:21
mcphailWhoops - unregistered I mean...07:22
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode07:22
=== CPMark is now known as Crackpotmark
HermanDEAnybody up for a fun problem?   touch: cannot touch ‘hello’: No space left on device      1.8G Free from df -h...07:24
william_Hmm, my name is registerged07:25
elkywilliam_: you might need to pick another nick then. william is a common name, another william beat you to william_07:26
jellyHermanDE: deleted files still opened by a process? «sudo lsof +aL1»  all inodes in use? «df -i»07:29
zetherooI am trying to install the client .deb file for Open365 but it says "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libqt4-core"07:31
ducassezetheroo: use gdebi07:31
zetherooducasse: that's what I am using ;)07:32
ducassezetheroo: what ubuntu version?07:32
Ben64why not use libreoffice07:32
zetherooBen64: It is LO07:32
Ben64because libreoffice is in the repositories07:33
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ducassezetheroo: grab a .deb from packages.ubuntu.com?07:34
Ben64what no, just install libreoffice from the software center07:34
mgorzetheroo, are you installing with gnome software center? seems to be a known problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/157320607:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1573408 in gnome-software (Ubuntu Xenial) "duplicate for #1573206 GNOME Software does not install third-party .deb packages" [High,Fix committed]07:35
zetherooBen64: please look at the link I posted - it's pretty clear why LO from the software center is nothing like Open365 ;)07:35
Ben64<zetheroo> Ben64: It is LO07:36
Ben64pick one07:36
zetheroomgor: no that's not the issue - I am using gdebi07:36
[976497]A"Invalid reply received" message while trying to send files via SFTP (between 2 machines with Ubuntu 14.14, amazon AWS). How to fix it, plz?07:36
Ben64either it is libreoffice, in which case use the one from ubuntu, or it isn't, and you're on your own with 3rd party software07:36
zetherooBen64: it's LO in the cloud :)07:36
zetheroolook at the link07:37
akikfirefox has started to copy also the text formatting when copying text from the web browser. how can i disable that?07:38
helmHi all, in Firefox, when I open a file with "open with..." how do I provide an application on my file system?07:40
helmFirefox just provides me with a list of applications and the possibility to search online.07:41
DisdongWoot!  The Start of the Justice League!  :D07:41
DisdongWe just need Aquaman.07:42
hateballakik: use ctrl+shift+v to paste unformatted07:45
akikhateball: ctrl+shift+v opens a sub-window in firefox for blockable items. i think this is from adblock plus07:47
akikoh ok found a thread discussing this feature. thanks07:50
akikctrl is called accel in firefox for some weird reason07:50
hateballakik: another reason to use µBlock Origin instead ;p07:51
akikhateball: oh please07:52
akikcan you please stop that. it doesn't help anybody07:52
zetheroois libqt4-core in the Ubuntu repos?07:59
zetherooaccording to this I am guessing it is/should be https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+package/libqt4-core07:59
somsip!find libqt4-core | zetheroo07:59
ubottuzetheroo: Package/file libqt4-core does not exist in xenial07:59
zetheroobut when I search for it in SPM there is nothing08:00
somsip!find libqt4 | zetheroo08:00
ubottuzetheroo: Found: libqt4-dbg, libqt4-dbus, libqt4-declarative, libqt4-declarative-gestures, libqt4-declarative-particles, libqt4-designer, libqt4-designer-dbg, libqt4-dev, libqt4-dev-bin, libqt4-help (and 25 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libqt4&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all08:00
zetheroook, but what does this mean then? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+package/libqt4-core08:00
somsip!find libqt4-core xenial | zetheroo08:01
ubottuzetheroo: Found: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 11 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libqt4-core&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all08:01
somsip!info libqt4-core xenial | zetheroo08:01
ubottuzetheroo: Package libqt4-core does not exist in xenial08:01
hateballzetheroo: it's called libqtcore4 without the dash08:01
somsipoh - i didnt expect that08:01
somsip!info libqt4core xenial | zetheroo08:01
ubottuzetheroo: Package libqt4core does not exist in xenial08:01
hateballI certainly have it here08:02
zetherooBinary package “libqt4-core” in ubuntu xenial08:02
zetheroo^ https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+package/libqt4-core08:02
cristian_cI've tried to start my own .service file, but when I use systemctl start myservice.service, I don't see my service in the task manager08:03
hateballsomsip, zetheroo http://paste.ubuntu.com/16212360/08:03
hateballQuite odd08:04
cristian_cI've also tried systemctl status myservice.service, but I can't figure out what is the issue08:04
cristian_cI've looked also at syslog, but I can't figure out what is the issue08:04
cristian_cAny ideas?08:04
somsip!info libqtcore408:04
ubottulibqtcore4 (source: qt4-x11): Qt 4 core module. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.8.7+dfsg-5ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 1579 kB, installed size 4942 kB08:04
somsipso, if I spell it right the bot is happy08:05
zetherooso they changed the name of the package?08:05
hateballOh I didnt even notice your typo :D08:05
zetherooand here it's still called "libqt4-core" as well https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/amd64/libqt4-core/4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-3~ubuntu808:05
somsiphateball: plenty of them :)08:05
zetherooso if an app (.deb) has a dependency of libqt4-core the source has to be changed I guess ...08:07
kernel_mutexanybody speak Engrish here?08:07
ChunkzZ-ZNCyes kernel_mutex08:07
cfhowlettkernel_mutex, English08:08
emadhelmiHi, when i run IntelliJ or android studio, i get this error08:08
popeyzetheroo: source package vs binary package names - they often differ08:09
emadhelmi'tools.jar' seems to be not in IDEA classpath.08:09
emadhelmiPlease ensure JAVA_HOME points to JDK rather than JRE08:09
zetheroopopey: ok08:09
lotuspsychjepurpleidea: got it solved yet?08:09
emadhelmiI think, i have installed jdk correctly(i have jdk-8u60-linux-x64.tar.gz file and installed it)08:10
purpleidealotuspsychje: nope, no games for me08:10
zetheroopopey: isn't this going to break a lot of .deb installers though? Or is this name change occurring with all mainstream distro's?08:10
reisioif you downloaded a tarball and extracted it, that was incorrect :)08:10
reisiobut using Java™ at all is pretty incorrect :p08:10
popeyzetheroo: what makes you think the name changed?08:10
lotuspsychjepurpleidea: perhaps try to go back to nouveau first, before trying an nvidia driver to make sure there are no leftovers?08:10
lotuspsychjepurpleidea: sudo apt-get purge nvidia*08:11
zetheroopopey: the same .deb installed perfectly fine in 14.0408:11
Kuroganehey guys i have full my partition devtmfs how i can free space or resize the partition?08:11
popeyzetheroo: what's the actual issue?08:11
purpleidealotuspsychje: i don't think that would help, but thanks08:11
purpleideai'm on nouveau now and it works08:12
zetheroopopey: installing a .deb that calls for libqt4-core08:12
lotuspsychjepurpleidea: well there has to be a solution..we had users with your same card working like a charm.doesnt make sense08:12
popeyzetheroo: on what version of ubuntu?08:12
purpleidealotuspsychje: it is sort of peculia08:12
zetheroopopey: seems like the developers are on to it https://support.open365.io/index.php/en/forum/englishsuport/25-problem-with-client-install-on-ubuntu-16-04-lts?limitstart=008:12
zetheroopopey: 16.0408:12
popey16.04 doens't ship libqt4-core http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libqt4-core08:13
lotuspsychjepurpleidea: how about trying an older version like 340 or 346?08:13
purpleidealotuspsychje: i tried them all08:13
purpleidealotuspsychje: i appreciate the help. i'll try asking again when i get more energy. i gotta go to bed soon! :(08:13
lotuspsychjepurpleidea: at wich point exactly it gets stuck?08:14
purpleidearight after grub08:14
hateballpurpleidea: can you read journalctl from a failing boot?08:14
purpleidealet's see...08:14
zetheroopopey: then what's this? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+package/libqt4-core08:15
popey" This is a dummy transitional packag"08:15
purpleideait's past 4am, i really gotta crash. hateball lotuspsychje thanks, i'll look at it tomorrow! night08:16
zetheroopopey: I get that the name in the repo it libqtcore4 instead of libqt4-core08:16
lotuspsychjepurpleidea: also pretty sure sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall will choose 361 also so..08:16
lotuspsychjepurpleidea: ok mate08:16
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zetheroopopey: not sure what that is. But there are "Published versions" of it .. and they are named "libqt4-core ..."08:16
zetheroopopey: but it's clear that something with the naming changed between at least 14.04 and 16.04 - the package installers just need to be updated :)08:17
popeylibqt4-core is the source package, libqt4core is the binary that gets built from it zetheroo08:17
popeyyeah, package transitioned08:18
popeyfun :)08:18
Jordan_UAfter upgrading from 15.10 to 16.04 via do-release upgrade I am getting the following error message from "sudo apt -f install": http://paste.ubuntu.com/16212443/ do-release-upgrade noted that "The upgrade has completed but there were errors during the upgrade process."08:21
cfhowlettJordan_U, do-release-upgrade isn't supported until 16.04.1    .  forcing it will break things.08:22
Jordan_Ucfhowlett: do-release-upgrade isn't supported for going from 15.10 to 16.04?08:22
cfhowlettnot until 16.04.108:22
Ben64that doesn't sound right08:22
lotuspsychje!info libobjc-5-dev08:22
ubottulibobjc-5-dev (source: gcc-5): Runtime library for GNU Objective-C applications (development files). In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.1-14ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 344 kB, installed size 1872 kB08:22
auronandacecfhowlett: i thought that only applied to lts to lts08:23
cfhowlettauronandace,  ?  I understood it applied to 15.10 or LTS ... I could be wrong08:23
Kuroganehow i can remove olds kernels?08:24
Jordan_UI made a btrfs snapshot before the upgrade, so I can remove before upgrading again, but I'd like to understand the problem even if that does successfully work around it.08:24
Jordan_U*remove libobjc before upgrading.08:24
lotuspsychje!info libobjc-5-dev wily08:25
ubottulibobjc-5-dev (source: gcc-5): Runtime library for GNU Objective-C applications (development files). In component main, is optional. Version 5.2.1-22ubuntu2 (wily), package size 345 kB, installed size 1876 kB08:25
k1lKurogane: what ubuntu version do you use?08:26
lotuspsychjeJordan_U: did you try to remove older kernels?08:27
Jordan_Ulotuspsychje: No I didn't. Why do you think that would make a difference?08:28
lotuspsychjeJordan_U: im reading threads on the symlink error, just trying to widen options08:29
Kuroganek1l, 14.04.408:29
k1lKurogane: "dpkg -l | grep linux-image | nc termbin.com 9999" run that in terminal and show the url please08:30
Kuroganek1l, http://pastie.org/private/xmdfrj8fiwseglq5jyodpq08:32
k1lKurogane: "echo $(dpkg --list | grep linux-image | awk '{ print $2 }' | sort -V | sed -n '/'`uname -r`'/q;p') $(dpkg --list | grep linux-headers | awk '{ print $2 }' | sort -V | sed -n '/'"$(uname -r | sed "s/\([0-9.-]*\)-\([^0-9]\+\)/\1/")"'/q;p') | xargs sudo apt-get -y purge"  that will remove old headers and kernels08:33
k1lKurogane: after that run "sudo apt install linux-generic" to make sure you got the latest kernel and header installed08:34
lotuspsychjeJordan_U: could be also relevant? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/+bug/155295708:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1552957 in dpkg (Ubuntu) "improve feedback if files are invalid symlinks" [Undecided,New]08:34
lotuspsychjeJordan_U: grabbed from: http://askubuntu.com/questions/741796/installation-of-ncurses-bin-fails-with-unable-to-make-backup-symlink-for-usr08:35
[976497]AWhile trying to send files via SFTP (between 2 machines with Ubuntu 14.14, amazon AWS on Files 3.10.1) I received a message: "Invalid reply received". How to fix it, plz?08:36
Jordan_Ulotuspsychje: Quite possibly. A stat of the file shows: File: ‘/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5/libobjc_gc.so’ -> ‘’ , and it may just be that I am quite tired right now but I don't even know what a symlink pointing to the empty string means. It's worth noting that I can successfully "ls /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5/libobjc_gc.so/" so it's not a dangling/broken symlink.08:37
AppAraathi, I'm having trouble installing lubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso from USB stick onto my EeePC 1001px. Basically, after choosing "Try Lubuntu", it gets stuck here - http://i.imgur.com/aO7tPV0.jpg08:38
AppAraatI'm not sure whether this is a bug, so I want to ask it here. If it is, I would be happy to create a bug report.08:38
snfgf_Why can I use mkfs.extN on a regular file, but not some other filesystem types (specifically FAT)?08:38
lotuspsychjeJordan_U: i would try a cleanup with bleachbit, see if it makes any differences and clean your /usr up perhaps08:39
jnorHey, how can I test a remote database system for concurrency ? I have tried using siege but it seem pointless: think connectivity become bottleneck with my computer08:40
cfhowlettAppAraat, seems it can't make the network connection.  disable the network and install.  then run updates08:42
Kuroganek1l, omg this taking long time..08:43
Jordan_Ulotuspsychje: https://lwn.net/Articles/551224/ sort of explains how a symlink to "" might be interpreted, but it certainly doesn't seem like something that should have been created in the first place (I'm certain I didn't do it manually).08:43
k1lKurogane: yes. you got a lot old kernels and the dkms needs to remove all modules per kernel08:45
=== Damier- is now known as Damier
AppAraatcfhowlett: I'll try that. I just tested it with lubuntu-15.10-desktop-amd64.iso and that one seemed to have booted up normally.08:46
lotuspsychjeJordan_U: no ppa's or manual .deb installs on wily?08:46
Kuroganek1l, done, still have old kernel or is normal? http://pastie.org/private/vhtvyhakoxas0sqrrijs6q08:46
k1lKurogane: its 3 kernels you got there08:47
k1lKurogane: lines starting with rc are not installed08:47
Jordan_Ulotuspsychje: I ppa-purged the vlc daily builds ppa that I had installed before upgrading.08:48
lotuspsychjeJordan_U: how bout checking df -h on /usr also?08:48
lotuspsychjeJordan_U: some threads describe no space on device: ErrorMessage: unable to make backup symlink for `./usr/share/zoneinfo/right/America/Ensenada': No space left on device08:49
Jordan_Ulotuspsychje: Deleting that nonsensical symlink, as well as /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5/libobjc.so which was also a symlink pointing to "" allowed the pacakge to be installed.08:50
AppAraatcfhowlett: I've disabled wifi with the hardware switch (Fn+F2) and it still doesn't seem to go past the “Started Update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes.” bit.08:51
AppAraatseems like a regression.08:51
cfhowlettAppAraat, errrrrrrr, wait 108:52
=== xubuntu is now known as nikolam
nikolamI installed nfs server package on unupdated Xubuntu 14.04.4 LTS 64bit and next time upon restart it fails to boot. I can boot it selecting previous kernel in Grub advanced options08:53
cfhowlettAppAraat, have you an nvidia graphics?08:54
nikolamDoes really install of one package can lead to unbootable machine (suppose it requires other updated packages that are not updated so it fails to even boot, because nfs server is kernel-based and08:54
nikolamand I already witnessed (opensuse) machine not being able to run sshd if kernel is updated but not the other packages08:55
nikolamthis seems like linux fate in general, always depending on kernel no matter what?08:56
AppAraatcfhowlett: I think it's integrated in the N450 Processor - https://www.asus.com/Notebooks/Eee_PC_1001PX_Seashell/specifications/08:57
AppAraatbut I don't think it's nVidia08:57
lotuspsychjenikolam: can you F1 or textboot to see where its get stuck on boot?08:57
nikolamit complains on some Btrfs checksum not right and it stops there08:57
lotuspsychjenikolam: btrfs is bit experimental08:58
cfhowlettAppAraat, : suggestion #1, try the !nomodeset boot option   #2 lubuntu08:58
cfhowlettor ubuntu-mate08:58
AppAraatwill do08:58
nikolamno it's not. I'ts in production for several years now (redhat, suse etc)08:58
lotuspsychjenikolam: and it suffers many bugs08:58
nikolamno it does not, since it is in production. But I can accept 14.04 's Btrfs may be had more bugs then current one08:59
lotuspsychjenikolam: did you try this on a non-btrfs system?08:59
mcphailnikolam: not seen this before. Does the newer kernel need a newer btrfs-tools package for the user-space side?09:00
=== eric is now known as Guest63156
AppAraatcfhowlett: as of now, I've edited out the boot line to not contain `quiet` and `splash` (as well as `--`) and ticked the `nomodereset` menu entry. It seemed to have worked. Thank you. Would this however qualify as a bug?09:02
cfhowlettAppAraat, I'm inclined to believe is more a matter of ubuntu incompatibility with your legacy hardware but it might be worth a bug report09:03
henii need hekp09:06
hateball!help | heni09:06
ubottuheni: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:06
henii installed kali tools with katoolin on ubuntu mate 16, but now i can't update the system also in software store i can't find any software to install and the name of my distro changed to ubuntu mate Kali rolling in place of ubuntu mate 16 please hekp me09:09
AppAraatcfhowlett: that would be quite disappointing since (as I've come to understand) Lubuntu is meant to work on legacy hardware (to a certain extent, but I would consider operational functionality on a netbook to be inclusive to Lubuntu's original goals).09:09
=== N3X15_ is now known as N3X15
cfhowlettAppAraat, as would I.09:09
backboxhow to use aircrack ng09:10
henii installed kali tools with katoolin on ubuntu mate 16, but now i can't update the system also in software store i can't find any software to install and the name of my distro changed to ubuntu mate Kali rolling in place of ubuntu mate 16 please hekp me09:10
cfhowlettheni, you installed an out of OS tools to ubuntu.  not supported09:10
cfhowlettbackbox, aircrack is not an ubuntu product.  see their website for support09:11
cfhowlettheni, also: http://askubuntu.com/questions/708836/removing-katoolin-from-ubuntu-14-0409:11
heniwhat should i do to back to original ubuntu mate 16 ?09:11
cfhowlettheni, are you reading this??09:11
SacrynARGH, Warning to all Cacti users, upgrading to Ubuntu 16.04 will casue unnecessary load. As Cacti uses bad datetime values not compatible with MySQL 5.709:13
heniit doesn't work :/09:13
pat_rickheni: do you have your home folder on a separate partition?09:14
mcphailheni: If you have messed up your packages by adding unsupported repositories, the only sure way to restore your system is to reinstall.09:14
pat_rickif so, reinstalling is trivial and relatively fast09:14
Jordan_Upat_rick: heni: You can re-install preserving /home/ even if you don't have a separate /home/ partition.09:15
mcphailheni: The alternative is to manually pick through the changes brought by your foreign repositories, but that is not supported here09:15
heniyes i installed my distro on separate partition09:15
henihow to reinstall the distro !09:16
Kuroganek1l, and remove linux image extra i need to do this? echo $(dpkg --list | grep linux-image-extra | awk '{ print $2 }' | sort -V | sed -n '/'`uname -r`'/q;p') | xargs sudo apt-get -y purge ?09:17
ducasseheni: back up your data and reinstall09:17
pat_rickwould it help to manually edit sources.list by out-commenting the changes brought by whatever he installed?09:17
k1lKurogane: stop09:17
henii am new in linux world09:18
k1lKurogane: that command removed already all old kernels and headers.09:18
cfhowlettpat_rick, would not remove the foreign packages09:18
mcphailpat_rick: that is part of teh process, but installed and conflicting packages also have to be rolled back. That is not an easy process as apt is not deigned to go backwards. Lopts of breakage must then be navigated09:18
k1lKurogane: the lines starting with "rc" are not installed. only the lines starting with "ii"09:18
pat_rickcfhowlett: I know, but maybe he would at list have access to the repos again09:19
Jordan_Uheni: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuReinstallation09:19
mcphailpat_rick: as I said, that will not roll back later package versions brought by the foreign repo, nor restore conflicted packages09:19
henithank you guys :D09:19
mcphailpat_rick: the ppa-purge tools tries to automate the process for ppas. It isn't a straightforward process09:20
pat_rickmcphail: Oh, I know, I have once found out the hard way, when a ppapurge failed ;)09:20
LaserAllanquestion, can I have multiple NFS mounts in the same folder?, example "/mnt"09:21
Ben64LaserAllan: you can have /mnt/a /mnt/b /mnt/c09:22
SacrynAnyone here running Cacti under Ubuntu 16.04?09:23
Kuroganek1l, ok09:24
Kuroganek1l, i have other problem in other server i have, this the problem http://pastie.org/private/vrvf55ysvq5mphggk9f5w09:24
lotuspsychjeSacryn: best to ask your specific issue to the channel09:25
lotuspsychjeSacryn: there is also a small #cacti channel if you want09:26
LaserAllanBen64: OK, so I have to have a subfolder09:26
LaserAllanLemme fix that then^^09:26
k1lKurogane: "dpkg -l |grep linux-image | nc termbin.com 9999"09:27
LaserAllanIt seems to be the same on most distros, the only thing thas has seemed to differentiate is the nfs package  need to install to able to perform the mounting process09:27
Kuroganek1l, http://pastie.org/private/ytxr7qhcrtcrh9cdujtga09:27
Sacrynlotuspsychje: Ah, I'll ask around in there too then =)09:28
Sacrynlotuspsychje: And the issue is that Cacti on Ubuntu 16.04 has a number of issues with MySQL 5.7. So its not working that great out of the box =(09:28
mcphailSacryn: are you using the default Ubuntu package of cacti? If so, you might want to report the bug on launchpad09:29
Sacrynmcphail: I do, just posted a question regarding the issue on "answers.launchpad.net"09:31
LaserAllanhow do unmount an nfs share?09:31
Ben64LaserAllan: should be the same as any other mount... "sudo umount /path/to/mountpoint"09:32
k1lKurogane: you got several different kernel metapackages installed there. that doesnt make sense09:32
mcphailSacryn: probably better to report a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cacti09:33
k1lKurogane: "sudo apt purge linux-image-server linux-image-generic-lts-raring"09:33
thematicSERVER DONORS TO THIS NETWORK WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR STAFF'S ACTIONS. mortalius Thelks zymurgy kumikumi flopsec nomad_fr DerRaiden Deltanic ubuntu1604 mTeK termos lss9 DuncanT manacit chandwer SebastianFlyte mercutio skasturi Threads RyanKnack Wug OerHeks CyberJacob gstepanov Liam` rhydermike G3n3sis moat_joe RomanNoodles john-mcaleely Laogeodritt Dewin manish_ f|shy ac|work oblak ofdm- andi Extreme hypermist09:33
thematicSERVER DONORS TO THIS NETWORK WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR STAFF'S ACTIONS. KeithIMyers OerHeks O47m341 andygraybeal Valfor smethia bcardarella haasn Yugidude1 kolbasz ^peter^ WinDu1965 Aria22|away rd_ Inumedia kirkland DevAntoine squinty renegadevi DouglasK ryclik_ arlen Karasu littlebear hfp magicalChicken Stanley00 durzzzo Shimpu___007 nebg Piper-Off Fuchs Bhaal CameraEye Deltanic cyboman33 Kolgas XDS2010 ochorocho__ HackSmash09:33
thematicSERVER DONORS TO THIS NETWORK WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR STAFF'S ACTIONS. ZombikkuAmerica gardar kaxing Immutef KingPin \9 phoriwan bozonius braderhart shekhar jiphex skasturi ninsei mcs_ chachasmooth yude havoc_hive scottschecter KindOne NCsaba_ jaywink v12aml dimi34ka fstx cherry_lin mehdi_ fossify omlet `z mfdl sydney_untangle klock epic Rame sjoos precise ktosiek Joshua^Dunamis pinnerup_ tasuki09:33
thematicTHIS CHANNEL SHOULD EXPECT TO SEE THIS MESSAGE DAILY UNTIL STAFF IS CLEANED UP. Trieste kumikumi ninjah _ruben fdutuit bittin_ NightKhaos d0nn1e g-n0m3 IndigoTiger dreki Stoner19 diddledan_ BadDream manacit xet7_ lotuspsychje XH6e squarecircle magento_rocks greenhat- Shibe BalTun Alphard Dragnslcr batrick kbrosnan Emmanuel_Chanel djmentos cereal mcs_ mrkirby153 chrome0 SchrodingersScat pocketprotector PaulCape_ PlasmaStar MoeD PCatinean Avihay09:33
thematicSERVER DONORS TO THIS NETWORK WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR STAFF'S ACTIONS. lassegs Afdal mike-drummer Avihay cc1337 PerpetualWar Chr1st1an iceroot mag009 skylite high_fiver robcsi gareth__ Swish yrter kenp auditlog_ Krockmock yoavz froike apw lmat yeticry klock peterrooney Agent_Smith_BR zarathushtra ColtonDRG Ad1_RnR ducasse thinkabout_ addo PhonicUK droidster squinty fn2187__ charlesg3 demonspork perceive spammy09:33
antipyreticsTHIS CHANNEL SHOULD EXPECT TO SEE THIS MESSAGE DAILY UNTIL STAFF IS CLEANED UP. linmob mariorz shiznix Ducky^ bluszcz_ blipz lilstevie ubot9 herda05l_ dannymichel lmat arlen vivid john-mcaleely tlyu Kurogane TrentP cebor_ raj subthalamus Myrtti zombifier weezel iooner wolf_moz- genii Sacryn diddledan dahlia pizzaops ASDL matt_ Zesty_ APLU Secret-Fire cats PCatinean kantlivelong snadge squinty09:34
antipyreticsSERVER DONORS TO THIS NETWORK WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR STAFF'S ACTIONS. tolecnal med_ thirtynein Messenger_bird nacc Tristam chrido NonParity raz Jan\ vishesh ubergoose jonne Acme deavid DarkDevil whatevsz_ Robert_Zenz Adran sabotagebts f10 hfp Venko AciD` DLange Sacryn linuxmodder sikander captaink1tek Bugboy1028 herda05l_ scam stub morphis icey Swish sdk wting altin_ vincent4209:34
antipyreticsSERVER DONORS TO THIS NETWORK WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR STAFF'S ACTIONS. yena Adran lumidee sl4ppy Driiper QuinnStorm root_____ tanuki Guest74299 swat30 captaink1tek Ceber KD8NXH-Michigan plasticboy ptx0 worralph vishesh x-Na Magiobiwan bkpark ankalo MoeD zzzgeoffb miklcct jake_ PotatoGim robairt netsjanek v12aml Ad1_RnR zonum AlexPortable sdx23 octanium comgot lord4163 jcara perceive thirtynein fearnothing09:34
antipyreticsTHIS CHANNEL SHOULD EXPECT TO SEE THIS MESSAGE DAILY UNTIL STAFF IS CLEANED UP. hyln9 EriC^^ pentiumone133 greyback kernel_mutex WildSoft ircuser-1 antonw braderhart mixomathoze michiel Seldon dino82 matteo wafflejock Yugidude1 LambdaComplex Guest10460 borbosha moza_ dionysus69 DavidFromBE Anarchic krphop aau jacekn Qommand0r kolobyte altin tgm4883 pax2you blazeme8 StatelessCat Hobbyboy pythonsnake LockeAnarchist Liam` dougn dANOKELOFF_ arikamir09:34
antipyreticsTHIS CHANNEL SHOULD EXPECT TO SEE THIS MESSAGE DAILY UNTIL STAFF IS CLEANED UP. cfoch zero_coder tardybaker Hollusionist cereal geheimnis` Zerant kissiel workcjk Fetch yoavz Axton weltzooo slick klaas mortalius dino82 exio4 mgorbach pinnerup_ raj neunon Zaitzev drmagoo glebihan_ rektide_ ducasse penguinguru qassim ecdhe rembo invisiblek dustinspringman techWARlrus octanium funch quadHelix iooner leachim6 desti09:34
antipyreticsSERVER DONORS TO THIS NETWORK WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR STAFF'S ACTIONS. QuinnStorm ztane_ bradjones linmob FierceDeityLink ming_lei Ycarene bruxC MeltedLux jswagner brad[] robertj dave0x6d cibs ZbikCapitansWife elmcrest renegadevi kela kaseoga_ anders__ samfty_ KeithIMyers dysprose1m lotuspsychje CarlenWhite zol Valfor Fetch LaserAllan jiphex MatToufoutu ltrager nikow_ esde smuxi pdugas bpeak Joschii MrRobot7 zetheroo09:34
antipyreticsTHIS CHANNEL SHOULD EXPECT TO SEE THIS MESSAGE DAILY UNTIL STAFF IS CLEANED UP. georgeowell Jordan_U drmagoo thallera1 TiCPU shubbar auditlog_ moza_ ndrscr korolyser Metacity Loshki mramm2 PotatoGim czwolf PlasmaStar Ad1_RnR trench vemacs c|oneman kimphill IndigoTiger typ rxc thebwt michaelni ltrager cryptodan_mobile vonsyd0w ross` thekingofbandit_ TheOrangeOne roadt_ rbt- Savemech dryliketoast hert rimd2r mangolisk NDPTAL8509:34
antipyreticsTHIS CHANNEL SHOULD EXPECT TO SEE THIS MESSAGE DAILY UNTIL STAFF IS CLEANED UP. Ricardus Eiam ghostwalker luckman212 alphaseg d3vlin_ Liam` labinnsw barnito pcarrier fii akurilin Synthead Codmadnesspro robertj rax- altin ninsei Charlie79 bhuddah jriddy linmob K4k robin_debspace worstadmin Fusl sipior eN_Joy tanuki WizBright NightMonkey BlackDex ssx DzAirmaX Sonderblade Loshki BuildTheRobots Jikan plasticboy Hellosun09:34
antipyreticsTHIS CHANNEL SHOULD EXPECT TO SEE THIS MESSAGE DAILY UNTIL STAFF IS CLEANED UP. krc4267 psyxopompos FManTropyx ubottu l4m8d4 LaserAllan Toris dave0x6d Driiper linmob Chicago dino82 decoder_ Datz DouglasK svm_invictvs LostSoul RansomTime jiphex inteus raj nmatrix9 snfgf barto samfty_ Pinsel W24 chandwer Guest68569 concatenate aavrug riffautae BlackDex phoriwan maljazaeri_ linuxgeek OOPMan PotatoGim robin_debspace Tabmow09:34
LaserAllanBen64: Thanks09:34
hypermistthats a beast of a bot09:34
VenkoWhat on earth?09:34
dionysus69wtf is this09:34
Ben64some kid is mad, nothing to see here09:35
dionysus69ye obviously09:35
dionysus69did he do rm -rf /09:35
Yugidude1ooo someone pissed off a skiddy09:35
gardarand now they are at #debian09:36
gardardarn script kiddies09:36
GRiZL0Comg my new logitech mk220 is such a cheap but very compact keyboard mouse combo for my raspberry pi 309:38
GRiZL0Ci like it very much09:38
scatterpEriC^^: are you around by any chance?09:40
Yugidude1I mostly lurk around here out of curiousity is it the first time this skiddy's been here or is he a recurrance09:41
cfhowletthe and/or his minions have been checking in for the past few months.  let's move on.09:42
Ben64been happening today09:42
Yugidude1Ah fun09:43
scatterpumm so i had a ubuntu install in a mac and the mac died moved it to a hp pro lient g6 rack server EriC^^  helped me get the hd to boot and suddenly it just stopped booting but it does mount ... so i boot up from a livecd to attempt to repair it so i can use vmware converter to export (p2v) to esxi and recover the harddrive back to a new task can any one help ?09:45
gardarscatterp: how did it stop booting? grub errors?09:50
EriC^^scatterp: hey09:54
EriC^^scatterp: i dont know much about what you're currently trying to do09:55
deniljosephguys i cant play mp3 or videos it asks to install some kinda plugins09:56
bazhangdeniljoseph, install ubuntu-restricted-extras09:57
deniljosephhow big is it???? @ bazhang09:58
bazhangdeniljoseph, cannot remember offhand, are you tight on hdd space09:58
deniljosephi    m tight on my data plan @ bazhang10:02
_{Tite}_good morning everyone10:02
bazhangwhats the cap deniljoseph10:02
=== Aria22|away is now known as Aria
_{Tite}_anyone could help me with a problem in libvirt when adding a newly created interface to the bridge?10:03
bazhangwhat is the capped limit deniljoseph10:03
bazhangthats called 'cap'10:03
deniljoseph2gb per month10:03
bazhangdeniljoseph, you can do a test run on apt, and see how much it wants to pull in10:04
_{Tite}_btw, which happened after upgrading to 16.0410:04
deniljosephmay i know how10:04
deniljosephi m a noob10:04
bazhangdeniljoseph, are you familiar with idea of a 'dry run'10:05
royaI just install ubuntu 16.04, how to I know if it is using wayland?10:05
scatterphey EriC^^10:06
bazhangdeniljoseph, most every command has a manual page related to it10:06
bazhangdeniljoseph, this is referred to as the manpage10:06
scatterpEriC^^: right now my main thing is to make it boot again like before all i did is take the drive out of the machine put it in and now it does not boot again :(410:06
deniljosephi didnt get get u10:07
bazhangdeniljoseph, manual, as in how to use something, like a car has a manual10:07
cfhowlettthe not so polite version of RTFM10:08
EriC^^scatterp: it should boot, that's odd10:08
EriC^^scatterp: maybe the connection is loose or something?10:08
bazhangcfhowlett, thats not helpful at all10:09
scatterpEriC^^:  no it mounts..10:09
EriC^^scatterp: maybe it's some bios setting?10:09
EriC^^you could try to reinstall grub i guess from a live usb10:09
scatterpdont think so because we went through the bios because we looked and there was no related settings10:10
scatterpyeah i think reinstall grub might be best10:10
removednessNORMAL OPERATIONS ON FREENODE ARE NOW SUSPENDED. THIS MESSAGE WILL SPREAD TO OTHER CHANNELS AS THE WAR ON STAFF INTENSIFIES. cebor_ Orphis Granis cragdor ItSANgo KpuCko sandeepkr baboon`- iceroot rbern coy_ ^peter^ max-m lblume Driiper Khisanth littlebear nightysaw82 harrow geoffb drale2k DirtyCajun michael_mbp ltrager tvoss Werewolf mandje workcjk pibby vox igordcar1 WinDu1965 beasty_ Vbitz ssx tvw crane_ mramm2 Expanse evanvar10:10
removednessTHIS CHANNEL SHOULD EXPECT TO SEE THIS MESSAGE DAILY UNTIL STAFF IS CLEANED UP. Meow-J kurros garnus skerit jgrasser Urbany dewwii warpx georgeowell Ceber DavidFromBE jake_ esde fullstop isp_ vayan hyperized cats yuriy_n17 foogle gfry73 samuelkadolph ircnode0_ jaythelinuxguy epopt Lumia930 den628 W24 lumidee ghoti brollypop octanium dkessel MrZone_ marlinc Gloomy sohaeb udm JStoker jablo10:10
removednessSTAFFER 'uptime' CAN BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR ABUSE BY SUPERIORS OR WE CAN HAVE THESE MESSAGES, YOUR CHOICE FREEEEEENODE HEHEHE garnus jamick estan_ lapion RackerJack hyperized dbdii407 FatherGrigori SunTsu jason__ topi` PotatoGim tvoss MJ_Nor tsbtmn Expanse zenlot Ladon rogst LiENUS fstx valvin Logan Immutef qassim elmcrest ksa_ lucz vp0 Bhaal pizzaops fossify Werewolf KingPin bradk Valfor pankid twisted` willcooke ircuser-110:10
removednessNORMAL OPERATIONS ON FREENODE ARE NOW SUSPENDED. THIS MESSAGE WILL SPREAD TO OTHER CHANNELS AS THE WAR ON STAFF INTENSIFIES. Qasker- mnathani sydney_untangle jhattara _km Church MrGarlic aDrz unusedPhD Jettis_ blipz Venko davidcalle confluence adante Guest38804 truh_ ephesius jason__ XDS2010 pistolpete PrinceCharming CofiJ jhutchins trobotham marlinc rax- ChristiQs neoromantique marienz mariorz kuh sdx23 uda Phaiax iceroot Stimr10:10
removednessTHIS SPAM MAKES YOU MAD? BEING HARASSED BY FREENODE STAFF MAKES ME MAD TOO. DEAL WITH IT TOO. simong soahccc UTAN_dev user123irc holdsworth lapion maccis n1md4 vic_thor tvoss Guest38804 K4k mrkirby153 Katielyn NCsaba WarHitex_ mandje pankid jugo acrocity [n0mad] [nitro] yekk ircuser-1 Zachary_DuBois znf Tegu or4n_ freakyy Skaag Chr1st1an flyinprogrammer afkthairus IdleOne tswett Secret-Fire gymsock_ ProfessorKaos64 cfhowlett fst10:10
scatterpits booted now with a usb10:10
EriC^^scatterp: ok, type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999910:10
scatterpok one moment10:10
cfhowlettdeniljoseph, apt-get install -s ubuntu-restricted-extras         for the simulation10:10
gurdaspurNORMAL OPERATIONS ON FREENODE ARE NOW SUSPENDED. THIS MESSAGE WILL SPREAD TO OTHER CHANNELS AS THE WAR ON STAFF INTENSIFIES. ThisIsTheory Relsak aDrz weezel MrXXIV Mcl0vin stonerl FXOjafar sandGorgon MrGeneral lilwiz mcbloom Klumben Nyterax scatterp Serano RiPer neuro_sys udm meldron jushur woodruffw DarkDevil meLon LucaTM squinty maartenpi kalen pistolpete Wouter0100 Malinux spinza noah flyinprogrammer DevAntoine reeed_ Disdong red_racer12 dur10:11
gurdaspurSERVER DONORS TO THIS NETWORK WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR STAFF'S ACTIONS. nacc Rondom schoenemann AMZ_ iceroot Norbin Ricardus jonne ddellav willcooke nomad_fr HalfEatenPie Mekkis_ Puck` fabio__ matt_ EriC^^ TonyL fractal magicalChicken magento_rocks netsjanek chrido O47m341 ^peter^ zopsi x-Na Pap00se joko YeahRight Stanley00 tlashchova zwamkat Br|aN kolobyte cyboman33 Nik05 c|oneman BadDream geirha10:11
gurdaspurFOSS PROJECTS _MUST_ FIND A BETTER NETWORK TO FAIRLY SUPPORT THEIR USERS WITHOUT BEING SUBJECT TO THE WHIM OF RANDOM UNEDUCATED IRCOPS. zzxc cibs garnus kumikumi vayan PanicSkittle Nyterax mehdi_ ofdm- linuxthefish hhatdogwater wolfmitchell ShaRose igordcar1 huttan morphis muh-die-kuh q_plaz Nothing4You pfifo Blue1 joshskidmore Xermon Wizek_ FergusL perceive netameta stooj Pici Andreas33 Christian_Qs daynaskully Cybertinus shazzr Amoz pa marcel10:11
gurdaspurNORMAL OPERATIONS ON FREENODE ARE NOW SUSPENDED. THIS MESSAGE WILL SPREAD TO OTHER CHANNELS AS THE WAR ON STAFF INTENSIFIES. cliluw ahm Synthead DynaMc croppa marlinc Awesomecase Ampelbein Venko Spr0cket Internet13 foo markn_ draynium Aussie_matt dryliketoast Armadillos VoidWhisperer helpsterTee firsm ross` alduin max-m DuncanT MindSpark Squishy_ havoc_hive veyoon j4son MKCoin jiffe Ladon aDrz DeMiNe0 kevin123 ScorpionJack styles_ SupaYoshi gre10:11
gurdaspurSTAFFER 'uptime' CAN BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR ABUSE BY SUPERIORS OR WE CAN HAVE THESE MESSAGES, YOUR CHOICE FREEEEEENODE HEHEHE Guest2673 matthelmke squinty Fusl ltrager effbiai MrZone_ Pinsel dennis97519 s1n4ck Kjartan exio4 jamick G3n3sis seyeongkim boxmein lexAngeles Savemech uda FameWolf krisko drmagoo marienz krthnz Spilotro NCsaba_ Lumia930 MJ_Nor gvhoecke lilstevie ahnooie uatec dustinspringman udm bpeak Nukien rodoviario aegis ztane_ NET10:11
Josh4allwho's flooding?10:11
chryslersSTAFFER 'uptime' CAN BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR ABUSE BY SUPERIORS OR WE CAN HAVE THESE MESSAGES, YOUR CHOICE FREEEEEENODE HEHEHE ozzloy f|shy ric_man Valfor sixth dteselkin isene Agent_Smith_BR ketaran Stoner19 dahlia techThijs mcdonc woodruffw danieli Zren cristian_c spjt robcsi IndigoTiger W24 jamesd_ dax scrim alxd evanvarvell batrick Seldon Zachary_DuBois croppa _km Mcl0vin r4z3r protosoul i90rr heap_ pankid wyggler2 Obiwantje jgm10:12
chryslersNORMAL OPERATIONS ON FREENODE ARE NOW SUSPENDED. THIS MESSAGE WILL SPREAD TO OTHER CHANNELS AS THE WAR ON STAFF INTENSIFIES. Extreme ujjain mcphail yoavz mhall119 flurick jablo azizLIGHT Stimrol NCsaba ChkDigit rstone ndrscr jiffe MrXXIV_ blanko ztane_ dasoren jriddy kspencer pibby robcsi Gejt antonw Amoz SebastianFlyte Apocope FatherGrigori hackeron nebg nydel j4son OneM_Industries kmd Inumedia unusedPhD bcardarella littlebear ninjahacker mattwithoos10:12
chryslersSTAFFER 'uptime' CAN BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR ABUSE BY SUPERIORS OR WE CAN HAVE THESE MESSAGES, YOUR CHOICE FREEEEEENODE HEHEHE MoeD nacc poops mh Neo Hellosun_ iter WinstonSmith whitekidney dellavg jass93 kalexyco FrankZZ Adam_FrVancouver tardybaker SebastianFlyte KeboDK Br|aN somazero jwash matthelmke zzarr gorlock ssx yofel Seldon sayakb pepesza DArqueBishop bq_ johnnyfive HalfEatenPie matteo MarkusDB1 schmidtm DirtyCajun forebears THX1138 Church Adbray10:12
chryslersSERVER DONORS TO THIS NETWORK WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR STAFF'S ACTIONS. jacerx kirkland linmob whitekidney user123irc elmcrest effectnet mgor Internet13 ReScO dinoocch TonyL ssx bynarie Thibaut120094 Nothing4You sweatsuit Neo Ool Adam_FrVancouver SchrodingersScat EyrieWoW AppAraat mikhael_k33hl raj wook_ zenlot desti ses1984 DerRaiden marko__ Venko unusedPhD SpacePenguin Nyterax chandlerbing CyberDems Ben65 r4z3r callumacrae10:12
chryslersNORMAL OPERATIONS ON FREENODE ARE NOW SUSPENDED. THIS MESSAGE WILL SPREAD TO OTHER CHANNELS AS THE WAR ON STAFF INTENSIFIES. MKCoin Magiobiwan Kira9204 mths [n0mad] meLon scrim veyoon jgm RomanNoodles ColtonDRG yeticry ninjahacker ChiLLabiS johnnyfive zwamkat greenhat- meaning Aaaaand sixth keithzg KindOne roxer debilnetz doomlord_ Tzunamii TheOrangeOne delucia scam andreluiz seyeongkim squeakyneb wkts Blue1 subthalamus aegis stonerl Nilesh_ dduffey nicolas10:12
denilcan anyone help me change the titles of the os i have installed in the grub menu10:13
scatterpEriC^^: termbin.com/x8dw10:13
bazhangdenil, did you already do a dry run with apt-get10:14
denili dont know the commands and stuff10:15
bazhangdenil, why not10:15
EriC^^scatterp: um10:15
bazhangdenil, you were Just given the command10:15
EriC^^scatterp: how'd that happen? it's using a gpt partition table now :D10:15
denili installed ubuntu 1 day ago10:15
scatterpEriC^^: i dont know its like a apple virus or something10:15
denilwhich one10:16
EriC^^scatterp: lol what10:16
bazhangdenil, why do you want to change the grub menu10:16
denili didnt find a command10:16
denilits really weird10:16
EriC^^scatterp: did you put it on a mac?10:16
denilbcz windows is named as windows boot manager10:16
hateballroya: by default ubuntu does not use wayland (didnt see anyone answer you)10:16
scatterpEriC^^:  no10:16
bazhangdenil, really weird is not a troubleshooting description10:16
denili want to make it windows 1010:16
EriC^^scatterp: ok10:16
_{Tite}_edit the menuentry lines on /boot/grub/grub.cfg10:16
EriC^^scatterp: type sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt10:17
denili cant save aftr editing grub.cfg10:17
_{Tite}_denil: what are you using to edit ? what editor ?10:18
EriC^^the editor of gangsters10:18
_{Tite}_denil: launch gedit from cmdline with a sudo on front of it10:19
hateballThat's ill advice10:19
scatterpEriC^^:  done10:19
_{Tite}_gets the job done ...10:19
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)10:19
_{Tite}_nice. good to know10:19
hateballAlso, directly editing /boot/grub/grub.cfg will get your changes overwritten on the next kernel update10:19
EriC^^scatterp: ok, type sudo cgdisk /dev/sda10:20
_{Tite}_I'm old school I guess10:20
mcphail_{Tite}_: this has been the case for at least 10 years10:20
_{Tite}_too old ?10:20
EriC^^scatterp: delete the swap partition10:21
EriC^^scatterp: this isn't the second hdd you had is it?10:21
scatterpok deleting swap10:21
hateball_{Tite}_, denil: grub.cfg is generated by update-grub, if anything edit the scripts in /etc/grub.d/ to have persistent changes10:21
scatterpEriC^^:  swap seems to be 3 deleted now10:22
EriC^^scatterp: ok, create a 1mb partition10:22
EriC^^when it asks for size type "1M"10:22
EriC^^for type enter "ef02"10:23
deniljosephcan some  one tell me how to open gedit via cmd line10:23
Ben64deniljoseph: "gedit"10:23
_{Tite}_there you have it denil. use update-grub after editing10:23
scatterpEriC^^: type ?10:23
EriC^^deniljoseph: gksu gedit if you need root privileges10:23
deniljosephtx eric lemme give a try10:24
deniljosephtx ben10:24
scatterpEriC^^: 3.8mb bios boot space10:24
EriC^^scatterp: ok, make a swap partition with the rest of the space10:24
EriC^^type 820010:24
deniljosephdenil@Denil-HP-Notebook:~$ gksu gedit The program 'gksu' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install gksu10:25
deniljosephthis is what i get10:25
EriC^^deniljoseph: install gksu10:25
deniljosephdenil@Denil-HP-Notebook:~$ sudo apt-get install gksu Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package gksu denil@Denil-HP-Notebook:~$10:26
scatterpEriC^^:  done10:26
EriC^^scatterp: ok, type sudo partprobe10:27
hateballEriC^^, deniljoseph it's in universe, maybe that repo isnt enabled10:27
EriC^^scatterp: write the changes and exit first10:27
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.10:27
EriC^^deniljoseph: type sudo add-apt-repository universe && sudo apt-get update10:27
deniljosephhw many packages eric10:29
deniljosephi m short on my data plan10:29
EriC^^it's just the package list10:29
deniljosephi ran the cmd in the terminal10:30
scatterpEriC^^:  done10:30
deniljosephits downloading smthng'10:30
_{Tite}_I'd suggest also installing grub-customizer, you are going to be better off10:30
bazhangdeniljoseph, its a few kb at most10:30
bazhangdeniljoseph, this is just the beginning of the month10:30
EriC^^scatterp: sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999910:31
deniljosephwhats next10:31
_{Tite}_sudo add-apt-repository ppa:danielrichter2007/grub-customizer && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install grub-customizer10:32
_{Tite}_that'd be my suggestion10:32
scatterpEriC^^: termbin. com/hsq110:32
deniljosephgksu installed10:33
scatterpEriC^^: http://termbin.com/hsq110:35
EriC^^scatterp: type sudo mkswap /dev/sda410:36
scatterpEriC^^:  done10:37
hateballEriC^^: what was the utility to push efi firmware directly from ubuntu? supposed to be in 16.0410:37
EriC^^scatterp: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done10:37
EriC^^hateball: i think it's the fwupx64.efi in /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu10:37
hateballEriC^^: cheers10:38
deniljosephused the grub customiser and changed the name shall i reboot and see or is there something i should enter in the terminal again10:41
scatterpEriC^^:  didnt work10:41
_{Tite}_deniljoseph: try it. I'd think the customizer would run the update-grub10:41
scatterpEriC^^:  i think at the end should be /mnt $i; done10:42
scatterpEriC^^:  ahh i missed the i10:42
deniljosephcan i set a custom bg image??10:42
pangtsahSERVER DONORS TO THIS NETWORK WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR STAFF'S ACTIONS. WillMoogle Joschii rubick kuh _Trullo ubergoose glebihan_ bradk Karasu robcsi Tzunamii Rondom DonVitoCorleone robgraves ochorocho__ AntiSpamMeta nymony Jettis_ pauljw pfifo chalcedny MarkusDB1 vladimir-sn vox beetee Tempesta libregeekingkid gazzerh veyoon Stimrol bandroidx KOD3N retoaded lucz skerit croepha Ixxie THX1138 lamppid netameta10:42
pangtsahSTAFFER 'uptime' CAN BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR ABUSE BY SUPERIORS OR WE CAN HAVE THESE MESSAGES, YOUR CHOICE FREEEEEENODE HEHEHE zol else58 Lildirt Norbin Guest4184_______ dmaina chachasmooth mcdonc masquerade somsip andatche Hellosun_ piglit Adbray qdk MannyLNJ Rollniak arikamir ChunkzZ-ZNC ctrlrsf cadeskywalker Jan\ maljazaeri_ London3D MrARM robin_debspace zetheroo mhenrixon utfans05 lolmac pistolpete DJones ross` benjamin1rom FXOjafar LiENUS mnathani M-JLu10:42
pangtsahTHIS SPAM MAKES YOU MAD? BEING HARASSED BY FREENODE STAFF MAKES ME MAD TOO. DEAL WITH IT TOO. y0sh arlen MrCoder ShutterBC Seldon Meow-J roadt_ adante SkyRocknRoll karidoe wyggler2 r__n xnaveira JStoker nightfuri punkoivan cybrside APLU ryan-c MannyLNJ yan__ yids [Saint] L235 ChewCraft zol fonz_dm1 TechChristoph__ _Trullo azizLIGHT Nilesh_ Tabmow claude2 stratos Kurogane mike-drummer roxer ephesius sebbu Spec10:42
pangtsahTHIS CHANNEL SHOULD EXPECT TO SEE THIS MESSAGE DAILY UNTIL STAFF IS CLEANED UP. trobotham lilstevie Afforess ryclik_ CptClever Qasker- krphop Fuchs Romme piercedwater funch Kolgas kimphill michiel holdsworth WinstonSmith underyx rsully meldron rembo Blueking Ceber gbell DuncanT sjoos dwarders cgundersson ilbelkyr rbern cryptodan_mobile Aria sharksauce jamis walterwoj iceroot dduffey Sverdar obli-AWAY dragonrider23 kissiel10:42
pangtsahNORMAL OPERATIONS ON FREENODE ARE NOW SUSPENDED. THIS MESSAGE WILL SPREAD TO OTHER CHANNELS AS THE WAR ON STAFF INTENSIFIES. Drone` michael_mbp HashNuke_ Savemech MarkyP rOss^64 mcphail CyberDems Afforess Immutef JanC Speed` M_aD AdamAntium27 mistralol iooner glebihan_ fdelafue miklcct enoch85 irv derFlo tgm4883 mcs_ soee st3vie Serano skule cigumo coolxeon auditlog_ dave0x6d Cybergeek dxb gfry73 kriskropd giraffe kissiel underyx beetee10:42
natuzajTHE TOPIC FOR THIS CHANNEL IS NOW THE REPERCUSSIONS OF FREENODE-STAFF ABUSE. cwarner v12aml Waddup txspud baggar11 shiznix Tristan-Speccy ejnahc aegis piglit joshskidmore yan__ ItSANgo GrisKo yena Voltasalt_ joe75 KervyN bisch dbdii407 prince omlet JStoker mgodzilla citizen-stig boxmein xatr0z ming_lei isp_ Sverdar mudo mumixam leagris p1l0t Icedream jdqx MrMart drmagoo pesari shuduo10:42
natuzajTHIS CHANNEL SHOULD EXPECT TO SEE THIS MESSAGE DAILY UNTIL STAFF IS CLEANED UP. Internet13 txspud netsjanek dustinspringman gareth__ Disdong pelle2_ zanshin subthalamus ky0 KOD3N elky yrter NoCode Rochvellon slick sjoos evilnick gstepanov jxf evanvarvell jgm nkhoit sjohnson XH6e longhorn Diamondcite Randy Dini gacekjk AciD` nikow_ squarecircle jost freanux Tempesta netameta flyinprogrammer sharksauce mr_chris10:42
natuzajFOSS PROJECTS _MUST_ FIND A BETTER NETWORK TO FAIRLY SUPPORT THEIR USERS WITHOUT BEING SUBJECT TO THE WHIM OF RANDOM UNEDUCATED IRCOPS. Skaag Fleet Metacity VoidWhisperer BadDream prop395 smuxi Schnabeltierchen workcjk the_last_one volcom1 Xermon smew Thibaut120094 linuxmodder farid_ peterrus igordcar1 gde33 AJ_Z0 TMan459 jgornick callumacrae L235 effbiai dougsko duckydan zhxt notmabus elysium k1l Jordan_U catbeard jaywink twisted` Hobbyboy Gues10:42
natuzajSTAFFER 'uptime' CAN BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR ABUSE BY SUPERIORS OR WE CAN HAVE THESE MESSAGES, YOUR CHOICE FREEEEEENODE HEHEHE Armadillos tolecnal dmaina alxd thallera1 georgeowell LaserAllan _km hosified valeech gxwang steven mniip luny rbt- bleomycin roadt_ fraggle_ ov|h Klumben ztane_ doomlord_ Xaseron LargerMon tardybaker frymaster Dr_lecter sl4ppy Malinux Nach0z Lildirt iNs scatterp robin_debspace esmoBG rogst MarkyP spinza garnus chovy10:42
natuzajTHIS SPAM MAKES YOU MAD? BEING HARASSED BY FREENODE STAFF MAKES ME MAD TOO. DEAL WITH IT TOO. Hydr0p0nX akurilin OpenSorce krisko yofel hypnosb AbyssOne prop395 scottschecter baconfork blackjid Zesty_ liothe midnightmagic hkeide_ m_anish__ captaink1tek anto pashok puff comgot Xe geirha nyuszika7h samfty_ klaas wolsen Flannel utfans05 nomoney4me TecnoBrat ximian ltrager LockeAnarchist fossify chovy THEmetaphysician loa jcara flexoboto10:42
scatterpEriC^^:  ok done10:42
kernel_mutexwhat the _____ ?10:42
EriC^^scatterp: type sudo chroot /mnt10:42
slavemastersSERVER DONORS TO THIS NETWORK WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR STAFF'S ACTIONS. Defaultti tekk frdmn Mo0O mangolisk dave0x6d mr_chris schmidtm benniblanco michagogo WinDu1965 al2o3-cr michaelni thekingofbandit_ sic_ dryliketoast scrim OpenSorce WARBIRD199 FierceDeityLink gertS Asandari Tabmow kmd st3vie unsetnick Guest10460 v12aml Werewolf Cybertinus MarkyP Skaag Nukien asper vp1 robcsi jvturner tolecnal chadi zkanda10:43
slavemastersTHIS CHANNEL SHOULD EXPECT TO SEE THIS MESSAGE DAILY UNTIL STAFF IS CLEANED UP. sandGorgon markus1189 tHEMtZ ribasushi pcarrier glebihan skylite addo nicolas al2o3-cr terratoma r4z3r bozonius erkan^ sfrancis AbigailBuccaneer flurick [976497]A erry desti erebus^ IanWizard Schnabeltierchen vincent42 cragdor Urbany sdx23 MrCoder georgeowell brontosaurusrex bstrie JohnLea___ cocoa117 soee robgraves Adam_FrVancouver NoCode kbrosnan logicalor Nach0z10:43
slavemastersNORMAL OPERATIONS ON FREENODE ARE NOW SUSPENDED. THIS MESSAGE WILL SPREAD TO OTHER CHANNELS AS THE WAR ON STAFF INTENSIFIES. jemark svx_on_elmo gniourf FrankZZ Katielyn erth64net klaas ghostcube raub stratos dkessel pa rotzbub jgm lolmac Dini miklcct kspencer Puck` n3rd AG_Clinton piglit ludocode_ fhf _ruben msev- blake_r mag009 Nach0z tcpman warpx Amoz cantstanya ujjain jcara Dumle29 dryliketoast v12aml Br|aN DzAirmaX10:43
slavemastersFOSS PROJECTS _MUST_ FIND A BETTER NETWORK TO FAIRLY SUPPORT THEIR USERS WITHOUT BEING SUBJECT TO THE WHIM OF RANDOM UNEDUCATED IRCOPS. daed KOD3N decoder_ Dynamit Wizek_ xcor LambdaComplex Skaag Voltasalt_ rymate1234 Rame kmd chiluk nitesh` Aria bstrie evilnick marshal0505 pistolpete warpx vivid venkat_330 thrillgore mfilipe ssx ac|work mcdonc dewwii punkoivan uda piglit Birchy Disdong xnrand dwarders hyperized ayan DynaMc kirkland MJ_Nor10:43
slavemastersTHIS SPAM MAKES YOU MAD? BEING HARASSED BY FREENODE STAFF MAKES ME MAD TOO. DEAL WITH IT TOO. ndrscr workcjk bkolden Tristan-Speccy AndyWojo XDS2010 ogra_ MrGeneral dsung Chr1st1an Renegade334 andi andygraybeal gvhoecke ov|h daynaskully Y_Ichiro lamppid Thibaut120094 RichiH timrs2998 ProfessorKaos64 boot13 Deltanic K4k TecnoBrat Hollusionist MrMart HarryHallman perceive Lunar_Lamp Rochvellon minsky cluelessperson Xaseron stratos yoavz cn28h screedo m10:43
deniljosephwill there a problem if i set a custom bg image in grub using grub customizer10:43
scatterpEriC^^:  ls /home looks correct10:43
msev-dang so much trolls10:43
Hollusionistwtf is wrong with this guy?10:43
jaywinkscript kiddies <310:43
EriC^^scatterp: ok, type grub-install --recheck /dev/sda10:44
r__njaywink: presumably they'd be using *scripts* rather than doing it manually10:44
cfhowlettHollusionist, just ignore him.  if you engage, you give him the attention he craves so much.10:44
deniljoseph will there a problem if i set a custom bg image in grub using grub customizer10:45
r__nwill there be a problem?10:45
scatterpEriC^^:  finished no errors10:45
r__nwhy would there10:45
scatterpEriC^^:  exit and reboot ?10:45
EriC^^scatterp: not yet10:45
Nilesh_What's the noise?10:45
scatterpEriC^^:  ok10:46
EriC^^scatterp: type blkid10:46
scatterpEriC^^:  ok10:46
deniljosephidk r__n10:46
EriC^^scatterp: and in another terminal type sudo nano /mnt/etc/fstab10:46
deniljosephlemme try10:46
EriC^^scatterp: make sure the uuid for the ext4 matches, and also remove the comment for swap and put the new uuid in for swap10:46
scatterpEriC^^: termbin.com/d5tc10:47
scatterpEriC^^: done10:53
EriC^^scatterp: ok, type grub-install --recheck /dev/sda10:54
EriC^^then update-grub10:55
scatterpEriC^^: done10:56
EriC^^scatterp: ok, exit the chroot and try restarting10:56
scatterpEriC^^:  non system disk or disk error11:01
zetheroowhen I open gthumb or System Settings there is a noticeable lag for a few seconds before those things open - the mouse is unresponsive for instance11:01
msev-so i compiled some program -> espeak-ng, how do i now make it run from the command line with espeak-ng command :)11:02
msev-since now command is not found11:02
EriC^^scatterp: odd11:02
geg553I keep getting /etc/cron.daily/ntpdate exited with return code 1 -- what exit code should these scripts have?11:03
scatterpEriC^^:  reboot from the stick ?11:04
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EriC^^scatterp: ok, press e in the grub menu of the live usb11:08
EriC^^we can try to boot it maybe11:08
scatterpEriC^^:  boot error..11:11
paganityFREENODE STAFF ARE REALLY BAD AT THIS JOB. rilleh kirkland onnz423 ejnahc zymurgy andi weltall sv-- MrXXIV bpeak Guest59233 nymony SunTsu slicepaperwords blazeme8 Mob magento_rocks tombtc RobShad cragdor axisys i90rr wyggler2 bildramer derFlo Pap00se lmat neuro_sys Quatroking copec fiete vic_thor oxsyn blacknred0 mudo baboon`- Phaiax ^peter^ walterwoj VoidWhisperer11:13
paganityFREENODE STAFF ARE REALLY BAD AT THIS JOB. elmosfist Mekkis_ thebrush cats dsung fginther delucia dreamon marshal0505 KeithIMyers zero_coder dixonstalbert Triffid_Hunter ptx0 lundmar `ryban wredny sipior ltrager Ownz jback ircuser-1 KeithGS Zesty_ fabio__ nesthib mike-drummer KindOne edaught_ wolsen psyxopompos woodruffw The_Pugilist pfifo YeahRight mgodzilla mniip fiete _km ejnahc11:13
paganityFREENODE STAFF HAVE NO STAKE IN THE FOSS COMMUNITY THEY ARE TRYING TO CONTROL LIKE FASCISTS. Fleet ubergoose genpaku Guest64868 labrador lankanmon lassegs d3vlin_ Klumben topi` fractal blinky42 edaught__ farid_ cigumo lolmac mikhael_k33hl blacknred0 Piper-Off isp_ Ballzak NDPTAL85 sebbu AciD` masquerade Mathisen herb Josh4all jhutchins DeMiNe0 ircuser-1 loa cyboman33 GrisKo duckydan rxc abra0 SharkMa-san PlasmaStar jhunt_11:13
paganityFREENODE STAFF ARE REALLY BAD AT THIS JOB. Speed` bisch robin_debspace masquerade Seveas VoidWhisperer bleomycin wolf_moz- DirtyCajun LockeAnarchist steve Extreme mayday woodjrx cereal ross` rude mariorz KD8NXH-Michigan apw pinnen Icedream FameWolf chu Diamondcite nisstyre slowgreg adamcm kvm2k yoavz AntiSpamMeta ulkesh cglocke Mob georgeowell roadt_ Axton FlyOnTheWall Bryanstein debug0x111:13
paganityFOSS PROJECTS _REALLY_ NEED TO FIND A BETTER NETWORK TO FAIRLY SUPPORT THEIR USERS. Ricardus root_____ meltingwax thekingofbandit_ creat Guest10460 daedric MrZone_ tapout HalfEatenPie nightf0x pizzaops axisys AG_Clinton ltrager ShutterBC sayakb evidex happosade_ Sornaensis lumidee Immutef ghostwalker Laogeodritt sauvin trevor_s ujjain [976497]A zkanda postsneakernet sjohnson sweatsuit slicepaperwords Geom Bent0 MatToufoutu BuildTheRobots mani11:13
EriC^^scatterp: from live usb?11:13
fayetaFREENODE STAFF HAVE NO STAKE IN THE FOSS COMMUNITY THEY ARE TRYING TO CONTROL LIKE FASCISTS. chu sdk keithzg jwash tomaw matteo zero_coder masquerade iMiiTH dANOKELOFF_ ross` alicef_off rilleh skapunker sjoos pankid supergauntlet obli-AWAY Yugidude1 arlen mgor percY- weltzooo Walex geheimnis` Sven_vB betsy_S foo zopsi beisner ochiottes erth64net yock habith beetee jswagner watersoul Tegu Andreas33 vifino11:13
fayetaSPAM WILL STOP WHEN FREENODE STAFF LEARNS HOW TO CODE. huayra jelly mufy Obiwantje pmatulis Rondom duckydan bildramer drakekr Urbany hateball PeterReid jcastro phschwartz varikonniemi cubic2 ShutterBC sipior drmagoo Dewin dbdii407 xamindar cherry_lin Sean_Wang Crackpotmark Gloomy Spilotro pedrocr skule yeticry effectnet techWARlrus netameta adeschamps megabitdragon mehdi_ inteus emid DefectiveUser gstepanov11:13
fayetaSTAFFER 'uptime' CAN BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR ABUSE BY SUPERIORS OR WE CAN HAVE THESE MESSAGES, YOUR CHOICE FREEEEEENODE HEHEHE andril l4m8d4 lolmac jgrasser Hellosun leachim6 blipz lift Ladon arnotixe braderhart gsf FierceDeityLink jgrevich_ sigkell_ WarHitex_ soee edenist dgncn vp0 d3vlin_ raub Driiper Elimin8er MrGeneral stooj unsetnick Shimpu___007 tardybaker catbeard HalfEatenPie mattwithoos alexbligh1 pdugas chachasmooth mniip djmentos doomlord_ chand11:13
fayetaFOSS PROJECTS _REALLY_ NEED TO FIND A BETTER NETWORK TO FAIRLY SUPPORT THEIR USERS. Laogeodritt zol nkhoit ChristiQs DavidFromBE kalexyco giraffe pistolpete al2o3-cr todd_dsm Pavel499 pmatulis sv-- auditlog_ garnus Dr_lecter styles styles_ hackeron daed croepha seyeongkim tgm4883 BadDream zkanda john341 LockeAnarchist jirido cristian_c neoark fginther chrisml rypervenche Navid AppAraat nnnn20430 Valfor penguinguru icey vp111:13
fayetaFOSS PROJECTS _REALLY_ NEED TO FIND A BETTER NETWORK TO FAIRLY SUPPORT THEIR USERS. AdamAntium27 moat_joe erth64net ofdm- Pap00se bleomycin jswagner Rame Shaun__ neunon Loshki Hellosun weezel RiPer jaywink Mcl0vin madwizard screedo paresh terratoma ejnahc mudo cocoa117 awallin__ clownfuzzy1 spjt sfunk1x xcor avdi TecnoBrat meaning AbyssOne unsetnick comgot mcphail vox gertS Afforess Ububegin chiluk11:13
scatterpEriC^^: yeah from live usb11:13
Valforyeah no11:13
* vCra gets pissed off11:14
lotuspsychjemcphail: your famous!11:15
scatterpEriC^^: shall i start it up from live usb11:16
sausiberhello friend.11:16
EriC^^scatterp: only get to grub from there11:16
sausiberWe're presenting right now in somewhere in the world11:17
sausibersay hello.11:17
sausiberlive version :P11:17
scatterpEriC^^: ok booted11:19
EriC^^scatterp: grub?11:19
scatterpEriC^^: from live usb11:19
nikolamsame thing happened to me again. I installed nfs-server and I can't boot normally after that. I also have zfs kernel modules installed, don't know if it is related11:19
EriC^^scatterp: oh11:20
EriC^^scatterp: there's not really much we can do i think11:20
nikolami think it could be related to that11:20
EriC^^scatterp: the partition table is gpt, and there's a bios boot which is required for legacy11:20
GRiZL0Ci am so happy i found the way to disable overscan on my raspberry pi 3 no more black bars for me :)11:20
EriC^^scatterp: no idea why the bios won't boot it if you're sure nothing else has changed11:21
EriC^^scatterp: the only difference is that it was msdos partition table before (you could convert back btw)11:22
nikolamif single line in /etc/fstab is not ok, it won't boot. I remember that same thing from severeal ubntu edditions ago11:22
scatterpEriC^^:  what about if i produce a boot-repair report11:23
GRiZL0Cthis is my 3rd day with linux as i am a windows user i have 2 rpi 3's which one has raspbian and other one is ubuntu mate i really have fun learning ubuntu mate and raspbian11:23
EriC^^scatterp: give it a shot i guess11:23
EriC^^scatterp: partition table types don't change though11:24
EriC^^scatterp: there's something missing here..11:24
deniljosephplease help me install plugin to play mp3 and videos11:25
deniljosephplease tell me the procedures11:25
mgordeniljoseph, check step 4 at http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/04/10-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-16-04-lts11:25
vladimir-snseems like google is the only answer :)11:26
deniljosephi m on ubuntu 14.0411:27
geg553vladimir-sn: google is always the answer, don't be disrespectful11:27
deniljosephproviding me with an link of 16.04 is useless11:27
mgordeniljoseph, not saying which release you are running is like asking how long the rope is11:28
mgordeniljoseph, check step 3 at http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/04/10-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-14-0411:28
deniljosephhmm my mistake anyway11:28
scatterpEriC^^:  i may lose internet for a moment shortly got a team installing fiber optics11:28
scatterpEriC^^:  so as soon as i can get in the room ill make that report ..11:29
mcphaildeniljoseph: your question has already been answered. What has changed since you asked it earlier?11:29
deniljosephhow big is the multimedia codecs11:29
deniljosephmcphail i couldnt install11:29
deniljosephi keep on losing connectivity any i m out of my data plan11:30
cfhowlettdeniljoseph, you keep repeating questions that have been answered.  very demotivating11:30
deniljosephi m sorry11:30
mcphaildeniljoseph: then you should not be expecting to be able to download a set of codecs. I cannot see how we can help you with your data plan11:31
cfhowlettmake a note deniljoseph: apt-get install -s PACKAGENAME will simulate an installation and provide useful information.  after you load up your data plan, try it.11:32
=== Aria|away is now known as Aria
deniljosephmay i know how big is it??11:33
deniljosephtx cfhowlett11:33
cfhowlettI JUST told you how to find out for yourself.11:33
ducassedeniljoseph: there are several packages, a few meg combined11:34
deniljosephyup gotcha11:34
deniljosephbtw the restricted extras is of 59mb11:34
deniljosephactually do these come in the iso file??11:34
cfhowlettthey do not11:35
deniljosephhmmm tx anyway11:35
k1ldeniljoseph: they are not allowed from the licence11:35
deniljosephwhat you mean   k1l  didnt get u11:36
k1ldeniljoseph: the codecs are restricted by their licenses. most of them are not allowed to be installed by the OS on install. so the user needs to load them after install.11:38
deniljosephohh tx for the info k1l11:39
erkan^who calls me ???11:40
lotuspsychjeerkan^: it was spam, dont mind it11:41
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
erkan^ah ok, lotuspsychje11:46
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=== envy is now known as Guest95615
wuschLORhi little ssh question. somehow I allways have to select the specific interface like %wlan2. How can i set it to all interfaces (writing my ssh config and my laptop is sometimes connected with ethernet and sometimes wifi)11:52
Guest95615will i be able to watch 1080p mkv without stuttering and edit small video clips on HP Stream 13 with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS? Or am I pushing it?11:53
denilubuntu software center got stuck while installing unrestricted codecs11:53
=== Senj is now known as Senji
lotuspsychjeGuest95615: what graphics card inside?11:54
cfhowlettdepends on your hardware but ... why are you asking?  go to youtube11:55
Guest95615lotuspsychje: it is "Intel HD Graphics" according to http://www.elkjop.no/product/data/barbar-pc/HP13C102NO/hp-stream-13-c102no-13-3-barbar-pc-bla#tab-specs (Norwegian site, but specs are listed at the bottom.)11:55
PhilonousI have a new device in my network with a different subnet (ip is, to reach it I added a new ip address (ip addr add dev br0) and added a route (ip route add dev br0) and yet I can't reach the device (ping says "Destination Host Unreachable"), what am I missing?11:57
hateballGuest95615: You should be fine11:57
scatterpEriC^^: back sorry lost connection a moment11:58
scatterpEriC^^: ok boot-report is done let me go get the url11:58
scatterpEriC^^: http://paste2.org/741Zc0Bn12:00
scatterpcan any one help me with this paste2.org/741Zc0Bn i am unable to boot from grub which is a requirement in order to use vmware converter p2v to move it to a virtual pc ...12:04
ali_guys any tutorial or guides to be expert in linux from scratch? (from beginner to advanced?)12:04
TheHackOpsAnyone ever seen an issue where some time after installing ubuntu tweak your desktop goes black but the O/S still works as normal (Unity launcher still working everything else still fine)12:05
TheHackOpsNo icons are visible on the desktop itself12:05
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EriC^^scatterp: 1 sec12:07
scatterpEriC^^:  sure i go to smoke12:07
yogeshdid u guys know " BIG DATA" ??12:09
BluesKajHiyas all12:10
[976497]AWhile trying to send files via SFTP (between 2 machines with Ubuntu 14.14, amazon AWS on Files 3.10.1) I received a message: "Invalid reply received". How to fix it, plz?12:12
Guest43913ciao a tutt12:12
ubottuGuest43913: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:12
nikolamNew LTS haven't be pushed to existing LTS as an update?12:12
auronandace!ltsupgrade | nikolam12:13
ubottunikolam: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.12:13
nikolamthat is smart. But I think I will update now to see how it is doing (I made my Btrfs snapshot so I can go back to 14.04)12:14
nikolamI suppose dist-upgrade would do the trick12:14
=== james_ is now known as Guest39970
auronandace!dist-upgrade | nikol12:14
ubottunikol: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.12:14
GRiZL0Canybody here on a raspberry pi 3 running ubuntu mate like me?12:14
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade12:15
auronandacenikolam: you can boot 16.04 and run the installer, it will detect 15.10 and you can choose to upgrade from there12:17
cfhowlettGRiZL0C, avoid wasting time and bandwidth with "anyone?" questions.  state YOUR problem for results12:17
nikolamah I understand, so only update form 15.10 ATM, one wanting to try it out, would need to update 14.04>15.04>15.10>16.04 to get it right12:18
nikolam(and 14.10 somewhere list in there) :P12:18
auronandacenikolam: no, you can do LTS to LTS directly, just wait for the .1 release12:19
SwedeMikenikolam: I went 14.04->16.04 direct. I had to specify -d for do-release-upgrade or whatever the cli command is called12:19
nikolamah I know but I want to try it out before it comes out :P12:19
nikolamah nice SwedeMike12:19
auronandaceSwedeMike: the -d flag is for development, which would now likely get you 16.1012:19
SwedeMikeauronandace: true, 16.10 wasn't available when I did that.12:20
scatterpEriC^^: back12:20
SwedeMikeauronandace: but 14.04->16.10 will never be allowed, does -d even offer that?12:20
nikolamauronandace, so if I don't want to wait for .1 I can do 15.10>16.0412:20
EriC^^scatterp: it looks pretty ok12:21
scatterpEriC^^: yeah :/12:21
bishopslowly learning linux12:21
GRiZL0Cme too learning linux12:21
auronandacenikolam: i'm not sure about 15.10 to 16.04 with do-release-upgrade, i did it by booting and selecting upgrade in the installer12:21
nikolambishop, linux is a kernel, it's all gnu.userland for else :P12:21
nikolamah ok auronandace12:22
scatterpEriC^^:  is there a way to boot from the usb then in grub mount the drive and boot from it ?12:22
Abe_I am burning 16.04 with brasero... it seems that it stuck at "Creating Image Checksum" for about 10 minutes now. will it ruin the dvd if I click cancel?12:22
scatterpEriC^^:  like the drive is just used for grub12:22
scatterpAbe_:  yes12:22
nikolamIf I update to 16.04 from downloaded media, it must use that :P12:22
scatterpAbe_:  i would imagine so12:22
AppAraatAbe_: why not avoid DVD in the first place and just drop the image on a USB stick?12:22
AppAraatmuch faster that way12:22
nikolam(if network is disabled)12:22
Abe_I don't have a good usb stick that i could make bootable12:23
AppAraatah hmm12:23
BluesKajdo-release-upgrade should work as long the the upgrade manager is set to new  releases. or is that relevant in ubuntu?12:23
Abe_http://askubuntu.com/questions/170065/writing-file-to-cd-dvd-process this tells me it won't affect the quality of the DVD12:24
TheHackOpsAnyone here use teamviewer daemon12:24
Abe_is that true. I don't want to click cancel until it gives me error or something12:24
Abe_but it doesn't seem to continue :/12:25
EriC^^scatterp: the problem is that legacy grub has a try ubuntu kind of thing that you can't press e over to edit12:25
AppAraatcfhowlett: funny thing is that xubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso boots up too without any hassle :p12:26
AppAraatso it's a Lubuntu thing it seems12:26
EriC^^scatterp: you could press f6 or something to edit the quiet splash line, if you press ";" there you can add other lines to it, but even if you do boot it grub is already installed12:26
EriC^^scatterp: do you have any idea how you removed the hdd and plugged it back in and it switched to gpt?12:27
scatterpEriC^^:  nope12:27
cfhowlettAppAraat, well, xubuntu IS optimized for older and lower specification hardware ...12:27
scatterpEriC^^:  i think the whole problem is the gpt it needs some how to be switched to non gpt12:27
AppAraatyep, but Lubuntu is too right?12:27
Josh4allWell, I think Ubuntu Mate is better than XUbuntu now :P12:28
Abe_i have to hit cancel, it's not finishing it12:28
Hiro`Ubuntu has suddenly started telling me, in a weird robotic voice, what navigation commands I'm entering. It's very annoying. Can anyone tell me how to switch it off?12:29
KeyboardNotFoundIs there any public statistics for how many people use ubuntu and other ubuntu distros?12:29
cfhowlettKeyboardNotFound, no reliable statistics ... informed guesses12:29
nikolamMiron, you sure it's ubuntu and not some web page/app?12:29
EriC^^scatterp: you can convert it back, do you have everything backed up though?12:30
Abe_It gave me an "Image successfully burned to DVD" hopefully it didn't ruin the dvd... buggy sh*t12:30
cfhowlettHiro`, you turned on the accessiblitity options12:30
nikolamsorry Miron , it was ment Hiro`12:30
vCra                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        12:30
vCra                                      12:30
scatterpEriC^^:  i tried to backup the end result was a 80gb file full of 0s12:30
auronandaceAbe_: i've always prefered xfburn compared to brsero12:30
vCraKeyboardNotFound: Distrowatch has page hits if you want a general idea12:30
EriC^^scatterp: how did you try to backup?12:31
scatterpEriC^^:  the idea is that if it boots then i can use vmware converter to ssh in and it will take imediately a clone of the whole machine and its done12:31
scatterpEriC^^: dd12:31
frdmnwtf happened here12:31
scatterpEriC^^:  wait not dd one moment12:31
adacwondring how can I allow an ip range via ufw? I.e. like whitelist 172.18.0.*12:31
Josh4allIs it possible to burn a DVD-RW into "CD" format and damage it?12:32
cfhowlettfrdmn, no need for such language.  also not permitted12:32
Abe_auronandace: It shouldn't be buggy "at all"12:32
scatterpEriC^^: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/geoffreyanderson/1004950/raw/955472ca0d20808f57662caa417208d803fa5c0e/syncFilesystemToImage.sh i edited drive size12:32
KeyboardNotFoundvCra, thanks I found that website12:32
Hiro`cfhowlett: thanks. how do I turn them off?12:32
scatterpEriC^^:  we did the gpt change last time with out any troubles12:33
auronandaceJosh4all: not sure what you mean, a dvd image would be too big for a CD12:33
EriC^^scatterp: last time we just zapped the stray gpt data12:33
scatterpEriC^^: wouldnt that work again ?12:33
auronandaceJosh4all: you can burn a CD image to a DVD but it seems quite a waste to me12:34
EriC^^scatterp: now you need to use gdisk to convert gpt to mbr12:34
cfhowlettsettings > accessibility > disable assistive technologies12:34
EriC^^scatterp: it's fairly easy, takes 1 sec12:34
EriC^^scatterp: but i guess it's more risky cause stuff is being written not just partition stuff being removed, it's up to you12:34
scottderGreetings all, I am having an issue opn a single host where apt-get update is causing a core dump. it get's most of the way through "Reading package lists" then fails12:34
Josh4allauronandace: hmm... I guess what I mean is to burn CD image to a DVD, and then the disc is unable to use any more12:35
Josh4allI don't know how to get it work again, so I throw it away12:35
auronandaceJosh4all: if it is a dvdrw then you can simply blank it again for reuse12:35
scatterpEriC^^: lets try12:36
Josh4alllol, the dvd-rw cannot be recognized tho12:36
EriC^^scatterp: ok, boot the live usb, get the disk name from parted -l12:36
scatterpok done12:37
EriC^^then sudo gdisk /dev/sda , press r12:37
auronandaceJosh4all: it won't be picked up as a blank disk obviously, but you should be able to blank it after you insert it and use whatever image writing software you like12:38
EriC^^then press g12:38
ali_what torrent client works good with ubuntu?12:38
scatterpEriC^^: http://termbin.com/9d7j12:38
auronandaceali_: transmission is there by default12:38
ali_ok thanks12:38
cfhowletttransmission is the default, ali_12:38
ali_thanks cfhowlett12:39
Josh4allauronandace: Well, the next time I inserted it into my burner, it shows I have no DVD-RW inserted at all12:39
scatterpEriC^^:  done12:39
Josh4allThis is really wierd...12:39
scottderHere is the syslog message I get with the seg fault apt-get[16167]: segfault at ffffffffffffffff ip 00007fd2875b2ccb sp 00007ffeb78c94b0 error 5 in libapt-pkg.so.4.12.0[7fd28755c000+145000]12:39
vCraali_: I personally use qBittorrent but its personal preference really - It seems more feature rich than transmission for me personally12:40
EriC^^scatterp: ok, type sudo partprobe12:40
EriC^^scatterp: mount the main partition12:40
scatterpEriC^^: im still in that app12:40
EriC^^scatterp: oh, press q12:40
scatterpEriC^^: should i do w to write changes12:40
EriC^^scatterp: yeah12:41
scatterpEriC^^:  ok so w , q , partprobe , and mount it12:41
scatterpEriC^^: ok done data is there should i try maybe boot-repair maybe it can fix it now ?12:43
scatterpEriC^^: ok next ?12:44
EriC^^scatterp: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done12:44
Josh4allW: There is no public key available for the following key IDs:12:44
Josh4allAnyone experience this error in Ubuntu?12:44
Josh4allI mean the Google Chrome Repository12:45
Admin7762Frdhey guys. good day12:47
soupnanodesukarHas anyone else running qemu been getting this error in dmesg and random vm crashing? "vfio-pci 0000:07:00.0: irq bypass producer (token ffff88030d45a540) registration fails: -22"12:47
soupnanodesukarOr is it just me?12:48
Admin7762Frdtrying to run ffmpeg with vdpau.... i am getting this error >>> Cannot open the X11 display .12:48
Admin7762FrdVDPAU init failed for stream #0:0.12:48
Admin7762Frdvdpau hwaccel requested for input stream #0:0, but cannot be initialized.12:48
Admin7762Frdanyone know what i could be missing12:48
soupnanodesukarAdmin7762Frd: have you tried mpv?12:48
scatterpEriC^^: done12:48
EriC^^scatterp: sudo chroot /mnt12:48
scatterpEriC^^: done12:49
EriC^^scatterp: grub-install --recheck /dev/sda12:49
scatterpEriC^^: done12:50
EriC^^scatterp: update-grub12:51
scatterpEriC^^: done12:51
Admin7762Frdscrath that.. i figured it out :)12:51
computerguys, what is wrong with the ubuntu 16.04 software centre? many programs are missing... what happened?12:51
scottderI found the solution https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/1445436/comments/2512:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1445436 in apt (Ubuntu Trusty) "Segmentation faults in libapt-pkg.so.4.12.0" [High,Fix released]12:51
k1lcomputer: in 16.04 they changed from the own software center to the gnome software center.12:53
computerk1l: why? and WHY???12:53
EriC^^scatterp: ok, exit the chroot and try rebooting12:53
EriC^^ill brb12:53
yahncomputer, because the Ubuntu Software center was old/slow etc. and they didn't want to support it for another 5 years with the release of Ubuntu 16.0412:54
k1lcomputer: well. a lot of users complain ubuntu doing their own projects. and when they switch back its not right, too :/12:55
cfhowlettthings change.  even OS.  We adapt.12:56
Josh4allhow do you guys think of NodeOS?12:57
Josh4allAnother toy after JNode and PythonOS?12:57
k1lJosh4all: better talk about that in #ubuntu-offtopic or ##linux12:57
dannymichelI really cant stand the notifications my IRCCloud app makes. I mean, i do want notifications, but not in the middle of my screen. Is this something I can control? https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/BoDvHbKx/notifications12:57
cfhowlettJosh4all, not ubuntu.  please discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic.  thank you.12:58
Josh4alloh, ok, sry12:58
cfhowlett!quietirc | dannymichel12:59
ubottudannymichel: To ignore joins/parts/quits in your favorite IRC client, see http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages12:59
scatterpEriC^^:  didnt boot ...13:00
Picidannymichel: I think thats something you'd need to speak to the IRCCloud people about13:00
dannymichelOk cool13:00
scatterpEriC^^: im back in live usb13:00
scatterpEriC^^: shall i try boot-repair ?13:01
EriC^^scatterp: what's it say when it doesn't boot13:02
* BluesKaj wonders why boot repair will boot into failsafe mode only, unless there's a newer version13:03
scatterpEriC^^:  i cant remember the message but its something like no bootable drive found ... same message i always see there13:04
Hiro`cfhowlett: thanks :)13:06
Abe_and that was the second dvd... f* crashed... this time k3b... is their anything that works... dammit those Dvd's were expensive13:07
hateballJosh4all: as for the chrome stuff, google arent signing their repos properly13:07
Josh4allshould i wait or let it be hate?13:08
Abe_I bought memorex dvd's.. their are fresh I only have a couple left... linux sucks13:08
yahnAbe_, what are you trying to do?13:09
Abe_I am burning 16.04 and it always crashed, I used brasero, I used K3b now, I only have a few left13:09
Abe_No I don't have USB stick13:10
Josh4allyeah, k3b is better :)13:10
yahnAbe_, k3b works a treat so you should be OK13:10
Abe_well it crashed13:10
yahnboth k3b and brasero both crash when you attempt to burn the ISO to disc?13:11
k1lAbe_: did you check the md5sum from the iso after download?13:11
hateballJosh4all: wait. see https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Apt/Sha1Removal13:11
Abe_it's not my burner this things works.. are those cheap ass free programs.13:11
Abe_YES i Did md5sum check13:11
donzoquelqu'un peut m'aider à migrer vers la nouvelle version de ubuntu mate ?13:12
Abe_it matched I compared them13:12
zykotick9!fr | donzo13:13
ubottudonzo: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:13
yahnAbe_, if you attempt to run k3b/brasero from the command line and try to burn the ISO do any error messages come up?13:13
Abe_I refuse doing that. it should work... wish I had windows right now13:14
yahnAbe_, do you have a rooted Android phone? If so, you can use this: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.softwarebakery.drivedroid&hl=en13:14
yahnbut that's kind of going beyond the scope of #ubuntu13:15
donzomerci yahn13:16
yahndonzo, I'm not sure what I've done but no problem :)13:16
Abe_need to open a terminal for every little thing i do13:17
ogra_Abe_, better ask your money back then, I'm sure he developers of k3b and brasero will refund every cent you paid for their software13:19
Abe_sorry i'm using ubuntu for about 3 years now but just gives me a headache right now13:19
shekharWhy do the .sh files are not opened directly through terminal(when i double click it) though i changes the properties of the file13:20
Abe_afraid putting another dvd in there13:20
yahnshekhar, are you running them with the 'sh' command?13:20
yahnie './sh coolprogram.sh'13:21
Abe_I go to a friend he has windows i burn it there13:21
Josh4allhateball: ty, so I can't fix it myself? ( need to reboot my computer now... )13:21
shekharyahn:  ./ filename.sh ?? is this that what you are intend me to do ?13:21
yahnshekhar, just as I posted it above13:21
zykotick9shekhar: <sidenote> yahn's "./sh coolprogram.sh" doesn't make sense...13:22
yahnshekhar, sorry I meant sh ./coolprogram.sh13:22
shekharyahn:  I can run the file with the command but i want to do it runnable with a click13:23
shekharyahn:  we make mistakes , no problem13:23
yahnshekhar, right click on the .sh file in your file manager, navigate to 'Permissions' and check the box 'Allow executing file as a program'13:24
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yahnwhen you double click it next time you should have an option to Run in Terminal, Display, Cancel or Run13:25
shekharyahn:  I have done that but still I am unable to get it13:25
yahnshekhar, have you run 'chmod +x coolprogram.sh' first?13:26
shekharyahn: ^^13:26
yahnlet me know if it works :)13:26
effectnetfirefox stopped responding, how do i close it13:27
AppAraatProtip during installation: Just because I'm in a different country, it doesn't mean all of my locale has to change to that country's as well.13:28
wubbleeffectnet: run xkill in a terminal then click on it13:28
DolphinDreamwhere is ubuntu storing the menu application entires ?13:28
DolphinDreamwhat file ?13:28
doevHi. I try to start an old application that runs without problems on old ubuntu versions. My current Ubuntu version is 14.04. The application need to have opencl installed.13:29
shekharyahn: I ran the command on terminal but there isn't anything happening there13:29
doevHow can I test if opencl is installed correctly on 14.04?13:30
yahneffectnet, you can also open System Monitor (search in the dash), find Firefox -> right click and then select 'Kill'13:30
yahnshekhar, it won't give you any feedback in the terminal when you run that command13:30
yahnshekhar, has it made a difference to you being able to double click on the file and run it?13:30
shekharyahn:  No13:31
yahnshekhar, may I ask what program it is?13:32
shekharyahn: still i am unable get the desired result13:32
shekharyahn:  Tomacat and the it is startup.sh file13:32
shekhar*typos sorry yahn13:33
yahnapache tomcat?13:33
shekharyes yahn13:33
OerHeksDolphinDream, in /usr/share somewhere, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles13:33
MyrttiDolphinDream: /usr/share/applications/ and .local/share/applications/13:34
yahnshekhar, I see what you mean13:37
shekharyahn:  did you get a solution to this?13:40
yahnshekhar, I don't have any experience with tomcat myself but if your goal is to run it automatically at start then this might help:13:40
DolphinDreamthx OerHeks Myrtti13:41
shekharyahn:  ok cool thanks for your help13:42
Abe_k I used my old ass computer with lubuntu on it.. used xfburn and luckly it finished the burning process... well the program crashed after finishing but at least I have it now... ok need 2 more13:50
Abe_I think the burner on my old pc is better13:55
curlyearsbitchx make command is looking for bash in /usr/local/bin.  Should it be looking in /bin instead/13:56
curlyearssince I got a couple of 3TB drives for tghis system, I bought a BlueRay writer for backups.  Can get 25GB per disk that way.   That makes sense, doesn't it?13:58
curlyearsnever mind, I figured the bash question oout fir myself.  *grin*13:58
zykotick9curlyears: i'd suggest against using bitchx...  irssi or weechat are supported console based irc clients.13:59
duryhi there all channel13:59
durykeeping all right guys?13:59
brontosaurusrexweechat rules.14:00
OerHekslast version bitchx 14 nov 2014 .. dead project14:01
erkan^I saw that Firefox is be slow on Ubuntu MATE. Do you have a same problem?14:01
Josh4allnormal here14:02
mrproperI have a fresh install of Ubuntu desktop 16.04 and I can’t get flash working on the Adobe flash test page in Opera, Chromium, or Chrome itself. Any suggestions?14:02
curlyearsOerHeks:   hmm...what is a decent alternative to bitchx?14:02
Picicurlyears: irssi or weechat.14:03
yahncurlyears, irssi is the best terminal irc client IMO14:03
erkan^You don't need Flash on Chrome, mr14:03
curlyearsyahn:  OK14:03
LambdaComplexweechat is <314:03
Fuchscurlyears: irssi or weechat, the latter is more actively developed these days14:03
Fuchsboth work14:03
roueI'm trying to find an updated ImageMagick package for 14.04.4 to address the recent CVE. Does one exist for that release? I can't seem to find it and it's not showing up after an apt-get update .14:04
roueMaybe the fix was backported?14:04
Piciroue: I didn't think that any patches for the CVE were available yet.14:04
ghoostwhere can I download old libc.so.6 ?14:05
ghoostI want 2.1614:05
spm_draget'/etc/init.d/foo restart' is deprecated, the old init-system, right?14:05
ghoostI want libc.so.6 > 2.3 and < 2.1714:06
ghoostwhere can I find that binary ?14:06
spm_draget'service foo restart' is deprecated, from the old upstart-system, right?14:07
OerHeksghoost, for what ubuntu version?14:07
tkellerAhhh, irssi seems to be working..14:07
ghoostOerHeks: does that really matter ?14:07
spm_draget'systemctl restart foo.service' is the current (16.04) way to handle services - which comes from systemd, right?14:07
ghoost64 bit14:07
OerHeksghoost, yes14:07
ghoostoh, then...14:07
ghoostActually I'm using kali14:08
ghoostkali rolling14:08
Picighoost: they have their own support channel at #kali-linux14:08
=== tkeller is now known as curlyears
OerHekskale is not based on ubuntu. so i guess i cannot help you with that.14:08
ghoostPici: okay thanks14:08
curlyears*whew*   Now I need to try installing cura again.(*shudder*)14:09
erkan^Josh4all, I saw that Chromium is faster than Firefox, how can that?14:09
Josh4allyou mean the launch time is faster?14:10
jokoHello, is there any IRC channel for LXD?14:10
erkan^Chromium open is faster, page lading is faster, etc. Josh4all14:10
erkan^Firefox open is slow14:10
erkan^and Page slow too14:10
erkan^I don't understnad why14:10
erkan^Can someone research this what is a cause that Firefox is be slow14:11
OerHekserkan^, try to remove you firefox profile, and start firefox again, it might help speed up14:11
jcastrojoko: #lxcontainers14:11
Pici(be sure to back it up somewhere)14:11
jokojcastro: thanks, much appreciated14:11
yahnerkan^, it's probably due to Gecko..Firefox has always been sluggish compared to Chrome/Chromium for me14:11
erkan^I did it , OerHeks14:12
erkan^maybe, yahn14:12
ghoostbut I can download libc for any os and run right ?14:12
xanguaerkan^: chromium/chrome opens faster because it's always running in background14:12
yahnghoost, no14:12
ghoostyahn: but I did14:12
ghoostfor challenges14:12
ghoosthacking challenges14:12
OerHeksxangua +114:12
erkan^ok, xangua14:12
ghoostthe host libc at server14:12
ghoostfor download14:12
ghoostand anyone (disregarding the os of the participant) can use that14:13
ghoostto run the application to be hacked14:13
Josh4allI hate Chrome and only use it when I want to watch video sites built in Flash -.-14:13
ghoostby loading that libc14:13
curlyearssheesh...the download webssite says to use "apt-get install cura"  but when I do that it complais "package cura not found"14:13
Picicurlyears: what is cura?14:13
Picighoost: Please try to stay on-topic here. This channel is for Ubuntu support (which you aren't using) only.  Also, hacking challenges are off-topic here.14:14
curlyearsPici:  gcode generator and control "paneL" for my 3D printer14:14
erkan^Flash is built in Chromium, Josh4all14:14
ghoostPici: I just want libc14:14
ghoostubuntu one will do14:14
DJonescurlyears: Looks like this might be what you need http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/cura-engine14:14
xanguaerkan^: not in chromium14:14
Josh4allerkan^: oh? for now?14:14
ghoostPici: any version binary, which does not have glibc ghost patch Pici14:15
ghoostany version *ubuntu* glibc binary14:15
OerHeksghoost, easy to find, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibc14:15
Picighoost: Thats not a complete sentence, I'm not sure what you're asking.14:15
ghoostOerHeks: I want binary14:15
ghoostnot source14:15
erkan^ow for chrome only, xanadu__ ?14:16
curlyearsDjones:  isn't xenial 16.04?14:16
erkan^Why isn't Google Chrome in software centre, xangua ?14:16
ghoostPici: I just want a libc binary (for ubuntu os, say) which is compiled in 2014 or before14:16
=== nickg902_ is now known as OS-18058
yahncurlyears, cura-engine which is available in the repositories is only a command line STL to GCODE converter14:17
Josh4allI once tried to install old libraries via rpm packages using "alien"14:17
curlyearsghoost:  this isn't the place to ask, after mentioning hacking14:17
DJonescurlyears: Yes it is, but looks like the same package is available since at least 14.0414:17
yahncurlyears, you want this most likely: https://ultimaker.com/en/products/cura-software14:17
ghoostcurlyears: the good kind of hacking14:17
Picighoost: feel free to search through http://packages.ubuntu.com/14:17
yahnthere's a link to a .deb on that page for Ubuntu14:18
ghoostPici: but that gives source code right ?14:18
Josh4allnot sure if it is a good way to go anyways14:18
ghoostCan I get a binary14:18
Picighoost: it gives source and binary.14:18
curlyears*sigh*  I don't know why lulzbot can get things right14:18
ghoostPici: I could not find the libc binary there14:18
ghoostcould you please give a link to it ?14:19
curlyearscould someone please send me a short /msg?14:19
Picighoost: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/libc614:19
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pauljwyou gonna do the hack for him too, Pici ?  :)14:20
Picipauljw: I'm waiting for that question ;)14:20
django_hey folks14:20
django_im on xfce4 how can i make my terminal look different?14:20
yahndjango_, Preferences -> Appearance14:21
sean_this might be a bit late but i think that firefox is better14:22
sean_my pc just runs way better overall when chrome is not installed14:22
Josh4alli've changed my old sempron 3200+ pc into using a 64bit OS14:23
Josh4alljust because there is no 32bit flash player soon under Ubuntu or any other distros... -.-14:24
sean_i favour 64 bit because it just hinders you less. some apps only come in 64bit these days14:24
Josh4allsean_: true14:25
Abe_uhm... can you actually make any usb stick bootable?14:29
yahnAbe_, what do you mean?14:29
Abe_I'm on live CD right now playing with 16.0414:29
sean_yes as long as it has enough space for the image14:29
Abe_if you could make any USB stick bootable...14:30
k1lAbe_: yes. but that will erase all data on that usb pendrive14:30
Abe_well I only have an 2gb Mp3 player usb stick xD does that work too?14:30
yahnAbe_, it probably will14:30
k1luh, that depends on as what exactly that will show itself to bios.14:31
Inocuousmy whole ubuntu operating system is on a 64g memory stick14:31
k1lbut it might break the player14:31
Abe_I found it laying around here.. cuz I ruined another DVD even if it said successfull... I didn't do an md5sum check after burning.. it only gives me an boot error when trying to boot from dvd14:32
sean_you will just have to format the drive again. i dont actually suggest it because it could cause damage.14:32
k1lAbe_: did you reduce the burning speed?14:32
Abe_I was burning lubuntu 16.04 this time... and I also need kubuntu xD.. yes I need all three :D14:32
Abe_k1l: yes minimum was x6.. I did that14:33
k1lAbe_:  a free or cheap 2-4Gb usb pendrive would be best. or at least RW dvds.14:33
sean_remember it also depends on the disc. if its a cheap disc and you burn too slow then it will fail also. The better the quality of the dvd the less you need to worry about speed14:33
Abe_so that was the 3rd dvd that lands in the garbage14:33
Abe_1 DVD was successfull14:34
k1lare you sue its not a booting error of the system?14:34
yahnAbe_, for the sake of your own sanity I'd suggest waiting and grabbing a cheap USB stick :P14:34
Abe_k1l: Yes let me explain14:34
curlyearshowdy, k1l.  I found the problem with major assistance from reisio14:34
Abe_On my old computer it gives me an boot error. can't remember what exacly. something like it couldn't load a specific file14:35
Abe_^ lubuntu14:35
Abe_on my better one It actually gives me the option to "try lubuntu" and so on14:35
curlyearsturns out that I needed to sitwch my CD setting to "UEFI" from "UTO", and also I discovered that somehow the HDD boot priority got changed, and it was attempting to boot from the wrong HDD   *smirk*14:36
curlyearshi, squinty14:36
Abe_but If I click it i stays black.. also when I choose the option Check lubuntu disk.. computer screen just stays black.. so It didn't burn right again :/14:37
ioriauto ? auto maybe ....14:37
curlyearswell, now I need top try 16.04 out.  Given all the troubles I have had, I think I'll try the Live-DVD first14:38
Abe_using my old Pc for burning now cuz at least it burned one successfull. I'm on live cd right now. playing around14:38
Abe_didn't change much from 14.04... I still need lubuntu and kubuntu CD...14:39
curlyearsquery:  when doing a Live-DVD, does anyone know how large the ramfs it creates is,, or does it depend on how much RAM you actually have/14:39
Abe_well idk cuz it's only live cd so there's probably a lot that changed14:39
roya_hello, I wanna know how to install wayland session on my newlly installed 16.04 gnome ubuntu14:40
* curlyears squirms a bit, and points out that it is a Live DVD, not a Live CD14:40
Abe_yes before I waste the money on dvd's again I will use an usb stick.. Idk. if my old PC boots from USB though :/ so I need to burn plop linux xD14:41
OerHeksroya_, not, ubuntu develops MIR, a fork of wayland.14:41
Abe_roya_: Isn't it Mir under Ubuntu not Wayland???14:41
curlyears???   waste money on DVDs?  I always buy re-writable media, don't you?14:41
yahnroya_, is there not an option on the login screen to try Wayland?14:42
curlyearswhat is wayland14:42
Abe_I bought memorex dvd's in Walmart.. I didn't see rewritable... well I didn't look either14:42
yahncurlyears, a display server designed to replace X14:43
Abe_display manager14:43
DJonesroya_: wayland has been dropped by Canonical http://www.pcworld.com/article/2030053/with-convergence-in-mind-ubuntu-linux-scraps-wayland.html14:43
curlyearsAbe_:   I am pretty sure Walmart carries re-writables.   Best But or any office supply store can also supply them14:43
yahnDJones, that only applies to Ubuntu proper, not the spinoffs14:44
yahnI'm pretty sure Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 has an option to try out Wayland support14:44
Abe_yeah but their are also more expensive. and I didn't think I would ruin any14:44
curlyearsah.  Wouldn't usinf something other than X break a lot of stuff?14:44
curlyearsAbe_:  then buy online from TigerDirect14:45
roya_yahn, no, there is none, only gnome clasic14:45
Abe_now I ruined three so far..on two different pc's... so not a very good result14:45
curlyearsAbe_:  how are you "ruining" them?14:45
yahnroya_, you need to install gnome-session-wayland first14:45
Abe_using linux burning programs xD... k3b,xfburn, and brasero14:46
yahnit only works on open source video drivers mind you14:46
curlyearsAbe_:  but in what WAY were they "wasted?"14:46
Abe_curlyears: program crashed, program froze, and burned with errors I guess14:47
curlyearsdid your burner software report any errors to you?14:47
roya_yahn, thanks, I'll try it as soon as I'm done installing flashplayer-installer14:47
Abe_curlyears: the first 2 times yes.... the last time it said successfull.. but after booting it, it wasn't14:48
dannymichelWould it be at all possible to do some sort of universal recent files per app menu? Like say I have totem open and want to go to my recent files only opened in that app14:48
Abe_at least I got 1 successfull out of 414:48
Abe_which i'm on right now14:49
Abe_and I still need lubuntu, it's more important than kubuntu... cuz a family member needs it too.. not right now but later14:51
wadI installed a database (Percona 5.7) from .deb files. I'd like to uninstall now. But when I scroll through the software center, I don't see it. Help?14:51
Abe_what was the program I need to make an usb bootable?14:52
k1lAbe_: dd14:52
Abe_k1l: just dd?14:52
touil76Hi. I'm still investigating my problem of screensaver in ubuntu 16.04. The computer cannot be woken up after the screensaver has launched.14:52
yahnAbe_, you can use Startup Disk Creator14:52
OerHekswad, their site gives hope, https://www.percona.com/doc/percona-server/5.5/installation/apt_repo.html#uninstalling-percona-server14:53
k1lAbe_: no. you need to tell dd fom where to what it needs to work. but there are gui programs, too.14:53
wadAh, thanks!14:53
Abe_ok I do that when I'm off this livecd14:53
Abe_k1l: I prefer gui's14:54
touil76Can anybody help ?14:54
scatterpcan any one help me fix grub for some reason cant get machine to boot...14:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1577170 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu) "screen cannot be turned back on after being switched off after some time of inactivity" [Undecided,New]14:56
touil76What I found is that turning dpms off solves the problem in some way, preventing the screen to be turned completely off (it just shows the login page).14:58
curlyearswould someone please send me a brief /msg?  ANything will do, I just want to what a /msg looks like in this nw client14:58
Abe_touil76: are you the one reporting the bug? it says it only affects 1 person so far according to your link14:59
touil76But I also found that, when the screen is turned off by screensaver, the keyboard is also locked, because then I cannot change its numlock state. (the led on the keyboard does not goes on or off)14:59
touil76Abe_: I am the one that has reported the bug.15:00
Abe_touil76: good15:00
touil76Abe_: Can you help me investigate what causes the problem ?15:01
poorUserHi people! dumb question, if i install the newest 16.04, formatting / and not the /home, will all hidden files and configs be purged? or it'll preserve old files and i must remove them all?15:01
Abe_touil76: I can also just google. I'm not an computer expert. I would try to find a suitable workaround15:02
curlyearsunless /home is a separate partition, you can't dp that15:03
Abe_touil76: I hope somebody else might help you resolving your problem15:03
poorUserit is in a separate, i'm going to format / only15:03
touil76Abe_: I hope it too.15:03
curlyearsAbe_:   "not a computer expert?"   BEGONE Thou Knave!!!!   (kidding, of course)15:04
Abe_touil76: you should ask in a forum also15:05
curlyearsI *USED* to be a "computer expert."  Leave the game for three years, you are back to being a nooob15:05
touil76Abe_: what kind of forum ?15:05
touil76curlyears : Would you help me ?15:06
curlyearswould someone please send me a brief /msg?  ANything will do, I just want to what a /msg looks like in this nw client15:06
curlyearstiul76:  willing to try, but I don't know much about current versions of things15:06
Josh4allI have sent one and there is no reply from you?15:06
trevor_sis there any problem creating an array using mdadm pointing to /dev/sdb /dev/sdc, etc instead of /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1, etc??15:06
curlyearsJosh4all:  hmm...I don't think I ever saw it.   Odd15:07
poorUserok none know how it works :D to have no problems i'll manually remove them all15:07
Abe_touil76: you might ask http://ubuntuforums.org/ if you speak german which you probably don't I always ask here https://ubuntuusers.de/15:07
ubottuAskUbuntu is a support resource that offers non-realtime support by the community! Can't get your problem fixed on IRC? Try AskUbuntu! - http://askubuntu.com/ You can discuss AskUbuntu in #ubuntu-stack15:08
touil76Abe_: My german is very very poor.15:08
scatterpcan any one help me fix grub for some reason cant get machine to boot...15:08
Abe_touil76:  then I recommend http://ubuntuforums.org/15:09
Abe_they never helped me much though... Im glad that i can use german forums15:09
curlyearswhy is there no man or help entry for grub?15:09
Picicurlyears: its not a command.15:10
Abe_curlyears: grub is the boot manager15:10
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Josh4allcurlyears: have you checked the message in the server buffer?15:10
Abe_why does ubuntu always feels like a permanent beta15:10
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curlyearsgreetings, German person15:13
Abe_hallo go to #ubuntu-de for german support15:13
LinuxCreeperok ty15:13
Sc0tty-hello, I don't know if this is the correct channel, but is it possibly to have clickable check boxes in libre office writer?15:14
yahnSc0tty-, #libreoffice would be a better place to ask that question15:14
Sc0tty-yahn: thanks!15:15
curlyears10:15, there goes the tornado siren test15:15
touil76bug posted in ubuntuforum.com15:21
touil76ubuntuforums.org (of course)15:22
AkuliWhen will 16.04.1 be released?15:24
Abe_Akuli: I think July15:24
AkuliOk, nice15:25
AkuliSo i won't have to wait for 16.04 forever :)15:25
tkeller* yeesh*   I got stuck in a /query, couldn't figure out how to exit it (/iunquery, as it turns out)15:25
tkellerwell,. off to burn a 16.04 DVD and try a Live-DVD session of 16.05.  Hopefully be back sooonly15:26
shekharwhere can i find the AppData folder in ubuntu ??15:26
nicomachusAkuli: July 21st15:26
kenifanyingHi all, I have ubuntu 16.04 LTS installed and want to share my Public folder. I install apache2-bin and libapache2-mod-dnssd packages, then turn on the share options on Public peferences. But I can't access it, any suggestion?15:26
=== tkeller is now known as curlyears
Akulishekhar: There is no appdata, there is not even a C drive. What file are you looking for?15:27
shekharAkuli:  AppData is the folder name In windows, I need the corresponding one in Ubuntu15:28
Akulishekhar: what program's settings?15:28
Abe_shekhar ubuntu isn't anything like windows15:28
Akulishekhar: .config in your home folder is much like appdata, but i can't be more specific if you don't tell the name of the program.15:29
shekharAbe_:  yes, but the data in a program should be stored somewhere15:29
AkuliOh, you're writing a program?15:29
Picishekhar: it might be in .config or .local or in a new hidden file/folder it creates.15:29
Abe_I didn't know what the appdata folder is for15:30
curlyearsburning DVD15:31
Akulishekhar: Can you tell us if you're making the program, or the name of the program if you're not?15:31
Abe_sometimes programs also create hidden folders in /home15:32
Akuliright, especially a bit older programs, but also some up-to-date ones like gimp15:32
Abe_k going to ruin "hopefully not" another dvd15:34
shekharPici Akuli Abe_ :  firstly, I am very new to Ubuntu kindly bear my nooblishness, Everything i mentioned above is related to an opensource application named OpenMRS, where the module war files are to be placed in AppData folder15:34
shekharPici:  Akuli  Abe_  inorder run the module we need to  load the module initially15:35
shekhardid that makes sense?? :)15:35
Akulishekhar: Ok, then you can run "find openmrs" on the terminal to check if you can find its setting files.15:35
AkuliYes :)15:35
shekharAkuli:  onething where can we find the .config file for an application in Ubuntu15:37
Picishekhar: global configs are in /etc/15:37
Akulishekhar: Open your home folder, press Ctrl+H, go to .config15:37
AkuliPici: or /usr/lib or /usr/share/somethign or whatever :)15:38
OerHeksaccording to their page https://wiki.openmrs.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=3346553 >> /usr/share/openmrs15:38
shekharAkuli:  I got that15:38
shekharAkuli:  Thank you :) 🙇15:39
naccthis isn't really an ubuntu question, though, as you're installing from source15:39
Picishekhar: Also the comments on https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Step+5+-+Deploy+OpenMRS has some info of where to put the war file.15:39
naccso it's a question of what does openmrs do15:39
naccwhich is probably relevant to all distros15:39
shekharPici:  I know how to do that using windows , but few days back i switched to ubuntu15:40
shekharPici:  thats the real problem, BTW i got that !! , Thank you guys15:41
curlyearsthere ARE books on using linux available15:41
* curlyears *ducks*15:41
Abe_dammit know I know why lubuntu screwed up on my old pc15:41
akikshekhar: you can use "dpkg -L package" to see where it has installed its files15:41
curlyearsbacl in a while15:42
Akuliakik: maybe we should introduce him to the scary terminal later :)15:42
Akulior rather, introduce the scary terminal to him15:42
Abe_I usually do md5sum checks... but there where in my experience always correct. now I checked and the md5check thingy is not correct.. thats why I ruined lubuntu dvd..15:42
naccAkuli: afaik, this is not a package (i don't see it in the archives)15:42
akikAkuli: i don't see the reason15:42
naccerr, akik --^ not Akuli, sorry15:43
Abe_cuz I didn't check the first time nooooo15:43
Abe_need to download again and delete this corrupt iso file befor it creates more damage15:43
akik!find openmrs15:43
ubottuPackage/file openmrs does not exist in xenial15:43
Akuliakik: he will switch back to windows if he needs to learn the terminal during the first few days.15:43
yahnAkuli, not necessarily true15:44
Akulibut likely15:44
akikAkuli: yea well that's how i started and it was all good15:44
venterhi every one15:44
Abe_Akuli: you don't have to use the terminal if you don't want to. helpful but if you only do basic thing's you don't actually need it15:45
venterany good tutorial on how to install #any  connect Cisco vpn in Ubuntu1615:45
AkuliI disagree about that a bit, but that's true for the most part :)15:45
AkuliSome things just can't be done without it15:46
yahnAbe_, I don't think that's true. Every person I know who's used Ubuntu has at some time had to drop into the terminal15:46
akikyou don't get the full linux experience if you don't use the shell15:46
yahnthat's not a good thing either15:46
Akulibut for the average user, 99% true :)15:46
Akuliakik: that's an opinion.15:46
naccit's a great thing, if you treat the shell as empowering rather than scary :)15:46
Akuliright :)15:47
akikyes i very much think that you don't get the full linux experience if you don't use the shell15:47
Abe_Akuli: thats true, for basic things you don't.. I think people shouldn't have to open a terminal for nothing.... Ubuntu has to be dumb down for the public or nobody will ever use it in the future15:47
yahnit's only great if you use it by choice, not because your other options have failed15:47
Akuliright, i agree15:47
naccbut now we're in the realm of opinions, again --> #offtopic :)15:47
michele_good evening15:49
yahnventer, http://askubuntu.com/questions/488435/cisco-vpn-configuration-steps15:49
venterthanks yahn15:49
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frewhey all; I need to tweak some of the neauvou settings on X11; since I don't have an xorg.conf to modify, can I like, export the current config and modify that?15:53
OerHeksfrew, if you need it, you can create a xorg.conf > http://askubuntu.com/questions/217758/how-to-make-an-xorg-conf-file15:55
Abe_2ok I'm on my old Pc now... where do I find the lubuntu 16.04 as torrent.. over browser it seems to be very slow on mine15:56
frewOerHeks: thanks15:56
UrbanFlashhello, i have a severe problem with my proprietary nvidia driver. It just stopped working this morning after running perfectly for the last few months15:57
yahnUrbanFlash, what do you mean by 'stopped working'?15:57
donofrioanyone here know why once I wifi working in 16.04 I see my access point and many others but mine and three others are "greyed" out? help15:58
UrbanFlashat the first boot this morning i just had a black screen15:58
UrbanFlashthen i removed the driver and rebooted = running vesa now15:58
UrbanFlashnow, whenever i install nvidia (whichever version) i still get the vesa driver15:58
UrbanFlashand the Xorg.0.log says: Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0)15:58
Abe_2OerHeks: thx but It was on lubuntu.net couldn't find it first15:58
UrbanFlashright now i have 361 installed15:59
UrbanFlashand as far as i can tell it built the module normally15:59
UrbanFlashis there any way to force a module rebuild or get more info than that?15:59
Abe_2funny how my old PC is blazing fast with lubuntu.. faster than my I3 with kubuntu xD.. well you can't compare it16:00
yahnUrbanFlash, did you remove the previous driver cleanly? sudo apt-get remove nvidia* && sudo apt-get autoremove16:00
shekharis there a way to run the .sh files other than a command via teminal16:00
UrbanFlashi did a purge nvidia* --purge16:00
UrbanFlashand i have done this for 10+ years, so i'm pretty sure there was nothing left16:00
shekharAbe_:  is there a way to run the .sh files other than a command via teminal16:00
UrbanFlashdkms also says the module is installed for the correct kernel16:01
akikUrbanFlash: there's "sudo apt install --reinstall package"16:01
Akulishekhar: a command in terminal? :D16:01
yahnUrbanFlash, I would suggest installing whatever version of the proprietary driver you want and then running sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg16:01
Akulishekhar: You can do it without any typing if you want16:01
Akulishekhar: First right-click the file, go to properties and make sure it has executable permissions, then drag and drop it to a terminal and press enter16:02
Akulishekhar: That easy :)16:02
UrbanFlashwill try, but i don't think it will help, that will only write a xorg.conf which i haven't needed or used for a few years16:02
Abe_2shekhar: I don't know... I just do ./qrehqfq;oirf .sh to start something16:03
UrbanFlashok, it basically did nothing visible...16:03
=== r0bert_ is now known as r0b
UrbanFlashnot even a xorg.conf anymore16:03
Abe_2shekhar: change permissions of course16:03
r0bi get bored sometimes16:03
AkuliI think he can even double-click it after changing the permissions16:03
nomoney4u2question: i installed the firmware-b43-installer  last night and it went great, i was able to see my network.  today - i dont see anything16:04
nomoney4u2iwlist wlan1 scan shows no result.16:04
nomoney4u2can someone help?16:04
donofrioanyone had AP's greyed out while many others are lite up allowing me to select everyone but my own AP????16:04
akikUrbanFlash: i've got an intel+nvidia system with a xorg configuration file. do you want to take a look?16:04
yahnUrbanFlash, when you run sudo modprobe nvidia what is the output?16:06
Akulishekhar: Is the right-clicking thing working?16:06
UrbanFlashno thanks akik, i have a desktop with only a dedicated nvidia card, i don't think that will help16:06
frewok, anyone know how to ask X11 what it's current settings are?  only so I can verify that I changed them correctly16:06
UrbanFlashyahn, no output, and lsmod says nvidia is running from the start16:07
shekharAkuli:  double click is  not working but the drag and drop is16:07
UrbanFlashlspci and lshw also say the nvidia driver is in use16:07
UrbanFlashonly the graphical information panel in the system settings tell me it uses the gallium driver16:07
Akulishekhar: you were supposed to right-click and go to properties.16:07
yahnUrbanFlash, can you please run sudo update-alternatives --config x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf and tell me which alternative is selected16:07
shekharAkuli:  yes i have done that16:08
Akulishekhar: and the allow executing as program is checked?16:08
donofrioanyone ever had a install where you get wifi working and you have list ten AP shown but three are greyed out and one of the greyed out selections is "my AP?"16:08
shekharAkuli:  yes done that too..16:08
Akulishekhar: then drag to terminal, click the terminal once and press enter :)16:08
robcoI've been wrestling with 16.04, trying to get it to work well on a Compaq Pro 6300 (that has been certified for 14.04 iirc).16:09
UrbanFlashyahn, good catch, it says http://paste.ubuntu.com/16220328/16:09
shekharAkuli:  it is fine , but a double click  should also do the same16:09
robcoI have a fresh install with errors in dmesg and syslog16:09
shekharAkuli:  i  mean a double click on .sh file16:09
UrbanFlashi hope the german is no problem, it just says automatic mode and manual mode16:09
robcoanyone have a recommendation on where to place them to get help? best area online for 16.04 support?16:09
Akulishekhar: what do you get when double-clicking then? it opens in a text editor?16:10
yahnrobco, what do you need help with?16:10
UrbanFlashi really have no idea why this uses the lowes priority driver an on manual16:10
UrbanFlashi will try changing, reboot and report back16:10
yahnUrbanFlash, I also have no idea. Are you able to select option 016:10
robcogetting xenial to work properly yahn16:10
UrbanFlashthanks so far16:10
shekharyes Akuli16:10
yahngood luck16:10
robcoI have some pastes16:10
Akulishekhar: try it now, you probably tried it before you gave it the executable flag16:10
OerHeks!paste | robco16:10
ubotturobco: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:10
yahnshekhar, tomcat is a service rather than a regular program..I don't think it's designed to be run the way you're intending it to16:11
yahnthat's what I could gather by skimming over the documentation16:11
shekharyahn: Ahh ok :)16:12
akikdouble clicking a sh file. what has the world come to16:12
UrbanFlashok, i'm back with no success16:12
UrbanFlashafter the reboot alternatives is set back to the mesa driver16:13
yahnrobco, I'm not sure what you're trying to show us here16:13
Akulishekhar: Use the software center for installing stuff, never download anything from the net unless you're sure you need to do it that way16:14
Akulinever anything.16:14
akikyahn: thanks for the update-alternatives tip. didn't know that it could be used for other things such as linker config files16:14
billy12Does anyone know what automotive analysis tool does?16:15
yahnUrbanFlash, when you open the additional drivers tab do the option for the proprietary driver show up? Is the one you want selected?16:15
UrbanFlashyahn, yes it is16:15
yahnUrbanFlash, can you try running sudo nvidia-xconfig please16:15
UrbanFlashyahn, i did, now i have a default xorg.conf16:16
yahnwith entries for the nvidia card?16:16
UrbanFlashyes: Identifier     "Device0"16:17
UrbanFlash    Driver         "nvidia"16:17
UrbanFlash    VendorName     "NVIDIA Corporation"16:17
UrbanFlashonly the bare minimum16:17
OerHeksbilly12, you might want to ask in the backbox channel, it is not part of our repos16:17
UrbanFlashi'll give it a try, brb16:17
yahngood luck :)16:17
yahnrobco, can you be a bit more specific? What part(s) are you having issues with?16:17
robcoyahn, please check the errors16:17
billy12Ok, thanks OerHeks!16:18
robcowell, when I install ldap and nscd16:18
robcoand configure it16:18
robcoI no longer get a login screen16:18
robcoand my monitor isn't found16:18
robcoIt makes no sense16:18
robcobut the fact that I have so many errors - I want to take these out of the equation first16:19
UrbanFlashsomehow the xorg.conf is gone again after a reboot and no change...16:19
robcoI've done about 10 installs and keep ending up with the black screen after LDAP and NSCD config - doesn't make sense16:19
yahnrobco, yeah that seems weird, I can't see a relation16:19
yahnUrbanFlash, that's also really strange16:19
robcome neither16:19
robcobut I'm trying to wipe out errors16:20
UrbanFlashit seems it got renamed to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.0504201616:20
robcoso I can narrow down what's happening16:20
UrbanFlashand didn't load because of that16:20
donofrioanyone ever had a install where you get wifi working and you have list ten AP shown but three are greyed out and one of the greyed out selections is "my AP?"16:20
robcoAfter LDAP & NSCD, and not before, I edn up with X11 not finding a display16:21
yahnrobco, I wish I could help but my knowledge of LDAP etc is extremely limited16:24
Biff1Hello, upgraded from 14.04 to 15.10, now networking and USB ports do not work. If I boot from USB with 14.04 and do an install will the file structure remain intact on the HD?16:24
yahnI also can't think of a reason why it would be at all related to your X settings16:25
robcoany idea on a good place to go with these logs?16:25
yahnthe only thing that comes to mind is some kind of timeout related to ldap logins16:25
robcoI can even su to ldap user before reboot16:25
robcoI believe it may be related to the edit of nsswitch.conf16:26
robcobut not sure16:26
UrbanFlashyahn, do you know your way around dkms?16:26
yahnUrbanFlash, not too well UrbanFlash16:27
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UrbanFlashi'm trying to rebuild the module, but i'm unsure how that would work16:27
UrbanFlashif i do dkms build nvidia/361 it says it can't fint the source16:27
robcoand when things go wrong, a reinstall of xorg, lightdm, etc doesn't help16:27
yahnrobco, looking through those logs doesn't show anything that jumps out to me16:27
robcothat's the fresh look16:28
robcoi haven't touched it yet at that point16:28
yahnUrbanFlash, you've got the linux-headers package installed yeah?16:28
UrbanFlashthe thing is: the module is built, installed and running16:28
UrbanFlashX just can't find it at boot and falls back to vesa16:29
yahnUrbanFlash, last ditch effort, have you tried to install the drivers manuall from nvidia.com?16:29
UrbanFlashnot yet16:29
UrbanFlashthat was also my last idea before a reinstall16:29
yahnUrbanFlash, the million dollar question, did you change anything relevant before the issue cropped up?16:30
UrbanFlashnope, i shut the pc down yesterday evening with everything working perfectly16:30
UrbanFlashthis morning the error was there16:30
UrbanFlashthere were 3 updates yesterday16:31
UrbanFlashthe only one remotely to do with drivers or graphics was ubuntu-drivers-common16:31
yahnanything relevant to the kernel/base?16:31
Biff1Hello, upgraded from 14.04 to 15.10, now networking and USB ports do not work. If I boot from USB with 14.04 and do an install will the folder structure remain intact on the HD?16:31
UrbanFlashbut as far as i can tell that's not really connected to the drivers16:31
UrbanFlashit's only for the installer16:31
AkuliBiff1: 16.04 was also released recently, so you could try that too. i'd recommend taking backups before reinstalling anyway.16:32
Biff1no network no USB, how can I do a backup?16:33
tgm4883Biff1: I'd second testing 16.04. You can use the live USB to verify that networking works16:33
tgm4883Biff1: did you encrypt your partition?16:33
Biff1no encryption16:34
tgm4883Biff1: then you should be able to mount the disk in a live session16:34
tgm4883I'd still recommend the testing of the 16.04 live session16:34
Biff1excellent, then I'll create a 16.04 USB and boot and backup...sounds lika plan16:35
swimmer_hello g33ks, anyone knows how to allow non-root users to full operate NetworkManager (using 16.04)?16:36
Biff1Thanks, Bye bye16:36
tgm4883swimmer_: what do you mean "full operate"?16:37
swimmer_be able to (for example) connect to a wifi network16:37
swimmer_without asking for any password16:37
swimmer_and without giving sudo privileges16:37
CrookedHillaryI am crooked Hillary!16:39
bazhangCrookedHillary, thats offtopic here16:39
bazhangCrookedHillary, try a chat channel not here16:39
Akuliswimmer_: my network manager does that by default on 14.0416:40
CrookedHillaryI can talk about whatever I want.16:40
swimmer_my 16.06 doesn't16:40
CrookedHillaryWhat you going to do about it?16:40
yahnswimmer_, my 16.04 install doesn't require a root password to connect to wifi networks16:40
bazhangCrookedHillary, in the #ubuntu-offtopic channel sure16:40
Akulii'd suggest not turning this into a linux mint kickban channel :)16:42
AkuliOk :)16:42
MonkeyDustAkuli  it's easy: make sure you don't get kicked16:42
BenderRodriguezIs virtinst required for kvm to run?16:43
CrookedHillarywtf happened16:43
Akulidax didn't like your attitude.16:43
BenderRodriguezI'm on ubuntu server so I really don't want to install a bunch of gtk packages16:43
UrbanFlashyahn, i wanted to report in, that the driver from the website works as expected...16:43
daxyou stopped being able to talk about whatever you want16:43
Abe_finally got one more dvd successfull.16:43
yahnUrbanFlash, interesting16:44
UrbanFlashit kind of feels like giving up, but i'm gonna leave it for now16:44
UrbanFlashi will play with it some more tomorrow or so16:44
yahnUrbanFlash, when you were (re)installing the nvidia driver were you doing it from the GUI?16:44
yahnie from the additional drivers tab16:44
UrbanFlashno, that didn't work16:44
yahnor from the terminal16:44
swimmer_yahn: have you created a new user without sudo privileges and test it like that?16:44
UrbanFlashsorry, i misunderstood16:45
CrookedHillaryWhat do you think about canonical adding a warning this command16:45
UrbanFlashwhen i tried the versions in the repo or ppa i used the terminal16:45
CrookedHillarynow, dont ban me16:45
UrbanFlashlike i always do16:45
CrookedHillaryIll put it in quotes "rm -rf /"16:45
UrbanFlashi only checked in the gui if it detected the driver which it did16:45
yahnUrbanFlash, ah ok..super weird still16:45
UrbanFlashyeah, i'm glad i'm not the only one thinking that16:45
UrbanFlashthere was another weird thing though16:46
UrbanFlashwhen i install 352, it automatically installs 361 as well16:46
swimmer_so, the test here is: create a new user without sudo privileges, check if can connect to a wifi without asking for password.16:46
UrbanFlashnot the other way round though or with any other version16:46
yahnit gets stranger I see..16:46
UrbanFlashbut that has to be a problem in the dependencies16:46
lotuspsychjeUrbanFlash: thats because 352 gets redirected to 36116:46
tgm4883swimmer_: I'm assuming you mean a new wifi SSID, not one that is already configured?16:46
UrbanFlashlotuspsychje, ah ok16:46
UrbanFlashbut why do i get both packages then?16:47
lotuspsychjeUrbanFlash: try a sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall perhaps16:47
swimmer_tgm4883: correct. I want to give my users the ability to connect to their wifi at home without giving them sudo privileges16:47
UrbanFlashlotuspsychje, trying right now, i did just use the nvidia installer from the website though, so it might take a while to clean up16:48
OerHeksUrbanFlash, nvidia-352 is just a transitional package for nvidia-36116:48
UrbanFlashOerHeks, yep, i see that now16:49
OerHeksUrbanFlash, don't install from the nvidia site, use our drivers or the official ppa16:49
UrbanFlashdidn't matter in the end16:49
UrbanFlashdid you even read anything we tried the last half hour?16:49
akikthat's a bit weird that the wifi configuration is shared between users16:49
UrbanFlashor me the last 3 hours?16:49
UrbanFlashbecause that's exactly what i tried and what failed16:49
lotuspsychjeUrbanFlash: we dont all sit here on a chair waiting , no16:49
UrbanFlashthen maybe such a statement is not as helpful as one might think, huh?16:50
UrbanFlashbut the driver is reinstalled now with version 36416:50
lotuspsychjeUrbanFlash: we trying to help you here, on facts you type right now in chat16:50
UrbanFlashyeah, you joined in, that's great16:51
UrbanFlashand i'm greatful16:51
UrbanFlashbut we've been doing this here for a while16:51
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akikUrbanFlash: where did you find nvidia-364 ?16:51
UrbanFlashin some ppa16:51
lotuspsychjeprobably ubuntu graphics ppa16:51
UrbanFlashyeah, that one16:51
UrbanFlashsry too slow with looking for the name16:52
lotuspsychjeUrbanFlash: wich chipset are you on?16:52
UrbanFlashgk106 = gtx66016:52
UrbanFlashi've been on xenial since ~february and haven't had problems yet16:52
UrbanFlashand they just appeared between the shutdown yesterday and the boot today16:53
BilllyMy name is Billy16:53
UrbanFlashthe only thing that changed yesterday was an update to ubuntu-drivers-common16:53
BilllyAnyone see my friend crookedhillary16:53
UrbanFlashand the thing today was: the driver was installed (let's say version 361), built correctly and reported as "in use" by lspci and lshw16:54
lotuspsychjeUrbanFlash: weird, because nvidia's site suggests 361 for your card16:54
UrbanFlashbut actually X uses the gallium driver16:54
UrbanFlashit did actually suggest 304 for me16:54
robcoBillly/hillary is bored16:54
robcoand young, I presume16:54
UrbanFlashbut everything up to 364 also lists the card as supported16:54
yahnthe gtx660 has been supported for a while now16:54
yahnI wonder if the nvidia driver isn't blacklist nouveau16:55
BilllyToo much time on their hands16:55
lotuspsychjeBillly: can we help you with an ubuntu problem?16:55
bazhang!ot | Billly16:55
ubottuBillly: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:55
bazhangtake the chit chat somewhere else Billly16:55
daxbazhang: nothx, he's banned from it for repeated PM abuse and racism16:56
UrbanFlashshould it be in the blacklists in modules.d?16:56
BilllyJesus, bruh, give me a chance to ask something16:56
BilllyAny updates on AMD drivers16:56
robcoask and stop wasting space here where people are trying to be productive, Billly16:57
bazhangBillly, no16:57
BilllyWhat space. The16:57
TheMariusany of you guys got movit working in kdenlive?16:57
yahn /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf16:57
BilllyThere isn't a space limitation here16:57
yahnit might in another conf16:57
robcook. doing a reboot after yet another LDAP NSCD PAM config16:57
UrbanFlashi'm looking in all of them right now16:57
BilllyIts not the 1980s where space is severely limited16:57
robcopray for me16:58
lotuspsychjeUrbanFlash, yahn we had several users with likewise issues today on GTX cards..smells like a new bug to me16:58
MonkeyDustBillly  stop16:58
lundmarhow come I can't set default application for .avi files to vlc? It insists on using totem regardless of setting default to vlc. Is this a known bug?16:58
UrbanFlashlotuspsychje, ok, that's good to know somehow16:58
lotuspsychjelundmar: right mouse/properties on .avi and set vlc to default16:58
UrbanFlashi'm pretty sure the bug is in ubuntu-drivers-common then, because that was updated yesterday before i shut the pc down16:58
lundmarlotuspsychje: been there done that, it remains totem.16:58
OerHekslundmar, just set default player to vlc, systemsettings > details > default applications16:58
lundmarde-facto: done that.16:59
lundmarsomething is broken.16:59
lotuspsychjeUrbanFlash: aha, nice feedback..perhaps looking for an already existing xenial bug then? if not: new bug16:59
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UrbanFlashyeah, but before that i'd like to have a fully working pc again...16:59
lotuspsychjeUrbanFlash: sudo apt purge nvidia* to go back to nouveau17:00
UrbanFlashit's hard to reproduce something if everything reacts unexpected17:00
BilllyEven if you do report the bug. There won't be a patch until yhr next release17:00
UrbanFlashnouveau is part of gallium/vesa/mesa things right?17:00
lotuspsychjeBillly: stop that please17:00
lotuspsychje!nouveau | UrbanFlash17:01
ubottuUrbanFlash: nouveau is an open-source nvidia driver included by default since Ubuntu 10.04. Currently, 3D rendering is only partially supported. More information can be found at http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/ | See !nvidia for the closed-source Nvidia driver.17:01
BilllyTake a look a unity. You can finally move it to the bottom after several years of refusing to implement the driver17:01
lotuspsychje!discuss | Billly17:01
ubottuBillly: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!17:01
UrbanFlashso, yes17:01
UrbanFlashthen no, i can't use nouveau, because it gives me 2cm of black border around the screen17:02
UrbanFlashand makes all of the next nearly unlegible17:02
lotuspsychjeUrbanFlash: thats very unhandy, perhaps enter desktop again with a nomodeset?17:02
UrbanFlashtried that too, didn't change anything17:03
UrbanFlashbut i'll reboot now with 364 installed with ubuntu-drivers17:03
MonkeyDustBillly  you're not in the right channel, here17:04
daxi think we covered that adequately17:05
cortexmanhow can I install gcc <= 4.6 in xenial?17:05
Akulicortexman: download the source and compile?17:07
MonkeyDustdax  for anything higher than what's in the repos, you need a ppa or a .deb or so, but that's not suppoerted here17:08
cortexmanAkuli, i'm thinking of using debian snapshots17:08
Akulioh wait... i have no idea how to compile a c compiler :D17:08
UrbanFlashback running vesa again17:08
MonkeyDustcortexman  ^^^17:08
UrbanFlashand xchat not connecting to freenode...17:08
UrbanFlashso, i can safely say no version of nvidia drivers from the ubuntu repos, however i install it doesn't work17:09
UrbanFlashonly the one from the website gives me accelerated graphics right now17:09
UrbanFlashxchat is finally done, brb this webchat sucks...17:09
UrbanFlash_lotuspsychje, do you, by any chance have any more ideas what i could try?17:10
=== UrbanFlash_ is now known as UrbanFlash
Abe_ok now i'm in the kubuntu live cd.. seems to work fine just 2 questions... things that I noticed right away...17:16
Abe_first you cannot change the size of the application launcher anymore :(17:17
Abe_is there a way to change it?17:17
MonkeyDustAbe_  and the other question?17:18
Abe_Can you use Mir with Kubuntu 16.04... I have a little screen tearing always with kde. mainly I use kubuntu 14.04 and it's exactly the same issue...17:19
Abe_I am really looking forward using Mir17:20
baizonAbe_: enable vsync, kde doesnt support mir17:20
baizonAbe_: kde supports wayland17:20
squintyAbe_, if you are talking about icon size in the launcher, you will need to install unity-tweak to adjust the size17:20
yahnsquinty, he's talking about KDE17:21
Abe_Ok how do I use wayland then... Vsync won't fix the issue.. tried that already17:21
MonkeyDustsquinty  you came in too late17:21
Abe_squinty: yes i am talking about kde plasma 517:21
squintysorry guys17:21
erkan^wow Claws Mail is faster than Thunderbird. I think that Mozilla has very problem now.17:21
Abe_How do I use wayland then :D ?17:21
Abe_if possible17:22
yahnAbe_, Wayland isn't really usable yet17:22
yahnyou want to try  System Settings > Display and Monitor > Compositor - Tearing Prevention17:22
yahnand make sure that's enabled17:22
yahnfor KDE17:22
_maddyI installed apache2 + php7 on 16.04, but apache is not executing my php code? I also installed libapache2-mod-php7.017:22
kevin123did you set up php fpm?17:23
kevin123ok, you need something in between apache php, ie php fpm17:23
_maddywhy do I need that? doesn't php just run as apache mod?17:23
Abe_ok I changed it to full screen repaints17:23
_maddybut I already installed libapache2-mod-php7.017:24
lundmaroh my gawd, this is still an issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/117701217:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1177012 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Selecting default application in System Settings does not present predictable results." [Undecided,Confirmed]17:24
lundmarthere are so many bugs in ubuntu when you start looking at it closely :/17:24
Abe_I did this on 14.04 too but it didn't fix it either...but I have nvidia driver installed there17:24
kevin123I haven't used apache in years, but iirc you need to enable the mods17:24
OerHekslundmar, old bug, 2013 .. solved i guess17:25
yahnAbe_, make sure you have the vsync option disabled in the nvidia driver first17:25
lundmarnot solved, only confirmed.17:25
_maddyoh ok, it is executing php in /var/www, but not in my userdir17:25
OerHekslundmar, do you encounter that bug now?17:25
lundmarOerHeks: yes, can't change defalt app from totem -> vlc17:26
Abe_yahn: oh I always tried both... Ok seems actually better now.. I do this Vsync test thingy online17:26
Abe_have to turn woobly windows off to see better if anything tears while moving windows :D17:27
hackelWhen I start a guest session, it launches a GNOME session.  Is there a way I can set this to Unity (without uninstalling GNOME shell)?17:27
Akulimaybe some lightdm setting file?17:28
MonkeyDusthackel  everything you save in the guest session, is deleted when you logout, that goes for the login settings too, i'm afraid17:29
Abe_I always use this website for vsync testing https://www.vsynctester.com/17:29
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Abe_It actually performs better then on my installed kubuntu17:30
hackelMonkeyDust: Obviously, that's not what I'm talking about.17:30
Abe_not perfect but a lot better17:30
matteo_got it17:30
Abe_oh another question... even a little more kde specific.. if somebody is using the theme "QtCurve" does it work with kubuntu 16.04?17:31
Abe_I love it cause it's so highly configurable17:32
AceHey Everyone17:32
buntunoobHello, I am unable to select text, be it with mouse or keyboard. The highlighted text disappears as soon as I highlight it. Any clues?17:33
Abe_but hey they did a lot on kde.. way more then lubuntu and ubuntu17:33
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Abe_they improved almost everything17:35
yahnbuntunoob, is this in a specific program or everywhere in Ubuntu?17:35
curlyearshowdy.  If I want to reparition a s econdary HDD, can I just run parted from a term shell?17:36
EriC^^curlyears: you want to make a clean partition table?17:36
curlyearsEriC^^:  no, I want my boot drive to remain as it is, I just want to re-partition my 500GB secondary drive17:37
AkuliIs there a gui for changing qt settings?17:37
buntunoobyahn, it's happening in gedit, libreoffice, and HexChat, amongst others. Firefox seems immune.17:37
EriC^^curlyears: yeah i mean a fresh partition table on the secondary one?17:38
EriC^^or just like resize partitions and create new ones in free space?17:38
Akulibuntunoob: what's the problem?17:38
curlyearsright, EriC^^17:38
yahnbuntunoob, are you using a clipboard tool?17:38
EriC^^curlyears: right what?17:38
Akulioh, i scrolled up and read it :D17:38
curlyearsa freshly partitioned drive17:39
EriC^^curlyears: ok, run sudo gdisk /dev/sdX for gpt, and sudo fdisk /dev/sdX for mbr17:39
buntunoobyahn, no clipboard tool.17:39
EriC^^then press "o" to make a clean partition table, and "w" to write it17:39
EriC^^curlyears: then use sudo cgdisk /dev/sdX or sudo cfdisk /dev/sdX to partition it if you want to use the terminal for that17:39
buntunoobAkuli, text won't select.17:40
Akulii'd use fdisk for partitioning17:40
Akulisudo fdisk /dev/sdX17:40
yahnbuntunoob, does the problem persist if you use the shift+arrow keys to try to select text?17:40
buntunoobyahn, yes.17:40
AkuliAny answers to my qt question?17:41
buntunoobyahn, hitting ctrl+a selects and then almost immediately unselects the text.17:41
yahnbuntunoob, stupid question, have you got anything pressing down on any of the keys of your keyboard?17:41
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erkan^Is Canonical search to an alternative mail program after Mozilla stops support for Thunderbird?17:41
buntunoobyahn, negative, but I can try replugging the USB keyboard.17:42
Abe_So when is Wayland "quite ready" ?17:42
yahnbuntunoob, I'd give it a shot17:42
yahndisconnecting the keyboard and trying the mouse17:42
yahnand vice versa17:42
Abe_I know seemingly never ships xD waiting years now ?17:42
OerHeksAbe_, who knows, ubuntu goes for MIR17:42
buntunoobyahn, no go.17:42
Guest75426im new17:42
OerHeksAbe_, but you know that already17:42
davido_!ot |Guest7542617:42
ubottuGuest75426: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:42
Abe_OerHeks: yes but I am more of the KDE guy... not a real fan of unity17:43
Guest75426Can i have a large peperoni pizza17:43
OerHeksAbmaybe you better ask in #kubuntu then?17:43
curlyearsOK, thanks17:43
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Abe_OerHeks: they almost never answer xD17:44
curlyearsnow, how do I access this drive in the shell (I know hoe to access it from gnome nautilus17:44
yahnbuntunoob, no idea sorry, google search fails me too17:44
buntunoobyahn, thanks buddy.17:45
ioriabuntunoob, virtual machine ?17:45
yahnbuntunoob, oh, are using English(US) as your language?17:45
yahnare you*17:45
yahnI wonder if changing the input language might help17:46
wikideerWhy must XChat keep putting me here17:46
Guest75426Can I have some large fries?17:47
lotuspsychje!xchat | wikideer17:47
ubottuwikideer: xchat and xchat-gnome have not had stable releases in years. xchat was removed from Ubuntu for 16.04. Consider using hexchat instead, which is actively developed and available in 14.04 onwards.17:47
wikideerI am using 12.04LTS17:47
wikideerOn an ARM device17:47
curlyearshexchat is an IRC client, yes?17:47
EriC^^curlyears: did you create partitions on it?17:48
wikideerSo getting hexchat means upgrading my system17:48
catbeardan inferior one, yes17:48
curlyearsEric^:  yes17:48
catbeardget weechat, it's worth the setup17:48
OerHekswikideer, 12.04 is EOL17:48
wikideerI know it is17:48
wikideerBut it's what ships with crouton17:48
EriC^^curlyears: create a filesystem on the partition ( mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdxY )17:48
yahn12.04 is not EOL17:48
OerHekswikideer, then you know the answer17:48
catbeardshould i upgrade to 16.04 from 15.10 ?17:48
Abe_Ohh how to you turn widgets around.. in 14.04 you can rotate them ?17:49
curlyearsEric^^:  I can get to it by looking in /media/uname and copy and pasting the huge ID nnumber, but that is REALLY tedious17:49
yahnno, 12.04 is not EOL17:49
yahnyou can select what version of Ubuntu you want in crouton17:49
EriC^^curlyears: you already made a filesystem there?17:49
wikideerI couldn't figure out how to do it17:50
wikideerAnd I just got it to my liking17:50
EriC^^curlyears: use tab completion, cd /media/name<tab>/first letter<tab>17:50
wikideerSo I will just pout17:50
yahnsh ~/Downloads/crouton -r list17:50
wikideerAlready have it all set up17:50
wikideerToo much work atm to undo it17:50
yahnfair enough17:51
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buntunoobioria, negative.17:55
buntunoobyahn, yes.17:55
curlyearsEriC^^:  /dev/sdb is apparently in use by the system; will not make a filesystem here!17:55
KamilaIs it easy to use looks after installation, or would it be easier to reinstall and then dd the partition afterwards?17:56
yahnbuntunoob, I'm out of ideas with that one sorry17:57
curlyearsI had to get up in the middle of the night (07:30 AM)  to go grocery shopping today.  I think I need a nap17:58
poorUserhi people! do you know what happened to keepass? is no more into ubuntu software center... :(17:58
tim241should I trust a system procces to get root acces?17:59
AkulipoorUser: apt-cache search keepass17:59
yahnpoorUser, keepass2 and keepassx are still available in the default repositories17:59
curlyearssudo apt-get search cura17:59
poorUseri see in the site17:59
Akulicurlyears: you probably meant apt-cache, and apt-cache doesn't need sudo.17:59
hackelpoorUser: I would use jtaylor's ppa for keepass2.17:59
poorUserbut isn't shown in the graphical software manager18:00
poorUserk hackel18:00
yahnthough I can confirm that they don't show up in the software center18:00
yahnhackel, who is jtaylor?18:00
hackelyahn: The person who maintains the keepass2 PPA. :)18:00
yahnI wouldn't install security software from 3rd party ppa's18:01
wikideerI just have a notebook with my passwords18:01
poorUseryahn: i've used it for a lot of years, do you suggest something better?18:01
curlyearswikideer:   extremely insecure18:02
yahnpoorUser, I just mean I think it's bad practice security-wise to trust PPA's maintained by third parties18:02
nomoney4u2question: i installed the firmware-b43-installer  last night and it went great, i was able to see my network.  today - i dont see anything. iwlist wlan1 s shows no result. :( any ideas?18:02
yahnthe reality is I'm sure it's fine18:02
hackelyahn: Fair point, though the source files are available to build the package yourself.18:02
yahnhackel, that's true :)18:02
poorUserok as general talking you are right. We should add to this discussion SSL developers18:03
curlyearswikideer:  one should never write passwords down18:03
wikideerWith a physical book of passwords I can and have created my own scripts so that they are not readable by anyone but me18:03
wikideerSo good luck using them :/18:04
hackelPasswords should be so difficult that writing them down (and re-typing them accurately) would be almost impossible.18:04
yahnthe diceware method is excellent18:04
yahnI remember my diceware passwords too18:04
wikideerI tend to stick with 24 character passwords18:04
wikideerWhich aren't exactly hard to type18:05
poorUserwhat do you have to protect? nuclear silos? :D18:05
curlyearsI don't evn try to remember my password.   I use a mental algorith the generate it when I need it.  It is highly unlikely to be guessed at by anyone18:05
poorUser6-8 char mixed are strongly enough for bank apps too :D18:05
curlyearsmy passwqord is 10 chars18:06
wikideerI am not guarding anything important18:06
hackelwikideer: That's quite short, but even so, once you start throwing spaces and special look-alike characters in there, it can start to get challenging.18:06
wikideerI just really like the number 2418:06
poorUserif you use 1 password hard password for all is more weak than a lot of minipassword18:06
wikideerI just use ASCII 256 characters18:06
poorUserwith a password manager you limit the attack to your own pc compromised18:06
curlyearshackel:  "look-alike characters?"18:07
wikideerEach account and site has it's own 24 character password18:07
poorUserand if it is comprosimed every password / security method it is18:07
hackelcurlyears: Like l I 1 - – — things like that.18:07
wikideerI don't keep my passwords on my computer18:07
curlyearshackel:  OK, that's what I thought you meant18:07
wikideerSo I don't even have to worry about it being compromised18:08
hackelReminds me of when I found my dad's password notebook...  Almost all of them were identical and included his first name.  Argh!18:08
poorUseralso do you feel secure with your 20 char pwd? :D i would worry about bugs18:08
curlyearsI've got several GBs worth of .stl files, for 3D printing nnumerous different objects18:09
wikideerI feel secure enough18:09
wikideerNothing that can really hurt me is online18:09
wikideerI don't have credit cards, online banking, paypal, etc18:09
azizLIGHThow come i cant see some unicode characters18:10
wikideerAnd everything that accepts it has 2FA18:10
azizLIGHTthey appear as letters in a bx18:10
wikideerYou don't have the charset installed18:10
wikideer"language pack"18:10
Art220hello! has anyone looked at the Samba update that was pushed out today?  Am I allowed to post a link to the Ubuntu page?18:10
hackelazizLIGHT: Not all fonts contain every unicode block.18:10
poorUseri have all online, bills shopping etc...18:11
wikideerOnline banking in my mind is a bad idea18:11
wikideerEspecially when the actual bank is just down the street18:12
poorUserand a "weak" password compared to yours :D18:12
hackelOnline banking in my mind is the only kind of banking that should even exist.  I can't imagine having to talk to an actual person all the time. *shudder*18:12
poorUseris more probable to be robben on the street that not online18:12
hackelIt bothers me that banks waste their money on staff that could be going to me in higher interest rates.18:12
poorUser+ banks have 128 bit key gen18:12
Art220The supposed fix for the Samba issue that has been a big topic on Ubuntu forums has been pushed out in today's update. http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2950-2/18:13
wikideerI really doubt someone is going to rob me on the way to the bank xD18:13
daxback to ubuntu support please, folks18:13
poorUseryou should worry about derivatives shares... :D18:13
poorUseryeah, i've installed keepass2 from terminal, the software center doesn't show a lot of software18:14
Art220so, I apply the samba fix in autoupdate and still I cannot log into samba shares. I ran dpkg -s samba-libs and it returned the Version 2:4.3.9+dfsg-0ubuntu0.16.04.118:14
Art220so I think its applied18:15
trevor_sso... ubuntu gnome doesn't have the classic gnome GUI?18:15
trevor_sis there any way to get that?18:15
Art220if it helps, I did a fresh install the other night and have done nothing to the samba files as I was waiting for the official fix18:15
trevor_swhere the appliation menu is on the top left, etc18:15
wikideerIs Xubuntu official?18:15
tgm4883wikideer: yes18:16
lotuspsychje!flavors | wikideer18:16
ubottuwikideer: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. The current list is: !Edubuntu, !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, Ubuntu !Kylin, !Lubuntu, !Mythbuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, !Xubuntu, and Ubuntu !MATE18:16
daxtrevor_s: might want to look into MATE, it's a fork of GNOME 2 that looks pretty much the same as it18:16
techkid6So, I've been here all week asking about crons tuff, so, one more question... I have a script that generates tabs, where should I put those tabs, as the user running the script won't be able to put them in the crontabs directory as a system tab, but I also don't wanna overwrite the user's tab18:16
OerHeks!info classicmenu-indicator18:17
ubottuclassicmenu-indicator (source: classicmenu-indicator): indicator showing the main menu from Gnome Classic. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.1-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 27 kB, installed size 280 kB18:17
tgm4883techkid6: not really an answer to your question, but I'm assuming you've already thought about just adding the line to the users crontab? (rather than overwriting files)18:18
hackelpoorUser: Both keepassx and keepass2 show up for me in USC on 16.04 (first time I've launched it, actually...doesn't look any different than what I remember).18:18
hackelpoorUser: Do you have universe enabled?18:18
techkid6tgm4883: Yeah, but the script very naively removes everything in there as it resets itself (it is piggybacking off cron as a potential scheduler)18:19
techkid6right now I have it just using a user crontab though18:19
Chic0_SevillAhola buenas18:19
techkid6I could make a user for it, but thats a bit much I think.18:19
techkid6because the user needs to have a full environment (X11 and all)18:20
tgm4883techkid6: I've not followed along all week, so I don't know the use case.18:20
techkid6tgm4883: Essentially, I am doing a bunch of work on some school bells, so I have a way of going from a scheduler format to a series of cronjobs18:21
techkid6tgm4883: I figure, instead of writing my own scheduler, using cron would be easier because it is an established application, etc.  why reinvent the wheel18:21
tgm4883techkid6: school bells?18:21
techkid6tgm4883: Yes, they're audible, running through a PA system18:22
techkid6between periods and whatnot18:22
WhirHi, I (still) have a problem with my package system18:22
tgm4883techkid6: ah, so this would actually be running the bell system18:22
Whirapt-get upgrade gives18:22
techkid6tgm4883: Yep, it would be executing the script to ring the bells18:22
tgm4883techkid6: and it needs a full X11 environment?18:23
Whirand  apt-get -f install18:23
techkid6tgm4883: For mpg123 I think it needs to have an X environment yeah18:23
techkid6I could switch from mpg12318:23
techkid6It was just the easiest thing to test with18:23
AkuliWhir: sudo apt-get install --reinstall samba-common samba-libs ?18:24
Akulisudo apt-get install --reinstall samba-common samba-libs smbclient18:24
WhirAkuli: OK i try18:25
WhirE: Internal Error, No file name for samba-libs:amd6418:25
Akuliok, that explains something18:25
Akulibut i dont know, i just reinstalled it :D18:26
WhirAkuli: this samba client is very resilient...I can not remove it18:26
Akulioh right18:27
geniiYou might want to sudo apt-get update first18:27
AkuliYou could use dpkg --force-all to remove it... but that's probably a really bad idea18:27
Akulitry genii's suggestion18:27
Whirgenii: I did that of course18:27
lotuspsychjeWhir: did you add ppa's or manual packages install?18:28
Whirlotuspsychje: No I did not..never actually used samba..solved my needs with NFS18:28
lotuspsychjeWhir: wich ubuntu version are you on mate?18:30
Whirlotuspsychje: 14.0418:30
poorUserhackel: yes, and even partners enabled18:30
donofrioanyone ever had a install where you get wifi working and you have list ten AP shown but three are greyed out and one of the greyed out selections is "my AP?"18:31
hackelpoorUser: You've chosen "All software" on the view menu, not just Canonical maintained software?  Just grasping at ideas at this point.18:32
OerHeksdonofrio, make a screenshot, likely the not-greyed out are openwifi18:32
poorUserhackel: yes :(18:33
donofriono it's something weird with this machine or something other installs shows all18:33
donofrioI'll screenshot and show18:33
poorUserhackel: application not found :(18:33
lotuspsychjeWhir: perhaps go for Akuli's idea, force purge with dpkg, then try sudo apt-get update18:33
donofriolubuntu what is the screenshot app?18:34
Whirlotuspsychje: ok i try18:34
Whirwhat is the line exactly_18:34
OerHeksdonofrio, just press prt-screen18:34
oshogungreetings and salutations18:34
Art220Whir, are you working on the samba issue? http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2950-2/18:34
hackelpoorUser: I just realized I was still using the old Ubuntu Software Center, I thought that had been removed from 16.04.  Are you using GNOME Software?18:35
hackelpoorUser: I installed GNOME Software, and I also do not find it there. Sounds like a potential bug to me.18:35
WhirArt220: ummh..hard to tell18:35
Whirso I was not aware of that problem18:36
oshogundoes anyone here use i3wm?18:36
poorUserhackel: yes i think the same, some other packets are not shown, but are aviable via apt-get...18:36
Akulisudo dpkg --force-all --purge smbclient18:37
Akulibut don't do it just yet18:37
Akulioops wrong channel :D18:37
WhirAkuli: : what is the dpkg --force-all line exactly?18:37
Akulior wait.. Right channel :D18:37
WhirAkuli: oops18:37
WhirAkuli: sorry, didnt see18:37
lotuspsychjeWhir: http://askubuntu.com/questions/525088/how-to-delete-broken-packages-in-ubuntu18:37
hackelpoorUser: If you just want a graphical solution, you can still install (Ubuntu) software-center or (even better in my opinion) Synapic.18:38
Akulirun sudo apt-get install --download-only smbclient first18:38
lotuspsychjeoshogun: there's a handy #i3 channel if you want18:38
Akulibecause i want to be sure you have it downloaded so you won't break your system like i did :D18:38
WhirAkuli: ok I have it18:38
Akuliso its downloaded?18:39
WhirAkuli: that does not work18:39
Akulithen i guess we're ready to purge.18:39
Whirso I mean the dpkg -purge18:39
Whirhere is the output:18:39
MonkeyDustWhir  use a pastebin18:39
poorUserhackel: i'm used with both, i thought something happened to the packet itself, but if is just a temporary bug it's not a problem18:39
WhirMonkeyDust: no worries ;]18:40
AkuliMonkeyDust: just in time :)18:40
tgm4883Whir: which ubuntu version is this?18:40
Whirtgm4883: 14.0418:40
Akulilet's try reinstall first18:41
MonkeyDustWhir  do you want to purge a removed app? try sudo aptitude purge ~c18:41
Akulisudo apt-get install --reinstall smbclient18:41
WhirAkuli: same error18:41
donofrioOerHeks, apaste.info/Hii18:41
Akulioh right...18:41
Whir unable to install (supposed) new info file `/var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/md5sums': Is a directory18:41
Akulii'd suggest you rm the directory manually18:42
tgm4883Whir: do this18:42
tgm4883Well don't do that yet18:42
Akulisudo rm -r /var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/md5sum which is probably a really bad idea.18:42
Akulireally bad.18:42
tgm4883Akuli: yea dont' tell people to do bad things?18:42
Akulidoing my best18:42
hackelpoorUser: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/156215818:43
tgm4883I'd like to see this first18:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1562158 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Package(s) missing from gnome-software" [Undecided,Opinion]18:43
scatterpEriC^^: hey dude you here i figured it out!18:43
tgm4883"dpkg -S /var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/md5sums"18:43
tgm4883and also "dpkg -S /var/lib/dpkg/info/smbclient.md5sums"18:43
scatterpcan any one help me out with getting ubuntu desktop to run properly or debuging the problem when i boot i get a login screen i choose a user and then i get a blank screen ubuntu 14.0418:44
tgm4883Akuli: I mean, it's probably going to come to that anyway, but we should check if the file is owned by anything else first18:44
scatterpcould i just reinstall it maybe ?18:44
just_someone Hey hi! Someone know why my headset bluethoot didn't connect to my Ubuntu phone?18:44
Akulitgm4883: good idea.18:44
scatterpnote blank screen has a mouse pointer :)18:44
Whirtgm4883: so for the first:18:44
Whirdpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/md5sums18:44
Whirfor the 2nd the same18:44
Akuliscatterp: you can press Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to a terminal world18:45
poorUserhackel: tnk now is +2 with this problem :D me and flocculant18:45
WhirAkuli: hrhr18:45
Whirterminal *only* world18:45
donofrioanyone ever had a install where you get wifi working and you have list ten AP shown but three are greyed out and one of the greyed out selections is "my AP?" looks like http://apaste.info/Hii machine info http://apaste.info/VX318:46
scatterpAkuli: yeah there seems to be a desktop there in a simular state no idea why how ever ctrl alt f2-6 works fine18:46
tgm4883Akuli: Whir have you guys tried forcing the package removal yet?18:46
AkuliWhir: we all have 6 of them and 1 gui wold :D18:46
AkuliWhir: the terminal worlds are called tty's18:46
Akulitgm4883: yes, and failed18:46
Akulitgm4883: http://pastebin.com/ZXkKkXn618:46
Akulithat's where the directory error came from18:47
tgm4883Akuli: Whir ok, I'm on board with just deleting the directory then18:47
WhirWhir: allright18:47
Akulisudo rm -r /var/lib/dpkg/info/smbclient.md5sums18:47
poorUserhackel: funny joke, https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/precise/keepass2/ says "it's aviable from the sofware center" :D18:47
Whirdid it18:47
Whirapt-get update?18:47
Akulinow try purging again18:47
wikideerAre MD5 hashes "secure"18:47
donofrioCellSpot_2.4 is MY AP why is it greyed out?18:47
wikideerOr can they be broken18:47
WhirAkuli: yeah, it burnt18:48
tgm4883wikideer: you mean spoofed?18:48
wikideerSpoofed, reversed, etc18:48
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scatterpany one got any idea how i can repair my desktop im stuck in cmdline ubuntu 14.04 ..18:48
WhirAkuli: tgm4883 now update?18:48
tgm4883wikideer: yes, md5 is bad18:48
Akulii doubt we have an md5 failure :)18:49
AkuliI think we really should have looked into that directory before removing it18:49
tgm4883Akuli: that wasn't directed to you or Whir :)18:49
donofrioanyone ever seen AP's be greyed out when you click networking to select your wifi18:49
WhirAkuli: ah..libssl update, finally18:50
Whirhad this problem for quite some time :/18:50
Whirtgm4883: Akulo, thx guys..I think it's fixed or shall I try to reinstall samba?18:51
daxwikideer: it depends on what you're trying to protect against18:52
Akuliyes, reinstall what you just purged :)18:52
wikideerI am think more along the lines of password hashing18:53
wikideerNot file digests18:53
daxwikideer: you shouldn't use standard hash functions for password hashing. look into bcrypt and friends18:53
WhirAkuli: worked :)18:53
Whirk1l: hey, we fixed that smbclient package problem :)18:54
wikideerI use SHA-51218:54
donofrioanyone ever had a install where you get wifi working and you have list ten AP shown but three are greyed out and one of the greyed out selections is "my AP?" looks like http://apaste.info/Hii machine info http://apaste.info/VX318:57
pat_I think the most overlooked thing with hashs is that you are supposed to run them over and over again. http://security.stackexchange.com/a/1802318:57
daxor use a key derivation function like bcrypt that is nice and slow18:58
donofrioanyone have greyed out wifi AP's but others are clickable?18:59
donofrioso close to being able to unplug this machines network cable but not if I cannot select my AP19:00
MonkeyDustdonofrio  that's a yes/no question19:01
wikideerBcrypt is better hands down19:01
donofrioMonkeyDust, ?19:01
wikideerBut for test apps I just SAH3-512 it19:01
davido_wikideer :http://security.blogoverflow.com/2013/09/about-secure-password-hashing/19:01
wikideerWhy would you put a : infront of the link19:01
donofrioI guess better question is how do I fix this greying of AP's19:01
stacks88i got a ubuntu security notice USN-2959-1 saying openssl vulnerabilities. I run ubuntu 14.04. now i see on my servers that these two packages were auto updated: libssl1.0.0, openssl -- because ive got unattended upgrades setup and it emails me every time it updates new packages. and the subject of the email had "[reboot required]" in it.. my question is do i really have to reboot my servers19:04
stacks88over these 2 packages, or is there a way to reload/refresh things so to speak ? I am running php5, apache2 and mysql19:04
daxrun sudo checkinstall, from the debian-goodies package19:05
daxit'll attempt to figure out what running processes are using stuff that's been updated19:05
stacks88oh interesting, didnt know about that19:06
ioriastacks88, usually it's enough to restart the services ....19:06
stratosi just restarted apache19:07
terratomaperhaps ubuntu kickstart does not have a logging option in %post19:07
ioriastacks88, all the services related to ssl, i guess19:08
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spid3rMin3trying to connect a virtual machine to a putty19:11
spid3rMin3virtual machine is set to bridged19:11
spid3rMin3$ ethtool eth0    gives me "no device found"19:12
EriC^^scatterp: hey19:12
spid3rMin3while NAT works fine19:12
EriC^^scatterp: what was it?19:12
donofrioanyone know of a workaround for my wifi working and I have list ten AP shown but three are greyed out and one of the greyed out selections is "my AP?" looks like http://apaste.info/Hii machine info http://apaste.info/VX3 thoughts?19:14
spid3rMin3I set my virtual machine to "brdged connection" in order to connect it to a putty, the connection appears but no internet access is available19:14
geirhaspid3rMin3: give it two interfaces, one bridged, one nat19:15
ioriadonofrio, you can try to stop NM and  use wicd ....19:16
ioria!info wicd | donofrio19:16
ubottudonofrio: wicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.4+tb2-1 (xenial), package size 4 kB, installed size 26 kB19:16
debug0x1ioria: Would this help if the wifi keeps loosing connection?19:19
rgxpcan someone explain this to me #pause(){ read -n1 -rsp $'any key...\n' } ?19:20
debug0x1I tried changing the MTU, that kind of helped.19:20
debug0x1Still goes randomly down.19:20
tgm4883rgxp: well in bash, it's a comment because of the #19:20
rgxpyeah but i mean the meaning of it19:20
ioriadebug0x1, sorry about that... sometimes, yes19:21
tgm4883rgxp: comments are usually used to explain a particular piece of code in an easy to understand language19:21
rgxpno i put the # there.. i need someone to explain the code to me if possible19:22
rgxpive tried it and it returns main.sh .. but what is the point19:23
MonkeyDustrgxp  if ypu don't get an answe here, try irn the coding languag's channel19:23
tgm4883rgxp: well, assuming it is bash (since you didn't specify what language it was in) I would assume that it's pausing output until someone presses a key19:23
tgm4883rgxp: but this kinda feels like homework, so...19:24
rgxpso if i understand it correctly the code could stop flooding of text for example?19:25
rgxpor loops19:25
tgm4883rgxp: IDK, try puting it in one and finding out19:25
rgxpalright thank you19:26
theadimar21Hello everyone! I would like to ask for help: I updated my Ubuntu from 15.10 to 16.04 today, and during the process the outer frames of windows disappeared, as well as the upper bar (with time, logout, battery etc.). Also ALT+TAB combo doesn't work. Does anyone know how to fix this?19:26
delluserIt sounds to me a window manager issue.  Maybe resources are overlapping.  My guess.19:26
delluser<- doesn't think he can fix it19:27
yeatstheadimar21: there are some hidden ("dot") directories in your home directory (.config, .gconf, etc.) - you might try renaming those, then logging out/back in19:27
yeatstheadimar21: I often have to do that after in-place upgrades like that19:28
tgm4883rather than renaming dot directories. First I would try logging in as a guest user19:28
yeatstgm4883: theadimar21: yeah, that's a good test19:28
tgm4883it's easier to do and less risk of breaking stuff further :)19:28
theadimar21yes, I tried it before and everything works in guest user19:28
yeatswell, you can always rename directories back to what they were, too19:29
AkuliOh crap19:29
tgm4883theadimar21: do you have a bunch of customization for your user?19:29
Akulionce i was helping someone and we needed to do something from the guest user, now i realized we could have used su to log in as the normal user :D19:29
tgm4883yeats: true, but there are a lot of those directories and you'd have to touch all of them19:29
Akulior a text-based tty ofc19:30
theadimar21tgm4883: do you have anything specific on mind? I have a custom splash screen19:30
yeatstheadimar21: you might consider moving your /home/youractualusername directory then logging out/back in, then copy over the files/dirs you need - I often do that19:30
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tgm4883theadimar21: well I think you've got two options. A) Try to fix the issue with your current user, or B) Create a new user and just copy over your data files19:30
tgm4883or what yeats said :)19:31
yeatstgm4883: theadimar21: that's even better19:31
OerHeksAkuli, i think you cannot sudo su from a guest account.19:31
tgm4883OerHeks: you don't need to sudo, just 'su - username'19:31
theadimar21 tgm4883: yeats: Yeah, it's a solution19:31
delluserlol that sounds like what I used to do in Windows.  Migrating user files over to different accounts..19:31
Akulinot sudo su, but su myusername19:31
theadimar21I will try to fix this though :)19:31
theadimar21thank you anyways!19:31
AkuliOerHeks: by the way, sudo -i does the same as sudo su19:31
Ben64Akuli: no19:32
OerHekstgm4883, Akuli oh, without sudo19:32
Ben64'sudo su' is bad19:32
EriC^^i dont think the guest has access to su19:32
EriC^^it's pretty locked down19:32
tgm4883'sudo -i' is the preferred way19:32
tgm4883EriC^^: you might be right. Could always switch TTY to do it too19:32
ubottunicolo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:32
akikthe correct form is "sudo su -"19:32
OerHeksi know about sudo -i, but the guest account is heavily tweaked.19:32
EriC^^tgm4883: yeah19:32
Akulitgm4883: right, probably a lot better19:32
AkuliOerHeks: i'm too interested in this, let me try out on my laptop19:33
EriC^^i think the easiest thing to do to troubleshoot these kind of stuff is have the user use irssi from a tty, and have him run /exec <command> in his irssi so he doesn't have to copy links back and forth19:34
EriC^^or maybe just like /exec -o something | pastebinit19:34
rubiksmomo_Could someone please tell me why it takes almost 30min for the login screen to appear when using nvidia driver?19:34
OerHeksrubiksmomo_, on 16.04?19:35
rubiksmomo_14.04.4   64bit19:36
Akuliok, the guest session doesn't allow logging in as me :)19:36
rubiksmomo_GeForce GTX 960M + Intel with nvidia-352.19:37
OerHeksrubiksmomo_, oke, 14.04 has got no systemD, so "systemd-analyze plot "is useless.19:37
rubiksmomo_Should I upgrade?19:37
Akuliwhaaat i can't do UID=0 in bash :D19:37
OerHeksrubiksmomo_, you could try again with bootchart enabled, to see where it actually hangs19:39
ubottubootchart charts your machine at boot time, to install >> sudo apt-get install bootchart << the graphic is in /var/log/bootchart after the next reboot19:39
MonkeyDustrubiksmomo_  did your system work, before whatever you changed?19:39
rubiksmomo_MonkeyDust, Always worked with XOrg. Always had blank screen or login loop with nvidia.19:39
EriC^^rubiksmomo_: try booting without quiet splash and see what it shows19:40
rubiksmomo_EriC^^, I removed them already. Nothing, just black blank screen for login. After 15-30min the login screen will appear.19:40
EriC^^rubiksmomo_: check dmesg19:41
rubiksmomo_I could hear the login sound effect, but nothing on screen19:41
MonkeyDust!backbox | backbox19:41
ubottubackbox: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.19:41
MonkeyDust'autistici', nice19:42
backboxcan some tell me what the best way is to learn everything there is to know about backbox ?19:42
OerHeksbackbox, step 1. join their channel19:42
backboxjust a way to start19:43
tgm4883OerHeks wins19:44
rubiksmomo_EriC^^, Could you have a look at my dmesg please? http://paste.ubuntu.com/16225201/19:44
ReScOamavis can't access any perl scripts, why?19:44
backboxomg your fuck dude19:44
tgm4883!ohmy | backbox19:44
ubottubackbox: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList19:44
Bashing-omrubiksmomo_: Hybrid graphics. Are nvidia-setting and nvidia-prime installed ? is the control config file /etc/X11/Xorg.conf present, and does it show nvidia as active ?19:44
HackerII /j #00719:45
rubiksmomo_Bashing-om, Welcome back. :) I believe they are installed. I selected Nvidia/Performance in Nvidia settings. Yes, xorg.conf is now present and stays present during boot.19:46
rubiksmomo_Bashing-om, xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/16225295/19:47
Bashing-omrubiksmomo_: verify installed from ' dpkg -l | grep nvidia '.19:47
rubiksmomo_Bashing-om, They are present: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16225310/19:48
rubiksmomo_Bashing-om, The strange thing is that I get the login screen if I wait like 20-30min19:49
rubiksmomo_The last line on dmesg is: [ 2086.629893] vgaarb: this pci device is not a vga device19:51
ReScOamavis can't access any perl scripts, getting all kinds of permission denied errors, any clue what's going on?19:51
Bashing-omrubiksmomo_: I see no faults. Nvidia recommends the 361 version driver : http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/101423/en-us . Ya want to try it and see what results ?19:54
rubiksmomo_Bashing-om, I've tried it many times.19:54
rubiksmomo_Bashing-om, it's same black/blank screen. I think the login screen will appear in 30min time.19:55
street_hassleHi, I joined a domain using "realm" on ubuntu 14.04 and it is now saying that I am joined to the domain using (verified with realm list), however I cannot login with a domain account - it says authentication failure.  Furthermore usind "id" fails to find any domain users.  So it looks like the machine cannot resolve any ad users.  Thoughts on how to fix this?19:56
Bashing-omrubiksmomo_: Then, I know of nothing else in my tool box . Are all packages in a consistemt state ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ; sudo apt -f install ; sudo dpkg -C ' ?19:57
ioriarubiksmomo_, suspicious line is "nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel." asd "nvidia: module verification failed:"19:57
lwizardlSo I installed xubuntu 16.04 amd64 in my system 2 days ago and then transfered data to and from a external drive a few times and now the usb drive is saying structure needs cleaning and refuses to mount. the filesystem I used before was ext4 on it. What options do I have to remount the drive so I can recover my data?19:58
ioriarubiksmomo_, not sure but could be a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/131040619:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1310406 in linux (Ubuntu) "[regression] Trusty kernel doesn't recognize GeForce 8600m GT nor with nouveau or nvidia drivers" [Medium,Confirmed]19:58
ReScOI'm getting the following error: Starting amavisd: Problem in Amavis::DB or Amavis::DB::SNMP code: Can't locate UNIVERSAL.pm:   Permission denied at /usr/lib/perl5/BerkeleyDB.pm line 767.19:58
street_hasslelwizardl: fsck19:58
ToxmiI'm using SSD for my OS partition, does it need any extra care? I mean do I need to do sth?19:59
Bashing-omlwizardl: That external drive NTFS file system ? and perhaps not "safely unmounted" at some point ?20:00
rubiksmomo_Interesting. kernel-fixed-upstream regression-release.20:01
ReScOI'm getting the following error: Starting amavisd: Problem in Amavis::DB or Amavis::DB::SNMP code: Can't locate UNIVERSAL.pm:   Permission denied at /usr/lib/perl5/BerkeleyDB.pm line 767. and http://pastie.org/private/bf4gyhiqmyj9y19ats9d5q#16-1820:01
lwizardlBashing-om, the drive has ext4 file system not ntfs, I used unmount volume when i removed the drive. it had the popup saying safe to remove20:01
Bashing-omlwizardl: Wlp, do not know what to advise .20:04
lwizardlis there a way to force mount or will that chance damage the data? I have data I can not replace on it20:05
Bashing-omlwizardl: One can manually mount the drive from terminal .. maybe get some hints there of what the problem is .. and then look at the logs .20:08
yeatslwizardl: try to fsck the drive and see what comes up20:09
rubiksmomo_I wonder if BIOS update solves this "nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel." issue. But I'd need to install W10 to update BIOS. =(20:10
akikrubiksmomo_: the taints thing is because of incompatible licenses20:11
yeatsToxmi: many guides out there, just do a web search for "ubuntu ssd" or "linux ssd" for tips20:11
yeatsToxmi: systemd brings some ease with trimming, so you might search for ubuntu 15.10 or 16.04 specifically20:12
rubiksmomo_So any idea why after boot I get blank black screen for 20-30min before the login screen appears when using nvidia?20:12
yeatsrubiksmomo_: tainted kernel just means there's a proprietary binary blob loaded - only fixable by not using nvidia20:13
yeatsrubiksmomo_: the black screen issue sounds like something else - did you mean 20-30 *seconds* or *minutes*?20:13
akikrubiksmomo_: i have to say i wouldn't have had the patience to wait for 20 minutes20:13
rubiksmomo_yeats, minutes!20:14
akikrubiksmomo_: try making a new installation for example on a usb stick or a external hard disk20:14
rubiksmomo_akik, Only found out while chatting here trying to find a solution.20:14
yeatsrubiksmomo_: that is not at all normal20:15
RandomUser1234sometimes my firefox freezes, and fullscreen youtube vids has long black screen intervals when switching in and out of fullscreen. Help?20:15
yeatsrubiksmomo_: you might install bootchart to see what happens20:15
rubiksmomo_I installed bootchart. How do I use it?20:15
nomoney4u2repeating my question: i installed the firmware-b43-installer  last night and it went great, i was able to see my network.  today - i dont see anything. iwlist wlan1 s shows no result. :( any ideas?20:15
Akulinomoney4u2: reinstall it?20:16
Toxmiyeats: thanks20:16
akikrubiksmomo_: i noticed in your previous paste version mismatches20:16
rubiksmomo_akik, nvidia version? I've tried most of versions of nvidia.20:17
scatterpEriC^^: hey you here?20:17
yeatsrubiksmomo_: If I recall correctly, you just install it and reboot, then there will be a file somewhere you can load into a browser20:17
akikrubiksmomo_: in this one http://paste.ubuntu.com/16225310/20:17
EriC^^scatterp: hey20:17
socketI'm new there20:17
nomoney4u2akuli, not an option right now because i dont have the usb wifi that I used to apt-get the package20:17
reisiosocket: welcome20:17
scatterpEriC^^: so i almost gave up in despair then it hit me20:17
reisioone of us, one of us20:17
rubiksmomo_akik, Umm. What should I do about that?20:17
scatterpEriC^^: i thought i have tried every command in linux possible20:18
scatterpEriC^^: so i start to play with bios20:18
scatterpEriC^^: then i found a raid option view drive20:18
reisiolike a tonne of briqués?20:18
scatterpEriC^^: in there it says does not exist 3x20:18
reisioscatterp: oh, laptop?20:18
Akulinomoney4u2: you still have the package downloaded20:18
socketCan I ask a thing ot ubuntu?20:18
akkadyeap. openssl exploit fot mitm still works on latest patch. odd20:18
Akulinomoney4u2: just sudo apt-get install --reinstall the package and it'll be there20:18
scatterpEriC^^: then i find a add option and boom boots20:18
Amm0nnomoney4u2, try sudo modprobe b4320:18
EriC^^scatterp: nice20:19
scatterpEriC^^:  so i resized the partition to have no space and then it eventually finishes reboot and try to export it in vmware failed over and over20:19
akikscatterp: your disk was missing from the list of bootable devices?20:19
scatterpEriC^^: finally in some hidden log file in esxi i find /tmp no space20:19
OerHeksakkad, file a bugreport then ?20:19
scatterpEriC^^: made some space and its now happily at 35% of the way to cloud land :D20:20
nomoney4u2when i did that, i see the card being reloaded20:20
socket Can I ask a thing ot ubuntu?20:20
scatterpakik:  it was more not existing20:20
nomoney4u2not the card sorry, the network icon in the top right20:20
scatterpreisio: rack mount 1u hp server20:20
EriC^^scatterp: cool :D20:20
OerHekssocket, sure, go ahead20:20
reisioscatterp: huh, interesting20:20
scatterpEriC^^:  1 hour and 40 minites left20:20
socketAnyone know any channel server about programming/linux on freenode?20:20
scatterpEriC^^:  there was also a diagnose drives app built in the bios that helped out20:20
Picisocket: ##linux, ##programming, /msg alis help list20:21
scatterpsocket: maybe debian-dev or such20:21
terratomais there a command line way to change the password of a user, using a hash ?20:21
bmoloney_On 16.04 I managed to assign readable names to my network interfaces using "link" files under /etc/systemd/network. Now I want to setup an ethernet bridge. Trying to do it through /etc/network/interfaces doesn't seem to work. Do I need to use systemd to do this now?20:21
terratomasocket: #noisebridge20:21
reisioterratoma: yes, but why20:21
terratomareisio: not sure what you mean20:22
reisiosocket: #friendly-coders20:22
akikterratoma: you can use usermod to do that20:22
rubiksmomo_Should these nvidia versions match? http://paste.ubuntu.com/16225310/20:22
reisioand, there's another popular one with an odd name20:22
reisioterratoma: you want to make a password that is a random string of gibberish?20:22
terratomareisio: im sorry i was unclear. i hashed my cleartext password.  i want to use that20:23
terratomaakik: i tried the following, doesnt work: usermod --pass="$1$dYC5RtHP$LEHA69RLNiAkAsgsv9bHb/" newuser20:23
reisioterratoma: you want to use the cleartext?20:23
ArmadillosHow do I passthrough a IPv6 IP request through my router to my ISP?20:23
reisioterratoma: can you not just run 'passwd user'?20:23
terratomapretend i am doing this in a handsoff script20:24
terratomadoes that make sense?20:24
rubiksmomo_Armadillos, Set your router bridged. But NAT would provide better security.20:25
reisioterratoma: yeah20:25
reisioterratoma: I think I'd use 'expect' in that case20:25
DiamondSwordhello.. I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 with Unity desktop. I tried Gnome desktop on the same OS, installed gnome-shell only, but I didn't like it, so removed. I did purge remove gnome-shell and also followed with autoremove. my question is that Unity was using like 400-450 MB ram before trying gnome, but now it uses like 1 GB. please help me.. what did I do wrong?20:25
reisioterratoma: online tuts abound20:25
terratomareisio: not sure how that would help... i want to start out with the hash i created.  i really cant figure out how to do it.  its seems like this would be a common use case20:26
akikterratoma: the option is either -p or --password20:26
Armadillosrubiksmomo_: I'm running linux for my router using Shorewall, how do I NAT IPv6?20:26
terratomareisio: i read them, i googled thoroughly.  i cant find a working way to create a new user from command line, with a hash i generate with openssl20:26
reisioterratoma: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22passwd%22%20%22expect%2220:26
akikreisio: usermod can do it20:27
socketHow to register my nick?20:27
reisiogood for usermod20:27
terratomareisio: not helpful20:27
reisiosocket: /msg nickserv help register20:27
reisiosocket: /msg nickserv help identify20:27
reisioterratoma: sure it is20:27
terratomaakik: im tried that too . doesnt work. https://dpaste.de/z5KC/raw20:28
socketI've register me20:28
akikterratoma: usermod20:28
=== Derek_ is now known as dcz
rubiksmomo_Is it a problem that my nvidia-settings is version 364.15 but my nvidia is 361.42?20:29
goddardhow can i remove a ppa by url instead of its short name like ppa:blah/blah20:29
=== chandanc is now known as chandanc_
reisiosocket: now ideally, with freenode, and hexchat, if you go to HexChat > Network List > Freenode - Edit, set Login: SASL (Username + Password), and Password to what you just set20:30
socketreisio, but now I'm register20:30
reisiorubiksmomo_: not unless it is20:30
socketI've register my psw20:30
reisiosocket: you have to /msg nickserv identify pass every time you log onto freenode, unless you configure your IRC client (as I've just explained) to do it for you20:31
socketah ok thanks20:31
reisiothat is, if you want the few benefits being identified yields20:31
akikterratoma: use single quotes in the password20:32
chandanc_   /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER chandanc_ jyuontvlolrk20:33
Picichandanc_: try without the space. (and don't worry, its not a password, no need to reset anything)20:33
chandanc_ /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER chandanc_ jyuontvlolrk20:33
Piciwithout any spaces in front....20:33
chandanc_Pici: Thanks :)20:33
terratomareisio: akik: i figured it out, thanks https://dpaste.de/qpdj/raw20:35
rubiksmomo_chandanc_, better change your password ;)20:35
reisioterratoma: and now I hack your seestem!20:35
MonkeyDustas will i20:36
rubiksmomo_I'll reboot, see you after 30min20:36
goddardis it enough to just remove a software source and update or do you have to do a ppa purge and how do you do it with only the url as a reference or how do you get the short name ppa-purge expects?20:38
DiamondSwordhello.. I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 with Unity desktop. I tried Gnome desktop on the same OS, installed gnome-shell only, but I didn't like it, so removed. I did purge remove gnome-shell and also followed with autoremove. my question is that Unity was using like 400-450 MB ram before trying gnome, but now it uses like 1 GB. please help me.. what did I do wrong?20:38
=== marshal0505 is now known as WilliamLyonMacke
reisioDiamondSword: you're familiar with this? http://www.linuxatemyram.com/20:39
=== WilliamLyonMacke is now known as WilliamLMKing
OerHeksgoddard, check the short ppa name on launchpad?20:39
OerHeksgoddard, ppa-purge is the recomended way to reverse it, yes20:40
goddardOerHeks: i entered the url into the browser but can't see the short name20:41
RubiksmomoHave to wait for the login screen for 30min again. Was there some way to find out what's holding it? Or shoul I just install a fresh Ubuntu on USB drive?20:42
OerHeksgoddard, see the section 'Adding this PPA to your system' and the bold line20:42
OerHeksRubiksmomo, 6 minutes, not 30 this time20:43
goddardOerHeks: here is an example maybe you can help - http://ppa.launchpad.net/lubuntu-dev/lubuntu-daily/ubuntu20:43
goddardOerHeks: that is taken directly from the software sources app20:43
RubiksmomoOerHeks: Right, it was fast this time :o20:44
OerHeksgoddard, search next time for " ubuntu + ppa + name" >>> https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/lubuntu-daily20:45
EriC^^Rubiksmomo: does it take long if you type sudo service lightdm restart20:45
goddardOerHeks: what is the ppa name though my friend?20:45
goddardOerHeks: i would love to be able to decrypt this url string20:46
EriC^^goddard: try ppa:lubuntu-dev/lubuntu-daily20:47
rubiksmomo_EriC^^, If I restart lightdm I can hear the login sound but the screen will remain blank. And after that it gets stuck and stops responding to ctrl+alt+f120:47
goddardEriC^^: so it is the first element in the url and then the last?20:47
OnkelTemFolks, how to configure kbd to emulate cursor keys on letter keys?20:47
EriC^^goddard: yeah, if you open the link it explains how to add and what's in and the new builds20:48
goddardEriC^^: cool thanks20:48
EriC^^rubiksmomo_: ok so it's a lightdm kind of issue not a systemd service thing20:48
goddardOerHeks: thanks20:48
EriC^^or rather sysv20:48
rubiksmomo_EriC^^, Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS 64bit20:48
DiamondSwordreisio, ok but I couldn't find information on the page. what do you else recommend?20:49
DiamondSwordhello.. I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 with Unity desktop. I tried Gnome desktop on the same OS, installed gnome-shell only, but I didn't like it, so removed. I did purge remove gnome-shell and also followed with autoremove. my question is that Unity was using like 400-450 MB ram before trying gnome, but now it uses like 1 GB. please help me.. what did I do wrong?20:49
EriC^^rubiksmomo_: try /var/log/lightdm20:49
reisioDiamondSword: what's the problem?20:49
DiamondSwordreisio, I just wonder why now unity takes my 1 gb of ram.. it was like 400 mb before installing and removing gnome-shell.20:50
rubiksmomo_EriC^^, multiple log files: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16226266/20:50
askpcguyHello everyone, using curl to save a page, is there an easy way to remove a specific part of the page within a script?20:51
rubiksmomo_EriC^^, This looks interesting: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16226285/20:51
reisioDiamondSword: according to what?20:51
reisioDiamondSword: is it keeping you from doing something?20:52
reisioaskpcguy: yup20:52
DiamondSwordreisio, System Monitor :)20:52
reisioaskpcguy: what part, why?20:52
dean_hey sorry i've potentially deleted some of my software sources. Can anyone confirm what sources I should have in Software & updates under Other software20:52
DiamondSwordreisio, actually not much but I'm sure something went wrong. I'm curious to find it.20:52
ulkeshSorry if this is the wrong channel (I don't see a #canonical), but I was wondering if anyone knew when these will be coming available...it's been "Coming Soon" since launch:  http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?currency=USD&products_id=1206&sort=1a20:52
dean_I have canonical Partners and canonical Partners (source)20:52
askpcguybefore I diff the page, I want to remove some image ad thing that refreshes (its not the part I'm interested in20:53
reisioDiamondSword: I suggest revisiting why you're sure; myself I am not convinced20:53
rubiksmomo_EriC^^, Something weird goin' on: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16226328/20:53
reisioaskpcguy: can you share the page in question, and the ad block?20:53
DiamondSwordreisio, can I use gnome-shell on lightdm?20:53
dean_DiamondSword Yes! Just click the ubuntu icon in lighdm and change it to gnomeshell :]20:54
reisioaskpcguy: here's an example that removes 'body': curl -s 'http://reisio.com/' | perl -0pe 's@\t+<body>.*?</body>\n@@s'20:55
ali_how to get itunes on ubuntu?20:55
OerHeksali_, not, even in wine it is garbage20:56
reisioali_: it's doable, but why?20:56
ali_for podcasts20:56
OerHeksali_, see https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=134720:56
reisioali_: there are many other podcast clients you can use20:56
rubiksmomo_Any idea why I get a blank black screen for minutes until the login screen appears when using nvidia?   lightdm.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16226354/   x-0-greeter.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16226364/   x-0.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16226370/   x-1.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16226375/20:56
DiamondSworddean_, no I mean, while installing gnome-shell it asks me to select whether gdm or lightdm, what if I select to lightdm, gnome-shell can work on it?20:56
ali_which one would you recommend?20:56
askpcguyreisio: this is on a rasp pi 3, running ubuntu mate20:57
reisioali_: http://alternativeto.net/software/itunes/?license=opensource&platform=linux20:57
ali_actually itunes synchronizes my iphone podcasts thats why I have a preference for it20:57
askpcguystill poking it with a sharp stick and figuring out what response I get20:57
reisioali_: most of those are, to my eye, applications with pretty good reputations20:57
dean_Yup. It'll work on both.20:57
reisioali_: quod libet in particular is a very straightforward, utilitarian player that is often overlooked20:57
reisioif you want something more like iTunes, banshee might be a good start20:58
reisiowhatever comes by default in Ubuntu will probably also play podcasts20:58
ali_how about sync it with my iphone podcasts?20:58
reisioit was rhythmbox at one time, dunno what it is now20:58
reisioali_: is that done on the iTunes server end, or by transferring actual data to the phone from your computer?20:58
ali_iTunes server20:59
reisioI'm not familiar with that; it wouldn't surprise me if there's a chance you'd need a separate, non-Apple app for your iPhone to replace that functionality20:59
reisiodefinitely check with the apps I linked first, though20:59
reisiothey may well support it20:59
reisioApple does like to break compatibility with 3rd party apps, though20:59
ali_that would do as long as it sync with my phoned20:59
reisioyou actually download them to your phone?21:00
reisioyou stream them?21:00
reisiobut you sync the list from your desktop to your phone's app's list?21:00
ali_updates are automatically shown on feed21:00
goddardEriC^^: OerHeks one more small issue could you tell me how to deal with this? docs21:00
ali_nope, all automatic21:00
ali_as long as itunes is used21:00
ali_in both21:00
reisioali_: but automatic /from/ your desktop to your phone, and/or vice versa?21:01
DiamondSwordthanks ppl ~21:01
ali_usually I add on phone21:01
ali_and listen on computer21:01
reisioI definitely wouldn't be surprised if one of the apps in the list I gave supports that with iTunes own server21:01
rubiksmomo_Any idea why I get a blank black screen for minutes until the login screen appears when using nvidia?   lightdm.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16226354/   x-0-greeter.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16226364/   x-0.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16226370/21:01
k1lali_: with apple hardware you are bundeled to itunes. and that doesnt run on linux. you can try wine.21:01
reisiobut I also wouldn't be surprised if none do, and you will have to find another app besides the ordinary iTunes one21:01
goddardhow do you deal with software sources added as opposed to a ppa? https://i3wm.org/docs/repositories.html21:02
ali_thats a headache to select and search each and every podcast21:02
ali_k1l, does it work?\21:02
reisioaskpcguy: an rpi should have curl and perl, all you need21:02
ali_some said its a garbage on linux21:02
auronandacegoddard: you realise i3 is already in the ubuntu default repos..21:02
k1lali_: use wine.21:02
OerHeksali_, see here for itunes & wine  https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=134721:03
yeatsgoddard: avoid instructions that do things like "--allow-unauthenticated"21:03
goddardauronandace: doesn't really help me as I am trying to remove this21:03
reisiolast I checked, only an older version of iTunes runs with less-than-perfect support21:03
ali_yea thats the problem21:03
goddardyeats: thanks for the tip21:03
reisioyou can run it in seamless VirtualBox really easily, if you have a Windows install21:03
reisiobut it's really not worth it, IME21:03
askpcguysweet so I just discovered, also the text I want to ax is "From the Image Gallery:" from the html21:03
ali_wine usually supports older programs21:03
reisioreplacing the iTunes app is a far more efficient use of your time21:04
ali_yea I am aware of that option, reisio21:04
ali_but I dont want that21:04
dean_Get an android :P21:04
reisioali_: well, Wine usually supports programs more properly coded for win3221:04
dean_Or a ubuntu phone lol21:04
reisiothat is, relying less on quirks of Windows, and more on how win32 is actually /supposed to work/21:04
reisioApple software on Windows is more and more of a unicorn21:04
ali_dean_, perhaps market share doesn't make me wanna get one21:04
yeatsgoddard: removing should be as easy as commenting out/deleting the lines they had you add (back up the file before changing)21:04
reisioali_: and I wouldn't suggest it be your first choice, either21:04
reisioI'd suggest replacing the iTunes app on your phone as well21:05
goddardyeats: then just update?21:05
reisiothere are surely hundreds of alternatives in the app store21:05
reisioalso wouldn't surprise me if they're actually superior in performance and function21:05
yeatsgoddard: then 'sudo apt-get remove <packagename>' then 'sudo apt-get <packagename>' to install the repo version21:05
goddardyeats: what about dead package references?21:05
reisioand some will no doubt even be open source21:05
ali_it runs very pretty well on windows 10, I tried it.\21:05
goddardyeats: but i dont know which one it is21:05
yeatsgoddard: yeah, sudo apt-get update after you make the change - it will refresh the local package cache21:05
reisioali_: right, it's designed to21:06
k1lgoddard: apt-cache policy packagename.  that will tell you where the package is from21:06
goddardk1l: ahh ok21:06
ali_so basically in linux, I have to usually find alternatives to windows programs right?21:06
ali_unless ofc it runs great on wine.21:06
reisioali_: mmm, that's not exactly the conclusion I would draw from this21:06
k1lali_: yes. but that is difficult for locked down propriatary stuff like the apple stuff.21:07
reisioali_: I think what you should take away from this particular scenario, primarily, is that Apple builds hardware as much as possible to work only with their software21:07
reisioit's a very closed ecosystem, on purpose21:07
reisiothey are constantly, actively striving for that21:07
reisioand in the long run you will have less struggle by either: 1) not using apple hardware, or 2) only using apple hardware /and/ software21:07
ali_how about microsoft applications.21:07
ali_they have the same issue then21:07
reisiowhat, as compared to apple ones?21:07
ali_with linux21:07
ali_on linux*21:08
k1lali_: if you look back there were librarys to support older iphones and ipods. but apple changed their stuff that often in the hidden parts, that its hard to make them work again.21:08
reisioit's similar, but Microsoft /hardware/ is less popular, and actually less closed off21:08
ali_for instance, I want windows app to run well on linux. (not talking about games)21:08
ali_would that be difficult?21:08
reisioali_: not necessarily, but21:09
reisioali_: it is generally a good idea to find a native alternative instead21:09
OerHeksali_, best start is to check the wineHQ database.21:09
reisiopreferably an open source one, and then you won't ever have to find another alternative /again/21:09
ali_OerHeks, do you prefer using wine or alternative ones?21:09
OerHeksali_, i do not use wine, ever.21:09
reisiothat's the beauty of free software, you never have to replace it, technically21:09
reisioI find Wine makes a nice stopgap if you don't presently have the free time to find a replacement21:09
ali_as I came from windows and apple eco system. it will be really difficult for me to switch entirely on applications side, reisio21:09
mcphailali_: remember a windows app is for windows. If you can get it working on Linux, it is a bonus rather than an expectation21:10
reisiowhich is rare, IME, but does happen21:10
OerHeksi didn't switch to linux to get bugged again with wine.21:10
reisioali_: I don't think it will be; many have come before you21:10
reisioali_: let the channel know what you're trying to replace or achieve, and you'll get help21:10
k1lali_: which microsoft app?21:10
ali_like you said about apples application, how about microsoft's popular applicaton Microsoft Office21:11
k1lali_: most times there is a good alternative available21:11
yeatsali_: in the spirit of May the Fourth: "you must unlearn what you have learned" and start doing things the free/open source way :-)21:11
ali_and of the same quality and features? k1l21:11
reisioand again, keep in mind that /if/ you replace a closed source win32 app with an open source native app, you likely won't ever have to deal with replacing that app/functionality again; you can use that new app for eternity21:11
k1l!info libreoffice | ali_21:11
ubottuali_: libreoffice (source: libreoffice): office productivity suite (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:5.1.2-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 3 kB, installed size 17 kB21:11
reisioit's very worthwhile21:11
reisioali_: yeah, libreoffice is an exceptional workalike21:11
reisioI personally used to use it even on Windows installs, as it seemed far more sane21:12
ali_thats good to hear, reisio21:12
Jordan_UUpdate on my wierd symlink problem from yesterday. It appears that it was caused by a btrfs bug: http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-btrfs/msg54536.html and that indeed such symlinks should not even be allowed to exist in the first place. I'm now on to write a script to delete all such symlinks before I try to upgrade again (there were more than the two I found yesterday).21:12
reisioon Windows installs that also had the entire MS Office suite installed, even21:12
reisioyeats: is may 4th a thing?21:13
ali_so you prefer libre over MS Office suite?21:13
reisioali_: yup, more reliable, more straightforward21:13
reisiofewer disappeared-for-no-particular-reason features, etc.21:13
ali_as long as it fulfills my requirements through its features, I am happy.21:13
reisioI think you will be21:13
reisiogot any more?21:13
ali_IDA Pro21:14
reisioali_: disassembler?21:14
ali_but I guess I can easily find that on linux, perhaps.21:14
mcphailali_: apt-get source ;p21:14
ali_reisio, have you used mac OS X?21:14
reisioit is apparently avilable for Linux; I'm sure there are alternatives, too21:15
reisioali_: yup, occasionally21:15
akikali_: does http://qira.me/ fit the bill?21:15
ali_is there anyone who has switched from Apple's eco system (MAC OS X) to ubuntu (Linux/gnu) entirely?21:15
reisioali_: oh plenty of people21:15
ali_I wanna know which *Nix is better21:15
reisioUnity and GNOME both, in particular, are very Mac OS like21:15
reisiowell, Mac OS is based off FreeBSD21:15
reisiothe BSDs have had much less momentum than GNU/Linux distros for a long time now21:16
reisiobecause back in the day the BSDs got themselves sued21:16
reisioand for a while nobody was sure they'd continue to exist21:16
ali_but they have apple engineers working on it aswell21:16
klimti cannot install php5 for apache on ubuntu xenial - any help?21:16
reisiothey have21:16
naccklimt: php7 only21:16
reisioI would say in general Mac OS is not taken very seriously in the server world21:16
reisiowhich is kind of where Unix systems are put to the test as Unix systems, IMO21:16
naccklimt: there are PPA alternatives, but officially, 16.04 is php7 only21:16
mcphailali_: opinions of "best OS" should really be polled in the 'ubuntu-offtopic channel rather than the support channel21:16
ali_mcphail, I am asking regarding the support of applications21:17
klimti get unable to locate php7 :/21:17
reisioit's certainly popular for desktops, though; hence GNOME & Unity emulating the Mac OS frontend so much by default21:17
naccklimt: err, sorry, 'php' (which will pull in 'php7.0')21:17
reisioali_: Mac OS's primary difference is that it doesn't come with a proper Unix package manager by default; there are only third party offerings of varying quality21:17
ali_reisio, so given OS X and Ubuntu for daily driver (programming specifically), what would be your preference.(Apps support and so on.)21:18
klimtnacc super works :)21:18
klimtthx guys21:18
yeatsreisio: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars_Day21:18
k1lali_: reisio that talk better suits into #ubuntu-offtopic21:18
ali_btw k1l I couldn't join offtopic21:19
ali_why is that21:19
k1l!register | ali_21:19
ubottuali_: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode21:19
ali_oh my bad21:19
reisioyeats: ha, thx21:19
reisioali_: well obviously GNU/Linux; I'm here after all21:19
reisiobut I think objectively, also GNU/Linux21:19
ali_reisio, could you come private for a moment21:19
reisioit's maintained largely by enthusiastic, programmer volunteers, after all21:20
reisioali_: sure, msg me21:20
AIneeduHi, i have a home network(netA) and have a subnet within (NetB). I am using iptables on a debian server to NAT trough. It is working great. I have a minecraft server set up in netB and I can connect to it by manually entering the adress of the Debian NAT machine, which forwards packets back and forth. I do however need "autodiscover" of the server. That only works so far if I place the minecraft server within netA. Anything i could 21:21
OerHeksAIneedu, debian has its own channel, #debian21:22
AIneeduOerHeks: tried 30 minutes ago there21:23
AIneeduIts the same iptables isnt it? :) any advice would be appreciated21:24
Ben64AIneedu: use #debian for debian issues21:24
wadAnyone got skype working in 16.04 LTS?21:24
auronandacewad: in what way? are you unable to instll it?21:25
VonologicDoes Bluetooth work for anyone else in 16.04?21:25
wadHaven't tried yet. Installing it now, actually. Just curious what kind of experience I should expect.21:25
AIneeduBen64 OerHeks: ok, I will swap the debian vm with a ubuntu one. brb 10-15 min21:26
auronandacewad: exactly the same as 15.1021:26
Ben64AIneedu: or you can just use #debian21:26
wadHopefully that's good. My last Ubuntu was 14.04 LTS.21:26
auronandacewad: skype has not been updated in a long time21:27
wadI'll give it a shot.21:27
wadBut not set my hopes up very high.21:27
Ben64AIneedu: maybe ##networking21:27
AIneeduBen64: what might work! :)21:28
wadYeesh, that's a lot of packages that get  installed! >_>21:28
auronandacewad: yup, it relies on 32bit libs21:29
* wad nods. Ouch.21:30
wadIt's chugging along.21:30
dupondjeI'm just trying to install a fresh Ubuntu 16.04 on my server, but it hangs on 'Preparing linux-firmware' ... Any idea's?21:30
yeatsdupondje: alt-F4 should show you the log messages21:35
yeats(alt-F1 gets you back to the install screen)21:35
dupondjeyeats: unpacking linux-firmware ... :)21:35
yvneforgive my stupidity. does ubuntu not like some usb stick brands? (like how windows/hp recovery does not like sandisk)21:37
dupondjeyeats: strange, hanging like 20 minutes on 'Unpacking linux-firmware" now ... :s21:37
spid3rMin3i have a quick question21:38
spid3rMin3i have a virtualbox running ubuntu 16.0421:38
spid3rMin3im trying to connect it with putty21:38
k1lyvne: no. should work with all brands21:38
OerHeksyvne, only if you buy that sandisk from groupon, fake sdcards21:38
spid3rMin3but im having trouble getting an ip address to connect to21:39
spid3rMin3it's a bridge connection21:39
spid3rMin3and only provides an ipv6 address21:39
spid3rMin3inet6 addr21:39
yeatsdupondje: could be a hardware issue, could be low RAM, could be a bad install image - lots of possibilities21:40
yvnek1l & OerHeks: thanks!21:40
pulsar12spid3rMin3, you can use nat with port forwarding, bridging, create a loopback interface...21:40
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning21:40
pulsar12i like to use nat or loopback interface21:40
ubottusbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe21:40
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate21:40
spid3rMin3pulsar12 , what could be the reason for something like this to occur, its a fresh install and bridge is on with a "wired connection" that doesnt provide an internet connction21:41
spid3rMin3the wired connection says that its connected21:41
OerHeksspid3rMin3, check the vbox setting for your vm, maybe choose an other network adapter?21:42
pulsar12do you get an ip by dhcp? if you define static can you ping your own pc?21:42
skinuxHas anyone successfully WiFi tethered an LG Android phone with Ubuntu without phone having built-in tether feature?21:42
pulsar12can you ping other hosts on the network'21:42
Ben64skinux: nope21:42
Rafase282Hello, I need help with my wireless drivers on Ubuntu 16.0421:42
Vonologichttps://aur.archlinux.org/packages/bt-dw1560-firmware/ Is it possible to install this on Ubuntu, or is it restricted to Arch Linux? There's only a PKGBUILD file in it21:42
spid3rMin3i cannot ping other hosts on the network , i included a second network adapter with NAT to gain internet connection21:43
Rafase282product: QCA6164 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter21:43
dbromanyone here use noip221:43
therealtbehello what is the best way to make a complete disk image, and then restore from that image?21:43
Ben64therealtbe: dd21:43
spid3rMin3for my ip i have a basic home connection with a router21:43
askpcguyClonezilla and ddrescue21:44
OerHeksVonologic, maybe this page is any help >> http://askubuntu.com/questions/760920/lenovo-z50-75-80ec-qca6164-802-11ac-wireless-network-adapter-not-working21:44
mcphaildbrom: what is your question about it?21:44
pulsar12spid3rMin3, yeah briding can cause those issues in some scenarios, one possible reason is because your VM interface will have the same MAC address as your host interface, and windows is not forwarding the packets correctly back to VM for some reason21:45
dbromI use dd to take and restor a image21:46
spid3rMin3pulsar12 , how can i fix this >21:46
pulsar12if you have nat interface configured, its easy. Just go to settings and add a port redirection to port 2221:46
spid3rMin3pulsar12, i'll try it now21:47
dbromAnyone using noip2 in this room21:48
spid3rMin3pulsar12, what should i put under the host port , guest port21:48
OerHeksmcphail> dbrom: what is your question about it?21:49
pulsar12host port = a random unused port you may want to use, can be 22 if not already used. guest port = 22 if you have sshd running with default port21:50
dbromI have installed in on a couple of servers and its not refreshing the ip ....21:50
dbromdo i need to do extra config in the noip2.c file to have this wiork....21:50
mcphaildbrom: i use ddclient and get that to call a wget one-liner to update. I haven't had success with noip's client (or ddclient's native noip functionality)21:51
spid3rMin3pulsar12 , i acctually noticed something : when in the host cmd an ipconfig brings up an ipaddress to my virtual machine and it is pingable21:51
spid3rMin3Ethernet adapter VirtualBox Host-Only Network:21:51
spid3rMin3is this my vm?21:51
pulsar12no, its a special interface you can assign to VM as an adapter21:52
spid3rMin3vm being my ubuntu os , and could i put this into a putty to connect\21:52
OerHeksdbrom, no, To config defaults noip2 (with capital C ) >> sudo /usr/local/bin/noip2 -C21:52
dbromwhere do i get ddclient and the how tos on install21:52
mcphail!info ddclient | dbrom21:52
ubottudbrom: ddclient (source: ddclient): address updating utility for dynamic DNS services. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.8.2-2ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 69 kB, installed size 296 kB21:52
dbromyes I ran the sudo /usr/local/src/noip2 -C at the beginning21:53
pulsar12you can choose that as an adapter on the VM, then it's like that the interface on your VM is directly connected to VirtualBox Host-Only Network that is visible on your host21:53
OerHeksdbrom, uh oh, not  /usr/local/src/ but /usr/local/bin/noip221:53
et09what's the newest, hippest file system ?21:54
dviolawould you guys recommend 16.04 or 14.04?21:54
k1ldviola: for a new install go with 16.0421:54
dviolaI upgraded to 16.04 and it seems a bit unstable at this point21:55
dbromdepends on the use dviola21:55
dviolafor example, I see a kernel error when it boots, and I don't see the splash screen, it takes a long time to boot too21:55
dbromI never touch the latest for atleast 6 months21:55
k1ldviola: what video card? what exact error?21:56
umoukunDoes anyone know how to fix this problem?  http://pastebin.com/ZZZ64vwc21:56
dviolak1l: intel21:56
dbromFor example i just started using 15 this week21:56
dviolak1l: it's an error that has been fixed in the latest linux kernel already21:56
dviolak1l: I don't know which one21:56
dviolak1l: I think ubuntu needs some backporting to do21:56
k1lumoukun: your 3rd party packages seems to be a mess.21:56
k1lumoukun: depency-wise21:56
dviolaI will not touch 15.04 until those things are ironed out21:56
umoukunyeah, I cant seem to fix it21:56
umoukunit broke my sound21:57
k1ldviola: you cant stay on 15.0421:57
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geniiumoukun:  sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/libgnuradio-iqbalance_0.37.2-myriadrf3~trusty_amd64.deb21:58
dviolak1l: ?21:58
k1l<dviola> I will not touch 15.04 until those things are ironed out21:59
umoukungenii: thanks21:59
spid3rMin3pulsar12, i added the port forwarding rule with the nat connection, however it's just giving me a 10.0..... i[22:01
dev\nullHello people, is there any support room for Libreoffice?22:03
reisiodev\null: /msg alis list *libre*office*22:04
reisioor you can always guess and /join #libreoffice22:04
et09joinyes, #libreoffice22:06
et09yes, #libreoffice22:06
rgerovskiHello, I have Ubuntu Server 16.04 running in VirtualBox on a Windows 10 host. I have VirtualBox guest additions installed and correctly set up shared folders which I am successfully mounting using the "mount" command. I'd like the shared folder to be mounted on system startup, so I added a record to /etc/fstab like: Projects    /home/development/pr22:07
rgerovskiojects    vboxsf    rw,uid=1000,gid=1000    0    0. However, whenever I add a record to fstab the next reboot I get the emergency mode. Please help22:07
easyLinuxHi guys22:08
easyLinuxi need extract only "model name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU       M 890  @ 2.96GHz"22:09
easyLinuxbut i nedd only " Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU       M 520  @ 2.40GHz"22:09
easyLinuxhowto extract only this in cpuinfo?22:10
jamesd_easyLinux:  cut -d":" -f222:10
jamesd_easyLinux :   grep "model name" /proc/cpu_info | cut -d":" -f222:11
easyLinuxjamesd_: thanks, but show me all cores22:11
=== WilliamLMKing is now known as Marcial
jamesd_easyLinux :   grep "model name" /proc/cpu_info | cut -d":" -f2  | tail -n122:12
easyLinuxjamesd_: nice bro22:12
easyLinuxjamesd_: very very thanks22:13
jamesd_i'm sure three is an easier way... read grep's manpage it probably has a flag to exit after the first match22:13
naccjamesd_: -m 1, iirc22:17
SETH001DRDrogotea es una pagina que todavia funciona?22:19
tgm4883jamesd_: -m #22:22
_28_riaHello, I have Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, tried to upgrade to 16.04 LTS. I clicked Upgrade on the dialog box, that appears after reboot, suggesting to upgrade. it presented me to upgrade to 15.10, while I thought, that LTS would be upgraded to 16.04 LTS, so, I closed that update window. Found on the inet an update directions from 14.04 to 16.04: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes.22:23
Jordan_U_28_ria: Good, do *not* upgrade to 15.10.22:24
Jordan_U!ltsupgrade | _28_ria22:24
ubottu_28_ria: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.22:24
jamesd_for extra credit someone should fix this bug  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mcollective-plugins/+bug/106128722:25
Jordan_U_28_ria: You probably have update-manager set to show all releases, rather than just LTS releases. You probably want it to only be showing LTS releases.22:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1061287 in mcollective-plugins (Ubuntu) "mcollective-plugins-service installs service file with incorrect name" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:25
_28_riaIt suggested to set the "Notify me of a new Ubuntu version" to "long-term support versions" for 14.04 LTS. I did, and now, when I open auto-update, it doesn't present me with a new release, only suggests to update certain packages. do-release-upgrade, also says, no new release found.22:25
jamesd_the fix is in the bug,  a one liner   (create a symlink if you like)... cost me nearly 2 days of banging my head against the wall22:26
_28_riaJordan_U: Ah, I got it, I have to wait for July 21st22:26
rsawyer6003UGH I'm about to pull my hair out trying to get this deb pkg installed22:33
=== asdfa is now known as marcelillo
kisbuse gdebi22:33
SonikkuAmericarsawyer6003: [ sudo dpkg -i name_of_package.deb ]22:34
rsawyer6003I'm fixing to. I keep getting dependency problems22:34
chichi_how to see meminfo in GB?22:34
kisbrsawyer6003, use gdebi22:34
rsawyer6003It is i386 and depends on krb5-user:i386 which I cannot get to install because it depends on krb5-config:i386 which has no install canidate22:35
rsawyer6003wget https://www.exacq.com/reseller/Ubuntu/Dapper/exacqVisionServer.deb --user=guest --password=exacqvisionip --no-check-certificate22:35
rsawyer6003that is the package in question22:35
jamesd_chichi_: free -g22:36
le_pigrsawyer6003: do you have i386 architecture enabled?22:36
chichi_jamesd_:wrong information22:36
chichi_jamesd_: i have 4GB22:36
rsawyer6003yep. i do22:36
jamesd_chichi_: what do you want to see?22:37
chichi_jamesd_: 3gb only22:37
=== buddy is now known as Guest35870
chichi_sudo dmidecode -t 17 | grep Size | awk '{s+=$2} END {print s}' show 409622:37
chichi_jamesd_: i can see meminfo in GB?22:37
jamesd_make awk devide by 102422:38
jamesd_if you like you can also install facter  its part of puppet and it can provide you with a lot of info about your system, probably more than you want22:40
le_pigfacter is legit22:40
jamesd_so is puppet,  mcollective rocks as well but is a major PITA to get it installed and working, and then you have to wash, rinse repeat on each node, until you automate it correctly22:42
rsawyer6003gdebi seems to have done the trick at this point22:42
rsawyer6003why the heck is dpkg used instead of gdebi by default?22:42
chichi_jamesd_: script for my app, see more 300 computer... OCS no work nice.22:43
jamesd_300.... my job is to support 200k servers.22:44
chichi_jamesd_: and i new on linux22:44
chichi_jamesd_: everplace search show only to use awk22:44
chichi_jamesd_: 300 workstation kkk no server22:45
chichi_jamesd_: all user ubuntu 16.04 lts22:45
jamesd_learn  awk,,, its a powerful tool.   but unix has 100's of power tools.22:45
chichi_jamesd_: grep "MemTotal" /proc/meminfo22:46
chichi_jamesd_: but see in MB22:46
rsawyer6003kisb Thanks for the help. I've been ready to give up on this twice today. who knew gdebi would work flawlessly when dpkg struggled all day?22:49
akikrsawyer6003: you can install debs with "sudo apt install ./package.deb" it handles the dependencies too22:49
rsawyer6003akik: good to know I'll put that  in my toolbag for next time22:49
rsawyer6003I had been, in the past, been able to just use dpkg and apt-get -f install and all was well. The latest version of this package must have some new dependents that don't play well22:50
rsawyer6003thanks again for the help everyone. I'll try to payback the support this weekend and do a little more time on here.22:51
kisboh cool22:52
jamesd_chichi_: you know ram won't always be in exact GB,  since many times your  app will run on a virtual, and they don't always get full GB...22:53
chichi_jamesd_: really22:54
chichi_jamesd_: kkk22:54
jamesd_grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo  | awk '{s=$2; e = s / (1024*1024); print e,  "GB";}'22:55
jamesd_does what you want.22:55
jamesd_could be comdensed a bit, but hell its not my script22:56
dev\nullMay i ask generic question22:57
dev\nullwhen i call this command (split) in terminal22:57
dev\nullAm i actually asking the kernel to perform that command?22:57
jamesd_the kernel starts up a user process called split that does it works,  the setup work is done by the kernel and glibc, etc and but very little of it happens in the kernel22:58
dev\nullSo the kernel will do something22:59
enonI upgraded from 14.04 lubuntu and now my sound is broke, I need to know where to put alsa module info for this series kernel22:59
jamesd_use it provides the basic environment, it creates/links up stdin, stdout, stderr...  if you want to see what happens when you run split one level about the kernel  try  strace split23:00
jamesd_ "what happens on my computer when i press the letter "A" on the keyboard"  is a one line awnser or a 500 page book worthy of a phd thesis.23:02
=== diego1 is now known as dviola
ArrEmmArrEffred triangle with a ! in it up by my clock anybody know why?23:18
ArrEmmArrEffit says network problems or repository issue23:19
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=== _8ade2af05f26 is now known as Xe
qyizI've been trying to mirror my monitor with my TV using an HDMI cable. I'm on 14.04 LTS and I keep getting errors. I'd apreciate it if someone could help me troubleshoot.23:22
qyizone of the problems: http://pastebin.com/siNWiiCy23:23
Trinitydoes ubuntu use cgroups internally?23:24
Trinityor rather what is the purpose of /sys/fs/cgroup?23:24
Bashing-omArrEmmArrEff: What results ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' ? to see/clear what the notification is .23:27
jamesd_lastlog chichi23:33
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=== Mob is now known as MobGod
askpcguyok this has me stumped23:42
askpcguyusing curl to save html, can I remove a section from the html file?23:43
rajiv_I have installed gnome-software but its not working.its not showing any softwares. How do i fix it?23:46
rajiv_gnom-software not even shos the installed softwares.23:48
whlaianyone get pam_mount working in 16.04?23:51
whlaiI can't seem to get it activated23:51
whlaiI put in my edits to /etc/security/pam_mount.conf.xml23:52
ArrEmmArrEffBashing-om:  hey :) thx  i got errors i think in my apt-get update https://paste.ubuntu.com/16228325/23:52
whlaiIs that the right distro?23:53
whlaivery strange tohave in your apt-get update23:54
whlaiwhat are your sources?23:54
ArrEmmArrEffwhlai: me?23:56
rajiv_its not even shown the installed softwares.23:56
Bashing-omArrEmmArrEff: Look'n .23:58
whlaiyeah, you23:58
whlaitry apt-get dist-upgrade a couple time23:59
whlaior rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists /var/cache/apt; apt update; apt clean23:59
Bashing-omArrEmmArrEff: In "software Sources" uncheck the cdrom box .. you do not need this source .23:59

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