
nebghello everyone... which is the difference between "shopt" and "set" i see the operate on different options...but which options relate to set and which to shopt  ?00:14
jaltHi, how do I fully disable avahi-daemon from a fresh 16.04 install? The obvious systemctl disable avahi-daemon did not work (x-posted from #ubuntu, since I got no replies and it's actually a xubuntu 16.04 fresh install).00:20
nebgjalt, why you want to disable avahi daemon ?00:22
jaltbecause i don't need zeroconf00:22
nebgwhat does it odo  ?00:22
nebgdoes avahi daemon only do zeroconf ?00:22
nebgwhat's that ?00:23
jaltyes, and it's a protocol apple came up for mDNS00:23
jaltit manages .local00:23
LazyUser69Anyone find systrays preferable to indicator icons?00:59
jaltAnswering my own question for future reference: the only way to disable avahi-daemon is to remove and purge the package. There really is no other way because of socket activation and dbus.01:43
kgbo/ guys i'm not going to #ubuntu, but has the issue been brought up - if anybody knows?.. the web page has *not* been updated: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (There is no page /link for upgrading "from 15.10 to 16.04")04:02
kgb.. um, yea - the page is there, just no update on the main: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XenialUpgrades04:06
kgb.. guess that I should edit the page, what do you think? o.004:08
kgbby the time i configure oracle vm & unpack a windows.. and put dreamweaver & get to editing; it'll probably be done 10-times-over? xD04:12
xubuntu02wDoes anyone know how to update to the latest version of gnupg?04:26
xubuntu02wI tried sudo apt-get install gnupg2 and it says that I already have the newest version (2.1.11)04:27
xubuntu02wBut when I try to enable enigmail in Thunderbird, I receive an error message that I have version 1.4.20 and need to update.04:28
xubuntu02wWhat am I missing?04:28
kgbxubuntu02w: xenial 16.04?04:33
kgbblah, I remember always being some *problem* with the versions /which software 2 actually get for enigmail /thunderbird :f04:36
xubuntu02wYeah, I'm new to email encryption. I've followed some guides online, but cannot seem to get gnupg to work properly with thunderbird04:37
xubuntu02wOr maybe it's enigmail which is causing the issue.04:37
kgbjust, hang on please... someone who knows more should say it better (than me :))04:38
kgbxubuntu02w: in the meantime, something to -perhaps- better manage any ppa that could need?.. http://www.webupd8.org/2013/10/y-ppa-manager-0991-released-with-ubuntu.html (https://launchpad.net/y-ppa-manager) :)04:42
kgb*which you may need04:43
xubuntu02wThanks I will check that out04:44
kgbxubuntu02w: maybe, for example, if you had added a ppa - when messing with the gnupg/2 versions - which you wanna ppa-purge04:53
xubuntu02wIn that case, what would be the command for purging the unneeded ppa?04:56
kgbxubuntu02w: ah i fell asleep at they keyboard, need to gtho, lol.. if it was manually added, then look for the name used 4 example: history | grep add-apt-repository05:41
kgb*in order to ppa-purge it05:41
kgbhttp://1.bp.blogspot.com/-YgYZlIzBjaM/TsZEjMHsC4I/AAAAAAAADTM/I51ZIkVgZ30/s1600/Selection_621.png and in case of the Y PPA MANAGER: it's in the GUI, under "Manage PPAs". :)05:44
kgbhope it helps.. just someone needs to speak up about what enigmail should be using for encryption w/thunderbird :DD05:47
subscioushey there. When I close my lid and open it up again my mousecursor disappears on xubuntu 16.04. Is this a known bug? will it be adressed?06:06
subsciousthe same thing happens when I lock the display with ctrl+alt+del06:07
subsciousthis is really anoying. As of now I have to log out or kill the xserver loosing all my open progress. Is there maybe something else I can do to regain the cursor?06:12
puckzHi all! Xubuntu 16.04... after returning from locked screen I don't see the mouse pointer. Any solution?06:31
Unit193puckz: Does it work to flip to TTY1 and back to 7?06:35
puckzUnit193: Sorry, how do I flip between TTY's? :-)06:37
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution06:37
puckzUnit193: It works! Thanks a zillion!06:38
Unit193Sure thing, doc.06:38
flocculantpuckz: 156860406:45
flocculantmeh bug 156860406:45
ubottubug 1568604 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "Mouse cursor lost when unlocking with Intel graphics" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156860406:45
flocculant3 methods there to get the cursor back - one stops it occurring06:46
Unit193Knew that had to be somewhere.06:47
flocculantlike on the notes ...06:47
tombgijust had a fun time getting xubuntu installed alongside windows 1011:47
tombgicould only boot into xubuntu at first, then grub-customizer saved the day11:48
tombgibut then couldn't get the grub menu to respond to more than one keypress after that11:48
tombgiso could scroll to another OS but not enter into it11:49
tombgiweirdly, grub console still worked fine and i could use that to boot into other OSes11:49
tombgistill looking into it11:49
nikolamhaven't tried w10, but in my previous life, I always used to install windows first and any linux next11:49
tombgiyeah, i did the same thing11:50
nikolamwith my current life and adding new linux disk to the system that already had W8 dual boot, I must say Windows generally sucs11:50
tombgiusually had good experiences with it11:50
tombgiwith installing alongside, not good experiences with windows11:50
nikolamI suppose one needs to first recover with windows (Used to use /fixboot /fixmbr in windows recover boot) and then to recover linux boot form live cd11:51
tombgii'm not sure what happened at first11:51
tombgiwindows wasn't showing up in the grub menu11:51
tombgijust had to readd it11:51
nikolamso since no experience with w10.. I just had to vent it :P11:51
tombgiso i can boot into either now11:51
tombgihaha, fair enough11:52
tombgii just have to boot into linux through the grub2 command prompt11:52
tombginot too tricky though11:52
nikolamupdate-grub I suppose should finde widnozes, too11:52
nikolambut depends what windows itself winds as it's problem with, maybe new disk config etc11:53
tombgimm idk11:57
xubuntu19whello, I'm trying to install linux on a laptop but everytime I boot after the logo shows, the screen goes black and stays like that13:53
flocculantxubuntu19w: without knowing more about the laptop - are you talking about booting with the livecd or usb?13:56
flocculantif so - reboot - hit any key when you see the kbd/man logo at the bottom, F6, choose nomodeset then enter13:57
xubuntu19wit's a usb13:57
flocculantk - try that13:57
xubuntu19wok let me try13:57
xubuntu19wit's a compaq 6715b13:58
xubuntu19w2gb ram13:58
xubuntu19wamd sempron 4000+13:58
xubuntu19wok, I've chosen nomodeset but it stays there14:03
flocculantpressed enter?14:03
xubuntu19wthere's only an "X" next to it14:03
flocculantis this 16.04?14:04
xubuntu19wdo I need to exit out of the f6 menu after I've selected14:04
xubuntu19wyes 16.0414:04
flocculantjust a sec14:04
flocculantyea sorry14:05
flocculantonce selected - escape - then enter :)14:05
flocculantxubuntu19w: is it booting now?14:07
xubuntu19wso far it's showing the logo14:07
xubuntu19wand now the screen has gone black14:07
xubuntu19wsame as before14:07
flocculantgive it a minute14:07
xubuntu19wthanks for the help14:08
xubuntu19wI appreciate it14:08
flocculantdon't know an awful lot about ati/amd gpu's - which that appears to have14:08
xubuntu19wyes, it's an ati14:08
xubuntu19wI tried to download some drivers through the f4 option but it doesn't give me that option14:09
flocculantshouildn't need to do anything like that14:10
xubuntu19wI've tried different distros14:11
flocculantand same issue?14:11
xubuntu19wbut all come to the same black screen after the logo14:11
xubuntu19wI've even tried the lightest ones14:11
flocculantxubuntu19w: when you say you've tried different distros - is that recently?14:12
flocculantor in the past?14:12
xubuntu19wthese past few days14:12
flocculantwhat have you tried?14:12
xubuntu19wlinux mint, elementary, ubuntu mint, lubuntu, chomium14:13
xubuntu19wI've even format the hard disk and reinstalled windows14:15
xubuntu19wwith all the drivers updated14:15
flocculantthat'd make no difference :)14:15
xubuntu19wlol ok14:16
xubuntu19wI can't figure out what it is14:16
flocculantxubuntu19w: not finding much - but just got in from work - but http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2306298&p=13406734#post13406734 tends to point towards noapci and nolapic14:17
xubuntu19wok, so I should choose those and try14:17
flocculantwhich are both options in the F6 menu where nomodeset was14:17
flocculantnot even sure what they are tbh - have a look at http://askubuntu.com/questions/52096/what-do-the-different-boot-options-mean-i-e-acpi-off-noapic-nolapic-etc14:18
xubuntu19wI'll try them14:18
flocculantI would14:18
flocculantat least to try and get the livesession booted :)14:18
xubuntu19wsure thing14:19
xubuntu19wI appreciate it14:19
flocculantwelcome :)14:19
xubuntu19wI'm trying now, I've even cleaned the ventilation shaft, it was full. Now the fan runs smoothly14:22
xubuntu19wit didn't work, same black screen14:24
michael_hi, are some rpi users here?14:36
flocculantxubuntu19w: mmm - sorry - not going to be much here now14:36
flocculantwait around maybe and see if anyone lurking has some idea14:38
michael_no raspberry users here?15:02
flocculantmichael_: even if there are - you'd have to get support elsewhere I'm afraid - not supported in this channel15:04
michael_flocculant, any idea on what channel?15:05
flocculantmichael_: could try #raspberrypi15:08
flocculantother than that - not a clue I'm afraid15:08
flocculantthere is an xubuntu image - but it's not supported15:09
michael_if xubuntu, lubuntu and ubutu-mate are based on the same, then all these images got the same bug with audio via hdmi on the rpi. are they based on the same?15:11
flocculantmichael_: I'd imagine so - almost all the *buntu things are based on the same15:12
flocculantbut couldn't be positive about it15:12
michael_because, on xbian i have no problems with that, also kernel 4.4.x ... ah, ok :(15:12
flocculantbut ask one of the other *buntu which is supported :)15:12
michael_ok, thanks for help :)15:13
tsaavikI think I figured out why editable accelerators are not working, nothing I change in the apperance menu has any effect (I changed style and nothing happens)15:30
=== Unicorn_Badboy is now known as not_dammit
Black_SOKOLAnyone speak Russian?17:24
krytarik!ru | Black_SOKOL17:24
ubottuBlack_SOKOL: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:24
Qunhorhow do I install 16.04 after i download it21:02
Qunhorand whare do i downoad it to?21:02
knome!install | Qunhor21:05
ubottuQunhor: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:05
Qunhorthank u so much21:06

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