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marcoceppihey cory_fu12:58
marcoceppiso I know we talked about charms.tool for core.hookenv naming. What do you think about charms.model instead?12:59
marcoceppicharms.model.log, charms.model.relation_id, charms.model.config13:00
cory_fumarcoceppi: I like that much better13:15
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: i like charms.unit better than charms.model13:15
cory_futvansteenburgh: unit is ok with log, but doesn't make as much sense as model for thinks like relations, config, leadership, etc13:18
cory_fukjackal: Hey, do you have the full unit log for that plugin instance, by chance?13:19
tvansteenburghtrue i guess. i was thinking of it in terms of "this operates in the context of a single unit"13:19
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: I might keep tool for things like log13:19
kjackalcory_fu: let me check13:19
cory_fukjackal: Also, what arch did you run this on?  I think the lzo test might need a skipIf for arch, since it's not supported everywheree13:20
kjackalcory_fu: I do not have the full logs. I am sorry. Arch, its x86_6413:21
cory_fuThough I guess the only place it's missing right now is aarch64, and I doubt you ran the tests on that13:21
kjackalI would like a walkthough the test13:22
kjackalI am not sure why we expect those messages. For example we ask two slaves to upgrade and in the status messages we expect only one to report spec missmatch13:23
kjackalcory_fu, there is always the chance I am reading this the wrong way13:23
marcoceppimaybe charms.model.service.config charms.model.unit.log charms.model.action charms.model.relation* ? cory_fu tvansteenburgh13:23
* marcoceppi will play around with it a bit13:24
cory_fukjackal: Yes, I wanted to confirm that if the admin forgets to upgrade a unit, the status message will let them know13:24
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: i like that a lot13:24
cory_fumarcoceppi: Yeah, me too13:25
aisraeltvansteenburgh: bundletester isn't juju 2 compatible yet, right?14:19
tvansteenburghaisrael: it is14:19
aisraeltvansteenburgh: latest in pip?14:20
tvansteenburghaisrael: yeah. you also need the juju2 versions of deployer and jujuclient, one sec14:20
tvansteenburghaisrael: well you can install those from tips in launchpad if you want. if you want a ppa instead lmk14:21
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: eta on landing the last few patches so we can just release those?14:23
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: they need reviews14:23
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: link?14:23
aisraeltvansteenburgh: a ppa would be great, as long as that's no more work for you14:24
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-deployer/+bug/1575863 https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-deployer/+bug/157651914:24
mupBug #1575863: .deployer-store-cache relies on ~/.juju <juju-deployer:Fix Committed by tvansteenburgh> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1575863>14:24
mupBug #1576519: Not able to deploy a local charm <juju-deployer:Fix Committed by tvansteenburgh> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1576519>14:24
tvansteenburghaisrael: ppa:ahasenack/python-jujuclient and ppa:ahasenack/juju-deployer-daily14:25
aisraeltvansteenburgh: ta!14:27
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aisraelstub: Have you tested your cassandra test changes with juju 2? Specifically, it seems like juju-deployer-wrapper.py isn't fully compatible.14:47
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lazyPowerthedac beisner - question for you: What is the best way to make changes to python configs? like dashboard settings.py, where I need to add value to the installed apps array... do we expose any of this for ISV's to tap into?16:17
thedaclazyPower: for openstack-dashboard you want to update the local_settings.py template which should override settings.py16:19
lazyPowerthedac - pointer to where i can find that? (sorry!)16:19
thedaclazyPower:  https://github.com/openstack/charm-openstack-dashboard/blob/master/templates/mitaka/local_settings.py16:20
lazyPowerthedac - so for nexenta's case, they need to add a subordinate to configure this? or are there existing relations/amenities to do so for them?   this isn't as straight forward as the cinder plugin stuff i'm afraid16:23
thedaclazyPower: there is a dashboard-plugin subordinate relationship with openstack-dashboard which is what you will want. I am trying to find you an example16:24
pmatulisis there a way to see available charm-tools subcommands while in plugin mode? i.e. `juju charm ...`16:24
lazyPowerperfect, thats enough to get us started. Thanks thedac!  If you do fish up the example, i'd appreciate it :)16:24
marcoceppipmatulis: charm help plugins ?16:25
marcoceppipmatulis: why do you care about plugins specifically?16:25
thedacjamespage: gnuoy: do you know of any examples of subordinates to opentack-dashbaord that use the dashboard-plugin relationship?16:27
pmatulismarcoceppi, 'charm help plugins' doesn't give me anything. i'm reviewing existing docs. currently it says available commands can be discovered with `juju charm`16:27
thedaclazyPower: looks like Nexta already has a charm with that relation. https://jujucharms.com/u/anton-skriptsov/dashboard-nexentaedge/trusty/016:29
lazyPoweryeah, i'm bringing this up with him now.16:30
lazyPowerdo you have a moment to run support with me thedac?16:30
lazyPowerit would be helpful to have an openstacker wingman this with me16:30
marcoceppipmatulis: no16:32
marcoceppipmatulis: where are you looking at this? we re-wrote the entire charm-tools guide already16:33
gnuoythedac, isn't there a juju gui subordinate that uses it?16:33
thedacgnuoy: thanks. I look16:33
gnuoythedac, looks like you can search the charm store by relation https://jujucharms.com/requires/dashboard-plugin16:35
thedacok, that is the only one I found already. :)16:36
thedacgnuoy: thanks16:36
pmatulismarcoceppi, should this page just be deleted then? https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/juju-offline-charms16:44
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marcoceppipmatulis: not really, charm pull is the new command16:53
marcoceppiand charm pull-source16:54
pmatulismarcoceppi, i see 'pull-source' only. anyway, is the juju plugin mode depracated then?17:02
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rick_h_pmatulis: yes, it's now only through the charm command itself17:04
pmatulisrick_h_, thank you17:05
marcoceppipmatulis: you need the latest charm command17:06
pmatulismarcoceppi, meaning? is there a ppa?17:11
pmatulisdeveloper-getting-started doesn't mention one17:12
marcoceppipmatulis: it's in xenial, or in ppa:juju/stable for trusty https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/tools-charm-tools17:12
pmatulismarcoceppi, perfect, i'm on xenial17:12
marcoceppipmatulis: sudo apt install charm then17:12
pmatulisah, not charm-tools ?17:12
marcoceppipmatulis: both17:13
pmatulisinteresting. maybe update the above page? or is that not for public consumption?17:13
pmatulisok, looks like 'charm' is a dep of 'charm-tools'17:14
wolsenmarcoceppi, fyi I have a mongodb charm for xenial (with minimal changes to work + get amulet passing) here - https://code.launchpad.net/~billy-olsen/charms/xenial/mongodb/lp1513094 , where do I target an MP at? since the xenial series for the charm doesn't exist yet17:15
marcoceppiwolsen: it's a new charm review17:16
pmatulismarcoceppi, also, any reason why this command takes ~8 seconds to complete? 'charm --help add'17:16
wolsenmarcoceppi: ack17:16
marcoceppipmatulis: it's faster to do charm add --help17:16
marcoceppipmatulis: if you're going to overwrite that page with the auto help stuff you all do for juju charms could you not?17:16
pmatulismarcoceppi, the waiting time is the same for me. and i don't know what you mean with your second sentence17:19
marcoceppipmatulis: it takes a few seconds because it has to load the plugins on each run, and you guys have a script that auto generates the reference page for juju commands, I'm request we not do the same for this charm-tools page17:20
pmatulismarcoceppi, oh, well the commands.md file is auto-generated but it only affects juju-core. anyway, we still need to explain stuff and we need to use commands here and there to do that. we also use commands in examples17:25
tvansteenburghahasenack: can you kick off a rebuild of python-jujuclient for your ppa?17:33
ahasenacktvansteenburgh: sure17:33
ahasenacktvansteenburgh: done17:34
tvansteenburghahasenack: thanks!17:34
aisraelAny thoughts on what's causing this? "update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for juju"17:34
tvansteenburghaisrael: that's gone17:34
tvansteenburghcan't do it any more17:35
tvansteenburghto switch to juju1, sudo apt install juju-1-default17:35
tvansteenburghuninstall to switch back17:35
aisraeltvansteenburgh: Shoot. Ok. I'm reviewing a charm that's doing some juju 1-specific stuff. Have we switched the jenkins stuff to use 2.0 yet? I'm wondering if I should test on juju 1, or push for changes to the tests.17:36
tvansteenburghaisrael: jenkins still using juju117:37
aisraeltvansteenburgh: roger, I'll switch and test, and comment about future compatibility wrt tests. Any idea when we'd require 2.0 compat?17:38
tvansteenburghaisrael: i defer to marcoceppi :)17:38
marcoceppiaisrael tvansteenburgh when 2.0 is released17:39
aisraelmarcoceppi: tvansteenburgh ack, thanks!17:39
aisraeland no quickstart in xenial? boo17:40
tvansteenburghjuju deploy bundle.yaml17:40
tvansteenburghno need for quickstart :)17:40
tvansteenburghoh, juju117:41
marcoceppiaisrael: no quickstart17:41
lazyPowerdrop it like its hot tvansteenburgh17:44
lazyPowergah i wasn't all the way at the bottom i throught you dropped the science about juju deploy17:44
lazyPowerthen i see there's no quickstart for juju-1 in xenial. d'oh17:44
ahasenacktvansteenburgh: I need to do a dummy commit to trigger a version change, or else the builds won't upload17:48
ahasenackthis sometimes happens when a manual build is triggered, LP doesn't remember that17:48
tvansteenburghahasenack: i'm sure i can find something to improve in a trivial commit17:49
ahasenacktvansteenburgh: oh, ok. I was going to do it in the packaging branch, but if you have something trivial at hand, go for it17:49
tvansteenburghahasenack: oh, in the packaging branch. yeah that makes more sense, go for it.17:52
ahasenacktvansteenburgh: buld requested17:53
tvansteenburghahasenack: thanks again17:54
tvansteenburghahasenack: how do the versions get updated for the juju-deployer and python-jujuclient builds? is that a manual step?18:01
ahasenacktvansteenburgh: yes. Since the recipe uses the revno, that's a free incrementing number we get, but the actual version has to be set in the debian/changelog file18:02
ahasenackso the revno is enough for us to get upgrades in the same version, but if ubuntu releases something with a new version, the ppa, even though having more recent code, won't upgrade that18:03
ahasenacktvansteenburgh: hm, deployed just failed to build18:05
ahasenacktest errors18:05
ahasenackERROR: test_multiple_connections (deployer.tests.test_guienv.TestGUIEnvironment)18:05
ahasenackERROR: test_deploy_unqualified_url (deployer.tests.test_guienv.TestGUIEnvironment)18:06
ahasenackERROR: test_deploy (deployer.tests.test_guienv.TestGUIEnvironment)18:06
ahasenackERROR: test_connect (deployer.tests.test_guienv.TestGUIEnvironment)18:06
ahasenackERROR: test_close (deployer.tests.test_guienv.TestGUIEnvironment)18:06
ahasenackall failed with OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory18:06
plarsHi, I'm trying to deploy to an lxc container on maas, and I've done this for many other units that are deployed, but all the others have been on trusty. The lxc host is trusty as well, but the new one I'm trying to deploy needs to be xenial. I never see the machine come up though, and I suspect I'm hitting a systemd related incompatibility with trying to do18:06
ahasenackthat's when calling     ["juju", "--version"], log).split('.')[0])18:06
plarssorry ahasenack, didn't mean to interleave... thought you were finished :)18:07
ahasenackI guess we need to update the dependencies to use juju-1-default or get the right juju2 one18:07
ahasenackplars: no worries :)18:07
ahasenackplars: never seen that error, sorry18:08
plarsSo - 1. Am I right in assuming I cannot deploy lxc machines onto a trusty host? and 2. Does anyone know if I could simply upgrade to a xenial base for my lxc machines and deploy trusty *and* xenial lxc units to it?18:09
plarserr... s/lxc machines/xenial lxc units/18:09
pmatulismarcoceppi, previously, there was a 'getall' tools command to grab all charms. how is that done now?18:10
tvansteenburghahasenack: i'll take a look18:11
ahasenacktvansteenburgh: I'll just update the deps, I bet there was no /usr/bin/juju18:12
ahasenackjust the versioned ones18:12
ahasenacktvansteenburgh: do these tests work with juju-2? Do you know?18:12
tvansteenburghahasenack: they do, yes18:12
ahasenackok, I'll put juju-2 in front then, so xenial uses juju2, and the rest will use juju118:12
tvansteenburghahasenack: sounds good18:12
pmatulismarcoceppi, i tried 'charm pull wordpress ~/charms/' and the charm's files get put directly under ~/charms and not under ~/charms/wordpress . normal?18:27
marcoceppipmatulis: I didn't write that, you could file a bug against https://github.com/juju/charmstore-client18:33
lazyPowerthat is however strange, as i've used charm-pull and it puts the code in a subdirectory named after teh charm18:33
lazyPowereg if i'm in /tmp and i run charm pull elasticsearch, it creates /tmp/elasticsearch and puts the charm there18:33
lazyPowerpmatulis - ^   it really stripped the dir and spit out charm files in $JUJU_REPOSITORY (~/charms)?18:34
pmatulislazyPower, but what you wrote is not what i did so i'm not sure why you say it's strange. i don't know how i can be clearer. why don't you try it?18:38
lazyPoweroh, i missed the path at the end18:41
lazyPowermy mistake18:41
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suchvenuI am getting the following error in my debug-log19:28
suchvenuunit-ibm-db2-0[19719]: 2016-05-05 19:27:42 ERROR juju.worker.uniter.filter filter.go:137 tomb: dying unit-ibm-db2-0[19719]: 2016-05-05 19:27:42 WARNING juju.worker.dependency engine.go:304 failed to start "uniter" manifold worker: dependency not available unit-ibm-db2-0[19719]: 2016-05-05 19:27:45 ERROR juju.worker.uniter.filter filter.go:137 tomb: dying19:28
suchvenuHow can I resolve this ?19:28
lazyPowersuchvenu see this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/151366719:35
mupBug #1513667: Better error messaging around uniter failure <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1513667>19:35
suchvenuHi lazyPower19:39
suchvenuYou restart the juju machine daemon by running `sudo restart jujud-machine-0` from machine 019:39
suchvenuWhere should i run this from ?19:39
suchvenumachine 0 is local host, right ?19:41
lazyPowersuchvenu - are you using the local provider?19:44
lazyPoweryeah but thats not the name of the service you need unfortunately. can you pastebin the output of initctl list | grep juju for me?19:45
lazyPowersorry, sudo initctl list | grep juju19:46
suchvenusudo initctl list | grep juju juju-agent-charm-local start/running, process 9596 juju-db-charm-local start/running, process 9529 charm@islrpbeixv665:~$19:48
lazyPowerrestart both of those and if you could, let us know on the bug if it resolved the issue or if it gets better/worse/about-the-same?19:49
suchvenuRestarted both and now the debug-log is moving further, I don;t see the error now19:52
suchvenuHowever I see this status in Juju status19:52
lazyPowersuchvenu - ok, sounds like the agent needs to be cycled on the db-2 unit. Its lost because it hasn't checked in with the controller in a specified time, is what i recall that meaning.19:55
suchvenuI am redeploying the service19:56
suchvenulazyPower, why is this happening ?19:59
lazyPowersuchvenu i'm not certain :(20:00
lazyPowersuchvenu - the logs of that deployment would be helpful, and if we can capture any of the unit agent logs that are failing to start due to that uniter failure would be helpful.  so if it happens again, ping me and i can step you through capturing that. I haven't been able to reproduce that bug.20:01
jcastrocan anyone help with this one?20:08
* jcastro glances over at beisner20:08
bdxwhats going on everyone?20:41
lazyPoweryo yo bdx20:41
bdxlazyPower: how can I generate/obtain tools for beta7?20:41
lazyPowerbdx juju bootstrap --upload-tools doesn't work?20:42
bdxunfortunately not20:42
lazyPowerhmm, not certain. I'm still on beta6 here.20:42
lazyPowerthanks for the heads up that i need to recycle my env :)20:42
bdxok, thanks. It could be another issue, I'm about to start debugging it now20:43
bdxyea, good luck!20:43
lazyPoweroh hey bdx , not sure if you saw last week. hattip @ your contributions to the tls-layer. Skinnied up some code i had to write for swarm :)20:43
mupBug #1578838: Services not running that should be: mysql <percona-cluster (Juju Charms Collection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1578838>22:02

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