
wxlenon_: that's a good thing to use if you're testing, but not a good thing to run on. i would not count on it working consistently. it's completely unsupported.00:00
enon_I was willing to try anything even bleeding on the edge00:00
wxlenon_: you nevber did answer my question00:01
n-iCewxl: I have a laptop using i3 M350, but I'm wondering if I'm gonna notice real difference with a i5 2520m00:01
wxln-iCe: aw yeah i guess i'm not the right person to ask about specifics on that topic00:01
enon_which question, about reinstalling alsa - I´ll drop the ppa and try reinstalling it again00:04
wxloh i didn't mean reinstalling00:05
wxlsorry about that00:05
wxli meant reloading the server00:05
enon_I think I understand but you had better be more specific00:08
wxlessentially stopping alsa and then starting it again, forcing it to re-read its configuration files in the process00:09
enon_as with task manger?00:09
enon_assume no00:11
enon_in task manger Im not showing any asla task only pulse audio00:14
wxlsudo alsa reload00:14
wxloh no not pulseaudio aaaaaaaagh00:14
wxldelete the heck out of that crap </my opinion, but others will disagree>00:14
enon_rm -rf *.* (just kidding)00:15
enon_I forgot sudo00:15
enon_urrrgh pulsaudio keeps respawning00:18
wxlthat's what it does00:19
enon_well I restarted alsa with no errors00:20
wxlwith pa in the picture, that could be a potential source of problems00:21
wxlespecially if you didn't have it before00:21
enon_well the sound was working in 14.04 as installed aplay - l still shows no devices00:22
wxlwait, it DID work in 14.04 and now doesn't? what changed?00:23
enon_dist upgrading to 15.10 on th way to 16.04 is all I know for sure00:24
wxlmight want to grep the dpkg logs in /var/log to see if pulseaudio maybe got added?00:25
enon_I lost sound after 15.1000:26
enon_maybe in /var/logs/dist-upgrade/ would be better?00:29
enon_sudo grep -ri ´pulseaudio´shows nothing in /var/log00:41
enon_I removed pulse audio and didn break the rest of the system00:45
enon_I stopped pulse from running it did not respawn00:49
enon_I restarted alsa all the modules loaded but aplay -l still shows no devices00:50
enon_I am back to finding where to put module.config info at I think00:51
enon_when I restarted alsa I did get a slight pop both times00:54
enon_I got other things to do tonight so I come back tommorrow00:55
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=== ianorlin is now known as lynorian
=== Caerus|Away is now known as Caerus
n-iCe&join #slimusers03:22
n-iCeguys I just bought a new laptop03:22
n-iCeshould I always install additional drivers?03:25
dg87the lubuntu panel seriously still not have group windows yet?03:52
dg87nvm, its just not set by default like all the other distros and OSes have03:53
aladiahafter a somewhere 15.10 updates, a packard bell laptop keyboard and mouse dont work anymore! Even if start a live usb on it . . no way keyboard and moouse work, e but it does on Toshiba Sattellite. What can i do ?08:32
aladiahIT have dualboot and keyboeard and mouse work perfectly on windows . .08:46
=== Caerus is now known as Caerus|Away
nomoney4me_hi guys18:03
wxlwhat up nomoney4me_18:03
n-iCeea ea18:05
nomoney4me_i got a broadcom problem :(18:07
n-iCeinstall additional drivers18:08
nomoney4me_tried both b43 and bcmwl and nothing works :(18:08
nomoney4me_can anyone look at this result and help me out? http://hastebin.com/vatanekuci.vhdl18:10
wxlyay hastebin. we use this at work.18:12
wxlunfortunately hastebin.com for me isn't resolvingf or some point18:12
nomoney4me_i'll put it on pastebin then18:13
nomoney4me_here's the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/b0yQHceM18:20
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:22
nomoney4me_wxl, yup i've read them. I've tried both the STA and the B4318:23
wxlnomoney4me_: from what i read there with a 4321, you MUST use the closed source broadcom driver18:23
nomoney4me_yup.  and I did use the STA.  apparently with the sta, i get "scan_results error (-22)" which leads me to an old post on the forum that suggests using the b43....18:24
wxlbut you didn't try bcmwl-kernel-source?18:24
nomoney4me_see where i'm going with this? :P18:24
nomoney4me_yup, i tried bcmwl-kernel-source first.  then i got this error.  so i removed it and tried b4318:25
wxlok so then you didn't try the broadcom-sta package18:26
wxlworst case scenario you can try ndiswrapper18:27
wxlassuming at some point there was windows support for this chip18:27
nomoney4me_the weird thing is, i'm getting contradictory information: https://wiki.debian.org/wl#Installation18:28
nomoney4me_according to this, The BCM4311, BCM4312, BCM4321, BCM4322 and BCM4331 chips are alternatively supported by the open source b43 driver.18:28
wxlyou can see here that b43 itself only partially supports 14e4:4328 https://wireless.wiki.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b4318:28
wxlaccording to that wl is an acceptable alternative18:29
nomoney4me_i saw that too.  so the broadcom-sta is a different package from the bcmwl-kernel-source?18:29
wxlif you had read the page, you would have noticed that :)18:29
nomoney4me_well i just thought they were the same, just different name for the package18:30
wxlwell it says there are two choices18:30
wxlassumedly that means they're distinct18:30
wxland it does explain one is for an earlier version and one for a later version, so18:30
administradorHi. Has anyone succesfully instaled AMD's GPUPRO Beta drivers ? i can only get  so far: http://pastebin.com/xeDw3W7L Any idea on how to solve this? I am using Lubuntu 14.04 64bits18:31
nomoney4me_i interpreted it as same package, 1 for newer ubuntu version, the other for the older ubuntu version18:31
wxlnomoney4me_: no, it's a newer version of the driver18:31
wxladministrador: you might want to try with #ubuntu as it's not a lubuntu specific issue18:31
nomoney4me_now i know :P i'll try that broadcom-sta and see what happen18:32
wxl^^ that might be good advice in general for you, too, nomoney4me_18:32
wxlbut we (as lubuntu) have had a lot of experience with broadcom drivers18:32
nomoney4me_i was afraid that there are packages in ubuntu that already solves this problem.18:33
wxladministrador: you might try removing ocl-icd-libopencl118:33
wxl!info ocl-icd-libopencl118:33
ubottuocl-icd-libopencl1 (source: ocl-icd): Generic OpenCL ICD Loader. In component main, is extra. Version 2.2.8-1 (xenial), package size 29 kB, installed size 110 kB18:33
wxli'm not sure why you need that, but that's what's complaining18:34
wxlyou may be able to reinstall it afterwards18:34
nomoney4me_btw, wxl, do you know of an alternative to uxterm? does lubuntu come with the normal terminal?18:38
nomoney4me_nvm, scratch that, i found the lxterminal :)18:40
administradorwxl, nah, it did't worked either... It stops in the same spot: /var/opt/amdgpu-pro/./amdgpu-pro-opencl-icd_16.15.2-277429_amd64.deb18:43
wxladministrador: then i would suggest seeking support from the developers of amdgpu-pro-install18:48
wxlnomoney4me_: fwiw i prefer urxvt but yes lxterminal works fine enough :)18:49
nomoney4me_same error :( scan_results error.19:01
nomoney4me_sigh, this broadcom driver is so annoying21:27
lynoriannomoney4me_, I know :(21:31
lynoriannomoney4me_, I just joined so can you help me know what you are trying to do21:37
nomoney4me_I figured out the drivers for this bcm432121:39
nomoney4me_But I got this problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1783272  and the solution does not work in my case.21:40
nomoney4me_it seems that the blacklist worked but adding the modprobe in the rc.local still does not solve the fact that I still cannot scan unless I suspend/resume the machine.21:41
nomoney4me_manually resetting the wl through modprobe does not solve the problem.21:41
stairsandflowershello! i hope this is not too stupid to ask.  i'm trying to set my keyboard to latin american spanish. the key that allows typing accented vowels is not working since the upgrade to 16.04. i've set the keyboard to latin american spanish, however there is no "use dead keys" option.21:43
lynorianI think that is due to the way rc.local works in that  it only does that when you log in Have you tried resetting wl without the blacklist?21:44
nomoney4me_lynorian: yes, that was the first thing i did before going through the web looking for answers.21:45
lynoriannomoney4me_, have you tried just simply restarting network manager?21:45
nomoney4me_lynorian: just did.  same error in dmesg: wlan1 Scan_results error (-22)21:46
lynoriannomoney4me_, are you on 14.04?21:48
nomoney4me_lynorian: yes I am.21:48
lynoriannewer kernels might support b43 but not sure how well if you are still on 14.04 3.13 default21:51
lynorianor if you have another way to connect you might even try 16.04 the next lts21:51
lynorianbut upgrading yet is not recommended21:51
lynorianthere was something for b43 I noticed on scan problms fixed in https://wireless.wiki.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b43 kernels 3.14 and later21:52
nomoney4me_lynorian: hmm, i will try 16.0421:53
nomoney4me_or should i stick with 15.10 since 16.04 is still a bit new?21:54
lynoriandepends 16.04 is lts but and 15.10 would have to upgrade soon21:54
lynorianI say maybe try live session and read the release notes21:54
nomoney4me_i originally had 16.04 on the start of this journey21:55
nomoney4me_i switched to 14.04 thinking that the driver would be more supported since it's been out for quite awhile21:56
nomoney4me_i learned a few things along the way that could possibly fix this, maybe the methods would be applicable to 16.04.  I will try that21:56
nomoney4me_lynorian: i just realized that link was for b43.  I was using the bcmwl-kernel-source though.22:07
lynorianI think it might be a bit of trial and error to find the best driver and kernel version my bcm 4322 was not supported by bcmwl-kernel-source at first22:09
nomoney4me_anyone know what "partially" means on this page? https://wireless.wiki.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#known_problems_limitations22:55

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