
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uos-plenary to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1605/plenary/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/05/05/%23ubuntu-uos-plenary.html
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=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
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=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uos-plenary to: Track: | Track Summaries | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1605/meeting/22691/track-summaries/
* dholbach hugs mariogrip :)19:02
nhainesHmm, I should've asked someone earlier (maybe popey) about the timeline for the USB sticks showing up in the Canonical Shop. :)19:02
dholbachWOOHOO - LAST SESSION! ๐ŸŽ†19:03
mariogripdholbach: awwww, I wanted more sessions :P gimme more :P19:05
dholbachMOAR! :-)19:06
popeyhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYo2I7IfxX1QzAIFWOydgcz1qPIA93PhB  - playlist of all sessions at UOS19:07
popeyPlease share!19:07
LarreaMikelIs it here the party?19:08
* dholbach hugs danialbehzadi 19:08
danialbehzadidholbach: Hugs back >:D<19:08
mhall119mariogrip: you gotta wait 6 whole months now for the next UOS19:11
dobey6? not 3?19:12
mariogripmhall119: maybe not if popey's idea will get "accepted" ;)19:12
mhall119well, there was discussion on changing UOS, so maybe less than 6 months, but in any case not more than that19:12
mhall119is there any core app that nik90 *hasn't* been a part of now?19:14
tedgMe wants directions from popey19:15
ali1234popeynav pls19:15
dholbachthat's popey making UOS great again19:15
mhall119popey navigates you in kilometers, nhaines navigates you in miles19:15
tedgWait, can I blame popey if the directions are wrong? ;-)19:16
mhall119you can always #blamepopey19:16
LarreaMikelwhat is the proper IRC channel to ask about ubuntu touch app development? #ubuntu-touch ??19:16
mhall119LarreaMikel: #ubuntu-app-devel19:17
LarreaMikelmhall119: thanks! ;)19:17
mhall119either one, but -app-devel is more app focused, -touch is more device/OS focused19:17
mariogripI would use unav even if i know where im going if there was a popey voice option :P19:20
mhall119those new scope designs look hot, that's on the top of my list to go back and watch19:20
nhainesmariogrip: I took over English voice prompts now!19:20
nhainesmhall119: I missed the sesssion but saw the G+ preview.  And of course read the OMGUbuntu article about how that was absolutely, definitely what they're going to look like.19:21
sergiusensmhall119 heh, nik90 is a core app hopper!19:21
mariogripnhaines: then I will also start using unav even if i know where i go :)19:21
cm-tjust added our session summary in the doc :P19:22
nhainesHehe, I learned last week that apparently I'm the default voice if there's no localized one!19:22
cm-t(a summary of the summary :O)19:22
popeyNot sure you really want my voice... http://popey.com/~alan/popey_mycroft.mp319:22
mariogripdpm: hud?19:22
svijpopey: you have a lovely podcast-radio! โ€ฆ and Podcast-Face. ;)19:22
mariogrippopey: yes! i want that on my mycroft box! yes go go go :)19:23
popeysvij:  ๐Ÿ˜ƒ19:23
mhall119dpm didn't mention the Ubuntu Cat Summit19:24
mhall119oh, wait, there it is19:24
dholbachhaha, that's right :)19:25
mariogriphaha :P19:25
dholbachalways works :)19:26
* mhall119 would list his dog up to the camera, but even the small one is heavy19:26
svijI remember the day when I thought ubuntu.cat is a page about ubuntu cats and not about ubuntu catalanโ€ฆ19:26
dholbachhaha :-D19:26
popeyQuick, everyone go to http://discourse.ubuntu.com/ :)19:27
svijyay ubucon europe. :)19:28
dholbach<3 <3 <319:28
svijMore info about ubucon europe: http://ubucon.org/en/events/ubucon-europe/19:29
cm-tsvij: we also have ubuntu.lol as seen during unconferences@ubucon :)19:29
svijcm-t: it lacks content :P19:29
cm-tit has nothing, it's just a random lxc generic deploy wordpress :)19:30
cm-twhaqt you want to be ther, can be :)19:30
mhall119cm-t: how many made xerus noises?19:33
cm-tjust not you and popey :<19:33
Mister_Qcm-t, cant wait for our podcast collaboration :)19:33
svijcm-t: still waiting for your interviews from the summit ;)19:34
cm-tMister_Q: yes :)19:34
cm-tsvij: already cut 3 of them (scarlet, mhall119, ryan) + sabdfl19:34
dobeyl'ubuntu or lubuntu?19:34
svijcm-t: uploade!19:35
svijcm-t: allez allez allez!19:35
svijthis time no fireworks?19:38
mhall119svij: just cats19:38
svijexploding kittens19:38
nhainesThanks everyone!  \o/19:38
dholbachthanks - that was really nice :)19:39
dholbachthis was good fun :)19:39
willcookewoo!  thanks dpm, mhall119, davidcalle, dholbach popey19:39
LarreaMikelthank you!19:39
leubuntupodcast Thanks everyone o/19:39
mhall119thanks everyone!19:39
popeythat were proper fun19:39
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-uos-plenary to: HOT TOPIC
davidcalle\o/ _o_ \o/19:40
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popeystupid bot19:40
nhainesNew topic: "That was Ubuntu Online Summit!"19:43
mariogrippopey: fell free to pull request your cat :P19:46
popeymariogrip: http://imgur.com/pq0vPgf & http://imgur.com/KLqUNSu are mine :)19:47
danialbehzadiThanks everyone. dholbach dpm wilcooke popey and others :*19:49
popeythanks danialbehzadi !19:50
nhainesThis one's mine: http://i.imgur.com/6kQ45Wm.jpg19:50
popeywhat a cutie!19:51
nhainesAt picture time, I opened my door and he ran into my room and parked himself.19:51
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mariogrippopey: added http://mariogrip.github.io/ubuntu-cats/ sorry could not add the last one, cats only allowed :P19:53
mariogripnhaines: your cat added http://mariogrip.github.io/ubuntu-cats/19:55
popeymariogrip: ok, take it from his twitter - http://twitter.com/salempope19:55
d0odBest. Thing. Ever.19:56
mariogriphe has his own twitter :O19:56
popeyyou should also get http://www.kernelcat.com/ which belongs to Mirv - Timo Jyrinki19:56
popeyhttps://lkml.org/lkml/2011/11/3/110 for context19:57
popeymariogrip: if your cat doesn't have its own twitter, you're failing as their minion19:59
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=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uos-plenary to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1605/plenary/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/05/05/%23ubuntu-uos-plenary.html
mariogripwhy not http://ubuntu-cats.com/20:07
mariogrippopey: ha, the twitter tos probably does not allow non human accouns :P20:08
popeyhah, there are millions of non-human accounrsa20:09
mariogrippopey: here ya go: https://twitter.com/MissyUbuntuCat20:20
popeynice use of the e4 box20:21
popeyI'm sure Salem will grab the pro 5 box when it arrives ใ‹›20:21
mariogriphaha :P20:21

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