
FatCatFamousI am using Lubuntu on a laptop, I set my Xfce power settings to Suspend when the lid is closed, but the fans still run. How can I make it "go to sleep?"01:47
=== OneMatthias is now known as OneM_Industries
Songs_of_My_FathHI Guys. I have a standard 2009 white macbook. I want to install lubuntu over osx and have it as the only os on the laptop. Would anyone on here be able to say how well lubuntu would work out of the box ??09:00
=== Songs_of_My_Fath is now known as SongsofMyFather
AaranHi, I noticed on the lubuntu install I have there is no option to scan for available wifi networks is there a package I need to install to do that?12:10
leszekAaran: in the installer or on the desktop itself ?12:15
tewardStupid question, but does xrdp work well with the LXDE environment to set up a 'remote desktop from windows to Lubuntu' type setup?  Not my question, asked because I need to know for a client :/13:14
=== ChunkzZ is now known as jq_
=== jq_ is now known as ChunkzZ
=== ChunkzZ is now known as Chunkz
=== Chunkz is now known as Chunkyz
=== Chunkyz is now known as Chunkyz-ZNC

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