
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
cephalexHi, I'm trying to use an ancient language in ubuntu but unfortunately it seems the language is not listed in text entry as input language. Do you have any idea about how can I edit a current language and save it as the ancient language that I want ?04:31
=== _salem is now known as salem_
=== JanC is now known as Guest26117
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
mhall119popey: are you around today?13:04
mhall119any of the filemanager devs around?13:10
=== javiercrowsoft1 is now known as javiercrowsoft
vijaihello anybody to help with porting ubuntu touch?13:31
=== javiercrowsoft1 is now known as javiercrowsoft
xavigarciaDanChapman: hey there!13:38
DanChapmanxavigarcia, Hey!13:38
xavigarciaDanChapman: so I've been trying today to backup the .cache directory of dekko.... reflashed the phone and restored the directory...13:39
vijaianybody to help with ubuntu touch?13:39
vijaiporting it to angler13:39
xavigarciaDanChapman: But accounts are no longer there13:39
xavigarciaDanChapman: I guess the app is ignoring those directories because the ids does not match with something else13:40
xavigarciaDanChapman: so the question would be: How can I restore the accounts? Is anything else I'm missing?13:40
DanChapmanxavigarcia, ah... you also need to backup .config/dekko.dekkoproject/* all account configurations are located there. There should be one .conf and a few .json files you need to keep.13:40
DanChapmanSorry should have mentioned that in the email13:40
xavigarciaDanChapman: no worries... I'll give it a try13:41
xavigarciaDanChapman: so... we have information in the .local/share .config and .cache directories, right?13:41
DanChapmanxavigarcia, at a minimum it's enough to just restore those config files and it should just work. Although you would have to repopulate the cache13:41
DanChapmanyep that's right13:42
xavigarciaDanChapman: great, I'll try again, then.... thanks!13:42
DanChapmanno problem :-)13:42
=== cy is now known as Guest29284
=== Guest29284 is now known as JoeyChan
jaywinkhey appdevs .. anyone know how to trigger an action in a QML WebView by monitoring the current 'url' and changes to it? something like a loading complete signal etc..16:13
jaywinkfound it, "onLoadEvent" :)16:15
=== salem_ is now known as _salem

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