
pavlushkaMorning everyone!05:59
pavlushkaMorning Kilos !06:53
Kiloshi there pavlushka 06:55
Kilosyou missed the meeting last night06:56
pavlushkayep! I regret it06:56
Kilosyou have done most of the stuff06:56
Kilosbut would have been good to be there06:57
pavlushkaI dont know, but went to meet a new Ubuntuan to a different district, :)06:57
pavlushkalast night and back at 3 am.06:57
Kilosspeak to zaki06:58
Kilosyou three should work together06:58
Kilospull in nasb as well06:58
pavlushkaoky doky, I got another new peep from Chittagong, :)06:59
Kilosgood the more working together the easier things become06:59
pavlushkaexactly on the other part of the country.06:59
pavlushkabbl, its Friday Prayer time, :)07:00
pavlushkaping Kilos !08:21
Kilospong pavlushka 08:39

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