
=== happyaro1 is now known as happyaron
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cephalexHi, I'm trying to use an ancient language in ubuntu but unfortunately it seems the language is not listed in text entry as input language. Do you have any idea about how can I edit a current language and save it as the ancient language that I want ?04:28
JanCcephalex: "Text Entry" is about keyboard layouts04:33
cephalexand I dont know how to add a new keyboard layout which is not listed04:33
JanCright, I was wondering because keyboard layouts aren't (always) linked to languages04:34
JanCand they are mostly country-specific and not language specific04:35
JanCso I assume you need a keyboard layout for a new script04:37
cephalexthats true its Manichean script *, the language or script belongs to an old region and also religion which is not existing anymore ( Might have few followers in China).04:38
JanCI know the data used to create keyboard layouts is in /usr/share/X11/xkb/ and you probably want to search for documentation about XKB04:39
cephalexI see, thanks in advance. I needed a kind of keyword to search about it04:40
JanCalternatively, you could look into creating an ibus input method04:40
JanCespecially if this language has lots of characters like Chinese has04:40
JanCseems like there aren't that many04:42
cephalexactually it is not an asian language, its an Indo-European language which was spoken and written in Iran like 1500 years ago, it has only 44 characters04:42
JanCmaybe the people at SIL can also help you; they have experience with making it possible to use "unknown" languages & scripts (although for non-extinct ones)04:49
cephalexwhere is SIL ? how can I reach them ?04:55
JanCseems like they use Keyman/KMFL for text entry, which seems to be supported by SCIM/iBus input methods05:01
JanCcephalex: according to https://github.com/ibus/ibus/wiki there should be a #ibus channel here on Freenode05:10
cephalexThanks in Advance dear JanC05:11
JanCthey can probably tell you if it makes sense to use that or something else05:11
JanCalso: http://linux.lsdev.sil.org/wiki/index.php?title=Installing_KMFL_on_Ubuntu05:16
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seb128hey Laney, happy friday!08:09
Laneyhey seb12808:15
Laneysame to you!08:15
Laneyhow are you?08:15
seb128good! sunny friday :-)08:15
seb128just had coffee outside to start the day08:16
seb128how are you?08:16
Laneyit's CLOUDY!08:19
seb128hey willcooke! did you recover from UOS? ;-)08:21
willcooke*yawn* not quite08:21
willcookeI think I'm going to swap some hours today08:21
willcookebe fresh for next week08:21
seb128that makes sense08:22
seb128btw you were right08:22
willcookeI was??  That doesnt sound like me08:22
seb128update-notifier logic to open update-manager after a week is buggy08:22
seb128it never worked correctly08:22
seb128and is not going to open it anymore in xenial08:22
willcookehehe "how did this EVER work?!"08:22
willcookeoh, thats bad08:23
seb128it worked because we were not autoinstalling security updates08:23
seb128and opening the Ui after 1 day for those08:23
seb128now we open on normal updates08:23
seb128which is 7 days08:23
seb128which conflicts with logrotate08:23
seb128the code looks at how old are the logs08:23
willcookecan we make it 6 days instead>?08:23
seb128and they are rotated weekly08:23
seb128or we could make it ignore the logs age08:23
seb128it has a stored value on when update-manager was last open08:24
seb128unsure why mvo added the log logique08:24
willcookeoki, sounds like we have options then.  Let's see what mvo says and make a call then?08:24
willcookethanks seb12808:24
seb128btw it's bug #35615208:25
ubot5bug 356152 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "update-manager doesn't show updates, even after 1 week" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35615208:25
seb1286 digits bug!08:25
seb128mvo fixed the logrotate case08:25
willcookelogged by silbs08:25
seb128except he didn't08:25
seb128he made it ignore empty logs08:25
seb128so e.g dpkg.log is empty when just rotate08:25
seb128but dpkg.log.1 ctime is the rotation time08:26
seb128which means the fix wasn't enough08:26
seb128but I guess we never really hit the issue because we had frequent security updates and opening daily for those08:26
seb128so yeah, waiting for mvo08:26
seb128we could just consider the previous u-m use, or we could look at log but their mtime and not their ctime08:26
seb128that would fix it, the rotated log wouldn't have the rotation timestamp but the last edit one08:27
willcookesounds full of edge cases to me :)08:29
willcookebut storing a value somewhere also sucks08:29
willcookecoin toss08:29
seb128well, we have the value atm08:29
seb128in gsettings08:29
willcookeah, kk08:30
seb128$ gsettings get com.ubuntu.update-manager launch-time08:30
willcookeso if that value doesnt exist or is > 6 days old then run08:30
seb128the code just do "if MAX(launch-time, log-date) > current-1week; then start"08:31
seb128or rather <08:31
seb128e.g it looks at the most recent event between logs date and previous start and check if that's more than a week old08:32
seb128which is never because of the logrotate08:32
seb128I'm going to read the bug I pointed again08:32
willcookegot it, and that would handle a fresh install where nothing had ever been run?08:32
seb128it has quite some text to read08:32
willcookeyeah, and it goes off in to the weeds with people absuing each other08:32
seb128I don't fully understand the log logic08:33
seb128I think it's to not start it if you manually used apt08:33
seb128which makes sense08:33
willcookehummmmmmmmm - I /think/ I disagree08:33
seb128you don't want to annoy synaptic/command line users prompting them with a graphical tool08:33
willcookeI always use apt to install things, but I usually rely on update notifier08:34
seb128it's tricky08:34
seb128you could also dist-upgrade manually every 3 days08:34
seb128and be annoyed by u-m prompting you08:34
willcookebut it would only prompt if there were actual updates right?  So in the case of a frequent updater there might not be updates to install?08:35
willcookeand so they wouldnt get prompted?08:35
seb128though I guess if you are that kind of users you could change the config or the update-notifier "days before notifying"08:35
seb128it would prompt for updates yes08:36
seb128but not with the 7 days delay08:36
willcookeoki, well - anyway, sorry to drag this down to nitty details, we can work it out once we know the logic mvo was implementing08:36
seb128like you log in, apt index refresh, and you would directly get it opening because you didn't use the UI for more than 7 days08:36
seb128but yeah, the bug has some arguments around those lines08:37
seb128"if you install/remove a software it resets the updater delay"08:37
seb128I think the current behaviour is too smart and that makes it confusing08:37
seb128we better open it weekly if there is an update08:37
seb128and if you don't like it just change the config to be like annual or never08:38
seb128k, let's check with mvo when he's around and then go for that if he has no objection08:39
seb128thanks for pointing the issue out!08:39
willcookeperfect, thanks seb12808:39
willcookenow, seb128, how do you feel about looking at a u-s-d patch?08:39
seb128willcooke, is that the touchpad timeout hack from the oem team?08:40
willcookeseb128, exactly08:40
seb128I replied  the other day saying that their patch looks like an hack and I don't like it/would prefer if they opened an upstream bug/discussed upstream what a proper solution would be08:41
willcookedoes look a bit hacky doesnt it08:41
seb128but that I wouldn't stop them from landing it if they wanted08:41
seb128like I can see how the hack is desirable/fix the problem now08:41
willcookeif (!strcmp(priv->main_touchscreen_name, g_strdup (device_info[i].name)))08:42
willcookemakes me sad08:42
seb128but I would prefer if they were engaged into finding a proper solution as well, which might let us replace the hack later on08:42
seb128for the record it's https://code.launchpad.net/~hui.wang/unity-settings-daemon/unity-settings-daemon-master-touchscreen-fix/+merge/29370408:42
willcookelooking at the diff08:43
willcookethere's a darn goto in there08:43
seb128I think they tried to ping Laney next after I said I was not really wanting to put my name next to the ack on it08:43
seb128lol, indeed08:43
seb128+        if (rtime++ < RETRY_TIMES) {08:43
seb128+                sleep(1); /* sleep 1 second */08:43
seb128+ goto retry;08:43
seb128quality code!08:43
Laneyas if I'm more likely to approve a hack than you :P08:44
seb128Laney, :-)08:44
seb128Laney, note that I didn't redirect them to you, just saw that you got pinged next08:44
willcookeso it's just going to sit there going round and round until the TS comes back.  And if it doesnt it will loop forever?08:44
Laney+ if (!strcmp(priv->main_touchscreen_name, g_strdup (device_info[i].name))) {08:45
seb128it tries twice08:45
seb128not for ever08:45
willcookeseb128, oh yeah08:45
Laneyit'll stop after RETRY_TIMES08:45
willcookesleep(1) lol08:45
seb128"If we let the system call do_touchscreen_mapping() before the reconnectting, the u-s-d will crash."08:46
seb128says the comment08:46
seb128which makes me think "right, there is a segfault, let's fix it"08:46
seb128not "let's have a good sleep and not fix the segfault"08:46
seb128anyway I don't want to rant, cf what I said earlier, I would prefer them to engage in finding a proper fix08:47
Laneyyou should comment on there saying that IMHO08:48
seb128yeah, doing that now08:48
Laneynew wireless AP just arrived :-D08:48
Laneymaybe i'll be able to work from the garden now08:49
willcookeLaney, which one did you get?  Can it run openwrt?!08:51
LaneyI got a ubiquiti thing08:52
Sweet5hark1^^ epic way to close a rant in a commit message with "I hate this crap"10:10
Laneywhat even is nagios11:03
LaneySweet5hark: looks like someone's having fun11:04
Sweet5harkLaney: ya11:06
andyrockhey all11:22
Sweet5harkricotz: just copied 5.1.3~rc2 for xenial to the ppas ...11:50
Sweet5harkseb128: ^^ if there is no "arrgh, LIbreOffice killed my kitten" feedback from the PPA, thats the one to SRU when upstream releases final in ~one week.11:51
ricotzSweet5hark, alright, I should be able get to it at the weekend11:51
ricotzSweet5hark, please get this pushed to yakkety archive too11:52
Sweet5harkricotz: no sweat with this, upstream hasnt released yet.11:52
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ricotzSweet5hark, just saying get these 5.1.x update into yakkety too ;)11:55
Sweet5harkricotz: not gonna happen -- as usual yakkety will release with 5.2.x -- we wont be wasting ressources on 5.1/yakkety without very very good reasons.11:56
seb128Sweet5hark, hey, k, let's see next week if it's ready then ;-)12:03
ricotzSweet5hark, I see, I better not answer on that opinion (while an appropriate 5.2 release is like 2 months away)12:03
seb128hey andyrock!12:03
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seb128worked this time? ;-)12:27
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seb128happyaron, hey, could you have a look to backporting the patch for bug #1574347?13:11
ubot5bug 1574347 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "WiFi network list disappears from network manager applet" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157434713:12
attenteLaney, seb128: i got an email saying that further phasing of gnome-software has been stopped because of possible regressions. does that mean that the package hasn't yet been released to all users?13:26
seb128attente, correct13:26
seb128that has link to errors.ubuntu.com issues?13:26
seb128in which case check those and if they are not regression mention it to bdmurray (I saw that you did that yesterday, is there other ones now?)13:27
attentethere seems to be an increase in the rate for this particular error13:28
attente(according to the email at least. i can't actually tell through e.u.c)13:28
attentethis one seems to have spiked though: https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/71f9f7b2ce32e9d389723076873adffc52b7e0e213:30
seb128that one doesn't have a working retracing :-/13:31
seb128those metrics are often not reliable13:33
seb128if none of the issues seem like new ones/due to the SRU changes just tell bdmurray to flag is as good13:33
seb128I don't think they are regression13:33
seb128the first one looks similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/155183413:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1551834 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "GNOME Software crashed notifying bad install, app installed fine" [High,Confirmed]13:34
seb128I doubt it's a regression13:34
seb128that log journal has13:34
seb128"mar 01 17:20:30 hostname org.gnome.Software[1010]: (gnome-software:3576): Gs-WARNING **: failed to install filezilla.desktop: Timeout was reached"13:34
seb128so maybe an issue when a timeout is hit13:34
attenteyeah... i can't figure out why it's happening. it looks like it's trying to upgrade a NULL app, but i can't imagine how that's possible13:43
attenteapp=0x2000000000 is really disconcerting13:44
attenteso is plugin=0x0...13:44
seb128could be memory corruption...13:45
seb128anyway I don't think those are regressions, we shouldn't block the SRU13:45
seb128attente, ^13:56
seb128attente, speaking about SRU, since that one moved to updates do we have a next one lined up?13:56
attenteseb128: i'm not sure it's not a regression... it appeared first back in february, then disappeared until the sru which brought it back13:56
seb128or a least of issues for the next one13:56
seb128attente, https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/77807d3502a3e74469d5b5dca0a34e9197c647d6 seems similar?14:00
attentei'm a bit hesitant to do another sru... we rebased on top of gnome-software 3.20.2, but the delta between 3.20.1 and 3.20.2 is large and there aren't too many changes we made to it yet14:00
attente(since that sru i mean)14:00
attenteyeah, does look similar14:01
seb128and that was in the release version14:01
seb128attente, 3.20.2 ... we are going to want to SRU that though no?14:05
attenteseb128: i'm not sure... it is a big delta14:06
seb128just means it needs more testing14:06
seb128but we need to move forward on g-s in the LTS, stalling is not going to work since there are still stability issues and missing features14:07
seb128and it's not a key component to the system, if we screw it up systems still boot and can still install updates through update-manager14:07
seb128though not screwing up would be better :-)14:07
Laneyyes we should update to the new upstream14:07
Laneywe would normally do that14:07
Laneythe fact that we are using snapshot doesn't make a difference to that policy14:08
seb128the question is whether we want that to be the next SRU?14:09
Laneyrather than what?14:09
seb128or do we want another round of selected changes14:09
seb128like important ones that would be safer to get through in a week14:09
seb128where we think the update might need to sit in proposed longer and need some regression-fix-iterations14:09
Laneyattente: is the app getting disposed or something?14:22
attenteLaney: i don't think so. the memory in that TransactionData struct seems to be getting wiped away, but i can't imagine how since it's on the stack14:23
Laneywhy do you think that?14:25
seb128ximion, hey, I just read that bug with "no application data found" ... dholbach had a similar issue yesterday, apt-get update was failing on a repo not having a Release file which made the /var/lib/app-info/yaml/ symlinks to not be created14:31
seb128ximion, just mentioning it in case the bug you try to debug is a similar one14:31
seb128Laney, attente, did we end up having a bug filed about that btw? still unsure on what component the report should be, apt? g-s?14:32
ximionseb128: if a repo is added, the symlinks should not be touched...14:32
ximionfor that particular bug, it looks like there might be conflicting metadata somewhere14:32
seb128ximion, well, the repo was not added, it was probably there before upgrading to xenial14:32
seb128also dholbach changed mirror14:32
seb128he had symlinks for the wrong mirror14:33
seb128they never picked the new source due to the E:14:33
seb128like /var/lib/app-info/yaml/ had symlinks to archive.de14:33
seb128but he was on the archive.us now14:33
seb128so the symlinks were broken14:33
seb128and apt-get update wouldn't update them14:34
ximionyep, that's an issue - I discussed that with Laney yesterday14:34
seb128do you know if there is a bug open about  it?14:34
ximionideally, the broken repos get fixed, because APT doesn't tell us enough information to reliably update the data14:34
seb128if not I'm going to ask dholbach to file it ... on which component should it be open?14:34
attentethis is new too... https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/111ba23deb7463e9f1203f30099e0c2ca6c2af80?14:34
ximionseb128: since the original cause is in APT, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/1562733 would be the thing14:37
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1562733 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt signature requierements prevent updates from some repositories" [High,In progress]14:37
ximionthe other package involved, appstream itself, could only work around this14:38
seb128attente, https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1281949 suggests it's not14:38
ubot5bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1281949 in gnome-software "[abrt] gnome-software: gs_plugin_loader_set_network_status(): gnome-software killed by SIGSEGV" [Unspecified,Assigned]14:38
seb128ximion, thanks14:39
flexiondotorgIs it expected that GTK 3.20 will be added to Yakkety?14:42
flexiondotorgJust trying to figure out what may or may not be need for MATE in Debian and Ubuntu.14:42
seb128flexiondotorg, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+bug/157657614:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1576576 in Mozilla Firefox "Update to 3.20 needs work and coordination" [Medium,Confirmed]14:43
seb128flexiondotorg, summary "would be nice, but it requires theme updates/rewrite for unity/xfce/..., so depends if we find resources to get that done"14:43
seb128I wouldn't count on it atm14:43
seb128but wouldn't rule it out either14:43
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LaneyI tried 3.20 the other day14:48
Laneynautilus stopped drawing the background for some reason14:48
Laneyand everything else was broken14:48
Laneywill poke at it next week a bit14:49
seb128Laney, the nautilus bg issue is likely https://git.gnome.org/browse/nautilus/commit/?id=7f0e1b0c6869eb826e6c20d31c81bd917779db8f14:49
flexiondotorgLaney, seb128 Migrating to GTK 3.20 is not trivial.14:57
seb128flexiondotorg, right, that's what the bug I pointed out is about14:58
flexiondotorgseb128, Yep.14:58
flexiondotorgSo Debian has GTK 3.20 and MATE has GTK 3.20 compatible themes. Which took the team several months to migrate to GTK 3.20.14:58
LaneyThey should apply this expertise to light-themes14:59
seb128do you have anyone who worked on that and would be interested in helping other flavors?14:59
flexiondotorgCan I drop the MATE 3.18 themes into Yakkety in such a away the Debian sync won't overwrite them?14:59
flexiondotorgseb128, The MATE team has 2 talented themers. One is a Fedora contributor, so has little interest in work on Debian/Ubuntu.15:00
flexiondotorgBut he did help willcooke out a few weeks ago.15:00
flexiondotorgThe MATE 3.20 themes are now quite widely used by various Fedora spins because they offer complete GTK 3.20 compatibility.15:01
flexiondotorgLaney, seb128 I'll see what can be done regarding light-themes.15:05
seb128flexiondotorg, thanks15:05
seb128that would be very useful15:05
flexiondotorgThe Ubuntu MATE themes are (pretty much) identical to Ambiance and Radiance.15:06
seb128so we can probably take inspiration of what has been done there15:06
Laneyare they different from the mate-themes?15:06
flexiondotorgI'm going to see if I can get Ambiant-MATE and Radiant-MATE update for 3.20. If so, merging those changes to light-themes should be trivial.15:06
seb128brb, restarting to test n-m update15:07
flexiondotorgYes, mate-themes are the themes for MATE and are distro agnostic.15:07
flexiondotorgWe maintain several versions for GTK 3.14, 3.16, 3.18 and 3.20. Because distros move at different paces.15:08
willcookepitti, I'm noticing that my NFS mounts are not mounting at boot in 16.04.  Do you think this might be a systemd issue, and if so, any pointers as to where I can start looking to find out what's going on?15:09
Laneyturnout:  21.4% (+5.0)15:09
willcookealso sudo mount -a doesn't work, but sudo mount ~/Videos (for eg.) does work15:09
willcookeLaney, oof.  Still twice what we had here (but that was PCC only)15:10
seb128Trevinho, andyrock, buon pomeriggio! is there any unity SRU planned? seems like there is a good batch of fixes from andyrock which got a +1 and would be nice to land those15:13
andyrockseb128: Trevinho is in charge of that15:14
Trevinhoseb128: yeah, I want to prepare one ASAP... I wanted to land the terminal fix as well15:31
TrevinhoI've been doing some tests, as the one I have would be quick and fast, but the proper one would need an API break in compiz, so still trying to avoid it15:32
seb128Trevinho, k, there might be enough to do one without that if it's tricky/going to take longer ... but your call15:32
seb128Trevinho, what about the bamf/menus  issue?15:32
willcookeTrevinho, is the missing menus issue any closer to being solved?  I think we should hold on until that's fixed15:32
seb128Trevinho, did you get a fix? or just a workaround?15:32
Trevinhoseb128: well, that's actually done right now... But I've just to figure out if the one line change is fine or...15:32
Trevinhowillcooke: it seems that the bamf fix is enough for many reporters15:33
Trevinhowillcooke: so, I'll land that anyway... Then we can see if we get more reports15:33
Trevinhoas the racey nature of the bug, causes that even debugging data could cause false-negatives in tests15:34
ximionLaney: if you are bored, could you maybe take a look at why org.kde.kate.desktop is missing from the dep11-generator output?15:41
ximionsee https://github.com/ximion/appstream/issues/3915:41
LaneyI don't have an easy way to do that atm15:42
ximionat the curent point in time, I also wonder whether it would be possible to change the existing AppStream metadata files in Xenial, rather than xenial-updates post-release. That would be pretty useful for switching to the appstream-generator too15:42
Laneyand no I'm not bored15:42
Laneyand no it is not15:42
Laneywe absolutely cannot re-publish a released suite15:42
ximionnot even exchanging some files on the server?15:42
Laneythat changes the hashes which is a republish15:43
ximionwell, then this might become a bigger issue than I thought15:43
ximionor maybe not... - since appstream-generator publishes its media files in a directory layout without main/contrib/non-free, keeping the old files might work easily15:44
ximionso the old data can be kept in xenial without breaking things, while still switching to the new generator15:44
Laneyyes we'll need a way to import and freeze so things referenced in a frozen suite can never be deleted15:45
ximionor - even easier - one could define a new media directory :P15:45
Laneythat's what we talked about the other day15:45
ximionprotecting package-ids could work... but every bit in asgen would need to check for the list-of-locked-stuff before attempting to delete things15:47
Laneydo you have a database layer to do it at?15:48
LaneyI'll resurrect my local mirror next week hopefully and run kate on that to see what happened there15:49
seb128k, calling it a week16:01
seb128have a nice w.e everyone!16:01
Laneybye seb128!16:03
flexiondotorgLaney, seb128 It will take some weeks but we gonna have a go at 3.20 support.16:07
Laneypitti: any idea if I can make a conditional (ConditionPathExists=/dev/disk/by-uuid/...) .mount unit mount the thing when the path starts to exist?16:14
Laneyit's for hot-plugging a USB drive and getting it mounted in the right place under /srv16:14
Laneyhuh actually this doesn't work even at boot time16:18
Laneymaybe BindsTo= and After= the ....device16:27
LaneyBindsTo is too strong16:29
ximionLaney: I think adding a final-publish command to asgen which exports all media associated with a specific suite into one directory makes the most sense16:36
ximiontogether with marking the frozen suite as untouchable, so the HTML pages and hints don't get updated anymore16:37
Laneyximion: don't understand16:37
ximionLaney: before the suite is frozen, you run final-publish on it, copying all media to a new directory dedicated to that suite, and rewriting the MediaBaseUrl to point to that new directory16:38
ximionthen, the generator won't have access to that dir anymore16:38
Laneywhat is 'before'?16:39
Laneythat sounds weird16:39
Laneyyou have to have someone sitting around babysitting the generator16:39
Laneyat release time16:39
Laneythen publish the suite one more time for that16:39
LaneyI don't like it16:39
Laneyplus you waste space unless it's made up of hardlinks16:39
ximionanother option would be to split the media directory, but we get huge problems then with deleting old data16:40
ximionyes, hardlinks would be the thing16:40
ximionbtw, as long as the packages don't get deleted from Xenial, asgen won't touch the xenial suite16:41
ximionso you already have that guarantee16:41
ximionif you don't trust the generator on that, I think there is no other way than to move files out of the generator's control16:42
LaneyI trust the generator, but I don't trust myself to not accidentally damage it16:43
LaneyAND the other thing you could gain, as we said the other day, is the ability to reprocess the same thing in another suite16:43
Laneydep11-generator forget org.kde.kate.desktop -> do the right thing if xenial is frozen16:44
ximionwhile I agree that this would be nice, implementing it would be painful - at time, we have a mapping of package -> multiple components, when adding a suite, we would need to reprocess every package again as soon as the suite changes, which is wasteful, or would need to add some additional complexity by adding an optional suite parameter16:45
* Laney shrugs16:46
ximionif you accidentially delete a package, it shoould simply return with the new processing step16:46
Laneyif you want to do no work then just ignore the problem and tell people to avoid touching the frozen suite ever16:46
ximionexception is screenshots, which might become unavailable16:47
ximionyeah, that's what I do at time ;-)16:47
ximion(and what I plan to do for Debian)16:47
Laneyannoying isn't it16:48
Laneywhat happens if you enable fonts?16:48
ximionunless, of course, there is some solution which solves this issue16:48
Laneythen you skew the frozen version16:48
ximionthen fonts will show up in all suites which have packages providing them16:49
ximioneven Xenial, but that won't matter, since the xenial suite is frozen on the server16:49
ximionso, while the appstream server knows more things then, the xenial users won't see them16:49
ximionnot ideal, I agree16:51
ximiondropping xenial from the config would mean that all packages and components vanish from the database and media cache16:51
ximiondatabase isn't an issue, media-cache is, that's why I suggested exporting it16:52
ximionin theory, we could even do that transparently for every suite until is is marked frozen...16:52
ximionhmm, that could actually work quite well, at the expense of some inode and creating quite some amount of hardlinks16:53
ximionI'll think about this more16:54
ximionLaney: making the generator maintain multiple media pools which derive from one "base-pool" might actually be an easy way out16:57
ximionthat way, as soon as a suite is marked as untouchable, its current state is frozen16:57
Laneysounds heavy on inodes16:57
Laneybut other than that it probably is okay16:57
ximionmeans someone needs to do this post-release, but that's something I consider doable16:57
Laneyyou could skip loading Packages files for those suites entirely then16:58
Laneywhich probably saves some time16:58
ximionLaney: did you know that dak internally mirrors the whole Debian archive using hardlinks? ^^16:58
ximionit saves time, *and* it makes the DB smaller, as we can drop those packages from the db16:58
ximionmeans resurecting an untouchable suite is not a great idea, but that won't happen anyway ^^16:59
Laneyprobably call it released rather than frozen16:59
Laneyfrozen already means something else16:59
Laneyor immutable or something17:00
ximionuntouchable is the term used by dak17:01
ximionreleased is imho not descriptive enough, and frozen is taken by pre-release freeze etc.17:01
Laneywhatever is not "frozen" is ok by me17:02
Laneyand in the end I don't care about the implementation if it gives me my two use cases17:02
* ximion agrees "frozen" is bad17:02
Laney1) protection from myself17:02
Laney2) ability to reprocess the same package in newer suites17:02
Laneywhich I think this would do17:03
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Laneylike at the most extreme you could fully reprocess sid at any time without fearing the data for stretch (once that is released)17:04
ximion1) definitely, 2) too (but less-nice ^^)17:04
ximionjup, this would be possible :)17:05
Laneyit would be nice right now to be able to test if kate (etc) is fixed17:05
Laneywithout having to upload it17:05
Laneythis also becomes easier if I get around to doing a mirrorless generator17:05
ximionI will likely make this an optional feature, if possible, since e.g. Archlinux won't want this17:06
ximionLaney: kate is at least fixed in Debian.... :P17:06
ximionas for download-on-demand: that could be implemented easily in asgen, since there is no direct reference of filenames anywhere, except for display-purposes17:07
Laneyat the expense of leaving your machine on overnight the first time17:07
Laneyman this is weird, my internet is flaking out17:08
LaneyI blame the new n-m17:08
Laneyoptional> they just wouldn't use the config flag ever17:08
Laneyovernight> unless it's possible to download the cache and stuff from appstream.distro and just plug that into a local instance17:09
* Laney bets they are not relocatable though17:09
Laneyright, goodnight ximion et al17:15
ximiongn8! :)17:16
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willcookenight all17:35
pittiLaney: such a condition will not automatically start it, just prevent starting it if the condition is false; you need to bind the .mount to the corresponding .device18:17
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