nhandler | beaver: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Cloaks has a section for Ubuntu bot cloaks. It lists the requirements your bot needs to meet. | 00:06 |
beaver | The bot performs a useful function in Ubuntu teamchannels or LoCo channels of official LoCoTeams -> it does the same job as the bot ubottu ( here present ) it provides information on the packages in the Ubuntu repositories | 00:10 |
beaver | the only problem (if any) that would be the publication of the code | 00:12 |
beaver | but I can make it available if you request | 00:13 |
nhandler | beaver: I'm not on the IRCC, but based on that, I imagine a followup question would be, if it does the same job as ubottu, why not just use ubottu in the first place? Why the need for a new bot? | 00:14 |
hggdh | it would indeed be good to have the code publicly available (except for login ids & passwords). A git repository (github, bitbucket) or Launchpad is good | 00:14 |
hggdh | nhandler: it is localised, I remember the -fr channel | 00:15 |
beaver | exactly | 00:15 |
beaver | he can come here? | 00:15 |
nhandler | Ah, ok :) | 00:15 |
beaver | tu parles français nhandler ? | 00:16 |
nhandler | No, I don't. And there is no need for the bot to join here. | 00:16 |
beaver | ok | 00:16 |
hggdh | beaver: given we are dealing with software under GPL or equivalent licence, having the source code available is almost a requirement | 00:17 |
Fuchs | if translations are needed, I'd speak French | 00:17 |
Fuchs | but so far he seems to handle it better than he thinks | 00:18 |
hggdh | indeed | 00:18 |
beaver | I have no problem to provide the code available | 00:19 |
beaver | :) | 00:19 |
hggdh | beaver: you meet almost all requirements for the cloak, part for source code. | 00:20 |
hggdh | beaver: can you put the code available somewhere we can see? If so, I am +1 on the cloak request | 00:20 |
beaver | I have to host or ssh access may be enough ? | 00:21 |
beaver | hggdh: ? | 00:21 |
beaver | I can create a zip bot | 00:22 |
hggdh | beaver: no, just upload it to a server (say, github). You do not need to do it *now*, but I need you to tell me you WILL do it | 00:22 |
beaver | ok | 00:23 |
hggdh | beaver: ok -- this means you will do it? | 00:23 |
beaver | I never hosted anything on github, but I can do more simple, I zip my bot sources hggdh | 00:25 |
hggdh | beaver: OK., good enough | 00:25 |
hggdh | staff: can we please have a cloak ubuntu/bot/... | 00:26 |
hggdh | what was the bot's nick again? | 00:26 |
nhandler | hggdh: What is the full cloak you would like? | 00:26 |
beaver | thanks for your understanding | 00:26 |
hggdh | nhandler: yes, this is what I am trying to find :-) | 00:26 |
nhandler | :) | 00:26 |
hggdh | beaver: what is the cloak name you are requesting? | 00:26 |
Unit193 | ubotu|search (account uBOTu\packages) | 00:27 |
beaver | hggdh: if possible ubotu-search | 00:27 |
hggdh | nhandler: ubuntu/bot/ubotu-search for ubotu\packages | 00:28 |
nhandler | hggdh, beaver: The bot is now cloaked | 00:28 |
hggdh | nhandler: in your debt sir, as always | 00:28 |
beaver | thank you , I prepare the zip | 00:28 |
hggdh | beaver: enjoy. I expect you to tell us about the source code soon :-) | 00:29 |
nhandler | Glad to be able to help. Don't forget to update the relevant wiki pages :) | 00:29 |
hggdh | on it | 00:29 |
beaver | it will be ready soon | 00:29 |
hggdh | blast it, the wiki is showing me the page as immutable | 00:30 |
beaver | thank you for hospitality, the archive soon, and I'm happy to be part of this family which is ubuntu | 00:35 |
beaver | (merci pour votre accueil, l'archive zip arrive très bientôt, je suis heureux de faire parti de cette famille qui est Ubuntu, merci pour votre confiance) | 00:36 |
Fuchs | aww | 00:37 |
Fuchs | beaver: on est heureuse que tu participes, merci a toi et bonne nuit :) | 00:38 |
Fuchs | (c'est deux heures et demi je pense, bien temps pour aller au lit.) | 00:38 |
beaver | merci à vous, effectivement Fuchs :) | 00:39 |
Fuchs | and why you French people have to use the polite form (vous) on the internet is beyond me :p Anyway, sleep well! | 00:39 |
beaver | http://ubukey.fr/freetvm/ubuntu.zip | 01:05 |
beaver | thank you Fuchs, for my part I use "vous" habitually | 01:07 |
beaver | I quote several people so I use "vous" | 01:08 |
Fuchs | yeah, we don't, we follow the Germans and thus use "tu" on the internet. No offense :) And: You're welcome! | 01:08 |
beaver | merci :), thank you | 01:09 |
beaver | you have the source available at the URL indicated above | 01:10 |
Fuchs | de rien, and good night :) *off* | 01:10 |
niko | Unit193: yes his bot helps #ubuntu-fr for some months now | 08:12 |
Unit193 | \o/ | 08:28 |
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