bernard_ | hey wazz up | 00:33 |
marcelo | Olá | 00:42 |
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Guest52292 | Alguém aí? | 00:43 |
bennabiy | alkisg: I tried putting the patch in place, have yet to log out and back in, but it so far does not fix the issue for me. | 01:20 |
bennabiy | I patched /usr/share/mate-menu/plugins/ | 01:20 |
=== Hobbyboy|BNC is now known as Hobbyboy | ||
bennabiy | alkisg: my menu runs, just does not display, except that I see a 1 px something show up on my panel | 01:28 |
bennabiy | I can kill the process, and it dies, I can start it without error, but nothing displays (seems different from the Button2 issue) | 01:28 |
bennabiy | alkisg: ^ | 01:28 |
bennabiy | I am going for the night, but I will keep in the room monitoring. | 01:29 |
bennabiy | alkisg: for manual run of mate-menu | 01:35 |
bennabiy | good night! | 01:35 |
fox_ | hi | 03:19 |
fox_ | any one have problems with laggy audio RPI3? | 03:19 |
fox_ | :( | 03:56 |
fox_ | and chromium fail | 03:57 |
Gallomimia | hey with the apps along the bottom. that panel... can i make the different apps stack? | 04:14 |
Gallomimia | cause having a dozen terminals is going to be annoying | 04:14 |
Gallomimia | also it'd be nice to have some control over generating different titles in the terminal windows. path or command | 04:15 |
kd7sjt | Good evening and greetings from California, USA | 05:27 |
kd7sjt | I have a question on NFS | 05:28 |
kd7sjt | is there anyone that can point me in the right direction on finding the right way to do this on Ubuntu Mate 16.04 or have a better way to share files between 2 or 3 computers on the same network? | 05:29 |
kd7sjt | is there really 96 people in here that have no idea how to set up NFS? | 05:36 |
ouroumov | HELL YEAH | 05:40 |
ouroumov | SpaceX Did it again! | 05:40 |
sinewav | | 05:40 |
ouroumov | :D | 05:40 |
kd7sjt | Anyone know how to set up NFS ? | 05:41 |
sinewav | Kind of. What's the NFS question? | 05:41 |
ouroumov | kd7sjt, there's a lot of people here that are not watching that particular window :D | 05:42 |
kd7sjt | Well, I'm trying to figure out how to set it up on my two machines | 05:42 |
ouroumov | Like me, watching JCSAT-14 :D | 05:42 |
sinewav | You need the nfsd daemon on the server and nfs-common on the client. | 05:42 |
sinewav | Let me see if I can find a good tutorial... I seem to remember one... | 05:42 |
kd7sjt | Awesome! I would sure appreciate that | 05:43 |
kd7sjt | thank you | 05:43 |
sinewav | Ah, here it is: | 05:43 |
sinewav | | 05:43 |
sinewav | This is some good stuff. | 05:43 |
kd7sjt | will this apply to 16.04 as well? | 05:43 |
sinewav | Should apply to everything. The NFS stuff doesn't change a who lot, I don't think. | 05:44 |
sinewav | We use it on ubuntu servers at my job for versions 14 and 15. Don't see why 16 would break. | 05:44 |
kd7sjt | Awesome! I will give this a try. Thank you very much! | 05:44 |
sinewav | Good Luck. It's not that difficult, I've done it before with that guide and I'm far from an expert. | 05:45 |
kd7sjt | That sounds great, cuz I have had no luck at all getting anything to work so far :) | 05:46 |
kd7sjt | sinewav: do the IP addresses just get made up or how do I know what to set the actual ip addresses to? | 05:52 |
sinewav | Oh, you need the actual IPs of your server and client. Do you know them? | 05:52 |
kd7sjt | no, how do I look that up? | 05:54 |
sinewav | Do you know how to set up a static IP? The server should have a static IP. | 05:55 |
kd7sjt | I sure don't | 05:55 |
sinewav | well, this is going to be a learning experience for you. Luckily I'm in San Diego so I have some time to explain before bed. | 05:56 |
kd7sjt | right on :) I'm in Sacramento | 05:57 |
sinewav | You have both machines connected to a router? | 05:57 |
kd7sjt | yes | 05:57 |
sinewav | Do you know the network address of the router? | 05:57 |
kd7sjt | no | 05:57 |
sinewav | it's usually or something | 05:57 |
sinewav | ok, can you ping your server? | 05:58 |
kd7sjt | oh ok, I think I do know that then | 05:58 |
kd7sjt | I'm on the computer that I'm going to use as the "server" | 05:58 |
sinewav | ok. In a terminal type ifconfig | 05:58 |
kd7sjt | done | 05:59 |
kd7sjt | got some strange looking stuff come up | 06:00 |
sinewav | do you have a line that says something like: inet addr: | 06:00 |
sinewav | That's the IP of the server. | 06:01 |
gordonjcp | ouroumov_: yay for SpaceX | 06:01 |
kd7sjt | yes | 06:01 |
ouroumov_ | \o/ | 06:01 |
sinewav | You'll want to start keeping notes. We need to collect some network information so we can set a static IP. | 06:02 |
kd7sjt | ok, I have a pen and paper here | 06:02 |
gordonjcp | ouroumov_: blows my mind that you don't need to be a country or a government to have a space programme | 06:02 |
gordonjcp | ouroumov_: okay so you need to be mindbuggeringly rich | 06:02 |
gordonjcp | but still | 06:02 |
gordonjcp | kd7sjt: have you read the guide on the Ubuntu wiki yet? | 06:02 |
ouroumov_ | gordonjcp, I'm French and I was yelling "USA, USA!" like a madman earlier | 06:02 |
gordonjcp | kd7sjt: 73 de MM0YEQ | 06:02 |
sinewav | kd7sjt: take a look at this page, we'll be working with these concepts: | 06:03 |
sinewav | | 06:03 |
gordonjcp | <- this is handy too | 06:03 |
gordonjcp | read it before you start typing | 06:04 |
gordonjcp | then read it again as you set up NFS | 06:04 |
sinewav | gordonjcp: He has to learn how to set up a static IP first. We are going through that now. | 06:04 |
gordonjcp | sinewav: oh, has the "server" picked it up from DHCP? | 06:05 |
sinewav | gordonjcp: yeah, he's all good, but there is not point in making an NFS mount with a dynamic IP, IMO. | 06:06 |
gordonjcp | yup | 06:06 |
gordonjcp | you could set it in the DHCP server :-) | 06:06 |
gordonjcp | if it's just a one-off "need to copy all this from here to here" then scp might be a better option, too | 06:07 |
sinewav | That's a good point. kd7sjt what are you trying to accomplish anyway? | 06:07 |
gordonjcp | also sshfs if you can live with having the same user on both boxes | 06:07 |
kd7sjt | I want to be able to share files between 2 or three linux boxes. Much like how you can in a windows workgroup, but doing it in linux. I hate windows | 06:08 |
gordonjcp | okay | 06:09 |
gordonjcp | then NFS is a good way to do it | 06:09 |
sinewav | Ok, def static IPs and NFS then. | 06:09 |
gordonjcp | so is Samba, which also allows you to share to Windows and Mac OS machines | 06:09 |
gordonjcp | Mac OSX talks to NFS with a bit of persuading | 06:09 |
kd7sjt | I don't have any macs. Dad has a windows box, but I don't really anticipate needing to share files with him either | 06:10 |
kd7sjt | eventually want to share with Android devs if possible, but not sure if that is possible yet | 06:10 |
kd7sjt | devs = devices | 06:11 |
gordonjcp | hah | 06:11 |
sinewav | kd7sjt: You'll need at a bare minimum the IP address, Subnet mask, and gateway. Look at the output of ifconfig. You will probably have an entry for "eth0" and one for "lo" (lo is software Loopback, you want the output for the physical card.) Write down the inet address and Bcast address. | 06:11 |
gordonjcp | because my next question was going to be "are they going to be using Unix, Windows or Mac OSX?" | 06:11 |
gordonjcp | sinewav: if it's a new kernel it won't be eth0 any moer | 06:12 |
gordonjcp | *more | 06:12 |
sinewav | oh yeah, that's right. | 06:12 |
gordonjcp | mine is "enp0s25" on this machine, but you should see the Countdown Conundrum that it gives my laptop's network interfaces | 06:12 |
sinewav | ok, the one that starts with "e" not "l" or "w" | 06:13 |
sinewav | I'm guessing here. | 06:13 |
sinewav | Your IP would be something like and Broadcast will likely be | 06:14 |
gordonjcp | kd7sjt: how much do you know about networking, before we start telling you from the very beginning and you get annoyed? | 06:14 |
kd7sjt | I'm dumb when it comes to networking, so you are fine how you are, LOL | 06:14 |
gordonjcp | heh | 06:14 |
sinewav | Your Gateway will probably be, but you can type "route -n" in the terminal and see. | 06:14 |
kd7sjt | the wlo1 is the one that has the inet and bcast info in it | 06:14 |
gordonjcp | that sounds like a wireless lan interface | 06:15 |
sinewav | kd is the server wireless? Not plugged in? | 06:15 |
kd7sjt | yes, I'm wireless | 06:15 |
gordonjcp | that'll work | 06:15 |
gordonjcp | but it's not going to be as much fun as a wired one | 06:15 |
sinewav | ok. One you have those three addresses we will edit a file and make a static IP for you. | 06:16 |
sinewav | once* | 06:16 |
sinewav | let me know when you are ready | 06:16 |
kd7sjt | I have Inet and Bcast, but I'm not sure where to find the subnet or the gateway? | 06:17 |
ouroumov_ | The gateway is somewhere in "route -n" | 06:18 |
kd7sjt | oh is that another command I need to type? | 06:18 |
sinewav | I'm sorry, "Mask" is the subnet netmask | 06:18 |
sinewav | not Bcast. You don't really need that one for a static IP. (sorry, I'm tired. 14 hour day at work) | 06:19 |
gordonjcp | oh man, I'd better get ready for work | 06:19 |
gordonjcp | I've been sitting watching the election results come in | 06:19 |
kd7sjt | ha ha | 06:20 |
sinewav | Also, write down the name of the card wlo1 | 06:20 |
kd7sjt | ok, I have inet, bcast and gateway | 06:20 |
kd7sjt | name? | 06:20 |
gordonjcp | 93 seats counted, 36 to go and we're on track for a majority \o/ | 06:21 |
sinewav | Look here, under Static IP assignment: | 06:21 |
sinewav | | 06:21 |
sinewav | We are going to write this info into a file | 06:21 |
sinewav | Have you used a text editor in the terminal before, like Nano or VI ? | 06:22 |
kd7sjt | nano I have | 06:22 |
sinewav | Good. | 06:22 |
sinewav | From your terminal type: sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces | 06:23 |
sinewav | do you see a line that says wlo1 | 06:23 |
kd7sjt | no, there is not | 06:23 |
kd7sjt | there is auto lo | 06:24 |
kd7sjt | and iface lo inet loopback | 06:24 |
sinewav | No matter, we should be Ok. You'll want to copy this info into the file, replacing the addresses with your own: | 06:25 |
sinewav | auto wlo1 | 06:25 |
sinewav | iface wl01 inet static | 06:25 |
sinewav | address | 06:25 |
sinewav | netmask | 06:25 |
sinewav | gateway | 06:25 |
sinewav | Also, you'll want to boot up another machine on the network so we can check if this is working. | 06:26 |
kd7sjt | should it look just like it looks on the screen now as well? | 06:28 |
gordonjcp | you kind of want to make sure that 100 isn't within the DHCP range in case the server is braindamaged enough to try to hand it out | 06:29 |
gordonjcp | I'm looking at you, Cisco IOS 12 | 06:29 |
gordonjcp | yes I am | 06:29 |
sinewav | it should look like it does on the Ubuntu page. The first line is "auto <your wireless device> | 06:29 |
sinewav | The next is iface <device name> inet static | 06:29 |
sinewav | The third line is: address <server IP address> | 06:30 |
sinewav | The last line is your router's address. | 06:30 |
sinewav | whatever the result of "route -n" was | 06:30 |
sinewav | router = gateway | 06:30 |
sinewav | kd7sjt: Just so you know, this networking stuff can be pretty complicated, so don't get frustrated. It might not work the first time. Remember to take good notes so you can undo steps. | 06:32 |
kd7sjt | sounds very good | 06:33 |
sinewav | Since you are on the server, can you login to this chat from a different machine on the network? | 06:34 |
sinewav | We'll want to restart the networking on the server which will disconnect you. | 06:35 |
kd7sjt | Are you going to be on here tomorrow evening? | 06:36 |
sinewav | I'll probably be on all day. | 06:36 |
kd7sjt | if so can we meet up on here then? | 06:36 |
kd7sjt | oh sweet | 06:36 |
sinewav | Yeah I'm working from home tomorrow. Before you go, let me outline the steps we need to take. | 06:36 |
kd7sjt | I'll set up this chat on my android device so that both the server and the client will be independent of our chat | 06:37 |
kd7sjt | awesome! I will look for you on here either in the afternoon or evening | 06:37 |
kd7sjt | I appreciate your help so far :) | 06:37 |
sinewav | step 1: Create a static IP for the server. | 06:38 |
sinewav | step 2: Restart the server's network service and ping it from another machine. | 06:38 |
sinewav | step 3: Ensure the server can reach the Internet | 06:38 |
sinewav | step 4: Start installing the NFS modules. | 06:38 |
sinewav | step 5: more of this shit... | 06:38 |
kd7sjt | very cool. I will save this chat too, so I have the links you've sent me so far | 06:39 |
alkisg | bennabiy: dpkg -L mate-menu | grep system_management ==> it's in 2 places, you need to apply the patch twice for it to work | 06:39 |
sinewav | ...And that's about it. I'll keep an eye out for you tomorrow or over the weekend. I have a lot of work to do from home over the next couple days. | 06:39 |
kd7sjt | very cool. I appreciate it | 06:39 |
kd7sjt | talk to you soon then | 06:39 |
sinewav | k, gn | 06:40 |
kd7sjt | night :) | 06:41 |
rajiv_ | today when i try to install any thing by using the command "sudo apt-get install", then some errors occurred. I have pasted these output on paste.debian .net. if possible anybody please see it there: | 06:58 |
alkisg | Try it again in one minute, apt is updating in the background | 07:00 |
rajiv_ | how to kill a pending operation? | 07:06 |
sinewav | rajiv_: currently running from the terminal? cmd+c. A service or process in the background? kill <process id> From the GUI? type Alt+F2 then "xkill". It will give you a small "X". Click the frozen window with it. | 07:21 |
sinewav | There are many ways... | 07:21 |
gordonjcp | rajiv_: and if you try it again *now* it really should have finished what it was doing | 07:25 |
sinewav | heh | 07:26 |
rajiv_ | gordonjcp: It starts installing from where it left yesterday. | 07:27 |
rajiv_ | How do i see the background downloading actions that i am doing from wget? | 07:32 |
ouroumov_ | rajiv_, I don't understand your question: | 07:41 |
ouroumov_ | s/:/. | 07:41 |
rajiv_ | ouromov: I am downloading a file from wget by using the command "wget -c -b". Now the file is downloading in the background. How can i see this background downloading again in the terminal window? | 07:44 |
ouroumov_ | rajiv_, I never used the -b option myself, but usually to bring a process back to the foreground you would type "fg" in the terminal | 07:56 |
ouroumov_ | No clue if that'll work for wget -b | 07:56 |
rajiv_ | ok. | 07:57 |
ouroumov_ | rajiv_, I just tested and it works, but it's verbose | 07:59 |
alkisg | He left | 08:01 |
ouroumov_ | yup | 08:01 |
=== rw is now known as Guest8982 | ||
gordonjcp | morning | 08:40 |
gordonjcp | again# | 08:40 |
gordonjcp | I feel like I've been awake for about 48 hours | 08:40 |
ouroumov_ | ^^ | 08:41 |
gordonjcp | it's okay, I haven't | 08:42 |
gordonjcp | on actually checking it's only something like 44 hours | 08:42 |
ouroumov_ | Who needs sleep when rockets are landing at sea? | 08:43 |
gordonjcp | totally | 08:46 |
gordonjcp | and the SNP won another term | 08:46 |
gordonjcp | sadly not a majority this time round | 08:47 |
ouroumov_ | Dunno what that is | 08:47 |
gordonjcp | ouroumov_: political party, the Scottish National Party | 08:57 |
gordonjcp | ouroumov_: we'd quite like to stay part of Europe and not be part of the UK | 08:57 |
ouroumov_ | And how is it looking so far? | 09:00 |
gordonjcp | well, 63 votes out of 129, so we don't have a majority | 09:03 |
=== andre_ is now known as Guest8723 | ||
gordonjcp | but the Green party are pretty closely aligned to the SNP so that's okay | 09:04 |
gordonjcp | interestingly the Conservatives have got a strong lead over the Labour party | 09:04 |
gordonjcp | most of Glasgow (where I live) was pretty safe Labour seats ("mah da voted Labour and his da voted Labour an' ah'm votin' Labour" kind of attitude) but they've lost a hell of a lot this time round | 09:05 |
gordonjcp | later this year there's a UK-wide referendum on whether or not to leave the EU | 09:05 |
gordonjcp | basically the south-east of England wants to leave the EU but there's a large concentration of voters there | 09:06 |
gordonjcp | what with London and all that | 09:06 |
gordonjcp | and the rest of the UK realises exactly how screwed we would be if that were to happen | 09:06 |
giita | in the uk here, voted yesterday | 09:09 |
giita | agree with gordonjcp, up north we dont all want to leave EU | 09:09 |
alkisg | So if e.g. 51% of the voters want to leave the EU, it will happen? There's no tolerance about it, e.g. next year that 51% might get down to 49%, but leaving/joining the EU isn't something that should be based on1-2%... | 09:10 |
giita | its not as black & white as that | 09:10 |
alkisg | I'm asking, not making a statement... if 51% of the referendum voters want to leave the EU, will it indeed happen? | 09:12 |
gordonjcp | giita: how north are you? | 09:15 |
gordonjcp | alkisg: good question | 09:15 |
gordonjcp | alkisg: at that point it's a statement of public opinion, which the government might or might not act upon | 09:16 |
alkisg | I was thinking that for significant decisions like that, a "large" majority would be needed... e.g. we do have this for changing the constitution here, it's not done with "simple" majority... (not sure about the exact English translation of the terms I use, sorry) | 09:18 |
gordonjcp | alkisg: well, in the Scottish Independence referendum the No side won by ~10% | 09:18 |
gordonjcp | which they reckon was a massive landslide win | 09:18 |
alkisg | Indeed | 09:18 |
giita | gordonjcp: west yorkshire | 09:23 |
giita | 10% is a clear win | 09:23 |
gordonjcp | giita: I'm a big fan of Yorkshire First | 09:45 |
gordonjcp | giita: it is, but the vote came down 55%/45% | 09:45 |
gordonjcp | giita: which looked at another way is a bawhair off being 50/50 | 09:45 |
giita | i would still class 45% as a clear loss | 09:50 |
giita | the voting system is archaic and broken anyway | 09:50 |
gordonjcp | in the apps menu in for example XFCE I can bring that up and start to type what I want | 09:54 |
gordonjcp | that doesn't seem to be present in MATE | 09:55 |
gordonjcp | what's the equivalent? | 09:55 |
gordonjcp | I know I could do alt-F2 but then I have to type most of the name of the app then <TAB> five times to actually get to the top of the list to press enter | 09:55 |
gordonjcp | this is the one thing that I just cannot get used to in MATE | 09:55 |
alkisg | try mate-tweak => advanced menu, i think it supports that | 09:56 |
gordonjcp | alkisg: perfect! | 10:01 |
gordonjcp | alkisg: absolutely bob on | 10:01 |
alkisg | :) | 10:01 |
gordonjcp | right, time to go and play delivery man | 10:01 |
gordonjcp | it's not like I cost 600 quid a day or anything | 10:02 |
gordonjcp | and it's not like I've got proper engineering to do today | 10:02 |
mate|33944 | hello | 10:14 |
mate|33944 | it's me | 10:14 |
giita | it's you | 10:14 |
alkisg | hi, you! | 10:15 |
giita | hey, guy! | 10:16 |
=== Hypatia82 is now known as StinkyGallion | ||
LinuxHippie | Good morning everyone.. | 14:23 |
mra_ | good morning LinuxHippie | 14:24 |
bennabiy | alkisg: still just a single pixel where the menu should be | 14:39 |
alkisg | bennabiy: did you patch both files, and unchecked/rechecked the advanced menu? | 14:41 |
bennabiy | alkisg: yes | 14:41 |
bennabiy | alkisg: I did a diff of the files, no different, and verified the patch applied | 14:42 |
bennabiy | checked, unchecked | 14:42 |
alkisg | bennabiy: can I see with vnc? | 14:42 |
bennabiy | I can screenshot it | 14:42 |
alkisg | x11vnc -connect | 14:42 |
alkisg | So that I troubleshoot it as well | 14:42 |
bennabiy | alkisg: no offense, but if possible, I do not like to let people into my private network | 14:43 |
alkisg | Sure, understandable, although it's just vnc, you see what I'm doing | 14:43 |
bennabiy | yes | 14:43 |
alkisg | Any messages if you run it from the command line? | 14:44 |
alkisg | bennabiy: output of this one? ls /usr/bin/synaptic-pkexec /usr/bin/software-center /usr/share/applications/ubuntu-mate-software.desktop /usr/bin/gnome-software | 14:46 |
bennabiy | what I linked to you | 14:46 |
bennabiy | alkisg: | 14:46 |
bennabiy | alkisg: output of ls | 14:47 |
alkisg | bennabiy: did you apply the patch by using the `patch` command, or did you try to rewrite the changed lines by yourself? Maybe you used tabs somewhere, and broke python indentation? | 14:47 |
bennabiy | patch | 14:47 |
bennabiy | alkisg: actually, I am going to log out and back in, and then I will invite you for VNC because I want to show you another thing | 14:48 |
bennabiy | alkisg: are you ready? | 14:50 |
bennabiy | alkisg: unable to invite you because of remote display | 14:52 |
bennabiy | (ltsp) | 14:52 |
alkisg | bennabiy: back - sorry feeding the kids | 14:54 |
alkisg | x11vnc -noshm -connect | 14:54 |
bennabiy | understand that one | 14:54 |
lee | is this a dev channel, a user support channel, both, or neither? | 14:57 |
Akuli | both, but more of a support channel | 14:59 |
lee | excellent | 15:01 |
lee | I have a problem that I am not completely certain how to describe. I have two monitors connected to one GPU (nVidia, with the nVidia drivers installed), one of them is in portrait mode, but in the settings panel to position the monitors I can't align the two monitors so they're next to each other | 15:03 |
alkisg | bennabiy: that tilda broke my nerves | 15:03 |
alkisg | Meh | 15:03 |
bennabiy | I am not a fan of it | 15:04 |
bennabiy | I usually use guake | 15:04 |
bennabiy | I was just giving it a chance since it came with 16.04 | 15:04 |
lee | it's like the panel is remembering the portrait monitor's shape in landscape mode and simply won't allow me to place them immediately next to each other, which leads to an unviewable space between them (which also happens to be roughly in the centre, where new windows appear) | 15:04 |
alkisg | bennabiy: when I killed it, did I kill vnc too? | 15:04 |
bennabiy | you killed a lot of things | 15:05 |
alkisg | bennabiy: try again, x11vnc -noshm -connect | 15:05 |
alkisg | Sorry, I didn't realize you run everything via tilda :) | 15:05 |
alkisg | without putting them to the background at least :) | 15:05 |
bennabiy | I just forgot to put the vnc to background since I had two sessions | 15:05 |
alkisg | The small window kept popping up, that wasn't tilda though... | 15:06 |
alkisg | bennabiy: you seem to have another, unrelated issue | 15:13 |
alkisg | That "ascii cannot decode xxx" stuff | 15:13 |
bennabiy | alkisg: that is what I thought | 15:13 |
bennabiy | not to say that your fix did not do anything, but it was not the issue | 15:13 |
alkisg | It sounds like the advanced menu is trying to do something else, and fails on your setup | 15:14 |
alkisg | My fix solved 1 of the 2 problems you were having | 15:14 |
bennabiy | Did you see the pixel appear where the menu should be? | 15:14 |
alkisg | You need one more fix though, which is a separate bug | 15:14 |
bennabiy | alkisg: I also have the issue that when I first log in, caja does not start | 15:14 |
alkisg | Does my fix work on the ltsp server itself? | 15:14 |
alkisg | I see some message about xauth in your error log, and I wonder if it's related to remote displays | 15:15 |
bennabiy | weird, my backspace is not working properly | 15:15 |
bennabiy | logging out and back in | 15:15 |
alkisg | It might be due to vnc | 15:15 |
alkisg | OK | 15:15 |
bennabiy | yes | 15:15 |
bennabiy | on linuxmint, it was related to the version of python-xlib | 15:17 |
bennabiy | but on 16.04 it uses the newest python-xlib and it is only broke the other day | 15:17 |
bennabiy | alkisg: do you have any thoughts on why caja would not be starting? | 15:18 |
alkisg | bennabiy: nope, no idea, did you file a bug report? | 15:18 |
bennabiy | alkisg: not yet | 15:18 |
alkisg | I haven't used mate for a long time yet | 15:18 |
alkisg | I'm still evaluating if we're going to use that as the default | 15:19 |
bennabiy | alkisg: ok | 15:19 |
bennabiy | weird, x2go will not let me log into the server | 15:30 |
ouroumov | bennabiy, people with a similar problem have posted a solution on the forums | 15:32 |
ouroumov | bennabiy, | 15:35 |
bennabiy | ouroumov: testing it | 15:38 |
bennabiy | ouroumov: works, and also while in x2go, advanced menu worked | 15:41 |
bennabiy | still does not work through the thin client though | 15:42 |
bennabiy | alkisg: so to confirm, on the server itself, it works fine | 15:57 |
bennabiy | alkisg: it is just through ldm / ltsp | 15:57 |
ubuntu-mate | hey guys I have 2 drives, an M.2 and an 1 TB HDD I want to put Ubuntu on the TB | 16:25 |
ubuntu-mate | but I as soon as I have finished the install the comp will be frozen on the restart screen and never even shuts down | 16:26 |
mate|52549 | hello i have a quick question | 16:31 |
mate|52549 | every time my computer goes in suspend and i login the cursor disapears | 16:31 |
Akuli | The hibernate or sleep thing? | 16:35 |
Akuli | the "deeper" or "less deep" sleep? | 16:35 |
Akuli | Oh wait, the deeper one is disabled by default on ubuntu. | 16:36 |
Akuli | and he already quit :) | 16:37 |
Akuli | ubuntu-mate: Still there? | 16:37 |
ubuntu-mate | hey guys may I ask a dual boot related question? | 16:42 |
ouroumov | Sure | 16:44 |
ubuntu-mate | so I've been trying to install ubuntu for a while with win 10 bual boot | 16:44 |
ouroumov | However, you won't automatically get an answer. You'll get one only if a dualbooting expert is around | 16:44 |
ubuntu-mate | i see | 16:45 |
ubuntu-mate | i have win 10 on an m.2 | 16:45 |
ubuntu-mate | and i want ubuntu on my 1TB | 16:45 |
ouroumov | Alright | 16:45 |
ubuntu-mate | i have the uefi bois which caused problems but | 16:45 |
ubuntu-mate | every time after the install is done and i click restart now it never does so | 16:46 |
ubuntu-mate | i am in a live enviornment right now | 16:46 |
ubuntu-mate | installing and i hope it doesnt happen again | 16:46 |
ubuntu-mate | i made sure the swap was just a bit more than my ram | 16:47 |
ouroumov | Okay, you should have a tool called "Boot-repair" somewhere under the troubleshooting section of the Welcome splash screen, try that first | 16:47 |
ouroumov | (Once the install completed, if you don't see a Ubuntu boot option) | 16:47 |
ubuntu-mate | so i installed boot repair through command line before and run it but the tool never stopped running | 16:48 |
ouroumov | Erf | 16:48 |
ubuntu-mate | it scanned till the computer died | 16:48 |
festerB | how can I start fingerprint-gui with out logging? ie. some command &>/dev/null, it's generating a lot of log output when I'm logged out (screen is locked) | 16:49 |
ubuntu-mate | ouroumov, are you saying with in grub(recovery) or in the live udb env | 16:50 |
ouroumov | festerB, ssh -X <user>@<machine> fingerprint-gui, maybe? | 16:51 |
ouroumov | ubuntu-mate, in the live env | 16:51 |
ubuntu-mate | i don't see boot repair here should i install through cmd | 16:51 |
ubuntu-mate | btw the install just finished | 16:52 |
festerB | ouroumov: it's on my local pc, I was hoping to disable it loggin at startup perhaps | 16:52 |
ubuntu-mate | if run boot repair before tring to restart is that a prob | 16:52 |
ouroumov | ubuntu-mate, you sure it's not somewhere in Welcome? | 16:52 |
ouroumov | ubuntu-mate, I though I saw it there once | 16:52 |
ubuntu-mate | bloody hell my fault its here | 16:53 |
ubuntu-mate | i apologize | 16:53 |
ouroumov | ubuntu-mate, in case you don't get the answer you seek in a timely fashion, you should consider describing your problem and your setup on the community forums @ IRC has poor visibility due to it's transient nature | 16:53 |
ouroumov | festerB, same advice to you, I don't know anything about biometrics under Ubuntu, sorry. :x | 16:54 |
ubuntu-mate | thanks mate also one last question since there are others with questions, is it a bad idea to run boot repair before the first reboot? | 16:54 |
ouroumov | ubuntu-mate, never tried it, it's usually something you do after having witnessed a screw-up | 16:55 |
ouroumov | ubuntu-mate, I don't think it'd break anything though | 16:55 |
ubuntu-mate | I see, I'll run it before i leave the env | 16:56 |
ubuntu-mate | thank you very much, ouroumov | 16:56 |
ouroumov | ubuntu-mate, I hope you'll get where you wanna go :) | 16:57 |
ubuntu-mate | you as well old sport! | 16:57 |
ouroumov | =] | 16:58 |
festerB | ouroumov: ok, thx, will ask over at #ubuntu | 16:58 |
ouroumov | festerB, OK, good luck to you too | 16:58 |
ubuntu-mate | well here I am again | 17:03 |
ubuntu-mate | at what point should I be concerned at how long boot repair is taking | 17:04 |
ouroumov | I'd be concerned past 10minutes | 17:05 |
ubuntu-mate | ahh, and what would my options be after that? | 17:06 |
ouroumov | ubuntu-mate, did you disable UEFI? | 17:06 |
ubuntu-mate | i recently did but I could no longer access windows with out it so i re enabled it | 17:07 |
ouroumov | right | 17:07 |
ouroumov | And did you boot the USB in EFi mode? | 17:07 |
ubuntu-mate | and with out uefi on I couldn't run the live disk | 17:07 |
ouroumov | Okay | 17:08 |
ouroumov | When you did the partitioning, you created an EFI boot partition right? | 17:08 |
ubuntu-mate | I created an ext4 | 17:08 |
ubuntu-mate | and a swap | 17:08 |
ubuntu-mate | is that the issue? | 17:08 |
ouroumov | You also need an efi boot partition of 250MB | 17:09 |
ubuntu-mate | oh dear i havent done that | 17:09 |
ouroumov | I don't know why I haven't asked you about it earlier, sorry <_< | 17:09 |
ubuntu-mate | you are the first person that was of actual help | 17:10 |
ubuntu-mate | if i may how would I reach you again through here? | 17:10 |
ouroumov | Automatic install settings usually takes care of that for you but you obviously can't do that because you have to pick the target drive | 17:10 |
ubuntu-mate | yeap | 17:10 |
ouroumov | ubuntu-mate, I'm usually connected here, but seeing my nickname in the list doesn't mean I'm behind the keyboard | 17:11 |
ouroumov | ubuntu-mate, the community on the forums is very helpful though | 17:11 |
ubuntu-mate | I shall try and come back then | 17:11 |
ubuntu-mate | thank you | 17:11 |
ouroumov | yw | 17:12 |
=== gary is now known as Guest74999 | ||
Guest74999 | hi. Running UbuntuMATE 16.04, and am occasionally losing the cursor upon switching user. Is there a quick fix guys? | 17:49 |
ouroumov | Guest74999, you're using compiz? | 17:51 |
Guest74999 | Yes, to combat screen tearing issue | 17:51 |
ouroumov | So the easy fix is: stop using compiz, use marco+compton | 17:52 |
Guest74999 | ok will do ty | 17:52 |
ouroumov | Guest74999, see | 17:53 |
Mordoc | I have that issue as well with compiz. The current fix is to open a terminal and type 'ls' which makes the mouse reappear... | 19:21 |
ouroumov | Mordoc, that'd make a goot tip on the bug report | 19:22 |
Mordoc | That's where I found it, it was a comment on the launchpad report... | 19:23 |
Mordoc | Had me laughing actually... | 19:23 |
Mordoc | Assumed it was Ubuntu wide, and it is. | 19:23 |
ouroumov | ^^ | 19:25 |
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regis__ | , | 22:41 |
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