[00:28] OerHeks called the ops in #ubuntu () [03:55] xangua called the ops in #ubuntu (DONALDTRUMP) [05:43] Where is the best place to get autobleh that works with irssi 0.8.19 in Ubuntu 16.04? [05:44] Don't know about best, but I've got something in git I've poked autobleh people with. [05:45] Unit193: In use by another Ubuntu op and using git instead of svn; Sounds good to me :) [05:47] Unit193: Where can I clone said git repo from? [05:49] Jordan_U: Actually gave you a link a night or two ago to it, just a sec. [09:07] Just for future knowledge, what do you prefer, +r or +q $~a? (I know drone` does +q $~a) [11:41] is there a way I can report an individual? [13:28] tsimonq2: yes. email to irc-council@lists.ubuntu.com, or join #ubuntu-irc-council (if you want a more restricted area) or join #ubuntu-irc. [13:29] tsimonq2: alternatively, just say it here [15:14] tsimonq2, did you see that [17:58] e: Drone` sets +rzq $~a, I've seen two other OPs set ~a so could be that one. [18:32] unluckyone_> MonkeyDust asko give enough, kill yourself [18:39] !guidelines > unluckyone_ [18:51] @whoami [18:51] rww [18:51] !guidelines > unluckyone_ [18:51] let's see if he gets the hint second time around [18:52] i doubt it [18:52] same [18:56] woooooooooooo spam time again [18:58] e: as far as +r vs +q $~a goes, i started off doing the +q, but have been doing +r instead recently because I feel like people are more likely to figure out NickServ using /topic #ubuntu-unregged and Drone`'s periodic messages, than they are to figure it out because of the +q [18:59] but i don't have a strong opinion either way [19:02] going back to work, someone set -r in an hour or whenever the crap subsides elsewhere [19:02] i might do it, or i might be distracted, who knows [19:27] OerHeks called the ops in #ubuntu (unluckyone_) [19:34] hi folks, we used to have a logbot in #kubuntu-council, and today we notice that it's gone [19:34] I forgot whom to ask to get it back? [19:37] "Send a mail to to open a support request" [19:37] i dont know if Pici manages that bot, too. [19:38] ok, that's probably how I requested it originally [19:38] not sure when it left [19:42] i just thought about removing +r :/ [19:42] thanks k1l [20:17] I don't manage ubuntulog. === mnepton is now known as mneptok