
cmaloneyfuck lawns01:54
mrgoodcatyours start growing again?01:55
cmaloneyalong with tjhe dandelions02:02
gamerchick02they'll never stop growing02:10
gamerchick02oh and humble bundle is having a sale again02:10
gamerchick02i picked up the Thief pack and bit.trip runner 202:10
mrgoodcati got the hacking book pack02:34
jrwrencmaloney: LAWNS!!!  They are EVIL!12:25
cmaloneyYes, they are.12:41
jrwrenits difficult for me not to feel guilty when my next door neighbor has the trugreen lawn of perfection and I have all weeds, but I keep reminding myself that I have diverse life in my lawn that i don't kill with poison.12:45
cmaloney"I just have to remind myself that I'm not an asshole to nature"12:47
jrwrenits difficult to remember when you are surrounded by those with such different values.12:48
_stink_on my street there are beautiful lawns like carpet, and there are mud pits12:48
jrwrenmud pits!12:49
_stink_mine is the weedy, reel mower mown lawn, comfortably in the middle of the spectrum12:49
cmaloneyI was out last night with my push mower (Fiskars reel mower)12:49
_stink_9pm mowing12:50
_stink_i love reel mowers12:50
cmaloneyThey're no fun when you haven't mowed for one and a half weeks though12:50
mrgoodcati live in an apartment12:51
jrwrenvery true.12:51
cmaloneybut went a setting higher and it was like a snowblower of lawn clippings12:51
jrwrenMy yard is just big enough to make the push reel a great work out ;]12:51
cmaloneyjrwren: same12:51
cmaloneytwo hours of work out for me last night12:51
cmaloneybut I really hate gas mowers12:51
jrwrenI get through in ~50min12:51
jrwrenand I have one of the biggest yards in Ann Arbor ;]12:52
cmaloneyjrwren: see above (1 1/2 weeks without mowing)12:52
jrwrenoh!, yup, that will do it, ESPECIALLY this time of year.12:52
cmaloneyWe also have a deceptively large yard12:52
cmaloneylooks tiny but it has strips along the sides that get tall grass12:52
jrwrenMonday, I was hoping for it NOT to rain, just becauses I didn't want to wait another day to cut, because that would be another day of growth.12:52
cmaloneyand an awkward tree in the middle12:53
jrwreni'm trying to systematically add garden islands so I have less grass, but those are work too.12:53
jrwrenJust different work, and my wife does a lot of that ;p12:53
cmaloneyI should convince JoDee that she likes yard work, but I have about as much chance of that happening as I do of the royal family calling me to let me know that I'm next in line on the throne.13:05
cmaloneyNot impossible, but highly unlikely13:05
jrwrenwell, gardening != yard work.13:06
jrwrengrowing vegetables is far more rewarding.13:06
cmaloneyYeah, JoDee liked growing veggies13:07
cmaloneyand so did the squirrels13:07
jrwrenlol, damn squirrels.13:07
jrwrenI have a pellet gun on my wish list for varmit shooting.13:07

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