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tux|dudeHas anyone else been having issues with the plasma shell slowing down over time or something. Y know things just begin getting sluggish and you either have to start a new session, reboot or restart the plasma shell to fix it?00:44
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beeezerkto download kubuntu on my pc by usb do i just download it to usb or do i have to open to usb05:00
omkar__Hello can i upgrade kubuntu 12.04 to kubuntu 16.04 directly05:16
kronin69352need help to upgrade from Kubuntu 15.10 to 16.04. Seems like there is a command line - just can't remember...?05:42
ShalokShalomomkar__: so far as i know is the way > 12.04 > 14.04 > 16.0405:49
ShalokShalomi recommend a clean installation05:49
ShalokShalombackup before, in each case, all data05:49
kronin69352To ShalokShalom: I have do it that way for a long time, was going to try "do-release-upgrade -m desktop" as root AND @ the console jikawtk05:54
ShalokShalomi see05:54
ShalokShalomi recommend, what Mint does, a clean installation05:55
ShalokShalomnever try your way and use no kubuntu yet05:55
kronin69352Thanks 4 you opinion - I'll do a klean install.05:56
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lordievaderGood morning.07:57
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Maxiridejust ran a mv between two folders, however within dolphin I still see the file from the source directory. It's like the mv is copying instead of moving..09:20
lordievaderDid you refresh the dolphin view?09:28
Maxiridelordievader: yep09:30
Maxirideand the mv just terminated itslef from the konsole due to lack of space on the hdd09:30
MaxirideI used mv with the options -f  -u and .v09:31
Maxiridemight it be that the source folder has spaces in its name?09:31
lordievaderAh, that explains it.09:33
lordievaderWhat mv actually does is copy -> remove. If the copy fails the file is not removed.09:33
Maxirideeven for filenames?09:34
lordievaderWhat do you mean?09:34
Maxiridethis issue in the mv command affects also file names with spaces in it or just foldernames with spaces?09:35
lordievaderWhat issue?09:35
lordievaderThe removing happens after each file transfer.09:35
lordievaderThus if you have a folder with files A, B and C in it and you move it. mv will move A, delete A, move B, delete B, move C, delete C.09:36
Maxirideaah ok09:36
lordievaderSuppose the move B action fails, it will abort.09:36
BluesKajHey all10:02
Blackjackhey i'm new to kubuntu, after i've installed the nvidia driver my dashboard application background become black all of a sudden10:15
soeedo you have desktop effects enabled ?10:15
Blackjackyou mean the desktop behavior thingy?10:16
soeepress ALT + SHIFT + F12 to toggle desktop effects10:16
Blackjacki think some of those things are enabled by default10:16
Blackjackit doesn't effect it10:16
Blackjacki've tried alt + shift + f1210:16
habitsHey, while you are discussing the nvidia drivers, everytime I switch from NVIDIA to Intel GPU and log out for the change to take effect, the log out takes ages.10:24
habitsDoes this happen to all of you?10:24
viewer|74243is there a way to factory reset kubuntu10:25
viewer|74243or something else alike that10:25
viewer|74243except for another clean install?10:25
clivejowhat do you want to reset?10:25
clivejosometimes creating a new user can keep with desktop settings issues10:26
viewer|74243i just do a clean install of kubuntu10:26
viewer|74243after a few times add up10:26
viewer|74243some stuff went wrong10:27
viewer|74243for example, when i'm trying to change the alt tab switcher thingy10:27
viewer|74243after i applied it10:27
viewer|74243it wont take effect10:27
clivejowhat version did you install?10:27
clivejowhat minor?10:27
viewer|74243pardon me?10:28
clivejo16.04 Xenial?10:28
viewer|74243and my dashboard application background became dark10:28
viewer|74243totally black10:28
viewer|74243it happens after i'm installing the nvidia driver10:28
clivejothat is strange, never heard of that happening10:28
viewer|74243which one are you talking about?10:29
viewer|74243the black background or setting?10:29
viewer|74243i see10:29
viewer|74243that's why it's no use googling about it10:29
clivejohow did you install the driver?10:29
viewer|74243i've found nothing10:29
viewer|74243apt install nvidia-36410:30
viewer|74243just alike that10:30
clivejoand that’s definitely the driver for your GPU?10:30
viewer|74243the driver is working10:30
viewer|74243i'm moving to kde because ubuntu gnome 16's nvidia driver is not working at all10:31
viewer|74243it keep crashing on my laptop10:31
clivejohave you ever sudu a GUI application?10:31
viewer|74243like what?10:31
viewer|74243i don't get it10:31
clivejofor example sudo kate so you can edit config files?10:32
viewer|74243i'm just installing some app10:32
clivejobecause that will corrupt your desktop10:32
viewer|74243never do force configuration10:32
clivejodid it do it suddenly, like after you rebooted or installed something?10:33
viewer|74243it happens exactly after i'm installing the driver10:33
viewer|74243the desktop looks kinda differrent too10:33
viewer|74243like the logo in the bottom left became smaller10:33
viewer|74243and the bottom bar kinda looks jaggy10:33
clivejoprobably just a different resolution10:34
clivejotry a different lower resolution10:34
viewer|74243but what a black background on my dashboard?10:34
viewer|74243and the sys settings?10:34
clivejoalso can you use setting up a new user and logging into that account, see how things look there10:35
viewer|74243i'll try it10:36
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KruzerHi all16:41
user|98303Hi, I just installed my first Kubuntu, but I'm not getting wireless. It's looks like a Broadcom issue I'm seeing on so many posts, but I can't figure out how to install the driver. Does anyone know how to do this?16:43
KruzerHow's everyone doin?16:46
BluesKajuser|98303, sudo apt install bdmwl-kernel-source16:48
BluesKajuser|98303, dorrection: sudo apt install bcmwl-kernel-source16:49
BluesKajcorrection even16:50
user|98303This is what I get16:51
user|98303DKMS: install completed.16:51
user|98303Failed to request new MokSB state16:51
user|98303modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'wl': Required key not available16:51
soee_hiho viewer|7956817:03
viewer|79568KDE is better than Unity17:04
soee_well we all have unique taste :)17:05
viewer|79568ah..yes, I agree with you.17:05
viewer|79568Gnome 2 was my favorite.17:06
KruzerI havent tried it viewer.  Couldnt tell you, I just loaded Kubuntu after running Mint Cinnamon and Mint KDE for a while17:06
soee_i never liked much unity that is why i am on Kubutnu for few years17:06
viewer|79568Shutdown takes very long time in Ubuntu (also Kubuntu)17:09
soee_viewer|79568: define very long17:10
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user|42939hello there. any ideas how to install nvidia drivers on kubuntu 16.04 step by step ? thank you19:13
d9500where is the default sysem folder in which wallpaper image files are located in kubuntu?20:15
soee_d9500: the default Plasma wallpaper?20:18
d9500soee_, not really, but the folder where wallpapers are unpackaged in after i install a new wallpapers package20:21
d9500from the repos20:21
d9500for example, if i was to apt install plasma-workspace-wallpapers, where would dpkg put the file/s?20:23
DragnslcrCheck /usr/share/wallpapers20:24
d9500looking now, Dragnslcr20:25
BlueProtomanSometimes, when a command opens a Web page in my browser (Chromium), it opens the same page twice, in two tabs.  How can I fix this?  (Kubuntu 15.10)20:35
d9500Dragnslcr, you were correct and /usr/share/wallpapers is the folder...it didn't have the wallpaper i was looking for though21:07
d9500so that particular image file isn't part of the package21:08
d9500but thanks again!21:08
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Abe_how can I remove the "Menubar button from KDE?" http://www0.xup.in/exec/ximg.php?fid=51092251 "the button with the M" upper left corner of windows ?23:18
Abe_using qtcurve23:18
soee_Plasma 5 ?23:20
soee_it looks like KDE4 though23:20
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