
=== JanC is now known as Guest97342
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:24
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: 0/ .. slow now .. not much going on .04:29
lotuspsychjehey Bashing-om04:30
lotuspsychjeill have a slow coffee then :p04:31
lotuspsychjeeveryone update asap :p04:32
Bashing-omI am working a 20 min boot situation - 16.04 - on the forum ,,, I was hoping the new kernel would resolve .. nope .04:37
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: url?04:38
ubot5Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.04:40
lotuspsychjewow a lot of stuff patched04:41
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: To Go through the URL will need lots of coffee . Been at it for a week now .04:44
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: If ya got the time .. another head is welcome : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2322135&page=10&p=13484908#post13484908 .04:46
lotuspsychjelet me see04:46
lotuspsychjeahhh wily to xenial upgrade :p04:48
Bashing-omYeah .. after some fiddlin .. seems the package manager is stable .04:51
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: ill skip thise one, alot of stuff going on04:54
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: i would go for the fresh install :p04:54
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Yeah ... More than once I had made that observation . Still interested to find what hook where is causing this .04:56
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: well for a 20min boot, ill perhaps set "quiet splash" off in grub, to see the text booting whats going on04:56
lotuspsychjemust be a lot of stuff bottlenecking there04:57
lotuspsychjemorning de-facto05:00
de-factoGood morning lotus :)05:01
Bashing-omWell, be nice to convince the poster to boot up a liveDVD and provide the logs of the last boot . As I have noted on a few ocassions .05:01
lotuspsychje!usn | de-facto update asap, spread the word also :p05:04
ubot5de-facto update asap, spread the word also :p: Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.05:04
lotuspsychjenew kernel flaws & other stuff05:04
de-factoerm yeah i need to reboot :)05:05
de-factowow quite a list05:07
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic05:07
ubot5linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 11 kB05:07
de-factoi wish no reboot was required for kernel stuff... havent redhat or/and suse worked out something kernel live patching or such they joined together? kpatch? is such a thing avail on ubuntu?05:09
lotuspsychjewafflejock: morning mate05:13
lotuspsychjede-facto: i think hotswap was related to a specific kernel, cant recall wich one anymore05:13
lotuspsychjede-facto: havent rebooted myself yet either :p05:13
wafflejockmornin lotuspsychje05:21
wafflejockjust built one of these a few days ago super fun http://www.amazon.com/REPRAPGURU-DIY-RepRap-Prusa-Printer/dp/B011PVIMPW?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s01 had something short out and then after replacing the connection and hooking it all back up had a switch flipped that killed the arduino mega that drives it luckily found an old one in a box05:23
lotuspsychjemorning baizon05:34
lotuspsychjewafflejock: seems cool!05:34
baizonhi lotuspsychje05:35
wafflejockyeah amazing that it was working for a day, one of the power connectors had a small gap between the wire and the connector that goes into the PCB so was shooting some blue sparks, cool when it's not doing that though :)05:46
wafflejockonly like a $20 fix too Arduinos have come down a lot in price since last time I got one05:50
Bashing-omHorizintal for the duration . later guys . G nite .06:26
de-factolol is there STILL no amd64 build of skype avail?06:32
de-factothats so, erm 90s06:32
baizonde-facto: skype for linux is dead07:19
baizonthere hasnt been an update for years07:20
baizoni had to uninstall skype from my machine because nothing was working07:20
de-factoyeah i regret that i made an account back in the days, but it works for me (after pulling in ugly 80MB of i386 qt4 deps on my gnome :-/ )07:25
de-factoim still waiting for some cool open source replacements which get widespread enough to reach a critical mass. Tox and Ring seem to be promising candidates it seems.07:26
baizonde-facto: well im using the browser for skype chat... https://web.skype.com/en/07:32
de-factothe test call on skype from the xenial repos worked for me though07:33
de-factoalthough Tox seems to have more features, i think ring.cx is very promising... its the old sflphone SIP soft phone on steroids (with ICE and STUN/TURN/UPnP hole punching) on top of a DHT (so except for first bootstrap into the DHT there is no central point of failure)07:42
de-factothey even have a nice xenial repo with a gnome client07:42
de-factoadvantage is that it integrates with gnome contacts and even provides a sip account connectivity07:43
de-factobut its still kinda testing, so things tend to break07:43
lordievaderGood morning.07:57
BluesKajHey all10:02
lotuspsychjegood afternoon to all14:59
OerHekshi lotus15:03
lotuspsychjehey OerHeks reached 200gig?15:03
OerHeksYes, 215 gb now .. not that many downloads recently15:04
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^16:21
EriC^^hey lotuspsychje16:21
lotuspsychjebbl movietime16:34
Bashing-omLet's see what I can learn today .20:17
dax1.72TB uploaded here21:55
daxstill people downloading regularly, but it's slowed down a bit21:55
DaniKittendaftykins, my notebook runs Ubuntu 14.04 slower that 12.04, why?22:52
daftykinsbecause as i said it's a netbook that needs retiring. the Linux kernel has regressed on that hardware and will never be fixed.22:53
daftykinsi've told you this over 4 times in the past.22:53
DaniKittenhttp://i.imgur.com/w7EJ0x4.jpg This is my netbook22:53
OerHeksnetbook .. let me guess, poulsbo driver gma50022:54
DaniKittenAnd there is the floppy drive: http://i.imgur.com/hquluk8.jpg22:54
DaniKittenOerHeks, this is the HP 214022:54
daftykinsDaniKitten: none of that matters22:54
daftykinsit needs retiring22:55
daxGMA950, actually. but yes, I 100% agree it should go22:55
DaniKittenI want to but a new RAM22:56
DaniKittenThanks for the info.22:56
* dax sighs22:56
OerHekssell it as a paperweight22:56
daftykinsthat user is a troll22:57
dax8 years old, in case anyone else was wondering22:57
daftykinsnobody is this idiotic22:57
daxthe netbook. possibly also the user :)22:57
daftykinsage of netbooks doesn't matter no, they sucked at release22:57
daxindeed. i think we have a few sitting in the closet gathering dust still22:58
OerHeksi have a netbook too, the powersupply is the most valuable part22:58
daftykinsi had one of the sony ultraportables, the TX3XP... which is now as useful, i set it up as a test VPN server somewhere recently... since 1GB of RAM and a single core CPU makes it useless for anything but server duty22:59
OerHeksnice with external speakers as an internet-radio22:59

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