
Anon95I've got Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 installed on my laptop and for some reason, wifi is a lot slower than in Windows 10. I conducted two tests and Windows came out with 17.87Mbps down and Ubuntu Gnome with 5.02Mbps.03:35
Anon95The wifi adapter is Realtek RTL8723BE.03:36
phillwAnon95: have a read of http://askubuntu.com/questions/760970/realtek-driver-rtl8723be-not-working-in-ubuntu-16-04-kernel-4-4 while I go dig further for you.04:32
=== shawn is now known as Guest59336
phillwAnon95: ahh, this seems to have the answer, if you roll your sleeves up and use CLI... https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/reserve-704:34
=== Guest59336 is now known as shawn1
shawn1huh. weird04:35
shawn1i cant ghost my nick because nobody is using it, but i cant change to it either04:36
shawn1anyways, theres a big problem with gnome software. it hangs forever if there is an updated config file that has been edited04:36
shawn1in the terminal it will show yes /no /show difference04:37
phillwshawn1: go throw yourself upon the tender mercies of the freenode staffers. But, they are Zen like and will teach you patience.04:37
shawn1but in gnome software it hangs there forever waiting for a response, but it doesnt show you the options or allow you to accept the default04:38
phillwshawn1: please report it as a bug... the devs do not spend time on here and other areas where we chat.04:38
phillwshawn1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Overview/#Bugs04:40
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1575351 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "tell me I have OS updates and will not install said updates." [High,Incomplete]04:42
shawn1i believe this is the same issue04:42
shawn1it's just I figured out why it does it.04:43
phillwshawn1: then look at what the bug report needs to be complete. It is a high priority, but things are missing for it to be fixed.04:43
phillwseb is a good guy, please answer his question.04:44
Anon95I'm still here. I'm going to try out what you've suggested and report back.04:44
shawn1it's like a trap, because on installation it asks you if you want to have the installer edit the gdm conf, and then the first update after the install has a revision to the gdm conf.04:45
shawn1and then gnome software pops up asking you if you want to update04:45
shawn1and then it gets stuck04:45
shawn1i'll finish the bug report later phillw i'm tired :(04:46
phillwokies, I cannot mark it, as I've not seen it. Feel free to poke me in the ribs if it is still an issue. Things will be better explained at the meeting on Sunday.04:47
shawn1it's easy to reproduce, 1 install ubuntu and select automatic login. 2 update ubuntu via gnome software04:48
shawn1then it hangs.04:49
phillwdarkxst:  ^^04:49
=== shawn1 is now known as shawn
shawni had nick enforce on, and I didnt connect with SASL. thats why i couldnt use my nick05:07
shawnbelieve me this is a highly desired nick05:07
shawneveryone who was born in the 80's is named shawn05:07
shawnI have to set my usermodes like a fortress05:09
darkxstos updates are meant to be disabled in gnome-software at the moment i thought05:39
darkxstshawn, also what do you mean re gdm conf, did you upgrade from 15.10 -> 16.04 ?05:40
shawnfresh install05:41
shawni'm telling you the install option for automatic login results in bricking the install05:41
shawnit's easy to fix but not for everyone05:41
shawnit's because gnome software does not have this: http://i.stack.imgur.com/s1CtX.png05:43
shawnor for some reason it is not working05:43
shawnif a package update requires that prompt then it will get stuck05:43
Anon95This is strange. I'm using the laptop on battery power and the WiFi seems to be working just fine. I'm going to start putting adding some stress to the connection and see how it handles it.05:54
darkxstshawn, how is that related to automatic login?06:52
darkxstand what is walinuxagent? that is not on a default install06:53
shawndarkxst: it's just an example of a config that can get edited either manually or by a script, which then causes a (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) prompt when the package containing that config is getting upgraded and has a newer version of the config to install07:00
shawnI thought I was pretty clear about that?07:00
shawngnome-software doesn't have that interface so it hangs forever07:00
shawnit doesnt matter what config it is07:01
shawnthat's just an example, and a good one because that's one that will happen to anyone who picks automatic login during install07:01
darkxstare you talking out gnome-software or update-manager?07:01
shawngnome software07:02
shawni said it several times07:02
darkxstgnome software should not be doing system updates, only apps07:02
shawnoh it doesnt?07:03
shawnare you sure07:03
darkxstquite certain its disabled for 16.0407:03
darkxstthere is/was a bug in aptdaemon that may cause update-manager to pop-up a really small window for the debconf questions07:04
shawnhow small, like 1x1 pixel?07:04
darkxstno not that small more like 100x50 or something07:05
shawnok well that's unfortunate, i thought i figured out what was wrong but guess not07:05
darkxsttoo small to read the content, but not small enough that you would miss it07:05
shawnok let me fire up a VM i will reproduce it but this time i will run a strace on it07:06
darkxstshawn, or you could downgrade that walinuxagent package07:07
darkxstand then try an update manually with update-manager07:07
darkxst(I mean start update-manager manually ofc)07:08
shawnthat's not the updater that got stuck07:09
shawnit was gnome-software07:09
darkxstshawn, well I don't know then, gnome-software should not be updated core system stuff (and even upstream where it supports that it requires a reboot07:21
shawnhum, it's working now07:23
shawncould have been triggered by a network issue07:23
shawnnow i'll never know07:23
darkxstshawn, robert_ancell is the best one to talk to about gnome-software, he is usually around in here during business hours (New Zealand)07:25
shawni was right!07:25
shawnhold on, screenshot time07:25
shawnit's getting hung on gdm307:26
shawnjust like i said, it's because of the debconf prompt.07:27
darkxstbut that is the gdm version on the 16.04 images, so don't know why you are even getting prompted to update it07:28
darkxstfile a bug against gnome-software with that screenshot07:28
shawn3.18.3-0ubuntu1 -> 3.18.3-0ubuntu207:29
shawnsmall change in /etc/gdm3/custom.conf07:29
darkxstgah, ubuntu2 should have been on the images07:30
shawnit certainly is not on the ubuntu gnome one07:31
shawnbut even still, the problem remains even if the images are updated07:31
shawnthatsoftware-center updates system packages and it cant show debconf prompts07:32
darkxstshawn, please file a bug for that, I don't think its meant to (and I have certainly not seen it here)07:32
shawndarkxst: are you not using Ubuntu Gnome?07:33
shawnisnt it possible you havent seen it because you werent looking for it? ;)07:33
darkxstshawn, of course I am, but also havent done a fresh install with the final images07:34
shawnfair enough07:34
darkxstshawn, no, I only get prompted for app updates in gnome-software, what have noticed if it offered OS updates07:35
shawnwow, gnome-software also leaves lock files even after it's been closed07:39
darkxstclosed or killed?07:39
shawni clicked the X on the window, it wasnt in the middle of anything unless it started automatically07:40
shawnwhat a cluster07:41
shawnok I finished with the bug report as best as I knew how07:43
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1575351 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "tell me I have OS updates and will not install said updates." [High,Incomplete]07:44
de-factoguys i think i found a gui design glitch: on moving the mouse to the bottom left edge the app tray icons move out, clicking the arrow to hide them again then approaching them along the bottom edge of the screen (moving the mouse left approaching the corner) it begins to flicker in a crazy weird way when the mouse did not reach the left corner but is near enough to trigger the "show" i guess10:46
riyasmpHi guys. any help would be appreciated. recently installed ubuntu 16.04 on my samsung RV520 laptop which was a fresh install. Wanted to use gnome 3.20 so installed it via ppa staging. which completly wrecked the login and went to login loop. tried to install gdm through command line when it was stuck. but did not resolve the problem. tried renaming x authority file as well. finally had to revert all the changes and get ubunt11:14
riyasmpu 2.18 which is shipped default in ubuntu 16.04. can any one help?11:14
de-factodoes it work on 3.18?11:17
SyzeCan anyone help me out with a noob install question for Gnome?11:19
SyzeI'm trying to make a dual boot system with Gnome and Win 7 but I'm having issues with it11:20
riyasmpde-facto, yes its fine on 3.18 default gnome offered in synaptic. i am back on it now. reverted all the changes did with th ppa11:20
riyasmpSyze, post your question in detail some one will be able to help11:21
de-factoriyasmp im not sure about that ppa but i guess its in dev flux, so may be unstable or in the process of stabilization still11:23
riyasmpde-facto, this is the ppa i used. http://www.webupd8.org/2016/03/gnome-320-released-with-various.html11:23
de-factoriyasmp yeah you would have to file bugs and contact the ppa maintainers if you want to help develop the next version of ubuntu "The packages here have been deemed not ready for general use, they have known bugs and/or regressions, sometimes of a critical nature."11:26
de-factomaybe you could ask in #ubuntu+1 not sure though if that is the correct place11:27
SyzeI have a Samsung 850 Pro SSD that has Win 7 installed on it and a 1TB HD.  Both Sata hooked to an asus mobo with an 2600k i7.  I downloaded Gnome first with the torrent, and then a direct download from the site because I thought it might have been a bad copy.  Checked the Hashes and both are good.  I created an ISO on CD and USB, both I can get to boot.  I will click install Gnome, wait wait wait (waited over 2 hours once) and the11:27
riyasmpde-facto, thanks a lot. I thought it was all ready to use.11:27
Syzeonce I clicked cancelled, it let me actually into the install menu.  I couldn't even see the partition table options before I click cancel11:28
SyzeMy guess is that I need to configure my partitions in windows differently but I'm not entirely sure on how to/what it needs11:29
riyasmpSyze, why do u say you want to dual boot Gnome with Win 7? it shoudl be an operating system ubuntu or fedora which u dual boot with wndows. once you have dual boot for linux u can choose ur GUI liek gnome or unity11:30
de-factoSyze on which screen did you had to wait 2h? (*am confused*)11:30
SyzeYou know on the latest LTS, how it has 4 blue boxes at the bottom and the options to install proprietary drivers and updates all at once11:31
SyzeIt will get to the 2nd blue box and then nothing.  It says its installing11:32
Syzebut it does nothing until I hit cancel11:32
Syzeafter I click cancel I'm in the OS.  Like its loaded up like a live CD.  I still have the option to install the OS but If I ask it to install along side windows, it won't.11:34
de-factoin the installer? hmmm do you mean that screen where it checks internet connectivity and you can opt in for updates and third party software? i cant remember a cancel button there, there shoudl be something like quit, back and continue11:35
SyzeI'm just wondering if I need to do any prep work to my partitions in windows 7 before I try to install Gnome?11:35
de-factoah yeah when you hit quit it may boot into the livecd session and from there you can start the same installer dialogue11:35
de-factoyou can choose "something else" or such in partitions menu and do the partitions manually. you would at least need fs root "/" and swap is very much recommended to have suspend working properly11:36
SyzeRight.  After I hit cancel or exit (I don't remember the exact wording) it allows me to play in the Gnome Ubuntu OS11:36
de-factohow many partitions do you have in use right now=11:37
de-factoyou can look at them with gparted in the livecd11:38
SyzeI'm in Win7 ATM11:38
de-factothen do diskmgr.msc11:38
de-factoor  diskmgmt.msc ? havent used windows for years...11:40
SyzeRight now I have two disc's.  0, and 1.  zero is my SSD and contains two partitions and some unused space.  100MB NTFS partition, 138GB C: partition, and 100GB of unallocated.  Then I have my Z: aka disk 111:41
Syze100MB is prob the boot info for Windows11:41
de-factoperfect then you have space on your ssd for swap and root :)11:41
Syzethe C: is the windows main, and the unallocated is hopefully going to be Gnome11:42
de-factoyou may want to find out if you use uefi with gpt partitions11:42
de-factowhat is that 100MB?11:43
Syzethe MBR probably for Windows11:43
SyzeNon lettered partition11:44
de-factomaybe you can find out if you are on uefi (but i guess you are not) http://www.eightforums.com/tutorials/29504-bios-mode-see-if-windows-boot-uefi-legacy-mode.html11:44
Syzethe Z drive is my mechanical drive.  its a TB but I think I'm going to disconnect it before my next install attempt11:45
de-factoyeah you can do that (power down though) then it seems you are good to go ahead, boot into the livecd (try using ubuntu), fire up gparted and the installer from there11:46
SyzeIs Ubuntu based off Debian?  Also my mobo is a UEFI supported motherboard11:47
Syzep8p67 deluxe asus motherboard with the Revision done11:49
de-factobtw you can add your hdd later in /etc/fstab11:52
de-factoalso if you choose ext4 you may want to add the discard option to improve wear leveling and life of your ssd11:52
de-factoi changed the options of my root from "errors=remount-ro" to  "discard,errors=remount-ro" on ext4 in /etc/fstab11:53
Syzeso the unallocated 100GB on my SSD that has windows on it.  Do I need to make a simple volume for Gnome/Ubuntu to be installed on it? Do I need to format it in any way?11:53
de-factoif it is mbr partitions (as in not gpt or uefi) you woudl add two additional primary partitions11:54
de-factothere can be 4 primary partitions on a drive, swap about twice the sice of your RAM and the rest for root11:54
de-facto(ext4 id recommend for root)11:55
de-factoyou can do that either in gparted or in the installer partitioning "something else"11:55
de-factoif you use gparted to do the partitions before you also need to point the installation on those partitions you created in "something else" though11:56
de-factowhen the installer asks where to install grub choose that device (your ssd)11:57
SyzeLet me ask this.  If I can get Ubuntu installed properly, can I add the Gnome environment?  I've had better luck with Cannocial's disks (referring to making a dual boot)11:58
de-factoif you want to go for gnome choose the ubuntu gnome iso for your system (i386 or amd64)11:59
de-factoi guess amd64 is the most common (64 bit proc) nowerdays11:59
SyzeI've got the amd64 iso image.  Thats what I've been working with.  But is Ubuntu its own thing or is it based of Debian.  The only reason I ask is I want to make sure I didn't download Gnome Debian (if there is such a thing)12:00
de-factoyou can add almost any desktop environment later, but then you have double and tripple packages providing the same functionality in a different way12:00
de-factouse this one then http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-gnome/releases/xenial/release/ubuntu-gnome-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso12:02
de-factoMD5 d49a40366d6319501ff5b2d11b3bbf0b *ubuntu-gnome-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso12:02
SyzeYep, thats the one I have12:03
de-factogreat then give it a go ;)12:03
SyzeSo you think I should enlarge the 100MB MBR partition, or use the unallocated space that I have before I try12:04
de-factoyou are not on uefi right?12:05
SyzeI honestly don't know.12:05
SyzeI always thought UEFI was just the way BIOS acted. and how you could use a mouse with it12:06
de-factouefi is the successor to bios, you can find out on windows with the link i gave you above i guess12:08
de-factobut if you dont see an uefi partition its bios and mbr12:08
de-factoim just not sure whats inside those 100mb12:08
de-factobut i wouldnt touch it12:08
de-factoin bios/mbr mode the bootloader grub will get installed in front of the first partition (the first megabyte of the disk should be empty for that). it will overwrite your windows bootloader but should detect windows and add that as option of choice to your boot menu12:11
SyzeI'm on Asus's website and my board supports it.  I think it was the first to have it.  But this PC was built when Sandybridge was the current latest and greatest.  Its still holding up and not showing its age except for the new SSD I had to install.  Only because of space constraints on it12:11
de-factobtw if you are in the live session you also could reach us (either from webirc or installing an irc client there) if you have further questions during install12:12
SyzeWhat is print screen in Gnome incase I want to screenshot something for you?12:14
de-factoexactly that, print screen saves to ~/Pictures12:15
SyzeNo Alt+PrntScrn?  Just printscreen button12:16
de-factobtw if you do your root as third and swap as forth partition you coudl change by resizing later more easily i guess12:16
de-factobut all on livecd gets lost once rebooted, so if you want to save it then somewhere else12:17
Syzeok,  let me give it another go.12:17
de-factohave fun :)12:17

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