
tgm4883Does the Pi3 use the same image as the Pi2?00:55
* tgm4883 jabs flexiondotorg with a sharp stick00:57
tgm4883Figured it out. For some reason the command line way of making the SD card doesn't work on my system. Had to use Disks01:30
tgm4883ouroumov: yea I thought so too, but I reimaged it and it worked fine01:37
tgm4883ouroumov: I suppose it's possible that a 'sync' is needed for the command line version, but I don't want to bother going back and testing that01:38
mate|47529NOOB here, hopefully not too silly of a question - got a base update today and it now says :  Version 16.10.0~xenial 1.1.....is 16.10 referring to Ubuntu base?  I thought 16.04 just released...just trying to learn and understand.01:40
mate|47529this is at the bottom of the Ubuntu Mate welcome screen BTW01:40
ouroumovmate|47529, what does the command "inxi -SZ" in a terminal says?01:42
mate|47529CPU~Dual core Intel Core2 Duo T6570 (-MCP-) speed/max~1200/2101 MHz Kernel~4.4.0-22-generic x86_64 Up~22 min Mem~1015.8/2875.7MB HDD~382.2GB(3.4% used) Procs~197 Client~Shell inxi~2.2.3501:43
mate|47529thats what it returned01:44
ouroumovI think you forgot the -SZ part01:45
mate|47529LOL...I forgot the "-" part01:45
mate|47529System:    Host: joe-ThinkPad-SL510 Kernel: 4.4.0-22-generic x86_64 (64 bit)01:46
mate|47529           Desktop: MATE 1.12.1  Distro: Ubuntu 16.04 xenial01:46
mate|47529so that shows 16.0401:46
mate|47529what would the welcome screen be refering to I wonder01:46
ouroumovmate|47529, and you've subscribed to welcome updates?01:46
mate|47529Yes, I believe so01:47
ouroumovI don't see that on welcome, what page exactly are you looking at?01:47
mate|47529ok, actually after welcome screen clicking on software01:48
ouroumovthe boutique01:48
mate|47529yeah that01:48
ouroumovyeah I see it01:48
mate|47529Typo perhaps??01:49
ouroumovSo my guess is that it refers to the version number for that particular piece of software: the boutique01:49
ouroumovBecause it's updated in a custom ppa so that new stuff can be added during the life of xenial01:50
mate|47529ok..thx...like I said "NOOB" - appreciate your time01:50
phillwflexiondotorg: is there any future chance of pi2/3 running ubuntu-gnome? (feel free to reply on #phillw) Thanks.01:59
kisbgnome? no02:04
phillwkisb: okies, just wanted to check in if the RPi3 could handle it. I know it cannot do Unity.02:07
kisbgnome vs unity i dont know which is more bloated02:08
phillwhe he.. well, it has been a steep learning curve for my VM allocations, but it will run on 1GB RAM.... I'm used to 512Mb for lubuntu. But, that is a specific low resource flavour.02:11
Gallomimiahey. why did the panels on my monitors switch places??02:24
Gallomimiawas pretty odd. after a screensaver02:40
Gallomimiaalso goobered the game i had left running in pause02:40
=== pete is now known as Guest8356
jean-pierresalut à tous03:04
tenHello =) I didn't know if this was a good place to ask how to use rasperry pi mate without an HDMI03:23
phillwten: not tried. but there are hdmi converters to vga / scart03:34
tenoh i didnt mean it that way, i meant as in running it headless03:35
tencause when i plug it without the HDMI, it just doesnt turn on :(03:35
phillwten: which  server editions have you tried it with?03:36
tenubuntu mate 16.04 for raspberry pi03:37
phillwten: try it with a server version https://ubuntu-pi-flavour-maker.org/03:39
phillwthe same guy looks after all of them.03:39
ubuntu-matehola alguien en linea04:05
ubuntu-mateHi every all04:43
anes_Dear friends , Good morning04:57
anes_I have an app in pygtk2 which work in GStreamer 0.1 , but in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS discontinue 'mad' plugin. So mate can solve my problem?04:58
anes_now my application not working due to lack of 'mad' plugin04:59
anes_no body have idea?05:01
rajiv1I am using "geary" as my default email client. Whenever i delete a mail from the inbox, geary crashed. I don't know why this is happening. i am using ubuntu-mate 16.04 lts. Any body please help me.05:30
Gallomimiaten: i suggest using ubuntu server then. it doesn't have a desktop environment installed by default06:18
Gallomimiathe only difference afaik between ubuntu-mate and basic ubuntu is the desktop environment and compatible GUI programs. if you're running headless you don't need any of those06:18
aman_Yoo... new user here. Any ideas how I can access my windows partitions from Ubuntu?06:37
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Guest88056Sorry, i'm new here, and a little slow...06:45
Guest88056Just installed ubuntu mate and quite impressed after having trouble with debian cinnamon - browser failure, kubuntu - couldn't install synaptic,06:47
Guest88056Hi ricotz and pavel, Gotta move on myself, bedtime.06:49
alkisg(06:57:25 μμ) bennabiy: alkisg: it is just through ldm / ltsp ==> then file a bug report against LTSP, with steps on how to reproduce it, and I'll probably have a look when I get some free time07:11
flexiondotorgphillw, I have got Ubuntu Unity, Ubuntu GNOME and Kubuntu "working" on the Pi 2/3.07:34
flexiondotorgUsing the experimental VC4 OpenGL drivers.07:34
flexiondotorgBut those desktops are a bit crashy due to the driver. I don't think it will be long before they work more reliably.07:35
flexiondotorgtgm4883, Yes, the same image work for Pi 2 and 3.07:35
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juno__hi anyone knows if the size of irc messages is limited?08:41
AkuliIf you post a loooooooooooong message it'll appear as multiple messages08:46
AkuliI think their length is a few hundred characters, so it's not too limiting08:46
alkisgI think it's 240 bytes or something, and not all messengers support automatic splitting to multiple lines, so they get truncated08:48
alkisgIf you're using utf-8 (e.g. greek characters), that means at most 120 characters per message08:49
juno__but how is it possible then to send even pictures via irc?08:55
alkisgThat's another part of the protocol, ddc or something08:56
alkisgIt's about transfering files, not short text messages08:56
juno__ah okay08:57
juno__thank you08:58
juno__im a bid wiser now08:58
AkuliUsually nobody sends pictures here :)09:11
Akuliimgur.com or postimg.org or pasteboard.ca or some other site like that is usually used09:11
Akulisame for long text, ghostbin.com, dpaste.com, paste.ofcode.org :)09:12
rajiv1how do i see my modem details in ubuntu-mate 16.04 lts? I am using "huawei powerfi e8231"09:24
phillwflexiondotorg: thanks, it will be come common knowledge, but my ex-padawan, Ali (amjjawad) has parted from GNOME and I've stepped in as herder of testers and possible release manager - coupled with un-screwer of wiki pages (evidently 180 of them on moin)... 1st meeting in 1/2 hour whereby I will get a better understanding of what I'm to do :) More testing, that's for sure!!!09:26
phillwfor long texts, use http://paste.ubuntu.com/09:28
phillwfor pics, the likes of http://www.tiikoni.com/tis/ etc. are good.09:28
phillwflexiondotorg: right time, wrong day... it is Sunday - the meeting :P09:29
rajiv1Is /boot partition is needed during the installation of ubuntu-mate 16.04 lts?09:31
alkisgrajiv1: it's optional09:31
rajiv1alkisg: if i wanted to create it, then what is the sufficient space for it?09:33
phillwrajiv1: if you like to tinker with your system, having / and /home on separate partitions is good (don't forget you need /swap as well)09:33
alkisgrajiv1: it depends on how many old kernels you'll leave around, 1 GB should be ok09:34
rajiv1alkisg: I have installed ubuntu-mate 16.04 with the following partitions: /root/60gb, /home/100gb, /boot/1gb, /swap/4gb. Are these partitionsgood for installing ubuntu-mate 16.04?09:37
alkisgI wouldn't use a boot partition. Otherwise they're fine.09:38
rajiv1alkisg:I have use it because i am having a habit of using it during my "fedora" days. I am not going to use it in ubuntu-mate for sure from now on.09:40
gordonjcpI usually only bother with separate /home and / partitions these days09:42
gordonjcpoh, and swap09:42
gordonjcpand anything else gets mounted under /media, /mnt or /srv as appropriate09:42
gordonjcpback in the day, /home used to be under /usr09:43
AkuliI only have / and swap09:44
gordonjcpAkuli: these days that's probably fine09:50
gordonjcpseparate /home is a bit oldschool09:50
rajiv1Am i needed some unallocated space in my hard drive to use virtualbox?09:50
AkuliNo :)09:50
AkuliThat'll be on your /home09:50
Akuliwell the virtualbox itself will install somewhere under /usr but the virtual machines will be in /home09:51
rajiv1if i have only / and swap then?09:51
gordonjcprajiv1: no, you can just creat disk files anywhere09:51
AkuliSure, no problem :)09:51
gordonjcpyou *can* use a separate partition for virtualbox disks, but it's easier just to make a disk image09:52
AkuliThe only reason for a separate /home is that if you need to reinstall it's easier09:52
gordonjcpAkuli: it used to be09:52
Akulibut it's a good idea to back up stuff anyway, so :)09:52
gordonjcpthese days Ubiquity at least is pretty smart about not clobbering /home09:52
rajiv1ok. thank you.09:53
alkisgSeparate /home is very good for people having multiple distros installed in different partitions09:54
alkisgOtherwise, for single distro installations, home doesn't need a different partition...09:54
gordonjcpAkuli: I never used to back up before updating at all09:55
gordonjcpAkuli: for a major version bump, I'd just go out and buy a new hard disk09:55
gordonjcppick the most bits-per-buck, stick it in, do a clean install and over time copy what I wanted off the old one09:56
rajiv1alkisg: so if i opted automatic partition during the installation, it will be fine?09:56
gordonjcprajiv1: absolutely fine09:56
alkisgYup, it's fine. It creates a / and an extended+logical swap partition. Although personally I hate having an extended partition if less than 4 partitions are needed.09:58
rajiv1ok. thank you. Actually i am new in ubuntu-mate, so i need to know these kinds of basic things. I am going to do a fresh installation with automatic partitioning.10:01
leeI tried describing my problem yesterday, but a video paints about 1000 * 30 words/second: https://www.dropbox.com/s/991m477pgkq9lk6/ubuntu-mate-16.04-monitor-prefs-bug.mkv?dl=111:11
Akulilee: That's not an ubuntu-mate issue, it's a mate issue, hopefully someone on #mate can help11:28
leeAkuli: ok, thanks11:34
Akulilee: One way to solve the problem would be to edit .config/monitors.xml11:35
Akulibut it's not that easy :)11:35
ubuntu-matei m new to the linux mint13:48
ubuntu-matei have one query13:49
gordonjcpubuntu-mate: don't ask to ask13:50
ubuntu-matewill ubuntu mate team updates the kernel regularly if there is a kernel update available13:50
gordonjcpubuntu-mate: that's down to the underlying Ubuntu packages on which MATE is based13:51
ubuntu-matethank you gordon13:51
ubuntu-matei have downloaded the latest version gordon13:51
gordonjcpso essentially all Ubuntu "flavours" of the same version number ought to be more-or-less the same13:51
gordonjcpreally it's just which desktop environment is packaged, and one or two other bits13:51
kundanis anyone here?13:53
ubuntu-matebut in linux mint if we update the kernel there are possibilities that the system may get crashed13:53
ubuntu-matecoz the linux mint team team is not testing the updated kernel i read in the internet13:54
gordonjcpubuntu-mate: all the more reason to stick to an LTS version13:54
ubuntu-mateyeah gordan that why i downloaded the LTS version13:55
ubuntu-matebut i just wanted to know that the un\buntu mate team will test the kernel and send the updates or not13:56
kundancan anybody help me to led bluetooth working? few days ago i brought my laptop with preinstalled ubuntu 14.04. bluetooth was working well but now i have installed ubuntu mate 16.04 now bluetooth not able to search any device!13:56
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=== kisb_ is now known as kisb
ouroumovhi cxhacerdev14:16
cxhacerdevmy name is lev14:17
ouroumov* hi lev *14:18
cxhacerdevhi ouroumov14:18
cxhacerdevI live in Russia14:18
cxhacerdevage 1014:19
ouroumovcxhacerdev, cool. Are you a new Ubuntu MATE user?14:19
cxhacerdevyes asm user my father14:20
ouroumovcxhacerdev, everything good? No problem yet?14:21
cxhacerdevi want create pad pc14:21
cxhacerdevты русский14:21
ouroumovcxhacerdev, no I'm not russian14:22
ouroumovcxhacerdev, I have that nickname because of the movie "Goldeneye"14:23
cxhacerdevyou have google e-mail14:23
cxhacerdevyandex vk?14:24
cxhacerdevhave you14:24
ouroumovno yandex either14:24
phillwyikes @ yandex14:24
cxhacerdevhello users14:24
ouroumovcxhacerdev, if you want to talk to russians, maybe go to #ubuntu-ru14:24
cxhacerdevyou have mobile number14:27
ouroumovcxhacerdev, do not ask phone number on IRC please14:28
cxhacerdevmy number 8913540391314:28
ouroumovcxhacerdev: what is a "pad pc"?14:29
ouroumovcxhacerdev: do not give your phone number on IRC please14:29
cxhacerdevops sorry14:30
ivan-insectubuntu mate 16.04 sometimes the network connection doesn't work , the up down arrows aren't there just a blank triangle .the only solution is to reboot till the arrows are there. help14:52
ouroumovivan-insect, have you tried to issue the command: "sudo service networking restart" when that happens?14:53
ivan-insectno  I'll try that next time14:54
ouroumovivan-insect, it's rare that such problem occur on cable connections14:54
ouroumovivan-insect, you should search google for "ubuntu <network card name> <driver name>" you can get these informations typing the command: "inxi -NZ" in a terminal14:56
ivan-insectit didn't happen till I went from 14.04 to 16.0414:56
ivan-insectI tried the inxi -NZ terminal flashes and goes away quick15:01
ouroumovThen try "lshw -C network", it's more verbose, but you get the same info15:02
ivan-insect Card: Intel 82578DC Gigabit Network Connection driver: e1000e15:06
ivan-insect   I went to terminal  thur system tools15:06
ouroumovSo it's an Intel card, those usually don't pose any problems15:07
ouroumovivan-insect, is your Ubuntu MATE 16.04 system fully up to date?15:08
ivan-insectgot updates to new kernel today15:09
ouroumovivan-insect, when you are connected, do you stay connected? (Is it stable?)15:11
ivan-insectyes it stays15:11
ouroumovSo my guess would be that it's a systemd fuckup15:12
ouroumovThat or a problem with the network-manager applet15:13
ouroumovSo yeah ivan-insect: two things to try next time:15:13
ouroumov1. sudo service networking restart15:13
ouroumov2. Right click the network icon, uncheck "enable networking", then after a while, re-check it15:14
ivan-insectok   thanks   bye15:15
ivan-insecti learned some15:16
tgm4883flexiondotorg: yea figured it out. The SD card imaging instructions for command line were producing a bad image for me15:55
tgm4883flexiondotorg: Is there someone I can bug (well, someone I can get someone else in touch with) regarding getting an application working on the Pi? Openmax support was added to MythTV, and now it segfaults when starting15:57
rajiv1Whenever i turn my computer on and connect my modem to it, internet in not connected. To connect the internet i have to remove and then reconnect the modem again. This happens whenever i turn the computer on. I don't know what is the problem ,anybody please help.16:52
rajiv1Whenever i turn my computer on and connect my modem to it, internet in not connected. To connect the internet i have to remove and then reconnect the modem again. This happens whenever i turn the computer on. I don't know what is the problem ,anybody please help.16:56
rajiv1 16:56
rajiv1what is ntpd?16:56
xmetalhas anyone seen an issue (this is the second time it's happened here) .... where randomly Caja sees to be using a completely different theme and Icon pack then the rest of the  system and changing it in apparence changes the systen "theme" but not in Caja17:09
xmetalthe theme seems to be "Win 95 style" or something and the icon pack Gnome icons17:09
kevin__Hi peeps. Can anyone tell me how to get the sound working on my Pi3? I have an HDMI monitor connect with a headphone jack on it17:09
xmetalplaying with changing the themes here ... when I change the theme on the main screen the Window borders in Caja Change but the "Controls" do not and when i change the icon theme for the system Caja's seem tto be stuck on something like Gnome-icon17:15
Gallomimiaany timer gizmos, applets, panel tools?18:29
Gallomimiaah. there is :)18:30
Gallomimiathere's all sorts of fancy stuff in this front end18:30
Gallomimiahow the heck does ubuntu-unity even get a following, much less people who want to work on it ?18:31
* tgm4883 likes Unity18:38
Gallomimiawell. i don't.18:40
Gallomimiaand i have plenty of reasons18:41
kisbyou traitor18:41
tgm4883Gallomimia: which is completely fine18:44
Gallomimiai suppose i'll also try not to hold your opinion against you18:45
Gallomimiabut i'm interested to know what you think is so great about it18:45
Gallomimiai've used MATE 3 days and i already feel unity is the worst UI i've ever used18:45
tgm4883Gallomimia: IDK, maybe I just know how to use Unity ;P18:46
Gallomimiawell, i guess it's slightly more stable than apple's system 7.5.318:46
tgm4883Gallomimia: maybe you should list all the reasons you think it's bad18:47
Gallomimiaoverlays that perform horribly, lock up some fullscreen apps18:47
Gallomimiafinally found out how to stop making that popup all the time at least...18:47
Gallomimiahad to install a 3rd party tool tho18:47
tgm4883i've not had either of those problems18:48
Gallomimiaperformance and compatibility is in the toilet18:48
tgm4883I've not had performance issues, but I've got a modern computer. Not sure what you mean by compatibility18:48
Gallomimiaother programs don't play nice with it. hardware it doesn't play nice with. and oh the wifi connectivity18:49
Gallomimiaand i have quite a modern computer too. and still find it performs badly18:49
tgm4883:) I get it now, you're making stuff up. You had me going there18:49
Gallomimiaand that's not okay. bloatware is microsoft's job18:49
tgm4883*finger guns*18:49
Gallomimiano i mean it. i'm really thankful someone finally told me out of all the flavors of ubuntu unity is the worst user experience there is18:50
tgm4883Gallomimia: for real though, tossing out generic things doesn't really help in the discussion. Some of the things you are saying shouldn't matter18:51
Gallomimiawell, i'm trying really hard not to hold your opinion against you, so i won't respond to that18:51
Gallomimiathat's like saying oh we have plenty of power in this part of the world. we shouldn't worry about wasting it18:52
tgm4883Gallomimia: ok, let me respond to you then. "oh the wifi connectivity", well drivers are generally going to come from the kernel, which mate shares with Ubuntu. That leaves the wifi connection manager, which in Mate's case is "Network Manager" which is the same as in Ubuntu (Unity)18:53
tgm4883"other programs don't play nice with it" - Super generic and impossible to respond to without some sort of specific issue18:53
Gallomimiatrue enough. it didn't improve much for me. the dongle i have is pretty crappy18:53
Gallomimiawhy would i need to be less general? it's plenty of programs18:53
tgm4883"hardware it doesn't play nice with." - hardware support from the kernel, which is the same as in Mate18:54
Gallomimiaspeaking of one, mumble doesn't handle the sound manager well. is it the same sound manager?18:54
Gallomimiadidn't look the same18:54
tgm4883Gallomimia: I use mumble without issue in Unity18:54
Gallomimiai dunno if mumble accesses PA directly or not. haven't tried it yet18:54
Gallomimiawell, i don't. had to turn sound attenuation off cause it flubbed18:54
tgm4883but to answer your question, I would assume that Mate uses Pulseaudio as well18:54
Gallomimiai'm apt to blame mumble for that too18:55
Gallomimiait does. but the GUI is not the same.18:55
tgm4883Ok, so what else did you say, give me a second18:55
Gallomimiain fact i like the GUI from MATE less than unity18:55
Gallomimiabut oh well18:55
tgm4883"crashware" - I've not had issues with Unity crashing on any of my systems. Maybe you mean something else is crashing18:55
Gallomimiano i really don't want to have a discussion any longer with you about personal preference. sorry i brought it up18:56
tgm4883"overlays that perform horribly, lock up some fullscreen apps" - I've not had this issue either, but I can see where there is potential for this to happen.18:56
tgm4883Gallomimia: Don't worry, I'm almost done :)18:56
Gallomimiaespecially since it causes overlays to pop up whenever you press alt or super18:57
Gallomimiaturning them off was difficult to find.18:57
Gallomimiaone had to use unity tweak tool18:57
tgm4883"i have quite a modern computer too. and still find it performs badly" - Not sure what performance you're talking about here. I did some benchmarking using the graphics PPA test stack on both Unity and Xubuntu and say a less than 1% difference (I didn't test mate though)18:58
Gallomimiaand fyi the full screen app i was using was world of warcraft. not cool to completely lock up a game for pressing a modifier18:58
tgm4883Gallomimia: TBF, that's a Windows application18:58
Gallomimiait seems irrelivant that it would hang from having an overlay pasted on top. still shouldn't. but the difficulty in turning said overlays off is my main complaint18:59
tgm4883Gallomimia: I've had the pop-over issue on a full screen game as well, although I don't recall what it was (and it didn't lockup the game)18:59
Gallomimiawell, i haven't seen any DE that handled games very well.19:00
Gallomimiaso i hope to look to the future19:00
tgm4883Gallomimia: Ok, then lead with that. It's perfectly valid to say "Unity isn't customizable at all, not even stuff that should be minor tweaks. That is why I don't like it"19:00
Gallomimiaand with all the various flavors of linux, DE's, WM's so forth. it's a shame that all that effort is splintered into different projects19:00
Gallomimiaoh. sure it's customizable. but there's a lack of GUI elements to do so. it's very tough to find how to do any of those19:01
Gallomimiaeven the tweak tool, which i think i had to install from a PPA, doesn't address many19:01
tgm4883Gallomimia: that's a false argument IMO. You're making the assumption that if there weren't other projects that effort would be applied toward a common goal19:01
Gallomimiabut that's the same in mac, and i'm sure it's the same in mate19:01
Gallomimiaah, well i guess it's a speculation on two premises, not just one19:02
Gallomimiathere's obviously a reason one dev chooses to work on such and such project and not the others that do the same thing in different ways19:03
tgm4883And I surely wouldn't hold it against you for liking something that wasn't Unity, I wouldn't even feel the need to mention it except in response to you19:04
Gallomimiawell, i appreciate the discussion, i must say. not a lot right now because i'm trying to play a game :/19:04
Gallomimiabut it was interesting19:04
tgm4883Gallomimia: heh, I like discussion as well, but I'll let you get back to your game. I hope it's a good one19:05
Gallomimiait is. it's called Factorio19:05
Gallomimiaand it's tri-platform19:05
tgm4883Cool. Maybe I'll look it up at some point19:05
Gallomimiai recommend it to anyone technical19:05
* tgm4883 off to get lunch19:05
Gallomimiaconveyor belts and builders and robot arms19:05
Gallomimiaand trains ><19:05
TwoNotesArgh, installing 16.04 on an 8GB sdcard failed after 7892MB with "no space left"  sigh, back to the store20:34
enycTwoNotes: hrrmph20:35
enycTwoNotes: never tried hto run desktop os from sdcard!20:35
TwoNotesJust following the Rpi2 istallation instructions...20:36
TwoNotesTrying again on a different card20:36
TwoNotesIt actually will be a headless music player, but I figured the MATE installer would be easier to use..20:37
enycaaaaaaaaaaah rpi ok20:37
enycTwoNotes: fwiw, there also exist lots of fake/dodgy cards,   'f3'  or  'h2testw'  can be very useful to test them =)20:38
TwoNotesIts a SanDisk - should be OK.  Now looking for vanilla Ubuntu server kits to see if they are smaller enough20:38
TwoNoteshttp://www.ubuntu.com/download/server/arm does not have any 16.04 kits.  fooey20:39
enycdebian/devuan  unstalls happily on smaller disk space  genearly20:39
enycthough not tried devuan on rpi,  only in a chroot at the moment =)20:40
TwoNotesNope, U-MATE installer for Rpi2 will *not* fit on an 8GB SD card...21:31
TwoNotesAh, found a 16GB SD card in a box....21:33
Nosophorushello, guys23:58
NosophorusSomeone of you could tell how to configure the Internet connection to connect during the computer startup?23:59
NosophorusUbuntu MATE 16.0423:59
nomicit should automatically23:59
nomicif you've configured wireless23:59

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