
=== liulanghan_ is now known as liulanghan
grasstypeshame that man is apparently not included in ubuntu touch? weird02:33
=== JanC is now known as Guest97342
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Fishbone96i need help with a 2012 ASUS Nexus 703:42
grasstypeso the question I'm facing now is... how do I set up chroot on this thing03:57
grasstype"failed to run /bin/bash': no such file or directory. Well, here's to more learning04:06
mattwj2002hi all04:40
mattwj2002I am putting ubuntu-touch on my nexus 7 2013 wifi04:42
mattwj2002aka flo04:42
swalladgewhat's the recommended way to install programs (programs that aren't ubuntu touch apps from the app store)?05:23
swalladgefor example if i wanted to install pip or ruby or mosh...05:23
altker128swalladge: Does apt work?05:47
swalladgeapparently i have to set the system to read/write to use that, and then i loose updates...05:57
swalladge(new user here)05:57
swalladgethere doesn't seem to be a proper way to install packages as user on linux at the moment...05:58
altker128I haven't setup Ubuntu Touch yet myself, that's a bis disheartening to hear06:30
altker128I wonder how much of Ubuntu Touch is affected by Android decisions, since I think it's designed to sit on top of an Android kernel / libhybris, etc06:30
swalladgeyeah i was hoping it would keep the installing/upgrading via apt-get, but it seems to have gone the way of android - OTA updates, no root access by default, sandboxed apps, weird display server so it cuts out all X11 apps... :(06:35
swalladgethe whole convergence thing is a great idea - running a full linux system with a touch based interface optimsed for small screens as well06:36
altker128swalladge: That sucks :( .  A jailbroken iPhone even has root access!08:45
popeyswalladge: there are other options, it's not quite as bleak as you make out08:50
popeyswalladge: you can for example create a small chroot on your phone/tablet and use ruby/pip inside that08:50
brunch875¿Does anyone here have the M10?10:01
keysawayhi, how do i bring the keyboard on screen when gedit or libreoffice is in focus?10:13
altker128popey: Is there a way to have Ubuntu Touch behave as a normal Debain distro?10:16
kurroskeysaway: it is not possible yet. you have to use a bluetooth/usb keyboard10:17
keysawayokay ^^10:19
popeybrunch875: i have one on order10:24
brunch875wew I don't use tablets but I really want to know how it is like10:24
brunch875I've never used tablets because slow + non-desktop apps10:25
kurroswell the M10 won't help with the first part of that equation10:25
brunch875hardware covers the first and this project covers the second :P10:25
kurrosi bought mine mostly as a vote of confidence in the idea. really waiting for better hardware.10:27
brunch8751.3GHz... that's a bit low10:27
kurrosthe MediaTek CPU in the M10 is so slow. it scores about ~20 in the JetStream JavaScript benchmark (vs ~220 on my desktop i5)10:27
brunch875doesn't that give issues with android too?10:28
brunch875I mean, ubuntu is big with the desktop applications10:29
brunch875but android has all the java bloat ;p10:29
kurrosyeah its not great in general. but I guess we should be happy that BQ was willing to get behind an ubuntu edition tablet at all10:31
brunch875I'm pretty happy about BQ10:32
brunch875whole family has a phone with that brand10:32
popeyaltker128: we haven't designed it to be like that, but someone else could make a more traditional image if they want10:34
brunch875I've just realized my laptop has a sim card slot10:35
brunch875I also spotted SMS and phone indicators on unity10:35
brunch875I think I'll grab some spare card to test it10:36
brunch875"Enable mobile broadband", stuff like that10:36
brunch875texting and placing phone calls from laptop is some very interesting concept of this 'convergence' :p10:37
altker128brunch875: It's probably for a 3G/4G modem/data connection11:05
popeymobile broadband is for dongles11:17
popeyand built in mobile data11:17
ahoneybunmm does libertine only handle arm deb files or should it take amd64 ones?12:19
ahoneybunit sees the deb file but it does nothing when I click it12:20
bregmaahoneybun, if you have an arm64 libertine container, it will only take arm64 binaries, likewise with armhf12:38
ahoneybunso it won't take amd64?12:38
bregmaan amd64 container will take amd64 binaries, and i386 binaries if you enable multi-arch12:38
bregmayou can not run amd64 or i386 binaries on ARM hardware12:39
ahoneybunalright thanks bregma :)12:39
bregmaunless there is a working CPU emulator like QEMU that will do the trick, but I've only met with grief whenever I try that12:40
pc_magasFellows the "framework" option on manifest what is used for?12:41
pc_magasWhen developing scopes?12:41
pc_magasI try to build an ionic application for ubuntu phone but I get the following error: paste.ubuntu.com/16278113/12:43
pc_magasWhen I try to verify the click package12:43
popeypc_magas: framework should be something like ubuntu-sdk-15.04.4 - like these http://termbin.com/ftjn (taken from /usr/share/click/frameworks13:07
pc_magaspopey, Thanks13:08
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string__Hello is anyone familar with bonding two usbinternet connections to one in order to get faster internet?13:10
pc_magasBut the problem is by defauls ionic adds a zillion folders and I do not know hot to build it as ubuntu scope. I tried many thinkgs to figure out but I get WAY to much folders that I think are unessesary. I compared it with a simple HTML5 application I have made through SDK. I noticed that ionic adds and cpp files and I do not know why!13:11
popeystring__: sounds like a question for #ubuntu13:12
string__Ok popey thank you13:13
dobeywtf. i can't seem to create a new sms chat in rc-proposed now. messaging-app says "you need to select a sim card" but i only have one sim card, and it's working fine otherwise (calls, data, and reply in existing sms chats)15:08
ogra_be happy it didnt tell you to use whatsapp :P15:13
bqphonehi there15:14
bqphoneanyone alive to help?15:14
bqphonewell after the latest update, my wireless is freezing, i need to switch it off then on to make it work. It's happening regularly now.15:15
dobeyogra_: yes, well, i actually need working sms15:15
bqphoneany ideas?15:16
lotuspsychjebqphone: ota 10.1?15:16
bqphoneat home and at work same thing15:17
lotuspsychjebqphone: did you wait long enough, that your wifi is able to rescan?15:17
bqphonewell its like i open something and in the middle it freezes15:18
lotuspsychjebqphone: or tried disable wifi, to be able to re-scan your ssid15:18
bqphoneor when i am checking for updates, it keep on searching or when i open website i get the no internet page15:18
bqphoneso when i turn wifi off then on everything works normal,15:19
lotuspsychjethats normal behaviour15:19
lotuspsychjewifi needs time to be able to rescan when you move15:19
bqphonewell even in same location?15:19
bqphoneit wasn't like that before update15:20
lotuspsychjeif your connected to a iwif, it should not be freezing15:20
bqphoneits freezing often now15:20
bqphonei mean internet not the phone15:20
bqphonei keep needing to turn it off and on to make it work again15:21
lotuspsychjeturn phone off, or wifi?15:21
lotuspsychjehow often does it freeze after you re-enable it?15:21
bqphonewell its like when i put the phone near me15:22
bqphoneand check in few minutes, i need to do that again15:22
lotuspsychjebqphone: and you sure there's nothing wrong with your wifi signals itself?15:22
bqphoneits happening everywhere now15:23
lotuspsychjei also got a bq 4.5 works like a charm on ota 10.1 here15:23
bqphoneand i am near my modem so the signal is full15:23
lotuspsychjebqphone: you tested on several wifi points?15:23
bqphonewas working perfectly also and sudenly its annoying15:23
bqphoneyea, at home at work and in cafe15:23
dobeyah, messaging-app was fixed 10 hrs ago, but that isn't in the latest image15:23
bqphonesame story15:23
lotuspsychjebqphone: ok, here what you can try, to set your phone to defaults again15:24
lotuspsychjebqphone: see if it makes a difference15:24
lotuspsychjebqphone: if not working: check the bugs url in our topic15:24
lotuspsychjebqphone: if your bug isnt there, make a new one15:24
lotuspsychjebqphone: you can also check whats going on from terminal with tail -f /var/log/syslog15:25
lotuspsychjebqphone: check some wifi errors there15:25
bqphonewell terminal has just got an update and its not opening, i guess its time to restart the phone15:28
bqphonei used the tail -f, should i get an error message?15:33
lotuspsychjebqphone: play with your wifi now: disable/re-enable15:35
lotuspsychjebqphone: youl get messages in the syslog15:35
bqphoneQObject::disconnect:Unexpected null parameter15:39
bqphonebefore it wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-Started15:39
bqphoneis that useful info? :)15:39
lotuspsychjebqphone: not sure, how to debug myself..best to check if there exists a bug already, if not file a new bug15:41
bqphonewell thanks for your help lotus15:43
lotuspsychjebqphone: did you refrsh phone?15:44
lotuspsychjeto defaults?15:44
bqphonehow do i do that?15:50
lotuspsychjebqphone: system settings15:50
lotuspsychjebqphone: backup your stuff before you do ok, pictures, files,etc15:51
bqphoneyou mean reset it?15:51
bqphonewill do that later15:52
m0n5t3r_um, did anyone else get this with a BQ Aquaris E4.5: phone turns off, won't start; I plug it in, says battery is at 29%, still won't start (shows me a battery with a hourglass on it)21:16
m0n5t3r_then on subsequent checks battery percentage drops (20, 17, 16%...)21:16
m0n5t3r_mkay, eventually it went back to 17% and now it boots21:17
bbaanyone recently (and successfully) followed the instructions at https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/phone/devices/porting-new-device/ to set up a development environment?21:55
patwestAnyone know if there is a way mount exfat partitions on ubuntu touch?22:23

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