[06:40] morning peeps [06:40] just did a fresh reinstall of my xps13 [06:45] hello [07:46] morning boys and girls [07:48] Morning. [07:49] morning brmbrmcar [07:54] hi === marshmn^ is now known as marshmn [15:12] there, [15:12] ubuntu reinstall complete (agai) [15:13] heh [15:13] i had installed hibernate [15:13] do you have to run yours set to AHCI in the BIOS? [15:13] I'm not sure daftykins [15:13] but after I had installed hibernate the system wouldnt boot up anymore [15:13] the default on my 9350 was RAID which stops a Loonix seeing the NVMe SSD [15:15] your xps ? [15:17] yep [15:17] i run Windows though :> [15:18] it would probably still show up as NVMe with RAID turned off to be honest, i just haven't tried since i don't run a Linux distro on here [15:18] but we only have one drive , [15:18] why set RAID in the bios ? [15:19] intel RST. [15:19] it's the controller mode being sought, not necessarily a disk configuration [15:24] I will check my bios , but i think its set to AHCI [15:24] i don't think you would have been able to install otherwise, yeah [15:25] in my new desktop, my M.2 NVMe SSD shows up as an nvme device from sudo lsblk [15:51] be careful if you ever do boot linux on a system that is using RST [15:51] haven't seen any issues [15:52] i have seen the SSD and HDD partitions get out of sync, causing no end of weird problems [15:52] ah, horrible disk combos [15:53] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_Response_Technology that thing [15:53] i though it was the same as RST but apparently it is just a small part of it [15:54] yeah, annoyingly confusing names [17:13] I do love it when I don't miss a train because the train is late [17:26] =] [17:31] hrmm another suspicious IP is hitting my friends web server and making it fall over [17:31] i can't even think there's anything to be done about that [17:32] this time [17:50] sounds like apache's mod_evasive is a good plan [18:21] So... does anyone know where i an find some free Netflix accounts [18:23] no - and that's not appropriate to ask on freenode [18:23] so best be on your way. [19:40] * zmoylan-pi puts a few organs up for sale on ebay... [19:40] :) [19:40] zmoylan-pi: big churchy ones? [19:41] nah, they cost a fortune in shipping, mouth organs, harmonicas. saves on postage... [19:43] that does sound mildly disgusting