
chesedoMaaz: tell magespawn site: https://ubuntuforhope.org ; repo: https://gitlab.com/ubuntuforhope/ubuntuforhope.org05:19
Maazchesedo: Okay, I'll tell magespawn on freenode05:19
Kilosmorning all05:55
Kiloshi Wolfeyes NaSb nlsthzn et al05:56
* Kilos shivering06:09
Kiloshi pavlushka- 06:16
pavlushka-hi Kilos!06:19
Kilosim too cold to think even06:22
Kilosand winter only starting06:23
pavlushka-how arere you kilos?06:28
Kiloscold and you pavlushka- 06:28
pavlushka-a little chilly, but i like it after rain, :)06:30
pavlushka-bbl, power down.06:34
LangjanHi guys, hoe gaan dit Kilos ?06:36
MaazLangjan: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell LangJan for future dual boot installs , boot from dvd and choose erase and used entire disk" 2 days, 12 hours, 18 minutes and 42 seconds ago06:36
Kiloshi Langjan net koud en daar06:37
Langjanlekker dankie06:37
Kiloshaha i forgot about that message06:37
Langjankom kuier in die bosveld06:37
Langjanok so will that not erase the windoze installation? 06:38
Kiloswhat broke06:38
Kiloshad to ask that06:38
Kilosyes that is the idea06:38
Kilosthat will totally uncorrupt the machine06:39
Langjansounds risky...but if you say so - hopefully not soon again...06:39
Langjanwhat broke? Susan's new desktop switch packed up, they are replacing it06:40
Langjanso now im looking to connect her temp via an in line connector 06:40
Kilosi saw her popin and out again here the other day06:40
Kilosmight have been yesterday06:40
Langjanyes it was me demonstrating what works and how and why06:41
Langjanbut she forgets het own name06:41
Langjannot easy... die ouderdom se dom gedeelte06:41
Kilosi must mail you a thing about reversing altzheimers06:42
Langjanno visa news?06:42
Kilossupposed to sort all memory probs06:42
Langjansounds interesting06:42
Langjanwhat were we chatting about/06:43
Kilosi mailed them they say the vaccu peeps are evaluating the clearance06:43
LangjanLooks like maaz also forgets his mesages (or is it a her?)06:45
Kiloshow long will they take to replace the switch06:45
KilosMaaz are you female06:46
MaazCome on, be realistic. I'm a Bot06:46
Langjanmale or female bot?06:46
KilosMaaz are you male06:46
MaazNo. Us Bots are above that human failing06:46
Langjanhow do you procreate?06:47
Kiloswith difficulty06:47
Langjanvia human failing...06:47
Kilossome human just writes another one06:47
Kilosgoogle has changed soething so all our bots cant google for us anymore06:48
Langjanok Kilos chat later gotta go brekfis06:48
Kilosyou didnt say when new switch will arrive man06:49
Kilosenjoy breakfast sir06:49
LangjanEarly next week07:02
Kiloshi mazal 07:29
mazalhmmm , kde4init still crashes when creating partitions on memory sticks , even when using kde's partition manager07:30
mazalMôre oom07:30
Kilosand gparted doesnt work either07:31
mazalNo same things07:31
mazalnot just kde5init , lots of other crashes also that just say " system error "07:31
Kiloswhy you making partitions on sticks anyway07:31
Kilosreport bugs07:32
mazalAt home , once a week I format my iso stick for new iso07:32
mazalAt work I format 1 for AV updates07:32
mazalBoth pc's the same thing07:32
Kilosi just delete stuff on sticks now, dont format everytime07:33
Kilosdid you look at sticks with 07:33
mazalThe work one I can't , if I don't format it the AV update don't work. Is a AVG think , don't ask me why07:34
Kilosmaybe name has chaned07:34
mazalThe home one I will just delete from now on07:35
mazalBut it's a major bug if something so simple causes system errors07:35
Kilosgoogle gnome-disk-utility for 16.0407:35
Kilosyou must report bugs were you can07:35
mazalI know it , but after Wenesday night I am a bit weary for gnome stuff on K07:35
Kilosno man,07:36
Kilosyou were trying to mix unity stuff with kde07:36
mazalI will try it with next run07:36
Kilosso /home will have comflicts07:36
mazalAll imaging and isoing is finished for today07:37
mazalJust big blue's imaging still busy07:37
Kilosyou can also use a win pc to format sticks for you07:37
mazalSies oom , you suggest Win !07:38
Kiloswell you sukkeling, so use what you can07:38
Kilosim sure this is a command that can do the job too07:39
Kilossome create fsck thing07:39
mazalYeah must maybe investigate that07:39
mazalHaven't formated disks in cli before , must search for correct command07:40
* mazal busy making healthy breakfast07:40
Kilosi have every morning07:41
mazalAte take-aways the whole week so though I should eat something a little healthier this morning lol07:41
Kilosnot too much sugar07:41
Kilosyou have too much money07:41
mazalIssie , I'm a gamer , gamers are always broke07:42
mazalI just don't have a better half that can cook for me :P07:43
* mazal munches his oats07:46
mazalmaaz coffee on07:46
* Maaz washes some mugs07:46
Kilosbuy 2 dozen eggs a brown bread and a packet of tomaatoes for starters07:46
KilosMaaz coffee please07:46
MaazKilos: Alrighty07:46
mazalOom verstaan nie , I can cook very well , I just don't want to07:47
Kilossies man07:47
Kiloscooking uses up game time07:47
mazalAfter a while cooking alone for 1 person becomes sad and lonely , so I just don't do it anymore07:47
Kilosskaam jou07:47
mazalNo is an emotional thing oom07:48
Kiloslearn to look forward to your own home made breakfast07:49
mazalI used to make great breakfast. That used to be my Saturday morning treat to myself. no more07:49
MaazCoffee's ready for mazal and Kilos!07:50
KilosMaaz ty07:50
MaazYou are welcome Kilos07:50
mazalNobody to share it with oom , dunno how to explain it. It makes me sad07:50
mazalmaaz dankie07:50
MaazGroot plesier mazal my vriend07:50
* mazal checks on big blue's progress07:53
mazal69 min left , grrrrrrr07:53
magespawngood morning07:55
Maazmagespawn: By the way, chesedo on freenode told me "tell magespawn site: https://ubuntuforhope.org ; repo: https://gitlab.com/ubuntuforhope/ubuntuforhope.org" 2 hours, 35 minutes and 59 seconds ago07:55
Kiloshi magespawn 07:56
mazalHi magespawn08:05
mazaloom Kilos , I'm gonna reboot to get crashes services running again , then gonna go look for the command to format stick in cli and test it. Curious to see if that also causes a problem08:05
mazaloom Kilos , I used this: https://bin.snyman.info/mmmjxyu2 and it worked and didn't cause system crashes08:17
mazalSo it seems to be related to the gui partition apps08:17
Kiloshi mekiss 08:24
grembleI'm trying to install a brother printer on the network, and it seems Ubuntu doesn't ship with the driver. So I have to download it. Bother has linux versions and even supplies the "Source Codes" to the CUPS wrapper for their driver XD08:39
Langjanhi mazal and magespawn 08:41
Langjaneks terug Kilos had to go shop08:42
Kilosnp Langjan 08:42
Kilosglad you find it so easy gremble 08:42
Langjancould not find a connection so I got a splitter, does not work, only on one line08:43
Langjanthats why you need a switch08:43
Langjanno prob, shes online now08:43
Kiloscant you plug her eth cable into your router08:43
mekissHi Kilos08:44
Langjanjust her husband still needs his mobile data until the new switch comes 08:44
grembleNo I am trying to figure out what is going on, Kilos. I was just amused by the term "Source codes"08:46
Kilosmaybe they expect you to compile it yourself08:47
grembleNaw. They have the .deb files to use. I just used a printer driver that Ubuntu has that is close enough to the printer that I have :P Worked out of the box. I think the printer is slightly borken though, but that is life08:52
grembleHey kulelu88 09:34
kulelu88yo gremble . you still alive?09:35
grembleNo. 09:38
grembleHow about you?09:38
Kiloshi kulelu88 09:39
kulelu88somewhat. working with javascript, so pulling out my hair09:39
grembleHaha work with purescript and compile it to javascript :P09:42
kulelu88#mind-blown. I saw typescript, coffeescript and even something called moonscript. 09:43
grembleTypescript I've heard about as also being good. Coffeescript is what you use to customise Atom. Moonscript I have never heard about09:44
grembleIf I recall correctly, purescript is written in haskell and based off haskell09:45
kulelu88moonscript is not even part of javascript. It is a compile-to-Lua09:45
kulelu88typescript is C# IIRC09:45
grembleWhy are you doing JS work. Switched over to webdev?09:47
kulelu88heh no. I am building a small todo app for my own use09:48
grembleAh okay :P09:49
kulelu88you good at debugging JS?09:49
grembleI feel like making an app for my phone, but I am apprehensive about android development09:49
grembleNot really. I wrote a little JS once to make a toy app like sloganizer.net09:50
grembleBut I could theoretically try09:50
kulelu88debugging is hard. my form refuses to display the input once I submit it09:50
grembleHow did you tell it to display the info?09:54
kulelu88<ul id="show-items" data-inset="true"></ul>09:56
gremblethen you have `show-items.textContent = "stuff it put here"` ? or something similar to change the content?09:59
grembleWait no. that is not going to work. 10:00
kulelu88I hijacked this code: http://web.koesbong.com/2011/01/24/sortable-and-editable-to-do-list-using-html5s-localstorage/10:02
gremble $itemList.append(10:08
gremble                "<li id='todo-" + i + "'>"10:08
gremble                + "<span class='editable'>"10:08
gremble                + localStorage.getItem("todo-" + i) 10:08
gremble                + " </span><a href='#'>x</a></li>"10:08
gremble            )10:08
grembleSo you are having trouble with that?10:08
grembleAlso, he has an epic name in Afrikaans. 10:10
kulelu88lol Koos Bong haha10:12
kulelu88yeah it's not rendering for some strange reason10:12
kulelu88hows studies? you should be heading towards exams now?10:17
grembleIt is going quite good actually. I also have a job now, which is very nice. I am writing an N6 mathematics textbook for a research and industrial writing firm10:18
kulelu88N6? school?10:19
grembleAfter school. N6 is about diploma level10:20
kulelu88oh yes, I knew it sounded familiar10:21
grembleI think it is the highest training you can do that isn't University level10:21
kulelu88N6!!! oh yes, it is what you get if you graduate with an engineering diploma from UNISA10:21
grembleIf that is the case I might have to charge them more xD10:23
Kilosafternoon superfly 11:17
theblazehenhey Kilos, superfly11:18
superflyKilos: you're like a hawk11:18
superflyI've hardly even sat down and you're already pouncing11:19
Kiloshi theblazehen 11:19
Kilosi watch my flock superfly 11:19
Kilosi see other peeps with hassles then realise how lucky we are to have our group11:20
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI
magespawngood afternoon13:15
grembleGood afternoon13:37
magespawnchat later all, home time for me14:04
magespawnright, home14:46
Kiloswb magespawn 14:46
Kilosat least the sharks have one one14:47
Kilosbeat the hurricanes 32/1514:47
magespawnthats good for the shraks14:47
magespawnsharks 14:47
Kilosyeah was getting worried about them14:47
magespawnthe others did not do so well14:47
magespawncan you imagine one world club level rugby?14:49
magespawnlike the sevens or the world cup but at club level14:49
magespawnor provincial level rather14:49
Kilosthere are many excellent players even at club level that never see the chance of going bigger15:01
Kilosive watched brilliant school rugby as well15:01
superflyKilos: it's usually because they haven't got such big heads yet15:41
Kiloswell said15:42
Kilossuperfly can you just think a bit about what will be needed to point our bots correctly so they can google again15:44
Kilosi can ask weed as well15:44
superflyKilos: I don't have the time15:53
Kilosnp superfly 15:53
magespawnright, not too sure what happedned there15:59
Kiloshi nlsthzn 16:08
nlsthzn>.< just streamed and captured a video on installing spigot minecraft server in openSUSE...17:17
nlsthznmostly ten minutes of staring at the terminal and waiting for it to end >.<17:17
KilosMaaz coffee on17:42
* Maaz washes some mugs17:42
KilosMaaz with cremora17:43
MaazAh! At last someone with taste17:43
KilosMaaz and milk17:43
MaazNow you're talking17:43
Kilosurbanslug why have you gone the slimy route17:46
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!17:46
KilosMaaz gracias17:47
MaazKilos: ¡de nada!17:47
Kiloshi Cryterion chesedo hoe gaan dit by julle?18:07
Cryterionheya Kilos, all good and you18:19
Kilosgood ty18:23
Kilosnight all.sleep tight18:29
* Kilos in bed already18:29
kulelu88this stupid hexchat fails to use SASL18:37
kulelu88the login option 18:42
urbanslugOh Kilos is gone ;(19:40

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